1 minute read

Editor’s letter

by Dr Cathy Coker

Principal and Teacher’s Appreciation Day in May


May 1 and 2, is filled with love, charity, and hope. This is how I would describe a teacher and a principal. You must love being a teacher and a principal because if you did not love your job, you would be in another profession.

I used the word charity to describe a teacher and a principal because we are always giving to others out of our pockets and if you knew what we make you would know that our pockets are bare at times, but we still give to others. Hope is what both teachers and principals have and give to all those they minister to. Hope is what teachers feel. Principals hope that teachers feel good about what they do too, and principals hope that what they do will also have an impact on the students.

Time to celebrate School Principals’ and Teacher’s Day!!!! When we think of a principal the first thing that comes to mind is that terrorizing figure who administers suspensions, expulsions, and detentions, but that is not all they do.

They get to share their wonderful leadership skills with his/her teachers. National Principal’s Day is celebrated on May 1 annually. A teacher from Michigan with the help from her teacher organizations decided to dedicate a day to celebrate these special principals and to spread the awareness of their importance of their role in our schools.

So, this year we get to recognize the importance of principals, from elementary to high school, and all the work they do for the betterment of the school, even though we do get to honor their teachers too on May 2. May 2 is National Teacher’s Day. It is a day to honor the kind, hardworking, and patient individuals who create an everlasting impact on their student’s lives. Teachers facilitate learning, spread knowledge, and push their students to explore the possibilities that are beyond the walls of their classroom.

When we put teachers and principals together, we create success. One of the simplest and most effective ways to motivate teachers is with praise. This goes hand in hand when we praise our students. Words of encouragement is a contribution to students, teachers, and principals that is highly appreciated by all educators. Given how we entrust teachers with the care and future of the children, shouldn’t we praise them for all that they do? I think that we should make every day teachers’ and principal’s day. What do you think?

Rivette Pena


Rivette Pena

Stephane Bowker

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Andy Dominguez

Advertisements: Dr. Cathy Coker

Marketing: Alicia Grace

Thank you to Stephane Bowker at Working Dog Resources for providing tailored training for the layout of Teachers Making a Difference.

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