Corbin Media Blitz

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Wichita State University

September 2017

College of


Students recently attended the Eclipse Watch Party at WSU’s Historical Corbin, Collg. of Education Bldg.

Total Eclipse

Media Blitz:

featuring WSU’s Human Performance Studies:

Asst. Prof. Heidi Bell

Bell’s research recently caught the attention of Ira Flatow, host of NPR’s Science Friday

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WSU’s Heidi Bell became

intrigued when she learned that the tongue is not just one muscle, but eight. She felt her background could be an asset to an overlooked problem; with aging an individual can suffer from loss of tongue muscle performance, which may



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disease, disorder, EXERCISE, and the eight muscles ofyour tongue

be possible to prevent in the same way other muscles are strengthened: with cardio and


resistance training.



H eidi B ell



PhD, Comm. Sciences & Disorders Asst. Professor in Dept. of Human Performance Studies Certified Personal Trainer Certified Nutritional Guide

Heidi Bell

@HVanR_Bell Heidi Bell

(Heidi VanRavenhorst)

{ } Science Friday NPR on KMUW Radio

featuring WSU’s Heidi Bell with Ira Flatow

Friday, Sept. 8 2:06-2:19 p.m.

Tongue muscles, Function & Rehabilitation


to the intricate realities of our tongues, Bell was in a basketball game NPR on KMUW Disease, Disorder & the Eight Muscles of Your Tongue as a freshman when a sports injury introduced her to exercise science formance, and effects when her spine first of aging and disorders gave out. commonly associated with the tongue,” said Extrinsic Muscles is one fun fact everyBell. Most people are one is always proud to aware of the ways that announce – it’s one of age or sickness can Palatoglossus those weird tid bits of cause issues with swalStyloglossus information that makes lowing, sleep apnea or us appear like we paid weakness with tongue attention in health performance. Bell’s reHygolossus class…except, we’re search will be incrediGenloglossus only 1/8 correct. Wich- bly beneficial for these ita State’s Assistant common problems and Professor is paving her for those that rely on “I came down from own career path by cor- tongue performance a normal rebound and recting the world about like professional musi- it just went – all four the tongue. Heidi Bell, cians or singers. levels became bulging Wichita State’s Assis Heidi Bell has a discs,” said Bell. tant Professor in the B.A. and MEd. in ExerWith therapy and a Department of Human cise Science - but a lot young spine, Bell rePerformance Studies of her education came turned to sports until has made it her area of from experience as an the discs ruptured comexpertise to understand athlete. While her aca- pletely while sitting in the “composition, per- demic journey led her class.

“The tongue is a muscle!”

“They had to turn the desk and lay me flat, I couldn’t move until the ambulance got there,” said Bell. At 19, Bell underwent a microdiscectomy and knew she would not

in ten titanium screws, 4 titanium cages, and herrington rods from L2-S1. She describes the surgery now as, “the best decision she ever made.” While back surgery used to have some very negative side effects tied to it, Bell’s Intrinsic Muscles surgery is what allowed her to get back to being Superior longitudinal as physically and academically active as she Vertical Transverse wanted. Inferior longitudinal Bell knew her athletic career was over so she put all of her focus Septum into an academic career that could also make be returning to sports. gree in Exercise Science, a noticeable impact. While growing up in followed by a Master’s Bell has the same creBlooming Prairie, Min- in the same degree. Her dentials as a lot of high nesota, Bell’s longtime major surgery finally level physical educacareer dream was to be came in 2006 when the tors, but the difference the Lead Athletic Train- damaged discs were between industry and er for an NFL team. As no longer helped by education is research a college student, her physical therapy. Bell and specialization. Bell’s injuries sidelined her had a 720 Fusion with expertise is not just spelong enough to see all multi-level instrumenContinued on 3 the opportunities astation, which resulted sociated with athletics and injury. In 1993 Wichita State hired Bell as a Student Athletic Trainer for volleyball, basketball and track while she pursued a Bachelor’s de-




Injury, Exercise & the Eight Muscles of Your Tongue

from page 2

function and rehabilitation as her dissertacialized, it’s interesting. tion topic within the After learning first semester of firsthand about the her PHD. While range of possibilities most researchinvolved with human ers in human performance, Bell beperformance came intrigued when dedicated their she learned that the time, money tongue is not just one and energy to muscle, but eight. She increasing speed felt her background or performance could be an asset to an in competition, overlooked problem; Bell’s 2015 Diswith aging an individu- sertation was, al can suffer from loss “A Comparitive Study of tongue muscle per- on Tongue Muscle Performance, which may formance in Weightliftbe possible to prevent ers and Runners”. Bein the same way other cause her research has muscles are strengthshown, the healthier ened: with cardio and your body, the healthiresistance traiing. er your tongue. Bell identified the As a Certified Pertongue and its personal Trainer, a Certiformance, including fied Nutritional Guide,


Assistant Professor and Undergrad Coordinator for the Department of Human Performance Studies in the College of Education, Bell could have directed her studies to many other

popular topics, but her academic mindset and athletic experience led her to an area that is underexplored, a place where her attention could truly make an impact. She recognizes her background is important in her field, being hurt puts a person

in the unique position of analyzing the situation from a problem solving perspective. “I empathize with an athlete having to come back from an injury both physically

ing her way through a longer list of research questions to learn more about prevention of tongue weakness and function – not just products that relieve the symptoms. Bell’s mentors at WSU submitted her work as a topic for NPR’s upcoming Science Friday segment airing at the Orpheum on Saturday. and psychologically,” Instead, Bell’s tongue said Bell, “I can also see topic caught the attenwhen a need is more tion of radio host Ira clinical, like if someFlatow and now Bell thing is needed specifi- will be discussing her cally for older adults.” work and research LIVE Bell knew she wanted on Air with Ira, Friday to know more about for the Science Friday the physiological mea- segment from 2:06 sures of tongue per2:19 p.m. formance and is work- “Ultimately, your

tongue contracts every time you breathe,” said Bell, “so, if you work out you are essentially also giving your tongue a workout because of the increased breathing rate.” To listen to the show or learn more about Bell’s progress follow her or the College of Education at: @WichitaStateCOE on Facebook and Twitter.

NPR on KMUW Fri, Sept. 8 WSU’s Heidi Bell @ 2:06 p.m. with Ira Flatow

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