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Clint Johnston Chilliwack
for President
While every part of these two COVID years has been difficult, the “two steps toward the end of the pandemic, one step back” feeling this year has pushed our resilience—individual and collective—to the limit. Advocating continually for members’ safety in an ever-changing landscape required all our resources. I know the work I’ve supported through provincial meetings and direct advocacy with Ministry and government was challenging, but more than worth it. Each small, or big, change that we managed to secure in support of our members’ working conditions and safety helped provide the energy to keep going.
International: CTF Delegation Head, EI World Congress; ISTP 2018; Bolivia 2016
Through this we continued our other significant work. Creating and listening to the advice of issue sessions and a member panel, combining it with input from advisory committees to continue our forward progress in making our union more accessible, representative, and less colonial. This is work that must continue in order for us to both remain truly representative and to live the values we strongly and publicly espouse. We must walk our own talk. As a lead negotiator in this round of bargaining, I look forward to taking members’ voices with me to the table. The initial dates are this February, but because this work has such a direct impact on members our preparations in gathering their needs and wants started more than a year ago. It remains a core value that our members drive our work at the bargaining table and then decide what is acceptable. Of course, it requires strong solidarity to achieve our goals. Through strong bargaining communication to members and elected representatives bringing members’ voices back, I know we’ll have support and strength when we need it. It’s been a privilege to serve so far, and I would be honoured to serve as your President next year.
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
National: CTF Vice-President 4x, multiple committees Provincial: BCTF First Vice-President, Member-at-Large Local: President & other Teaching/Education: 19 years; BEd Elementary & BHK (UBC)
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: facebook.com/clint. johnston.92 Twitter: @ClintJohnston7
Carole Gordon Central Okanagan
for First Vice-President
It’s been a privilege to be the Second Vice-President these past three years during a unique time in the history of the Federation and the province.
Provincial: Second VP 3yrs, Executive 7yrs, Pensions, CTF Trustee, AGM 19yrs
Health and safety this past year has remained a priority for members and the Federation. I have been proud to advocate on your behalf at the provincial steering committee, to fight for better protocols, support safe working conditions, and always call attention to the impacts on pedagogy and member and student mental health.
Local: Executive (Second VP, Health & Safety, Bargaining) Staff Rep, PD Rep
My experiences as a community activist and local union leader have been an asset during current education changes such as the new reporting order, provincial assessments, moving childcare and early learning into K–12 education, and online learning. While bargaining will continue to seek improvements to members’ working conditions and salary, continued political advocacy is essential. The Federation has been on a path of reviewing and modifying its established patterns of union-to-member connection, standards of conduct, and structures and functions to remove barriers and create safer spaces for everyone. Project 2050, new teacher connections, issue sessions, advisory panels, and committees highlight increased member-driven change through our governance structures. A coordinated approach is supported by the recent decision to implement an antiracism and anti-oppression office, and I look forward to being part of this change.
Community: Labour Council President, United Way Teaching: Elementary prep, classroom (28 yrs)
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: facebook.com/carole. gordon.921 Twitter: twitter.com/CaroleGordonBC
BCTF research is respected and valued and will continue to lead the way in identifying the issues in public education. But the sweeping dismissal of the anecdotal can not be allowed to minimize the experience of the individual. Our stories matter in a profession that is experiencing a shortage in numbers at the same time as it is deemed indispensable to society. I have not forgotten that teaching is my profession. It would be an honour to continue representing members and advocating for strong public education.
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
Rae Figursky Burnaby
for Second Vice-President
As a full-time classroom teacher, I’ve been with you these difficult past twoplus years as we faced the uncertainty, increased workload, unpredictable timetables, unreliable technology, shifting health mandates, and worry for our communities. Throughout, I’ve also been consistently pressing at the Executive for clarity, safety, and transparency for teachers.
Provincial: Member-at-Large; Liaison: North Island, Okanagan, South Island, Aboriginal Educators, WLC/Bargaining, TTOCAC; Grievance Appeals; LR; AGM delegate
I’ve lived in both rural and urban BC. My own identity as Métis and first-generation Canadian gives me insight and a broad perspective. I’m dedicated to ensuring that our organization reflects and honours members’ voices across this province.
Local: President, Bargaining Team, Executive, and committees (Burnaby)
I will bring my values and principles of justice, union renewal, and member-driven organizing to this role. I will bring my years in the classroom, as a local leader, and on the BCTF Executive to serve you this coming year. For a strong BCTF, our values need to be paired with member input and transparent, participatory, and decentralized leadership. I have extensive experience dealing with important (and often urgent) issues, deep institutional knowledge, and unwavering passion for democratic equity and process. My love for our profession and its practitioners will serve you and our students well if you elect me as your Second Vice-President. Bargaining brings our members together in hope. In this difficult time, we are even more aware of the need to unite in advocacy and solidarity to address working conditions, sustainable funding, a strong public education system, and health and safety protections. I bring a passion for teaching, respect for teachers, an ability to anticipate and solve problems, strong listening skills, and balance to the Executive. I look forward to continuing this work for you.
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
Teaching: Grade 8–12 students (math, English, learning support)
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: Rae Figursky for BCTF 2nd Vice-President Twitter: @RaeFigursky Website: raecandoit.com
Robin Tosczak Greater Victoria
for Second Vice-President
In 2016, I joined the Executive Committee ready to learn and excited to serve. Over three terms, I have developed the skills, knowledge, and experience to be your Second Vice-President.
Provincial: Executive Committee (2016– present); Provincial Bargaining Team (2021–present); Teacher magazine & TTOC advisory committees, work-shop facilitator (2013–2016)
Locally, I’ve been elected to a range of released positions, including Health and Safety Officer, Secretary-Treasurer, full-time Grievance Officer, and (most recently) First Vice-President. On topics ranging from bargaining to violence prevention and from political strategy to long-term financial planning, I understand the diverse responsibilities and needs of local offices. The pandemic has put additional pressures on teachers and locals. Existing gaps and systemic inequities were exacerbated, and new issues arose. As an Executive Committee member, I have consistently advocated to empower members and support locals, as we work together for healthy and safe schools. As a lead negotiator on the provincial bargaining team, I bring a capacity to synthesize and communicate complex concepts, and identify new strategies and opportunities. My experience in bargaining is an asset in this work, and transfers to many aspects of the Federation’s work. While it’s too early to speculate about outcomes at the table, I know our efforts are built on a foundation of professionalism, solidarity, intersectionality, and principled positions.
Local: Executive (2012–present, currently First VP); Labour Council Executive (2013–present); contract (2014– present) and bargaining (2018-present) committees Teaching: Elementary (2010–present)
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: facebook.com/rbntzk Twitter: twitter.com/rbntzk
These values sustain my commitment to organizing and mobilizing. They also frame our commitment to reconciliation and antiracism, which requires a willingness to be unsettled, learn independently, hold brave conversations, and embrace change. I am committed to this ongoing work. Across the Federation’s responsibilities, I am an eager learner and confident leader. I have appreciated and learned from our candid conversations, and your thoughtful questions and constructive feedback. Thank you for contributing to our collective wisdom and strength! I am proud to represent teachers and I look forward to serving as your Second Vice-President. Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
Jelana Bighorn Vancouver Secondary
for Aboriginal Member-at-Large EXPERIENCE Provincial: BCTF Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee, Anti-Oppression Educator’s Collective PSA Member-AtLarge Local: Social and Environmental Justice Rep, Staff Rep Education: MA in Educational Studies UBC (in progress)
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: Jelana Bighorn for BCTF EC Instagram: jelanabighorn Website: jelanabighorn.ca
Rick Joe Chilliwack #THEFUTUREISNOW
Indigenous protocols bids me to preface my statement “áma sq it!” Good day! ‘
My traditional name is Skelulalus and I am from the Lílwat Nation. Nine years as a member of the Chilliwack Teachers’ Association (CTA) Executive Committee and currently on our local bargaining team has allowed me to see the inner parts of the local and how we work as a team provincially. Dr. Graham Smith, Maori/ Indigenous scholar, asks us, “Where are your blisters? [show me your blisters.]” Dr. Smith uses this analogy to talk about the work needed to centre Indigenous ways in research, much like shoveling many hours, to ensure that space is used and being used in a good way. Everything that Dr. Smith talked about is what he has done. He has never asked anyone to do anything that he himself has not done. I offer my candidacy as a way members can ensure an Executive and Federation have blisters and do our hard work. I have the calluses to show the work that I have done and will continue to do.
for Aboriginal Member-at-Large EXPERIENCE National: CTF Indigenous Committee Provincial: BCTF Ab. Advisory, BCTFSURT facilitator, BCTF-IMS facilitator, AEA-PSA Exec Local: LR, Bargaining Committee, Chair Aboriginal Committee; PD Committee, Board of Directors FVACFSS
Kukwstum ckál ap
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
Benula Bunjun Sooke
for Racialized Member-at-Large
For nearly two decades I have had the honour of being an assertive voice for teachers in various capacities across the province. As a woman of color and a Francophone, I was elected to the position of Member-at-Large, Racialized in 2020. Today, I am seeking re-election to continue the important work that you have tasked me with.
Provincial: 2020–present EC Memberat-Large, Racialized; 2012–2020 SURT facilitator; 2009–2014 French Advisory Committee; 2009–2013 parent group presenter
As part of my role on the Executive Committee, I brought recommendations from the Advisory Panel to Address Discriminatory Actions in BCTF spaces. This resulted in the creation of a new department in the BCTF: the antiracism and antioppression office. As such, continuing this work, as well as my role on the Ad Hoc Committee on Inclusion, which will remove systemic barriers that hinder progress toward authentic inclusivity for all of our members, are two of the reasons I would like to continue as Member-at-Large.
STA, Local 62: 2019–2020 LR
Virtual communication has not slowed me down. I continue to be a direct and accessible voice who reflects the diversity of our membership, even in the face of a global pandemic.
I am continuously driven to find ways to support the work of locals and their members. As part of my role on the EC, I liaise with the Metro Fraser zone LPs. To improve communication, I have implemented a way for the LPs to communicate with myself and each other in real time. This communication tool has proved effective at EC meetings as I bring their voices forward. This is just one example of how I bring one of my core beliefs, bringing people together, to life in my work. I will continue to honour the trust you have placed in me to listen and engage in advocacy on your behalf. ENSEMBLE, ON PEUT TOUT FAIRE!
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
GVTA, Local 61: 2013–2016 President, 2011–2012 Acting President, Sept 2010–2013 First Vice-President, Sept 2007–2010 LR
Facebook: facebook.com/ BenulaBunjunforBCTFMemberatLarge
Preet Lidder Vancouver Secondary PREET FOR PROGRESS: PROMOTING A UNITED, MEMBER-DRIVEN UNION! Racial justice is not merely a declaration, it’s a verb. I put antiracism into action, in my classroom, school community, and union! I am the right person for the racialized Member-at-Large, as I am deeply committed to racial justice in our union. As Vice-President of the Anti-Oppression Educators Collective, I have supported my colleagues across the province to create just classrooms and schools. I have participated in all three Issue Sessions on Racism to work collectively with BIPOC members to share our experiences of racism and provide recommendations for our union. As a facilitator, I have worked with BIPOC colleagues to upgrade antiracist workshops because professional development is integral to creating anti-oppressive school communities. As a member of the Working & Learning Conditions/Bargaining Advisory Committee and Bargaining Task Force, I have developed an informed lens on bargaining, integral to this round of negotiations. My teaching career has brought me to many different locals, big and small. From teaching K–12 at the Dease Lake School in the Stikine to GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School on Haida Gwaii, and now at Windermere Secondary in Vancouver. I am also a proud South Okanagan kid, and I know that this is an invaluable experience needed to represent the diverse needs of teachers across this province. I am forever indebted to all the teachers along the way that have shaped me into who I am. And I know that no matter where you are, kids matter and teachers care.
for Racialized Member-at-Large EXPERIENCE Provincial: WLC/BAC, Bargaining Task Force, AOEC Vice-President, BCFED Executive Council, 3 Issue Sessions on Racism, workshop facilitator, AGM delegate Local: Staff Rep, Local Rep to BCTF, PD Committee, BIPOC Ad Hoc Committee Teaching: Secondary math and science education
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: facebook.com/profile. php?id=100077963583223 Twitter: twitter.com/preetkaurtweets Website: preetlidder.wixsite.com/ candidate
Achieving a M.Ed in Equity Studies has informed my racial literacy, and deepened my love of community. I am ready to be on the BCTF EC. As a second generation Punjabi immigrant and daughter of farmers, I know hard work and believe the greatest work we do, we do in the service of others.
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
Dereck Mejias Vancouver Island North EXPERIENCED TEACHER AND HEALTH AND SAFETY PROFESSIONAL It is with excitement that I submit my name as a candidate for Member-at-Large with the BCTF. As a Member-at-Large I will help to ensure that all members’ voices are heard, because an inclusive union is a stronger union. Union solidarity is based on the principle that all members are equal and deserve mutual respect. Sadly, recent demonstrations sparked by truckers’ concerns over COVID-19 mandates, have laid bare divisions in our country that need healing. Since everyone’s rights and freedoms must be upheld and respected in the end, as a union and a society, we urgently need to work toward finding remedies for these divisions, as they are affecting our schools and communities at large. This is a task that may take a long time to remedy.
for Racialized Member-at-Large
Kevin Epp Okanagan Skaha THE LAST TWO-PLUS YEARS have been the most challenging of my career, like so many of our members. It truly is in the difficult times when our collective voice and solidarity are needed most. Throughout my involvement, I’ve been offered opportunities to learn from colleagues and to listen to their stories. Their voices, in any part of the province the work has taken me, are what I value. The ones that challenge our thinking, ask us to wonder if we have biases or question why we’ve always done it that way, are not only needed, but have always been a part of the BCTF. Those voices, if we listen, invite us to stretch.
for Member-at-Large EXPERIENCE Kevin has been active in the BCTF since 1994, including LR, IMS, Nominating Chair, and Local President, both from 2008 to 2012 and again from 2019 to present.
Not so long ago, when debates raged at AGMs over divesting from tobacco and firearms in our pension plan, it was the persistence of those voices that caused that shift. We must continue to recognize and listen to all the voices within our membership. That is how we grow, change, and move forward… together. I want to add my voice to the Executive Committee. I hope you believe that voice would be a positive addition to the team. I ask you to consider supporting me with your vote.
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
Lisa LaBoucane Vernon IT HAS BEEN INCREDIBLY TOUGH in the classroom for the last two years. We have had to advocate to be safe and well in our work spaces. This is yet another chapter in our shared struggle as teachers in this province. I was in the classroom when class-size and composition language was stripped from our collective agreements. I was the president of the Vernon Teachers’ Association when it was “restored” and the challenges continued. Arbitrations, grievances, and being a member of our local bargaining team for four rounds are just some of the ways that I advocate for collective rights. I engage in diversity and equity work by leading local antiracism professional conversations, a JEDI student club, and chairing a reconciliation action committee. As PD chair, I organized local conferences and supported teachers with their professional inquiry processes. I continue to find ways to engage our members, identify barriers to involvement, and encourage teacher activism. Colleagues know that I am curious and invite experiences and perspectives different from my own. I listen, clarify, and learn. I believe in the following: • Grassroots voices and action. • Collective agreement enforcement and supporting local offices. • Having Federation meetings, information, and executive members accessible. • Engaging and supporting our members across the province to be active in local and provincial opportunities. • Retaining and championing new teachers through targeted initiatives. • Supporting wellness and professional autonomy in these challenging times. Through my involvement in the BCTF, I seek ways to continue to have an impact in our union and on public education. I have the passion and skill to continue this work on a provincial level. I am ready to take the next step and offer my voice as a BCTF Executive Member-at-Large and I ask for your support.
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
for Member-at-Large EXPERIENCE Provincial: SURT/Summer Conf. facilitator, Women in Negotiations, AGM delegate, LR. Local: President (4yrs), Exec. (14 yrs), PD Chair, Grievance Officer, Local Table Lead Negotiator; CLC training Teaching: Secondary English, Gr. 6–7, Elementary Special Education
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: facebook.com/LisaLaBoucane-candidate-for-BCTFMember-at-Large-101564979124337
Shanee Prasad Burnaby EXPERIENCE, ADVOCACY, COMMITMENT! ELECT SHANEE PRASAD FOR BCTF MEMBER-AT-LARGE I am a first-generation racialized woman, living on the unceded territory of the the xwm kw y m (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), S lílw ta /Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) nations. I am committed to decolonization in all that I do. e
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These past few years have been some of the most challenging for teachers and school communities. They also happen to coincide with my first years in local office. It has not been an easy experience, and it has helped me realize that I have strong advocacy skills. As a responsive leader, I listen to members and use my strong skills in communications to advocate that the employer does everything possible to protect our members and students. Provincially, as a member of the WLC/Bargaining Advisory and president of the Anti-Oppression Educators Collective PSA, I collaborate with colleagues province-wide to design resources for members, and advocate for greater structural supports. This is also my third term representing all workers of colour at the BC Federation of Labour. My experience in the labour movement has allowed me to build a broad network, and gain key skills in member engagement. I co-lead our local bargaining team. I use these negotiating skills to resolve issues for teachers locally and provincially. I am proud we constructed our local bargaining team to represent our diverse membership, with everyone negotiating. This is engagement and decolonization in action.
for Member-at-Large EXPERIENCE Provincial: BCTF: WLC/BAC, Bargaining Task Force, AOEC President, Ad Hoc Committee for Inclusion, CASJ, 3 Issue Sessions Racism; BCFed: Workers of Colour Representative, Workshop Facilitator Local: 1st Vice-President, Bargaining Co-Lead, Local Rep to BCTF, numerous committees Educator: Secondary special education, social studies (Burnaby), instructional assistant (Vancouver adult education)
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: facebook.com/ groups/168123180759364 Website: shaneeprasad.wordpress.com
As a teacher and local table officer, my focus is ensuring that systems are in place that support and empower each individual member and student. Equity and inclusion are a framework for my advocacy. With me on the EC, you will have an Executive member with the proven experience in dismantling barriers, amplifying the voice of this diverse Federation, and a relentless advocate for public education. I look forward to working on your behalf! Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
Katherine Trepanier Prince George
for Member-at-Large
This is my 28th year as a proud BCTF member. I am a primary French immersion teacher in Prince George. I am the Second Vice-President of the PGDTA, as well as the lead bargaining spokesperson. This is my third year as a BCTF Member-atLarge.
Provincial: BCTF Member-atLarge (3 years), WLC/BAC, Local Representative, AGMs, bargaining and summer conferences, FLI
As a Member-at-Large I seek out and listen to members’ concerns, ideas, and feedback, and consistently bring these forward. I have a strong voice and use it in my representation of teachers. It has been my privilege to speak on behalf of you over the last three years and I look forward to the opportunity to continue this work.
Local (PGDTA): 2nd VP, Bargaining Lead Negotiator, Staff Representative
During the pandemic, BCTF members have shown incredible resilience and professionalism. This has come at a cost, however, and teachers’ mental and physical health have suffered. The pandemic has highlighted the teacher shortage and underlined the need for a significant salary increase for recruitment and retention. Also needed are more supports for students, improved case-load limits, and better health and safety protections.
Despite the many challenges we face, I remain excited for the future of the teaching profession. I am proud to be part of a democratic body like the BCTF and aim to continue to ensure that all members’ voices are heard, responded to, and valued. We have made improvements in addressing equity and inclusion in the BCTF and must continue this challenging, but essential, work. I am committed to this work both provincially and locally. I am passionate about teaching and union work, but I also believe in having a good work/life balance. I enjoy acting in community theatre productions, singing, travelling, and spending time with family and friends. The best part of this work is the people I meet, and I look forward to meeting again in person soon.
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM
Education: M.Ed. in Educational Practice, BA, PDP (SFU)
Facebook: @KatherineTrepanierBCTF Twitter: @kathtrepanier Website: kdmo14.wixsite.com/mysite
Winona Waldron Greater Victoria
for Member-at-Large
THE LAST TWO YEARS have been eclipsed by COVID-19 and have been EXPERIENCE incredibly hard on teachers as we have attempted to retain some semblance of normality for our students. This already difficult job has been compounded by affordability issues, the housing crisis, and the climate emergency. The Federation’s role is complex, as we must not only consider those issues, continue to improve working conditions for members, but also look internally to decolonize our practices. I have sought out opportunities to enable me to better understand and navigate these complex issues. These have included attending CLC Winter School, BC Labour Law Reviews, and training opportunities through the BCTF, such as Summer Conferences, FIT, and FLI. My work with the Women in Negotiations and as a member of the Working and Learning Conditions Bargaining Advisory has given me extensive experience looking at the needs of the Federation through a provincial lens. My training and experience are augmented by a Master of Arts (language and literacy), Bachelor of Education, and Bachelor of Arts (political science and philosophy). In this round and in the last, I was the lead negotiator at the local table. This time, our team negotiated an equity hiring agreement for racialized members. A first of its kind in BC school districts. In my role as Contract Chair and then as President, I gained extensive experience in contract negotiations, difficult employers, and I have defended the collective agreement through the grievance and arbitration process numerous times.
CTF: AGM delegate, Bargaining Conference panelist, Women’s Symposium presenter, Daughters of the Vote facilitator BCTF: WIN facilitator, WLC/BAC, LR, VLC Exec GVTA: President, Bargaining Chair, Contract Chair, Aboriginal Nations Education Council, Staff Rep
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: facebook.com/ WinonaWaldronBCTF Twitter: twitter.com/winonawaldron Website: sites.google.com/view/ winonawaldron/home
I have worked hard as Local President to represent the interests of members. With the support of the BCTF AGM delegates, I am ready to bring my training, education, and experience to the provincial table to represent teachers across the province.
Executive Committee Candidate Statements—BCTF 2022 AGM