2 minute read
We Need To Do Better
by Eric Abrego
Many have accused me of being insensitive towards students who have been deemed “SpecEd” or Special Education. While there is nothing wrong with this label it’s the meaning behind it. Like our middle finger...at a glance just a finger, but raised high and pointed at someone, that finger speaks volumes.

Children in this category have a lot of letters after their names ; like adhd, add, Ed, ID, Odd.... the list is long. My point is that the education system has catered to these children for far too long. Because little Joe is prone to outbursts and can become violent and destructive... so let’s make sure not to “Trigger” Joe today.

If he wants to sit in class and play fortnight... rather than do his math...so be it. And if he gets upset..he has a “Time Out Card” or “Cool Down Pass”. Where he is allowed to step out of the room for 5 minutes to collect himself. These students have no consequences for their behavior because of the letters. And they know it! They have all become the John Gotti’s of the school system. Here’s a harsh dose of reality... in the real world.. there are no “Time Out Cards” or “Cool Down Passes” . If you have a violent outburst in the work place..you know what that gets you Joe? Arrested and Fired!

We are setting this Generation up for failure! This needs to stop. To those parents and guardians who are honest with their students...I applaud you. As for the rest of us.. WE NEED TO DO BETTER