Perfect Plays for Primary Students: Book 1

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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About Ready-Ed Publications Ready-Ed Publications was established in 1984 with the purpose of creating practical classroom blackline master activities. At the time, the role of the teacher was becoming ever more diverse with an increasing range of duties and responsibilities within the school and school community. Since then, the role of the teacher has continued to evolve with an escalating range of tasks and obligations, ensuring a reduction in time available to prepare work for the daily instructional program.


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Throughout these past 24 years, Ready-Ed Publications has built a reputation as publishers of Australian made, high quality, innovative, timesaving materials for teachers of primary and lower secondary levels. In addition, all materials are based on state or national curriculum guidelines or specific age-related interest areas and subjects.

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Ready-Ed Publications aims to assist busy professionals by making available contemporary classroom materials that contain relevant and stimulating work to support the requirements of the curriculum. Perfect Plays for Primary Students © 2009 Ready-Ed Publications Printed in Australia Author: Diana Bickford Typesetting and Design: Shay Howard

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Acknowledgements:

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o c . che e r o t r s super Ready-Ed Publications PO Box 276 Greenwood WA 6024

ISBN: 978 1 86397 772 2

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A Friend Indeed Theme: Friendship

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Play 1 Page 7

Burly is a pirate, mean and often nasty. He doesn’t have any friends because the townfolk in Pirate Town are frightened of him. Burly discovers that to have friends you need to be friendly and so he changes his ways, to everyone’s delight and relief.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Play 2 Think Before You 24l •f orr evi e wAct pur posesPage on y• Theme: The Importance of Thinking Things Through

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A little dog wants to protect his owners. He knows that the Yum Yums want to harm his owners, but his owners act before they think. Luckily all is well in the end. (Loosely based on ‘The Hobyahs’ – but less violent.)

. te 3 Play o c Dreams Really Can Come True . c e Theme: Sharing and Caring her r o t s super Page 40

Johnny is being naughty. Santa and the Dreamlings use a bit of special magic to bring happiness and love to the little boy so he no longer misbehaves.


Teachers’ Notes

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OK. It’s your turn to produce an assembly item for school. You’re searching for a play with a fresh approach and a bit of zip. Are you looking for answers to these questions?

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• Where can I find ideas which incorporate movement, song and at the same time work around a central theme? • Where can I find an item suitable for a whole class performance, so that each child feels important?

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• How can I find a play which can integrate into my learning area, and which is simple, short and entertaining?

• What type of item or activity will encourage children to develop their imaginations? How can I improve their organising abilities and of course their confidence, while still using language in a context which is real to them?

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons f o rIr eplays vi e wrelated pu r po se soutcome onl y • • • Where can find and activities which are linked? This book is designed with you in mind …

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The plays are suitable for an ordinary assembly using basic/ simple costuming or for a large production using more elaborate settings, backdrops and costuming.

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In it you will find creative ideas for plays and items not only for assemblies but also for normal day-to-day work in your classroom or club group. Plays such as those provided here may be staged with a minimum of stress, yet with maximum enjoyment.

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Each play has been ‘class tested’ and has proved to be a successful medium for stimulating learning experiences as well as a source of great fun and entertaiment.

It is my sincere hope that teachers and child workers, whether just beginning or experienced, will find ideas that are useful and stimulating enough to stir the creative potential that exists in every class. Diana Bickford


Curriculum Links

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QLD The Arts (Levels 1&2) - Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts English (Years 1,2&3) - Speaking and Listening, Reading and Viewing

TAS The Arts (Standards 1&2 and Stages 3–6) - Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts English-literacy (Standards 1&2 and Stages 3–6) - Reading and Viewing, Writing and Representing, Speaking and Listening

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NT English (Bands 1&2) - Listening and Speaking, Reading and Viewing, Writing Creative Arts (Bands 1&2) - Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts

VIC Victorian Essential Learning Standards English (Levels 2&3) - Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening The Arts (Levels 2&3) - Creating and Making

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons SA •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Arts (Standard 1&2)

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ACT Essential Learning Achievements (Early and Later Childhood) ELA1,5,7,8,9,10&11

WA The Arts (1)Arts Ideas, (2) Arts Skills and Processes English (6) Speaking, (5) Listening, (8) Reading

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- Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts English (standards 1&2) - Speaking and Listening, Reading and Viewing, Writing

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NSW Foundation Statements for Years 1,2&3 English (Stages 1&2) – Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing Creative Arts (Stages 1&2) - Visual Arts, Music, Drama


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A Friend Indeed

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r o e t s Bo r e p - Play 1 - ok u S

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Teaching Notes - Play 1

Play A Friend Indeed

Theme Friendship

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S • Understand the value of kindness and friendship • Develop appropriate social skills • Develop problem solving strategies • Understand the qualities of good citizenship

Skills •Problem solving •Predicting •Patterning •Matching

•Following directions •Creating •Discussing •Dramatising

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Students will:

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Language

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Word Matching Word Search Following Directions

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Pattern Making Compass Rose Treasure Hunt

Pirate Flag


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Integrated Curriculum Activities Maths S&E/Science

Mirror Picture Draw a Pirate Pirate Mask

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Roger the Jolly Pirate – Brett Helquist Maggie and the Pirates – Ezra Jack Keats Grandma and the Pirates – Phoebe Gilman Do Pirates Take Baths? – Kathy Turner Peg Leg Tango – Captain Bogs and Salty Historic Boat Museum – Fremantle, WA


• Can children name the qualities of a friend? • Do children understand what they need to do, to be good citizens? • Can children use appropriate strategies to solve a problem?


Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Production Notes Costumes

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S • Group 1 (Grown ups) Shawls for ladies Beards and eye patches for men


• Props Mirror (child can hold this)

• Group 2 (Children) Play clothes – with bandana on head

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• Burly Pirate costume


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• Setting 1

FinalE Staging

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Suggested background: Pirate scene

Pirate . Grown up pirates te children o c . Pir c e p t e u a ate r h r i n c n P re oBurly h w e B i o s l dre urs ld t r Gr irate ly u r his e p n c p


Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Play 1 : A Friend indeed Characters:

Burly – A Pirate Group 1 – Grown up pirates & pirates 1,2,3 & 4 Group 2 – Pirate children & solo pirate child

r o e t s B r e oo Suggested Music: Adaptation of “The Three Pirates”. p u k See S Pirate town scene


Let us introduce ourselves.

Group 1:

We are the grown up pirates – we have seen the light.

Group 2:

We are the pirate children – we never, ever fight.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Burly: am BURLY – I’m big, bold and mean, quite •f orIther e vi ew pur posesonl y• worst sight you’ve ever seen. HAR! HAR!

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Groups 1 & 2:



Bad Burly came to Pirate Town, Yo ho, Yo ho, Bad Burly came to Pirate Town, Yo ho, Yo ho, He had a beard And looked so mean, Quite the worst sight ever seen. Yo ho, my hearties, Yo ho, my hearties, Yo ho! Yo ho! Yo ho!

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(Suggested Music – adaptation of “The Three Pirates”. Go to and search The Three Pirates.)

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Bad Burly was a pirate, As mean as he could be. He never smiled, he never laughed, Tough and bold was he.


Play 1: A Friend Indeed

He scared the children with a look, He shouted all day long. And if you listened late at night You’d hear his scary song.


} r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S } When little kids are sleeping, Tucked snugly in their beddies, I come along and scare them And run off with their teddies. I’m BIG, BAD, Burly! HAR, HAR!

Groups 1 & 2:

The townfolk gathered, quite alarmed, We must stop him right away. He can’t come here and scare us silly. What can we do? What can we say?

Pirate 2:

Let’s put him into jail!

Pirate 3:

Let’s make him walk the plank!

Rap beat with increasing volume.


Quietly all pirate children (Group 2) lie down as if asleep.

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I am the villain of the place, A real bad egg, a great disgrace. My very name is feared so greatly, I’m big, I’m bad, BIG! BAD! Burly! HAR, HAR!

Increasing in volume.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Pirate 1: f run him out ofp town • orLet’s r e vi ew ur posesonOther l ypirates •either Let’s do it without fail!

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Groups 1 & 2:

(Song as Page 9)

Group 1:

He’s nothing but a mean pirate!

Group 2:

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Group 1:

He does things that we really hate!

Group 2:

Yes! Yes! Yes!


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Pirate 4:


say, “Yay” or “Nay” in between each sentence.


Group 1 (grown up pirates) and Group 2 (child pirates) face each other. They take turns to take 1 step forward. Keep going like this until the last, Yes! Yes! Yes! and the 2 groups are face to face.

Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Group 1:

No! No! No!

Group 2:

We don’t feel safe in our beddies!

Group 1:

No! No! No!

Solo pirate child: Oh why, oh why must we all shout? Oh can’t you see what it’s about! His mean old ways will really end, If only … he had a friend.

r o e t s Bo } r e p ok u S No! No! No!

Group 2:

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Groups 1 & 2:

Now Burley heard this carry on, And really felt upset. Big, bold and looking mean … but … Beneath it all, he was a pet.

move back } Groups to original places. } Burley listens in.

©R esad, ad E d P ubl i cat i ons I’m I’my sad that I am bad I never meant to be. •f orI’llr e vi e r p osesonl y• change myw waysp andu start again, I’ll get them all to like me.

} . te o c . che } e r o r st super Burly washed his face and shaved his beard, He looked so neat and clean. He even practised how to smile And ceased to be so mean.


Now I need to show That I have changed my style, I hope they will believe me, I guess it may take a while.

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Groups 1 & 2:

Burly looked into the mirror And saw a sight so strange A twinkling eye, a smile so shy. What an amazing change.

Burly takes off beard. Takes a while to get the smile right.

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Pause after, “only”.

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Group 1:

1 and 2 } Groups face to face.

Burley holds up mirror.


Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Groups 1 & 2:

Burly took one step at a time, And walked into the town The grown ups took one look at him, And they began to frown.

Group 1:

It’s Burly! It’s Burly! It’s really him!

Group 2:

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S The grown ups are going wild.

Group 1:

Hide your teddies! Hide your teddies! The children stopped and smiled.

Groups 1 & 2:

The children stood quite still and Burly smiled Then one by one they crept up close. The grown ups gave a start. The children could see what the grown ups had missed … that Burly had a heart.


(Song - rap beat) I’m not a villain of the place, A real good egg, not a disgrace. And you will see that in the end, I’m big, I’m kind … your friend … BURLY.

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Group 2:


A little hand touched his face, And brushed a tear from the end It took a little child to see, What Burly needed was a friend.

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Groups 1 & 2: (Song - finale) It’s happy time in Pirate town, Yo ho! Yo ho! Do you know what we have done? Yo ho! Yo ho! Share your smiles and care a lot, To have a friend, you must be one. Yo ho, my hearties, Yo ho, my hearties, Yo ho! yo ho! yo ho!


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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i on s Solo child moves Burly. •f orr evi ew pur poseson l yto•

Whole cast get into finale position. Suggested music: adaptation of The Three Pirates.

Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Following Directions

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Draw and Colour Burly • He has black hair.

• He has a black eye patch. • He has a black coat.

• He is wearing black boots. • He has a parrot on his shoulder.

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• He has a red hat on his head.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Draw Yourself as a Pirate • I have _____________ eyes.

o c . che e • My pants are _______________. r o t r s supe r • I have _______________ boots. • My shirt is _________________.

• I have a __________ in my hand. • And _______________________.


Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Compass Rose A compass rose can help you to find the position of something.

r o e t s B r e oW = _________ _________ S p = _________ E = _________o u k S What do the letters stand for on the compass rose?

Treasure Island

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N =

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . c e r 4. Draw ao pile of rocks in the 1. Draw a palm treeh ate the t r s s uper middle of the island. north (N) of the island.


2. Draw a pirate standing at the west (W) end of the island.

5. A ship is sailing west (W) of the island. Draw the ship.

3. Draw a treasure chest at the east (E) end of the island.

6. Draw yourself on the island. Where are you?

Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Pattern Making

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What comes next?

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Draw your own pattern.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s s r u e p Cut out and glue to make the pattern.

Careful - one of these is a pirate trick! 15

Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Pirate Flag

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This flag tells us that a pirate ship is coming.

Draw something on your flag that tells us about you.

© Rea dyEdPubl i cat i ons Discuss symbols and their meanings with students, e.g. logo, road signs, etc. Discuss and brainstorm symbols that tell them •f orr ev i ewaboutpthemselves, ur po se so nl y• something e.g. house, size/positioning of

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family, sports, hobbies, pets, emotions, etc.

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Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Treasure Hunt

r o e t s Bo r e p ok 12 + 3 = u S Start Here

14 + 3 =

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Find your way to the treasure chest by adding the sums.

17 + 2 =

14 + 5 =

12 + 5 =

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16 + 3 =

11 + 8 =

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 17 + 1 = •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super 14 + 6 =

12 + 4 =


Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Walk the Plank Can you find the hidden words?

r o e t s B r pirate e oo p u k S plank friend sea treasure

parrot ship


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jolly roger



© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons good •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• I
















































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Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Mirror Picture

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Complete the other half of the pirate.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Play 1: A Friend Indeed

A true friend is a treasure Draw a picture to match the words.

r o e t As friend ...B r e oo p u k S

... cares for you

... helps you

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... is kind to you

... smiles at you

... shares with you

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

... talks to you

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... is nice to you

o c . che e r o t r s super ... plays with you

Children can draw or copy words


Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Match Up

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Match the pirate words with the pictures.


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi e w pur posesonl y• jolly

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o c . che e r o t r s super pirate



Play 1: A Friend Indeed

Pirate Mask

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Cut out the mask and paste the handle on the back of the pirate’s chin, so that you can hold it in front of your face.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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A Few More Ideas to Build On ...

5. Telescope Make a telescope by gluing cellophane paper on the end of a cardboard tube.

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2. Pirate food Children draw or make pirate food such as a boat made out of celery and a cheese stick; or a treasure chest made by cutting the top off a cupcake and filling with smarties.

6. Walnut Boats Need: ½ walnut shell, Plasticene, a toothpick, material/paper for flag. Children have boat races in a tub of water. Maths: How many cannon balls (small balls of Plasticene) will your boat hold before sinking?

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1. Dress up Day Children come to school dressed as pirates and have a pirate party.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 3. Treasure Hunt • f o rr e vofi e ur posesonl y• Give children a list 10w p

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7. Make Bandanas/eye patch – Use material and elastic.

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things to find. E.g. •flat leaf •feather •smooth rock •something red •gold coin •thin stick, etc.

8. Pirate book Take lots of pictures of the children and make a pirate book for the class library.

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4. Treasure Chest Decorate a cardboard box like a treasure chest. Cut out two circles large enough for a child’s hand. Fill with various textured objects. Children feel and describe objects.


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r o e t s Bo r e p - Play 2 - ok u S

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Think Before You Act

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Teaching Notes - Play 2

Play Think Before You Act

Theme Thinking Skills

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S • Listen with purpose and understanding in a wide range of situations • Develop strategies to problem solve • Develop and use critical thinking skills • Work co-operatively as a team to produce the dramatisation for an audience

Recognising/Sequencing Graphing Dramatising Predicting Imagining

Skills Cause & Effect Inferring Recalling Thinking Listening

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Students will:

Problem Solving Drawing Conclusions Creating Analysing Comparing

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Language Cloze Thinking Comparison Writing

Integrated Curriculum Activities Maths S&E/Science Arts Matching Looking after a Popstick puppets Ordinals pet Dramatise story using Graphing Problem solving puppets

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The Hobyahs – Robert D. San Souci Thinking Stories – Jackie Scott 101 Fresh and Fun Critical Thinking Activities (Yrs 1-3) – Laurie Rozakis Activities for Critical Thinking K-2 – Paine Learning Aids Centre


• Do students know how to listen effectively? • Can students apply problem solving skills to situations? • Did students work co-operatively? • Did students enjoy performing to an audience?


Play 2: Think Before You Act

Production Notes Costumes

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

• Man Pants, shirt, braces, dressing gown.

• Woman Long dress/skirt, apron, glasses made out of wire, dressing gown. • Dog Child with dog face mask, tail, legs and muzzle.

Or sheet with hole for head; Yum Yum headbands.

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Hair: stocking with wool on sides.

• Yum Yums Use your imagination, e.g. hessian bag – hole for arms and head; mop for head (elastic ties).

• Chorus Trees: children hold a leafy branch in each hand. Flowers: children wearing a flower mask.

© ReadyEdPub l i cat i ons Grass: children dressed in green t-shirt and green •f orr evi ew pur pastreamers o ses l y• tiedo atn wrist.


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• Props table, bed, muzzle, rope.


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o c . Yum Yums che e r o t r Table s super Trees








Play 2: Think Before You Act

Play 2 : Think Before You Act Characters:

Little old man Little old woman Dog 4-8 Yum Yums (baddies who like to scare people) Chorus (rest of class divided into trees, flowers and grass)

Suggested MUsic:

‘How Much is that Doggie in the Window?’ by Bob Merrill. See


Let us tell you a story, That’ll make you squirm and quiver. Don’t be scared, just pretend, It’s the cold that makes you shiver.

Once there lived a little old man, With a wife and doggie as well. Together they lived in harmony, With never a fight to tell.

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r o e t s Bo r e pand bedroom scenes ok Setting: Forest u S

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur poseso nand l y •act Man woman

Well, one cold night as they slept, The Yum Yums made their way, Creeping, grunting, growling, drooling, Hunting for their prey.

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out a domestic scene, e.g. getting dinner ready. Then put on dressing gowns. Man and woman asleep in their bed. Dog asleep near bed.

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Yum Yum 1: Did you see the juicy humans? Yum Yum 2: I couldn’t help but stare.

Yum Yum 3: We haven’t eaten all day long, Yum Yum 4: Let’s drag them to our lair.


Play 2: Think Before You Act

Out of the deep woods, Creep, creep, creeping


Through the long grass, Run, run, running.


On the tips of their toes, Grunt, grunt, grunting.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

WARNING! WARNING! (very loudly)

Yum Yums:

(SONG: Tune ‘Open, Close Them’)

We are coming, Creeping, sneaking, We don’t make a fuss. We are hungry For some yummies, Din, din time for us.

They licked their lips, but then ran back, Because of all the noise he made.

Old Man:

Stop barking, you noisy dog, I really need my rest.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Chorus: •f The little dog began to bark, o r r e v i e w pur poseso nl y• The Yum Yums were afraid. Dog barks.

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Old Woman: Tie up his tail, that will stop him From being such a pest. Yum Yums: Old Man:


Man ties up dog’s tail.

Yum Yum’s song (as above)

Stop your barking, you noisy mutt, What’s the matter with you?

Old Woman: Tie up his legs to give me peace, Yes, that’s what you will do. Yum Yums:

Yum Yums run off.

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Yum Yum’s song (as above)

Dog barks.

Man ties up dog’s legs.

Play 2: Think Before You Act

Old Man:

Oh for goodness sake, you noisy hound, Didn’t you hear what we said?

Old Woman: Stop your barking … or else … I know … tie up his head. Chorus: Oh what have they done to the doggie? When the doggie just wanted to say, The Yum Yums are going to eat them But all we can do now is pray.

} or eB st r


The Yum Yums came and stole the wife, The man hid under the bed. He didn’t think, he knew that now, He didn’t use his head.

Old Man:

I should have thought before I moved, I shouldn’t have acted so soon. My little dog just wanted to help. Boy oh boy, am I a goon.

Ties up dog’s muzzle. Doggie song.

Tune: ‘How Much is that Doggie in the Window?’

oo k

©I’mR eadyEdPubl i cat i ons sorry little doggie, I’mr saddened bye your pain. •f o r e v i w pur posesOld on y manl unties• dog. There you go, untied at last, They made a plan and saved the wife As the Yum Yums slept in their lair. Dog bared his teeth and barked his bark They couldn’t move … they didn’t dare.


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And you are free again.



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Old man and dog sit together nodding their heads. Go out to Yum Yum’s lair. They rescue the old woman and go back home.

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Dog barks.

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Yum Yum song. (as above)

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Yum Yums:

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And as our story comes to an end They’ve learnt a lesson or two, They know to think before they act, A wise move … I agree … don’t you?

The Yum Yums are nowhere to be seen, We’re happy as happy can be. If you love these happy, happy endings Just join in and clap with me.


Final song (tune: “How Much is that Doggie in the Window?”)

(Repeat music … clapping only)


Play 2: Think Before You Act

Cloze Activity Fill in the missing words.

r o e t s B r man save woman e o p ok u S dog thinks her legs eat

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1. The little old man and the little __________ woman had a __________. 2. The Yum Yums wanted to __________ them.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 4. The man tied up the dog’s __________. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 3. The little dog barked because he wanted to __________ them.

6. The __________ made a plan to save __________.

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7. Now he __________ before he acts.

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5. The Yum Yums took the little old __________.

Draw the part of the story which you liked the best.


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Play 2: Think Before You Act

Let’s Do Some Thinking

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What does a Yum Yum look like?

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr e vi ewhave pur p sesonl y• Let’s ao race

o c . che e r o t r s super

1. Who came 1st? ______________________________ 2. Who came 2nd?______________________________ 3. Who came 3rd?_______________________________ 4. Draw 2 Yum Yums coming 4th and 5th. 31

Play 2: Think Before You Act

Looking After a Pet Tell me how you would be kind to a dog.

I would

I would I would I would

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I would

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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m . u

Colour the things that you would use or do to be kind to a dog.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Play 2: Think Before You Act

Problem Solving If I have a problem this is what I could do.

r o e t s B r Plan 1 e o p What ok u S could I do?

Plan 2

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What is the problem?

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww

Good Result

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Not so good try again

m . u

Plan 3

o c . Action che e Result r This t iso what This is what happened: r s I’ll do: super


Play 2: Think Before You Act

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Let’s Make Some Puppets

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f o rr e i epuppets. w pur po seout so nl y• Colour inv the Cut them and

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glue a popstick behind each picture.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Get into a group with some friends. Act out the play ‘Think Before You Act’ with your puppets. 34

Play 2: Think Before You Act

Can You Find the Right House?


e p u S

oo k


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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. t o Mouse livese in … Number house. c . che e r o t r s supe r house. Cat lives in … Number Dog lives in … Number


Fish lives in …




Play 2: Think Before You Act

Problem Solving Draw or write four things that: are Round r o e t s B r e oo p u k S


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m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur poses on l y• make Noise

o c . che e r o t r s super

Play 2: Think Before You Act

Story Endings Discuss

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Finish these stories …

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Before children do the worksheet, discuss story endings. Have children seated in a circle. You can start the story, e.g. Once upon a time a little boy … then one student can add a sentence to the story. The last child must end the story. You can use different genres, e.g. Let’s make up a funny, sad, scary, happy, tall tale.

Once upon a time a little boy wanted a dog. But his mummy said there was no money to buy one. So one day the little boy …

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The dog wanted to go to school. Jim said, “Dogs don’t go to school. They stay at home.” So one day the dog …

o c . che e r o t r s super


Play 2: Think Before You Act

Pet Graph Let’s talk about the different pets that we have.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Ask your class what pets they have and record your information as a graph.

Dog Cat

Mouse Rat

Fish Bird


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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

w ww


No pets

. 1 te

m . u


o c . 1. Which pet is thec most popular? e her r o t s s r u e p 2. How many children have no pets? 2










3. How many children have birds? 4. If you could have a pet that is not listed what pet would you have? 38

Teachers’ Notes Here are some ideas for activities to do in the classroom. Thinking Exercises

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

How many different ways can you:

• Celebrate your birthday?

• Make your mum or dad happy? • Make a new friend? • Earn some money?

• Scare your teacher? • Spend a Sunday? What would Happen if:

• Fridges ate food?

1. Pass around an object, e.g. sock, pencil, lunch box, toy, key. 2. Each child says a word which describes the object.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Circle Game

3. Choose different categories – colour, shape, size, texture, weight, composition.

(These categories can be covered in a previous science lesson.)

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • Toys were real? •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• • You didn’t have thumbs? • You could be invisible? • Dreams came true?

w ww

What would … ?

• What would be better if it was sweeter?

Finish my Picture

1. Have a large piece of paper on the blackboard with a shape on it, e.g.

m . u

• Toilets could talk?

. tebe funny if it was alive? • What would o c . • What would be happier if it were c e her r free? o t s super • What would be scary if it was bigger?

• What would be more fun if it went faster?

2. Children take turns to add to the shape and try to make a picture.

• What would be safer if it was smaller?


Teac he r

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r o e t s Bo r e Play 3 p ok u S Dreams Really Can Come True

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Teaching Notes - Play 3 Play Dreams Really Can Come True

Theme Values - Sharing/Caring

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S • Perform a dramatisation to an audience • Recognise values of sharing and caring • Understand positional language • Understand rhyming patterns • Recognise their strengths and weaknesses • Respect differences in people





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Students will:

Sewing Learning values Problem solving © R e a d y E d P u b l i cat i ons Positioning Word Pattern Comparing Recognition •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Integrated Curriculum Activities Maths SOSE/Science

w ww

Making Lists Cloze Word search

Position Colour by Number Advent Calendar Ordinals Problem solving using codes

. te

Recognising strengths and weaknesses Family needs and wants

Arts Sewing Christmas tree Popstick Christmas tree

m . u


o c . che e r o t r s super


How the Grinch Stole Christmas – Dr Seuss (A Christmas Carol) The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Twomey – Susan Wojciechowski The Lonely Reindeer – Brenda B. Covert Santa Claus is Coming to Town – J. Fred Coots


Did Students: • Understand that each person is unique? • Use value skills in nurturing friendships? • Recognise language patterns used? • Display confidence performing to an audience?


Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Production Notes

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S


• Johnny normal clothes – a bit of a ragamuffin

• Dreamlings Band with crepe paper strips or scarves tied around neck. Tinsel band on head/ wrists and ankles. You can staple stars on strips.

• Narrator Angel – white crepe paper with silver or gold sash, wings, halo.

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• Santa Santa costume

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons • Props •chorus f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Toys for Setting:

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• Setting 1

FinalE Staging

o c . che e r o t r s super Chorus






m . u

Bed (boxes with a pillow and quilt)






Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Play 3 : Dreams Really Do Come True characters:

Santa Johnny 9 Dreamlings - divided into three groups. (You can add to this number.) Chorus – made up of toys, elves, fairies, reindeer Narrator – Christmas angel

Teac he r

Suggested MUsic:

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u Setting:SSanta’s workshop and child’s bedroom;

chorus is busy getting ready for Christmas; Santa is checking his list. Johnny is doing naughty things. ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ Words and music by J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie. ‘Catch a Falling Star’ by Paul Vance and Lee Pockness.

‘Alla I Want forChristmas is My Two Front Teeth’ © Re d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s Words and music by Don Gardner. •f orr vAi e w pu r posesonl y• ‘Ie Want Hippopotamus for Christmas’ Words and music by Jon Rox.

w ww Narrator: Chorus:

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m . u

‘That’s What I Want for Christmas’ Words by Irving Caesar. Music by Gerald Marks. ‘Nuttin’ for Christmas’ Words and music by Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett.

o c . che e r o t r s Dreamlings run to super

Well it’s nearly Christmas, Your dreams can really come true. Listen carefully to our story, It’s got a message for you.

Once upon a Christmas, In a land where dreams come true, Lived a lot of little dreamlings (pause) And Father Christmas too.


front and bow. Santa enters through centre – dreamlings part to allow him to make his entrance.


Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True


We are special children, And we know just what to do. We have a special magic To make you … believe in you.


Group 1: Sing “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth”

Teac he r

Group 3: Sing “That’s What I want for Christmas” Narrator:

Everyone was busy As Santa checked his list.


I think we have a problem here, It’s something that I’ve missed.

Little Tim has been good, Jane and Bill have too. But Johnny has a problem, I don’t know what to do.


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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Group 2: Sing “I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas”

All dreamlings and chorus gather around Santa.


This little boy has a problem. Why is he being so bad?


(Song) - ‘I’m gettin’ nuttin’ for Christmas’. Johnny is in

w ww

Santa looked at Johnny’s list And suddenly felt sad.


m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


his bedroom. When the song is finished Johnny lies down . to a restless sleep. t e o o you c . better bec good …’. e her r o t s super

Dreamlings: 44


In 3 groups they sing the 1st verse of each song. Others dance in background.

Chorus join in song at chorus section; then sing ‘s This calls for drastic action It needs a magic touch A smile, a hug and lots of love. Now that’s not asking much. Let’s use our special magic, Listen to what we say. We’ll spread a little happiness, It’s nearly Christmas day.

Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Catch a bit of love and put it in your heart, Share a little happiness. Catch a little smile and put it on your face, It’s not very hard to do. For love may come and tap you on the shoulder, One Christmas night. And if you want that little bit of magic, You’ll need a pocketful of starlight.


} r o e t s Bo r e p ok u } S

Teac he r Dreamlings:

If you believe in wishes, And believe that dreams come true, Then you can do anything, That you really want to do.


Johnny tossed and turned that night, The magic happened fast. When he awoke, he felt quite strange. WOW! He felt good at last.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• As Johnny looks at each sign an instrumental sound is made (e.g. xylophone, bells or chimes).


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I know what the answer is, I don’t need to frown. I’ll turn the corners of my mouth Up instead of down.

w ww


Rest of Dreamlings join in with humming.

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Dreamlings dance around the bed each dropping a sign on Johnny … HOPE, LOVE, BELIEVE, WISH, SMILE, HUGS, HAPPINESS, SHARE, CARE while humming ‘Catch a Bit of Love’.

Song: ‘Catch a Bit of Love’….Tune ‘Catch a Falling Star’.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Johnny was kind to everyone, And everyone was glad. He really felt much better, Being good instead of bad.


The Dreamlings were so happy, Johnny and Santa were too. So put some magic into wishes And they really, truly can come true.


Song (Santa Claus is Coming to Town)



Johnny shows everyone to their places … chorus in back, dreamlings in front of chorus, narrator, Johnny and Santa in front, ready for the finale. This action needs to be quick and done while the introduction to the next song is played.


Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Create a Scene

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te

o c . che e r o t r s 5. e Ar dog under the table. 1. Presents under the tree. sup Draw the following items.

2. Santa next to the tree.

6. Flowers in the middle of the table.

3. A star on top of the tree.

7. A boy in front of the tree.

4. A man sitting on the chair.

8. Yourself, anywhere you like.

I drew myself_ _______________________________________________ 46

Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Let’s Do Some Christmas Maths

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 14 + 2 + 6 = ___

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16 + 1 + 4 = ___

2 + 4 + 11 = ___

12 + 8 + 4 = ___

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 16 + 3 + 3 = ___ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s su er 11 + 8 + 3 = ___ p

Colour the cracker that adds to 17 in yellow.

13 + 7 + 5 = ___

15 + 5 + 6 = ___


Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Let’s Sew a Christmas Tree Photocopy this page onto green card.

Teac he r

2. Cut out the tree. 3. Use a plastic needle threaded with metallic thread or wool and sew from dot to dot.

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

1. Use a nail and press out the holes. *If you place a sheet of polystyrene or a washing sponge under the paper the holes will punch out easily.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 5. Add sequins 4. Tape thread at back.

6. Colour the base of tree.

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7. Cut out and add star to top of tree. 8. Attach string to star.


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and star.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

My Christmas List

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

Imagine that you could give your family and friends anything at all. What would you give to them?

I would give my mum ______________________ I would give my dad


© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons would give my brother ______________________ •I f orr ev i e w pu r posesonl y•

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I would give my sister ______________________   I would give my nanna ______________________

. t o   eI would give my pop ______________________ c . che e r o t r s r upe   I would give mys friend ______________________   I would give myself ______________________


Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Fill in The Blanks out

Teac he r


1. You’d better watch ____________________ 2. You’d better not ____________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons I’m• telling your ____________________ f or e vi ew pur posesonl y•

3. Better not ____________________ 4.

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r o e t s Bo r e p why ok u S town pout



5. Santa ________ is ____________ to _____________ .

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m . u

Draw a picture of Santa coming to your house.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Christmas Word Search

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S T

• Present

• Family

• Fun

• List

• Tree

• Stars

• Baby

• Reindeer

• Angel

• Love

• Santa

• Toys

• Good

• Bells

• Day






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Find these words in the Christmas word search.




© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons O B E L L S D I O •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• A












































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R o c U . che F A M I L Ye F r o t r s super Write what you want for Christmas in the cracker. T




Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Christmas Riddles Can you find the answers?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S



















































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1. What’s red and white and red and white and red and white? 17













©11Re dy8Ed ubl i c t i on 4a 5 P 14 5a 23 7s 7 •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• 16

2. Who says ‘oh, oh, oh’? 1











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. te o c 3. What do snowmen eat for lunch? . ch e r e o t r 15 25s 26p 21 r 14 26 17 23 2 14 s u e 15











4. A Special Wish for You … 24













Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Are We Different?

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Complete your own profile first. Fold this page in half and then complete a profile for a friend.

This is Friend ©R adyEdPub l i c aMy t i o ns This ise Me

•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

My friend has _________________ hair.

I have _______________ eyes.

My friend has _______________ eyes.

w ww

I like to eat:

m . u

I have _________________ hair.

My friend likes to eat:

My friend is good at: . t e at: o My friend needs to I need to get better c get better at: . c e her My friendst r I like: o superlikes: I’m good at:

I really don’t like: My name is:

My favourite game is:

My friend really doesn’t like: My friend’s name is: My friend’s favourite game:


Play 3: Dreams Really Can Come True

Popstick Christmas Tree You will need:

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

• Green cellophane paper (You can use Christmas paper as well.) • Ribbon

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Teac he r

• 10 popsticks (One cut in ½ for base of tree.)

• Decorations, e.g. stars, sequins, glitter, beads 1. Glue 3 popsticks together so that they make an equilateral triangle.

2. Glue cellophane/coloured paper © ReadyEondback Pu bl i ca t i ons of popstick triangle. 3. Repeat Step 1s and Step 2 to •f orr evi ew p u r p o e s o nl y• make two more triangles.

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5. Glue 2nd triangle to the middle of 1st triangle.

m . u

4. Colour or decorate popsticks.

6. Glue 3rd triangle to the middle of the 2nd triangle.

o c . che 8. Glue some ribbon to top e r of tree for hanging. o t r s s uper 9. You can use stick on stars, sequins, 7. Glue the two half popsticks together and then glue to base of last triangle.

glitter or beads to decorate the tree.

Note: If you glue onto cellophane it will cause it to wrinkle.


Teachers’ NOtes

Christmas in the Classroom Here are some tried and true activities that you can do.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Christmas Bells

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Use plastic cups to make bells. • Thread the cup with thick string/wool. • Tie a knot inside to make the pot secure. • Decorate each pot - either spray paint in gold/silver or just add glitter and sequins. • When dry, paint in PVA glue and roll in glitter. • Spray a twig with silver and push it into polystyrene block. • Hang your bells from the twig.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Giant Santa

w ww

Christmas Wreaths You will need a circle of wire. (A coat hanger is perfect - it already has a hook for hanging.) • Cut green garbage bags into 15cm strips. • Tie strips around the wire until the circle is full. • Add decorations and a bow.

. te

Christmas Gift

m . u

Think big … make a giant Santa. • Use a child to lie on double folded paper. • Draw around child, then colour and cut out. • Staple back and fill with cushion filling.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Collect some honky nuts. • Fill a clear jar with clean, dry honky nuts and add eucalyptus oil. • Cover the top of the jar with light material and tie around top with an elastic band. • Top up with a few drops of eucalyptus oil when needed.


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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

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