Developing English Skills Through Themes: Book 1 - Animals

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Title: Developing English Skills Through ThemesANIMALS © 2010 Ready-Ed Publications Printed in Australia Author: Frances Croft Illustrator: Terry Allen

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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r o e t s Bo45 r e p ok u S Cats 6 Activity Sheets


Dogs Activity Sheets

12 13-17

Horses Activity Sheets

18 19-23

Activity Sheets


Puppies Activity Sheets

30 31-35

Rabbits Activity Sheets

36 37-40

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Teachers’ Notes Curriculum Links

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Ponies 24 o •f or r evi ew pur poses nl y•

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Teachers’ Notes Animals is the first book in the series Developing English Skills Through Themes. There are seven sections in this book and the activities are suitable for students ten years of age and above.

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These activities relate to the English curriculum and have been carefully constructed to help students continue to develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The activities are fun, varied and the instructions are clear. The first page of each section provides basic facts for the students. These Activities:

• will help the students continue to develop their understanding of poems, short stories, diary entries and storyboards • can be completed by students with different abilities • allow students to succeed

© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s • could be used as an introduction to an in-depth study of the subject f o rr e i e p r posesonl y• • • allow students to v work inw groups oru individually • increase a student's confidence and raises his / her self-esteem

• It is suggested that the students' work be displayed.

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• Answers, where possible, are at the back of the book.

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• It is suggested that all students complete the first sheet before starting the others.

Each topic can be approached in different ways and the students may want to seek further information about the subject.

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Curriculum Links TAS - English Standards 2 and 3 • Reading and Viewing • Writing and Representing • Speaking and Listening

SA - English Standard 3 • Text and Context • Language • Strategies

ACT - English ELA 8, 9, 10 and 11

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VIC - English Levels 3 and 4 • Reading • Writing • Speaking and Listening

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NSW - English Stages 2 and 3 • Talking and Listening • Reading • Writing

NT – English Band 2 • Listening and Speaking • Writing • Reading and Viewing

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WA – English • 1 – Understanding Language • 3 – Conventions • 6 – Speaking • 8 – Reading • 9 – Writing

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© ReadyEdPu bl i cat i ons QLD - English Essential Learnings by l the end of •f orr evi ew pur p ose son y • Year 5

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Page 7 may help you complete these activities.

Read the text below about cats then answer the questions.

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It is thought that the Egyptians, who lived about four thousand years ago, were the first people to appreciate the cat. The domestic cat is usually small and it can extend and retract its claws. Its sharp, hooked claws are kept in a soft, leathery pocket at the end of each toe. To identify its territory, a cat will scratch trees and other objects.

A cat is an excellent hunter and it has flexible joints and powerful muscles. Its skeleton has about 250 bones and about 500 muscles. A cat’s supple spine allows it to move quickly and to pass through small places. Did you know that a cat walks on its toes?

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After jumping from a great height, a cat can land on its four feet and its tail provides balance when it jumps or falls. A cat’s whiskers are very sensitive and are used for testing obstacles and to help it find its way at night.

A cat uses its tongue for many purposes such as eating and grooming. It has excellent hearing and sense of smell, and when it hears a noise, it turns towards the sound. A cat’s eyes are special. At the back of the eye there is a special tissue and this allows the cat to see in the semi-dark. Cats have an excellent memory and their normal lifespan is about fifteen years.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Questions•f

1. Who were the first people to appreciate cats?____________________________

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2. Are cats’ claws sharp?_ _______________________________________________ 3. What does ‘identify its territory’ mean?_ _________________________________

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o c . 5. What does a cat use its whiskers for?____________________________________ ch e r er o t __________________________________________________________________ s super 4. What part of a cat helps it to balance?___________________________________

6. Name two things that a cat uses its tongue for.___________________________


7. Why are a cat’s eyes special?___________________________________________


8. What is the normal lifespan of a cat?____________________________________ 7

Page 7 may help you complete these activities.

Creative Letters s Cat 2

Write the word cat so that the letters resemble a cat.


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Explain how you should care for a cat. You could do this using pictures with captions underneath or in the form of a cartoon strip.

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. te Cat Notes

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . c e r Write brief notes abouth each of the following as they o relate er t s to cats: super flexibility____________________________________________________________ smell_______________________________________________________________ hearing_____________________________________________________________ jumping_ ___________________________________________________________ hunting_____________________________________________________________ food________________________________________________________________ 8

Page 7 may help you complete these activities.

Write A Poem s Catet 3

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Write a poem about a cat. Illustrate your poem. You could copy a poem or part of a poem. If you copy a poem remember to write the poet’s name and the title of the book underneath the poem.

Explain why you think cats groom themselves. Write the reasons inside the cat and around the cat if you need more room. *You might have up to eight reasons!

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Create A Book Cover Create a book cover for a new book on cats. Think of a title and include any information that will help readers understand what the book might be about. Decorate the book cover so that it will stand out from other books on the shelf. Complete this task on a separate piece of paper and fold the paper so that it looks like a book. 9

Page 7 may help you complete these activities.

Write A Bedtime Story Write a bedtime story for small children about cats.

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Young children like large pictures and short sentences in their stories. Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. In the beginning it would be a good idea to introduce your cat or cats. In the middle the cat or cats must encounter a problem. In the end the cat or cats should find a way to solve the problem or the problem is fixed for the cat or cats by someone else. Children like happy endings! Plan your work below.

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Problem it/they come across:__________________________ ____________________________________________________

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Your cat (s):_ _______________________________________

How the problem is fixed:_____________________________ ____________________________________________________

Begin your story here:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons _______________________________________________________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________


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. te o c _______________________________________________________________________ . c e her r _______________________________________________________________________ o t s s r u e p _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 10

Page 7 may help you complete these activities.

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Make a small Word Find. Write five or six words about cats in the grid below and surround the words with letters. *Give your Word Find to a friend to see if he/she can find your hidden words. Remember to keep a copy of your words so that you don’t forget them!

You Be The Judge!

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Cat Show

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You have been asked to be a judge at the Cat Show. Using dot points, show what you, as a judge, will look for in the cats.

. teCat Show o c . che e r o t r s super Judge's Score Sheet

Judge's Score Sheet

Poster Design On a separate piece of paper design a poster for the National Cat Show that will be held in your town. Think carefully about the information needed on the poster. What colours will you use? The size of the letters on the poster is also important. How much will it cost to visit the cat show? 11

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s g o D

Read the text below about dogs then answer the questions.

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The dog is related to the wolf, the jackal and the fox. The dog family is called Canis familiaris, which comes from the word canis, meaning dogs. Remains of a dog in Idaho, in America are thought 1 et to be 10,500 years old. She A dog has highly-developed senses of sight, sound and smell and can sense things long before humans. A dog’s world is based mainly on smell. A dog walks on its toes and has five claws on its front foot and four on its hind foot. All the dog family are carnivores, which means that they eat meat. Each dog may have a different diet which depends on the following factors: the size of the dog, exercise and age. Any diet should supply a dog with protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. A dog cannot only live on a meat diet. Fresh water should always be available. Each year a dog should see a veterinary surgeon to ensure that it has been vaccinated against diseases. Every few months, a dog should also receive worm tablets. These are essential as dogs are around humans a great deal of the time. The behaviour of a dog is very important. Many dogs attend an obedience school which caters for all types of dogs. There are several books explaining how dogs should be trained. The best method of training is to use a reward system and never punishment.

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1. What three other animals are dogs related to?_____________________________ 2. Do dogs or humans have the better sense of sight, smell and sound?

. te o c 4. What do dogs drink?__________________________________________________ . c e r 5. What does the termh carnivore mean?_ ___________________________________ er o t s super 6. Why do dogs have to visit the veterinary surgeon?_ ________________________


3. How many claws do dogs have altogether?_ ______________________________


7. What tablets should dogs receive and how often?__________________________


8. How can we help dogs behave?_________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ 13

s g o D t2 hee

Page 13 may help you complete these activities.

Creative Letters Write the word dog so that the letters resemble a dog.


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Using pictures with captions underneath or in the form of a cartoon strip, show what a good diet for a dog would look like.

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. te Doggie Notes

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . c e h r Write notes about dogs under each of the following words: er o t s s r u e p exercise _ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ diseases_____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ obedience___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 14

Page 13 may help you complete these activities.

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Books On Dogs Find three books about dogs and write their titles below.

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_ ______________________________________________________________

_ ______________________________________________________________

_ ______________________________________________________________

Choose one book and write a new blurb for the back of the book. The book is going to be republished.

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_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Write as many facts about dogs as you can.

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Research Most cities and towns have specific rules concerning dogs. On a separate piece of paper, find out and record the regulations regarding dogs in your town.


Page 13 may help you complete these activities.

s g o D

Make A Dog Mobile Colour and cut out the dogs below. Give each dog a name in the space provided. On the back of each dog list three characteristics. Attach each dog to a separate piece of string and tie each piece of string to two overlapping sticks to make a mobile.

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Write An Article The public is very concerned about the behaviour of dogs. On a separate piece of paper, write a factual article explaining how dogs can be trained. Create a suitable title. 16

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Page 13 may help you complete these activities.

You wish to become involved in training a dog for the Foundation of the Blind. Complete the activities below. Draw a picture of a leash. Choose a name for the dog that you will train. Write and decorate this name inside the leash. Around the leash write words that would describe the personality of a dog that would best help a blind person.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Fill in the application form below for the dog training position. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Your name:_ __________________________ Your age:_____________________________

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Application For Dog Training Position

. te o  Skills that you have that will help you train c . che the dogs ( e r o t r s ____________________________________ super Male Female

e.g. patience, caring for animals at home).

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Paste or draw a picture of yourself here.

When can you start? ___________________ 17

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r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Horses

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Read the text below about horses then answer the questions.


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Horses have been on Earth for thousands of years. Domestic horses have been trained while wild horses live in herds. Many people believe that horses are magical creatures. Horses are bursting with energy and are full of the joy of living. A horse can become a friend and can survive almost anywhere. The care of horses is very important. A horse’s age is told by its teeth and its height is measured in hands.

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Sometimes horses, although gentle, can become dangerous. They are easily frightened and when this happens they can become violent. Horses can bite, kick, strike and bolt.

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Horses remain a fascination for many people from childhood through to old age. Today, there are many pony clubs. The top riders of the world often start at pony club level.

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Horses are herbivores which means that they don’t eat meat. They prefer to eat grass, oats and hay and need water to survive. They also like apples. They like eating small amounts steadily throughout the day. This is known as grazing.

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1. How do you tell how old a horse is?______________________________________

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2. How is a horse measured?_ ____________________________________________ 3. When and how do horses become dangerous?_ ___________________________

. te o ___________________________________________________________________ c . cherbivore e 4. What does the term h mean?____________________________________ r er o t s super 5. What do horses eat?_ _________________________________________________


6. Explain the term grazing._ _____________________________________________


7. What is a pony club?__________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ 19


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Page 19 may help you complete these activities.

Brainstorm Imagine that you are writing a book on horses. Brainstorm some titles for your book here. Remember a title must be catchy and relate to the book’s topic. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

1. Why do people use horses for work?

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Answer the following questions.

People use horses______________________________________________________

2. How do you think horses feel when they have a heavy load to carry?

I think that____________________________________________________________

3. What is meant by the saying, ‘The right horse for the right rider’?

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 4. Why do many people love horses? •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

The saying means______________________________________________________ I think________________________________________________________________

5. Why would you suggest a young person takes riding lessons?


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I would_______________________________________________________________

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. teabout horses. For each book write down the title, o Find four books author, cto set out publisher and the date that each book was published. Decide . how c e the information. On the back of this sheet, in paragraph form, describe the h r e o r book that you like the best and give ap reason. st s u er Library Research

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 20

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Write A Poem

Page 19 may help you complete these activities.

Write an acrostic poem about horses. Illustrate your work.


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Using pictures with captions underneath, or in cartoon form, show what a horse needs to eat and drink to stay healthy.

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Horseshoes On the back of this sheet draw one horseshoe facing upwards and one facing downwards. The one facing upwards symbolises luck. Write good things about horses inside and around this horseshoe. A horseshoe that is facing down is unlucky. Write problems associated with horses inside and around this horseshoe. 21

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Word Find

Page 19 may help you complete these activities.

Make a small Word Find to give to your friend to complete. Write five or six words which relate to horses in the grid below and surround them with letters. Don’t forget to keep a list of your words. Create a title for your Word Find.

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You are the horse and you have a small child on your back. There is a storm and you have to save the child. Write a poem or a short story or create a cartoon strip from the horse’s point of view.

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Make A Poster Make a poster for an event involving horses. Think about the information that you will need to include and about the impact of colour and size of the lettering. 22

Page 19 may help you complete these activities.

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Find Out About Horse Equipment


Draw and name some tack (equipment) used by those who work with horses.

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Using your research skills, show in some way how much it would cost to keep a horse for a year.

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o c . che e r o t r s super Create A Joke

Write a “knock knock” joke about horses on the back of this sheet. Try your joke out on the class.


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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Read the text below about ponies then answer the questions.

A pony is any small breed of horse. Most ponies are closely related Ponies to wild horses. Ponies are very strong for their size and are sturdy, tough and sure-footed. Ponies grow thick winter coats and can exist in extreme weather. It is well-known that ponies can survive on a poor diet, are intelligent and usually quiet. Ponies do not like living on their own and so in the wild they live in herds. A herd usually includes one stallion, three or four mares and their foals. Ponies can spend about sixteen hours a day grazing. This is called trickle feeding. One or two ponies remain on guard while the others sleep. Ponies only sleep for about three hours. When a pony grows taller than 147 centimetres it is considered a horse. The Welsh Mountain pony is known for its intelligence and good temperament. Another well-known pony is the Highland pony that grows up to 144 centimetres high. This pony was bred for deer stalking and is now used as a trekking pony because it can carry adults easily. The Shetland pony is the smallest pony in Britain. It grows up to 107 centimetres tall and has a wonderful character. Though this pony is small, it is thought to be the strongest of all the ponies. A long time ago these ponies used to work in the mines bringing the coal to the surface. All ponies need to feel safe and secure.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Questions•f

1. Why can ponies exist in cold weather?_ __________________________________

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2. Why do ponies live in herds?_ __________________________________________

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3. How much time do ponies spend grazing?________________________________ 4. Why do you think grazing is known as ‘trickle feeding’?______________________

. tsleep do ponies need?_______________________________________ o 5. How muche c . chea horse?_ ____________________________________ 6. When is a pony considered e r o t r sto the surface?______________ 7. Why were ponies used in the s mines to bring coal up er



8. Name three types of ponies and write one fact about each._ _________________



___________________________________________________________________ 25

Page 25 may help you complete these activities.




Write as many words as you can that relate to ponies. E.g. eating hay, bridle, hard hat, grass.

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You have to sell your pony because it is too small for you. Create an advertisement to display in a shop window. Write the best things about the pony. Say how old the pony is and give your reasons for selling him/her. Think about what else you will need to include on the advertisement, such as a contact number.

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Find Some Books About Ponies Find at least four books about ponies. For each book, on the back of this sheet, write down the title, the author, the publisher and the year that each book was published. You do not have to read each book. How will you show the information? Underneath explain why the date of publication is important. 26

Page 25 may help you complete these activities.

Caring For Your Pony





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What about a reward for the pony? _______________________


What will you say to your pony?___________________________


List your ideas in the table below. Why I would like a pony

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You just got back from riding your pony. Explain how you will care for the pony before you go inside.

Why I do not want a pony

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Create A Cartoon Strip

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Create a cartoon strip about ponies. Keep it short and use either captions or bubbles for the words. What will happen? Will the pony talk?



1. Colour and cut out the ponies below. Give each pony a name in the space provided. On the back of each pony list three characteristics. 2. In pairs or small groups create a mobile. Attach each pony to a separate piece of string and tie each piece of string to two overlapping sticks.

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Make A Pony Mobile

Page 25 may help you complete these activities.

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Page 25 may help you complete these activities.


Your little sister’s birthday is only a few weeks away. Design an invitation with a pony theme for her birthday party. *Think about what information needs to be on the invitation.

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Make An Invitation

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Find the following words in the Word Find below:

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• Shetland • eat • hay • •










. • grass te o worked • tough c . c e her r reward • intelligent o t s super sleep • grazing

• ponies •


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Word Find

• herds

• saddle


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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

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Read the text below about puppies then answer the questions.

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Puppies are small, cuddly and lively. Choosing a puppy is very important. A puppy may grow into a very large dog and need lots of exercise and food. A puppy can be a good companion 1 t e and when first separated from its mother and introduced into a She family home it often adapts to its new family without too many problems. A puppy requires a great deal of care. When it is first brought home, it will need a name, a sleeping area, comforters, food, water and cleanliness. To get a puppy used to its new bed, some people say that a ticking clock placed inside a pillow can give a puppy some reassurance as the ticking clock sounds like its mother’s heartbeat. One of the most important things to do when you first get a new puppy is to toilet train it. New born puppies are like babies and need to be trained. There is no point in growling at the puppy if it goes to the toilet in the wrong place. Many books about puppies give clear directions about how to go about this. One author says that the owner should never raise his or her voice when a puppy does something wrong. Informal training is the first stage in helping a puppy become used to its way of life. Praise and rewards will help a puppy learn.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Questions

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1. When a puppy is first separated from its mother and introduced into a new home, what six things does it need?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

. t e o ___________________________________________________________________ c . c e ___________________________________________________________________ her r o t s sup r e 3. Can you think of one thing that you could do to help toilet train a puppy? 2. Why might you need a ticking clock when you first buy a puppy?


4. Why do you think that you shouldn’t raise your voice when a puppy does something wrong?


5. What helps a puppy learn?_____________________________________________ 31

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Page 31 may help you complete these activities.

Creative Letters Try and write the word puppy so that it reflects the energy that it has.

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Words I Could Use About Puppies

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Draw a picture of a puppy in the middle of the box below. Around the puppy write at least twenty words that relate to it. E.g. chew, bark, leap, pull.

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Facts About Puppies On the back of this sheet list at least ten facts about puppies. Give your work a suitable heading, e.g. Puppy Fact File.


Page 31 may help you complete these activities.

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Write A Poem Write a haiku poem about puppies. *A haiku poem has 17 syllables and three lines. The first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables and the third line has five syllables.

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Write True or False next to the statements below. 1. Puppies need to be toilet trained.

2. All puppies grow to be big dogs who need lots of exercise.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i o_n s _____________ 4. Puppies are sor small that they don’tp have ap lot o of energy. o _ _____________ •f o r e vi ew ur ses n l y•

5. Ticking clocks can make puppies feel safe.

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6. Puppies need rewards and praise when they do something right. 7. There are many books about puppies which will help you to look after them.

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3. Puppies make good companions.

_ _____________ _ _____________

o c . che e Books About Dogs r o t r s sup r Draw a circle one the back of this sheet. In the centre of

8. Puppies need love.

_ _____________

the circle write: Books About Puppies.

• Find three books. Around the heading write the title, the author, publisher and one fact from each book. • Look carefully at the illustrations and photographs in each book. Write a short paragraph explaining how these add interest for the reader. 33

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Naughty Puppy It has been a hot day and you come home and find that your puppy has chewed your favourite toy. What will you say to the puppy? What will the puppy be thinking? Write it in the speech bubbles.

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Page 31 may help you complete these activities.

Think of six questions that you could ask when buying a puppy. Underneath each question write the answer. 1. Question:____________________________________________________________ ?


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2. Question:____________________________________________________________ ?

3. Question:____________________________________________________________ ?

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4. Question:____________________________________________________________ ?

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5. Question:____________________________________________________________ ?


6. Question:


Create A Picture Book Create a short picture book, in booklet form, for a young child about a puppy and its adventures. Have no more than eight pages in the book and keep the sentences short. For example on one page you might have the sentence “Fluffy Puppy woke at 7am” accompanied with a picture of a puppy waking up. 34

Page 31 may help you complete these activities.

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You have come up with a new brand of puppy biscuits. Think of a name for this exciting new product and design the box that the biscuits will be packaged in below. *What information must be on the packaging? Use colour to make the words and ideas stand out.

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Puppy Packaging

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Design and make a poster advertising a new type of puppy food. Think about the information that must be included on the poster and how you will make your poster stand out.


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Read the text below about rabbits then answer the questions.

Rabbits are classed as Lagomorphs, not as rodents. Lago means hare and morph means a form of likeness. Wild rabbits live in groups in the bush Ra and on farms and they build underground burrows. t e Rabbits have two sets of incisor teeth. They are herbivores and typically She 1 eat grass, leafy weeds, hay and fresh vegetables. They eat their own droppings to help them digest their food. Rabbits can make good pets. They can be trained to use litter boxes and are very timid and cuddly. Rabbits need exercise, food, fresh air and natural daylight. Rabbits are usually kept in pens, cages or hutches by their owners. It is important that inside their living areas they have interesting toys such as tunnels, shelves and balls. Pet rabbits can range in colour from pure white to all black. Their coats can be very short or long. The long rabbit hair can be collected and eventually spun. Rabbits warn others by thumping their hind feet on the ground. Their long ears sense predators. Rabbits are alert and easily startled. When threatened they are known to freeze and observe. They have five toes on each foot and move around on the tips of their toes. Baby rabbits are born blind and naked!

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1. What does Lagomorph mean?__________________________________________

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2. Where do wild rabbits live?_____________________________________________ 3. What do rabbits eat?__________________________________________________

. te do pet rabbits need?_ __________________________________ o 5. What four things c . che e ___________________________________________________________________ r o r st_______________________ su 6. Why do rabbits thump their hind feet one ther ground? p

4. Why do rabbits make good pets?________________________________________

7. How do they sense predators?__________________________________________ 8. What do rabbits often do when they are threatened?_ ______________________ 9. How many toes does a rabbit have?______________________________________ 10. Name two facts about a baby rabbit.____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 37

Page 37 may help you complete these activities.


Safe Underground


Draw a rabbit’s underground burrow from the outside. Around it write down or draw a number of other animals which you think threaten the rabbit.



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The words below relate to pet rabbits. What do you think they mean? adequate hutch

_ _____________________________________________________

gnawing block

_ _____________________________________________________


_ _____________________________________________________

moulting litter box cleaning

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_ _____________________________________________________

Keeping Rabbits As Pets

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o c . che 1. Why do_ ______________________________________________________ ? e r o t r s s r u e p 2. What specific___________________________________________________ ?

Write six questions that you would ask the owner of a pet shop about keeping rabbits as pets. Start with the following:

3. How much_____________________________________________________ ? 4. In what way____________________________________________________ ? 5. What kind of___________________________________________________ ? 6. Of what value__________________________________________________ ? 38

Page 37 may help you complete these activities.






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Design a new hutch for rabbits in the space below. Draw and label the new hutch. What specific features will it have? What materials would you use?

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Write what your pet rabbit would think about your new hutch design in the speech bubble above. Extra – make a model of your rabbit hutch design using any materials available to you, such as wire, drinking straws, paper, plastic, etc.

. te o c More.... . che e r Choose one of the following r to complete on a separate o t s piece of paper. super

Write a business letter to a firm requesting the prices of suitable hutches for a pet rabbit. Ask for the dimensions of each cage. Pay attention to the correct lay out. OR Write an article for a child’s magazine on How to Care for a Pet Rabbit. Use diagrams and pictures to help you make your points. Remember that children learn by looking at pictures. Include a computer reference if you can. 39

Page 37 may help you complete these activities.







Unscramble the letters and write the correct word beside it. *The first letter of each word is underlined. outml___________________ briehorev_____________________ urowrbs__________________ tchhu________________________

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mputignh_ _______________ ugnourddenur_________________ Choose three words from the list and write three sentences about rabbits on the lines provided.

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_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

You are a rabbit and you are dreaming about your favourite meals. Illustrate or write down your dream.

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Chatty Rabbits On the back of this sheet record a conversation between two rabbits who have just been placed in their new hutch. Create two boxes and in each box draw two rabbits with speech bubbles. Write what they say to each other in the speech bubbles. 40

Answers The cat is quiet and keeps its claws in. The personality of the cat. The cat holds up its head. Dogs P13 1. Dogs are related to the wolf, the jackal and the fox. 2. Dogs have better sight, smell and hearing than humans. 3. Dogs have 18 claws. There are ten on their front paws and eight on their back paws. 4. Dogs drink water. 5. Carnivore means that the animal eats meat. 6. Dogs must visit the veterinary surgeon because they need to be vacinated against different diseases. 7. Dogs should receive worm tablets every six to eight weeks. 8. We can help dogs behave by rewarding rather than punishing them, providing them with exercise and a good diet.

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Cat Notes P8 (Answers may vary.) Flexibility: This is the ability of a cat to arch its back and bend its body very easily. Smell: A cat has an excellent sense of smell and can smell far better than a human. A blind cat can move freely because of its sense of smell. Hearing: A cat has sharp hearing and will turn its head in the direction of the sound. Jumping: When jumping, a cat uses its tail for balance. Hunting: A cat is a natural hunter and will survive in a forest by catching prey. A cat will often play with the small animal that it catches before eating it. Food: Cats eat meat and need a variety of food. Cats also eat grass and this is natural.

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Cats P7 1. The Egyptians were the first people to appreciate cats. 2. Yes, cats’ claws are sharp. 3. 'Identify its territory' means marking out where it lives and hunts. 4. A cat's tail helps it to balance. 5. A cat uses its whiskers for testing obstacles and finding its way in the night. 6. A cat's tongue is used for cleaning and eating. 7. A cat's eyes are special because the tissue at the back of the eye allows them to see in the semi-dark. 8. A cat’s normal lifespan is about fifteen years.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur p osesonl y• Doggie Notes P14

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(Answers may vary.) Exercise: This is very important because even small dogs need to run and have exercise. During exercise a dog will meet other dogs and learn to socialise. Exercise will ensure that a dog will rest quietly at home, allow a dog’s body to develop properly and make it feel better. Diseases: Some diseases that dogs can get are infectious. Parovirus harms the intestines. Kennel cough affects their lungs. Roundworms are intestinal parasites. Obedience: Dogs need to be rewarded when they do something right. A dog owner needs to respect his or her dog. Speak quietly and expect a dog to do what you say. Being consistent is essential.

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You Be The Judge P11 (Answers may vary.) Points to look for: The breed of the cat. The eyes are big and alert. The tail is strong. The cat's body is in proportion. The cat's fur is shining.


Some Of The Tack (equipment) Used P23 Saddles, stirrups, headgear, halters, bridles, bits, reins, harnesses, brushes, combs, hay, bags, lead ropes and hoof picks. Keeping A Horse For A Year P23 This may cost several thousand dollars a year. Students should think about food, the vet, insurance and grazing costs.

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Horses P19 1. The age of a horse is told by its teeth. 2. A horse is measure by hands. (A hand is 10.16 centimetres or four inches.) 3. A horse can become dangerous when it is frightened. It can kick, bite, strike and bolt. 4. The term herbivore means that the animal doesn't eat meat. 5. They eat grass, oat, hay and like apples. 6. The term grazing means that a horse eats a small amount throughout the day. 7. A pony club is an organisation where children can learn how to care about horses and how to ride.

Ponies P25 1. Ponies grow thick winter coats. 2. Ponies do not like living on their own so they live in herds. 3. Ponies spend about sixteen hours a day grazing. 4. Because 'trickle feeding' is when ponies eat a little off and on all day. 5. Ponies need about three hours sleep a day. 6. A pony is considered to be a horse when it is taller than 147 centimetres. 7. Ponies were used in the mines because they were strong, usually quiet and survived on a poor diet. 8. (Answers may vary.) A Highland pony was bred for deer stalking. A Shetland pony has a wonderful character. The Welsh Mountain pony is intelligent.

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Some Facts About Dogs P15 (Answers will vary.) Dogs have been pets for humans for over 14000 years. Dogs are muscular, even tempered and obedient. There are many breeds of dogs. Some can be working dogs, e.g. cattle dogs and sheep dogs. Dogs have 321 bones and 42 permanent teeth. Most dogs can detect scent better than humans. Dogs are carnivores. Dogs must have water to drink.

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Questions P20 (Answers will vary.) 1. People use horses for work because they are strong. 2. I think that horses would feel tired but they are always willing to help. 3. The saying means that a rider and a horse should feel comfortable being together. A person should not be too large for a horse and a horse should be the correct height for a rider. 4. Individual response. 5. I would suggest that a young person takes riding lessons so that he / she learns how to ride correctly. 42

Word Find P29







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Puppies P31 1. A puppy needs a name, a sleeping area, comforters, food, water and cleanliness. 2. A ticking clock might comfort a puppy as it sounds like its mother’s heartbeat. 3. Don’t growl at a puppy when it goes to the toilet in the wrong place. 4. The puppy is learning and a loud voice could frighten it. 5. Praise and rewards help a puppy learn.

Safe Underground P38 Animals that threaten rabbits are: foxes, dingoes, snakes, dogs and feral cats.

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Meaning of Words P38 (Answers may vary.) Adequate hutch: This means that the hutch has plenty of space, a litter tray and food and water. Gnawing block: This is a piece of wood that the rabbit can chew on. Bedding: Shredded paper or hay make a suitable bed for a rabbit. Moulting: This is when the rabbit is loosing its fur. Litter box: This is where the rabbit can be trained to go to the toilet. Cleaning: A rabbit's hutch must be cleaned at least once a week. Diet: Rabbits eat hay, vegetables and pellets. Fresh fruit can be given as a treat. Companionship: Rabbits make good companions as they are cuddly and timid.

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Facts About Puppies P32 (Answers may vary.) Puppies need: 1. Exercise. 2. Food / water. 3. Injections. 4. To be toilet trained. 5. A safe sleeping area. 6. A collar. 7. To learn to obey. 8. To learn to socialise. 9. Toys to play with. 10. A leash.

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7. A rabbit's ears can sense predators. 8. Rabbits usually freeze and observe when they are threatened. 9. A rabbit has twenty toes. 10. Baby rabbits are born blind and naked.

True or False P33 1.True. 2. False. 3. True. 4. False. 5. True. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True.

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Rabbits P37 1. Lago means a hare and morph means a form of likeness. So Lagomorph means like a hare. 2. Wild rabbits live in groups in the bush and on farms and in underground burrows. 3. Rabbits eat grass, leafy weeds, hay and fresh vegetables. 4. Rabbits make good pets because they are cuddly, timid and can be trained to use litter boxes. 5. Rabbits need exercise, food, fresh air and natural daylight. 6. Rabbits thump the ground to warn others of danger.

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Unscramble P40 Moult, herbivore, burrows, hutch, thumping, underground.

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