2 minute read

Principal’s Thoughts for a New Year

by Rick Lasley

With the start of a new school year around the corner, I can always remember reaching the moment my ‘batteries’ were recharged and my readiness to once again receive those students through the front doors of the school.

I can also remember that it didn’t take long for my colleagues and I to feel overwhelmed by the workload or the special situations that we had around the school that made for challenging moments. It always helped me at the times I was the most troubled or had little energy to give my best to the job to focus on the kids.

The lack of appreciation for what we do, the inadequate pay, the challenges of the job that bring you the most anguish are all miniscule compared to the positive influence that we have on the children we serve each day.

Some of our kids have been waiting all summer for something positive to return to their lives.

Don’t ever forget that... Blessings and best wishes for a tremendous school year!

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