1 minute read

Are You Experiencing Racism in the Workplace?

Racism is systemic and leads to inequality.

Racism is rooted in the belief that some people are better than others because they belong to a particular race or ethnic group.

ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FROM THE BCTF These departments are working hard to advance equity Communication and Campaigns Department: Promotes antiracism and decolonization in the Teacher Magazine and all other forms of communication. Research and Information Services: Can assist with gathering relevant literature and identifying key trends related to racism. Field Services and Legal Services: Support Local Presidents in their duty to represent members. This work may include responding to ADVISORY COMMITTEES AND PSAS The Antiracism Action Group works with members of the Committee for Action on Social Justice (CASJ) to create resources, advocate for policy change, support networks of social justice contacts, and liaise with The Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee focuses on creating resources and workshops and advocating for policy change related to Aboriginal education, decolonization, and reconciliation. The Health and Safety Advisory Committee meets with provincial health and safety reps at Zone Meetings and informs the BCTF Executive of current health and safety trends and issues. The Anti-Oppression Educators Collective focuses on anti-oppression work in both curriculum development and professional growth in order to eradicate systemic barriers and drive the important of work of equity, inclusion and diversity. ARE YOU EXPERIENCING RACISM IN THE WORKPLACE? SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE.


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