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It will never be just a pen whatever has been written, it will never come to an end Generation to generation. Teacher to teacher.
Pen to pen.
More than two decades ago, Teacher's Pen, also known as TPen, started to establish a long and rich history In 1994, the officialstudentpublicationofthe Angeles University Foundation - College of Education (CED) was formally founded Since then, TPen has become an important part of the CED community, providing a platform for students to express their ideas, learn about the world around them, develop their writing and critical thinking skills, and carry the torch of campus journalism Despite the small population of its college, TPen never failed to organize activities for its writers and the college, and produce new generations of Marlin-journalists. From generation to generation, TPen has one goal to provide a voice for students who wield the pen that never runs out of ink.
Teacher's Pen plays an important role in the community of student-teachers It helps to inform Marlin students about current events , provide a forum for discussion, and promote student activism, building community in the university. TPen helps raise awareness of important issues, such as social justice, environmentalism, and student rights, which supports students to connect with the wider world.
In addition, TPen, through its annual journalistic skills training program, has already provided and still continuously provides Marlin-journalists with opportunities to develop their skills, build confidence, and make a difference in the world In fact, TPen has produced writers who bagged awards and were recognized in different journalism competitions within and outside the university
To this day, TPen, with its skillful writers guided by the publication's advisers, continues to encourage every Marlin student, regardless of their background in journalism or lack thereof, to join the student publication as it is a great way to make the college experience more memorable and to prepare for a career in journalism or other communication fields like teaching students who will look at you like someone they do not trust, students who will not listen to you, students who will try your patience, and students who will make you question your life choices These are naturally only some of the things that will slap into you the reality of teaching Sure, it is a very difficult process to go through, but it is also the most rewarding feeling once you overcome it Furthermore, this reality slap will also enlighten you why teaching is considered as one of the most fulfilling professions
Fundamentally, TPen’s journey, from the moment of its conception to this very moment, has never ended and will never come to an end Perhaps, what's been spoken may be easily left behind, but with Teacher’s Pen, what's been written will never be forgotten; thus, it will never come to an end Generation to generation Teacher to teacher Pen to pen.
The "Good Morning, teacher!" said with a smile, the compliments that melt your heart, and the appreciation that the students show are just some of the rewarding moments of a teacher's day In addition, the littlest interactions that happen between you and the students will make you realize that each student goes through different paths in life And you, as a teacher, are an instrument to help them achieve their set goals by guiding them forward and instilling knowledge and values that they will surely utilize as they go on in their life
Aside from the teaching experience itself, the teaching internship course will require you to submit detailed lesson plans and classroom-based action research, as well as to render 360 hours of