Kevin Epp Okanagan Skaha
for Member-at-Large
WITHOUT QUESTION, these last two-plus years have been the most chal- EXPERIENCE lenging of my career, as they have been for so many of our members. It truly is in the difficult times when our collective voice and our solidarity are needed most. Throughout my involvement, I’ve been offered opportunities to learn from colleagues and to listen to their stories. The voices of my colleagues, whether here or in any part of the province the work has taken me, are what I value. The ones that challenge our thinking, ask us to wonder if we have biases or question why we’ve always done it that way, are not only needed, but have always been a part of the culture of the BCTF. Those voices, if we listen, invite us to stretch. I recall a time not so long ago, when debates raged at AGMs over divesting from tobacco and firearms companies in our pension plan. It was the persistence of those voices that caused the shift. We must continue to recognize and listen to all of the voices within our membership. That is how we grow, we change, and we move forward…together. I want to continue to be a part of the conversations at the Executive Committee. I hope you believe that voice is a positive addition to the team and I ask you to consider supporting me with your vote.
BCTF 2022 Spring RA—Candidate Statements for Member-at-Large
Kevin has been active in the BCTF since 1994 including LR, IMS, Nominating Chair, and Local President both from 2008–2012 and again from 2019– present. Currently he is a Member-atLarge on the BCTF Executive.
Rae Figursky Burnaby
for Member-at-Large
these past two-plus years as we faced uncertainty, increased workload, unpredictable timetables, unreliable technology, shifting health mandates, and worry for our communities. Throughout, I’ve also been consistently pressing at the Executive for clarity, safety, and transparency for teachers.
Provincial: Member-at-Large; Liaison— North Island, Okanagan, South Island, Aboriginal Education, WLC/Bargaining, and TTOCAC; Grievance Appeals; LR; AGM delegate
This year, we must effectively address working conditions, sustainable funding, and a strengthened public education system. I’m dedicated to supporting our Bargaining Team achieving our goals. I have the insight and experience to ensure we bargain with the employer, not with ourselves. I am committed to seeing our membership informed, involved, and active in this process. I will work tirelessly to unite members in advocacy and solidarity.
Local: President; bargaining team; executive and committees (Burnaby) Teaching: Grade 8–12 students (math, English, learning support)
I’m dedicated to ensuring that our organization reflects and honours members’ voices across this province.
I will bring my values and principles of justice, union renewal, and memberdriven organizing to this role. For a strong BCTF, our values need to be paired with member input and transparent, participatory, and decentralized leadership.
Facebook: Rae Figursky for BCTF Member-at-Large Twitter: @RaeFigursky Website: raecandoit.com
I bring a passion for teaching, respect for teachers, an ability to anticipate and solve problems, strong listening skills, experience, and balance to the Executive. I look forward to continuing this work for you.
BCTF 2022 Spring RA—Candidate Statements for Member-at-Large