June 2011 – Paper 22 Walkthrough Evidence document Task 1: Open the file and add your details to the header (best to use a 3 column header) Document production – MS Word Task 2: Open the file J11PORT22.RTF in MS Word Task 3: Page Layout > Size > A4 Task 4: Page Layout > Orientation > Landscape Task 5: Page Layout > Margins > Custom Margins – set to 3 and then add to evidence Task 6: Save with a new name Task 7: Header & Footer
Header: use a 3 column header and enter text as given Footer: use a 3 column footer o Click on left aligned placeholder and go to design tab > Date & Time (remove tick from update automatically) o Click on right aligned placeholder and design tab > quick parts > Field name > lowercase (remove tick from path name) o Delete the placeholder from the centre of the footer
Task 8: CTRL+A > then change to a serif font (Times New Roman) Task 9: CTRL+A > Paragraphs > Indents and Spacing > Line Spacing > Single Task 10:
Fully Justify > CTRL+A > CTRL+J First Line Indent > Paragraphs > Indents and Spacing > Special > First Line (include this in your evidence in case of discrepancies when the examiner is measuring)
Task 11: CTRL+A > change font size to 12pt Task 12:
CTRL+A > Paragraphs > Indents and Spacing > Spacing > After > 12pt Manually check through the document and remove the instances where there is an extra line space
Task 13: Go to the first line, press enter once, now go back to the new first line and enter the new heading accurately being careful of capitalisation and spelling Task 14: Click on first line > CTRL+E Task 15: Highlight title and change to 36pt Task 16: Highlight title > CTRL+U Task 17:
Click at the beginning of the first line of the body text and press enter once
June 2011 – Paper 22 Walkthrough
Go back to this new line that you have created and type in the sub-heading as given, being careful of capitalisation and spelling (remember that no formatting should be applied yet)
Task 18: Make the title and sub-title sans-serif (Arial) Task 19: Change subtitle only to 18pt Task 20: Change subtitle only to italic Task 21: Make the subtitle centre aligned Task 22: 2 columns
Highlight the document except the title and subtitle Page Layout > columns > more columns > two Add a screen print to your evidence
Task 23:
Click at the beginning of the first line of the first paragraph and press enter once In the new line that you have created, type in the new subheading being careful of capitalisation and spelling.
Task 24
Highlight the six subheadings by keeping the CTRL key down and highlighting each one This will allow you to apply the formatting in one go Change to italic (CTRL+I), sans-serif (Arial), 12pt and centre aligned (CTRL+E) If you have done the line spacing correctly in Task 12, this should be OK but is worth checking again manually.
Task 25
To find the paragraph quickly, press CTRL+F In the navigation box type in unique features Highlight the paragraph and drag to its new position (or cut and paste)
Task 26: delete the sub heading and paragraphs as given Task 27:
Use CTRL+F to find the text required Go to the end of the paragraph and press enter once At the beginning of this new line Insert > Table Remember that columns go left to right, columns top to bottom Notice that Task 27 says six rows; however, the table actually has 7 rows. You will need to do seven
Task 28: Task 29
Enter the text accurately and then double check it (notice spacing before cm in last column) Although the formatting of the table might not look right, do not change anything until asked to do so.
June 2011 – Paper 22 Walkthrough
Highlight first row then CTRL+E and CTRL+U
Task 30
Highlight bottom row > Layout > merge cells Centre the text (CTRL+E) Highlight top row > Design > Shading > choose a grey between 20 and 40% Highlight bottom row > Design > Shading > choose a grey between 20 and 40%
Task 31
Font matches body text (Times New Roman) Font is changed to 10pt Table fits within the column (remember that this refers to the text in the table and not the lines which can be just outside of the column width) No words are split over lines Line spacing should be single line spacing
Task 32
Right click > Table Properties > Cell > Centre If the table doesn’t look like you have applied this, include it in your evidence
Task 33: Design > Borders > All Borders Task 34:
Copy the table Open Excel and paste in the table Adjust the column widths so that it is easier to read Change the height values into numerical (remembering to include the minus values) To create the graph o Highlight the tide and height columns (use the CTRL key) o Insert > Column > 2D column
Task 35
Title >replace height with the new title (careful of capitalisation and spelling) X and Y Axis > Layout > Axis Titles Remove legend by clicking on it once and pressing delete
Task 36
Copy the graph Paste it as an image Set text wrapping to tight and position to centre Resize slightly so that it fits in the column (use right click > format picture > size) Include the resizing in your evidence
Task 37
Use Google images and type in harbour. Use the first appropriate image (do not waste time looking for the ‘perfect’ image)
June 2011 – Paper 22 Walkthrough
Copy and paste the image into the location given
Task 38
Right click > properties > size > change percentage Layout > set wrapping as tight and the position as centre Make sure that there isn’t an extra line below the image Make sure that the paragraph above the image is intact
Task 39
Spell check (F7) Manually check that the table is on one page Set widows and orphans automatically and include in your evidence o Paragraph > Line and Page breaks o Manually check that headings are with their paragraphs and not on their own
Task 40: Save and print Databases – MS Access Task 41
Check field headings o Open the file ‘J11CARS22.CSV’ in excel first to check the current names of the field headings and if they need to be changed. o In this case they do not Open MS Access o Make sure blank database is highlighted o Type in a new file name o Use the yellow folder to choose the location of where you wish to save the database o Click create Import the CSV file o Click on external data > text file o Use browse to find the file o Select “import the source data into a new table in the current database” o Click OK o Check that delimited is selected > next o Tick “first row contains field names” o Click advanced (change cost price to currency and dispatched to yes / no) > next o No primary key is required as the VIN is unique to each record o Next > Finish > Close Final changes o Open the table in design view and change the format in the field properties for currency (to Euros) and Dispatched (to Yes / No)
Task 42
Screen print the table structure
June 2011 – Paper 22 Walkthrough
As you have been asked to change the format of currency and Yes / No, provide evidence of this as well.
Task 43: Go to the end of the database and add the three records. CHECK your entries Task 44: Click the save icon Task 45: Produce a report
The report will be based on a query, so the query has to be done first Query o Create > Query Wizard > Simple Query Wizard o Choose all fields o Change name and modify design o Creating the calculated field Go to the first empty column and type in the following
Right click on this new field and change the format to Euros The criteria under country should be “UK” The criteria under dispatched should be “No” Run the query and do a quick manual check of the data to make sure that it is UK, not dispatched and that the delivered price field calculates correctly Save the query and then close it.
o Report o Click on the query in the left hand panel o Create > Report Wizard o Make sure that the query is selected in the Tables / Queries drop down list o Select the field names in Task 45 (all except country and dispatched) > Next o No grouping levels > next o Select model ascending for the sort > next o Select tabular and landscape and tick adjust field width to fit on one page > next o Change the name for the report > Select modify > Finish Formatting the report o Preview the report and then amend the field sizes o The field headings and the data must all be completely visible o Double check that the fields are in the correct order, change if necessary o Use Print preview to double check that the report is landscape and fits on the width of one page o Drag down the report footer and add a label with your name and candidate details o Remember to change the report header as given
Task 46: Save and print the report Task 47: second report
The report will be based on a query, so the query has to be done first o Create > Query Wizard > Simply Query Wizard o Make sure the table has been selected and not the previous query o Choose all fields o Change the name and then select modify design > Finish
June 2011 – Paper 22 Walkthrough
o o o o o Report o o o o o o o
Criteria under VIN should be *365C* or *366C* (Like "*365c*" Or Like "*366C*") Criteria under Fuel is “4” Criteria under Dispatched is “No” Run the query and manually check the results Save and close the query
In the left hand panel, click on the query that you just created Create > Report Wizard Make sure that the correct query is in the tables / queries drop down box Select the required fields in the appropriate order > next No grouping > next Sort by Port Ascending and VIN ascending > next The task doesn’t specify orientation; however, safer to go for landscape and adjust width is ticked > next o Change the name and then preview the report Formatting the report o Make sure that the fields are in the order required (rearrange if necessary) o Change the field widths so that all data and field headings are visible o Change the heading to one that has been given o Add a label to the report footer with your candidate details Counting the number of cars o Add a text box to the bottom right in the report footer as follows: o
Task 48: Save and print the report Task 49:
In the left hand panel, right click on the report Select as HTML document and tick “open the destination file” Click OK
Email Task 50:
Open your school email Click on contacts Click on new contacts Add the details and Save Add a screen print to your evidence showing how you added and also that it has been added
Task 51 / 52: Create the email and attach the file Task 53: Screenshot and add to evidence Task 54 / 55: Remove files as requested and then print screen directory; add to evidence Task 56: Save and print evidence document.
June 2011 – Paper 22 Walkthrough