(F or Ages 9 - 12) (For
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Real Life Reading
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Written by David J. Cohen. Illustrated by Terry Allen. © Ready-Ed Publications - 2002. Published by Ready-Ed Publications (2002) P.O. Box 276 Greenwood W.A. 6024 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Permission is granted for the purchaser to photocopy sufficient copies for non-commercial educational purposes. However, this permission is not transferable and applies only to the purchasing individual or institution. ISBN 1 86397 454 7
Learning Outcome Links National Curriculum Level
Reading and Viewing
Reading and Viewing
Outcome Strand Organiser 2.7
Linguistic structures and features.
Recognises and interprets basic linguistic structures and features of texts.
Interprets and discusses some relationships between ideas, information and events in written texts with familiar content and visual texts designed for general viewing.
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Reading and Viewing
Integrates a variety of strategies for interpreting printed and visual texts.
Reading and Viewing
Uses several strategies for identifying resources and finding information in texts.
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Contents Learning Outcome Links
Teachers’ Notes
Bowling Discount Voucher
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CD Cover
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Advertised Position
Milk Carton Label
Pizza Menu Rugby Union Scorecard TV Guide
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Supermarket Shopping Receipt
The Chilli Chicken House Flyer Train Timetable
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 36 and Deli Brochure 38 • •Joe f o rJean’s r ev i e w pur posesonl y Cinema Ticket
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Teachers’ Notes One of the best ways to get students to read more often is to make connections with what happens in their everyday lives. If reading literature relates to children at a very personal level, they are more likely to embrace it. In this book are some examples of situations that children might encounter in their daily lives. These include such things as having to read discount vouchers, the TV guide and a movie ticket - all of which have immediate relevance and are of high interest to children. To get the most of out of each lesson:
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1. Initially, go over the real-life reading samples orally with the children. Ask them questions that draw upon their personal experiences. 2. Photocopy the question sheets and distribute. Answers can be written on the sheet or in their reading pads.
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3. Always mark work as soon as possible. Children are motivated most during this time and you can take advantage of their high interest.
4. It’s recommended you back up every real-life reading lesson by asking children to bring in real samples of the literature examined. Perhaps create a ‘Real-Life Reading Wall’ and encourage children to bring in sample items and post them on the board. This is a guaranteed way that children will read.
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Bowling Discount Voucher
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Bowling Discount Voucher 1 R Ten-pin bowling is a popular indoor game. As the name suggests, the idea is to knock down ten pins with a large round ball. Look at the discount voucher and answer the following questions. 1. What is the special bowling discount offer? 2. When is the special offer valid to (time and date)?
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3. How much would I save if I use one of these vouchers?
Explain how you know the answer.
5. What are three good reasons to bowl?
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4. All Bowling Alley City centres will accept this voucher. Is that TRUE or FALSE? (Circle one.)
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6. Why do you think the offer is called “Monster”?
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7. Why do you think Bowling Alley City is having this promotion over the holiday break?
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8. Why do you think this special Monster promotion is only valid at certain times?
9. For people to take advantage of the offer, they have to present the voucher when they book a lane. List two good places where you think Bowling Alley City should give these vouchers away to people.
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Bowling Discount Voucher 2 10. Do you think this discount voucher is a good offer? Why/why not?
R Use books in your library to help you answer the following. 11. Explain the difference between a ‘spare’ and a ‘strike’?
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13. Have you ever gone bowling before? If yes, where and with who?
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12. Do you know any of the rules of ten-pin bowling? Write down three rules you know:
14. Write down three things that are the same about soccer and ten-pin bowling.
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15. List three different paid jobs that could be done at Bowling Alley City centre.
16. Would you use this voucher if you could? Why or why not? Explain.
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17. This offer is valid over the holiday period. List ten other activities you could do over the holidays.
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CD Cover
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CD Cover 1 Compact Discs are a popular way to listen to music. However CDs have not been available for very long, in fact the first CD was only released for sale in 1982. They quickly became popular and affordable, with most homes now having a CD player and many different CDs to listen to. R Look at the back cover of the CD and answer these questions. 1. How many tracks are there on this CD altogether?
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2. What is the address of DJH Communications?
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3. What is the title of this CD?
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4. What song does BABYDOG sing on this CD? 5. Who sings UNCLE HAIRCUT?
6. Why do you think there are two CDs in this package?
7. Name the longest and shortest songs on Triple Jay Hottest Hits.
8. 9.
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons How long does the song JELLYBABY play for? •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• About how much do you think this CD would cost in the shops?
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10. Where does the money go when you buy a CD? List three companies or people who you think would receive some of that money.
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11. Why do you think CD ONE has 15 songs while CD TWO has 14?
12. Apart from a CD shop, list two other possible places where you could buy this CD.
13. Who do you think DJH Communications are?
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CD Cover 2 14. Think of another title for this CD and write it down.
15. Most products you buy will have a BAR CODE. What do you think a BAR CODE is used for?
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16. Write down three things that are the same and three things that are different about a rock music band and a symphony orchestra.
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17. This cover makes up the back of a CD. On a separate piece of paper draw a creative and interesting cover design. Display your design in your classroom when you have finished.
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18. Do you own any CDs? List four CDs you own or are allowed to play at home.
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19. Sometimes you’ll see a sticker on CDs warning that some of the songs have ‘explicit language’. This usually means there is swearing in the songs. Do you think it’s a good idea to warn people about this?
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20. Who is your favourite singer or artist? Write a paragraph about him or her and then draw a picture of your favourite singer.
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Supermarket Shopping Receipt
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Supermarket Shopping Receipt 1 R A receipt is a record of the transaction that has taken place. It is written proof of what you bought, where you bought it and how much you paid. Look at this shopping receipt from a supermarket and answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of the supermarket?
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2. What store number is it?
3. What is the address of the store?
5. How much did the milk cost?
6. How much did the honey cost? 7. What was the total cost of the shopping after rounding? 8. How many eggs were bought? 9. On what date was this receipt issued?
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4. How many items are listed on the receipt?
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons LTR: _____________________________ KG: ______________________________ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
10. What do you think these shortened words mean in the docket?
DOZ: ____________________________
G: _______________________________
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12. How were the items paid for?
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11. Why do you think Laynes use shortened words instead of printing the whole word out?
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13. How else can people pay for their shopping at a supermarket?
14. How much would 1 kg of potatoes cost?
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Supermarket Shopping Receipt 2 15. The bottom of the receipt says “Please retain your receipt for refund or exchange purposes”. List three reasons why someone might want a refund. i) ii) iii)
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16. Why do you think Laynes Supermarket wants to see the receipt before they will offer a refund or exchange?
18. What are the shopping hours of Laynes Supermarket?
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17. At what time do you think this person first entered the supermarket to go shopping?
19. Look at the items on the shopping list. List two different meals you could make from them.
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Where do you mostly shop? •items f o rnormally r evi ew psupermarket: ur posesonl y• 21. List ten you buy from the 20. Do you ever go supermarket shopping?________________
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22. Why do you think supermarkets are popular places to shop?
23. Supermarkets arrange their aisles so similar foods go together. What items do you think you could get in these aisles: FRUIT & VEGETABLES:
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Advertised Position
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
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Advertised Position 1 R Companies will advertise in the newspapers or on the Internet when a position becomes vacant or they need to employ a new worker. Have a look at the advertisement for a Dynamic Store Manager and answer the following questions: 1. What is the advertised job?
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2. Write down two facts you know about ‘Central Galore Shops’.
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3. When do applications for this advertised job close?
4. If you were offered this job, how often would you have to work each week?
5. How many people would you be in charge of? 6. Provide details of the salary and benefits for this position?
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9. Who do you send your application to?
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons List four important skills you need for this job. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
7. Where is the store located?
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10. Think of two questions to ask Eva about the job. Write them down. i)
11. How do you send your questions to Eva?
12. Where would you most likely see this advertisement?
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Advertised Position 2 13. List four duties you think you would have to do in a day if you were the store manager.
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14. List three possible reasons the last store manager left.
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15. A resume (res-you-may) is an outline of all the skills you have. For example, if you have computing skills, you can put that in your resume. If you have experience in sales, you can put that in as well. You should also include details about previous work experience. People use resumes all the time when they apply for a job. Apply for this job. Write a resume to Eva telling her why you want this job and what qualifications you have. 16. In the box below write and design your own advertisement for the position of ‘School Gardener’. What skills do applicants need? What is the salary and benefits? Where is the job located? What hours do they work? What do they have to do? Where do they send their applications? Post the ad. and have someone else in the class apply for it.
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Milk Carton Label
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Milk Carton Label 1 R You could find this label on any milk container. Look at it carefully and answer these questions: 1. How much milk does this container hold? 2. Who should not drink this milk unless on medical advice?
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3. What is the approximate cost of this product in the supermarket?
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4. What is the address of the company that produced the milk?
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5. Most of the milk we drink comes from cows. However, not everyone drinks cows’ milk. What other milk do people sometimes drink?
6. Cows’ milk is used for many things. List four different things people use it for.
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ‘Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back,’ is written on the container. What do • f o rr evi ew pur posesonl y• you think this means?
8. Why do you think it is recommended to “KEEP REFRIGERATED. Store at or below 4 degrees C”?
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9. This milk is REDUCED FAT milk. Who would be interested in buying this type of milk?
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Milk Carton Label 2 10. This is a 2 litre carton. The amount of liquid is measured in litres and millilitres. What units of measure would you use to measure ... a) Weight? b) Distance? c) Speed?
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11. If you wanted a refund for this product, what do you think you would need to do?
12. Imagine you wanted a refund. Write a letter to the company asking for one and explaining why you think you deserve one.
13. NZ is the internationally accepted code for New Zealand. Find the accepted code for these countries and add in any others you know:
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© Read yEdPubl i cat i ons ___________________________ United States Of America: ___________________________ •f o rr ev i ew pur posesonl y• Australia:
14. Bring a milk label from home. Show it to a partner and ask them five questions about it.
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15. Design and write your own milk label. Colour in and glue on to a used container.
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Pizza Menu
Pizza Heaven
PH: 132 1234
PH: 132 1234
Dial-a-Pizza or
email your order at pizza@pizzaheaven.com (all major credit cards accepted) Since 1982 168 High Street, Bentley Opening Hours: Mon - Sat: 11am - 11pm Sun: 12pm - 11pm Best Pizza Best Deals Best Service Yes, we accept competitor coupons All pizzas in Original Crust. Also available Thin Crust (no extra charge) or Extra Cheesy ($2 extra)
All Meat
The Works
Small 12" Medium 14" Large 16" $3.90 $6.90 $9.50 $3.90 $6.90 $9.50 $4.50
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Two Sausage BBQ Chicken Shrimp
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What you get Tomato, cheese, ham and pineapple Wild and domestic mushrooms, garlic, ham, green onions and mozzarella Mushrooms, onions, black olives and green peppers Italian and polish sausages, tomato sauce, spinach, sun dried tomatoes Seasoned chicken, barbecue sauce, onions, green peppers and bacon Shrimp, garlic, sun dried tomatoes, fresh tomato, olives and cheese Pepperoni, ham, sausage, beef and bacon Cheese, pepperoni, Italian sausage, ham, black olives, green peppers, onions and mushrooms Base, cheese, sauce, plus each extra topping $1
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Pizza Hawaiian Three Mushrooms Veggie
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Create $3.00 $6.00 $9.00 Your Own •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
Red/Green Peppers Salami Bacon Pineapple
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Anchovies B.B.Q. Chicken Fresh Garlic Pineapple Shrimp
Available toppings at $1 each Ham Onions Extra Cheese Fresh Tomatoes Fresh Mushrooms Pepperoni Black Olives Italian Sausage
Garlic Bread French Fries (Large) Chocolate Mousse Cake Cheesecake
Side Orders $1.45 Tossed Green Salad $1.95 Caesar Salad $2.50 Greek Salad $2.50 Premium Ice Cream
$2.95 $2.25 $3.95 $5.75
1.25 Soft Drink Can Soft Drink (375 Ml)
Beverages $2.50 Coffee And Hot Tea $1.50 Spring Water (375ml)
$0.95 $1.60
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Meal Deals Happy Hour 5-6pm, Mon-Thur, all pizzas pick up only - buy one, get one FREE. Saturday and Sunday only, order any 2 large pizzas, get a FREE 1.25 litre soft drink. Order any three small pizzas, get one extra one FREE. Receive complimentary garlic bread, dipping sauce and a cheesecake when you order 5 or more large pizzas. Extras Home delivery add $3.50. (Drivers carry a maximum of $20 in change. Limited delivery areas apply.) Dipping Sauces $2 each: Garlic, Pizza, Ranch, Nacho Cheese. Page 20
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Pizza Menu Questions 1 R Pizzas are a popular Italian dish. Look at the menu and answer the following questions: 1. List three ways you can order a pizza from Pizza Heaven: i) ii) iii)
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2. When did Pizza Heaven first open for business?
4. How much does each additional topping cost? 5. Which pizza/s can I order if I am a vegetarian?
6. In your opinion, which pizza do you think would be most popular?
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3. What methods of payment can you use to buy the pizzas?
7. Number in order what you think is the most popular to least popular of the three crusts:
© ReadyEdThin PCrust ubl i cat i onExtra sCheesy Explain why you put them in that order. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Original Crust
8. What times do you think Pizza Heaven is busiest? Tick the appropriate box. Between 4 and 7
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Between 7 and closing.
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9. Tick the three days you think Pizza Heaven is busiest? Why? Monday Friday Why?
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Between opening and 4
10. Why do you think the All Meat pizza is more expensive than the Hawaiian?
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Pizza Menu Questions 2 11. Why do you think Pizza Heaven gives away free items in their Meal Deals?
12. How much would it cost for one large “Three mushroom” pizza with two extra toppings, large French fries and a tub of premium ice-cream to be home delivered?
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13. How much would it cost for a pick-up order of: 1 large The Works, 1 large Vegetarian, a Caesar Salad and a 1.25 litre of soft drink if you ordered it on Saturday night?
14. Make up your own medium sized pizza. Write down all the ingredients and the total cost of the pizza.
15. If you had $20 to spend, what would you order? How much change would you get?
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17. Explain why you think Pizza Heaven charge extra for home delivery.
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16. Why do you think drivers only carry $20 change?
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18. What do you think ‘Limited delivery areas apply’ means?
19. Why do you think pizzas are a popular fast food?
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Pizza Menu Questions 3 20. List three different jobs you could do working for Pizza Heaven: i) ii) iii)
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21. List three places that could advertise the Pizza Heaven menu: i)
22. What is your favourite pizza?
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23. Write up your own pizza menu board. Think about all the items you could include.
24. In the box below, make up an advertisement for Pizza Heaven you could place in the newspaper.
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Rugby Union Scorecard
Time 3 9
Result oints Time Player Result © Re adyPEdP ubl i cat i o ns Points M.Burke pen-ok 3 5 A.Mehrtens pen-ok 3 • f orr e vi ew3 pu28 r po seson l y•0 M.Burke pen-ok A.Mehrtens pen-x Player
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conv = conversion pen = penalty X = failed OK = successful TEAM STATS Scores
Drop goals
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Rugby Union Scorecard 1 This is the scorecard for a rugby union match played between Australia and New Zealand (All Blacks). Rugby union is a popular game in these two countries and each year they compete with each other for the Bledisloe Cup. Rugby is different from many other sports because it is against the rules to throw the ball forward. To score points for your team you can either run the ball over the line at your opponents end of the ground or kick the ball over a cross bar. Australia and New Zealand are among the best teams in the world.
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1. On what date was the game played? 2. What time did the game start? 3. Who are the All Blacks?
4. How long did this game of rugby take to play (at least)? 5. How many people paid to see the match?
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons What was the final score line? •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• There are some shortened words used on this scorecard. pen-ok means the penalty
6. Where was the match played? 7. 8.
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R Answer these questions about the match:
What do you think pen-x means?
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What do you think conv-x means?
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What do you think conv-ok means?
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was OK and there was a score. To score with a penalty you have to kick the ball over the cross bar.
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What do you think stats mean?
9. Look at the score sheet to work out how many points you get for a: Penalty Conversion Try
10. There are in fact four different ways to score points in rugby union, what are they?
11. Who was the first person to score a try in the game? Ready-Ed Publications
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Rugby Union Scorecard 2 12. Who was the last person to score a try in the game? 13. How many different scorers were there for the All Blacks? 14. How many different scorers were there for Australia? 15. At what time in the game did D. Howlett score a try?
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16. At what time in the game did E. Flatley score a conversion?
18. Have you ever been to a rugby match? If so, when and with who?
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17. A. Mehrtens took all the penalty kicks for the All Blacks and M. Burke took all but one of the penalty kicks for Australia. Anyone can take a penalty kick, but why do you think the teams use the same people every time?
19. What sports do you like to play? Write one or two paragraphs about your favourite game.
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20. Pretend you went to this game. Write a match report summary of the game.
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21. Look through the paper at scorecards for some different sports. Show them to a partner and ask some questions about the game. Page 26
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TV Guide
TV Guide: Friday 20th 7
6.30 Teletubbies 6.55 Thomas The Tank Engine (R) 7.20 Bananas In Pyjamas (R) (G) 8.00 Golf: Classic Open 12.00 News and Weather Update 12.30 Golf: Classic Open continued 6.00 News and Weather Update 6.05 History Of Cricket 6.10 One Foot In The Grave: Christmas Special (R) (PG) 7.00 News And Weather 7.30 French And Saunders: Christmas Special (PG) 8.35 Monarch Of The Glen (M) 9.30 News Update 9.35 Happiness - British comedy series 10.35 Movie: Carmen’s Daughter (R) (B&W) (1936) 11.35 Open Learning 1.35 Rage
6.00 Morning Sunrise News 6.00 Top Cat and Scooby Doo (R) 6.30 In Harm’s Way 7.30 Droopy Master Detective (R) 10.30 Movie: The Christmas Star (1986) (R) 12.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Lois & Clark (R) 4.00 News and Weather Update 4.05 Movie Special: Christmas With Dad (1983) 6.00 News And Weather 6.30 Wild Life of Africa 8.35 Movie: How The West Was Won (1996) (R) (M) 10.55 True Hollywood Stories (MA) 11.55 American Football 1.00 Saved By the Bell 1.30 Home Shopping
6.00 Early News 6.30 The State of Affairs 7.00 Sabrina: The Animated Series 8.05 The Addams Family (R) 9.00 Man About Town - US Comedy Series 10.00 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) 12.00 Jerry Springer - US Talk Back show 1.30 News and Weather Update 1.40 Shooting Stars: Christmas Special Concert 5.00 Malcolm In The Middle (R) 6.00 News And Weather 6.30 The Westlife Story 8.30 Movie: The Mask. Starring Jim Carrey (1995) (R) (PG) 11.00 News and Weather 11.30 Walker, Texas Ranger (R) (MA) 12.30 Cops 1.40 Infomercials
6.00 National Early News 6.30 Bob The Builder (R) (G) 7.00 Dastardly Flying Machines (R) 8.00 Louis Theroux’s Weird Christmas 9.30 Movie: The Candle Stick Boy (R) (1979) 12.00 Midday News 12.30 Beauty and the Beast 1.00 Movie: Baby’s Talking (1992) 5.00 News and Weather Hour 6.00 The Simpsons Christmas Special 7.00 Carmen’s Back - US Comedy Series *NEW* 7.30 Seinfeld (PG) (R) Double Episode 8.30 Movie: The Brady Bunch Movie (1995) (R) (PG) 10.30 News and Weather Update 11.00 UK Video Hits 1.00 Religious programs
6.00 Japanese News 7.00 Cantonese News 8.00 Weather Watch 8.30 World Watch 10.00 Global Village 12.00 People Like Us 1.00 Inside Europe Today 2.30 The Best Of Rock Profiles (R) 4.30 Italian News 6.00 World News 7.00 World Sport 8.00 The Real Zulu Dawn (PG) 9.00 People Like Us: Managing Director (R) 9.30 The New Face Of Leprosy 10.15 News and Weather Update 11.00 Soccer UK Highlights 12.00 European Cups Highlights 1.00 Italian Soccer Replay 2.00 Movie: Forbidden City (Hong Kong) 1994
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(R) Repeat (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Recommended for Mature Audience (MA) For Mature Audience Only (B&W) Black and White Ready-Ed Publications
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TV Guide 1 R Television is a popular entertainment medium. Nearly every household owns at least one TV, many own two or three. Here is a TV guide of what is showing. Look over it carefully and answer the following questions: 1. What time and station is Jerry Springer on?
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2. What time and channel is the movie Baby’s Talking? 3. What does (R) stand for?
4. What does (M) stand for?
6. How long is the movie ‘How The West Was Won’?
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5. What age bracket do you think will mostly watch MA programs?
7. Why do you think the TV guide tells you the year movies were released in, e.g. (1936)?
8. Why do you think the TV guide lets people know which programs are in Black and White?
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9. Why do the TV stations show all the children’s shows in the morning and not later at night?
10. Look over the programs. What month of the year do you think this TV guide is for? Give reasons for your answer.
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11. Why do you think American Football is not in ‘prime time’?
12. How many movies are showing on this day altogether? Page 28
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TV Guide 2 13. Write down all the Christmas programs you can find.
14. Why do you think people want to read a TV guide?
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15. Channel 7, 9 and 10 all have early news programs at 6 o’clock. Who do you think would watch these programs and why?
16. Carmen’s Daughter is on Channel 2 at 10.35 pm. Make up a story line for this movie. Write down one or two paragraphs on what you think it could be about.
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17. What is your favourite program on TV? Why? Write one or two paragraphs telling what the program is about and why it’s your favourite.
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18. Imagine you have been asked to come up with a new TV program. What is it about?
19. Write a TV review for one of your favourite programs.
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Chilli Chicken House Flyer
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The Chilli Chicken House 1 R Study the voucher for The Chilli Chicken House. Answer these questions: 1. How many stores does The Chilli Chicken House have? 2. How much does a Grilled Chilli Chicken Burger cost? 3. How can you pay for your purchase?
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4. What is the Chilli Burger guarantee?
6. When can you get two Grilled Chicken Chilli Burgers for $5.80?
7. Why do you think the voucher offer is limited to only one person?
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5. What offer is available on Tuesdays?
8. How do you think Chilli Chicken House will give out these vouchers to people?
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Have you ever used a special voucher offer for a fast food restaurant? When? Which restaurant was it for? •f or r evi ew pur posesonl y•
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10. Apart from Chilli Chicken Burgers, list five other items you think they could sell.
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11. Why do people buy food from fast food restaurants?
12. What is your favourite fast food restaurant? Why?
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The Chilli Chicken House 2
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R Make up your own special offers for a hamburger fast food place. Design your own vouchers. Colour in and display around the room. Use the box below.
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13. Collect some special vouchers from home and bring them to school. Pin them up on the wall and see how many the class can collect. 14. In 50 words or less, describe how a Grilled Chilli Chicken burger looks and tastes.
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Train Timetable
Train Timetable Effective from 1st October, 2002. It is recommended you always confirm times before travelling. Train services are subject to variation, especially at weekends (such as for engineering work) and public holidays.
Don Valley to Lycott: Monday to Friday
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Don Valley
All stops
All stops
All stops
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Queens Park
Garden City
Bell Park
0807 0720 0822 0835 0837 0907 © R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s Westfield 0813 0828 0843 0913 or r evi ew pu r poseson l y•0929 Wanden•f 0829 0844 0859 Whittlesea
Gibson Lycott
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Change for the North Windsor Line Change for the Willis Line No bicycles allowed This service does not run on Public Holidays
Validate your ticket before you travel $5 All day ticket $2.40 Adult one way (all stops) $1.50 Adult two stops $1.40 Under 17 and concession (tickets must be purchased with valid proof of identity) Children under 5 travel free Monthly Adult ticket $80 (all stops) Ticket refunds can be made at Head Office ‘Interlink Transport’ 45 Collins Street, City Ready-Ed Publications
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Train Timetable 1 1. What time does the first train leave from Don Valley? 2. What time does the last train leave from Don Valley? 3. What does ‘All Stops’ mean?
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4. What does ‘Express Service’ mean?
5. How long does the Express Service take to reach Lycott from Don Valley?
6. How much quicker is the Express Service from the normal ‘All Stops’ service?
7. Not everyone can use the Express Service. Why not?
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• What station do I have to stop off if I want to use the Willis Line?
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How do you know?
9. Who do you think would mostly use the train service in the morning before 9 o’clock?
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Don Valley
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10. If I left Croydon at 0630, what time would I arrive at Bell Park?
11. If I left Whittlesea at 0837, what time would I arrive at Gibson?
12. What is the quickest time it takes to get from Croydon to Garden City? 13. How much would it cost an adult to go from Doverton to Lycott? Page 34
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Train Timetable 2 14. How much would it cost an adult to go from Blackburn to Belmont? 15. Why don’t you think they allow bicycles on the 0720 Express Service?
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16. List two places where you might find this train timetable:
18. Why do you think anyone would want a refund?
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17. This timetable is written in 24 hour time. Why?
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19. Trains are a quick way to travel. List the different ways people can travel:
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20. Have you ever travelled on a train before? Write two paragraphs about your trip in the train. If so, when and where were you going? Who did you travel with? Did you enjoy it?
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Millennium Cinemas
Visit our website www.MillenniumCinemas.com
Millennium Cinemas
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Millennium Cinemas
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Tue 03 May 02 $6.60 (CON)
Millennium Cinemas
Visit our website www.MillenniumCinemas.com
Millennium Cinemas
RETAIN TICKET AT ALL w TIMES ww Millennium Cinemas
Millennium Cinemas
Millennium Cinemas
CINEMA 7 10:00 AM
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Cinema Ticket
Cinema Ticket 1 1. What is the name of the cinema complex for which the ticket is valid?
2. How much did the ticket cost? 3. What movie will the ticket holder be seeing?
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4. You will notice part of the movie title (PHL) has been shortened. Why?
6. There are at least how many cinemas at this movie complex? 7. What is their website address?
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5. What do you think the (CON) stands for that’s written immediately after the ticket price?
8. What sort of information do you think you would find at their website?
11. What rating is this movie?
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons 9. Where do you think the Millennium Cinemas are located? f o rthe r e vi ew pu r p sesonl y• 10. Why • do you think ticket says “Retain ticket at o all times”? 12. Think of three different paid jobs people could do at a movie complex: i)
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13. What days of the week do you think movie cinemas are most popular and why?
14. What types of movies do you like best?
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Cinema Ticket 2 16. What was the last film you saw? Where did you see it and whom did you see it with?
15. Who else can you go with to the movies?
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17. Write a short film review about what you saw. Who was in it, what was it about and what did you think about it and why?
18. Write two paragraphs about an actor or actress you know about.
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
19. Find a movie ticket and bring it to school. Show it to a partner and ask them five questions about it.
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20. Create and design your own movie ticket. Display it around the room.
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Joe and Jean’s Deli Brochure
Joe and Jean’s Deli
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Br ead
Joe & Jean’s Deli
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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Agents For: We Sell: • f o r r e v i e w p u r p o s e s o nl y• Dave’s Dry Cleaning
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Cakes Hot Pies Pasties Sausage . Rolls te o c Sandwiches . Opening Hours: ch e r o Milk t Mon - Fri 6 e am to 6 pm r s super Bread Sat - 7am to 7 pm Eggs Sun - 7 am to 6 pm
(24 hour turn around) Post Office The Common Bank Kev’s Keycutting
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Joe and Jean’s Deli 1 R Many shops decorate their windows so people walking past can see what they do or sell. The panels on the brochure show what the signs say in Joe and Jean’s Deli windows. Use them to help you answer these questions: 1. List three things you can buy at Joe and Jean’s Deli.
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2. What times are they open on Sunday?
3. When did Joe and Jean’s Deli first open? 5. List two businesses they are agents for.
6. In your own words, explain what you think an agent is:
7. What is the benefit of being an agent?
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4. How old is the shop?
© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•
8. Do you think Joe and Jean still work there? Why/why not?
9. How many people do you think work at Joe and Jean’s Deli?
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10. Can you think of a deli that is close to where you live? What do you usually buy from there?
11. Apart from the things that are already listed, what else do you think Joe and Jean’s Deli might sell?
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12. Life was different back in 1922 than it is today. What are some changes that have taken place since 1922? List five things you think are different and five things that are the same.
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Joe and Jean’s Deli 2
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R In the space below, design a shop window for your own deli.
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Pages 5 - 7: Bowling Discount Voucher 1. $5.50 for two people for one game of bowling including shoe rental, plus $1 off Cola and Popcorn Voucher. 2. Valid 8.30 am till 10.30 pm. All days except Saturday, until 25th January. 3. $5.50 4. True. This Monster Offer is available at all participating Bowling Alley City centres. 5. a) Meet new friends b) Get fit c) Have lots of fun d) Get away from the TV. 6. Because they want you to think this is a very ‘big’ and special offer. 7. Because that’s the time when most children will be looking for things to do. 8. Because that’s the quietest times. During the busy times, people will use the bowling ally anyway. 9. a) At school b) At the bowling ally itself c) In the mail (letterbox). 10. Answers will vary. 11. These are bowling terms. A spare is when you knock down the ten pins but in two different bowls. A strike is when you knock down all ten pins with just one bowl. 12. Answers will vary. 13. Answers will vary. 14. a) You can play both games in teams. b) Both involve scoring. c) The winners are the players with the highest score. d) Both games use a round ball. e) Both games are played all over the world. f) Both have a marked boundary. g) Both have rules. 15. a) Cleaning b) Maintenance c) Manager d) Coaching e) Serving at the desk. 16. Answers will vary. 17. Answers will vary.
11. CDs are based on the total time of the songs not the number of songs. 12. Over the Internet, direct from DJH Communications, from a book store, from a friend, from a second hand store. 13. The company that helped compile all these songs, as well as making arrangements to distribute the CD. 14. Answers will vary. 15. Bar codes are used to help identify the category and price of the product. 16. Similar: a) Both create and play music. b) Both are made up of people playing different music. c) Both are popular and people will pay to hear their music play. d) Both can have singers playing to their music. Different: a) Rock bands are usually made up of fewer numbers than an orchestra. b) Rock bands usually play their instruments through amplifiers to make them louder. c) Orchestras are usually led by a conductor. d) Rock bands have only been around for approximately 50 years but orchestras have been around for hundreds of years. e) Rock bands don’t usually have a string section in their band. 17 - 21. Answers will vary.
Pages 11 - 13: Supermarket Shopping Receipt 1. Laynes Supermarket 2. 376 3. 669 Glendown Parade 8456 4. 18 5. $2.56 6. $2.04 7. $35.75 (after rounding) 8. Dozen or 12 eggs. 9. 10:36PM 21-05-02 10. LTR: Litre; DOZ: dozen; KG: kilogram; G: gram. 11. The receipt is too small to allow full sentences and words. 12. VISA card (CREDIT CARD) 13. Cash and cheque. 14. 1kg = $4. 15. Possible reasons: Faulty product, already have that product, bought wrong product by mistake, no longer need it, bought too many. 16. To verify it was bought by you. 17. Answers will vary, but perhaps 9.30 am (hour before check out). 18. 24 hour shopping. 19. Answers will vary. 20. Answers will vary. 21. Answers will vary. 22. Supermarkets are conveniently located, carry a wide selection of products and are generally cheaper places to shop. 23. Answers will vary.
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Pages 8 - 10: CD Cover 1. 29 2. 3143 Brentwood Drive Westlake Village 9345 3. Triple Jay Hottest Hits. 4. Trouble No More. 5. UBOAT. 6. Too many songs to fit onto one CD (New technology will allow more storage space on CDs, but this technology has not been used yet). 7. Longest song is The Birds by Rush 5.40, and the shortest song is Spiderfood - Buy Me A Horse 1.41. 8. 4.05 mins. 9. Answers can range. Most accurate answer will be around $40. 10. Possible answers can include: Royalties to the songwriter, royalties to the band members, royalties to the manager, shop owner who sold the CD, wholesaler company, record company and the distribution company.
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5. Veggie and ‘Create your own’. 6. Answers will vary. 7. (1) Original Crust, (2) Thin Crust, (3) Extra Cheesy. The Extra Cheesy costs more so less people will want this. The Original is what most people want because that is what the Pizza shop uses as the standard recipe. 8. Between 7 and closing, because that is around dinner time for most people. 9. Possibly Friday, Saturday and Sunday because people don’t feel like cooking as much on the weekends. 10. More ingredients. 11. To encourage you to spend more. 12. $22.70. 13. $27.75. 14. Answers will vary. 15. Answers will vary. 16. Less chance of being robbed. 17. Need to pay the driver to deliver it. 18. They will only deliver to certain areas. 19. Answers will vary. 20. a) Pizza deliver y b) Chef c) Dish washer d) Taking orders. 21. a) Newspaper b) Letterbox drop c) TV d) radio e) Internet. 22. Answers will vary. 23. Answers will vary. 24. Answers will vary.
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Pages 17 - 19: Milk Carton Label 1. 2 litres. 2. Infants. 3. Between $2 to $3. 4. 16 Village Lane, Wellington, NZ. 5. Goats milk, powdered milk, soya milk, rice milk. 6. Drinking on own, cereal, baking a cake, hot chocolate drink, help make ice-cream. 7. If the person who bought the milk is not happy with it - for any reason - they can apply for a refund. 8. It is recommended to store the milk below 4 degrees Celsius to preserve the life of the milk. Warm milk will ‘go off’ and be unpleasant to drink. 9. People who are on a diet or are watching their fat intake. 10. a) Weight: grams and kilograms. b) Distance: metres and kilometres. c) Speed: kilometres per hour. 11. Responses will vary: Write to: Dairy Corporate Pty Ltd, 16 Village Lane, Wellington NZ, and explain why you want a refund. You should include the receipt if you have one. 12. Responses will vary. 13. Aust, USA, GB, Sing, Can. 14. Responses will vary. 15. Responses will vary.
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Pages 14 - 16: Advertised Position 1. Store Manager. 2. Facts: a) 15 stores across the state b) They are looking for a new Store Manager c) They sell everything from clothes to footwear to board games. 3. 20th of May. 4. Monday-Friday plus working every second Saturday. 5. 10 people. 6. $35 000 + bonus + 30% discount on items. 7. In the city. 8. a) Sales experience b) good at managing people c) honest and d) reliable. 9. Email Eva at eva@email.com 10. Answers will vary. 11. Email. 12. Newspaper and the Internet. 13. Answers will vary, but may include a) opening and closing the store; b) balancing the till; c) handling customer complaints; d) selling; e) organising the rosters. 14. a) New job; b) leaving town; c) fired; d) fallen ill; e) having a baby. 15. Answers will vary. 16. Answers will vary.
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Pages 20 - 23: Pizza Menu 1. a) Phone b) walk in c) email. 2. 1982. 3. Credit card or cash. 4. $1 each. Ready-Ed Publications
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Pages 24 - 26: Rugby Union Scorecard 1. 1st September 2001. 2. 1900 or 7 o’clock . 3. New Zealand Rugby Team. 4. 80 minutes. 5. 90,978. 6. Australia 29 and All Blacks 26. 7. Stadium Australia, Sydney. 8. a) pen-x - penalty failed (no score); b) conv-x - conversion failed (no score); c) conv-OK - conversion successful; (score) d) stats - statistics; 9. a) Penalty 3 points; b) Conversion 2 points; c) Try 5 points. 10. Penalty, Conversion, Try and Drop goal. 11. M. Burke. 12. A. Mehrtens. 13. Three. 14. Five. 15. After 41 minutes of play. 16. After 80 minutes of play. 17. They are the best kickers in the side. 18. Answers will vary. 19. Answers will vary. 20. Answers will vary. 21. Answers will vary.
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Answers cont.
1031 (10.31). 1118 (11.18). Two hours and five minutes (Express). $1.50. $2.40. Too busy and/or lack of room on the train. Train station, newsagent and public library. Avoid any confusion over 12 hour clocks. Answers will vary but could include, train not running on time or not running at all. 19. Car, train, bus, tram, plane, camel, horse, airship, boat, bicycle, micro scooter, motorbike, skateboard, row boat, hang glider. 20. Answers will vary.
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Pages 36 - 37: Cinema Ticket 1. Millennium Cinemas. 2. 10 am. 3. Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone. 4. Doesn’t fit on the small ticket space. 5. Concession. 6. Seven. 7. www.millenniumcinemas.com 8. Movie start times, what movies are showing, cinema locations and phone numbers. 9. Frankston. 10. If you leave the cinema before the movie ends, you may need it to get back inside. 11. PG stands for Parental Guidance. 12. a) Serve at the food bar b) sell tickets c) clean d) run the movie projector e) usher. 13. Friday evenings and Saturday and Sunday. People have more time and can stay up later over the weekend period, starting Friday evening. 14. Answers will vary. 15. Parents, siblings, relatives, friends. 16-20. Answers will vary.
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Pages 27 - 29: TV Guide 1. 12.00 on Channel 9. 2. 1 o’clock on Channel 10. 3. (R) Repeat. 4. (M) Recommended for Mature Audience. 5. Mostly adults 18+. 6. Two hours and twenty minutes. 7. Gives you more information about the type of movie it is. b) Which version it is if remakes have been made. 8. So you know it’s not a fault with your TV. b) some people won’t watch old B&W movies. 9. Children will be asleep and not be able to watch the programs. 10. Christmas time, December. 11. Not as many people want to watch it. 12. Nine. 13. Six. One Foot In The Grave: Christmas Special, French And Saunders: Christmas Special, The Christmas Star, Christmas With Dad, Shooting Stars: Christmas Special Concert, The Simpsons Christmas Special. 14. Know which things are on and when, so they can plan ahead to watch what they want. 15. People who go to work early may want to watch the news before they go. 16-19. Answers will vary.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
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Pages 33 - 35: Train Timetable 1. 0600. 2. 0700. 3. The train will stop at every train station. 4. The train will stop at selected stops only. 5. Three hours and fifteen minutes. 6. One hour and forty-five minutes. 7. The train does not stop at all stations. 8. Croydon. Use the symbol to verify. 9. People wanting to get to work quicker.
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Pages 38 - 41: Joe and Jean’s Deli Brochure 1. Cakes, hot pies, pasties, sausage rolls, sandwiches, milk, bread, eggs. 2. 7am to 6 pm. 3. 1922. 4. Answers will vary (80 years in 2002). 5. Dave’s Drycleaning (24 hour turn around), Post Office, The Common Bank, Kev’s Keycutting. 6. An agent agrees to on-sell a service or product for someone else. 7. Increase business and give people an extra reason to visit the deli. 8. No. The shop was established too long ago for the same people to still be working there. 9. Delis are usually small shops, perhaps one or two people. 10. Answers will vary. 11. Answers will vary, but could include: cereal, fruit, vegetables, canned food, small goods, dog food, chocolate, flowers, magazines, newspapers, batteries, film, stationery, etc. 12. Answers will vary.
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Pages 30 - 32: Chilli Chicken House Flyer 1. 45. 2. $4.10. 3. Cash, EFTPOS and Credit Cards. 4. If you’re not completely satisfied with the quality of their burger they’ll refund your money. 5. Two Grilled Chicken Chilli Burgers for $5.80 and One Grilled Chicken Chilli Burger, plus a free soft drink. 6. Everyday after 4 pm during March. 7. So the company does not give away too much. 8. Answers will vary but could include letterboxes or slipped inside newspapers. 9. Answers will vary. 10. Answers will vary but could include: Soft drink, mineral water, coleslaw, chips, hotdogs and ice-cream. 11. Convenience and taste. 12-15. Answers will vary.
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