Smart Start - Life Skills for Early Learners

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smart start (life skills for early learners) © ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons

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•f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

. te o By Mary Ser enc Serenc c . che e r o t r s super

Illustrated by Terry Allen. © Ready-Ed Publications - (Revised 2012) Published by Ready-Ed Publications (2001) P.O. Box 276 Greenwood W.A. 6024 Email: Website: COPYRIGHT NOTICE Permission is granted for the purchaser to photocopy sufficient copies for non-commercial educational purposes. However, this permission is not transferable and applies only to the purchasing individual or institution. ISBN 978 1 86397 441 7

For tthe he T eac her Teac eacher The activities in this blackline master support the classroom teacher in implementing the health syllabus in the lower school, especially in the areas of positive self concept and social interaction interaction. Content areas include respecting themselves and others, making friends, co-operation, dealing with bullying, developing self confidence, developing healthy habits and attitudes, and respecting the environment.

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r o e t s Bo r e p o u k There are 20 topics. Each topic provides discussion/lesson ideas, an S activity sheet, a short rhyme and a photocopiable poster which can be enlarged for class display or photocopied for each child to keep. The Curriculum Grid on page 4 of the book provides links to Curriculum Strands and Learning Outcomes and will prove to be an invaluable aid when the teaching programme is being considered.

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Related Curriculum Strands and Learning Outcomes Theme: Litter disposal - Be a smart critter ... Topic 1: Activity Sheet: Rubbish Disposal Poster Topic 2: Theme: Feelings - Say sorry when you hurt someone! Poster Topic 3: Theme: Balanced diet - Chomp, Munch, Crunch ... Activity Sheet: Eating at School Topic 4: Theme: Listening skills - You have two ears. Listen! Activity Sheet: Listen Here! Topic 5: Theme: Art/Craft: non-verbal signals - Make a smile ... Rhyme and Poster The Smiley Face Song Topic 6: Theme: Caring and sharing - Make room for others ... Activity Sheet: Playing and Sharing Topic 7: Theme: Importance of friendships - Be a mate ... Activity Sheet: Friends Poster Topic 8: Theme: Enhancing relationships - Be the first to say hello! Poster Topic 9: Theme: Being organised - Neat and Tidy ... Activity Sheet: Health and Safety Rules in the Classroom Activity Sheet: Health and Safety Rules in the Playground Topic 10: Theme: Manners - It’s always right ... Activity Sheet: Manners Poster Topic 11: Theme: Dealing with anger - Had a bumpy kind of day? Activity Sheet: If You Are Angry Poster Topic 12: Theme: Group co-operation - Hop, two, three, four ... Activity Sheet: Groups Activity Sheet: Working Together Poster Topic 13: Theme: Body movement - Move, move, move your body ... Poster Topic 14: Theme: Physical activity - Switch off the telly, Switch on to sport! Activity Sheet: Physical Activity Diary Activity Sheet: Graph - Switch Off the Telly, Switch On to Sport Poster Topic 15: Theme: Achieving - Give it a go ... Activity Sheet: What Can You Do? Poster Topic 16: Theme: Accepted rules: Taking turns - Please learn ... Activity Sheet: Wait Your Turn ... Topic 17: Theme: Bullying - Bullies punch ... Activity Sheet: Bullying Poster Topic 18: Theme: Doing your best - Be the best you can be ... Activity Sheet: My Achievements Poster Topic 19: Theme: Self esteem - Look in the mirror ... Activity Sheet: The Me I Like Poster Topic 20: Theme: Family relationships - Let’s do the family thing ... Activity Sheet: Fish ‘n’ Chores Activity Sheet: Families

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riculum S tr ands and Lear ning elated Curr Str trands Learning Relat ed Cur Outcomes The following grid links activity pages in this book to Strands and Learning Outcomes as set down in the document “Health and Physical Education - a curriculum profile for Australian schools” (© 1994, Curriculum Corporation, 141 Rathdowne St, Carlton, Victoria, 3053). Teachers can further link these details to appropriate Strands of their own state curriculum documents if required.

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Health of individuals and populations

1.11, 2.11

Evaluate how litter affects their environment.


Human relations

1.13, 1.14

Demonstrate how thoughtfulness enhances relationships.


People and food

1.8, 2.8

Describe healthy food choices.


Human development

1.1, 2.2

Identify appropriate listening techniques.


Human relations


Demonstrate that non-verbal signals enhance relationships.


Human relations


Recognise that ‘caring and sharing’ enhance relationships.


Human relations


Recognise the importance of friends in relationships.


Human relations


Describe how friendly greetings enhance relationships.


Health of individuals and populations Safety

1.11, 2.11


Human relations



Health of individuals and populations

1.9, 2.9

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Human relations

Human movement


Physical activity


Health of individuals and populations


Human relations

Describe how keeping the environment clean makes it safer.

1.12, 2.12

1.13, 2.13

Describe how politeness and manners enhance relationships.

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Outcome for this Topic Students will ...

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Identify strategies for coping with anger.

Recognise the importance of working well in group situations.

o c . che e r o t r s super 1.3

Demonstrate simple movements through dance.

1.6, 2.6

Recognise the importance of recreational activity.


1.14, 2.14

Demonstrate physical achievements at certain ages. Explain why ‘obeying rules’ is an important element in maintaining relationships.



1.12, 2.12


Health of individuals and populations


Identify their strengths and achievements.


Health of individuals and populations


Identify what it means to feel good about themselves.


Human relations


Demonstrate skills that enhance family relationships.

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Describe strategies for unsafe situations such as bullying.

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Be a smar itt er smartt cr critt itter er.. Pick up your litter!

Topic 1

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Word Association activity - Write up the following lists: pizza box, tin can, emu, milk carton; lake, old tyre, soft drink bottle, newspaper; plastic bag, tree, paper cup, chip packet.

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o Questions: Which item does not belong in each line? Why do the other items belong together? What would happen if we dropped litter everywhere?

2. Web Activity (use scrap paper or blackboard)

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o Generalisations: There are many forms of litter. Litter makes a place look dirty or untidy. Litter can be dangerous, e.g. broken glass. It is important to keep our world safe, healthy and tidy. Our natural surroundings include animals, plants, lakes, rivers, mountains, etc. To take care of and enjoy our natural surroundings or environment, we need to dispose of litter thoughtfully.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew p ur posesonl y• old toys

Discuss and list different types of litter. Discuss safe disposal and/or recycling.

paper and cardboard


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old tyres

food scraps grass and tree clippings

old clothes tin cans . te o c plastic bags bottles . che e r o t 3. Emu Parade r s super

Organise a class emu parade to tidy the school grounds. Once back in class, discuss and list types of litter found. Pose question “What can we do to make our school a tidier place?” Brainstorm ideas in groups and list ideas. Put some into practice, e.g.

o Make up posters with slogans “Do the right thing ... use the bin!”, “Litter-free zone!” , “Don’t be a litterbug!” o Paint litter bins in bright attractive colours. o Allocate each class a specific area to keep tidy. o Organise a litter patrol to hand out stickers to children doing the right thing. Ready-Ed Publications

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4. Recycle Rhyme What do you see?

Mary Serenc

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o Follow-up craft activity: Ask children to bring a tin can or jam jar to school. Brainstorm possible uses, e.g. pencil holder, shaker, vase.

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What do you see? An empty bottle ... No, not me! A ship in a bottle, A collection of shells, A jar for my pencils ... A vase as well. Fill it with pasta, Spray it with gold, Sprinkle with glitter ... A treasure to hold.

o Decorate the jars or cans: e.g. Jars - Try one of the following ideas: Fill with shells, coloured stones, layers of different shaped pasta, beads, buttons, etc. Paint the bottles with stripes, zigzags or spots. Pour in coloured water. Add glitter and coloured stars. Fix lid tightly and shake. Tape photographs or pictures to the inside of a clear jar to make a round frame and fill with crumpled paper.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Tins - Try one of the ideas: • f o rfollowing r evi ew pur posesonl y• Cover in PVA glue. Roll in coloured rice. Glue on pasta patterns. Spray paint in gold or silver. Glue coloured ice cream sticks to the outside of the can. Glue strips of coloured paper or material to the outside of the can.

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Name: ..............................

Topic 1

Rubbish Disposal

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o Colour in the pictures that show the correct way to dispose of rubbish.

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Topic 1

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Be a smart critter. Pick up your litter!

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o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

Say “I’m sorry” when you hurt someone!

Topic 2

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Role-play Activity Choose small groups of children to role-play the following situations:

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o You are playing tag with your friends. As you tag one of your friends, you push too hard and he/ she falls down grazing a knee. What would you do? Discuss/talk about it.

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For example: Help them up. Ask if they are alright. Say sorry. Help them to a teacher if necessary.

o You are playing a game at lunchtime with your friends. Another child in your class asks if they can join in. You are mean and say “No, go away”. You feel bad when you see your classmate walk away crying. What would you do? Discuss/talk about it. Explain that sometimes people’s feelings are hurt and we need to make amends.

2. Discussion - Different ways to say “I’m sorry”.

E.g. Could include: saying “I’m sorry ... “, sharing, making a card, doing something kind, giving a hug, giving a small present.

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I kind of lost my way. I really didn’t mean it ... It’s been a bumpy day. Can you please forgive me? I won’t do it again. Let’s play together ... I want to be your friend. Mary Serenc

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons I’m so sorry ... f o r evi ew pur posesonl y• I’m so• sorry ... r

3. Rhyme

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Topic 2

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Say “I’m sorry” when you hurt someone!

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Chomp, Munch, Crunch Eat a healthy lunch

Topic 3

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Brainstorm Discuss and list favourite foods.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok 3. Fridge Poster u S

2. Ask a few of the children to show the contents of their lunchboxes. Discuss the value of the food in terms of ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’. Put the food from the lunchboxes into the two groups. Discuss healthy alternatives.

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o Extension: Make a poster of foods which are ‘OK to eat sometimes’.

4. Rhyme

Lunchtime ... Munchtime

Munch on an apple, Chomp on a roll, Crunch into strawberries ... Eat a whole bowl. Nibble on crackers With Vegemite spread, Chicken and salad On fresh tasty bread.

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Children make a collage of healthy foods by gluing pictures from magazines to a sheet of card. Children can display the posters on their refrigerators at home as a reminder of healthy foods to include in their daily diet.

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Mary Serenc

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Name: ..............................

Topic 3

Eating at School

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o Colour in the items of food which would be a good choice to eat at recess time.

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o In the lunchbox, draw what you take to school to eat at lunchtime.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

ve tw o ear s. hav two ears. You ha Listen!

Topic 4

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Partner Activity Children sit back to back. Each partner has paper and pencils. As A draws a picture, he gives directions to B who follows directions to draw his own. Compare pictures.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u 3. Small GroupS Activity 2. Discussion

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Discuss and list good listening techniques such as not fidgeting, not interrupting, looking at the speaker’s eyes, saying things like “I see” or “mmm” and asking questions at appropriate times.

When I was a baby ... Something funny happened ... Something scary happened ... My best birthday ever ... I was so embarrassed ... The best movie ever ...

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(2-3 children) Each child takes a turn to speak for one minute on one of the following topics:

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4. Microphone

Decorate a cardboard roll to look like a microphone (use silver foil and cotton wool for the top). Use it in small group or whole class situation allowing one person at a time to speak and use the ‘microphone’ whilst others listen. This activity encourages listening, and turn taking, and provides a simple support for those children who are shy. As a variation, pass a tennis ball, teddy bear, cushion, rock, shell, wand, or another special object to the next person speaking.

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Two legs for chasing, Two eyes to see. Two arms for climbing A shady old tree.

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5. Rhyme

o c . che e r o t r s super

Two hands for holding Ropes on a swing. Two knees bending higher Into the wind.

Two children argue Then make amends. Two children listening with two ears Are friends. Mary Serenc

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Name: ..............................

Topic 4

Listen Her e! Here! o Make up a list of rules on ... “How to be a good listener.”

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........................................................................................... How do you feel when someone doesn’t listen to you?


When does this happen to you?

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How could you solve the problem? ...........................................

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Draw ... . t


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Something you like to listen to ... Some equipment that you use to listen with ...

Ready-Ed Publications

Mak e a smile Make Par our ssty ty le. artt of y your tyle.

Topic 5

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Smiling faces make us happy. Make a group collage of happy faces using pictures from magazines to display in the classroom.

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2. Demonstrate how to draw smiling faces.

3. Draw the other half.

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i.e. eyebrows, mouth, eyes. Discuss how eyebrow shape alters a face.

Cut out smiling faces from magazines. Cut each picture in half and glue each piece to a sheet. Give the other one to a friend. Draw the other half to the face to match. Compare results. How different are they?

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4. Smile Badges

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. te 5. Reading

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Make “SMILE” badges or necklaces using pieces of coloured card.

o c . che e r o t r s s r u e p 6. Visit the Smile website:

Read “Mr Happy” and other stories in the Mr Men Series and Little Miss Series. Ask children to draw their own Mr Happy or Miss Sunshine.

and go to The Smiley Face song link to hear The Smiley Face Song. © 1998 Charlie Ball. The words to this song are shown on Page 17.

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7. Rhyme Smiley Face Smile when you meet someone, Smile when you don’t. Smile when a billy goat Nibbles at your coat. Smile at grandpa’s jokes, Smile at the camera. A great cheesy smile For your dear sweet grandma.

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Smile for presents, Smile for surprises. Smile for people dressed up In disguises. Smile at babies Who dribble and drool, But save your best smile For friends at school. Mary Serenc

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Topic 5


The Smiley F ace Face or e st B Song r

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oo k

(Copyright 1998 Charlie Ball)

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Chorus Give a little giggle, grin a little grin Do your imitation of a Smiley Face pin Open up your heart and let the sun shine in Then share it with your neighbours and your next of kin

1) Once there were some people who were feeling kind of blue ©called Re ad yEBall, dP bl i c at i o ns So they up Harvey heu knew exactly what to do He• drew ar Smiley made ito yellow tooo f o r evFace, i ewhep ur p ses nl y• It was sunny, it was simple and he said “I’m through”


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2) Well the people got excited when they saw what he had done So they made up Smiley buttons and they handed out a ton Which went around the world like the world goes round the sun For a smile begets another so there’s never just one

. tea little story of how Smiley came to beo Well that’s c . che Back in December of 1963 e r o t r Call the Guinness Book of Records tell them s “Quick come see” super The happiest face in all of history

4) Oh, the moral of this story is to help the world to smile You do an act of kindness, you go the extra mile And what you do comes back to you in just a little while For goodness is contagious and it’s never out of style Used by kind permission of Charlie Ball. Ready-Ed Publications

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s, Mak er oom ffor or o hers, Make room otther Le hem pla y, Lett tthem play Kindness means A happ y da y. happy day

Topic 6

Teacher Notes and Activities

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1. Kind deeds lead to happy feelings.

Discuss and list things others have done for you or you have done for others, that made you happy.

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example: Sharing lunch, pencils, toys, etc. Helping with schoolwork, tidying up, etc. Helping if someone is hurt or upset. Inviting others to join in games and activities. Using words of praise and encouragement. Listening.

2. Role-play and Discussion

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Role-play children playing a game and another child walking up wanting to join in. Discuss and demonstrate various things that could happen. Discuss feelings in each situation. Encourage children to practise letting others in their game in the playground, however also stress the importance of fair play. “It’s great if you're allowed to play but remember to play fair and play by the rules or you may not be invited to play next time.” This would also be a good time to discuss winning and losing and dealing with those feelings.

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3. Rhyme

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A hug, A smile, A gentle touch. One kind word Can mean so much. Mary Serenc

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Be Kind

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Name: ..............................

Topic 6

Playing and Sharing

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o Look at this picture.

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Hullo, what’s your name?

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We were here first!

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o Colour the pictures below which show friendly behaviour. Would you like a turn?

o c . che e r o t r s super

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Be a mate ... Friends ar eg reat! are gr

Topic 7

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Discussion Discuss and list games children like to play with their friends at lunchtime. Children can later refer to the list to try a new game.

2. Brainstorm

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Brainstorm the qualities of a friend.

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example: Friends are nice to each other. Friends care. Friends help me. Friends share things. Friends listen. Friends don’t get you into trouble. Friends tell jokes and make you laugh. Friends play together and have fun.

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o Write these on card shapes, e.g. balloons, stars, diamonds, and display them in the classroom. o Make a ‘Friends’ Corner’. o Bring in photos of you and a friend.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Discussion Topic f o rr i eWhat wcan pyou ur se so l y• “There • is a new child ine ourv class. dop to o make him/her feeln welcome? How can

o Ask children to write a card or letter to a friend.


you become friends with him/her? How would you like to be treated?”

4. Partner Activities

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4. Rhyme Friends

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Write all children’s names on slips of paper. Draw out pairs of names for a variety of partner activities such as: a) Find 5 pictures of animals and glue to make a poster. b) Draw a picture together. c) Do a jigsaw puzzle together. d) Trace around one partner’s body on a large sheet. Draw and colour in fancy clothes, e.g. The Phantom, a cowboy, Cinderella, etc. e) Write a book together called “My Favourite Things”. E.g. My favourite colour, number, game, food, TV show, movie, pet, car, etc.

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Friends share, Friends care, Real friends are always there. Through thick and thin, From outside in, To pick you up And help you win. Mary Serenc

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Name: ..............................

Topic 7


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o Show how you feel about your friend when ... you quarrel

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o Draw a picture of your friends.

your friend gets hurt

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you help each other

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you do things together

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In the little boxes on the pictures above draw faces like these to match how you feel. Ready-Ed Publications

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Topic 7

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Be a mate ... Friends are great!

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Be the first to say hello!

Topic 8

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Discussion Topic “What do you do when you say hello? E.g. use eye contact, smile, use a friendly voice, use the person’s name, make a gesture such as a wave, nod, tipping of hat or shaking hands.”

2. Find out and practise saying hello in different languages

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S 3. Brainstorm example: Guten Tag (German) Bonjour (French) Buongiorno (Italian) Dobar Dan (Croatian)

Brainstorm conversation starters: Do you ...? Would you like ...? What ...? When did you ...? Why are you ...? Who ...? Are you ...?

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Hello Howdy-do Bonjour my friend. Konnichiwa too. G’day mate, How are you? Mary Serenc

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Hello orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Hi •f

4. Rhyme

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Topic 8

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Be the first to say hello!

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Ready-Ed Publications

tidy,, Neat and tidy Tidy and neat. Eit her w ay, Either wa It’s hard to beat.

Topic 9

Teacher Notes and Activities

r o e t s Bo r e p ok 2. Pencil Holders u S 1. Clean Up

Have children clean out desks, pencil cases, etc. Sharpen all pencils. Make labels for things around the classroom, e.g. sharpening box, folders, games, lost property, etc.

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Ask children to bring a tin can. Decorate with coloured paper, ice cream sticks, etc. to use as a pencil holder for their desks.

3. Discussion

Play “What if ...?”

For example: What if, in the school library, books were just left lying around wherever children were reading them, on the floor, on chairs, or upside down on shelves? What if children dropped their rubbish everywhere? (especially glass) What if the sports equipment was left out in the field at the end of the day? What if you left your dirty clothes lying around with your clean clothes? What if you left toys lying around the house?


© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s Generalisation We need things to be neat and tidy so that things can be found easily •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• and quickly, to be safe and to be clean and hygienic. What a mess!

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Can’t find your pencil? Can’t find your ruler?

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A neat tidy desk

Is so much cooler! Mary Serenc

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4. Rhyme

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Name: ..............................

Topic 9

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Health and Safety R ules Rules in the Classr oom Classroom

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o c . che e r o t r s super

o Glue the label on the correct picture. Colour in the pictures. Don’t run in the classroom.

Don’t rock on your chair.

Put all rubbish in the bin.

Keep your desk and work area tidy.

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Name: ..............................

Topic 9

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Health and Safety R ules Rules in the Playgr ound Playground

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o c . che e r o t r s super

o Glue the label on the correct picture. Colour in the pictures. Don’t run on paths or around corners.

Always wear a hat when outside.

Play safely with sports equipment.

Always put your rubbish in the bin.

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It’s always right To be polit e ... polite From ear ning, earlly mor morning, Till lat e at night. late

Topic 10

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Role-Play

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Discuss and role-play the sorts of polite expressions people use when they are out at dinner. E.g. Good evening; Welcome; Thank you; Would you like a drink? Could you pass the vegetables please? Excuse me, etc.

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2. Discussion

3. Rhyme

Two polite ladies Good morning! Hello, how do you do? Very well, very very well, and how about you? Quite good, quite good thank you. May I? Of course, Oh that is kind of you. You’re very welcome, You’re very welcome too.

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Talk about manners and conduct required in different situations. For example: On the bus, when shopping, going to a restaurant, at church, at a museum, etc.

Mary Serenc

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o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

Name: ..............................

Topic 10


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

When I answer the phone, I ...

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

o Complete each sentence below. Draw a picture to explain your sentence.

When I want to leave the dinner

............................................. table, ...c ............................... © ReadyEdP ubIl i at i ons ............................................. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•


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o c . che e r o t r s super

It is polite to ... .......................

When there is a line at the shop







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Page 29

It’s always right To be polite ... From early morning, r o e t s B r e Till late atonight. p ok u


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Teac he r

Topic 10

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

Had a bumpy kind of day? Let’s talk it over own a way. And w ash tthat hat fr aw wash fro

Topic 11

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Discussion Topic

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

o We all get angry sometimes. What makes you angry?

o Have you had a really rotten or bad day? What happened? (Ask children not to mention specific names.) o If you find you are getting too angry, what can we do? When you begin to feel angry try -

Teac he r

counting to ten; talking it over with someone (sharing a problem can help clarify things and maybe work out a solution or alternative); playing and talking to your pet (don’t take it out on them though!),

2. Rhyme

Is this you?

A red-faced monster With eyes that roll, Legs stomp stomping Out of control. Is this you? A red-faced monster Hands tight fisted A mouth that blabbers From a face all twisted. Is this you? OR Do you know how to control your temper?

walking away (time out lets you cool down); some physical activity (go outside, go for a walk or bike ride, go for a run);

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or try to think about or get involved in another activity.

w ww Mary Serenc

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Ready-Ed Publications

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Page 31

Name: ..............................

Topic 11

If Y ou Ar e Angry You Are o Arrange these ways of dealing with anger into two groups. Put them in the lists below. cry go for a run hit someone ride your bike scream go for a walk tell someone shout throw something breathe deeply go to your room bounce on a trampoline

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Acceptable Not Acceptable

................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons ................................................................................................ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

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Page 32

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o What makes you really mad? Draw this happening.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Topic 11

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m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Had a bumpy kind of day? Let’s talk it over And wash that frown away. Ready-Ed Publications

Page 33

Hop, two, three, four ... he ffloor loor Wor k ttog og loor.. ork oge ether on tthe

Topic 12

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Group Skills Group skills are important. Working together toward a common goal means getting along, listening to and contributing ideas. This is not always an easy task. However regular discussion on how we cooperate, and lots of exposure to group and paired activities will build the necessary skills and a sense of togetherness.

2. Brainstorm

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Brainstorm and list how we cooperate.


example: Group plays; Joint murals or construction activities; Problem solving activities, e.g. Solving a puzzle together: Give children envelopes with sentences which have been cut up. They have to match beginnings to endings; Use children in a group to make a letter of the alphabet with their bodies; Use children in a group to construct a moveable machine. Remainder of class guess what it is.

Teac he r

example: listen take turns make eye contact keep hands and feet to yourself stay with your group talk quietly be friendly help other members in the group share help clean up make room for others use children’s names

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •children f orinr e vofi e w pur posesonl y• Engage lots cooperative games/activities

w ww

4. Rhyme Let’s Go

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o c . che e r o t r s super

Hop, two, three, four ... Work together on the floor. Help each other, Do your bit. Teamwork’s great Get used to it. Mary Serenc

Page 34

Ready-Ed Publications

Name: ..............................

Topic 12

Gr oups Groups o Tick the groups below that you belong to. Use a different colour to tick the groups that you would like to belong to. Add extra ones in the spaces.

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

m family m Brownies m Cubs m football r o e st Bo m swimming r m Boys’ Brigade m e church m neighbourhood pschool m B.M.X. okm tennis m Girls’ Brigadeu m S m netball m .................. m ................. m play

o Draw a picture showing what you would do in one of the groups. Make sure that you name the group.

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m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

With which group(s) do you spend the most time? ....................... Which group(s) do you enjoy the most? ...................................... Which group(s) has the most members? ..................................... Which group makes you feel the most special? ............................ Ready-Ed Publications

Page 35

Name: ..............................

Topic 12

Working T ogether Together o Make a list of the things you need to do when you are part of a group. ................................................................................................

r o e t s B r e oo ................................................................................................ p u k ................................................................................................ S

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Teac he r


................................................................................................ Come on John!

Leave him alone John!!!

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

m . u

Look at the picture above.

w ww

What is happening in the picture? .............................................. ................................................................................................

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o c . How would you feel if you were trying to work with the group and c e h r this was happening? e o r st super


................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

What could you do to help? ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ Page 36

Ready-Ed Publications


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Teac he r

Hop, two, three, four ... Topic 12 Work together on the floor. Help each other, Do your bit. Teamwork’s great r o e t s Bo r e upGet used to it. ok

w ww

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Ready-Ed Publications

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Page 37

Move, move, move your body ...

Topic 13

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Movement Time Ask children to bring their favourite music to dance to. Ask groups to work out their own dance steps to perform for the class, or organise a whole class performance for others in the school.

2. Discussion

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Dance is great for fun and fitness. Brainstorm different types of dancing:






ew i ev Pr

Teac he r



ballroom ballet

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons “Head, shoulders, knees and toes ...” •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• “If you’re happy and you know it ...”

3. Teach children action songs

“Your head bone’s connected to your neck bone ...”

w ww

4. Rhyme Move

Move, move, move your body ... Groove, groove, groove your body ... You can shake it, You can rap it, You can tap, tap, tap it. Just move!

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Mary Serenc

Page 38

m . u

o The ABC song books are also a great source.

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

Topic 13

Teac he r

ew i ev Pr

Move, move, move your body ... Groove, groove, groove your body ... You can shake it, You can rap it, r o e t s Bo r You can tap, tap, tap it. e p ok u Just move! S

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Page 39

Topic 14

Switc he ttell ell y, h of elly Switch offf tthe Switch on to sport! Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Brainstorm Brainstorm favourite games/sports:

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u favourite S games/ gym






swimming netball

2. Discussion

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

hide and seek

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

Are television viewing and computer games a good thing for children? Do children spend too much of their leisure (free) time watching television and playing computer games? List favourite television shows, then discuss the merits of each.

3. Talk

Ask children to give a class talk on their favourite hobby or after school activity.

w ww


Switch off the telly, Switch on to sport. Soccer, netball, dancing, gym. Scouting, cricket, do the swim. Run outside, Don’t stay in!

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Mary Serenc

Page 40

m . u

4. Rhyme

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

Name: ..............................

Topic 14

Physical A ctivity Diary Activity o List all the physical activities that you do on every day of the week. (Include school activities.)

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Tuesday Day


Wednesday Thursday

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Teac he r



w ww


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m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Friday •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . c e Which day are you h most active? ............................................... r er o t s super Do you think you do enough physical activity in a week? ............ How could you become more active?........................................ .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. Ready-Ed Publications

Page 41

Name: ..............................

Topic 14

Switch Off the T elly Telly elly,, Switch On to Sport o Work it out: During a week how many hours do you spend watching television, playing the computer, playing outside - riding your bike, exploring, swimming, running?

17 16 15 14 13

18 17

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16 15 14

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12 11

13 12 11 10



7 6

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5 4 3

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8 7 6 5 4 3






0 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Page 42

Ready-Ed Publications

Teac he r

Topic 14

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Switch off the telly, Switch on to sport! Soccer, netball, dancing, gym. r o e t s Bo r Scouting, cricket, e p ok u do the S swim. Run outside, Don’t stay in!

w ww

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Ready-Ed Publications

m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Page 43

Give it a go, ver kno w. Or y ou ’ll ne know you ou’ll nev

Topic 15

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Creative Expression Give children lots of experiences at creative expression in new and different tasks. For example:

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Once children have completed an activity, discuss how they feel about what they have done.


ew i ev Pr

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Create an animal using 5 pipe cleaners. Try simple origami. Make up a puppet show using simple ice cream stick or finger puppets. Show children an old item of clothing, e.g. hat, coat, shoes, scarf, vest, bracelet. Ask them to write about or tell the class who may have owned it, giving details such as name, age, where they lived, family, hobbies, how it came to be lost, and so on. Create a necklace using string or fishing line and a variety of collage materials available, e.g. pasta, cut-up straws, beads, leaves, coloured card circles. Make group collages using pictures from magazines, e.g. flowers, animals, children, shoes, hats. Make a group jigsaw puzzle. Make up a group poster about our environment using letters cut out from magazines. Create a box sculpture. Teacher calls out a number, e.g. nine. Children must hold out the correct number of fingers as quickly as possible. Teacher calls out an object, e.g. boat. Children have two minutes to draw it. Then all hold up their drawings to show. Continue for five or six objects. Children then choose their favourite drawing for display in the classroom. Have plenty of paper and crayons/pencils on hand. Ask children to fill the page when drawing.

Teac he r

w ww

Climbing Mountains I think I can I’m not quite sure, I think I can I’ll do some more. I think I can I’ve got to try I think I can I don’t know why. Of course I can It just takes time. Of course I can I’ve made the climb!

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m . u

2. Rhyme

o c . che e r o t r s super

Mary Serenc

Page 44

Ready-Ed Publications

Name: ..............................

Topic 15

What Can Y ou Do? You o Tick the things you can do by yourself. m m m m

walk home from school read a book make your breakfast pour a drink

m m m m

swim without floats m walk to school tie shoelaces m write your name make a phone call ride a bike with trainer wheels

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u o Draw a picture of something you have just learned to do and S feel proud of. m ride a bike without trainer wheels

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

m get dressed for school

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m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

o Make a list of things you like an adult to help you with. ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ Ready-Ed Publications

Page 45

Topic 15

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

Give it a go, Or you’ll never know.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

Please learn to wait your turn.

Topic 16

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Discussion Topic o Discuss the importance of fair play when playing games:

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Wait your turn. Don’t sulk or complain if things aren’t going your way. Don’t cheat. Don’t make nasty remarks about others in the game.

o Play board games to practise taking turns.

2. Rhyme

Waiting at the tuckshop

Waiting at the tuckshop, Waiting for my lunch, My stomach is a-rumbling, My mouth wants to munch. Move up one. Waiting at the tuckshop, Waiting for my lunch, I can smell burgers, My teeth can’t wait to crunch. Move up one. Waiting at the tuckshop, Waiting for my lunch, Finally, it’s my turn, CRUNCH!!!

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

o Discuss situations where you have to line up and wait your turn, e.g. tuckshop, class lines, queuing at the check-out, etc. Why is it important not to push in?

w ww Mary Serenc

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Ready-Ed Publications

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Page 47

Name: ..............................

Topic 16

Wait Y our T urn ... Your Turn o Write and then draw four places where you might have to wait your turn. The first one is filled out for you.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

In the canteen line at school.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

Bullies punch, Bullies tease, Bullies yell, STAMP OUT BULLIES Tell, T ell, T ell! Tell, Tell!

Topic 17

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Discussion Topics

Teac he r

Talk about types of bullying, e.g. name calling, shouting, threatening, hitting, kicking, forcing you to do something you don’t want to do, nasty or hurtful remarks, pulling hair, and things done on purpose to upset you.

Stay cool. Don’t show you are frightened. Walk away and tell the bullies it doesn’t bother you. Tell them you’ve had enough and you are going to tell someone about it, a teacher/parent. Talk to someone about it.

2. Posters

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Rhyme

Make up anti-bullying posters with slogans such as:


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o No-one should have to put up with bullying. If children are being bullied, advise them to try do some of the following:

“Teasing is trashy. Scrap it!” “Bullies are thick. Give them the flick!”

w ww

Bullies punch, Bullies tease, Bullies yell, STAMP OUT BULLIES Tell, Tell, Tell! Mary Serenc

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o c . che e r o t r s super

Page 49

Name: ..............................

Topic 17


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

o Draw some pictures to show what you can do if you are being bullied.

Go to an adult or teacher. Leave the area.

Tell the bully to STOP. Stay calm.

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m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t sadr frightened s super

o Circle the words that show how you feel when you are being bullied. happy upset



o What other feelings do you have? .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. Page 50

Ready-Ed Publications

s r e p u S

Topic 17

Bo ok ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Bullies punch, Bullies tease, Bullies yell, STAMP OUT BULLIES Tell, t Tell, Tell! or e

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Ready-Ed Publications

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Page 51

Be the best you can be, Do the best you can do.

Topic 18

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Discussion Topics What are children good at (strengths)? What are they not so good at (weaknesses)? How can they become better at something? PRACTISE!

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

2. Ten minute activities

As long as children do their best, that is all that matters. Give them a number of short ten minute activities asking them to do their best:

Colouring activity; Skipping; Designing a card; Maths facts.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

For example:

Discuss results. Children should try not to compare themselves with others but evaluate their own performance.

3. Drawing

Draw yourself practising something you’d like to do better at.

Do your best. Practise lots, You’ll pass the test.

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Mary Serenc

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Page 52

m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Do your best f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Try your• hardest,

4. Rhyme

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

Name: ..............................

Topic 18

My A chievements Achievements Complete the sentence beginnings to tell about yourself. o When I was about two I could ... ................................................................................................

r o e t s Bo r e p ok ................................................................................................ u S ................................................................................................

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Teac he r


................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

o Now that I’m ___________ years old, I can ...

© R e a d y E d P u b l i c a t i o n s ................................................................................................ •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

m . u


w ww

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. te o c ................................................................................................ . che e r o ................................................................................................ t r s super

o When I’m a bit older I’d like to ...

................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ Ready-Ed Publications

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Topic 18

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

Be the best you can be ... Do the best you can do.

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Ready-Ed Publications

Look in tthe he mir or.. mirr ror What do you see? A very special person, ME!

Topic 19

Teacher Notes and Activities 1. Drawing

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

o Ask children to trace around their hand. Write a special skill or characteristic in each finger, e.g. nice eyes, friendly, good reader, can do the splits, plays cricket.

Teac he r

o Do a silhouette drawing using the overhead projector. Fill the outline with all words about ‘me’, or write a poem.

2. Discussion Topic

ew i ev Pr

o Ask children to draw a portrait of themselves, filling in the entire sheet of paper. Mix all the pictures. Show one at a time asking the other children to guess who it is?

Discuss favourite things, e.g. toys, games, books, food, places, hobbies.

3. Play “Who Am I?”

Give clues, e.g. “This person is a girl. She has long brown hair. She has brown eyes and a lovely smile. She loves horses. She has a baby sister.”

w ww

There is nobody, No-one, Just like me. Zero, Zilch, Can’t you see? There is only one you And only one me! Mary Serenc

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Ready-Ed Publications

m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons Me f o r...r evi ew pur posesonl y• In this• whole world

4. Rhyme

o c . che e r o t r s super

Page 55

Name: ..............................

Topic 19

e The Me I Lik Like

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

o Write in the outlines the things about yourself that you like or feel good about.

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m . u

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . o What do you think people like about you? Write five chother e r things (at least). e o r st super

........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ...........................................................................................

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Topic 19

s r e p u S

Bo ok ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Look in the mirror. What do you see? A very special person, ME! or e t

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

Page 57

Let’s do the family thing, Ge og her,, laugh and sing. Gett ttog oge ether Ha ve a barb y, Hav barby Kick a ball, All for one And one for all.

Topic 20

r o e t s Bo r e 1. Family differences p ok u S Teacher Notes and Activities

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

Discuss families and how some are different to others, i.e. one parent, extended with grandparents living at the same house, step-siblings, etc.

2. Family structure

Oldest, youngest or middle child? Does it make a difference to children how they are treated in the family? Do they have to help look after younger brothers and sisters?

3. Responsibility

Who has to do what in the family? Do mum and dad do all the work? Is pocket money earned for doing chores? What is fair?

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y• Communicating

4. Sharing

Do children have to share a room? Toys? Do they share friends? Do they like to share, or do they feel angry that they can’t have things to themselves?


6. Happiness and sadness

m . u

How does the family work things out? Sit down and discuss, shout and get angry, sulk and don’t talk to anyone?

w ww

What do children like about their families? Does the family do some things that make them sad, or upset?

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7. Other families

o c . che e r o t r s super

What do children like in other families that they have seen? Eating dinner altogether, going for walks, playing games together, quiet time?

8. Pets

Are pets a part of childrens’ families?

9. Rhyme Families

Let’s do the family thing, Get together, laugh and sing. Have a barby, Kick a ball, All for one And one for all. Mary Serenc

Page 58

Ready-Ed Publications

Name: ..............................

Topic 20

Fish ‘n’ Chor es Chores o Think carefully about your responsibilities around your house. Colour the fish in the tank ...

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S Play with younger brother or sister.

Go to the shops. Organise yourself for school.

Bring in the wood for the fire.

ew i ev Pr

Teac he r

yellow if you regularly do the task red if you rarely do this task orange if it is not possible to do this task blue if you sometimes do this task

Make mum and dad breakfast.

© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •Feed f otherr evi ewPutp ur posesonl y• away your toys.


Tidy your room.

Set the table.

Ready-Ed Publications

Wash or dry the dishes.

m . u

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Make your bed.

o c . che e r o t r s super Take out the rubbish.

Pull the weeds.

Put away your clothes.

Page 59

Name: ..............................

Topic 20


r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

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Teac he r

o Draw all the people who live in your house. Name them.

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o Any pets?

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© ReadyEdPubl i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

o c . che e r o t r s super

o Draw any family members who don’t live with you.

Ready-Ed Publications

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