Internet Activities For Little Kids: Book 2 - Science Themes

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For a ges 6 - 9 ag

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Internett Activities r o e s Bo r e p Little Kids ok for u S

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Book 2: Science Themes

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Copyright Notice

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The purchasing educational institution and its staff have the right to make copies of the whole or part of this book, beyond their rights under the Australian Copyright Act, 1968 (the Act), provided that:

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Published by: Ready-Ed Publications Unit 11/17 Foley Street, Balcatta, Perth, WA, 6021 Written by Jane Bourke (Revised 2012) Illustrations by Rod Jefferson

ISBN 978 1 86397 846 0

Important information about this book 1. The Publisher’s WWW Site Activities in this book refer users to the Internet Activities for Little Kids section of the Ready-Ed Publications’ site. The URL for this is:

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To use the book in conjunction with the Ready-Ed site users should open the above address. For continued use of the site it would be wise to book mark the above address so children have easy access at all times. The numbered sites in the second part of the list correspond with the pages in this book. Clicking on these links will take users to the information sources without the addresses having to be laboriously typed in. If web sites change, this list is updated to provide the current URL link in the same order they appear on the page in this book.

2. Copyright and the Use of Internet Resources

Material on the Internet is protected by copyright laws in the same way as print material. There are exceptions in the Copyright Act which allow Fair Dealing for research and study purposes. The activities contained in this book are designed to utilise the concept of Fair Dealing by encouraging students to use research skills to read and summarize material for the purpose of gaining knowledge and interpreting and evaluating ideas. For further information refer to the Copyright Council on:

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3. Referencing Online Sources

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There may be occasions when students are required to cite sources of information when transferring their research findings through to the report stage. As the concept of using online sources develops, formal guidelines for referencing are evolving. Information relating to this has been set out in an edition of

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This can be found at:

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Contents Online Sites for Kids................................ 7 Plants

r o e t s Bo r e p o u k Cool Science for Curious Kids S Let’s Make a Salad ................................... 11

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What Do These Plant Words Mean? .... 8 The Great Plant Escape ........................... 9 What Is a Flower? .................................. 10

All About Critters................................... 12 What in the World Could it Be?.......... 13 Solar Energy ............................................. 14 Electrical Safety .................................... 15 Weather Words ...................................... 16 Animal Words ........................................... 17

© Deserts ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f or r ev ew p ur poseson y• Types ofi Deserts .................................... 18l

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Snowtastic Snow

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Desert Animals ........................................ 19 Night Vision .............................................. 20 Snowflakes................................................ 21 Great Glaciers .......................................... 22

. teThe Solar System o c . Space Words ............................................ 23 ch e r er The Planets ............................................... o 24 t s s r u e p Intergalactic Scavenger Hunt ............. 25 Sea Life Shark! ......................................................... 26 Deep Sea Creatures ............................... 27 Answers ..................................................... 28

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Notes F or T eachers & P ar ents For Teachers Par arents The Internet Activities for Little Kids Series is designed to make use of the enormous amount of information that is available through the Internet. The term “information superhighway” is a buzz phrase that is constantly talked about in educational and other circles. As a generation that is comfortable with the idea of computers and associated concepts, the children in our care deserve the opportunity of zooming down that superhighway. But where is the on-ramp and how do children negotiate their way through the traffic jam that makes up the Internet?

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This book is produced to allow children to answer those questions for themselves. In doing so, they will achieve the following learning outcomes:


Using basic research skills to extrapolate information from Internet references.


Using selected World Wide Web addresses to extend understanding on the theme.


Using a variety of online libraries to expand on the information available.


Using the links provided at addresses to broaden the scope of their investigations.

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Using basic research skills to respond to focus questions.

The Structure of this Book

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The activities in this introductory book are designed to give Internet beginners structured experiences on a variety of themes. Note that in providing these activity pages there is an assumption that users have an understanding of what the World Wide Web is and a basic ability to navigate their way around the Net. The intention is to provide focus activities that direct users to specific sites.

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Activity pages in this book are of a literal nature and require only basic comprehension and interpretation skills on the part of the young user. Completion of these activities will provide students with a basic understanding of the concept being investigated. Where users are able to research to a higher level they should be referred to the other Ready-Ed Publications titles, which contain activities requiring both expanded and extended use of information. (See Using the Ready-Ed web site in conjunction with the print material avoids the laborious task of having children key in exact URLs which are often lengthy and confusing.

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Using the Pages

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Children need to read all instructions on the screen. These will usually say where to click, otherwise they should follow the instructions in this book. Remember that sometimes web page layouts change, however, the content usually remains the same. Children can click on anything that has a little hand on it when they move the mouse over it. Many small images can be enlarged this way. Any text that is highlighted and changes the arrow to a pointing hand can be clicked on. It is possible that some sites may contain computer jargon at the beginning explaining how best to view the site. Children can ignore this although they should be advised to ask a teacher or parent about anything they are not sure of.

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Some Internet Warnings ‘Net Nasties’

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In recent years there has been a great deal of publicity about negative aspects of the Internet, so much so that the uninitiated may well have severe concerns about what young users might encounter when surfing the Net. There is no doubt that this concern could be well founded if children are left to their own devices when online. The key to avoiding the ‘net nasties’ is supervision, just as it is to avoid inappropriate experiences for children in selecting movies, television programmes and books. It is most unlikely that violent, racist or erotic sites are reached accidentally and the Internet Activities for Little Kids’ materials and addresses have been carefully screened to avoid this happening. However, the Internet is a fluid, dynamic resource that is always in motion and we can’t guarantee that what is appropriate now will still be next year. With this in mind, it is strongly recommended that parents/teachers preview sites if at all possible. It is also the case that filter tools have been designed by some companies to help protect children from the undesirable aspects of the Internet. Some of the filter tools which offer online information are: Net Nanny - Cyber Patrol - (Free download) K9 Web Protection -

Reliability of Material

A recognized problem with material found on the Net is that often it is unsubstantiated with sources unlisted and the writer’s credentials unknown. Children will need to learn to be discerning in their use of the content they encounter. Ideally, they should look for authoritative material where sources are listed. The location of the address may be a useful pointer - an article under the banner of NASA or a national university is likely to be more authoritative than one supplied by an individual with an apparent interest in the theme. Another consideration is the date material was submitted - material may appear useful but may be out of date. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to check just when articles were written or posted although often the date of entry is shown at the top of print outs and at the end of articles. As with the ‘Net Nasties’ then, supervision and guidance from teachers/parents is required, so that students can be helped to see the difference between information sources that are credible and those requiring further corroboration.

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Updating of Internet addresses

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

As mentioned, the dynamic nature of the Internet means that some sites may change URLs or even disappear altogether. An ongoing role of the publishers will be to monitor these changes regularly and to post them on our site. To keep up to date with changes check the website relevant to this book:

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For links to other Ready-Ed titles go to our Booklinks site:

If you have any problems accessing sites please email us at

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Use this page to record interesting Internet addresses you find.

Address Book Topic: ................................................ Web Site


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Online Sites for Kids N.B. These websites are also available via the Ready-Ed internet site for this book at:

r o e t s B r e oo Science for Kids p u k S Your Weight on Other Worlds.

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Science and Nature for Kids

Space Puzzles Look Learn and Do

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

How Things Fly how_things.html

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Snow Science

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o c . e Monsters of the c Deep h r e o t r s super


Cool Science for Curious Kids Kratts Creatures

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Teachers - Use this Science site for activities in this book: Bookmark

What Do These Plant W ords Mean? Words Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 8, Site 1

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Click on the letters of the alphabet shown on the screen to find some information about these plant words. (Hint: You click on the letter that the word begins with.)

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celery: .......................................................................................... toadstool: .....................................................................................

carrot: .......................................................................................... leaf: .............................................................................................. o Use the dictionary to draw a picture of these plant words.

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nut: ...............................................................................................

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Palm Tree

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o c . che e r o t r s super Cactus


Extra! Let’s Explore! To find out more about the things in the dictionary, click on the pictures. Page 8

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The Great Plant Escape Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 9, Site 1

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Help Detective Le Plant unlock the mystery of plant life. Click on Facts of the Case and answer these questions. What are the two types of plants? Give a brief description of each type.


v .......................................................................................... ..........................................................................................

Go back to Facts of the Case.

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v ..........................................................................................

o Click on Plant Parts to find out what the different parts look like. Draw a picture of each part. (Click on the carrot to go to each new plant part.)

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Leaves •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . Fruit che e r o t r s super

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What is a Flower? Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 10, Site 1 Plants can have flowers of different sizes, shapes and colours. Use the information to answer the questions about flowers. v Why do plants produce flowers?

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v What are the four main parts of a flower? Click on Answer to find out. v ................................................................ v ................................................................

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Draw a picture of a flower and label the four main parts. v ................................................................

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Find out the names of as many flowers as you can. What is your favourite flower? Page 10

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Let’s Make a Salad! Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 11, Site 1

Plant Parts

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o Follow the instructions at the web site to build a salad. What have you learnt about the plant parts that you used in your salad?

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tomato: .................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................

lettuce: .................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................

asparagus: ............................................................................................................ ..........................................................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons .......................................................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• carrot: ................................................................................................................... broccoli: ................................................................................................................

o Draw a picture of all the plant parts in the salad.

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Extra! Make your own salad recipe! Make up your own recipe using all your favourite plant parts. Ready-Ed Publications

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All About Critters Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 12, Site 1 o

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Click on the pictures at the web site to get to the challenges.

Classifying Critters

A vertebrate is ....................................................................... .......................................................................................... ..........................................................................................

Click on Challenge One

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Read the information to find out what a vertebrate is.

What do all birds have in common? ........................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Click on Challenge Two •f or r evi ew pur posesonl y•


What do all amphibians have in common? ..............................................................

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Click on Challenge Three

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What do all mammals have in common? ................................................................

. te o Click on Challenge Four c . che.......................................................................... e What do all fish have in common? r o t r s super .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

Click on Challenge Five What do all reptiles have in common? .................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

Draw and label pictures of a bird, an amphibian, a fish, a reptile and a mammal. Page 12

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What In the World Could it Be? Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 13, Site 1

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Photo 1

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Click on the arrow at the web site. o Guess what animal has been magnified in the photograph by clicking on the answer. Draw a picture of each animal when you have found the right answer. Use the arrow to go to the next photograph.

Photo 2

Photo 3

© Ready EdPubl i ca t i ons Photo 5 Photo 6 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Photo 7

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Photo 10

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Photo 4

Photo 8

Photo 9

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Solar Energy Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 14, Site 1

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o What can you do to make the best use of solar energy in your home? Click on these words on the website to find out. v windows: .................................................................


v lights: ...................................................................... ............................................................................... ...............................................................................

v appliances: .............................................................

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons v walls: ...................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ............................................................................... ...............................................................................


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Draw a picture of Roofus in his energy smart room. Label the special features that Roofus has included in his room to make it an energy smart room.

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Explore the links! Find out what you can do to the roof of your house to use the sun’s heat and light efficiently. Page 14

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Electrical Safety Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 15, Site 1

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o Click on all of the characters in the picture to find out what they have learnt about electrical safety. Young Dracula: ..............................................................


Bride of Frankenstein: ................................................... .................................................................................. .................................................................................. ..................................................................................

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons .......................................................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ..........................................................................................................................

Igor: ......................................................................................................................

Young Frankenstein: ..............................................................................................

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Mummy: ................................................................................................................

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Wolf Man:.............................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Draw your favourite character from Frankenstein’s Lightning Laboratory. Ready-Ed Publications

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Weather Words Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 16, Site 1

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o Click on the letters of the alphabet on the screen to find some information about these weather words. (Hint: You click on the letter that the word begins with.) What do these weather words mean?

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acid rain: ............................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

lightning: ................................................................................................................


snow: ....................................................................................................................


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons .......................................................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• iceberg: ................................................................................................................. cloud: ....................................................................................................................


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aurora: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... rain: ......................................................................................................................

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.......................................................................................................................... o Use the dictionary to find out if there is a difference between a cyclone and a tornado. Draw a picture of a tornado.

Let’s Explore! To find out more about the things in the dictionary, click on the pictures. Page 16

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Animal Words Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 17, Site 1

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o What do these animal words mean? Click on the letters of the alphabet on the screen to find some information about these animal words. (Hint: You click on the letter that the word begins with.)

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armadillo: ............................................................................................................... narwhal: ................................................................................................................

mammoth: .............................................................................................................

jellyfish: ................................................................................................................. gibbon: .................................................................................................................. o Use the dictionary to find out what these animals look like. Draw them here. Flamingo Ladybug © Ready EdPubl i ca t i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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o c . che e r o t r s super Dragonfly


Extra! Let’s Explore! To find out more about the things in the dictionary, click on the pictures. Ready-Ed Publications

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Types of Deserts Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 18, Site 1

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o Click on “Types of Desert” in the menu on the left. What are the two different types of deserts?

................................................................................ How much rain falls in a hot desert in a year?

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o Click on Hot Deserts to find the following information.


What types of animals live in the Arabian desert?


Name two hot deserts in Australia.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons .......................................................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ..........................................................................................................................

What continent is the Kalahari Desert in?

Which hot desert is the largest desert in the world?

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o Click on Cold Deserts to find the answers to these questions.

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.......................................................................................................................... How is a cold desert different to a hot desert? .......................................................

. te o Which desert animals live in the Atacama Desert in Peru and Chile? c . c e her r .......................................................................................................................... o t s supsource er Which African Desert is the world’s greatest of gemstones? .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................... How did the Gobi Desert in China get its name? .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... In which desert is the world’s greatest salt flat located? .......................................................................................................................... Page 18

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Desert Animals Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 19, Site 1

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Read about desert animals (Left menu) and how they adapt to living in the desert. Click on the blue arrow at the bottom of the page to find out about some of these desert animals. (Hint: The arrows will let you move backwards and forwards.)

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o Choose three desert animals and find out the following information. Draw a picture or print out a photograph of the animals.


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Special Features

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Habitat •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Diet

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Night Vision Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 20, Site 1

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o Click on the eyes on the left of the screen to see what nocturnal animal the eyes belong to. Describe the animal and then draw or print out the photographs of the eyes and the animal to paste into the box. Animal Description

Eye #1

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Eye #3

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Animal Image

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Eye #2

Eye Image

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Eye #5

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Snowflakes Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 21, Site 1

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Snowflakes are one of nature’s most beautiful things. v How do snowflakes form?

.................................................................................. ..................................................................................

.................................................................................. o Draw three different types of snowflakes.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . ch e How many different types of snowflakes are there?............................................. r e o t r s super o Read the Interesting Snow Facts. What is the most interesting thing you learnt about snow?

.......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Ready-Ed Publications

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Great Glaciers Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 22, Site 1

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o What is a glacier?


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.......................................................................................................................... o Use the boxes below to draw and label a diagram to show the stages of a glacier forming.

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o c . che e r o t r s super

o List the animal life that lives in a glacier. (You will need to scroll down the page to Glacier Life.)

.......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Page 22

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Space Words Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 23, Site 1

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o Click on the letters of the alphabet on the screen to find some information about these space words. (Hint: You click on the letter that the word begins with.) What do these space words mean?

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astronomy: ............................................................................................................ ..........................................................................................................................

galaxy: .................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................

satellite: ................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons .......................................................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• stars: .................................................................................................................... Big Dipper: ............................................................................................................

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Half Moon


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.......................................................................................................................... o Use the dictionary to draw a picture of these space objects. Astronaut

o c . che e r o t Crescent Moon r s Space Shuttle super

Let’s Explore! To find out more about the things in the dictionary, click on the pictures. Ready-Ed Publications

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The Planets Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 24, Site 1 o Briefly describe one of the planets. (Hint: Make sure the Beginners button on the top of the page is on.)

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My planet is .......................................................................................................

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........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................

o Click on Planetary Facts to find the following information about the planet.

Diameter: ..............................................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Temperature: ......................................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• o Click on Image Archives and look at some photographs of the planet. Draw a Distance from sun: ................................................................................................

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picture of what the surface of the planet looks like.

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Eating in Space Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 25, Site 1

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o Look at the website to find out some interesting things about how astronauts prepare their meals and eat in space. Complete the sections below:

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v What’s makes eating in space so difficult? .........................................................

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v What were the first space foods? How were they served? ................................ .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

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v How do astronauts prepare hot meals? .............................................................


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v How do astronauts drink in space? .................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

. teof food and drink in containers that allow astronautsoto use them: o Draw pictures c . che e r o t r s super


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Shark! Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 26, Site 1

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o Read about sharks at the website. Click on two sharks in the “Varieties of Sharks” section. Draw a picture of each one and then write a brief description.

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.......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Shark Pix! To view some excellent shark images: Page 26

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Deep Sea Creatures Go to Internet Activities: Science and then page 27, Site 1

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o What are deep sea creatures? .................................


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.................................................................................. o Give a brief description of these deep sea creatures.

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v giant squid: ........................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

v viperfish:............................................................................................................ ..........................................................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons .......................................................................................................................... •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ..........................................................................................................................

v hatchet fish: .......................................................................................................


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v lantern fish: ........................................................................................................

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.......................................................................................................................... o Choose your favourite deep sea creature and draw a picture of it.

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Ready-Ed Publications

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Page 27

Answers What Do these Plant Words Mean? (page 8) Crisp green vegetable; a poisonous mushroom; dry seed with hard shell; orange vegetable; collect energy from the sun. The Great Plant Escape (page 9) Identify different parts of plants; find out what each part does; find out how plants grow. 1. Herbaceous plants have soft, green stems which die to the ground in winter; Woody plants have hard stiff stems that do not die to the ground in winter.

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What Is a Flower? (page 10) To make seeds; sepals, petals, carpels, stamens. Let’s Make a Salad! (page 11) Fruit, leaf, stem, flower root.

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All About Critters (page 12) 1. An animal with a backbone; (c), (a), (c), (b), (b).

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What in the World Could it Be? (page 13) 1. Gypsy moth hairs; 2. Black fly; 3. Sweet potato whitefly; 4. Egg of a root-knot nematode; 5. Hairs on a sow thistle; 6. Sunflower stem weevil mite; 7. Nematode; 8. Mexican bean beetle; 9. Melon Aphid; 10. Wasps; 11. Azalea leaf bug. Solar Energy (page 14) Windows: Face south; Lights: turn off lights; use energy saving globes; Appliances: buy energy saving appliances; Walls: insulate walls.

Electrical Safety (page 15) Electricity and water don’t mix; Don’t stick anything metal inside electrical appliances; Never fly a kite near overhead wires; Don’t use anything electrical if the cord is damaged; Never place anything near or inside a lamp shade; Never plug anything into electrical outlets; Don’t place objects on top of power cords.

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Weather Words (page 16) Polluted rain; Flash of light caused by an electrical storm; Flakes of frozen water; Carry rain and snow; Huge chunks of ice floating in water; Light in the near-polar sky; Water falls from clouds.

Animal Words (page 17) Small burrowing, armoured animal; Arctic whale; large elephant from the ice ages; Stinger, see though; Small Asian ape.

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Desert Animals (page 19) Answers will vary. Night Vision (page 20) 1. Cuttlefish; 2. Pit viper eye; 3. Tarsie eye; 4. Gecko eye; 5. Fruit bat eye; 5. Screech owl.

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Types of Deserts (page 18) Hot and cold; Less than 25 mm; Locust, dromedary camel, gazelle, lizard, jackal, oryx; Great Sandy Desert, Victoria Desert; Africa; The Sahara Desert; Lizard, llama, Peruvian fox; Namib; Areas of small stones called ‘gobi’; Iranian Desert.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Snowflakes (page 21) Ice crystals join together. Check web site for diagrams.

Great Glaciers (page 22) Big river of ice, water and rocks; Insects, fleas, worms, spiders, flies.

Space Words (page 23) Studying the universe; Enormous groups of stars; Orbits around the Earth; Group of seven stars; Other suns much further away than our sun. The Planets (page 24) Answers will vary. Eating in Space (page 25) Answers will vary. Shark! (page 26) Answers will vary. Deep Sea Creatures (page 27) Creatures that live in the deepest part of the ocean. Answers will vary.

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Ready-Ed Publications

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