Annual Report 2003

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Annual Report 2003 and financial statements

TEAGASC ANNUAL REPORT 2003 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To the Minister for Agriculture and Food Pursuant to Section 13 of the Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988, The Teagasc Authority presents its reports for the period 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2003.

An Irish language version of this report is also available. Contact Teagasc, Oak Park, Carlow. Ph: 059 917 0200 Fax: 059 918 2097 e-mail:

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Contents About Teagasc 2 Mission Statement 3 Teagasc Senior Management 4 Members of the Authority 5 DirectorĂą€™s Review 6 Agri-Food Economics 10 Food Research and Development 15 Milk Production 21 Meat Production 24 Tillage and Horticulture 27 Environmental Control 31 Forestry 34 Farm Diversification 35 Education and Training 38 Opportunities Programme 42 Events and Publications 43 Statutory Obligations 45 Prompt Payment of Accounts Act, 1997 46 Financial Statements 47


About Teagasc Teagasc Ăą€“ the Agriculture and Food Development

In 2003, Teagasc employed 1,628 staff, including

Authority Ăą€“ is the national body providing integrated

permanent and contract staff. This was comprised of

research, advisory and training services to the agriculture

796 professional staff, 254 technical staff, 268

and food industry and rural communities. It was

administrative/clerical staff and 310 farm/domestic staff.

established in September 1988 under the Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act, 1988. Teagasc is governed by an eleven-member Authority. The Chairman and five ordinary members are appointed by the Minister for Agriculture and Food and remaining members are appointed by the Minister following nominations from designated organisations. In 2003, research services were delivered at nine dedicated centres covering food processing, dairying, beef, sheep, arable crops, horticulture, environmental protection, economics and rural development. Independent advice to farmers and rural dwellers was provided by local advisers and regional specialists from a network of regional, county and local centres. Training for young entrants, adult farmers, rural dwellers and the food industry was provided by teachers and technologists at eight colleges as well as local training centres and research centres.


Mission Statement To provide an independent and authoritative research knowledge base, technology transfer and training services for the sustainable development of agriculture and the food processing industry to enable it to respond profitably to consumer demands and requirements and contribute to a vibrant rural economy and society.


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Teagasc Senior Management Mr Tom Kirley

Dr Seamus Crosse

Director of Administration

Director of Operations, Production Research

Dr Vivion Tarrant

Dr Liam Donnelly

Director National Food Centre

Director, Dairy Products Research Centre

Jim Flanagan

Mr Michael Galvin

Mr Donal Carey


Director, Teagasc South Advisory/Training Services

Director, Teagasc North Advisory/Training Services

Mr Peter Seery Director of Operations, Management Services


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Members of the Authority Tom Gill

Mr Jim Beecher

Agricultural Development Officer with Teagasc at Westport, Co. Mayo; representing Teagasc staff.

Assistant Secretary with the Department of Agriculture and Food

Mr Joe Fitzgerald

Mr Jerry Henchy

Farmer and member of the Administrative Committee and National Council of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association.

Chief Executive, Dairygold Co-operative Society Ltd.

Dr Tom OĂą€™Dwyer

Mr Patrick Kelly

Mr Ruaidhri Deasy

Farmer and former National Chairperson of Macra na Feirme

Farmer and Deputy President of the Irish Farmers Association

Mr James Brett

Prof Pat Fottrell

Mr Michael O'Dwyer

Ms Anna May McHugh

Managing Director, Brett Group, Callan, Co. Kilkenny

Former President of National University of Ireland, Galway

Farmer and former President of the Irish CoOperative Organisation Society.

Managing Director, National Ploughing Association

Chairman Held a number of key positions in the EU Commission in Brussels, including Director of Livestock Products, Director General of Education, Training and Youth and Chef de Cabinet to two EU Commissioners.


DirectorĂą€™s Review

an independent analysis published during 2003. It showed that the return on investment in agricultural research in Ireland is ten times the

I am pleased to report another year of solid achievement in the delivery of integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry.

As the key provider of technology,

level advocated by the Department

Teagasc continued to play a central

of Finance for public sector

role in helping the industry to

investment projects.

successfully meet the challenges resulting from an ever-changing

Carried out by Professor Gerry Boyle

policy framework and continuing

of NUI, Maynooth, it showed that the

change in consumer demands and

average return on investment in

expectations. In addition to under-

seven areas of research was 47%.

pinning competitiveness and

This compares with a minimum rate

innovation in farm and food

of 5% advocated by the Department

production, our services in 2003

of Finance for public sector

were also strongly focused on

investment projects.

environmental sustainability, animal welfare and farm and food safety.

Highlights of our research activities in 2003 included the detailed


analysis by our economists of the

A total of 275 research projects

impact of the agreement on the mid-

were undertaken by 200 scientists,

term reform of the EU Common

supported by 120 postgraduates.

Agricultural Policy. This analysis

Research covered food safety and

helped to guide IrelandĂą€™s negotiating

quality, food processing, livestock,

position and our decision on the

tillage, horticulture, forestry,

most effective implementation

environmental control, economic

strategies for the new policy. It also

analysis and rural development.

helped to inform farmers and industry on the impact of the new

The contribution of Teagasc research

policies at farm level and on the

to the economy was highlighted by

agriculture and food industry.


Teagasc Annual Report 03

As the key provider of technology, Teagasc continued to play a central role in helping the industry.

The Teagasc food research

In production research, our scientists

number of part-time farmers, who

programme had a number of notable

continued to fine-tune blueprints for

account for a significant proportion

successes in 2003. One example

low-cost, grass-based milk, beef and

of agricultural output, were also a

was the establishment of the

sheep production. Advances were

key target of our advisory services.

Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, a

made on producing the right strain of

More flexible services were put in

joint venture involving the Teagasc

dairy cow for the Irish grass-based

place in order to meet the particular

Dairy Products Research Centre at

production system while new

needs of this group.

Moorepark and University College

information gleaned from gene

Cork (UCC). The awarding of

technology has the potential to

Following the agreement on the mid-

Ăą‚Ćč16.5m to this project by Science

deliver significant spin-offs for animal

term review of the Common

Foundation Ireland represents a vote


Agricultural Policy in July 2003, our

of confidence in the scientific

advisers were actively involved in an

expertise at Teagasc Moorepark and

New gene technology also played a

intensive information campaign on

its UCC partners.

crucial role in diagnosing resistance

the details of the fundamental

levels of the major cereal disease,

changes and their impact on

Substantial progress was also made

Septoria Tritici, to the newer

farmers. Towards the end of the

during 2003 on the establishment of

fungicides. Teagasc expertise was

year, a specialised Ăą€˜Planning Post

new research facilities in Teagasc.

vital in devising the most effective

FischlerĂą€™ advisory programme was

The new plant biotechnology centre

strategies to counteract this

established. This is focused on

at Oak Park Research Centre was

potentially serious problem for cereal

providing the best advice to farmers

commissioned during the year and

growing in Ireland.

on adapting to the radical policy

the new animal and food

changes which come into effect in

biotechnology centre at Moorepark

Advisory Services

was brought to the near-completion

The Teagasc advisory services

stage. These facilities and the newly

continued to provide the necessary

Education and Training

recruited scientists will lead to an

technologies for the commercial

A total of 16,000 participated in

enhanced research programme and

farming sector to benefit from

training provided by Teagasc for

will enable Teagasc to further expand

increased scale, while also adopting

young entrants to the industry, adult

its already strong linkages with the

the latest cost-reduction

farmers and the food industry in

leading research institutes and the

technologies and most efficient

2003. The number of third-level

foremost scientists in the world.

production systems. The growing

courses, provided jointly by Teagasc


January 2005.

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Teagasc entered the area of e-learning for the first time in 2003. This will enable us to more effectively meet the training needs of people who are combining farming with another career.

and institute of technology

staff to the National Tillage Research

Capital Investment

partnerships, increased from nine to

Centre at Oak Park, Carlow. Staff in

Significant capital investment took


the Rural Economy Research Centre,

place in 2003, particularly in the

who located at the Dublin Head

refurbishment of colleges and the

Teagasc entered the area of

Office, are being relocated to

provision of new research facilities.

e-learning for the first time in 2003,

Mellows Centre, Athenry.

with the establishment of an on-line

New teaching facilities were erected

learning website and the provision of

The Soft Fruit Research Centre at

at Ballyhaise College and Kildalton

a pilot course. Plans were advanced

Clonroche, Wexford, was also sold

College. The new crop biotechnology

for the development of an on-line

during 2003. The soft fruit research

centre was completed at Oak Park

learning unit in Teagasc. This,

activities carried out at Clonroche are

Research Centre and the new animal

together with more flexible

being transferred to other larger

and food biotechnology centre at

programmes offered at night and

research centres. The Teagasc

Moorepark Research Centre was at

weekends, combined with the

facility at Lullymore, Co. Kildare was

near-completion by the end of 2003.

provision of distance learning, will

also sold.

New office and laboratory facilities

enable us to more effectively meet

were also provided at the National

the training needs of people who are

The Authority also decided to

combining farming with another

discontinue vocational training for


young people at Mellows College,

Food Centre.

Athenry and to transfer the

Quality Customer Services


Vocational Certificate in Organic

Following the appointment of a full-

Against the background of a

Farming course from Mellows to

time customer services officer at the

significant cutback in Teagasc

Mountbellew College. As part of a

end of 2002, a number of important

finances in 2003 and the necessity

rationalisation of advisory service

initiatives were undertaken in 2003.

to protect priority research, advisory

facilities, the advisory office at

Surveys were carried out to establish

and training services, the Teagasc

Corduff, Co. Dublin was sold and

levels of satisfaction with services

Authority decided to consolidate its

staff were relocated to the Dublin

among students and farmer clients.

resources on fewer centres.

County Advisory and Training Centre

Pilot projects were undertaken at

at Kinsealy. A number of small

counties, colleges and research

The Head Office in Dublin was sold

rented advisory offices were also

centres and an intensive staff

and plans were made to relocate


training programme was initiated.


Good progress was made on

Information Technology

ensuring that a Teagasc Customer

Following the appointment of a Head

Charter and Customer Service Action

of Information and Communications

Plan would be finalised by the target

technology (ICT) during 2003, a

date of May, 2004.

detailed ICT Business Plan was put in place for the period 2003-2005.

Programme Evaluation

The plan is focused on correcting the

An Evaluation Unit was established

ICT deficits identified in the

and a full-time Evaluation Officer

comprehensive review carried out in

was appointed in September 2003.

2002. Progress was made in the

Progress was made in the

establishment of a centralised ICT

preparation of an Evaluation Unit

unit and in increasing the number of

Business Plan and in the design of

qualified staff needed to develop and

the performance measurement

support effective ICT applications.

system and the development of a cyclical plan for the systematic

Jim Flanagan

evaluation of the key Teagasc



Risk Management Systems were put in place during 2003 to enable the formal establishment of a risk management programme throughout all units in Teagasc. A Risk Managerial Steering Group was established and training was provided for all managers. From early 2004, each business unit will be required to complete a risk assessment and action plan as an integral part of the business plan.


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Chairman’s Statement

decline in the numbers employed in the agri-food sector and an increase in total employment in Ireland. During the year, major changes in the EU Common Agricultural Policy

Following the difficult weather, markets and income situation in 2002, Irish agriculture experienced a welcome recovery in 2003.

The Teagasc National Farm Survey

were agreed. The changes, which

showed an increase of 0.9% in

come into effect in January 2005,

average farm incomes, with incomes

involve a complete decoupling of

of full-time, commercial farmers

payments from production. Analysis

increasing by 5%.

by our economists played an important part in assisting Ireland’s

Incomes of tillage farmers increased

negotiating position during the talks

by 22%. Dairy farmers increased

leading to the agreement.

their incomes by 7% while incomes from sheep farming increased by

Our analysis also helped to inform

4%. Beef farming experienced a

the industry on the impact of the

difficult year with average income

reforms and on the development of

declining by 5%-15% for the two

strategies to confront the challenges

main beef farming systems.

and exploit the opportunities resulting from the fundamental change in

Estimated gross value added in the

policy. The role which our integrated

agri-food sector was €10.5 billion,

research, advisory and training

accounting for 8.9% of GDP. Total

services played in the development

agri-food exports reached €6.8

of an innovative, competitive and

billion, or 8.3% of total exports.

sustainable agriculture and food sector are detailed in the Director’s

Employment in the sector at

review and in the rest of this report.

160,000 was 9% of total employment, down from 9.5% in

Teagasc services will have a crucial

2002. This was the result of a small

role to play in the development and

Appendix 6 bis

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Teagasc services will have a crucial role to play in the development and dissemination of the vital technologies for farmers and the food industry

dissemination of the vital

We value our linkages with our

effectiveness of our activities. I

technologies for farmers and the

colleagues in universities and

thank them for their continued

food industry in the transformed

research institutes, at home and

support during 2003.

policy environment. The necessary

abroad, and also with many public

organisation structures are now

bodies in the educational,


being put in place to enable us to

environmental, heritage, farm safety

Teagasc's key resource is its staff. I

deliver these vital supports in the

and food safety areas. These were

wish to record my appreciation to the

most effective manner.

further enhanced in 2003, leading to

Director, Jim Flanagan, his

an expansion and tighter focusing of

management team and all our staff

our programmes.

for their commitment and loyalty

Acknowledgements To effectively deliver its programmes

during 2003.

to its stakeholders and clients,

Our partnership with industry in the

Teagasc relies on the support of

delivery of joint advisory and

Finally, I want to record my

many individuals and organisations in

development programmes in

appreciation to my colleagues on the

the public sector and the agri-food

dairying, beef and sheep has

Teagasc Authority for their continuing


ensured the most effective

commitment and generosity. It is an

deployment of resources in the

honour to work with them.

We are again grateful for the

public and private sectors. I want to

invaluable support we received from

thank all of the co-operatives and

Tom O'Dwyer

the Minister for Agriculture and

companies who operated joint


Food, Joe Walsh and Ministers of

programmes with us. These

State, Noel Treacy and Liam

linkages have added value to our


activities and ensure that our programmes are firmly focused on

We also record our appreciation to

local needs.

the Secretary General of the Department of Agriculture and Food,

Our close relationships with the

John Malone, and his officials for

farming and rural organisations and

their continued commitment and

the bodies representing the inputs,


processing and marketing sectors contribute enormously to the

Teagasc Annual Report 03


farm payments, will commence in 2004 and will involve collaboration with a number of research institutes in other EU member states.

Impact of CAP Reform During 2003, economists attached to the FAPRI Ireland policy analysis unit published three separate analyses of the potential impact of changes in EU and world agriculture and food policies. The first and second analyses, published in January and May, examined the likely impact of the EU CAP reform proposals combined with EU

Agri-Food Economics

proposals for World Trade Organisation (WTO) talks. The third analysis, published in October, examined the likely impact of the actual agreement concluded in Luxembourg on reform of the CAP.

Researchers in the Rural Economy Research Centre undertook 34

The analysis showed that full

projects in 2003. The projects were

decoupling of all EU farm payments

focused on the impact of policy

from 2005 was the best available

changes on the agri-food sector and

policy option for the Irish agricultural

rural areas, assessing the

industry. It concluded that the

performance of farm enterprises and

highest level of farm income would

analysing trends in rural

be achieved by full decoupling, or


the complete removal of the link between farm production and

A number of EU funded projects,


involving collaboration with EU partners, were brought near to

It stated that full decoupling,

completion. These included projects

combined with some changes in

on building a projection model of the

agriculture trade policies under the

EU agricultural sector, on integrated

World Trade Organisation (WTO)

rural tourism, on factors affecting

talks, would lead to a 10% increase

peripherality and on quarantine

in aggregate farm income in 2012

disease risk management.

compared to the income level that would occur if the original policies

Researchers were also successful in

agreed under Agenda 2000 were

winning three new EU funded


research contracts. These projects, on multifunctionality, environment

The results confirmed earlier

protection schemes and decoupled

Teagasc analysis that no change in


Teagasc Annual Report 03

policy was the worst option, leading

The Teagasc analysis showed that

policy. However, direct payments and

to a decrease of more than 9% in

the decision by the Minister of

increased scale should result in

farm income by 2012. Partial

Agriculture and Food to decouple

average dairy farmer incomes

decoupling of payments from

dairy compensation payments from

keeping pace with inflation.

production, an option allowed under

production from 2005 would secure

the EU agreement on CAP reform,

the future of the greatest number of

The analysis showed that, while the

could deliver an income increase of

dairy farmers.

national sheep flock was set to

as little as 4% depending on the

decline substantially under the

payments which were partially

It would offer a more attractive exit

original policy, the introduction of


strategy for less efficient dairy

decoupling would accelerate this

farmers and a larger pool of milk for

decline. Sheep numbers in 2012

The analysis showed that full

dairy farmers with the means to

were projected to be lower than

decoupling of all beef payments from


2003 levels. However, this decline

production was overall the best

would be offset by increased prices,

option for income from beef

The analysis showed that the new

leading to a slight increase in the

production. Full decoupling would

arrangements would result in a

value of sheep output by 2012.

lead to a decline of around 18% in

decline in dairy farmer numbers from

suckler cows, leading to a drop of

just under 27,000 in 2003 to

Full decoupling would have a small

7% in the amount of beef produced.

18,000 in 2012, with an average

effect on cereals. The area planted

However, price increases of around

milk quota of almost 300,000 litres

would fall, leading to a small decline

10% and reduced farm costs would

(65,000 gallons). If decoupling of

in the value of output.

result in the best income prospects

payments was delayed until 2008,

for beef producers.

as contained in the original EU agreement, the number of dairy

CAP Reform and the Environment

If links between payments and

farmers in 2012 could be as low as

Teagasc analysis showed that full

production were maintained, the

16,000, the analysis concluded.

decoupling of EU farm payments

value of beef output would increase

from production would have the

slightly. However this would be more

The reforms would see milk prices

greatest positive impact on the

than offset by higher expenditure on

falling by about 5% more than would


inputs by farmers.

have happened under the original


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Lower prices and increased costs

resulting from the complete removal

Performance of Farming Analysed

of the link between farm production

In a detailed analysis of the major

margins from pig production.

and payments would substantially

farm enterprises in 2003 and

reduce the contribution made by

prospects for 2004, economists

In their analysis of prospects for

agriculture to greenhouse gas

reported an upturn in margins for

2004, Teagasc economists pointed

emissions from Ireland.

beef and tillage farmers but a drop

to a small decline in incomes due to

for dairy, sheep and pig producers

lower output and rising costs.

is committed to an increase of no

Margins for beef increased by

Attitudes to CAP Reform

more than 13% in greenhouse gas

around 8% due to a small reduction

A Teagasc survey showed that 42%

emissions by 2010, compared to the

in costs and additional revenue from

of farmers felt that decoupling of

1990 level. The analysis showed that

higher slaughterings and direct

farm payments from production

as a result of full decoupling,

payments. Tillage farmers

would have no impact on their

emissions of greenhouse gases from

experienced a substantial

income. Forty per cent expected

agriculture by 2010 will have fallen

improvement on the very poor

their income to decline while 10%

by 14% below the estimated 1990

performance in 2002, with spring

expected an increase in income.


barley and winter wheat showing

The reduction in livestock numbers

resulted in a decline of 5% in

Under the Kyoto agreement, Ireland

These cuts in greenhouse gas

margin increases of 44% and 25%

The survey was carried out among a


representative sample of 1,200 farmers and published in December.

emissions from agriculture should ease the pressure to reduce

Further slippage in milk prices

Notwithstanding the divided opinion

emissions in other sectors of the

contributed to a decline of about 2%

on the impact of the reforms on

Irish economy, making it more

in margins from dairying. This

income, 85% of those surveyed said

feasible for Ireland to meet the

followed a drop of 20% in margins in

they were in favour of the new policy

targets set out in the Kyoto

2002. While margins in sheep



production declined by around 5% in 2003, sheep still returned the

The results showed that around 15%

second highest margin after dairying

of dairy farmers planned to exit milk

and were substantially ahead of beef

production over the next two years.

or cereal growing.

A further 32% said they would exit


Teagasc Annual Report 03

over the following 3-10 years. However those intending to remain in dairying planned to substantially increase the size of their business. The survey showed that almost 50% of beef producers planned to retain their existing stock numbers. Around 10% planned to increase numbers while close on 40% said they would reduce numbers. The results also indicated a drop in sheep numbers, particularly in hill areas where farmers said they would reduce numbers by 40%. While the top 10% of lowland sheep producers said they would increase flock size, the survey pointed to a drop of 6% in total lowland sheep numbers. It should be stressed that the survey was conducted at a time when farmers did not have complete

A Teagasc survey showed that 42% of farmers felt that decoupling of farm payments from production would have no impact on their income. Forty per cent expected their income to decline while 10% expected an increase in income.

Investment Plans for 2004 The annual Teagasc survey of investment intentions by farmers showed a planned investment of €300m in 2004. Planned investment in machinery and farm buildings was down by 9% and 23% respectively while investment in milk quota was planned to double. The survey showed that while planned investment for 2003 was €290 actual investment was almost €500m. This indicated that farmers tend to understate their planned investment.

Surveys of Income in 2002 The Teagasc National Farm Survey for 2002 showed a decline of 5.8% in farm income, bringing average

information on the detail of the new

income per farm to €14,925.

CAP measures. Therefore, the

Average income in 2001 was

results can only be interpreted as an


initial indication of likely farmers’ reactions.

The income decline resulted from a drop of over 2% in the value of output. Farm production costs


Teagasc Annual Report 03

increased by 3.5%. However, the

These full-time farms, which account

increased by 7% to an average of

level of direct payments received by

for 40% of all farms, represent the

€7,750, while incomes from other

farmers in 2002 increased by 17%,

more dynamic, commercial sector of

beef systems increased by 22%, to

which partially compensated for the

farming. About 60% are involved in

an average of €9,520. Income in

decline in returns from the

dairying, with the balance involved in

sheep farming, at €12,350, was


tillage, beef and sheep production.

2% up on 2001.

The remaining 60% of farmers had The survey was based on an analysis

an income from farming of just

The survey showed a big increase in

of accounts kept on almost 1,200

€6,590 in 2002. The majority are

the contribution of direct payments

farms. The total numbers of farmers

part-time beef/sheep farms and

to farm income. Direct payments

represented was 116,400. Around

82% had another source of income.

made up 90% of average income on all farms represented by the survey,

20,000 small farmers were excluded, as were pig and poultry

The survey showed that, on 48% of

compared with 72% in 2001. The


farms, the farmer and/or spouse had

final increases in direct payments

an off-farm income. On 35% of

under the EU Agenda 2000

The survey showed an enormous

farms, the job was held by the

agreement were paid in 2002.

variation in incomes between the

farmer, an increase of 2% on 2001.

larger, dynamic full-time farmers and

The largest income decline took

the smaller part-time group, who are

place on dairy farms. Average dairy

highly dependent on direct payments

income was €28,100, a drop of

and off-farm employment.

18% on 2001. Income in tillage farming, declined by 9% to an

It showed a total of 44,500 full-time

average of €21,900. Larger tillage

farms - with a minimum of 0.75

farmers suffered an income decline

labour units. The average income of

of up to 23%.

these farms in 2002 was €27,758, a decline of 10% on their income in

Average income from beef increased


in 2002, albeit from a very low base. Income from cattle rearing systems


Teagasc Annual Report 03


and can only be of major benefit to the Irish food industry and Irish consumers. Two major EU-funded food research projects which are being led by Teagasc scientists got underway in 2003. Both projects involve collaboration with scientific and industrial partners in EU member states and North America. The following are the highlights of the programme and some key achievements

Food Research and Development

Research Delivers New Products The contribution of the Teagasc food research programme to innovation in the food industry was highlighted at a national open day run at the Dairy

The Food Research and

Products Research Centre at

Development Programme carried out

Moorepark in October. More than 20

at the National Food Centre in

new food and drink products

Dublin and the Dairy Products

developed by Irish and multinational

Research Centre at Moorepark,

companies with assistance from

Fermoy, continued to help the food

Teagasc food scientists at

industry in adopting new process

Moorepark were displayed at the

technologies and in expanding the

open day.

range and quality of products. The new products included a range A total of 110 food research projects

of value-added cheeses, baby foods,

were undertaken, 69 at the National

beverages, functional foods, cream

Food Centre and 41 at the Dairy

liqueurs, Irish coffee as well as

Products Research Centre. Many

ingredients for a variety of snack

projects were undertaken in

foods and prepared ready meals.

partnership with universities,

Among the products displayed were:

research institutes and industry partners in Ireland, Europe and the

‱ A new infant formula

US. Collaboration with overseas

manufactured by the multinational,

research institutes, particularly in the

Wyeth, at its plant in Askeaton, Co

emerging sciences, was expanded

Limerick and now sold worldwide.

further during 2003. This increased

‱ A new modified cheddar cheese,

collaboration with some of the

Carbery Blue, produced by the

world’s leading scientists is a

Carbery Group with the assistance

measure of the international

of Teagasc technology.

reputation of Teagasc food scientists


Teagasc Annual Report 03

‱ A new yeast extract flavour ingredient, also produced by the

by small and medium-sized Irish

global multinational pharmaceutical

food companies.


Carbery Group, which has wide application in snack foods and

A novel new process for the

The SFI award is the largest ever to

prepared ready meals.

manufacture of mozzarella cheese,

a research project in Ireland and

developed by Teagasc scientists,

represents a vote of confidence in

produced by the innovative

was also featured. Because of its

the scientific expertise at the Dairy

Waterford company, Cybercolor.

premier status as a pizza topping,

Products Research Centre and its

The company has built up a major

mozzarella has experienced

partner, University College Cork

market in North America for its

unprecedented growth in recent



years and the new Teagasc

‱ A range of natural food colours

technology has the potential to

The new centre which will be located

by another innovative company,

ensure that Irish manufacturers can

in Teagasc Moorepark’s new

National Food Ingredients in

meet international competition.

biotechnology laboratories and in

‱ A flavour concentrate, produced

Limerick, for use in a range of value-added confectionery products. ‱ A new probiotic cheese for the Irish Dairy Board and a new probiotic table fat spread for the Kerry Group.

UCC’s biosciences institute, will

New Research Centre Established

investigate the role of intestinal

Scientists at the Dairy Products

in various diseases. The centre

Research Centre are partners in the

draws together researchers from

new Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre,

various disciplines in UCC and

the establishment of which was

Moorepark to focus their research

announced in 2003.

talents on novel approaches to the

bacteria in health maintenance and

treatment and prevention of intestinal

‱ A flavour concentrate produced from malt and roast barley,

It involves initial funding of over

produced by the multinational,

€20m, of which €16.5m is being

Diageo, and now being exported

provided by Science Foundation

diseases. By investigating the mechanisms by

to more than 50 countries for use

Ireland (SFI). The remainder is

which intestinal bacteria and food-

in a range of beverages.

coming from investment by an Irish

grade bacteria, such as probiotics,

‱ Farmhouse cheeses, cream

biotechnology company, Alimentary

influence health and disease, the

Health Ltd, which is linked with a

research promises opportunities for

liqueurs and Irish coffee produced


Teagasc Annual Report 03

commercial exploitation by both the food and pharmaceutical sectors. The significance of the research for the Irish dairy industry is that it will strengthen claims for efficacy of probiotics foods and hence have an important influence on the development of these foods by Irish companies. For Moorepark, it is a quality partnership that brings to a new level the extensive collaborative linkages that already exist with UCC researchers.

Meat Genomics Research A five-year research programme was agreed between the Teagasc National Food Centre, and the world-renowned Meat Functional Genomics Group at Michigan State University. This has led to the commencement of the first ever

The success of the Teagasc National Food Centre in winning this contract is testament to the centreĂą€™s growing international reputation as a centre of excellence for the development of food safety management systems.

meat genomics and proteomics

The research to date has found DNA polymorphisms for meat tenderness. The genotypes are now being correlated with tenderness values. The work is being extended to other candidate genes affecting tenderness. Genes affecting intramuscular fat are also being examined.

EU Food Safety Initiatives The Teagasc National Food Centre was awarded a major EU-funded contract to develop European-wide food safety blueprints for farm production, meat processing, retailing and catering. The project involves a consortium of scientists and industry partners in thirteen EU states as well as Poland, Hungary, US and Canada.

research programme in Ireland. In addition to developing critical The research will establish the

safety practices for vital stages in the

relationship between DNA in

food chain, the Teagasc-led initiative

candidate genes and meat quality

will review how food poisoning

traits in Irish beef and pork. The

outbreaks are investigated and will

information will be used to develop

also advise on effective

diagnostic tools for meat quality.

communications strategies with consumers on food safety issues.

Another significant link was established with the meat proteomics

The success of the Teagasc National

research team at the Clermont-

Food Centre in winning this contract

Ferrand research centre in France.

is testament to the centreĂą€™s growing

Together with the partnership already

international reputation as a centre

established with the Conway Institute

of excellence for the development of

at University College, Dublin and the

food safety management systems.

National Diagnostics Centre at University College, Galway, the new

Over the last three years, Teagasc

networks provide unique access to

has developed and published food

the knowledge, skills and experience

safety blueprints for Irish beef, pork

in the molecular biology underpinning

and lamb slaughter. Called HACCP

meat quality.

(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), they detail the critical safety practices which must be undertaken


Teagasc Annual Report 03

from the time the animal reaches the

Using the newly developed detection

convenience foods which offer quick

factory until the carcass enters the

systems, scientists at the National

and easy meal solutions.

chill room.

Food Centre have carried out the first studies on the prevalence and

The research team has also

A HACCP for poultry production has

survival rate of Cryptosporidium

identified two other British consumer

also been developed and work is

parvum in meat and salads.

categories with limited interest in

underway on developing catering and

food. They are described as the

vegetable safety blueprints, in

The new detection methods will be

‘careless’ and ‘uninvolved’

conjunction with the Food Safety

of considerable benefit in allowing


Promotion Board and the University

continued research and monitoring of

of Limerick. This new international

this emerging parasite in foods.

project will enable Teagasc to cover

The careless group have least interest in shopping whereas those in

other stages in the food chain and

In a further development, the first

the uninvolved group have minimal

expand its food safety programme

quantitative risk assessment of a

interest in cooking. Together with the

into Europe.

food pathogen in Ireland was carried

emerging snackers these groups

out by market researchers and

now account for 48% of British

microbiologists at the National Food


Food Safety Breakthrough

Centre in conjunction with the Food

A European research team, led by

Engineering Department at University

The research team classified the

scientists at the National Food

College, Dublin. The resulting model

balance of consumers into ‘rational’

Centre, achieved a world-first in the

will have the capacity to predict the

‘adventurous’ and ‘conservative’.

development of a new method to

risk to the consumer of consuming

detect the parasite,

beef contaminated with the pathogen

The rational group, who account for

Cryptosporidium parvum in food. The discovery was the culmination of a three-year European-funded research project, involving eight European research groups. Cryptosporidium parvum is an emerging parasite in food and infected humans can suffer acute diarrhoea with abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and low-grade fever. The disease usually lasts up to three weeks but, for people with low immunity, it can become chronic and persistent.

E.coli 0157:H7, identify where risk

26% of British consumers, are

is highest in the beef chain and

particularly interested in quality foods

where controls are best placed. The

and are largely middle-aged to

expertise and skills gained will then

elderly. The adventurous group,

be applied to other food processes.

accounting for 17% of consumers, have the greatest interest in new

Research on Food Lifestyle

food products and are more likely to shop in specialist stores.

New research results published by the National Food Centre in 2003

In contrast, the conservative group,

showed that snack and convenience

accounting for just 9% of

foods play a dominant role in the

consumers, are traditional in food

eating habits of almost half of British

tastes and have little interest in


convenience foods or new food products. They contain a higher

Using a sophisticated consumer

proportion of older females.

The parasite is found in the intestinal

research method, called the Food

tract of cattle and sheep and is

Related Lifestyle Instrument,

The results of the research have

excreted in the faeces. It can be

researchers segmented British

been communicated to Irish food

transmitted from animal to person,

consumers into six groups. The most

companies in order to help them

person to person, through ingestion

rapidly growing group are now

gear their product development,

of contaminated water or food or by

classified as ‘snackers’. Accounting

marketing and advertising strategies

direct contact with contaminated

for one in five of British consumers,

to emerging consumer trends.

environmental surfaces.

they are predominantly interested in


Teagasc Annual Report 03

the objective of a major project at

billion of convenience food products

Controlling Salmonella in Pigs

in 2002, of which €1 billion was

Further progress was made in 2003

This landmark project is the key to

exported to the British market, which

on the use of probiotics to control

building a critical mass in the

consumes a total of €20billion worth

salmonella levels in pigs.

genomics of starter cultures and will

of convenience food products per

Researchers had previously identified

place Teagasc at the forefront of


strains of lactic acid bacteria that

international developments in the

suppressed growth of salmonella in

rapidly evolving area of applying

Mechanical Beef Grading

the laboratory. In 2003, trials were

genomics to traditional and

The ground breaking trials on

conducted on live pigs which were

innovative food systems.

mechanical beef grading carried out

deliberately exposed to salmonella to

by the National Food Centre in 2000

evaluate the effectiveness of

During 2003, the complete genome

were a major factor in the EU

probiotic ingestion in combating the

sequence was substantially

accepting the principle of mechanical


accomplished, using the services of

Irish companies produced over €2.6

the Dairy Products Research Centre.

a specialised gene company and the

grading systems and in setting realistic targets for their

The results were encouraging. They

remainder of the project, the


showed that the probiotic strains

elucidation of the genome map, will

could survive and, in some cases,

be completed in 2004.

In November 2003, the first

predominate in the pig’s intestine.

authorisation trial was carried out by

They also showed that the probiotics

The gene sequence data generated

the Department of Agriculture and

substantially reduced the symptoms

in this project will be systematically

Food and the data was analysed by

of salmonella and the level of

‘mined’ and genes of potential

the National Food Centre for EU

salmonella carried by the animals.

economic significance will be

authorisation. This paved the way for

The next phase will involve field trials

identified. Of particular interest will

the introduction of mechanical

using a mixture of different anti-

be genes involved in cheese flavour

grading into beef export plants

salmonella probiotics.

development, which will be exploited as tools for future starter design.

during 2004.

Major Genomics Project Sequencing the complete genome of

Developments in gene technology

a unique cheesemaking bacterium is

are rapidly changing the landscape


Teagasc Annual Report 03

of biological science. The ability to sequence the complete genetic make-up of living organisms has only recently been developed. The best documented application of this technology to date is the human genome project.

Support for Functional Foods The development of functional foods with the ability to deliver particular health benefits continued as an important component of the research and development programme at the National Food Centre and the Dairy Products Research Centre. One example is the involvement of National Food Centre scientists in the production of gluten-free breads for people suffering from coeliac disease. About 1% of Irish consumers are

The development of functional foods with the ability to deliver particular health benefits continued as an important component of the research and development programme at the National Food Centre and the Dairy Products Research Centre.

allergic to the ingredients in wheat flour. The National Food Centre achieved further success in 2003 in developing breads using non-wheat ingredients. Research continued on the development of animal nutrition programmes to enhance the levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in milk and beef. CLA is associated with beneficial health effects, particularly anti-cancer properties, and is present at higher levels in milk and beef produced off grass. Research at Moorepark and Grange Research Centres has found that a further increase in CLA concentration can be achieved by supplementing the animalĂą€™s diet on grass with specific oils.


Maximising the level of CLA in Irish beef and dairy products has the potential to establish a uniqueness for such products in consumer markets abroad. Scientists at the Dairy Products Research Centre were also involved in exploring the potential of a special form of biocheese in suppressing harmful bacteria in the mouth, thereby aiding dental health. The biocheese is made using a unique lactic culture that produces the antimicrobial, lacticin, which has the ability to enhance oral health. Lacticin was the subject of a worldfirst discovery by a team of Teagasc/UCC scientists a number of years ago. The concept of a biofood for dental health based on lacticin can be extended to functional beverages as well as dairy products.

Teagasc Annual Report 03


The use of discussion groups and monitor farms was also a key feature of the dairy advisory programme. Teagasc advisers were involved in the co-ordination of 230 dairy discussion groups nationwide and 120 dairy monitor farms were also serviced. These monitor farms played a crucial role in the adoption, monitoring and dissemination of efficient practices.

Benefits from Milk Protein Campaign The intensive Teagasc campaign to increase protein levels in milk

Milk Production

continued to deliver benefits. Average milk protein level reached 3.3% in 2003, compared with 3.2% in the late 1990s. The leading group

The Teagasc dairy programme in

of farmers achieved milk protein

2003 continued its focus on the

levels in excess of 3.4% in 2003.

development and dissemination of the critical technologies for an

Farmers who maximised milk protein

internationally competitive milk

levels and achieved production cost

production sector. Research at

levels of 5c/litre below the national

Moorepark Research Centre

average made an additional profit of

concentrated on producing the right

Ăą‚Ćč300/cow in 2003. These farmers

strain of cow for the Irish grass-

have benefited enormously from

based production system, combined

participation in discussion groups and

with continued innovation in grass

monitor farm walks. They have

management and improved labour

adopted Teagasc blueprints on


financial management, grass

The advisory programme concentrated on the adoption by farmers of the most effective costcutting, quality-enhancing and financial management methods in order to maximise incomes from dairy farming. Many of the advisory activities were run in conjunction with dairy processors. A total of 12 joint Teagasc/dairy processor development programmes were run during the year and these acted as a major vehicle for profit and practice improvement on dairy farms.


management, breeding policy and business growth. They are in a strong position to confront the impending milk price reduction resulting from reform of EU milk policy.

Low Cost Production the Key Cost of production will be the key survival factor under the new EU dairy reforms. Analysis by Teagasc in 2003 showed a difference of 8c/litre in the cost of production between

Teagasc Annual Report 03

the most efficient and least efficient

farmers with this type of genetics is

Research Centre in 2003. The


the challenges facing the Irish dairy

programme involved tracking genes

breeding sector.

associated with economic traits

The 25% of producers with highest

relevant to the economic breeding index, the investigation of disease

gallons) of milk to earn an income of

Research on CloverBased Pasture

€40,000. They will require 820,000

Research at the Teagasc dairy

exploration of molecular variants of

litres (180,000 gallons) in 2010 to

research farm at Solohead, Co


make an income of €40,000.

Tipperary has shown that milk

Increased scale alone will not be

production of 12,500 litres/hectare

During the year, a number of genes

sufficient to maintain income for

can be achieved from grass and

were successfully amplified from the

these farmers.

white clover swards receiving just

bovine genome and DNA

90kg fertiliser nitrogen/hectare.

sequencing analysis yielded some

costs require 440,000 litres (96,000

promised results.

In contrast, the 25% most efficient producers made an income of

The approach involves surface

€40,000 last year from an output of

seeding the clover, mixed with

220,000 litres (48,000 gallons). By

fertiliser, after first cut silage or on

2010, they will need to increase

ground that has been tightly grazed.

their output to just 250,000 litres

This low cost system could well

(55,000 gallon) in order to maintain

prove attractive to some dairy


farmers. It was demonstrated to a large group of farmers at a national

Results from research at Moorepark

open day on the Solohead research

show that a cow selected for the

farm in September 2003.

Irish grass-based milk production

average dairy farm. Using this type

New Animal Biotechnology Programme

of cow will be an imperative in a

The new biotechnology programme

lower milk price scenario. Providing

got underway at Moorepark

system can increase profit by 2.5c/litre, or up to €6,000 on the

susceptibility in animals and the


Highly sensitive methods were developed to facilitate the genotyping of animals. Techniques to amplify genes from somatic cells in milk and mammary tissue were also developed. A DNA bank of every animal in the Teagasc dairy herd has also been established, which will prove to be a valuable resource for future molecular investigations. This bank contains high quality genomic DNA from 1,596 animals, which includes five different breeds of cattle. All samples have been stocked at -20°C and also at -80°C for archival storage.

Teagasc Annual Report 03

New Approach to Mastitus Control Scientists at the dairy production and dairy products research centres at Moorepark made a significant advance in the use of probiotic cultures for control and alleviation of mastitis in dairy cows. The cultures used produce the antimicrobial compound, lacticin, which has been the subject of research at Moorepark for several years. Infusion of probiotic cultures, based on lacticinproducing lactobacilli, into the teat ducts of cows with clinical infections resulted in a marked improvement in the condition and a clear suppression in the numbers of pathogenic microbes. Preliminary investigations have

Scientists at the dairy production and dairy products research centres at Moorepark made a significant advance in the use of probiotic cultures for control and alleviation of mastitis in dairy cows.

prospects of developing a nonantibiotic approach to the treatment and control of mastitis and go well beyond the scope and potential of using lacticin producing organisms in teat seals, which was the main focus of this project in the past. The further development of this innovative approach to mastitis treatment, and the detailed investigation of the scientific mechanism of action of the probiotic cultures, were the subject of a successful application for funding to the Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Fund and a patent submission termed Ăą€œPROMAST: Probiotics for mastitis treatmentĂą€?. This fund is open to applications from university and institutional

demonstration that the antimicrobial

research organisations across the full

protection in the mammary gland is

range of research topics being

linked to an enhancement of immune

pursued by Irish scientists. The

responses caused by the introduction

Moorepark submission was the top-

of the probiotic bacteria, thus

ranked project in a detailed peer-

providing the mammary gland with

evaluation that took into account

an infective mechanism for the

both the technical and commercial

elimination of mastitic pathogens.


These results greatly advance the


Teagasc Annual Report 03


beef development programmes, run by Teagasc and meat processors/livestock marts. The programmes have common objectives of better breeding, quality assured beef, improved marketing and increased farmer profits through better technical and financial management.

Research Focus on Grass and Silage The research focus on the development of production blueprints for grass and silage quality continued during the year. In one major EU-

Meat Production

funded project, scientists at Grange Research Centre, in conjunction with research groups from other European countries, examined the

The meat production programme

merits of grasses bred for elevated

continued to concentrate on the

levels of water soluble

development and on-farm adoption


of the vital technologies for costefficient beef, sheep and pig

Among the potential advantages of

production. Priority areas included

these grasses are higher intakes by

nutrition, animal housing,

grazing animals and reduced losses

reproduction efficiency, animal

of nitrogen from the animals.

welfare and financial management

Another potential advantage is

and planning. Researchers and

improved preservation of grass as

advisers worked closely on the

unwilted silage.

development and dissemination of low cost, grass-based production

In one experiment in 2003, grasses

systems for beef and sheep.

with higher levels of water-soluble

Substantial resources were devoted

carbohydrates were found to have a

to informing farmers of the detail and

higher sugar content and resulted in

implications of the new Ăą€˜decoupledĂą€™

better-preserved silage.

system of farm payments, which come into effect in January, 2005.

Work on baled silage included a

This activity included a major public

project on contamination by fungi. A

information campaign, run jointly by

study on a sample of farms in the

Teagasc and the Department of

midlands found fungal growth on

Agriculture and Food.

90% of the silage bales examined. The spores of the fungi can cause

Over 80 beef discussion groups

infections or allergies in farmers

were active in 2003. The majority

handling the bales while reducing the

are associated with the eight joint

quality and intake of the silage by


Teagasc Annual Report 03

animals. The countrywide prevalence of these fungi on baled silage is currently being examined and the ability of the predominant fungi to produce mycotoxins is being investigated.

Examining Dangerous Slurry Gases A project to measure hydrogen sulphide gas levels during slurry agitation was undertaken by scientists at Grange Research Centre, in conjunction with the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland. The gas can be fatal for humans and animals. The research concluded that there is no such thing as a safe slurry tank and that operators should assume that dangerous levels of hydrogen sulphide are always produced. The advice is that operators should never enter a building or stand close to slurry pumps during slurry agitation.

The beef development programmes, run by Teagasc and meat processors/live stock marts have common objectives of better breeding, quality assured beef, improved marketing and increased farmer profits through better technical and financial management.

Reaction to CAP Reform Measured A Teagasc survey carried out three months after agreement was


reached on the reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy showed that the more progressive and commercial beef farmers intended to maintain or increase stock numbers following the implementation of the new policy in January 2005. The survey of beef monitor farms, which are used by Teagasc to assess performance at farm level and promote the adoption of new technology, showed that 92% intended to maintain or increase stock numbers. Just 8% intended to reduce their number of stock. While not representing the attitudes of all beef farmers, the survey reflected a positive reaction from the more progressive and commercial sector, who saw the new policy as providing opportunities to increase income and to get rewarded for quality production geared to the market place.

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Progress with Gene Technology

In sheep production, work continued

New information emanating from

affecting resistance to stomach

gene technology could have

worms. Earlier Teagasc research at

significant spin-offs for animal

Athenry Research Centre showed


large differences between the Texel

on the identification of genes

and Suffolk breeds in resistance A total of 434 genes have been


identified using modern molecular biology techniques. Two-thirds of

Also in sheep, further discoveries

these are newly identified genes and

were made regarding novel gene

many can be linked to ovarian

mutations, which have a profound


effect on ovarian function. Evidence has emerged for the involvement of

Gene expression studies, carried out

another mutation in the Cambridge

at Athenry Research Centre, have

sheep breed with similar effects to

identified a number of genes involved

the two genes originally discovered.

in the production of progesterone.

The natural gene mutations in the

These results are an essential first

Cambridge and Belclare sheep

step towards an improved

breeds provide an important resource

understanding of ovarian function

for fundamental studies on the

and how this may be modified by

control of follicle development in the

breed, nutrition and production.

ovary and such studies will have

Identification and functional

implications for human reproduction

characterisation of key ovarian genes

as well as for ruminants.

regulating bovine fertility also has long-term implications for improving fertility through marker assisted breeding programmes.


Teagasc Annual Report 03


Research at the Teagasc National Tillage Research Centre at Oak Park, Carlow, showed that the application of modern technology can deliver very high yields of cereals. For example, in Oak Park trials, winter wheat crops yielded up to 14 tonnes/hectare or over 2 tonnes/hectare higher than the top yields achieved at farm level in 2003. Research on low input production systems showed that crops grown with lower levels of agri-chemicals and fertilisers gave 10% lower yields

Tillage and Horticulture

than conventional, high input systems. However, the lower input systems gave higher margins. This shows that there is scope to reduce inputs and increase incomes especially where disease pressure is

The tillage and horticulture

not severe.

programmes continued to lead the development of more efficient crop

The new plant biotechnology facility

production systems designed to

at Oak Park was commissioned in

increase competitiveness and

June and recently recruited scientific

improve product quality and safety,

staff commenced work on exciting

while facilitating long-term

new research projects.

sustainability of production. In the advisory area, critical crop Following the difficult tillage season

management and financial

in 2002, cereal crop yields recovered

technologies were disseminated to

substantially leading to an increase

farmers through discussion groups,

of 44% and 25% in margins for the

monitor farms, demonstrations,

two main crops, spring barley and

conferences, training courses and

winter wheat, respectively.

individual consultation.

One of the key challenges during the

The horticultural programme focused

year was the emergence of

on the development and

resistance of one of the major

dissemination of the technologies for

diseases, Septoria tritici, to the

profitable production of potatoes,

newer fungicides. Teagasc

mushrooms, vegetables and nursery

technology played a major role in


diagnosing resistance levels and in devising the most effective strategies to counteract the problem.


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Plant Biotechnology Facility

result of research studies carried out

Exploitation of the beneficial traits of

in the January-March period it was

triticale could lead to reductions in

The plant biotechnology facility at

possible to recommended the most

the levels of inputs required for

Oak Park Research Centre was

appropriate spraying strategies to

cereal production.

completed in June 2003 and the

combat Septoria tritici for the 2003

new research programme got

growing season.

Mycotoxins in Cereals A study on the occurrence of

underway involving four recently appointed scientists with expertise in

The potential effects of genetically

mycotoxins in cereals, cereal-based

key areas of biotechnology.

modified crops on the environment is

animal feedstuffs and food continued

also being studied. New programmes

in 2003. This is the first major study

The programme is concentrated on

have been initiated with Trinity

of mycotoxins in cereals in Ireland.

developing molecular-based

College, Dublin and the National

Because mycotoxins can have an

techniques that will enhance the

University of Ireland, Maynooth.

adverse effect on the health and wellbeing of animals they are of

effectiveness of the already successful Oak Park breeding

Potential for Triticale

particular interest to the grain and

programme in grass, clover and

Triticale, a wheat/rye hybrid, was

animal feed processing sector. The


shown in Oak Park trials to have

results from cereals harvested in

potential in future low cost systems.

2002 show that the levels of the

Other components include plant

Triticale, which has greater disease

mycotoxin, ochratoxin A, was below

disease diagnostics which were used

resistance than wheat, out-yielded

proposed EU limits.

to good effect in the study of

winter wheat, where take-all root

resistance to Septoria tritici, first

disease was present, without the

discovered in Ireland in January

need for specific seed dressings. It

Work on Non-Ploughing Systems

2003. Monitoring by Teagasc staff at

was also shown to have potential as

A series of replicated experiments

Oak Park showed that the resistance

a cost effective alternative forage

and observation trials were carried at

was widespread and increased

crop for dairy and beef farmers.

Oak Park Research Centre to assess

substantially during the year. For

Assessment of a number of new

the performance of non-inversion

example, the average level of

varieties indicated a number of

tillage compared with ploughing for

resistance in May was 31% and this

promising strains with high yield

cereal crops. A range of

increased to 73% in June/July. As a


measurements were made on crop


Teagasc Annual Report 03

development, weed, disease and pest incidence and control, soil structure, nutrient movement and beneficial soil fauna. Winter wheat and spring barley performed very well under the reduced cultivation regime in 2003 but, in contrast with the previous two years, winter barley yielded poorly relative to ploughing. Poor crop growth and grass weeds contributed to this. Studies associated with the reduced cultivation project are endeavouring to determine the sources of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), its aphid vectors and the role of beneficial pest predators in controlling the disease. New genetic tools were developed which have the capacity to elucidate the aetiology and biological control of BYDV. This research work will provide information on best practice in non-

The potato breeding programme at Oak Park continued to deliver new varieties for the domestic market and seed export trade. During 2003, three new varieties, Habbi, Kikko and Setanta, were added to the Irish national list of potato varieties.

substitution is expected to increase further, with additional knock-on effects for growersĂą€™ incomes. Research on blight control during 2003 confirmed earlier results that the application of fungicides according to a decision support system gave excellent control of blight and involved a reduction of 30% in the amount of fungicide applied. This has significant benefits not only in cost but also from a product quality and environmental sustainability viewpoint.

Grass and Clover Breeding Two new perennial ryegrass varieties, Glencar and Shandon, were sanctioned for addition to the Irish recommended list. Glencar is a late tetraploid with very good spring and autumn growth. Shandon is an intermediate diploid combining high yields with very good seasonal

ploughing systems, which has

growth. Both varieties will be on the

generated a lot of interest among

Irish recommended list in 2005.

cereal growers. Glenstal, another ryegrass bred at

More Success in Potato Breeding

Oak Park, completed official trials in

The potato breeding programme at

inclusion in the UK list. A further five

Oak Park continued to deliver new

perennial ryegrass varieties, which

varieties for the domestic market and

were bred at Oak Park, were

seed export trade. During 2003,

entered in national and

three new varieties, Habbi, Kikko

recommended list trials in 2004.

and Setanta, were added to the Irish

Four new white clover varieties, bred

national list of potato varieties.

at Oak Park, were under

the UK and was a candidate for

consideration by the Department of Rooster, another variety bred at Oak

Agriculture and Food for entry into

Park, continued to make progress on

Irish national and recommended list

the home market and accounted for

trials. One of these was entered in

34% of potato acreage in 2003. It

the UK trials in 2004.

has also replaced 3,000 tonnes of imported potatoes for frozen chip production. The level of import


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Increased Nursery Stock Demand

started. Twenty-five ornamental

reducing the number of spray

shrubs and herbaceous perennials

treatments for aphids and caterpillars

The nursery stock service helped

requiring rapid propagation were

in summer brassica crops. As part of

growers respond to the growing

identified by growers and grown in

the vegetable advisory programme,

demand, particularly for semi-mature

replicated trials at Kinsealy to test for

pest and disease monitoring was

and mature plants for instant

optimal nutrient requirements. These

carried out on selected farms on a

gardening and landscaping. The

were used to establish sterile shoot

weekly basis and the results were

continued growth in home ownership

cultures for the initiation of

disseminated to growers.

and the increased emphasis on


leisure and ecology led to a further products and landscape services.

Improving Mushroom Efficiency

The growth of lifestyle gardeners has

The necessity for top efficiency in

led to a phenomenal growth in

mushroom production was

demand for patio plants. The growth

emphasised in 2003, with the drop

is coming largely from people in the

of 15% in prices to growers. The

35-55 age group who tend to be

Teagasc mushroom team focused on

cash rich and time poor.

increasing compost fill from 20

increase in demand for garden

tonnes to 36 tonnes per mushroom The Teagasc nursery stock team

tunnel and increasing the output of

worked with the countryĂą€™s 222

mushrooms per tonne of compost

production units to increase the

from 220Kg to 250Kg, as key

output of saleable plants and to

drivers of efficiency.

improve labour productivity. Emphasis was also placed on greater

The top 20% of growers who

use of bio-control agents and

increased compost fill from 30

biological pest control. Nurseries

tonnes to 36 tonnes per tunnel

were also given professional

showed an increase of Ăą‚Ćč17,000 in

assistance in planning new

income. Over 10% of growers

investment under the scheme of

reached the Teagasc target of

investment aid for horticulture.

250Kg of mushrooms per tonne of compost in 2003.

Research at Kinsealy Research Centre examined the development of

In fruit production, Teagasc provided

peat-free growing media. A range of

the technical support to an

materials such as sawdust, bark,

increasing number of growers in

composted green waste and spent

switching from outdoor to protected

brewerĂą€™s grain were assessed. The

systems of production. Protected

use of disease inhibitors and

cropping leads to better quality,

biocontrol agents in these media

higher output and a longer growing

were also studied. These trials are

season, resulting in increased

being continued in 2004.

income for growers.

A project to develop technology to

A production blueprint for winter

re-invigorate, micropropagate and

vegetable crops was developed at

grow-on rare and difficult to

Kinsealy Research Centre. Research

propagate nursery stock species

was also carried out on the scope for


Teagasc Annual Report 03


Research on Nutrient Efficiency Research on improving the efficiency of nutrients in livestock and crop production systems continued in 2003. Among the new outputs was amended recommendations for nitrogen use that will ensure a better balance between inputs and requirements, particularly in dairy farming. A new system of nitrogen advice, based on modelling was developed for sugar beet. This will ensure greater precision in the nitrogen

Environmental Control

supply for optimum yields, thus reducing the potential for losses. The results of trials on the potential of new slurry spreading techniques, band spreading and shallow injection,

Efficient nutrient management and

to improve the recovery of nitrogen

water quality protection were again

in slurry, were analysed. They

the dominant features of the

showed that both new techniques

Teagasc environment programme in

resulted in an improvement in the

2003. A total of 24 research

recovery of the nitrogen in cattle

projects were undertaken at

slurry, compared to the conventional

Johnstown Castle Research Centre,

splash plate technique. However, the

of which five were new projects. The

level of improvement was lower for

Teagasc environmental advisory

pig slurry.

programme concentrated on promoting efficient fertiliser use,

The first in a series of field trials on

effective manure management and

land spreading of spent wood chip

maintenance of biodiversity.

from out-wintering pads was initiated. The effect of the applied

Substantial resources were also

spent wood chip on silage yields and

devoted to delivering professional

the quantity of chips recovered in the

services to farmers participating in

harvested grass is being assessed in

the Rural Environment Protection


Scheme (REPS). Teagasc also provided scientific advice to the

The quantity of phosphorus fertiliser

Government and to farmers on the

purchased by Irish farmers reduced

implementation and impact of the

by 30% between 1996 and 2003.

Nitrate Directive.

The reduction coincided with revised Teagasc advice on phosphorus needs for grassland and tillage and a


Teagasc Annual Report 03

concerted advisory campaign on efficient use of phosphorus. The research programme at Johnstown Castle Research Centre continued to focus on fine-tuning the phosphorus requirements for the diversity of soil types and farming systems. Research on nutrient losses to the environment concentrated on the development of descriptive farm nutrient models to predict nutrient flows in farm systems and the impact of management systems on the flow of nutrients. A mechanical nutrient flow simulation model to enable quantification of nutrient flows, their associated interactions and their interactions with biodiversity is being developed.

A new system of nitrogen advice, based on modelling was developed for sugar beet. This will ensure greater precision in the nitrogen supply for optimum yields, thus reducing the potential for losses.

to 30% of the total greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. In 2003, just under 6% of the total nitrogen fertiliser applied was lost as nitrous oxide. This represents an almost doubling of the values recorded in the previous year and was associated with the wet weather in July which created conditions suitable for the release of this gas from soil. In a parallel lysimeter study, the results showed a significant soil and nitrogen fertiliser effect. Emissions from light free-draining soils were considerably lower compared with those from the heavier, wetter soils. These new results are highlighting the importance of soil type and weather conditions, as well as

Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions

increasing rates of nitrogen fertiliser

Field scale studies on grazed

emissions from Irish agriculture.

grassland measured the effect of a

Their importance lies in the fact that

range of nitrogen fertiliser inputs on

the default value used in the national

nitrous oxide emissions from the soil

greenhouse gas emission inventory

to the air. Nitrous oxide is a

calculation, which is used to

greenhouse gas and contributes up

determine compliance with national

inputs, as drivers of nitrous oxide


Teagasc Annual Report 03

commitments under the Kyoto

of over 50,000 soil samples. The

Protocol, may require modification.

range and accuracy of much of the analysis was enhanced in 2003, due

Developing National Soils Database

to the modernisation of the analytical

The three year project on the

of the art equipment.

laboratory and the provision of state

establishment of a national soils database continued at Johnstown

In the area of natural heritage

Castle Research Centre in 2003. It

protection, Teagasc advisers and

involves the collection and analysis of

specialists prepared some 1,000

soil samples for a range of chemical

plans for commonage and non-

and biological parameters.

commonage areas. Teagasc specialists were deeply involved in

Using strictly defined protocols, soil

the Task Force Report on the

samples were obtained from pre-

Shannon Callows, which was

determined locations on the national

completed in 2003. The report

grid. Some 1,000 samples were

outlined the cost of implementing

analysed and these, together with

effective environmental management

300 samples collected previously,

prescriptions for the area.

now constitute the National Soils Database. These soil samples will be

In hedgerow management, a series

available for comprehensive

of four advisory leaflets were

examination into the future.

published, detailing the best planting, trimming and management

Servicing Environmental Schemes

techniques for hedgerows as well as

A total of 16,300 farmer participants

Training courses were also

in the Rural Environment Protection

conducted for hedge-cutting

Scheme (REPS) received


outlining important safety measures.

professional support from Teagasc in 2003. REPS advisers also ran 217 training courses and these were attended by over 6,000 participants. Advisory staff were also involved in providing expert advice on farm building design and planning and in the preparation of nutrient management plans to meet the requirements of agricultural byelaws, planning permission conditions and to ensure cost-efficient and environmentally sustainable farm production systems. Advisers and researchers were involved in the collection and analysis


Teagasc Annual Report 03


Advisory and Training Priorities The Teagasc specialist forestry advisory service, working in association with county advisory staff, had two key objectives in 2003 ‱ Including the forestry option, where appropriate, in farm planning. ‱ Promoting profitable quality timber production using sustainable forest management practices.

A comprehensive programme of


advisory and training activities was delivered. This included demonstrations and field evenings on Teagasc monitor farm forests,

With over 1,400 new entrants to

2002, continued its work in resource

regional seminars and field days in

forestry each year, the number of

mapping of soil parent material,

each county. A nationwide series of

farmers and landowners involved in a

habitats and in providing basic

special forestry training courses were

forestry enterprise is expected to

databases for the EU Water

also held and forestry awareness

reach 20,000 by 2007. The current

Framework Directive’s River Basin

modules were delivered to over

14,000 landowners with a forest

Catchment Management System.

6,000 participants in REPS training

enterprise are receiving €50m

This work contributes directly to the

courses and in courses for young

annually in EU forestry premium

county groundwater protection

entrants to the industry and adult


schemes. It also contributes to the


Natural Global Monitoring for The Teagasc forestry programme is

Environment and Security Forum and

dedicated to developing and

to the National Landslides Working

disseminating the vital technology for


successful and sustainable forests and to providing expert, independent

Another project, funded by

planning and financial advice on the

COFORD, the forestry research

inclusion of forestry as a mainstream

agency, has begun to develop

farm enterprise.

methods suitable for the management of young broadleaf

Research Highlights

trees under Irish conditions. Mistakes

Work on the major Forest Soils

made in management or neglect in

Classification Project concluded in

the early years of growth cannot be

2003 and the results were due to be

rectified at a later stage. Farmers are

published in 2004. A new project,

planting up to 2000 hectares of

funded by the Department of

broadleaves each year and these

Environment, Heritage and Local

young plantations are in urgent need

Government, which commenced in

of treatment.


Teagasc Annual Report 03


Deer Farming The number of deer units remained stable, at around 300. The deer farming programme was aimed at improving the profitability of the enterprise as well as providing expert assistance to existing producers who wished to expand there business and to potential new entrants to deer farming. Members of deer discussion groups were encouraged by Teagasc to use the Deer Profit Monitor in order to accurately assess performance and profit trends Almost 100 producers are now

Farm Diversification

taking part in a venison quality assurance scheme. A FETAC accredited quality assurance venison module was developed as part of the Teagasc adult farmer training programme. Twenty two deer

The farm diversification and rural

farmers took part in an introductory

enterprise programme involved the

course on quality assurance to help

provision of research, advisory and

them prepare for their first quality

training services in sport horse

assurance inspection. A price

production, deer farming, poultry

deferential of 60c/kg was achieved

production, organic farming, rural

for quality assured venison.

tourism and dairy goat farming.

Poultry Production Sport Horses

Through the Teagasc poultry

The sport horse programme

programme, technical assistance

concentrated on better breeding,

was offered to existing producers

management and presentation of

and to those interested in

horses. Thirteen courses on

establishing a poultry enterprise in

developing a horse enterprise were

order to increase family income. Five

held with almost 300 participants.

training courses were run for

The majority of these participants

potential new entrants, with a total

were in the process of upgrading

attendance of 45.

and enlarging their equine facilities with the aim of producing better

Another key objective of the

animals. Skills training courses were

programme was to provide technical

also held with the aim of enabling

input to Bord Bia quality assurance

producers to add value to their

schemes and deliver producer


training for the schemes. In 2003, chicken quality assurance training was delivered to 20 technical co-


Teagasc Annual Report 03

ordinators from processing plants. Training courses were also provided for 320 chicken producers to prepare them for participation in the Bord Bia chicken quality assurance programme.

Organic Farming Organic production accounts for 1% of the land area and 0.5% of total food sales. A significant increase in production would need to take place if the potential of organic farming is to be realised and a foothold established on the home and export markets.

The main objective of the Teagasc organic programme in 2003 was to support the establishment of a viable organic sector and to help develop its market potential.

open day on the Mellows unit in July attracted an attendance of over 1,000. Short courses have been developed to meet the needs of organic farmers. Two introductory courses were staged in Galway and Clare; each attended by 30 participants. Selected county advisers received initial training to equip them to deal with queries on organic farming and provide a basic service to existing organic producers at local level. A list of Teagasc organic clients has been compiled in consultation with the

The main objective of the Teagasc

county advisers. These farmers are

organic programme in 2003 was to

now better serviced with the

support the establishment of a viable

provision of a newsletter and

organic sector and to help develop

specialised support. A Teagasc

its market potential.

booklet on guidelines for organic farming was published and circulated

The Teagasc organic farming

to 800 organic farmers.

systems established at Mellows Centre, Athenry and Johnstown

Rural Tourism

Castle Research Centre, Wexford

The rural tourism programme

are showing an excellent level of

focused on supporting rural tourism

performance and are being

providers in the development of

extensively promoted. Sixty groups

quality products and in the

visited these units in 2003. The


Teagasc Annual Report 03

improvement of their management

The objective of the Teagasc dairy

and operational skills.

goat programme was to improve the efficiency and profitability of

Two 150-hour FETAC accredited

production. In 2003, a 25-hour dairy

Certificate in Rural Tourism courses

goat husbandry course was delivered

were provided by Teagasc, in

to 25 participants at Ballyhaise

partnership with CERT and institutes

College. A midlands discussion

of technology, in 2003. A total of 32

group continued to meet on a

such courses have now been

quarterly basis. A meeting of

provided by Teagasc and its partners

producers was held in Longford and

in recent years.

individual clients were supported through farm visits, phone/office

Teagasc staff continued to work in

consultations and by newsletter. With

partnership with LEADER to guide

the delivery of an effective Teagasc

the development of rural tourism

advisory and training programme,

marketing. Technical assistance was

there is an increasing level of co-

also provided to a range of rural

operation among producers and the

tourism initiatives, including the

industry is expanding at a steady

proposed establishment of a National


Federation for Rural Tourism.

Dairy Goat Farming There are approximately 200 farmers with a dairy goat enterprise in Ireland. Dairy goat farming is a growth area with an increasing demand for its products. At present indigenous production is not able to meet the demand and an average of 10,000 litres of goatsĂą€™ milk per week is imported.


Teagasc Annual Report 03


All Teagasc courses for young entrants to agriculture, horticulture and the agri-food industry are now accredited by the national awarding bodies, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC) and the Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC). Eleven HETAC-accredited third level courses were offered on the Central

Education and Training

Applications Office (CAO) list. These courses are provided jointly by Teagasc colleges and institute of technology partnerships. Participants have the opportunity to progress from certificate to diploma and up to university degree level.

Training for young entrants to agriculture and horticulture together with life-long learning programmes

A total of 602 students were participating in third level courses at

for adult farmers and rural dwellers

the end of 2003. A breakdown of

and comprehensive training for executives and operatives in the food industry continued as a key Teagasc priority in 2003.

enrolment and participation levels in 2003 and the previous two years is given in Table 1.

Table 1: Enrolments and Participation in Third Level Courses Courses National Cert in Agriculture




Year 1




Year 2




Year 3 National Dip in Horticulture


Year 1




Year 2




Year 3 National Cert in Agricultural Science


Year 1




Year 2




National Dip in Agricultural Science

Year 3




National Cert in Agri-Business

Year 1




Year 2




National Cert in Business Studies Ăą€“ Equine National Cert in Agricultural Mechanisation

Year 1




Year 2




Year 1




Year 2







Total Ăą€“ Third Level Courses


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Table 2: Enrolments and Participation in Teagasc Vocational Courses Courses


Vocational Cert in Agriculture



Year 1




Year 2





Year 3




Year 1




Year 2




Dip in Horticulture


Year 3



Cert in Horse Breeding & Training

Year 1




Year 2




Vocational Cert in Horticulture

Adv Cert in Dairy Herd Management

Year 1




Year 2




Year 1




Year 2




Vocational Cert in Agriculture

Year 1




(Mature Students)

Year 2




Year 3







Year 1




Year 2




Year 1




Adv Cert in Machinery & Arable Crops

Vocational Cert in Horticultural Skills Vocational Cert in Forestry Advanced Cert in Farm Management

Year 2 Total

27 3973


Participants in the final year of the former Teagasc Certificate in Farming


Participants in the final year of the former Teagasc Diploma in Horticulture.



A total of 3,577 students were

The investment programme aimed at

provide courses. Also, the Teagasc

participating in vocational certificate

ensuring that facilities in agricultural

Authority decided to end the

courses, run in nine agricultural and

and horticultural colleges are as

provision of vocational certificate

horticultural colleges, at the end of

good as those available

courses at Mellows College, Athenry.

2003. Courses covered many aspects

internationally was continued in

The remaining course at Mellows,

of agriculture, horticulture, horse

2003. A total of Ăą‚Ćč15m has been

the Vocational Certificate in Organic

production and forestry. All courses

invested in six agricultural and three

Farming, was transferred to

are accredited by FETAC and

horticultural colleges during the past

Mountbellew College.

participants have the opportunity to

three years. A number of vocational training

transfer, via the Higher Education Links Scheme, to third level courses.

The consolidation of college facilities

courses run at local Teagasc training

A breakdown of participation levels in

continued in 2003. The College of

centres were held at night and

vocational courses in 2003 and the

Horticulture at An Grianan,

weekends and contained significant

previous two years is given in Table 2.

Termonfeckin, Co. Louth ceased to

distance learning components.


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Table 3: Teagasc Adult Training Provision in 2003 No. of courses

No. of participants

Technology and Business modules



Rural Viability modules



Information Technology modules



Environment/Food Safety modules



Alternative Enterprise modules



100/80 Hour courses



Advanced Courses



Other courses



Total adult participants



With the growing number of part-

Adult Farmer Training

Close on 60% of all adult training

time farmers, Teagasc is committed

Over 10,000 adults attended

programmes were in the areas of

to organising training for young

courses runs by Teagasc in 2003.

environmental control and food

entrants and adult farmers at times

These courses covered technology

safety, reflecting the growing

which suit the work-schedules of

and business management, rural

importance of these areas.


viability, information technology,

Information technology was also a

environmental protection, food

very important element of training.


safety, alternative enterprises and

Over 500 members of farm families

Teagasc entered the area of e-

advanced management. A

participated in information technology

learning for the first time in 2003.

breakdown of adult training is given

training. They had the benefit of

An on-line learning website was built

in Table 3.

computer laboratories which have

and this is linked with the virtual

been established in colleges and

learning environment at

Special courses in basic agriculture

Carmarthenshire College in Wales,

and farm management were run for

which has one of the most highly

people under 35 who had not

developed e-learning systems.

completed formal agricultural training

Over 2,000 food industry personnel

Twenty Teagasc education staff were

and required training in order to

participated in training courses in all

trained in the provision of e-learning.

quality for stamp duty relief,

aspects of food processing in 2003.

investment aid and quota-based

Among the areas covered were food

A course involving over 40 students

schemes. Many of the participants in

safety, innovation management, food

was successfully run in 2003 and

these courses, involving 100 hours

labelling, new processing technology

designated local training centres.

Food Industry Training

plans were made to run further

training in agriculture and 80 hours

and new product development. The

courses in 2004. To enable the

training in farm management, were

bulk of training was conducted at the

further development, growth and

in full-time employment outside of

National Food Centre where almost

management of on-line learning,

farming and were taking over the

1,700 personnel completed over

plans are now being advanced for

running of the family farm business

130 training courses. An outline of

the establishment of an on-line

on a full-time or part-time basis. A

courses and participation levels is

learning unit in Teagasc.

number of the courses were run

given in Table 4.

through distance learning in order to complement the work schedules of participants.


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Table 4: National Food Centre Training of Food Industry Personnel in 2003 Course title

No. courses

No. participants

Food Hygiene






Food safety auditing



Sensory analysis



Trainer skills in food safety and hygiene



Training course on EC/2001/471



Thermal process validation



Innovation workshop



Labelling of foodstuffs



Introduction to food microbiology for non-microbiologists



Identification of Listeria species



Food safety and hygiene



Food technology



New product development



Dept Agriculture staff training Ăą€“ Directive 91/497/EC (Annex 3)







Teagasc Annual Report 03


A joint Teagasc/UCD analysis conducted in 2003 showed a high level of satisfaction among programme participants. Over 80% said that, based on their experience, they would recommend the programme to a neighbour. An equally large majority felt participation in the programme helped greatly in assessing their current situation and charting strategies which would improve standard of living and quality of life. The feedback from participants was incorporated into a review of the

Opportunities for Farm Families Programme The Opportunities for Farm Families Programme was launched by Teagasc in 2002 to service the needs of farm families, arising from the rapid changes that are occurring in the structure of Irish agriculture. The objective of the programme was to assist farm families take a clear and realistic look at their present situation, examine the on-farm and off-farm options open to them and develop a “Way Forward Plan” that will boost income and improve quality of life.

Opportunities for Farm Families Programme in autumn 2003. Following agreement on CAP reform, the programme is now being refocused to reflect the impact of the changes in policy on farm families after January 2005 when the new system of decoupled payments is introduced. The new Planning Post Fischler Programme is being introduced in 2004 and will provide expert support to farmers in assessing the implications of the new policy and in gearing production to real market needs. It will involve a combination of group discussions and individual advice in developing and implementing an action plan for each participating farmer. The programme will retain the key elements of the successful Opportunities for Farm

A total of 4,000 farm families had participated in the programme up to late 2003. Over 50% of participants had completed all stages of the programme and were presented with their “Way Forward Plan”


Families Programme.

Teagasc Annual Report 03


again the major indoor event for the tillage sector. County tillage conferences and open days were also held at critical periods of the tillage season.

‱ Teagasc economists outlined the results of their analysis of the CAP reform proposals at a special conference in May. In December economists reported on the performance of the industry in 2003 and prospects for 2004 at the annual Situation and Outlook Conference.

Events and Publications

‱ A series of open days and conferences was run throughout the year for beef and sheep producers. National open days were also held on award winning

Teagasc maintained an active


programme of public events at local, county, regional and national level in 2003. These included

‱ The Teagasc pig research and

demonstrations, farm walks, open

advisory service ran three regional

days, discussion group meetings,

conferences which were attended

advisory clinics and a large schedule

by the majority of pig producers

of conferences on every aspect of the organisation’s work. Among the highlights were:

‱ The national REPS conference in November provided an important

‱ Two national dairy conferences in Cork and Cavan, which attracted

up-dating forum for professionals involved in the scheme.

an attendance of 1,500 farmers and industry representatives. A

‱ In horticulture, national

national liquid milk conference was

conferences were held on

also held. A comprehensive

potatoes and nursery stock and

schedule of dairying open days,

regional conferences were

demonstrations and local

organised for vegetable growers.

conference were held on farms, at Teagasc research and advisory centres and other venues.

‱ A comprehensive schedule of demonstrations and field days was

‱ The National tillage conference run by Teagasc in January was


run by the forestry advisory service.

Teagasc Annual Report 03

‱ The national education conference

A comprehensive publications

development digest, Farm & Food ,

held in February provided an ideal

programme was maintained during

was also produced.

discussion forum on future trends

the year. It included new manuals

and needs in agricultural and

and workbooks for the training

A substantial new body of

horticultural education.

programme and handbooks/leaflets

information was uploaded on the

on production, quality management,

Teagasc website,,

financial analysis, environmental

and traffic on the site grew by over

control, farm safety and food safety

30% during 2003, confirming its

to support all aspects of the advisory

growing importance as a source of


information nationally and

‱ Scientist and breeders from the UK, Holland and Teagasc addressed the national horse breeding conference run in April.

internationally. A high quality publication on Farming

‱ A national open day on organic

in the Burren and a detailed

farming was held at Mellows

publication on The Soils of Offaly

Centre, Athenry in July.

were published during the year. Two issues of the Irish Journal of

‱ A major demonstration on

Agricultural and Food Research were

alternative feeds for livestock was

produced, together with a range of

held at Kildalton College in July.

end of research project reports and other publications covering many

‱ In addition to the national food industry open day at Moorepark in October, a further 17 conferences and workshops were run by the National Food Centre and the Dairy Products Research Centre during the year.

aspects of the research programme. Six issues of the magazine, Todays Farm, were published and distributed to 35,000 farmer clients of Teagasc and to key personnel in the agri-food industry. The research and


Teagasc Annual Report 03


Public Service Management Act, 1997 In accordance with sections 4 and 5 of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, Teagasc submitted its second Statement of Strategy to the Minister for Agriculture and Food in November 2003.

Freedom of Information Act, 1997 The Freedom of Information Act, 1997 was applied in Teagasc with effect from 1 November 2002. The Act establishes three new statutory rights:

Statutory Obligations

‱ a legal right for each person to access information held by public bodies; ‱ a legal right for each person to have official information held by a


Office Commission. In addition,

public body relating to him/herself

Teagasc is committed to ensuring

Teagasc staff members holding

amended where it is incomplete,

equality of opportunity and its

designated positions have complied

incorrect or misleading; and

personnel and staff development

with both acts.

programmes are geared towards this to the implementation of Government

Safety, Health and Welfare Act, 1989

policy on the employment of disabled

In accordance with the Safety,

people in the public sector.

Health and Welfare Act, 1989,

objective. Teagasc is also committed

Teagasc has prepared safety

‱ a legal right to obtain reasons for decisions affecting oneself taken by a public body.

There is a policy on bullying,

statements that encompass all

intimidation and sexual harassment in

factors affecting staff and visitor

Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies, October 2001

operation to support and protect the


The Code of Practice for the

dignity of each staff member.

Ethics in Public Office Act, 1995 and Standards in Public Office Act, 2001 In accordance with the Ethics in Public Office Act, 1995, and the Standards in Public Offices Act, 2001, members of the Teagasc Authority have furnished a statement of interest to the Secretary of the Authority and a copy has been provided to the Standards in Public

Worker Participation (State Enterprises) Act, 1988 Sub-Board consultative structures have been put in place by Teagasc to support the organisation's communications and consultative processes. A National Participation Forum and four Regional Employee Participation Forums, representative of management and staff, are in operation.


Governance of State Bodies, approved by the Government in October 2001, has been adopted by Teagasc and arrangements have been made to ensure that Teagasc complies with the Code in all aspects of its operations.

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Prompt Payment of Accounts Act, 1997 Teagasc is included as a listed purchaser of goods in the schedule to the Prompt Payments of Accounts Act, 1997. Since 2 January 1998 the Act has come into operation and Teagasc has complied with the provisions of the Act. In accordance with the Act and guidelines issued by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, the following information is provided.

Procedures established to ensure compliance with the Act Teagasc has procedures in place to ensure that all invoices received are paid within the time limits specified on the invoices or the statutory time limit if no period is specified. While the procedures are designed to ensure compliance with the Act, they can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material non-compliance with the Act. These procedures operated in the financial period under review and in the case of late payments, the relevant suppliers were notified and interest was paid to them. In accordance with the Prompt Payments of Accounts Act, 1997, the following information is provided for the financial period ending 31 December 2003.

a) Payment Practices Teagasc makes payments to suppliers in accordance with the terms stated on invoices or terms specified in individual contracts if appropriate. The standard terms are 30 days.

b) Late Payments in excess of Ăą‚Ćč300 Number of Invoices


Average Period of Delay


c) Overall percentage of late payments of total payments and total interest paid The overall percentage of late payments to total payments was 1.53%. The total amount of interest paid with respect to late payments was Ăą‚Ćč2,807.55.

Jim Flanagan Director


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Financial Statements 2003 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General 48 Supplement to Audit Report 49 Statement of Internal Financial Control 54 Statement of Responsibilities of the Authority 55 Accounting Policies 56 Income & Expenditure Account 58 Balance Sheet 59 Cash Flow Statement 60 Notes to the Financial Statements 61


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General for presentation to the Houses of the Oireachtas I have audited the financial statements on pages 56 to 74 under Section 12 of the Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act, 1988.

Respective Responsibilities of the Members of the Authority and the Comptroller and Auditor General The accounting responsibilities of the Members of the Authority are set out on page 55. It is my responsibility, based on my audit, to form an independent opinion on the financial statements presented to me and to report on them. I review whether the statement on the system of internal financial control on page 54 reflects the AuthorityĂą€™s compliance with applicable guidance on corporate governance and report any material instance where it does not do so, or if the statement is misleading or inconsistent with other information of which I am aware from my audit of the financial statements.

Basis of Audit Opinion In the exercise of my function as Comptroller and Auditor General, I conducted my audit of the financial statements in accordance with auditing standards issued by the Auditing Practices Board and by reference to the special considerations which attach to State bodies in relation to their management and operation. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgments made in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the AuthorityĂą€™s circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. I planned and performed my audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations that I considered necessary to provide me with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming my opinion I also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.

Emphasis of Matter Without qualifying my opinion I draw attention in the Supplement to this Report to certain shortcomings in governance.

Opinion In my opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the Authority and the financial statements, which are in agreement with them, give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Authority at 31 December 2003 and of its income and expenditure and cash flow for the year then ended.

John Purcell Comptroller and Auditor General 21 September 2004 48

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Supplement to Audit Report Governance Shortcomings In the course of the 2003 audit of Teagasc the following matters came to my attention, during a review of internal audit reports, which gave rise to concern about the governance of the Authority. I raised these matters with the Director of the Authority and his responses have been incorporated in this supplement.

1. False Travel and Subsistence Claims In June 2001, the Authority received an anonymous letter stating that certain staff at a Teagasc Research Centre were receiving “additional free mileage and subsistence payments”. This letter was referred to the Director of the Centre who replied to the Director of the Authority the same month to the effect that he was satisfied that all was in order in respect of expense claims at the Centre. In July 2002 the Administrative Officer at the Centre fortuitously became aware of information that suggested that certain travel claims made by a staff member were not bona fide. He challenged the staff member who accepted that the claims were false and promised that there would be no recurrence. The staff member’s Head of Department was informed. He met the staff member and concluded that the false claims did not go back over a long period and that the amount at issue was small. On this basis he decided that no further action was warranted and he did not report the matter to the Director of the Centre Another anonymous letter alleging failure to deal with false expense claims by an unnamed staff member at the Centre was received by the Director of the Authority in May 2003. This resulted in the Internal Auditor being asked to carry out an investigation into the allegations. The Internal Audit investigation revealed that a staff member had been submitting spurious claims, apparently since 1988. The claims fell into two categories ‱ claims for journeys which had not been undertaken ‱ inflated claims relating to the daily collection of material by the staff member on his way to work. Such claims ought to have been limited to the cost of additional travel occasioned by the need to collect material over and above the normal travel from home to work. They were not so limited. Instead, the claims were calculated on the basis of a notional return trip from the Centre to the collection point. This resulted in an overclaim, on a weekly basis, in respect of 112 miles. All the claims had been duly certified by the then Head of Department. The amount calculated as having been paid in respect of claims for journeys not undertaken was €77,636 while no amount was attributed to the inflated claims. Disciplinary action has been taken against the officer concerned by demoting him within his grading structure and by requiring him to repay the amount claimed for journeys not undertaken plus interest of €52,420 giving a total of €130,056. In October 2003, the Director of Teagasc instructed Head Office staff to investigate the roles played by the Administrative Officer and the Head of Department at the Centre in relation to the false claims. This investigation took


Teagasc Annual Report 03

place in May 2004. Subsequently the Director recommended that the Administrative Officer and the Head of the Department be subjected to disciplinary action. Both the Administrative Officer and the Head of Department are contesting the disciplinary action. I was concerned that there had been a serious failure in governance in this instance in that: ‱ an effective system of monitoring, controlling and authorising travel and subsistence expenditure had not been maintained ‱ managers certifying claims seemed in many instances to have had little knowledge of claimants’ travel requirements and so were not in a position to approve such claims in good faith ‱ the control environment was deficient in that management did not react promptly and appropriately to the original indication of a possible fraud ‱ management did not deal appropriately with the discovery of the fraud in 2002.

I asked the Director of the Authority: 1. how the control environment at the Centre failed, over a period of almost sixteen years, to detect travel claims for journeys not undertaken. 2. whether Teagasc has written procedures for dealing with the discovery of frauds and irregularities and whether these were followed. 3. whether the anonymous letters were brought to the attention of the Internal Auditor and the Audit Committee promptly, and if so, with what result. 4. why no recovery had been required in respect of the inflated claims. 5. what further action is proposed in terms of ‱ strengthening the Authority’s reporting of, and reaction to, control failures. ‱ ensuring that managers are clear as to their responsibilities in relation to dealing with cases of fraud or suspected fraud.

Director’s Response The Director informed me that the failure in the control environment was attributable to a culture of unwarranted trust in the integrity of some staff by certain key members of management at the Centre. The focus of management was on operations with inadequate attention to financial controls. The Director stated that Teagasc does not have written procedures for dealing with the discovery of fraud and hitherto relied on local management to initiate appropriate action where fraud was discovered or suspected. In the incident of July 2002, the normal expected procedures were not followed. The Director informed me that the first anonymous letter was not brought to the attention of Internal Audit in 2001 but was dealt with by the Director through the Personnel Department and the Centre management. The second anonymous letter of May 2003 was promptly brought to the attention of the Internal Auditor who initiated an immediate investigation and issued a preliminary report to management on 8 July 2003. The Audit Committee was informed at the subsequent meeting in October 2003 that the investigation was ongoing and in November 2003 the Internal Auditor issued a report quantifying the false claims. The Audit Committee discussed the issue at the May 2004 meeting and the Director and Director of Administration set out the disciplinary procedures that were being instituted against the officer and two members of management at the Centre.


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In relation to the decision not to pursue recovery of overpaid amounts in the case of inflated claims, the Director stated that both the staff member and the Head of Department had acted in the mistaken belief that they were in compliance with the regulation in regard to the amounts claimed. In the circumstances of managerial agreement, it was considered that it would not be possible to pursue the matter. In relation to further action proposed, the Director stated that: ‱ During the course of the investigation at the Centre, an audit had been carried out of other officers’ claims. Head Office had also requested the Head of Centre to carry out a review of all travel claims at the Centre. This review did not detect any further false claims at the Centre. All internal audit assignments include a comprehensive examination of travel and subsistence claims. The audit plan for 2004, approved by the Audit Committee in February 2004, includes provision for a specific audit of travel and subsistence expenditure. ‱ Control failures identified in the normal course of the Internal Auditor’s work are initially reported to local management who are afforded the opportunity to respond to the points raised on audit before publication of the Internal Audit report and its subsequent distribution to the Audit Committee. The Internal Auditor carries out follow up work after a period of 6 months to ensure that identified weaknesses in the system of control have been acted upon. Teagasc considers this process to be effective. ‱ Procedures to deal with control failures identified outside of the Internal Audit process will be strengthened. ‱ Written procedures for dealing with fraud and irregularities will be promulgated and enforced vigorously.

2. Employee conflict of interest An Authority research centre had outsourced work associated with computerised on-farm data capture, recording, validation and reporting since 1995. The service provider was, until 1999, a partnership in which an employee of the Centre had an interest amounting to at least 50%. From 1999 the service provider was a company in which the employee is a 50% shareholder. The contract for this work was awarded without a tender. An Internal Audit report notes that: ‱ the employee agreed that he did not declare his interest in the company to the Director of Teagasc but asserts that the Director of Operations and the Head of Centre were aware of his connection with the company/partnership and this has not been denied. ‱ the employee requisitioned services from and certified payments to the company in 2003. ‱ the employee carried out quality control work on behalf of the company and was involved in the data analysis. The amount paid to the company since 1999 was €233,610. The amount paid between 1995 and 1999 was €102,605. With effect from 30 June 2004, Teagasc has discontinued using the services of this company and it is expected that alternative arrangements will be made. There was no evidence that any disciplinary action had been taken or considered in relation to this matter. I was concerned that these arrangements appeared ‱ to represent a breach of the employee’s conditions of employment which require that he devote his time fully to his duties as an employee and not to engage in outside employment or business. ‱ to be incompatible with the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies which requires State Bodies to adopt a code of conduct which, inter alia, will prevent employees being involved in outside employment/business interests in conflict or potential conflict with the business of the body.


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I asked the Director of the Authority: 1. Why local management: ‱ allowed the employee to requisition services from the company and certify payments to it. ‱ did not seek quotations or engage in a competitive tendering process in relation to the services. ‱ did not advise the Authority of the conflict of interest arising from the employee’s engagement by Teagasc and his connection with the company. 2. What steps the Authority has taken to implement a Code of Business Conduct as required by the Code of Practice. 3. What action has been taken to identify other possible conflicts and to deal with them.

Director’s Response In relation to the actions of local management the Director stated that: ‱ requisitions raised by an individual have no status in Teagasc unless authorised by the Head of Department or Head of Centre. Following the authorisation of a requisition the purchase order is raised. Payments cannot be certified unless the above procedure is followed in relation to procurement of service. In this case the employee had certified some of the payments because of the nature of the service provided. This should not have been allowed to happen in a situation where management was aware of the involvement of the employee in the provision of the service. ‱ A quotation was sought initially and a detailed description of the service to be provided was given by the employee's business. Local management at that time considered it to be good value for money. The cost of this service did not go up in line with inflation over the years. It proved very difficult to contemplate involvement in a more broad ranging competitive process because of the very specialised and local nature of the service provided. The service provider was required to have very specialised knowledge of research animal recording systems and needed to use very specialised computer software. ‱ Management embarked on a number of initiatives to eliminate dependence on the above approach to the capture and validation of farm records. It was not until a system that facilitated the recording and transfer of data over telephone lines to the central database was developed that Teagasc was in a position to discontinue using the services of the employee's business. The services were no longer required as of July 2004. ‱ The Director of Operations who was initially responsible for this work has retired from Teagasc. There is no record of him advising the then Director or Authority of the conflict of interest between the employee's engagement by Teagasc and his connection with this business. Subsequent managers assumed that this issue had been dealt with in the past and they focussed on removing the dependence of Teagasc for this type of service.

The Director indicated that the Authority plans to prepare and implement a Code of Business Conduct in 2004. He also informed me that a disciplinary process in relation to the staff member concerned, the Head of Centre and the Director of Operations has been initiated. As regards identifying and dealing with other possible conflicts of interest, the Director stated that in compliance with the Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001 specified officers are required each year to furnish a declaration (Statement of Interest) of any interests which could be interpreted to be in conflict with the interests of Teagasc. All employees on commencement of their assignment with Teagasc are asked to sign a contract of employment. Each contract of employment contains an exclusivity clause in which it is made clear that the officer should not engage in any employment or business other than their employment with Teagasc.


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The Teagasc Purchasing and Building Works Regulations (May 2003) cover ethical considerations in dealing with suppliers. Staff who have any connection with actual or potential suppliers to the Teagasc programme are required to declare their interest to the Director and to the Director of Operations concerned and to ensure that they do not influence in any way the placing of Teagasc business with such suppliers. Internal Audit investigations seek to uncover any potential conflict of interest situations which may exist.

John Purcell Comptroller and Auditor General 21 September 2004


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Statement on Internal Financial Control On behalf of the Authority of Teagasc I acknowledge our responsibility for ensuring that an effective system of internal financial control is maintained and operated. Any system of internal financial control can provide only reasonable and not absolute assurance against material error, misstatement or loss. In considering the effectiveness of internal financial controls, the Authority and its Audit Committee have regard, among other things, to the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies. The Authority has taken steps to ensure that an appropriate control environment is in place by: ‱ clearly defining management responsibilities, authority and accountability; ‱ establishing formal procedures for monitoring the activities and safeguarding the assets of Teagasc; ‱ developing a culture of accountability across all levels of the organisation. The Authority has established processes to identify business risks within Teagasc and is in the process of evaluating these risks. The system of internal financial control is based on a framework of regular management reporting, administration procedures including segregation of duties and a system of delegation and accountability including: ‱ a comprehensive annual budgeting and financial reporting system which is reviewed and approved by the Authority; ‱ regular reviews by the Authority of overall strategy, business and financial plans and variances against operating and capital budgets. Teagasc has an internal audit function, which operates in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies and with the effectiveness criteria set out in the Teagasc Statement of Strategy published in November 2003. The work of internal audit is informed by analysis of the risks to which Teagasc is exposed and annual internal audit plans are based on this analysis. The internal audit plans are approved by the Audit Committee. The Authority's monitoring and review of the effectiveness of the system of internal financial control is informed by the work of internal auditor, the Audit Committee which oversees the work of the internal auditor, the executive managers within Teagasc responsible for the development and maintenance of the financial control framework and comments made by the Comptroller and Auditor General in his management letter. No specific review of the system of internal control was carried out during 2003. The Authority intends to arrange for such a review in 2004.

Dr Tom O'Dwyer, Chairman 14 September 2004


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Statement of Responsibilities of the Authority Under Section 12(1) of the Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act, 1988, the Authority is required to prepare financial statements in such form as may be approved by the Minister for Agriculture and Food with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance. In preparing those financial statements, the Authority is required to: ‱ select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently ‱ make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent ‱ prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that Teagasc will continue in operation ‱ disclose and explain any material departures from applicable accounting standards

The Authority is responsible for keeping proper books of account which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of Teagasc, and which enable it to ensure that the financial statements comply with statutory requirements. The books of account are kept at the Authority’s headquarters at 19 Sandymount Avenue, Dublin 4. The Authority is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of Teagasc and for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

Dr Tom O’Dwyer

James Beecher


Member of the Authority

14 September 2004


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Accounting Policies For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 The accounting policies adopted by Teagasc are as follows:

(a) Basis of Accounting The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the historical cost convention, subject to certain assets being included at a valuation (see Note 13).

(b) State Funding State funding for Research in the Food sector and for the Stimulus collaborative research programme is accounted for on an accrual basis. All other State funding is accounted for on a cash receipts basis.

(c) EU Income Grants from the European Social Fund are taken to income on the basis of the first and second advances of the current year’s claim, together with the final instalment of the previous year’s claim. All other EU Grants are accounted for on an accrual basis.

(d) Operational Income Advisory service income is accounted for on a cash receipts basis. All other operational income is accounted for on an accrual basis.

(e) Tangible Fixed Assets and Depreciation (i) Owned Assets Assets were taken over from An Chomhairle Oiliuna Talmhaiochta and An Foras Taluntais on 8th September 1988 at the closing values in the Balance Sheets of those bodies. Additions are stated at cost. (ii) Depreciation Land is not depreciated. The cost or valuation of other owned fixed assets is written off by equal instalments over their expected useful lives as follows: Farm Buildings

20 years

Other Buildings

50 years 5 years

Plant and Vehicles Computer Equipment

3 years

Laboratory and Office Equipment

10 years

Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over the lease term, where this is shorter than their expected useful lives. A half year’s depreciation is charged in the years of acquisition and disposal of assets. (iii) Leased Assets Fixed assets acquired under finance leases are treated in accordance with the policy noted above under fixed assets. The capital element of related rental obligations is included under liabilities, while the interest element is charged to expenditure over the term of the primary lease period. Rentals on operating leases are charged to expenditure as incurred.


Teagasc Annual Report 03

(f) Capital Account The balance on this account represents the unamortised value of funds used to purchase fixed assets.

(g) Stocks Stocks have been valued by Teagasc officials. Livestock and own farm produce are valued at estimated net realisable value. Net realisable value is determined on the basis that animals are sold for slaughter. Gains and losses, which arise from these valuations, are reflected in full in operational income. All other stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

(h) Debtors Known bad debts are written off as they arise and specific provision is made where recovery is considered doubtful.

(i) Libraries and Publications No value is placed on the books in Teagasc libraries or on unsold publications. Expenditure on books and publications is written off in the period in which it is incurred.

(j) Superannuation The pension entitlements of employees of Teagasc and its predecessors are provided for through defined benefit superannuation schemes. No provision is made for future pensions, and the costs of these schemes are met from current income as they arise. Staff contributions in respect of pensions are offset against this expenditure (see Note 9).


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Income & Expenditure Account For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 2003





State Funding




EU Income




Operational Income



















Surplus/(Deficit) for the period



Balance forward from previous year






Surplus/(Deficit) on disposal of Fixed Assets Other Grants, Donations and Voluntary Levies

Expenditure Transfer from /(to) Capital Account

Accumulated Balance at 31st December

The above amounts relate entirely to continuing operations. There are no recognised gains or losses except as reflected in the above Account. The Statement of Accounting Policies and notes 1 to 24 form part of these Financial Statements.

Dr Tom O’Dwyer

Jim Flanagan



14 September 2004


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Balance Sheet As at 31st December 2003 2003





13 14

69,632 2

66,953 2



5,739 4,918 19,132 359

5,754 5,388 622 391



13,337 365 106 493 1

13,572 350 197 6,712 5



Net Current Assets/(Liabilities)



Total Assets less Current Liabilities



42 8 19

134 6 22





69,476 15,935

66,612 (8,500)



Fixed Assets Tangible Assets Financial Assets

Current Assets Stocks Debtors and Prepayments Bank Balances Short-term Deposits

15 16

Current Liabilities (amounts falling due within one year) Creditors and Accruals Deferred Income Obligations under Finance Leases Bank Overdraft Bank Loans

17 18 19


Non Current Liabilities (amounts falling due after more than one year) Obligations under Finance Leases Bank Loans Other long-term Liabilities


Net Assets Represented By Capital Account Income and Expenditure Account


The Statement of Accounting Policies and notes 1 to 24 form part of these Financial Statements.

Dr Tom O’Dwyer

Jim Flanagan



14 September 2004 59

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Cash Flow Statement For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 Reconciliation of Operating Surplus/(Deficit) To Net Cash Inflow From Operating Activities

Note Operating Surplus/(Deficit)










Transfer to Capital Account









Interest paid Interest received (Profit)/Loss on sale of fixed assets (Increase)/Decrease in Stocks



(Increase)/Decrease in Debtors



(Decrease)Increase in Creditors









Interest Paid



Interest received





Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets



Receipts from disposal of tangible fixed assets













Increase/(Decrease) in Deferred Income Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities

CASH FLOW STATEMENT Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities Return on Investments and Servicing of Finance

Net Cash Outflow from Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance

Investing Activities

Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Investment Activities

Financing Property Loan repayments Capital Element of Finance Lease payments

Net Cash Outflow from financing Increase/(Decrease) in Cash


Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds/(debt) Increase/(Decrease) in cash


Net (debt)/funds at 1st January

Net funds/(debt) at 31st December








Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 1. Teagasc (the Agriculture and Food Development Authority) Teagasc (the Agriculture and Food Development Authority) was established under the Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act, 1988. Under Section 21 of the Act, the assets and liabilities of An Chomhairle Oiliuna Talmhaiochta and An Foras Taluntais were transferred to Teagasc upon its establishment. Section 12 of the Act requires that Accounts shall be kept in such form as may be approved by the Minister for Agriculture and Food with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance. This approval was given on 14th August 1998.

2. State Funding The total amount shown under the above heading is made up as follows: 2003






Grant-in-Aid for superannuation purposes



Grant-in-Aid for human resources purposes







Grant for Forestry Publicity and Awareness



Grant for Forestry Training





Vote 31: Agriculture and Food Grant-in-Aid for general expenses (including Grant for capital purposes, €4,066,487 (2002: €8,466,000)

Grant-in-Aid for food research Grant for Stimulus collaborative research programme

Vote 30: Communications, Marine and Natural Resources

3. EU Income In 2003 EU funding was as follows: 2003




Operational Programme for Agriculture, Rural Development and Forestry 1994 -1999



Framework Programme V 1998 – 2002







Framework Programme VI



1,933 3,695 11 805 48 25,593

985 3,594 62 227 4,767 589 34,136



19,101 -

227 57 175


4,565 19,347

5,692 582 473

Northern Advice & Training Division €000

6 65 -

Authority, Headquarters & National Receipts €000

Pay (see Note 8) Pensions and Superannuation (see note 9) Travelling and Subsistence General Operating Expenses (see note 6) Interest and Lease Charges Depreciation (see Note 13) Grants to Private Colleges Grants to Farm Apprenticeship Board Other Grants

5. Expenditure

Advisory Service Fees Other fees Livestock Trading (See Note 7) Other Farming Operations Canteen Receipts Publications and Miscellaneous

4. Operational Income

For the Year Ended 31st December 2003


23 1,036 123

1,975 4,540

21,499 -


410 102 141

5,554 1,274 352

Southern Advice & Training Division €000


73 1,801 1,330

1,018 7,811

23,979 -


1,576 102 96


635 440

301 2,356

5,185 -


27 -

1,835 2


€000 3,028 1,393

National Food Centre

Production Research Division



598 -

164 2,495

3,536 -


13 83 (3)

332 -


Moorepark Dairy Products Centre


169 5,102 4,767 2,794

6,376 24,491

77,865 19,347


2,226 371 682


186 4,762 6,447 190 2,663

7,041 29,255

73,793 20,116


2,292 350 893

10,746 6,682 2,380

2002 €000

2003 €000 11,252 7,116 2,220



Notes to the Financial Statements

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Farming supplies/services Maintenance/repairs Rents/rates/insurances Postage/telephones Power/fuel/petrol Laboratory supplies Printing/stationery/publicity Seminar/classroom/library supplies and services Services of external agencies Student and staff canteen supplies Data processing supplies/services Legal/professional fees (see note 10) Miscellaneous Programme Costs Miscellaneous

468 673 540 620 308 6 398 180 47 210 149 8 34 54 3,695

121 66 456 933 (3) 3,594

Northern Advice & Training Division €000

743 208 330 36 36 668

Authority, Headquarters & National Receipts €000

6. Analysis of General Operating Expenditure

For the Year Ended 31st December 2003



280 91 288 51 19 104 104

722 851 607 690 311 112 310

Southern Advice & Training Division €000


187 187 130 225 338 776 29


421 31 39 34 20 289 9

462 97 82 140 627 105


€000 2,101 940 969 297 612 813 207

National Food Centre

Production Research Division


24 216 114 137 72 195 23

55 462 302 58 139 632 66


Moorepark Dairy Products Centre


1,213 572 847 1,052 1,390 1,398 216


1,314 896 882 1,433 1,205 1,407 229

3,654 8,012 2,256 1,937 1,591 2,008 2,431

2002 €000

2003 €000 3,346 4,131 2,723 2,077 1,546 2,226 1,754



Notes to the Financial Statements

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 7. Livestock Trading Surplus

Sales Grants and subsidies Opening Stock Purchases







































Less: Closing Stock

Surplus to Income and Expenditure Account (See Note 4)

8. Staff The average number of staff employed during the year was as follows:

9. Superannuation Section 9 of the Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act, 1988 provides for the establishment of schemes for the granting of superannuation benefits in respect of staff appointed by Teagasc and staff transferred to Teagasc from An Chomhairle Oiliuna Talmhaiochta and from An Foras Taluntais. Pending the approval of draft superannuation schemes by the Minister for Agriculture and Food, the Minister for Finance and the Oireachtas, Teagasc operates superannuation schemes on an administrative basis. Teagasc also administers two superannuation schemes (the Agricultural Colleges Staff Superannuation Scheme 1985 and the Agricultural Colleges Spouses’ and Children’s Contributory Pension Scheme 1985) in respect of certain staff employed by privately-owned Colleges of Agriculture and Horticulture, the cost of whose salaries is borne by the Exchequer through the agency of Teagasc.


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 The above Schemes are defined benefit superannuation schemes. Superannuation entitlements arising under the schemes are paid out of Teagasc current income and are charged to the Income and Expenditure Account, net of employee superannuation contributions, in the year in which they become payable. No separate fund is maintained, and no assets are held, to finance the payment of pensions and gratuities. No provision is made in the financial statements in respect of any liability accruing in regard to future benefits. Superannuation Costs The average number of monthly pensions paid during the year was 1,178 (2002 - 1,114). The charge for superannuation in the Financial Statements is made up as follows:

Pensions and gratuities paid















Payments under Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme Less: Staff Contributions

Superannuation Benefits For the purposes of reporting in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 17, Retirement Benefits (transitional arrangements), Teagasc has been advised by a qualified actuary. A valuation has been prepared by the actuary in order to assess the liabilities of the superannuation schemes at 31 December 2003. The major financial assumptions used to calculate liabilities under FRS 17 are as follows: 2003


% per annum

% per annum

Inflation rate increase (a)



Salary rate increase



Pension rate increase



Scheme liabilities discount rate



On the basis of these and other assumptions and applying the projected unit method prescribed in FRS 17, the present value of pension scheme liabilities is as follows: 2003




Accumulated liabilities in respect of active Scheme members



Liabilities in respect of existing pensioners and deferred pensions



Total accrued pension liability




Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 Analysis of amount which would be charged to operating profit: €000 Current Service Cost


Past Service Cost


Settlements and Curtailments


Analysis of the amount which would be credited to other finance income: €000 Interest on Scheme liabilities


Expected return on Scheme assets


Analysis of the amount which would be recognised in a statement of total recognised gains and losses (STRGL): €000 Actual return less expected return on Scheme assets


Experience gains and losses


Changes in assumptions


Actuarial loss which would be recognised in STRGL:


Analysis of the movement in deficit during the year is as follows: €000 Deficit at 1.1.2003


Current service cost




Past service costs, settlements and curtailments


Other finance income/(loss)


Actuarial gain/(loss)

(48,856) (654,584)

Deficit at 31.12.2003

(a) As pension increases under the Teagasc schemes are based on salary increases rather than on price increases, a price inflation assumption is not necessary for the purposes of this valuation. However, since FRS 17 requires reference to an assumed rate of inflation, the above rate would be appropriate for this purpose.


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 10. Audit Fee A provision of €40,150 has been included in expenditure in respect of auditor's remuneration for 2003 (2002 - €40,150).

11. Authority Fees and Emoluments The following emoluments were paid to the members of the Authority:

Chairman Other Authority members





15 91

15 89



These amounts are included in the total Pay expenditure included under Note 5 above.

12. Capital Account 2003






Amount capitalised in respect of purchased assets



Net amount released on disposals



Balance at 1st January

Transfers from/(to) Income and Expenditure Account

Property loan repayments Capital element of payments in respect of leased assets













Less: Amortised in line with asset depreciation

Balance at 31st December


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 13. Tangible Fixed Assets Land


Plant & Equipment



















Cost Or Valuation At 1st January 2003 Additions Disposals

At 31st December 2003 Accumulated Depreciation At 1st January 2003

42,298 121,874




Charged during period




Disposals during period







At 31st December 2003 Net Book Value 31st December 2003





Net Book Value 31st December 2002





Included in the opening balances is land totalling 612.3 ha (1,513 acres) transferred by the Department of Agriculture and Food at nominal values, and certain other assets which were revalued at 31st December 1975 or 1st July 1980. Teagasc has the use of 85 ha (210 acres) of land owned by the Department of Agriculture & Food, while the Department has the use of 16.2 ha (40 acres) owned by Teagasc. There is no charge to either party arising from these arrangements. Certain fixed assets entrusted to Teagasc are protected by statute, and may not be sold. The net book value of assets includes the following amounts in respect of leased assets:

Plant and Equipment €000 2003




The depreciation charge for the year on these assets was as follows: 2003





Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 14. Financial Assets (a) Moorepark Technology Limited Teagasc has a 59% holding in the paid up share capital of Moorepark Technology Limited (5,100 shares at €0.127). The Company, which was incorporated on the 18th January 1991, is a joint venture between Teagasc and various agriculture co-operatives. Separate audited financial statements have been prepared in respect of the Company and its results for the year ended 31st December 2003 were as follows:

Turnover Operating Profit before Depreciation, Interest and Tax Depreciation (net of grants amortised) Interest (charges)/receipts Tax Profit/(Loss) after Taxation Accumulated Losses forward at 31 December







246 (242) 5 (1)

233 (223) 8 (1)





The Company’s Memorandum of Association provides that shareholders are entitled to avail of the Company’s services at preferential rates. Trading transactions between Teagasc and Moorepark Technology Limited (which consists of consultancy, analyses and use of technical and other facilities) were as follows: 2003











Balance unpaid at 31 December



Teagasc sales to Moorepark Technology Limited Balance unpaid at 31 December

136 40

114 54

Moorepark Technology Limited sales to Teagasc (included in Company’s turnover) Other recoupments from Teagasc (deducted from Company’s cost of sales)


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 Under the terms of the Moorepark Technology Limited Promoters’ Agreement, Teagasc has undertaken to provide from its own resources specified staff requirements in Moorepark Technology Limited, as well as underwriting the Company’s utility, stores, accounts and effluent overheads. These costs were as follows:

Staff Other





183 109

155 122

These totals are included in Teagasc expenditure under the Moorepark Dairy Products Centre (see notes 5 and 6 above) Moorepark Technology Limited utilises assets owned by Teagasc as follows:

Original Costs Net Book Value at 31st December





1,196 369

1,082 348

These amounts are included under Plant and Equipment (see note 13 above) In accordance with the Promoters’ Agreement, Teagasc has also leased to Moorepark Technology Limited at a nominal rent of €127 per annum its existing processing hall at Moorepark Dairy Products Centre together with an adjoining site on which the Company has constructed additional facilities. It was not considered appropriate to consolidate the results of the Company.

(b) Other Investments Teagasc has two small investments in agricultural co-operatives costing in total €1,890 (2002 - €1,890).


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 15. Stocks

Livestock Farm produce, fertilisers and feeding stocks Laboratory and veterinary supplies Building materials General supplies





3,955 596 187 31 970

4,021 582 230 32 889







1,161 2,131 1,626

2,586 2,163 639



16. Debtors

Trade Debtors EU Income Other Debtors and Prepayments

Included in EU Income are amounts receivable from the EU in respect of training grants totalling €2,130,416 (2002 – €2,163,542)


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 17. Creditors

Trade Creditors Other Creditors and Accruals





2,560 10,777

3,553 10,019



The total shown under this heading includes the following amounts due in respect of taxation and pay-related social insurance:

P.A.Y.E and P.R.S.I Value Added Tax Construction Industry Tax Withholding Tax





1,711 2,195 9 70

1,631 142 8 30



The total for Creditors also includes an amount of €358,574 (2002 - €391,358) which represents euro shortterm deposits being held pending distribution to sub-contractors in other EU States in respect of research contract work.

18. Deferred Income Public funded research is carried out in accordance with contracts with other State Institutions, principally the Department of Agriculture and Food. Under these contracts advances received at the commencement of projects are not taken into account as income until the projects are completed. At 31st December 2003 the source and amount of such deferred income was as follows:

National Development Plan: Productive Sector Operational Programme 2000-2006 Dept of Agriculture & Food - advance for analyses






197 168

150 200



Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 19. Finance Leases (a) Finance charges incurred during the year under finance leases amounted to €24,115 (2002 - €38,296) (b) Future obligations under finance leases are due as follows €000 Within one year Within two to five years

106 42 148

(c) At 31st December 2003 Teagasc had no commitments to enter into further finance leases in respect of plant and equipment (2002 – €24,684). (d) The movement in finance leasing obligations was as follows:

Obligations at 1st January New finance leases Capital element of finance lease payments Obligations at 31st December





331 21 (204)

382 242 (293)



20. Capital Commitments Capital commitments outstanding at 31st December 2003 amounted to €1,002,675 (2002 - €1,035,065)

21. Operating Leases At 31st December 2003 Teagasc had annual commitments under non-cancellable operating leases as set out below:

Land and Buildings

Plant and Machinery





368 7 236

36 2 -

404 9 236




Leases which expire - within one year - between two and five years - after five years


Teagasc Annual Report 03

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31st December 2003 22. Analysis of Changes in Cash and Cash Equivalents During the Year At 1st January 2003 €000

Cashflows €000

At 31st December 2003 €000

622 (6,712) 391

18,510 6,219 (32)

19,132 (493) 359





Written down Value €000

Proceeds less costs €000

Headquarters, 19 Sandymount Avenue, Dublin 4




Soft Fruit Research Station, Clonroche, Co. Wexford




Lullymore Research Centre, Rathangan, Co. Kildare




Advice & Training Centre, Corduff, Lusk, Co. Dublin







Cash at Bank and on hand Bank overdraft Short-term deposits

23. Property Disposals During 2003 the following Teagasc properties were sold:


Utilisation of proceeds to fund Teagasc capital works, 2003:




24. Authority Members - Disclosure of Transactions The Authority has adopted procedures in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Department of Finance in relation to the disclosure of interest by Authority members and the Authority has adhered to these procedures. There were no transactions in the year in relation the Authority's activities in which board members had an interest.




TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 2003 agus rĂĄitis airgeadais

TEAGASC TUARASCÁil BHLIANTÚIL 2003 & RÁITIS AIRGEADAIS Don Aire TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia De rĂ©ir ailt 13 den Acht TalmhaĂ­ochta (Taighde, OiliĂșint agus Comhairle), 1988 tĂ­olacann Teagasc – An tÚdarĂĄs Forbortha TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia – a thuarascĂĄil don trĂ©imhse 1 Eanair 2003 go dtĂ­ 31 Nollaig 2003.

Is féidir leaganacha Bearla den Tuairisc seo a fhåil. Teagasc, Oak Park, Carlow. Ph: 059 917 0200 Fax: 059 918 2097 e-mail:

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

ClĂĄr Ábhar Eolas faoi Theagasc 2 RĂĄiteas Misin 3 BainistĂ­ocht Shinsearach Theagaisc 4 Baill an ÚdarĂĄis 5 AthbhreithniĂș an StiĂșrthĂłra 6 EacnamaĂ­ocht Thalamhbhia 10 Taighde agus Forbairt Bhia 15 TĂĄirgeadh Bainne 21 TĂĄirgeadh Feola 24 CuraĂ­ocht agus Gairneoireacht 27 RialĂș Comhshaoil 31 Foraoiseacht 34 ÉagsĂșlĂș Feirme 35 Oideachas agus OiliĂșint 38 ClĂĄr Deiseanna 42 ÓcĂĄidĂ­ agus FoileaschĂĄin 43 Dualgais ReachtĂșla 45


Eolas faoi Theagasc Is Ă© Teagasc – an tÚdarĂĄs um Fhorbairt TalmhaĂ­ochta

Sa bhliain 2003 bhĂ­ foireann 1,628 ag obair do

agus Bhia – an eagraĂ­ocht nĂĄisiĂșnta a chuireann seirbhĂ­sĂ­

Theagasc, idir fhostaithe buana agus fhostaithe faoi

taighde comhthĂĄite, seirbhĂ­sĂ­ comhairleacha agus

chonradh. Ina measc siĂșd bhĂ­ foireann ghairmiĂșil 796,

seirbhĂ­sĂ­ oiliĂșna ar fĂĄil don tionscal talmhĂĄiochta agus bia

foireann theicniĂșil 254, foireann riarachĂĄin/chlĂ©ireachais

agus do phobail tuaithe. BunaĂ­odh Teagasc i mĂ­ MheĂĄn

268 agus foireann feirme/tĂ­s 310.

FĂłmhair 1988 faoin Acht TalmhaĂ­ochta, 1988 (Taighde, OiliĂșint agus Comhairle). TĂĄ ÚdarĂĄs aon bhall dĂ©ag i gceannas ar Theagasc. Is Ă© an tAire TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia a cheapann an Cathaoirleach agus cĂșigear gnĂĄthbhall; agus, anuas air sin, ceapann sĂ© na baill eile tar Ă©is dĂł moltaĂ­ a fhĂĄil Ăł eagraĂ­ochtaĂ­ sonraithe. Sa bhliain 2003 cuireadh seirbhĂ­sĂ­ ar fĂĄil i naoi gcinn d’ionaid lĂĄntiomnaithe i dtaca le: prĂłiseĂĄil bhia, dĂ©irĂ­ocht, mairteoil, caoirigh, barra arĂșla. gairneoireacht, cosaint chomhshaoil, eacnamaĂ­ocht agus forbairt tuaithe. Chuir comhairleoirĂ­ ĂĄitiĂșla agus speisialtĂłirĂ­ rĂ©igiĂșnacha Ăł lĂ­onra d’ionaid rĂ©igiĂșnacha, d’ionaid chontae agus d’ionaid ĂĄitiĂșla comhairle neamhspleĂĄch ar fĂĄil d’fheirmeoirĂ­ agus do chĂłnaitheoirĂ­ tuaithe. Chuir mĂșinteoirĂ­ agus teicneolaithe oiliĂșint ar fĂĄil d’iontrĂĄlaithe Ăłga, d’fheirmeoirĂ­ aosacha, do chĂłnaitheoirĂ­ tuaithe agus do thionscal an bhia in ocht gcinn de cholĂĄistĂ­, in ionaid ĂĄitiĂșla oiliĂșna agus in ionaid taighde.


RĂĄiteas Misin Bonn neamhspleĂĄch Ășdarasach taighdeolais, mar aon le seirbhĂ­sĂ­ aistrithe teicneolaĂ­ochta agus oiliĂșna, a chur ar fĂĄil i dtaca le forbairt inbhuanaithe an tionscal talmhaĂ­ochta agus prĂłiseĂĄla bia, ionas go mbeidh an tionscal sin in ann freagairt go tairbheach d’éilimh agus do riachtanais tomhaltĂłirĂ­ agus freastal a dhĂ©anamh ar shochaĂ­ agus ar eacnamaĂ­ocht bheo na tuaithe.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

BainistĂ­ocht Shinsearach Theagaisc Mr Tom Kirley

Dr Seamus Crosse

StiĂșrthĂłir RiarachĂĄin

StiĂșrthĂłir OibrĂ­ochta, Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ochta

Dr Vivion Tarrant

Dr Liam Donnelly

StiĂșrthĂłir, Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia

StiĂșrthĂłir, Ionad Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta

Jim Flanagan

Mr Michael Galvin

Mr Donal Carey


StiĂșrthĂłir, SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ Comhairleacha/OiliĂșna an Deiscirt

StiĂșrthĂłir, SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ Comhairleacha/OiliĂșna an Tuaiscirt

Mr Peter Seery StiĂșrthĂłir OibrĂ­ochta, SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ BainistĂ­ochta


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Baill an Údaráis Tom Gill

Mr Jim Beecher

Oifigeach Forbartha TalmhaĂ­ochta le Teagasc i gCathair na Mart, Co.Mhaigh Eo; ag feidhmiĂș ar son fhoireann Teagaisc

RĂșnaĂ­ CĂșnta sa Roinn TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia

Mr Joe Fitzgerald

Mr Jerry Henchy

Feirmeoir agus ball de chuid An Choiste RiarachĂĄin agus de chuid Chumann SolĂĄthraithe Bainne Uachtarlainne

PrĂ­omhfheidhmeannach Chomharchumann Dairygold Teo.

Dr Tom O’Dwyer

Mr Patrick Kelly

Mr Ruaidhri Deasy

Feirmeoir agus IarChathaoirleach NĂĄisiĂșnta Mhacra na Feirme

Feirmeoir agus Uachtarán Ionaid Chumann Feirmeoirí na hÉireann

Mr James Brett

Prof Pat Fottrell

Mr Michael O'Dwyer

Ms Anna May McHugh

StiĂșrthĂłir BainistĂ­ochta, GrĂșpa Brett, Callainn, Co. Chill Chainnigh

Iar-UachtarĂĄn Ollscoil NĂĄisiĂșnta na hÉireann, Gaillimh

Feirmeoir agus IarUachtarán Chomharchumann Eagraíochta na hÉireann

StiĂșrthĂłir BainistĂ­ochta, Cumann Treafa NĂĄisiĂșnta

Cathaoirleach D’oibrigh sĂ© i roinnt post lĂĄrnach i gCoimisiĂșn an AE sa BhruisĂ©il: StiĂșrthĂłir TĂĄirgĂ­ Beostoic; PrĂ­omhstiĂșrthĂłir Oideachais, OiliĂșna agus Óige; agus Chef de Cabinet do bheirt ChoimisinĂ©irĂ­ AE


AithbhreithniĂș an StiĂșrthĂłra TĂĄ lĂșchĂĄir orm a bheith in ann a chur in iĂșl go raibh bliain thairbheach ghnĂłthachtĂĄla eile againn i dtaca le seirbhĂ­sĂ­ taighde chomhthĂĄite, seirbhĂ­sĂ­ comhairleacha agus seirbhĂ­sĂ­ oiliĂșna a chur ar fĂĄil do thionscal na talmhaĂ­ochta agus an bhia.

Mar sholĂĄthrĂłir lĂĄrnach teicneolaĂ­ochta,

son an gheilleagair. LĂ©irĂ­odh, san

ghlac Teagasc rĂłl lĂĄrnach maidir le

anailĂ­s sin, go bhfuil an teacht

cabhair a thabhairt don tionscal chun

isteach eacnamaĂ­och ar infheistĂ­ocht

dul i ngleic leis na dĂșshlĂĄin a Ă©irĂ­onn i

deich n-oiread nĂ­os airde nĂĄ an

ngeall ar shĂ­orathruithe sa chreatlach

leibhéal atå leagtha síos ag an Roinn

polasaithe agus in Ă©ilimh agus in

Airgeadais do thionscnaimh

ionchais tomhaltĂłirĂ­. Chomh maith le

infheistithe san earnĂĄil phoiblĂ­.

béim a leagan ar chumas iomaíochta agus nuålaíochta i dtåirgeacht feirme

LĂ©irigh an tOllamh Gerry Boyle

agus bhia, leagadh béim faoi leith sa

(Ollscoil NĂĄisiĂșnta na hÉireann,

bhliain 2003 ar inbhuanaitheacht

Maigh Nuad), san anailĂ­s sin, go

chomhshaoil, ar leas ainmhithe agus ar

raibh 47% de theacht isteach

chĂșrsaĂ­ sĂĄbhĂĄilteachta feirme agus bia.

eacnamaĂ­och i seacht gcinn de rĂ©imsĂ­ taighde – i gcomparĂĄid leis an


Ă­osrĂĄta 5% atĂĄ leagtha sĂ­os ag an

Ghlac 200 eolaĂ­, mar aon le 120

Roinn Airgeadais do thionscnaimh

iarchéimí, påirt i 275 tionscnamh

infheistithe san earnĂĄil phoiblĂ­.

taighdeach. Mar chuid den taighde sin, clĂșdaĂ­odh sĂĄbhĂĄilteacht agus

I measc na mĂłrghnĂ­omhaĂ­ochtaĂ­

ardchaighdeĂĄn bia, prĂłiseĂĄil bhia,

taighde a rinneamar sa bhliain 2003,

beostoc, curaĂ­ocht, gairneoireacht,

bhĂ­ an mhionanailĂ­s a rinne ĂĄr gcuid

foraoiseacht, rialĂș timpeallachta,

eacnamaithe i dtaca le héifeacht an

anailĂ­s eacnamaĂ­och agus forbairt

chomhaontaithe ar leasĂș


meåntéarma Pholasaí Chomónta Thalmhaíochta an AE. Chuidigh an

De réir anailíse neamhspleåch a

anailĂ­s seo leis an Rialtas seasamh

foilsĂ­odh le linn na bliana 2003, ba

lĂĄidir idirbheartaĂ­ochta a ghlacadh

mhĂłr an solĂĄthar a rinne Teagasc ar

agus straitéisí feidhmithe i leith an


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Mar sholĂĄthrĂłir lĂĄrnach teicneolaĂ­ochta, ghlac Teagasc rĂłl lĂĄrnach maidir le cabhair a thabhairt don tionscal.

pholasaĂ­ nua a ĂșsĂĄid. Chomh maith

crĂ­che. Tiocfaidh barr feabhais ar an

dĂ©ileĂĄil leis an bhfadhb chontĂșirteach

leis sin, coinnĂ­odh feirmeoirĂ­ agus

gclĂĄr taigdhe i ngeall ar na hĂĄiseanna

seo do shaothrĂș grĂĄnbharr in Éirinn.

lucht an tionscail ar an eolas maidir

seo agus i ngeall ar na heolaithe

le héifeacht na bpolasaithe nua ar

nua-earcaithe; agus tabharfar deis

SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ Comhairleacha

chĂșrsaĂ­ feirmoireachta agus ar

do Theagasc cur leis na naisc atĂĄ

Lean seirbhĂ­sĂ­ comhairleacha

thionscal na talmhaĂ­ochta agus an

aige cheana fĂ©in le mĂłrinstitiĂșidĂ­

Theagaisc orthu ag cur


taighde agus le mĂłreolaithe an

teicneolaĂ­ochtaĂ­ riachtanacha ar fĂĄil


sa chaoi go mbainfeadh an earnĂĄil fheirmeoireacht trĂĄchtĂĄla tairbhe as

D’éirigh that barr le clĂĄr taighde bia Theagaisc sa bhliain 2003. Mar

Ó thaobh taighde táirgíochta de, lean

scĂĄla nĂ­b airde agus, ag an am

shampla, bunaĂ­odh Ionad

ĂĄr gcuid eolaithe orthu ag

céanna, a bheith in ann na

CĂłgasbheathach an Bhia,

mionchoigeartĂș gormphriontaĂ­ do

teicneolaĂ­ochtaĂ­ laghdaithe costais ba

comhfhiontar de chuid Ionad Taighde

bhainne neamhchostasach, do

dhéanaí agus na córais tåirgíochta ab

TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta Theagaisc (PĂĄirc UĂ­

mhairteoil agus do sholĂĄthar

fhearr a thabhairt ar bord. Leag na

MhĂłrdha) agus de chuid CholĂĄiste

caorach. Rinneadh dul chun cinn

seirbhísí comhairleacha béim faoi

Ollscoile ChorcaĂ­ (UCC). Ba vĂłta

maidir leis an gcineĂĄl ceart bĂł

leith ar an lĂ­on mĂłr feirmeoirĂ­

muinĂ­ne i saineolas eolaĂ­och

déiríochta a chur ar fåil do chóras

pĂĄirtaimseartha, a bhfuil baint acu le

Theagasc PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha agus a

tairgthe fĂ©arbhunaithe na hÉireann

céatadån mór de thåirgí talmhaíochta

chuid comhphĂĄirtithe i UCC Ă­ an

agus, i ngeall ar an eolas nua atĂĄ ar

na tĂ­re. Cuireadh seirbhĂ­sĂ­ solĂșbtha ar

dámhachtain €16.5m a bhronn

fåil ó ghéinteicneolaíocht, tå seans

fĂĄil chun freastal faoi leith a

FondĂșireacht EolaĂ­ochta Éireann ar

mĂłr ann go dtiocfaidh athruithe mĂłra

dhĂ©anamh ar riachtanais an ghrĂșpa

an tionscnamh seo.

chun na maitheasa ar rĂĄtaĂ­


torthĂșlachta ainmhithe. Ba mhĂłr an dul chun cinn Ă© bunĂș

Tar Ă©is an chomhaontaithe i dtaca le

ĂĄiseanna nua Theagaisc sa bhliain

Ba mhĂłr an rĂłl a ghlac

hathbhreithniĂș meĂĄntĂ©arma an

2003. CoimisiĂșnaĂ­odh an t-ionad nua

géinteicneolaíocht maidir le

PholasaĂ­ ChomĂłnta ThalmhaĂ­ochta i

gléasra biteicneolaíochta in Ionad

diagnĂłisiĂș lĂ©ibhĂ©il fhriotaĂ­ochta

mĂ­ IĂșil 2003, ghlac ĂĄr gcomhairleoirĂ­

Taighde PhĂĄirc na Darach le linn na

Septoria Tritici, galar na ngrĂĄnbharr, i

pĂĄirt ghnĂ­omach i mĂłrfheachtas

bliana. Chomh maith leis sin tĂĄ an

gcoinne na bhfungaicídí is déanaí.

eolais i dtaca le sonraĂ­ na n-athruithe

t-ionad nua bia d’ainmhithe agus do

Ba mhĂłr an tĂĄbhacht a bhĂ­ ag

bunĂșsacha agus ar an Ă©ifeacht a

theicneolaĂ­ocht bhia i bPĂĄirc UĂ­

saineolas Teagaisc i dtaca le teacht

bheadh acu ar fheirmeoirĂ­. Tamall

MhĂłrdha beagnach curtha chun

ar na straitéisí ab éifeachtaí chun

gairid roimh dheireadh na bliana


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Ba sa bhliain 2003 a ghlac Teagasc påirt i réimse na ríomhfhoghlama den chéad uair. Då bharr sin beidh deis againn freastal éifeachtach a dhéanamh ar riachtanais daoine atå ag brath ar an bhfeirmeoireacht agus ar ghairm bheatha eile araon.

bunaĂ­odh an clĂĄr comhairleach

fĂĄil, mar aon le cĂșrsaĂ­

bhliain 2003. TĂĄ an obair thaighde

speisialaithe ‘Pleanáil i ndiaidh

cianfhoghlama, beidh deis againn

bogearraĂ­ a bhĂ­odh ar siĂșl i gCluain

Fischler’. TĂĄ sĂ© d’aidhm againn sa

freastal éifeachtach a dhéanamh ar

an RĂłistigh ĂĄ haistriĂș go hionaid

chlĂĄr seo an chomhairle is fearr atĂĄ

riachtanais daoine atĂĄ ag brath ar an

mhĂłra taighde eile. DĂ­oladh saorĂĄid

ar fáil a thabhairt d’fheirmeoirí i dtaca

bhfeirmeoireacht agus ar ghairm

Theagaisc i Lullymore, Co. Chill Dara

leis na hathruithe fréamhaí polasaí

bheatha eile araon.



Chomh maith leis sin bheartaigh an

Nuair a cuireadh san ĂĄireamh an

tÚdarás deireadh a chur leis an

Oideachas agus OiliĂșint

ciorrĂș suntasach i gcĂșrsaĂ­ airgeadais

oiliĂșint ghairme do dhaoine Ăłga a bhĂ­

Ghlac 16,000 duine pĂĄirt san oiliĂșint

Teagaisc sa bhliain 2003, mar aon

ĂĄ cur ar fĂĄil aige i gColĂĄiste Mhic

a chuir Teagasc ar fĂĄil do

leis an ngĂĄ le taighde tosaĂ­ochta

Mhaoilíosa, Baile Átha an Rí agus an

thosaitheoirí sa tionscal, d’fheirmeoirí

agus le seirbhĂ­sĂ­ comhairleacha agus

cĂșrsa don Teastas Gairme i

aosacha agus do thionscal an bhia

oiliĂșna a chosaint, bheartaigh

bhFeirmeoireacht OrgĂĄnach a aistriĂș

sa bhliain 2003. ArdaĂ­odh lĂ­on na

Teagasc a chuid acmhainnĂ­ a

go ColĂĄiste an ChreagĂĄin.

gcĂșrsaĂ­ trĂ­Ăș leibhĂ©il a chuir Teagasc

dhaingniĂș i nĂ­os lĂș ionad.

Mar chuid de chuĂ­chĂłiriĂș ĂĄiseanna

atĂĄ le teacht i bhfeidhm i mĂ­ EanĂĄir 2005.

ar fĂĄil, i gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht le

seirbhĂ­sĂ­ comhairleacha, dĂ­oladh an

hinstitiĂșidĂ­ teicneolaĂ­ochta, Ăł naoi

DĂ­oladh an PrĂ­omh-Oifig i mBaile

oifig chomhairleach ar an gCorr

gcinn go dtí aon cheann déag.

Átha Cliath agus rinneadh pleananna

Dhubh, Co. Bhaile Átha Cliath agus

chun an fhoireann a athshuĂ­omh san

aistrĂ­odh an fhoireann go dtĂ­ Ionad

Ba sa bhliain 2003 a ghlac Teagasc

Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Taighde CuraĂ­ochta i

Comhairleach agus OiliĂșna Átha

påirt i réimse na ríomhfhoghlama den

bPĂĄirc na Darach. I lĂĄthair na huaire

Cliath i Kinsealy. DĂșnadh roinnt oifigĂ­

chéad uair, nuair a bunaíodh suíomh

tĂĄ foireann an Ionad Taighde um

beaga comhairleacha a bhĂ­ ar cĂ­os

gréasåin fhoghlama ar líne agus

Gheilleagar Tuaithe, a bhĂ­ ag obair sa


nuair a cuireadh treoirchĂșrsa ar fĂĄil.

Phríomh-Oifig i mBaile Átha Cliath, å

Cuireadh pleananna chun cinn i

n-athshuĂ­omh in Ionad Mhic

InfheistĂ­ocht ChaipitiĂșil

dtaca le haonad rĂ­omhfhoghlama ar

Mhaoilíosa i mBaile Átha an Rí.

Rinneadh mĂ©id suntasach infheistithe chaipitiĂșil sa bhliain 2003, go hĂĄirithe

líne a fhorbairt mar chuid d’obair Theagaisc. Dá bharr sin agus de

Chomh maith leis sin dĂ­oladh an

i dtaca le hathchĂłiriĂș colĂĄistĂ­ agus le

bharr chĂșrsaĂ­ solĂșbtha oĂ­che agus

tIonad Taighde BogthorthaĂ­ i gCluain

hĂĄiseanna nua taighde a chur ar fĂĄil.

deireadh seachtaine atĂĄ ĂĄ gcur ar

an RĂłistigh, Co Loch Garman sa


TĂłgadh ĂĄiseanna nua teagaisc i

chinntiĂș go mbeadh Cairt SeirbhĂ­sĂ­

TeicneolaĂ­ocht an Eolais

gColĂĄiste BhĂ©al Átha hÉis agus i

do Chustaiméirí agus plean

Nuair a ceapadh CeannasaĂ­

gColĂĄiste Chill DaltĂșin. Cuireadh ball

gnĂ­omhaĂ­ochta i leith SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ do

TeicneolaĂ­ochta Eolais agus

crĂ­che ar an ionad nua

Chustaiméirí curtha i gcrích roimh an

CumarsĂĄide (TEC) le linn na bliana

biteicneolaĂ­ochta barr in Ionad

spriocdhĂĄta, Bealtaine 2004.

2003, cuireadh Plean GnĂł sonraithe

Taighde PhĂĄirc na Darach agus bhi

TEC i bhfeidhm don tréimhse 2003-

an obair ar an ionad nua


2005. Is Ă©ard is aidhm don phlean

biteicneolaĂ­ochta ainmhithe agus bia

BunaĂ­odh Aonad MeastĂłireachta

nĂĄ na heasnaimh TEC a aithnĂ­odh in

in Ionad Taighde UĂ­ MhĂłrdha cĂłir a

agus ceapadh Oifigeach

athbhreithniĂș na bliana 2002 a

bheith crĂ­ochnaithe faoi dheireadh na

MeastĂłireachta i mĂ­ MheĂĄn FĂłmhair

cheartĂș. Rinneadh dul chun cinn

bliana 2003. Chomh maith leis sin

2003. Rinneadh dul chun cinn maidir

maidir le hAonad lĂĄrnach TEC a

cuireadh ĂĄiseanna nua oifige agus

le Plean GnĂł don Aonad

bhunĂș agus chun cur leis an lĂ­on

saotharlainne ar fĂĄil san Ionad

MeastĂłireachta a ullmhĂș, le cĂłras

daoine cĂĄilithe a bheadh ag teastĂĄil

NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia.

meastĂłireachta feidhmiĂșchĂĄin a

ar an bhfoireann chun feidhmchlĂĄir

dhearadh agus le plean timthriallach

TEC a fhorbairt agus a chaomhnĂș.

SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ FiĂșntacha do ChustaimĂ©irĂ­

a fhorbairt chun meastóireacht chórasach a dhéanamh ar mhórchlåir

Jim Flanagan

Anuas ar an oifigeach lĂĄnaimseartha



a ceapadh ag deireadh na bliana 2002 le cĂșram a thabhairt do

BainistĂ­ocht RioscaĂ­

sheirbhĂ­sĂ­ custaimĂ©irĂ­, cuireadh tĂșs le

Cuireadh cĂłrais i bhfeidhm le linn na

roinnt tionscnamh tĂĄbhachtach le linn

bliana 2003 chun clĂĄr bainistĂ­ochta

na bliana 2003. Rinneadh

rioscaĂ­ a chur ar bun i ngach aonad

suirbhéithe chun leibhéil såstachta

de chuid Teagaisc. BunaĂ­odh GrĂșpa

seirbhísí a mheas i measc mac léinn

StiĂșrtha BainistĂ­ochta RioscaĂ­ agus

agus cliantfheirmeoiri. Cuireadh

cuireadh oiliĂșint ar fĂĄil do na

treoirthionscnaimh ar bun i

bainisteoirí go léir. Go luath sa bhliain

gcontaetha Ă©agsĂșla, i gcolĂĄistĂ­ agus

2004 beidh ar gach aonad gnĂł

in ionaid taighde agus cuireadh tĂșs le

meastĂłireacht rioscaĂ­ agus plean

dianchlĂĄr oiliĂșna foirne. Rinneadh dul

gnĂ­omhaĂ­ochta a chur i bhfeidhm mar

chun cinn suntasach maidir lena

chuid shuimeĂĄlach den phlean gnĂł.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


taighde nua a bhaint amach agus iad faoi chistiĂș an AE. Cuirfear tĂșs leis na tionscnaimh sin – ar ilfheidhmiĂșlacht, ar scĂ©imeanna caomhnaithe comhshaoil agus ar Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ dĂ­chĂșplaithe feirme – sa bhliain 2004; agus beidh comhoibriĂș le roinnt institiĂșidĂ­ taighde i dtĂ­ortha eile de chuid an AE i gceist.

Tionchar LeasĂș an CAP Le linn na bliana 2003 d’fhoilsigh eacnamaithe de chuid aonad anailĂ­se polasaĂ­ FAPRI Éireann trĂ­ anailĂ­s Ă©agsĂșla ar an Ă©ifeacht a d’fhĂ©adfadh a bheith ag athruithe i bpolasaithe an

EacnamaĂ­ocht Thalamhbhia

AE agus i bpolasaithe talmhaĂ­ochta agus bia ar fud an domhain orainn. Sa chĂ©ad agus sa dara anailĂ­s, a foilsĂ­odh i mĂ­ EanĂĄir agus i mĂ­ Bealtaine, rinneadh staidĂ©ar ar an Ă©ifeacht a d’fhĂ©adfadh a bheith ag

Chuaigh taighdeoirĂ­ Ăłn Ionad Taighde

moltaĂ­ i leith leasĂș CAP san AE, mar

um Gheilleagar Tuaithe i mbun 34

aon le moltaĂ­ an AE i leith cainteanna

tionscnamh sa bhliain 2003.

leis an EagraĂ­ocht Dhomhanda

Leagadh béim sna tionscnaimh sin ar

TrĂĄdĂĄla (WTO). Sa trĂ­Ăș anailĂ­s, a

Ă©ifeacht athruithe polasaĂ­ ar earnĂĄil

foilsĂ­odh i mĂ­ Dheireadh FĂłmhair,

an talamhbhia agus ar cheantair

rinneadh staidéar ar an éifeacht a

tuaithe; agus rinneadh meastĂłireacht

d’fhĂ©adfadh a bheith ag an

agus anailĂ­s ar fheidhmiĂșchĂĄn

gcomhaontĂș fĂ©in a sĂ­nĂ­odh i

fhiontair fheirmeoireachta agus ar

Lucsamburg ar leasĂș an CAP.

threochtaĂ­ i bhforbairt tuaithe. LĂ©irĂ­odh san anailĂ­s sin gurbh Ă­ TrĂ­ chomhoibriĂș le comhphĂĄirtithe san

dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil iomlĂĄn Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ feirme

AE, tugadh roinnt tionscnamh a bhĂ­

an AE Ăłn mbliain 2005 ar aghaidh

faoi chistiĂș an AE, beagnach chun

an polasaĂ­ ab fhearr a bhĂ­ ar fĂĄil do

crĂ­che. Ina measc siĂșd bhĂ­

thionscal na talmhaíochta in Éirinn.

tionscnaimh a raibh sĂ© d’aidhm acu

Cinneadh go mbainfĂ­ amach an

mĂșnla teilgthe a chur le chĂ©ile

leibhéal ab airde ioncam feirme trí

d’earnáil talmhaíochta an AE ar

dhĂ­cĂșplĂĄil iomlĂĄn a chur i bhfeidhm,

thurasĂłireacht chomhthĂĄite tuaithe,

nĂł trĂ­ dheireadh iomlĂĄn a chur leis an

ar chĂșinsĂ­ a mbeadh tionchar acu ar

nasc idir tĂĄirgeadh feirmeoireachta

fhorimeallĂș agus ar bhainistĂ­ocht

agus Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­.

rioscaĂ­ i leith galar coraintĂ­n. DĂșradh gurbh Ă© an toradh a bheadh Chomh maith leis sin d’éirigh le

le dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil iomlĂĄn, mar aon le roinnt

taighdeoirĂ­ trĂ­ cinn de chonarthaĂ­

athruithe i bpolasaithe trĂĄdĂĄla


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

talmhaĂ­ochta i ngeall ar chainteanna

måirteola. Ach, ag am céanna, då

ar líon na bhfeirmeoirí déiríochta i

leis an EagraĂ­ocht Dhomhanda

dtabharfaĂ­ isteach laghdĂș 10% i

ngeall ar na socruithe nua, Ăł

TrĂĄdĂĄla (WTO), nĂĄ go dtiocfadh

bpraghsanna, mar aon le laghduithe i

bheagĂĄn faoi 27,000 sa bhliain

mĂ©adĂș 10% ar ioncam comhiomlĂĄn

gcostais fheirmeoireachta, bheadh

2003 go dtĂ­ 18,000 sa bhliain 2012,

feirmeoireachta faoin mbliain 2012 i

ionchas ioncaim nĂ­b fhearr ag

le meĂĄnchuĂłta beagnach 300,000

gcomparåid leis an leibhéal a bheadh

tĂĄirgeoirĂ­ mĂĄirteola.

lĂ­tear (65,000 galĂșn). DĂĄ gcuirfĂ­ moill

i gceist dĂĄ leanfaĂ­ leis na polasaithe a beartaĂ­odh faoi ChlĂĄr GnĂł 2000.

ar dhĂ­chĂșplĂĄil Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ go dtĂ­ an DĂĄ leanfaĂ­ ar aghaidh le naisc idir

bhliain 2008, de réir mar a bhí

Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ agus tĂĄirgĂ­, thiocfadh

leagtha sĂ­os i gcĂ©ad chomhaontĂș an

CruthaĂ­odh, mar sin, go raibh an

mĂ©adĂș beag ar luach aschur

AE, rachadh lĂ­on na bhfeirmeoirĂ­

ceart ag anailĂ­seoirĂ­ Theagaisc nuair

mĂĄirteola. Ach d’fhĂ©adfaĂ­ an mĂ©id sin

déiríochta síos a fhad le 16,000, de

a dĂșirt siad roimhe sin gurbh Ă© an

a chlĂșdach trĂ­ chaiteachas nĂ­b airde a

réir na hanailíse.

rogha ba mheasa nĂĄ gan polasaithe

dhéanamh ar ionchur feirmeoirí.

a athrĂș ar chor ar bith nĂł go

Faoi na leasuithe nua thitfeadh

dtiocfadh laghdĂș 9% ar ioncam

LĂ©irigh anailĂ­s Theagaisc gur

praghas an bhainne 5% nĂ­ ba mhĂł

feirmeoireachta faoin mbliain 2012.

chinntigh cinneadh an Aire

nĂĄ mar a tharlĂłdh faoin bpolasaĂ­

D’fhĂ©adfadh pĂĄirt-dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil, rogha

TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia, Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­

bunaidh. Is Ă© an toradh a bheadh ar

atĂĄ ceadaithe faoi chomhaontĂș an

cĂșitimh dĂ©irĂ­ochta Ăł thĂĄirgeadh a

Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ dĂ­reacha agus ar scĂĄla

AE ar leasĂș CAP, mĂ©adĂș ioncaim

dhĂ­chĂșplĂĄil Ăłn mbliain 2005 ar

méadaithe, åfach, nå go bhfanfadh

chomh hĂ­seal le 4% a chur ar fĂĄil, ag

aghaidh, go mbeadh todhchaĂ­ nĂ­b

ioncam feirmeoirí déiríochta ar aon

brath ar na híocaíochtaí a ndéanfaí

fhearr i ndĂĄn do nĂ­os mĂł feirmeoirĂ­

chéim leis an råta boilscithe.

pĂĄirt-dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil orthu.


LĂ©irigh an anailĂ­s gurbh Ă­ dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil

Chuirfeadh sé sin straitéis éalaithe

dtiocfadh titim shubstaintiĂșil ar an

iomlĂĄn ar Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ mairteola Ăł

níb fhearr ar fáil d’fheirmeoirí

trĂ©ad nĂĄisiĂșnta caorach faoin

thairgeacht an rogha ab fhearr i

neamhéifeachtacha agus chuirfí linn

bpolasaĂ­ bunaidh, go gcuirfeadh an

dtaca le hioncam Ăł thĂĄirgeacht

bainne nĂ­ ba leithne ar fĂĄil

dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil deireadh leis an titim sin.

mhairteola. Thiocfadh laghdĂș 18% ar

d’fheirmeoirĂ­ a mbeadh sĂ©

Cuireadh in iĂșl go mbeadh lĂ­on na

lĂ­on na mbĂł cĂ­che, agus dĂĄ thairbhe

d’acmhainn acu an gnĂł a leathnĂș.

gcaorach sa bhliain 2012 nĂ­b Ă­sle nĂĄ

sin thiocfadh laghdĂș 7% ar thĂĄirgĂ­

LĂ©irigh an anailĂ­s go dtiocfadh laghdĂș

mar a bhĂ­ sa bhliain 2003.

Léirigh an anailís, nuair ba léir go


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Leigheasfadh ardĂș praghsanna an

1990. LĂ©irigh an anailĂ­s go dtiocfadh

curaĂ­ochta feabhas substaintiĂșil ar

fhadhb sin, ĂĄfach, sa chaoi go

laghdĂș 14%, i gcomparĂĄid le leibhĂ©al

chĂșrsaĂ­ i gcomparĂĄid le drochbhliain

dtiocfadh ardĂș beag ar luach aschur

measta na bliana 1990, ar astuithe

2002, go hĂĄirithe i ngeall ar

caorach faoin mbliain 2012.

ceaptha teasa Ăł thionscal na

mhéaduithe corrlaigh 44% agus

talmhaĂ­ochta faoin mbliain 2010.

25% faoi seach ar eorna earraigh

Is beag Ă©ifeacht a bheadh ag

agus ar chruithneacht gheimhridh.

dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil iomlĂĄn ar ghrĂĄnbharra.

De thoradh na laghduithe in astuithe

Thiocfadh laghdĂș beag ar an

ceaptha teasa, ba chĂłir go mbainfĂ­

Chuir an laghdĂș i bpraghsanna

limistéar curaíochta agus, då bharr

den bhrĂș, atĂĄ ar earnĂĄlacha eile de

bainne go mĂłr leis an titim 2% i

sin, thiocfadh titim bheag ar luach an

chuid gheilleagar na hÉireann,

gcorrlaigh dhéiríochta. Ina dhiaidh sin


astuithe ceaptha teasa a laghdĂș, sa

thĂĄinig titim 20% sa bhliain 2002.

chaoi go mbeidh sé indéanta

CĂ© gur thĂĄinig laghdĂș tuairim is 5%

spriocanna chomhaontĂș Kyoto a

ar chorrlaigh thairgthe chaorach sa

bhaint amach sa tĂ­r seo.

bhliain 2003, ba Ăł chaoirigh a thĂĄinig

LeasĂș CAP i dTaca leis an Timpeallacht LĂ©irigh anailĂ­s Teagaisc go mbeadh

an corrlach – le tionscal na dĂ©irĂ­ochta

AnailĂ­s ar GhnĂ­omhaĂ­ocht na Feirmeoireachta

sa chĂ©ad ĂĄit – agus bhĂ­ siad go mĂłr

iomlĂĄn Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ feirme an AE, Ăł thĂĄirgeadh, ar an timpeallacht.

De réir mionanailíse a rinneadh ar

mĂĄirteola agus ar thionscal na

mhĂłrfhiontair fheirmeoireachta sa

ngrĂĄnach freisin.

tionchar lĂĄndearfach ag dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil

chun tosaigh ar thionscal na

I ngeall ar an titim a thiocfadh ar an

bhliain 2003 agus ar fhéidearthachtaí

lĂ­on beostoic de bharr an nasc idir

na bliana 2004 thuairiscigh

ThĂĄinig laghdĂș 5% i gcorrlaigh

tĂĄirgeacht feirmeoireachta agus

eacnamaithe brabĂșs mĂ©adaithe

thairgthe mhuc i ngeall ar

Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ a bheith briste, thiocfadh

d’fheirmeoirí máirteola agus

phraghsanna Ă­sle agus ar chostais

laghdĂș substaintiĂșil ar astuithe

curaĂ­ochta, ach titim chorrlaigh do


ceaptha teasa Ăł thionscal na

thairgeoirĂ­ caorach agus muc.

talmhaíochta in Éirinn.

De rĂ©ir anailĂ­se i leith fĂ©idearthachtaĂ­ ThĂĄinig mĂ©adĂș tuairim is 8% ar

na bliana 2004, leag eacnamaithe

Faoi chomhaontĂș Kyoto, nĂ­ mĂłr

chorrlaigh mhĂĄirteola i ngeall ar

Theagaisc bĂ©im faoi leith ar laghdĂș

dĂșinn anseo in Éirinn astuithe

laghdĂș beag i gcostais agus ar

beag ioncaim i ngeall ar aschur Ă­seal

ceaptha teasa a choinneĂĄil faoi bhun

ioncam breise Ăł ardĂș sa rĂĄta

agus ar phraghsanna arda.

13% faoin mbliain 2010, i

maraithe beithĂ­och agus Ăł Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­

gcomparåid le leibhéal na bliana

dĂ­reacha. Bhraith feirmeoirĂ­ 12

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

TuairimĂ­ i Leith LeasĂș CAP LĂ©irigh suirbhĂ© de chuid Teagaisc gur bhraith 42% d’fheirmeoirĂ­ nach mbeadh tionchar ar bith ag dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ feirme Ăł thĂĄirgĂ­ ar ioncam. Bhraith 40% go dtiocfadh laghdĂș ar ioncam agus bhraith 10% go dtiocfadh ardĂș ar ioncam. Rinneadh an suirbhĂ© ar shampla ionadach 1,200 feirmeoir agus foilsĂ­odh Ă© i mĂ­ na Nollag. In ainneoin Ă©agsĂșlacht na dtuairimĂ­ Ă©agsĂșla i dtaca le tionchar na leasuithe ar ioncam, dĂșirt 85% dĂ­obh siĂșd a ghlac pĂĄirt sa suirbhĂ© go raibh siad i bhfabhar aidhm an pholasaĂ­ nua. LĂ©irĂ­odh go raibh sĂ© i gceist ag 15% d’fheirmeoirĂ­ dĂ©irĂ­ochta Ă©irĂ­ as tĂĄirgeadh bainne taobh istigh de dhĂĄ bhliain. Anuas air sin, dĂșirt 32% go n-Ă©ireoidĂ­s as le linn na 3-10 bliain

LĂ©irigh suirbhĂ© de chuid Teagaisc gur bhraith 42% d’fheirmeoirĂ­ nach mbeadh tionchar ar bith ag dĂ­chĂșplĂĄil Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ feirme Ăł thĂĄirgĂ­ ar ioncam. Bhraith 40% go dtiocfadh laghdĂș ar ioncam agus bhraith 10% go dtiocfadh ardĂș ar ioncam.

LĂ©irigh an suirbhĂ© go raibh sĂ© i gceist ag 50% de thĂĄirgeoirĂ­ mĂĄirteola lĂ­on a gcuid stoic a choinneĂĄil mar a bhĂ­ sĂ©. BhĂ­ sĂ© i gceist ag tuairim is 10% cur leis an lĂ­on stoic agus bhĂ­ sĂ© de rĂșn ag beagnach 40% an lĂ­on stoic a Ă­sliĂș. CĂ© go ndĂșirt 10% de thĂĄirgeoirĂ­ caorach Ă­sealchrĂ­che go gcuirfidĂ­s le lĂ­on an trĂ©ada, ba lĂ©ir Ăłn suirbhĂ© go dtiocfadh titim 6% ar lĂ­on na gcaoirigh Ă­sealchrĂ­che. NĂ­ mĂłr a chur in iĂșl go ndearnadh an suirbhĂ© le linn trĂ©imhse nuair nach raibh eolas iomlĂĄn ag feirmeoirĂ­ faoi mhionsonraĂ­ leasuithe nua CAP. DĂĄ bhrĂ­ sin, nĂ­ fĂ©idir a rĂĄ ach go lĂ©irĂ­onn na torthaĂ­ luath-thuairimĂ­ na bhfeirmeoirĂ­.

Pleananna Infheistithe don Bhliain 2004 LĂ©irigh suirbhĂ© bliantĂșil Theagaisc ar

ina dhiaidh sin. Ach ag an am

phleananna infheistithe feirmeoirĂ­ go

cĂ©anna, bhĂ­ sĂ© de rĂșn acu siĂșd a

raibh sĂ© i gceist acu €300m a

raibh sĂ© i gceist acu leanĂșint leis an

infheistiĂș sa bhliain 2004. ThĂĄinig

dĂ©irĂ­ocht cur go substaintiĂșil le mĂ©id

laghdĂș 9% agus 23% faoi seach ar

a ngnĂł.

infheistĂ­ocht phleanĂĄilte i leith innealra agus fhoirgnimh fheirme


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

agus bhĂ­ an chosĂșlacht ar an scĂ©al

go mĂłr ar Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ dĂ­reacha agus

mĂ©adĂș 7% ar chĂłrais bheathaithe

go dtiocfadh mĂ©adĂș faoi dhĂł ar

ar obair lasmuigh den fheirm.

eallaigh go dtí meánioncam €7,750

infheistĂ­ocht sa chuĂłta bainne.

LĂ©irĂ­odh go raibh 44,500 feirm

agus, ag an am céanna, ardaíodh an

lánaimseartha i gceist – agus

meĂĄnioncam Ăł chĂłrais mhĂĄirteola

íosmhéid 0.75 aonad iontu. Ba é

eile 22% go dtí €9,520. Bhí

LĂ©irigh an suirbhĂ©, cĂ© go raibh €290m i gceist maidir le

€27,258 meánioncam na

€12,350 le fáil ar fheirmeoireacht

hinfheistĂ­ocht phleanĂĄilte don bhliain

bhfeirmeacha sin sa bhliain 2002,

chaorach, mĂ©adĂș 2% i gcomparĂĄid

2003, gur infheistíodh €500m ar

laghdĂș 10% ar ioncam na bliana

leis an mbliain 2001.

deireadh thiar. Is léir ón méid sin go


mbíonn sé de nós ag feirmeoirí

LĂ©irigh an suirbhĂ© gur thĂĄinig mĂ©adĂș

meastóireacht ró-íseal a dhéanamh

Seasann na feirmeacha

mĂłr ar Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ dĂ­reacha i leith

ar a gcuid infheistĂ­ochta pleanĂĄilte.

lĂĄnaimseartha sin, i.e. 40%

ioncam feirme. B’íocaíochtaí

d’fheirmeacha na tíre, d’earnáil

dĂ­reacha iad 90% de mheĂĄnioncam

Suirbhéithe Ioncaim sa bhliain 2002

bhrĂ­omhar trĂĄchtĂĄla na

na bhfeirmeacha go léir a ndearnadh

feirmeoireachta. OibrĂ­onn 60% dĂ­obh

suirbhé orthu, i gcomparåid le 72%

LĂ©irigh SuirbhĂ© NĂĄisiĂșnta

i dtionscal na déiríochta agus bíonn

sa bhliain 2001. Îocadh na

Feirmeacha Theagaisc gur thĂĄinig

baint ag an gcuid eile le tionscal na

méaduithe deireanacha in íocaíochtaí

laghdĂș 5.8% ar ioncam feirmeacha

curaĂ­ochta, le tionscal na mĂĄirteola

dĂ­reacha faoi chomhaontĂș ChlĂĄr an

sa bhliain 2002, rud a chiallaĂ­onn

agus le tĂĄirgeacht caorach. Maidir

AE 2000 sa bhliain 2002.

gurbh Ă© €14,925 meĂĄnioncam gach

leis an 60% eile d’fheirmeoirí, ní

feirme. €15,840 a bhí mar

raibh d’ioncam ón bhfeirmeoireacht

mheĂĄnioncam sa bhliain 2001.

acu sa bhliain 2002 ach €6,590. B’fheirmeoirí máirteola/caorach

Tharla an titim san ioncam i ngeall ar

formhĂłr na bhfeirmeoirĂ­ eile agus bhĂ­

laghdĂș os cionn 2% i luach an

foinsĂ­ ioncaim de chineĂĄl Ă©igin eile ag

aschuir. ThĂĄinig mĂ©adĂș 3.5% ar

82% dĂ­obh.

chostais tĂĄirgĂ­ feirmeoireachta. Ach, ag an am cĂ©anna, thĂĄinig mĂ©adĂș

Léirigh an suirbhé go raibh ioncam

17% ar leibhéal na n-íocaíochtaí

taobh amuigh den fheirm ag an

dĂ­reacha a fuair feirmeoirĂ­ sa bhliain

bhfeirmeoir agus/nĂł ag a c(h)Ă©ile ar

2002, rud a thug cĂșiteamh Ă©igin

48% d’fheirmeacha. Ba ag an

dĂłibh ar an laghdĂș in aischuir Ăłn

bhfeirmeoir féin a bhí an t-ioncam


breise sin i gcĂĄs 35% d’fheirmeacha, mĂ©adĂș 2% ar an

Bunaíodh an suirbhé ar anailís

scéal céanna sa bhliain 2001. Ba ar

chuntas a coinnĂ­odh ar bheagnach

fheirmeacha déiríochta a tharla an

1,200 feirm. 116,400 feirmeoir ar

meath ba mhó. €28,100 an

fad a bhĂ­ gceist. BhĂ­ tuairim is

meĂĄnioncam a bhĂ­ i gceist, laghdĂș

20,000 feirmeoir nĂĄr cuireadh san

18% ar fhigiĂșr na bliana 2001. Thit

ĂĄireamh, mar aon le tĂĄirgeoirĂ­

meĂĄnioncam fheirmeoireacht

muiceola agus circeola.

churaĂ­ochta go dtĂ­ €21,900, laghdĂș 9%. ThĂĄinig titim suas go 23% ar

Léirigh an suirbhé go raibh

ioncam mhĂłrfheirmeoirĂ­ curaĂ­ochta.

comhathrĂș ollmhĂłr i gceist idir mĂłrfheirmeoirĂ­ brĂ­omhara

ThĂĄinig mĂ©adĂș ar ioncam mĂĄirteola

lĂĄnaimseartha agus an grĂșpa beag

sa bhliain 2002, ach ba Ăł bhonn an-

pĂĄirtaimseartha, a bhĂ­onn ag brath

Ă­seal a thĂĄinig an mĂ©adĂș sin. ThĂĄinig


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


Is comhartha Ă© an comhoibriĂș mĂ©adaithe seo, le cuid de mhĂłreolaithe an domhain, den chlĂș atĂĄ ar bhia-eolaithe Theagaisc; agus is mĂłr an tairbhe Ă© sin do thionscal an bhia in Éirinn agus do thomhaltĂłirĂ­ Éireannacha i gcoitinne. Cuireadh tĂșs le dhĂĄ mhĂłrthionscnamh de chuid eolaithe Theagaisc, agus iad cistithe ag an AE, sa bhliain 2003. I gcĂĄs an dĂĄ thionscnamh seo beidh comhoibriĂș i gceist le comhphĂĄirtithe eolaĂ­ochta agus tionsclaĂ­ochta i mballtĂ­ortha an AE agus i MeiriceĂĄ Thuaidh.

Taighde agus Forbairt Bhia

Is iad seo a leanas buaicphointĂ­ an chlĂĄir, mar aon le roinnt mĂłrghnĂ­omhartha.

Lean an ClĂĄr um Thaighde agus

Cuireann Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ Nua ar fĂĄil

Forbairt Bhia, a cuireadh i bhfeidhm

Chonacthas go soiléir an chaoi ar

ag an Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia i mBaile

chuir clĂĄr taighde bia Theagaisc le

Átha Cliath agus ag an Ionad

nuĂĄlaĂ­ocht i dtionscal an bhia ag lĂĄ

Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta i bPĂĄirc UĂ­

oscailte nĂĄisiĂșnta in Ionad Taighde

MhĂłrdha, Mainistir Fhear MaĂ­, ag

TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta i bPĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha

cuidĂș le tionscal an bhia trĂ­

i mĂ­ Dheireadh FĂłmhair. Cuireadh

theicneolaĂ­ochtaĂ­ nua prĂłiseĂĄla a

nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ 20 tĂĄirge nua bia agus dĂ­

chur in oiriĂșint agus trĂ­ mhianach

ar taispeáint ag an lá oscailte – iad

agus rĂ©imse na dtĂĄirgĂ­ Ă©agsĂșla a

go léir forbartha ag comhlachtaí


Éireannacha agus ag comhlachtaĂ­ ilnĂĄisiĂșnta le cabhair Ăł eolaithe bia

Rinneadh obair ar 110 tionscnamh

de chuid Teagaisc

taighde bia, 69 dĂ­obh ag an Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia agus 41 ag an Ionad

I measc na dtĂĄirgĂ­ a bhĂ­ ann bhĂ­

Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta. Rinneadh

réimse leathan cåiseanna

cuid mhĂłr den obair ar na

breisluacha, bianna do leanaĂ­, bianna

tionscnaimh sin i gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht le

feidhmiĂșla, licĂ©ir uachtair, caife

hollscoileanna, le hinstitiĂșidĂ­ taighde

gaelaigh, mar aon le comhĂĄbhair do

agus le comhphĂĄirtithe tionsclaĂ­ochta

réimse leathan bianna sneaice agus

in Éirinn, san Eoraip agus sna Stáit

do bhéilí réamhullmhaithe. I measc

Aontaithe. Cuireadh go mĂłr leis an

na dtĂĄirgĂ­ a bhĂ­ ar taispeĂĄint bhĂ­:

gcomhoibriĂș le hinstitiĂșidĂ­ taighde thar lear, go hĂĄirithe sna heolaĂ­ochtaĂ­

‱ Foirmle nua do leanaĂ­ de dhĂ©antĂșs

fairsingĂ­ocha, le linn na bliana 2003.

an chomhlachta ilnĂĄisiĂșnta, Wyeth,


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Ăłn monarcha in Eas GĂ©itine, Co.

an chomhlachta ilnĂĄisiĂșnta,

Beidh cistiĂș tosaigh os cionn €20m i

Luimnigh, atĂĄ ar dĂ­ol ar fud an

Diageo, atĂĄ ĂĄ easportĂĄil go dtĂ­ nĂ­os

gceist, €16.5m den mhĂ©id sin ĂĄ chur

domhain anois.

mĂł nĂĄ 50 tĂ­r le hĂșsĂĄid i rĂ©imse

ar fĂĄil ag FondĂșireacht EolaĂ­ochta


Éireann (SFI). Beidh an chuid eile á

‱ CĂĄis chĂ©adair nua-mhodhnaithe, Carbery Blue, de dhĂ©antĂșs an

‱ CĂĄiseanna theach feirme, licĂ©ir

cur ar fĂĄil ag SlĂĄinte Bia Teo

Carbery Group le cabhair Ăł

uachtair agus caife gaelach arna

(Alimentary Health Ltd), comhlacht

theicneolaĂ­ocht Teagaisc.

ndéanamh ag comhlachtaí beaga

biteicneolaíoch Éireannach a bhfuil

agus ag comhlachtaí meånmhéide

ceangal aige le comhlacht ilnĂĄisiĂșnta

ar fud na tĂ­re.

cĂłgaisĂ­ochta domhanda.

‱ ComhĂĄbhar nua blaistithe giostĂșisc, de dhĂ©antĂșs an Carbery Group freisin, a bheidh anĂșsĂĄideach do bhianna sneaice

Rud eile a bhĂ­ ar taispeĂĄint nĂĄ

agus do bhéilí réamhullmhaithe.

prĂłiseas speisialta nua chun cĂĄis

‱ RĂ©imse biadhathanna nĂĄdĂșrtha de

mozzarella a dhéanamh, forbartha ag

dhĂ©antĂșs nuĂĄlaĂ­och an

eolaithe Theagaisc. I ngeall ar an

chomhlachta Waterford. TĂĄ

ĂșsĂĄid leathan a bhaintear as

margadh mĂłr dĂĄ chuid tĂĄirgĂ­ i

mozzarella le barrĂĄn a chur ar

MeiriceĂĄ Thuaidh ag

phĂ­otsa, thĂĄinig borradh as cuimse

an gcomhlacht seo cheana féin.

faoi dhĂ­olachĂĄn mozzarella le tamall

‱ TiĂșchĂĄn blaistithe de dhĂ©antĂșs comhlachta nuĂĄlaĂ­gh eile, National Food Ingredients i Luimneach, le hĂșsĂĄid i rĂ©imse tĂĄirgĂ­ breisluacha milseogra. ‱ CĂĄis nua fhorbheathach Ăł Bhord

de bhlianta anuas agus, le cabhair Ăł theicneolaĂ­ocht Teagaisc, tĂĄ dĂ©antĂłirĂ­ Éireannacha in ann dul in iomaĂ­ocht le comhlachtaĂ­ mĂłra ar an margadh idirnĂĄisiĂșnta.

BunĂș Ionad Nua Taighde Is comhphĂĄirtithe iad eolaithe an

leathĂĄn nua forbheathach Ăłn Kerry

Ionad Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta san


Ionad nua CĂłgasbheathach Bia, ar

agus Ăł eorna rĂłsta, de dhĂ©antĂșs

a bronnadh ar thionscnamh taighde in Éirinn riamh agus is comhartha muinĂ­ne Ă© sa saineolas eolaĂ­ochta atĂĄ ar fĂĄil san Ionad Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta agus ina chomhphĂĄirtĂ­, ColĂĄiste Ollscoile ChorcaĂ­ (UCC). Beidh sĂ© de chuspĂłir ag an ionad nua, a bheidh suite i saotharlanna nua biteicneolaĂ­ochta Theagaisc i bPĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha agus san institiĂșid eolaĂ­ochtaĂ­ bitheacha i UCC, scrĂșdĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar an rĂłl a imrĂ­onn

DĂ©irĂ­ochta na hÉireann agus saill-

‱ TiĂșchĂĄn blaistithe dĂ©anta Ăł bhraich

Is Ă­ dĂĄmhachtain SFI an ceann is mĂł

fĂłgraĂ­odh a bhunaithe sa bhliain 2003.


baictĂ©ir stĂ©igeacha i gcothabhĂĄil slĂĄinte agus i ngalair Ă©agsĂșla. Tiocfaidh taighdeoirĂ­ Ăł dhisciplĂ­nĂ­ Ă©agsĂșla i UCC agus i bPĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha le chĂ©ile san ionad chun a gcuid scileanna a dhĂ­riĂș ar

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

mhodhanna nua chun galair stĂ©igeacha a chĂłireĂĄil agus a chosc. TrĂ­ staidĂ©ar a dhĂ©anamh ar na meicnĂ­ochtaĂ­ trĂ­na mbĂ­onn tionchar ag baictĂ©ir stĂ©igeacha agus ag baictĂ©ir bhia ar chĂșrsaĂ­ slĂĄinte agus galraithe, cuirfidh an taighde seo deiseannna dĂșshaothraithe trĂĄchtĂĄla ar fĂĄil do na hearnĂĄlacha bia agus cĂłgaisĂ­ochta. Is Ă© an tĂĄbhacht a bhaineann leis an taighde seo Ăł thaobh thionscal na dĂ©irĂ­ochta in Éirinn de nĂĄ go ndĂ©anfaidh sĂ© Ă©ilimh ar Ă©ifeachtĂșlacht bhianna forbheathacha a dhaingniĂș agus, dĂĄ thoradh sin, go mbeidh tionchar tĂĄbhachtach aige ar fhorbairt na mbianna sin i gcomhlachtaĂ­ Éireannacha. Ó thaobh PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha de, is Ă©ard atĂĄ ann nĂĄ comhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht ardchaighdeĂĄin a thugann na naisc

Is comhartha Ă© an conradh seo, a bronnadh ar Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia Theagaisc, den chĂĄil mhĂłr idirnĂĄisiĂșnta atĂĄ air mar ionad ardchaighdeĂĄn feabhais chun cĂłrais bhainistĂ­ochta um shĂĄbhĂĄilteacht bia a fhorbairt.

mbĂ­onn tionchar acu ar shaill idirmhatĂĄnach.

Tionscnaimh ShĂĄbhĂĄilteachta Bia san AE Bronnadh mĂłrchonradh le cistiĂș Ăłn AE ar Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia Theagaisc chun gormphriontaĂ­ sĂĄbhĂĄilteachta bia a fhorbairt i leith tĂĄirgĂ­ feola, prĂłiseĂĄil feola, miondĂ­ola agus lĂłnadĂłireachta ar fud na hEorpa. BĂ©idh an tionscnamh seo ĂĄ dhĂ©anamh i gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht le cuibhreannas eolaithe agus comhphĂĄirtithe i dtrĂ­ cinn dĂ©ag de thĂ­ortha an AE, mar aon leis an bPolainn, an UngĂĄir agus Ceanada. Chomh maith le cleachtais sĂĄbhĂĄilteachta a fhorbairt i leith

lĂĄidre comhoibrithe atĂĄ aige le

céimeanna tåbhachtacha sa

taighdeoirí UCC cheana féin go dtí

bhiashlabhra, déanfaidh tionscnamh

leibhéal níos airde.

Theagaisc athbhreithniĂș ar an gcaoi is fearr le fiosrĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar

Taighde ar GhĂ©anĂłmacht Feola ThĂĄngthas ar chomhaontĂș i dtaca le clĂĄr taighde cĂșig bliana idir Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia Theagaisc agus an Meat Functional Genomics Group in Ollscoil StĂĄt Michigan. DĂĄ thoradh sin, cuireadh tĂșs leis an gcĂ©ad chlĂĄr taighde um ghĂ©anĂłmacht agus phrĂłiteoimeacht riamh in Éirinn DĂ©anfar taighde ar an ngaol idir DNA i ngĂ©inte samplacha agus trĂ©ithe caighdeĂĄin feola i mĂĄirteoil agus i muiceoil in Éirinn. Bainfear ĂșsĂĄid as

rĂĄigeanna nimhithe agus, anuas air sin, tabharfar comhairle i dtaca le taighde Clermont-Ferrand sa

cumarsåid éifeachtach a dhéanamh

Fhrainc. Mar aon leis an

le tomhaltĂłirĂ­ ar nithe a mbĂ­onn baint

gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht atĂĄ bunaithe

acu le cĂșrsaĂ­ sĂĄbhĂĄilteachta bia.

cheana fĂ©in le hInstitiĂșid UĂ­ ChonbhuĂ­ i gColĂĄiste Ollscoile Bhaile Átha

Is comhartha Ă© an conradh seo, a

Cliath agus leis an Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta

bronnadh ar Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia

DiagnĂłiseach i gColĂĄiste Ollscoile na

Theagaisc, den chĂĄil mhĂłr

Gaillimhe, cuireann na lĂ­onraĂ­ nua seo

idirnĂĄisiĂșnta atĂĄ air mar ionad

modh sainiĂșil ar fĂĄil chun teacht ar

ardchaighdeĂĄn feabhais chun cĂłrais

eolas, ar scileanna agus ar thaithĂ­ ar

bhainistĂ­ochta um shĂĄbhĂĄilteacht bia

an mbitheolaĂ­ocht mhĂłilĂ­neach a

a fhorbairt.

bhaineann le caighdeĂĄn feola. Le trĂ­ bliana anuas, d’éirigh le

an eolas sin chun uirlisĂ­ Fuarthas polamorfachtaĂ­ DNA i leith

Teagasc gormphriontaĂ­

frithireacht feola Ăłn taighde cheana

sĂĄbhĂĄilteachta bia i leith mĂĄirteola,

féin. Is éard atå å dhéanamh anois

muiceola agus marĂș caorach a

BunaĂ­odh nasc tĂĄbhachtach eile leis

nĂĄ na gĂ©initĂ­opaĂ­ a chomhghaolĂș le

fhorbairt agus a fhoilsiĂș. Faoin

an bhfoireann taighde um

caighdeĂĄin fhrithireachta. TĂĄthar ag

teideal HACCP (Hazard Analysis

phrĂłiteoimeacht feola in ionad

déanamh staidéir freisin ar ghéinte a

Critical Control Point), tugann siad

diagnĂłiseacha a fhorbairt i leith caighdeĂĄn feola.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

gcĂĄs daoine ar imdhĂ­onacht Ă­seal.

Taighde ar StĂ­leanna MaireachtĂĄla Bia

mĂłr a chur i bhfeidhm Ăłn am a

Tugtar an seadĂĄn seo faoi deara i

De rĂ©ir torthaĂ­ taighde a d’fhoilsigh

sroicheann an t-ainmhĂ­ an

gconair stéigeach eallaigh agus

an tIonad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia sa bhliain

mhonarcha go dtí go dtéann an

caorach agus is trĂ­d an bhfaecas a

2003, bĂ­onn pĂĄirt mhĂłr ag bianna

conablach isteach sa seomra reoite.

dhéantar é a eisfhearadh. Is féidir é

sneaice agus ag bianna caoithiĂșla i

a tharchur Ăł ainmhĂ­ go duine, Ăł

nĂłsanna itheachĂĄin beagnach leath

Chomh maith leis sin forbraĂ­odh

dhuine go duine, trĂ­ uisce nĂł trĂ­ bhia

de thomhaltaigh na Breataine.

HACCP do thĂĄirgeacht chirceola

Ă©illithe nĂł trĂ­ theagmhĂĄil dhĂ­reach le

agus tå obair ar bun cheana féin

dromchlaĂ­ Ă©illithe sa timpeallacht.

mionsonraĂ­ faoi na cleachtais thĂĄbhachtacha sĂĄbhĂĄilteachta nach

chun gormphriontaĂ­ sĂĄbhĂĄilteachta

TrĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as modh taighde sofaisticiĂșil tomhaltĂłirĂ­, a dtugtar

lĂłnadĂłireachta agus glasraĂ­ a

TrĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as na cĂłrais bhraite

Food Related Lifestyle Instrument air,

fhorbairt, i gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht leis an

nuafhorbartha, tå staidéar déanta

roinn taighdeoirĂ­ tomhaltaigh na

mBord um Chur Chun Cinn

den chéad uair ag eolaithe san Ionad

Breataine i sĂ© ghrĂșpa. ‘Snaiceoirí’ a

SĂĄbhĂĄilteachta Bia agus le ColĂĄiste

NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia ar leitheadĂșlacht agus

thugtar ar an ngrĂșpa is mĂł a bhfuil

Ollscoile Luimnigh. Tabharfaidh an

ar rĂĄta marthanais Cryptosporidium

fĂĄs faoi. ClĂșdaĂ­onn an grĂșpa sin

tionscnamh nua idirnĂĄisiĂșnta seo deis

parvum i bhfeoil agus i sailéid.

duine amhĂĄin as gach grĂșpa

do Theagasc céimeanna eile sa

tomhaltĂłirĂ­ sa Bhreatain agus tĂĄ dĂșil

bhiashlabhra a chlĂșdach agus an clĂĄr

Beidh na modhanna nua braite ina

mhĂłr acu i mbianna caoithiĂșla a

sĂĄbhĂĄilteachta bia a leathnĂș isteach

mbuntĂĄiste mĂłr chun tuilleadh

chuireann béilí ar fåil go tapa

san Eoraip.

taighde a dhéanamh agus chun


monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar an

Sprioc bainte amach i gCĂșrsaĂ­ SĂĄbhĂĄilteachta Bia

seadĂĄn seo atĂĄ ag teacht chun cinn i

D’aithin an fhoireann taighde dhá


ghrĂșpa tomhaltĂłirĂ­ eile sa Bhreatain

Rinne foireann taighde Eorpach, faoi

Anuas air sin, rinne taighdeoirĂ­

gcĂșrsaĂ­ bia. Deirtear go bhfuil na

stiĂșir eolaithe de chuid an Ionad

margaidh agus micreabhitheolaithe

tomhaltaigh seo ‘mĂ­chĂșramach’ agus

NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia, Ă©acht mĂłr domhanda

Ăłn Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia, i

‘scartha amach’.

le dĂ©anaĂ­, nuair a d’éirigh leo an

gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht leis an Roinn

seadĂĄn, Cryptosporidium parvum, a

InnealtĂłireachta Bia i gColĂĄiste

NĂ­l mĂłrĂĄn suime ag an ngrĂșpa

aimsiĂș i mbianna.

Ollscoile Bhaile Átha Cliath, an

‘mĂ­chĂșramach’ i gcĂșrsaĂ­

nach raibh mĂłrĂĄn suime acu i

chĂ©ad mheasĂșnĂș cainnĂ­ochtĂșil

siopadĂłireachta agus nĂ­l ach beagĂĄn

ThĂĄngthas ar an bhfionnachtain seo

priacail riamh ar bhiaphataigin in

suime sa chĂłcaireacht acu siĂșd atĂĄ

tar Ă©is tionscnamh taighde trĂ­ bliana

Éirinn. Beidh sĂ© de chumas ag an

‘scartha amach’. Nuair a chuirtear an

faoi chistiĂș an AE, a raibh ocht gcinn

tsamhail, a rinneadh de thoradh na

dĂĄ ghrĂșpa seo in Ă©ineacht leis na

de ghrĂșpaĂ­ taighde Eorpacha

hoibre sin, an priacal a bhaineann le

sneaiceoirĂ­ atĂĄ ag teacht chun cinn,

pĂĄirteach ann.

feoil Ă©illithe ar bith a itheann an

is ionann sin agus 48% de

tomhaltĂłir a thuar agus an ĂĄit sa

chomhaltaigh na Breataine.

Is seadĂĄn Ă© Cryptosporidium parvum

bhiashlabhra ina bhfuil an priacal is

atĂĄ ag teacht chun cinn i mbianna.

airde agus na hĂĄiteanna is fearr le

Roinn an fhoireann taighde fuĂ­lleach

Tagann buinneach, pianta sa bholg,

rialĂșchĂĄn a chur i bhfeidhm a aithint.

na dtomhaltĂłirĂ­ i dtrĂ­ ghrĂșpa:

masmas, babhtaĂ­ urlacain agus

Beidh sé indéanta ansin an saineolas

‘rĂ©asĂșnach’, ‘eachtrĂșil’ agus

fiabhras Ă­sealghrĂĄid orthu siĂșd a

seo agus na scileanna a bhaineann


bhĂ­onn fabhtaithe. Maireann an galar

leis a chur i bhfeidhm ar phróiséis

ar feadh suas le trĂ­ seachtaine de

bhia eile.

BĂ­onn suim faoi leith ag an ngrĂșpa

ghnĂĄth, ach d’fhĂ©adfadh sĂ© a bheith

rĂ©asĂșnach, i.e. 26% de thomhaltaigh

ainsealach agus dianseasmhach i

na Breataine, i mbianna


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

ardchaighdeĂĄin agus is daoine

luach €20 billiĂșn de thĂĄirgĂ­ bianna

sa tsaotharlann. Sa bhliain 2003

meĂĄnaosta nĂł seandaoine a

caoithiĂșla in aghaidh na bliana.

rinneadh trialacha ar mhuca beo

bhformhĂłr. BĂ­onn suim ag an ngrĂșpa

agus nochtadh do shamonella iad

eachtrĂșil, i.e. 17% de thomhaltaigh, i

GrĂĄdĂș MeicniĂșil Feola

d’aon ghnĂł chun Ă©ifeachtĂșlacht

dtåirgí nua bia agus bíonn sé de nós

BhĂ­ baint mhĂłr ag na trialacha nua a

ionghabhĂĄla forbheathaĂ­ i gcoinne na

acu a gcuid siopadĂłireachta a

rinneadh ar ghrĂĄdĂș meicniĂșil feola

pataigine a mheas.

dhéanamh i siopaí speisialaithe.

san Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia le glacadh an AE le prionsabal na gcĂłras

Ba mhĂłr an tuar misnigh iad na

Os a choinne sin tĂĄ an grĂșpa

grĂĄdaithe meicniĂșil agus le

torthaĂ­. ThaispeĂĄin siad go raibh na

coimeĂĄdach, i.e. 9% de

spriocanna rĂ©adĂșla a leagan sĂ­os

tréithchineålacha forbheathacha in

thomhaltaigh. BĂ­onn siad seo

chun iad a cheadĂș.

ann maireachtĂĄil agus, i roinnt

traidisiĂșnta maidir leis an rogha a

cĂĄsanna, go raibh siad in ann an

dhĂ©anann siad i gcĂșrsaĂ­ bia agus nĂ­

I mĂ­ na Samhna 2003 rinne an Roinn

låmh in uachtar a fhåil i stéig na

bhĂ­onn mĂłrĂĄn suime acu i mbianna

Talmhaíochta agus Bia an chéad triail

muice. TaispeĂĄnadh freisin gur

caoithiĂșla nĂĄ i dtĂĄirgĂ­ nua bia. TĂĄ cuid

Ășdaraithe agus rinne an tIonad

laghdaigh na hĂĄbhair fhorbheathacha

mhĂłr ban aosta ina measc.

NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia anailĂ­s ar na sonraĂ­, a

go mĂłr ar airĂ­onna an tsalmonella

bhĂ­ le hĂșdarĂș ag an AE. Ar an gcaoi

agus ar leibhéal an tsalmonella a bhí

Tugadh torthaĂ­ an taighde do

sin ceadaĂ­odh grĂĄdĂș meicniĂșil i

sna hainmhithe. DĂ©anfar trialacha

chomhlachtaí bia in Éirinn chun

monarchana easportĂĄla mĂĄirteola sa

allamuigh sa chéad chuid eile de na

cabhrĂș leo a gcuid tĂĄirgĂ­ bia, a gcuid

bhliain 2004,

trialacha seo agus bainfear ĂșsĂĄid as

margaĂ­ochta agus a gcuid straitĂ©isĂ­ fĂłgraĂ­ochta a chur in oiriĂșint do

meascán d’ábhair fhorbheathacha

SmachtĂș Salmonella i Muca

chun salmonella a smachtĂș.

threochtaĂ­ tomhaltĂłirĂ­ atĂĄ ag teacht chun cinn i lĂĄthair na huaire.

Sa bhliain 2003 rinneadh tuilleadh dul chun cinn maidir le hĂșsĂĄid ĂĄbhar

MĂłrthionscnamh GĂ©anĂłmach

Rinne comhlachtaí Éireannacha os

forbheathach chun leibhéil salmonella

Is Ă©ard is cuspĂłir do cheann de na

cionn €2.6m de tháirgí bianna

a smachtĂș i muca. Roimhe sin

mĂłrthionscnaimh san Ionad Taighde

caoithiĂșla sa bhliain 2002.

d’aithin taighdeoirĂ­ trĂ©ithchineĂĄlacha

TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta nĂĄ seicheamhĂș

EasportĂĄladh €1 billiĂșn de sin go

baictéaracha aigéid lachtaigh, a bhí

gĂ©anĂłm iomlĂĄn baictĂ©ar uathĂșil

margadh na Breataine, a Ă­dĂ­onn

in ann fĂĄs salmonella a shochtadh,

déanta cåise a dhéanamh. Is é an


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

rud is suntasaĂ­ faoin tionscnamh seo nĂĄ gur eochair Ă© chun mais ghĂ©archĂ©imneach a thĂłgĂĄil i dtaca le gĂ©anĂłmacht chultĂșr tosaithe agus beidh Teagasc go mĂłr chun tosaigh i bhforbairtĂ­ idirnĂĄisiĂșnta sa rĂ©imse mĂłrĂ©abhlĂłideach a bhaineann le gĂ©anĂłmacht a chur in oiriĂșint do chĂłrais bhia traidisiĂșnta agus nuĂĄlaĂ­ocha. Le linn na bliana 2003 rinneadh dul chun cinn mĂłr maidir le seicheamhĂș iomlĂĄn an ghĂ©anĂłim, trĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as seirbhĂ­sĂ­ comhlachta gĂ©inte; agus tĂĄthar ag sĂșil go gcuirfear barr crĂ­che leis an tionscnamh, i.e. mapa gĂ©anĂłm a shoilĂ©iriĂș, roimh dheireadh na bliana 2004. DĂ©anfar na sonraĂ­ a bhaineann le seiceamhĂș gĂ©inte sa tionscnamh seo

Leanadh le forbairt bhianna feidhmiĂșla a mbeadh sĂ© de chumas acu leasa ĂĄirithe slĂĄinte a chur ar fĂĄil mar chuid thĂĄbhachtach de chuid an chlĂĄr taighde agus forbartha san Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia agus san Ionad Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta.

leibhĂ©il aigĂ©id lĂ­onoilĂ©ach chomhchuingigh (CLA) i mbainne agus i mĂĄirteoil a bhreisiĂș. Deirtear go mbĂ­onn Ă©ifeacht thairbheach ag CLA ar an tslĂĄinte, go hĂĄirithe i ngeall ar na buanna frithailseacha a bhĂ­onn ann, agus go mbĂ­onn leibhĂ©il nĂ­os airde de i mbainne agus i mĂĄirteoil fĂ©arthĂĄirgthe. Fuarthas amach Ăł thaighde a rinneadh in Ionaid Taighde PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha agus an GhrĂĄinsigh gur fĂ©idir cur le tiĂșchan CLA trĂ­ aiste bia an ainmhĂ­ a fhorlĂ­onadh le fĂ©ar a mbĂ­onn olaĂ­ speisialta ann. MĂĄ uasmheadaĂ­tear leibhĂ©al an CLA i mĂĄirteoil agus i dtĂĄirgĂ­ dĂ©irĂ­ochta Éireannacha beidh sĂ© de chumas againn uathĂșlacht a chruthĂș do thĂĄirgĂ­ den chineĂĄl sin i margaĂ­ tomhaltacha thar lear.

a chur le chéile go córasach agus

Anuas ar an obair sin go léir rinne

géinte a bhfuil tåbhacht féideartha

eolaithe san Ionad Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­

eacnamaĂ­och ag baint leo a aithint.

DĂ©irĂ­ochta fiosrĂșchĂĄn ar an gcumas

Cuirfear suim faoi leith i ngéinte a

a bheadh ag fĂłram speisialta ar

ĂșsĂĄidtear i bhforbairt bhlaistithe do chĂĄiseanna agus ĂșsĂĄidfear iad le haghaidh dearadh tosaithe amach anseo.

mar chuid thĂĄbhachtach de chuid an chlĂĄr taighde agus forbartha san Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia agus san Ionad Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta. Sampla

bhithchåis chun baictéir dhochracha sa bhéal a shochtadh agus, ar an mbealach sin, obair thairbheach a dhéanamh ar son slåinte déadaí.

amhåin de sin nå an phåirt a ghlac Tå forbairtí sa ghéinteicneolaíocht ag déanamh síorathruithe ar thírdhreach an eolaíocht bitheolaíochta. Ní go dtí le déanaí a thångthas ar an gcumas

eolaithe an Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia i bhforbairt arĂĄin, saor Ăł ghlĂștan, do dhaoine a mbĂ­onn galar cĂ©iliach

seo is é an tionscnamh géanóm daonna an sampla cåipéisithe is fearr den teicneolaíocht seo.

TacaĂ­ocht do Bhianna FeidhmiĂșla

bhaint as cultĂșr lachtach a thĂĄirgeann an t-ĂĄbhar miocrĂłbach, lacticin, a bhfuil sĂ© de chumas aige


le comhshuĂ­omh gĂ©initeach iomlĂĄn orgĂĄnach beo a sheiceamhĂș. Go dtĂ­

DĂ©antar an bhithchĂĄis trĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a

slĂĄinte bhĂ©il a bhreisiĂș. BhĂ­ lacticin TĂĄ tuairim is 1% de thomhaltaigh na hÉireann aillĂ©irgeach leis na comhĂĄbhair i bplĂșr cruithneachta. Sa bhliain 2003 d’éirigh leis an Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia cineĂĄlacha ĂĄirithe arĂĄin a fhorbairt gan chomhĂĄbhair chruithneachta ar bith iontu.

Leanadh le forbairt bhianna feidhmiĂșla a mbeadh sĂ© de chumas

Leanadh le taighde forbartha ar

acu leasa ĂĄirithe slĂĄinte a chur ar fĂĄil

chlĂĄir chothaithe ainmhithe chun


ina ĂĄbhar fionnachtana domhanda ag foireann eolaithe de chuid Teagaisc/UCC roinnt blianta Ăł shin. Is fĂ©idir coincheap an bhithbhia le haghaidh slĂĄinte dĂ©adaĂ­ a leathnĂș go dtĂ­ deochanna feidmhmiĂșla chomh maith le tĂĄirgĂ­ dĂ©irĂ­ochta.

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


agus cleachtais ar fheirmeacha dĂ©irĂ­ochta. Anuas air sin ba ghnĂ© thĂĄbhachtach iad na plĂ©ghrĂșpaĂ­ agus na feirmeacha monatĂłireachta de chuid an chlĂĄir chomhairligh dĂ©irĂ­ochta. Rinne comhairleach Theagaisc comhordĂș ar 230 plĂ©ghrĂșpa dĂ©irĂ­ochta ar fud na tĂ­re agus chabhraigh siad le 120 feirm monatĂłireachta freisin. BhĂ­ rĂłl tĂĄbachtach ag na feirmeacha monatĂłireachta sin maidir le cleachtais Ă©ifeachtacha a chur in oiriĂșint, a mhonatĂłiriĂș agus a

TĂĄirgeadh Bainne


Sa bhliain 2003 lean clår déiríochta

Tairbhe an Fheachtais um Phróitéin Bhainne

Theagaisc air ag leagan béime ar

Ba mhĂłr an tairbhe a rinneadh mar

fhorbairt agus ar chraobhscaoileadh

gheall ar dhianfheachtas Teagaisc

teicneolaĂ­ochtaĂ­ tĂĄbhachtacha

prĂłitĂ©inleibhĂ©il bhainne a ardĂș.

d’earnĂĄil iomaĂ­och idirnĂĄisiĂșnta

D’éirigh prĂłitĂ©inleibhĂ©al an bhainne

bhainne. Leagadh béim faoi leith in

go 3.3% ar an meĂĄn sa bhliain

Ionad Taighde PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha ar

2003, i gcomparĂĄid le 3.2% i

an gcineĂĄl ceart bĂł a thĂĄirgeadh do

nĂłchaidĂ­ deireanacha na haoise seo

chóras tåirgthe féarbhunaithe

caite. D’éirigh le feirmeoirĂ­ a bhĂ­

Éireannach, mar aon le nuálaíocht

chun tosaigh próitéinleibhéil os cionn

leanĂșnach i mbainistĂ­ocht fĂ©ir agus i

3.4% a bhaint amach sa bhliain

dtairgeadh feabhsaithe Ăł lucht oibre.


Chomhairligh an clĂĄr comhairleach

D’éirigh le feirmeoirĂ­ a rinne lĂĄnardĂș

d’fheirmeoirí na modhanna

ar phróitéinleibhéil bhainne agus a

bainistĂ­ochta airgeadais ab

bhain amach leibhéil chostais tåirgí

Ă©ifeachachtaĂ­, ba shaoire agus ab

5c/lĂ­tear faoi bhun an mheĂĄin

ardchaighdeĂĄin a chur in oiriĂșint chun

nĂĄisiĂșnta brabĂșs breise €300/bĂł a

ioncam ó fheirmeoireacht déiríochta

dhéanamh sa bhliain 2003. Ba mhór

a uasmhĂ©adĂș. ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh cuid

an buntĂĄiste do na feirmeoirĂ­ sin an

mhĂłr de na gnĂ­omhaĂ­ochtaĂ­

phĂĄirt a ghlac siad i bplĂ©ghrĂșpaĂ­ agus

comhairleacha i gcomhar le

i gcainteanna monatĂłireachta feirme.

próiseålaithe déiríochta.

Chuir siad gormphriontaĂ­ Theagaisc

ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh 12 comhchlĂĄr

in oiriĂșint do bhainistĂ­ocht airgeadais,

Theagaisc/forbartha prĂłiseĂĄlaithe le

do bhainistíocht féir, do pholasaithe

linn na bliana agus ba mhĂłr an

póraithe agus d’fhás gnó. Anois

tairbhe a bhain leo sin i dtaca le

beidh siad in ann seasamh lĂĄidir a

feabhas a chur ar chĂșrsaĂ­ brabĂșis

ghlacadh i gcoinne an laghdaithe i


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

bpraghas an bhainne atĂĄ pleanĂĄilte i

a gcuid ioncaim a choinneĂĄil ar an

ghearrtha sadhlais nĂł ar thalamh a

leasĂș pholasaĂ­ bhainne an AE.

leibhéal céanna,

ndearnadh féarach daingean air. Seans go dtaitneodh an córas

Tairgeadh ar Chostas Íseal – Sin an RĂ©iteach

LĂ©irĂ­onn torthaĂ­ Ăł thaighde a

Ă­sealchostais seo le roinnt feirmeoirĂ­

rinneadh i bPĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha gur

dĂ©irĂ­ochta. LĂ©irĂ­odh do ghrĂșpa mĂłr

Beidh costais tåirgí ina ngné

féidir le bó, roghnaithe don tåirgeadh

feirmeoirĂ­ Ă© ag lĂĄ oscailte nĂĄisiĂșnta ar

thĂĄbhachtach fhadsaoil faoi leasuithe

fĂ©arbhunaithe Éireannach, ardĂș

fheirm thaighde Solohead i mĂ­

nua an AE. LĂ©irigh anailĂ­s de chuid

2.5c/lítear, nó suas go dtí €6,000, a

Mhéan Fómhair 2003.

Teagaisc difrĂ­ocht 8c/lĂ­tear i gcostais

chur le brabĂșs na gnĂĄthfheirme

tĂĄirgĂ­ idir na tĂĄirgeoirĂ­ ab Ă©ifeachtaĂ­

déiríochta. Beidh sé den riachtanas

agus na tĂĄirgeoirĂ­ ba

bĂł den chineĂĄl sin a ĂșsĂĄid mĂĄ

neamhéifeachtaí sa bhliain 2003.

thiteann praghsanna bainne. Tå sé

ClĂĄr Nua BiteicneolaĂ­ochta Ainmhithe

de dhĂșshlĂĄn ar earnĂĄil phĂłraithe

Cuireadh tĂșs leis an gclĂĄr nua

BĂ­onn 440,000 lĂ­tear (96,000 galĂșn)

dĂ©irĂ­ochta na hÉireann an cineĂĄl sin

biteicneolaĂ­ochta in Ionad Taighde

bainne de dhĂ­th ar an 25% de

géineolaíochta a chur ar fåil

PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha sa bhliain 2003. Is

thairgeoirĂ­, a mbĂ­onn na costais is


éard a bhí i gceist sa chlår nå géinte a

airde orthu, chun ioncam €40,000 a

bhíonn gaolmhar le tréithe

Taighde ar Fhéarach Seamairbhunaithe

eacnamaĂ­ocha a mbĂ­onn baint acu leis

(180,000 galĂșn) de dhĂ­th orthu sa

shaothrĂș. Beidh 820,000 lĂ­tear

an innéacs eacnamaíoch póråla a

bhliain 2010 chun ioncam €40,000

LĂ©irigh taighde a rinneadh ar fheirm

rianĂș, so-ghabhĂĄlacht i leith galar in

a shaothrĂș. NĂ­ leor scĂĄla mĂ©adaithe

thaighde déiríochta Theagaisc i

ainmhithe a fhiosrĂș agus staidĂ©ar a

amhĂĄin chun ioncam a chothabhĂĄil

Solohead, Co Thiobraid Árann gur

dhéanamh ar athraithigh mhóilíneacha

do na feirmeoirĂ­ seo.

féidir tåirgeadh bainne 12,500


lĂ­tear/heicteĂĄr a bhaint amach Ăł Os a choinne sin, d’éirigh leis na

fhéar agus ó mhínligh sheimre båine

Le linn na bliana rinneadh roinnt

tĂĄirgeoirĂ­ ab Ă©ifeachtaĂ­ (i.e. 25%)

gan ach 90kg de nĂ­trigin leasachĂĄin/

gĂ©anĂłm a aimpliĂș Ăłn ngĂ©anĂłm

ioncam €40,000 a shaothrĂș anuraidh


buaibheach agus thĂĄngthas ar roinnt

Ăł thĂĄirgeacht 220,000 lĂ­tear (48,000

torthaĂ­ a rabhamar ag sĂșil leo trĂ­ anailĂ­s

galĂșn). Faoin mbliain 2010 nĂ­ bheidh

Is Ă©ard a bhĂ­onn i gceist nĂĄ an

a dhĂ©anamh ar sheicheamhĂș DNA.

orthu ach an tĂĄirgeadh a ardĂș go dtĂ­

tseamair a shĂ­olĂș, measctha le

Rinneadh forbairt ar mhodhanna

250,000 lĂ­tear (55,000 galĂșn) chun

leasachån, tar éis an chéad

ardíogair chun géinitíopåil ainmhithe


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

a Ă©ascĂș. Anuas air sin forbraĂ­odh teicnĂ­cĂ­ chun gĂ©inte Ăł chealla sĂłmacha bainne agus Ăł fhĂ­ochĂĄn mamach a aimpliĂș. Chomh maith leis sin bunaĂ­odh carnĂĄn DNA de gach ainmhĂ­ i dtrĂ©ad dĂ©irĂ­ochta Theagaisc agus beidh sĂ© sin ina acmhainn luachmhar d’aon iniĂșchadh mĂłilĂ­neach a dhĂ©anfar amach anseo. TĂĄ DNA gĂ©anĂłmach ardchaighdeĂĄin Ăł 1,596 ainmhĂ­ sa charnĂĄn seo, ina measc cĂșig chineĂĄl Ă©agsĂșla bĂł. TĂĄ na samplaĂ­ go lĂ©ir ĂĄ gcoineĂĄil ag -20°C agus ag -80°C le haghaidh stĂłrĂĄil chartlainne

Cur Chuige Nua i leith SmachtĂș MaistĂ­tis Rinne eolaithe sna hionaid taighde tĂĄirgthe dĂ©irĂ­ochta agus tĂĄirgĂ­ dĂ©irĂ­ochta i bPĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrhda dul chun cinn an-mhĂłr maidir le hĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as cultĂșir fhorbheathacha

Rinne eolaithe sna hionaid taighde tĂĄirgthe dĂ©irĂ­ochta agus tĂĄirgĂ­ dĂ©irĂ­ochta i bPĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrhda dul chun cinn anmhĂłr maidir le hĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as cultĂșir fhorbheathacha chun maistĂ­teas a smachtĂș agus a fhuascailt i mba dĂ©irĂ­ochta.

ar fĂĄil don fhaireog mhamach chun pataiginĂ­ maistĂ­teacha a dhĂ­birt. I ngeall ar na torthaĂ­ seo, tĂĄthar andĂłchasach go mbeidh sĂ© indĂ©anta cur chuige neamh-antaibheathach a fhorbairt chun maistĂ­teas a chĂłireĂĄil agus a smachtĂș agus dul i bhfad taobh amuigh den scĂłip agus den phoitĂ©inseal atĂĄ ann cheana fĂ©in chun orgĂĄnaigh lacticinghinte i sĂ©alaĂ­ sinĂ­ a ĂșsĂĄid, faoi mar a bhĂ­ fĂłcas an tionscnaimh seo san am atĂĄ thart. Ba mar gheall ar thuilleadh forbartha ar an gcur chuige nuĂĄlaĂ­och seo i leith chĂłireĂĄil maistĂ­tis agus ar mhionscrĂșdĂș ar mheicnĂ­ocht eolaĂ­och ghnĂ­omhaĂ­ocht na gcultĂșr forbheathach, a d’éirigh leis an iarratas cistithe ar son an Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Fund agus le haighneacht phaitinne dar teideal “PROMAST: Probiotics for mastitis

chun maistĂ­teas a smachtĂș agus a

treatment”. Ceadaítear iarratais ar an

fhuascailt i mba déiríochta. Tairgeann

gcistiĂș seo Ăł eagraĂ­ochtaĂ­ taighde

na cultĂșir ar baineadh ĂșsĂĄid astu an

sochtadh soiléir ar líon na miocrób

ollscoileanna agus institiĂșidĂ­ i dtaca le

chomhdhĂșil fhrithmhiocrĂłbach,

pataigĂ­neach iontu.

réimse iomlån topaicí taighde a bhfuil

lacticin, a bhĂ­ ina ĂĄbhar taighde i

suim ag eolaithe Éireannacha iontu.

bPĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha le tamall de

Léirigh réamhfhiosruithe go bhfuil

BhĂ­ aighneacht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha ar

bhlianta anuas. TrĂ­ chultĂșir

ceangal idir cosaint

an tionscnamh ba mhĂł aicme faoi

fhorbheathacha, bunaithe ar

fhrithmhiocrĂłbach san fhaireog

choinnĂ­ollacha mion-

lachtbhachaillĂ­nĂ­ a thairgeann lacticin,

mhamach agus breisiĂșchĂĄn freagairtĂ­

phiarmheastĂłireachta a rinne scrĂșdĂș

a chur isteach i nduchta shinĂ­ bĂł a

imdhĂ­onacha a tharlaĂ­onn i ngeall ar

ar chritéir theicneolaíochta agus

mbĂ­onn infabhtuithe cliniciĂșla orthu,

bhaictéir fhorbheathacha a bheith


chonacthas gur thĂĄinig feabhas mĂłr

tugtha isteach agus, ar an gcaoi sin,

ar riocht na mbĂł agus go ndearnadh

go gcuirtear meicnĂ­ocht Ă©ifeachtach


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


TĂĄ baint ag a bhformhĂłr leis an 8 comhchlĂĄr forbartha mĂĄirteola, atĂĄ ĂĄ reĂĄchtĂĄil ag Teagasc agus ag prĂłiseĂĄlaithe feola/marglanna beostoic. Is iad cuspĂłirĂ­ na gclĂĄr sin nĂĄ pĂłrĂș feabhsaithe, mĂĄirteoil ardchaighdeĂĄin, margaĂ­ocht fheabhsaithe agus brabĂșis mhĂ©adaithe d’fheirmeolirĂ­, trĂ­ bhainistĂ­ocht fheabhsaithe teicneolaĂ­ochta agus airgeadais.

Fócas Taighde ar Fhéar agus ar Shadhlas Leanadh le fócas taighde ar fhorbairt gormphriontaí i leith ardchaighdeån

TĂĄirgeadh Feola

fĂ©ir agus sadhlais le linn na bliana. Mar chuid de mhĂłrthioncnamh amhĂĄin, arna cistiĂș ag an AE, rinne eolaithe in Ionad Taighde an

Leagadh béim sa chlår tåirgthe feola

GhrĂĄinsigh, i gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht le

ar theicneolaĂ­ochtaĂ­

grĂșpaĂ­ taighde Ăł thĂ­ortha Eorpacha

costaséifeachtacha chun måirteoil,

eile, staidéar ar bhuntåistí cineålacha

tĂĄirgĂ­ caorach agus muc a fhorbairt

Ă©agsĂșla fĂ©ir a fĂĄsadh le haghaidh

ar fheirmeacha. Leagadh béim faoi

léibhéil ardaithe carbaihiodråití uisce-

leith ar chothĂș, ar thithĂ­ocht


ainmhithe, ar Ă©ifeachtacht atĂĄirgthe, ar leas ainmhithe agus ar

I measc na mbuntĂĄistĂ­ poitĂ©insiĂșla a

bhainistĂ­ocht agus phleanĂĄil

bhaineann leis na cineålacha seo féir,

airgeadais. Rinne taighdeoirĂ­ agus

d’fhĂ©adfaĂ­ ionghabhĂĄlacha nĂ­os airde

comhairleoirĂ­ obair faoi leith i dtaca le

a chur ar fĂĄil d’fhĂ©arĂĄnaigh maraon

córais tåirgthe féarbhunaithe do

le nĂ­os lĂș cailliĂșintĂ­ nĂ­trigine Ăł na

mhĂĄirteoil agus do chaoirigh, ar

hainmhithe céanna. Buntåiste

chostas Ă­seal, a fhorbairt agus a

poitĂ©insiĂșil eile a bhaineann leo nĂĄ

chraobhscaoileadh. Úsáideadh

leasĂș feabhsaithe fĂ©ir mar shadhlas

acmhainnĂ­ substaintiĂșla chun


feirmeoirĂ­ a chur ar an eolas maidir leis an gcĂłras nua ‘dĂ­chĂșplaithe’

I dturgnamh amhĂĄin a rinneadh le

Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ feirmeacha atĂĄ le teacht i

linn na bliana 2003, fuarthas amach

réim i mí Eanåir 2005. Mar chuid

go raibh ĂĄbhar ard siĂșcra sna

den obair seo cuireadh mĂłrfheachtas

cineålacha féir a raibh leibhéil arda

eolais phoiblĂ­ ar bun, faoi chomhstiĂșir

carbaihiodrĂĄitĂ­ uisce-thuaslagtha

Theagaisc agus an Roinn

iontu agus gurbh Ă© an toradh air sin

TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia.

nĂĄ gur thĂĄinig sadhlas leasaithe ardchaighdeĂĄin uathu.

BhĂ­ os cionn 80 plĂ©ghrĂșpa mĂĄirteola ag gnĂ­omhĂș le linn na bliana 2003.


Rinneadh tionscnamh ar Ă©illiĂș Ăł

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

fhungais mar chuid den obair ar shadhlas burlĂĄlaithe. De thoradh staidĂ©ir a rinneadh ar bhurlaĂ­ sadhlais ar roinnt feirmeacha i lĂĄr na tĂ­re fuarthas amach go raibh fĂĄs fungasach ar 90% de na burlaĂ­. D’fhĂ©adfadh spĂłir na bhfungas a bheith ina n-Ășdar ionfabhtaithe nĂł aillĂ©irgĂ­ d’fheirmeoirĂ­ a leagfadh lĂĄmh orthu nĂł caighdeĂĄn agus ionghabhĂĄil an tsadhlais a laghdĂș Ăł thaobh na n-ainmhithe de. TĂĄthar ag dĂ©anamh staidĂ©ir i lĂĄthair na huaire ar leitheadĂșlacht na bhfungas seo ar fud na tĂ­re agus ar an gcumas atĂĄ ag na cinn is flĂșirsĂ­ miceatocsainĂ­ a thĂĄirgeadh.

ScrĂșdĂș ar GhĂĄis Bhaolacha Sciodair Chuaigh eolaithe in Ionad taighde an GhrĂĄinsigh i mbun tionscnaimh chun gĂĄsleibhĂ©il hidriginsuilfĂ­de a mheas, i gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht le hInsititĂșid Taighde TalmhaĂ­ochta Thuaisceart Éireann. Tig leis an ngĂĄs seo a bheith marfach i gcĂĄs daoine agus

An 8 comhchlĂĄr forbartha mĂĄirteola, atĂĄ ĂĄ reĂĄchtĂĄil ag Teagasc agus ag prĂłiseĂĄlaithe feola/marglanna beostoic. Is iad cuspĂłirĂ­ na gclĂĄr sin nĂĄ pĂłrĂș feabhsaithe, mĂĄirteoil ardchaighdeĂĄin, margaĂ­ocht fheabhsaithe agus brabĂșis mhĂ©adaithe d’fheirmeolirĂ­, trĂ­ bhainistĂ­ocht fheabhsaithe teicneolaĂ­ochta agus airgeadais.

d’oibreoirĂ­ glacadh leis go dtĂĄirgtear leibhĂ©il bhaolacha hidriginsuilfĂ­de i gcĂłnaĂ­. ComhairlĂ­tear d’oibreoirĂ­ gan dul isteach i bhfoirgneamh nĂĄ seasamh gar do chaidĂ©il sliodair le linn suaitheadh sliodair.

MeastĂłireacht ar FhreagairtĂ­ do LeasĂș CAP De rĂ©ir SuirbhĂ© de chuid Teagaisc trĂ­ mhĂ­ i ndiaidh an chomhaontaithe ar leasĂș PholasaĂ­ ChomĂłnta TalmhaĂ­ochta an AE, bhĂ­ sĂ© ar intinn ag feirmeoirĂ­ mĂĄirteola forchĂ©imnitheacha trĂĄchtĂĄla an lĂ­on stoic a chothabhĂĄil nĂł a mhĂ©adĂș nuair a chuirfĂ­ an polasaĂ­ nua i bhfeidhm i mĂ­ EanĂĄir 2005. LĂ©irigh an suirbhĂ© ar fheirmeacha monatĂłireachta mĂĄirteola, a ĂșsĂĄideann Teagasc chun gnĂ­omhaĂ­ocht a mheas ag leibhĂ©al na feirme agus chun oiriĂșnĂș nuatheicneolaĂ­ochta a chur chun cinn, go raibh sĂ© ar intinn ag 92% an lĂ­on stoic a chothabhĂĄil nĂł a

ainmhithe. De réir an taighde, níl a

mhĂ©adĂș. NĂ­ raibh sĂ© ar intinn ach ag

leithéid de rud agus umar sciodair

8% an lĂ­on stoic a laghdĂș.

atĂĄ slĂĄn sĂĄbhĂĄilte agus ba chĂłir


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Cé nach léiríonn an taighde tuairimí

seo i dtreo tuiscint nĂ­os fearr a bheith

cosĂșil leis na cinn a bhĂ­ ag an dĂĄ

na bhfeirmeoirí måirteola go léir, ba

againn ar fheidhmiĂșchĂĄn ubhagĂĄn

ghéin a fionnadh i dtosach båire.

léir gur thåinig freagairt dhearfach ón

agus ar an gcaoi ar féidir é sin a

Maidir leis na hathruithe nĂĄdĂșrtha

earnåil fhorchéimnitheach agus

chur in oiriĂșint trĂ­ phĂłrĂș, trĂ­ chothĂș

géinte a tharlaíonn i bpóir chaorach

trĂĄchtĂĄla, a thuig go gcuirfeadh an

agus trĂ­ thĂĄirgeadh. Anuas air sin

Cambridge agus Belclare, cuireann

polasaĂ­ nua deiseanna ar fĂĄil chun

tiocfaidh impleachtaí fadtéarmacha ó

siad acmhainn thĂĄbhachtach ar fĂĄil

ioncam a mhĂ©adĂș agus chun tairbhe

aithint agus Ăł thrĂ©ithriĂș gĂ©inte

chun staidĂ©ar bunĂșsach a dhĂ©anamh

a bhaint as ardchaighdeĂĄn taighde ar

tĂĄbhachtacha ubhagĂĄnacha i dtaca le

ar smachtĂș fhorbairt fhalacailĂ­ san

an margadh.

torthĂșlacht a fheabhsĂș trĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a

ubhagĂĄn agus beidh impleachtaĂ­ ag

bhaint as clĂĄir phĂłraithe le cabhair Ăłn

an staidéar sin i dtaca le hatåirgeadh

Dul chun cinn i dtaca le GĂ©inteicneolaĂ­ocht


daonna agus le hathchogantaigh.

TĂĄ seans maith go dtiocfaidh torthaĂ­

Leanadh leis an obair ar thĂĄirgeadh

suntasacha i leith thorthĂșlacht

caorach chun géinte a mbíonn

ainmhithe Ăłn eolas nua atĂĄ ĂĄ fhĂĄil Ăłn

tionchar acu ar fhriothaĂ­ocht i


gcoinne péisteanna goile a aithint. Roimhe sin léirigh taighde de chuid

AithnĂ­odh 434 gĂ©in trĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint

Teagaisc in Ionad Taighde Bhaile

as teicnĂ­cĂ­ nua-aimseartha

Átha an Rí difríochtaí móra idir pór

bitheolaíochta móilíní. Is géinte nua-

Texel agus pĂłr Suffolk Ăł thaobh

aitheanta iad dhĂĄ thrian dĂ­obh sin

leibhéil fhriotaíochta de.

agus is fĂ©idir cuid mhĂłr dĂ­obh a nascadh le feidhmiĂșchĂĄn

Chomh maith leis sin thĂĄngthas ar


chuid mhór eolais i dtaca le hathruithe suntasacha géinte, a

D’aithin staidĂ©ar ar lĂ©iriĂș gĂ©inte, a

mbĂ­onn Ă©ifeacht an-mhĂłr ar fad acu

rinneadh in Ionad Taighde Bhaile

ar fheidhmiĂșchĂĄn ubhagĂĄnach.

Átha an Rí, roinnt géinte a mbíonn

Thåinig fianaise chun cinn, a léiríonn

baint acu le tåirgeadh prógaistéaróin.

go bhfuil baint ag athrĂș eile i bpĂłr

Is céim thåbhachtach chun tosaigh é

caorach Cambridge le hiarmhairtĂ­


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


dhiagnĂłisiĂș agus le straitĂ©isĂ­ a cheapadh chun an fhadhb a rĂ©iteach. LĂ©irigh taighde in Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Taighde Theagaisc i bPĂĄirc na Darach, Ceatharlach go gcuireann an teicneolaĂ­ocht nua-aimseartha tairgĂ­ fĂ­orarda grĂĄnach ar fĂĄil. Mar shampla, tĂĄirgeadh suas le 14 tonna/heicteĂĄr de chruithneacht gheimhridh le linn na bliana 2003, i.e. 2 tonna/heicteĂĄr nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ na tĂĄirgĂ­ ab airde ar leibhĂ©al na feirme. LĂ©irigh taigde ar chĂłrais tĂĄirgthe Ă­seal-ionchuir go bhfuarthas 10%

CuraĂ­ocht agus Gairneoireacht

nĂ­os lĂș tĂĄirgĂ­ Ăł bharra nĂĄr cuireadh mĂłrĂĄn ceimiceĂĄn nĂĄ leasachĂĄn iontu nĂĄ mar a fuarthas Ăł ghnĂĄthchĂłrais ard-ionchuir. ThĂĄinig corrlaigh nĂ­b airde Ăł chĂłrais Ă­seal-ionchuir, ĂĄfach. LĂ©irĂ­onn an mĂ©id sin gur fĂ©idir

Lean na clĂĄir churaĂ­ochta agus

ionchur a laghdĂș agus ioncam a

ghairneoireachta orthu ag forbairt

mhĂ©adĂș, go hĂĄirithe nuair nach

chĂłrais fheabhsaithe tĂĄirgthe barr

mbĂ­onn mĂłrĂĄn baoil Ăł ghalair.

chun cumas iomaíochta a dhéanamh níos éifeachtaí, chun caighdeån agus

Ba i mĂ­ an Mheithimh a

sĂĄbhĂĄilteacht tĂĄirgĂ­ a mhĂ©adĂș, agus,

coimisiĂșnaĂ­odh an ĂĄis nua

ag an am céanna, chun

biteicneolaĂ­ochta i bPĂĄirc na Darach

inbhuanaitheacht fhadtéarmach

agus thosaigh foireann eolaĂ­och, a

tĂĄirgthe a Ă©ascĂș.

earcaíodh le déanaí, ag obair ar thioncnaimh nua taighde ann.

Tar Ă©is diansĂ©asĂșr curaĂ­ochta na bliana 2002, rinneadh athshlĂĄnĂș

Maidir le cĂșrsaĂ­ comhairle, rinneadh

substaintiĂșil ar thĂĄirgĂ­ grĂĄnbharr sa

craobhscaoileadh teicneolaĂ­ochtaĂ­ i

mhĂ©id is gur thĂĄinig mĂ©adĂș 44%

leith bhainistíocht ghéarchéimneach

agus 25% ar chorrlaigh don dĂĄ

barr agus airgeadais, trĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a

phrĂ­omhbharr, eorna earraigh agus

bhaint as: plĂ©ghrĂșpaĂ­, feirmeacha

cruithneacht gheimhridh faoi seach.

monatĂłireachta, taispeĂĄntais, cĂșrsaĂ­ oiliĂșna agus comhairliĂșchĂĄn aonair.

Ceann de phrĂ­omhdhĂșshlĂĄin na bliana ba ea an chaoi ar thĂĄinig

Leagadh béim sna clåir churaíochta

friotaĂ­ocht Septoria tritici, ceann de

ar fhorbairt agus ar

na mĂłrghalair, chun cinn i gcoinne

chraobhscaoileadh teicneolaĂ­ochtaĂ­ i

na bhfungaicĂ­dĂ­ nua-aimseartha.

leith tĂĄirgeadh brabĂșsach prĂĄtaĂ­,

Ghlac teicneolaĂ­ocht Teagaisc rĂłl mĂłr

beacĂĄn, glasraĂ­ agus stoc

i dtaca leis na leibhéil fhriotaíochta a



Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Áis Bhiteicneolaíochta Plandaí

mĂ­ na Bealtaine agus d’éirigh sĂ© sin

costasĂ©ifeachtach d’fheirmeoirĂ­

go dtĂ­ 73% i Meitheamh/IĂșil. De

déiríochta agus måirteola.

Cuireadh barr crĂ­che leis an ĂĄis

thoradh staidéar ar thaighde a

Chonacthas, Ăł mheastĂłireacht ar

biteicneolaĂ­ochta plandaĂ­ in Ionad

rinneadh le linn na tréimhse Eanåir-

chineĂĄlacha nua Ă©agsĂșla, go raibh

Taighde PhĂĄirc na Darach i mĂ­ an

Mårta bhíothas in ann straitéisí

poitéinseal ardtåirgthe i gcuid díobh.

Mheithimh 2003 agus cuireadh tĂșs

oiriĂșnacha spraeĂĄla a mholadh chun

leis an gclĂĄr nua taighde faoi stiĂșir

Septoria tritici a smachtĂș le linn

TrĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as gnĂ©ithe

ceathrar eolaithe nua-cheaptha, a

sĂ©asĂșr fĂĄis na bliana 2003.

tairbheacha de chuid triteacĂĄil tĂĄ sean maith ann go mbeifear in ann

bhfuil saineolas acu ar réimsí tåbhachtacha de chuid na

Chomh maith leis sin tå staidéar å

leibhĂ©il ionchuir a laghdĂș i dtaca le


dhĂ©anamh ar thionchar poitĂ©insiĂșil

tĂĄirgeadh grĂĄnach.

barr géinathraithe ar an timpeallacht. Leagann an clår béim ar fhorbairt

Cuireadh tĂșs le clĂĄir nua i

teicnĂ­cĂ­ mĂłilĂ­nbhunaithe, a chuirfidh le

gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht le ColĂĄiste na

MiceatocsainĂ­ i nGrĂĄnbharra

hĂ©ifeachtacht an chlĂĄr rathĂșil

Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath agus le

Leanadh le staidéar ar

pĂłraithe, atĂĄ i bPĂĄirc na Darach

hOllscoil NĂĄisiĂșnta na hÉireann,

mhiceatocsainĂ­ i ngrĂĄnbharra, in

cheana féin, i dtaca le féar, le

Maigh Nuad.

ĂĄbhar bia grĂĄnbhunaithe d’ainmhithe agus i mbia sa bhliain 2003. Ba Ă©

seamair agus le prĂĄtaĂ­.

Poitéinseal do Thriteacål

seo an chéad mhórstaidéar riamh in

I measc na rudaí eile a bhfuil staidéar

LĂ©irigh trialacha a rinneadh i bPĂĄirc

Éirinn ar mhiceatocsainí i

å ndéanamh orthu tå diagnóisic

na Darach go mbeidh ĂșsĂĄid

ngrĂĄnbharra. Ós rud Ă© gur fĂ©idir le

ghalar plandaĂ­ a ĂșsĂĄideadh go

phoitĂ©insiĂșil ag triteacĂĄl, hibrid

miceatocsainí drochéifeacht a bheith

héifeachtach sa staidéar ar

chruithneachta/seagail i dtaca le

acu ar shlĂĄinte agus ar leas

fhriotaĂ­ocht i gcoinne Septoria tritici,

cĂłrais Ă­sealchostais amach anseo. TĂĄ

ainmhithe, tĂĄ suim faoi leith ag an

a tugadh faoi deara den chéad uair

friotaĂ­ocht nĂ­os airde sa triteacĂĄl nĂĄ

earnĂĄil prĂłiseĂĄla grĂĄnbharr agus bia

in Éirinn i mĂ­ EanĂĄir 2003. LĂ©irigh

mar atĂĄ sa chruithneacht agus

d’ainmhithe iontu. LĂ©irĂ­onn torthaĂ­ Ăł

monatĂłireacht a rinne foireann

tugadh faoi deara go raibh tĂĄirgeadh

ghrĂĄnbharra na bliana 2002 go raibh

Teagaisc i bPĂĄirc na Darach go raibh

nĂ­b airde uaidh freisin, nuair a bhĂ­

leibhéil na miceatocsaine, ochratoxin

an fhriotaĂ­ocht go forleathan agus

galar tógålach fréamhacha i låthair,

A, nĂ­b Ă­sle nĂĄ na teorainneacha a

gur thĂĄinig mĂ©adĂș substaintiĂșil uirthi

gan ghĂĄ ar bith le hĂ­ocleasuithe sĂ­l.

moladh san AE.

le linn na bliana. Mar shampla, ba Ă©

Léiríodh freisin go raibh poitéinseal

31% meånleibhéal na friotaíochta i

ann mar bharr forĂĄiste ionadĂșil


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Obair ar ChĂłrais Neamhthreafa Rinneadh sraith turgnamh macasamhlaithe agus trialacha breathnadĂłireachta in Ionad Taighde PhĂĄirc na Darach chun gnĂ­omhaĂ­ocht churaĂ­ochta neamh-inbhĂ©artaithe a mheas i gcomparĂĄid le treabhadh do ghrĂĄnbharra. Rinneadh rĂ©imse tomhas i dtaca le: forbairt bharr; ionsaitheacht agus smachtĂș fiailĂ­, galar agus lotnaidĂ­; struchtĂșr ithreach; gluaiseacht chothaitheach; agus fĂĄna tairbheach ithreach. D’éirigh go maith le cruithneacht gheimhridh agus le heorna earraigh faoin gcĂłras saothraithe laghdaithe sa bhliain 2003, ach neamhchosĂșil leis an dĂĄ bhliain roimhe sin, bhĂ­ tĂĄirgeadh Ă­seal Ăłn eorna i gcoibhneas le treabhadh. BhĂ­ baint ag drochfhĂĄs barr agus ag fiailĂ­ fĂ©ir leis sin. TĂĄ sĂ© d’aidhm ag staidĂ©ir a bhaineann leis an tionscnamh

Lean an clár póraithe prátaí i bPáirc na Darach air ag cur cineálacha nua prátaí ar fáil don mhargadh in Éirinn agus don tionscal easportála síl. Le linn na bliana 2003 cuireadh trí chineál nua, Habbi, Kikko agus Seatanta, le liosta na gcineálacha prátaí in Éirinn.

bhĂ­ againn roimhe sin, a thaispeĂĄin go dtiocfadh ardchaigdeĂĄn smachtaithe dĂșchana Ăł chĂłras tacaĂ­ochta cinnte, trĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as fungaicĂ­dĂ­ agus go bhfĂ©adfaĂ­ mĂ©id na bhfungaicĂ­dĂ­ a d’usĂĄidfĂ­ a laghdĂș 30%. Is mĂłr an tairbhe Ă© sin, nĂ­ hamhĂĄin Ăł thaobh costais de, ach Ăł thaobh an chaighdeĂĄn tairgthe agus Ăł thaobh inbhuanaitheacht na timpeallachta de chomh maith.

PĂłrĂș FĂ©ir agus Seimre CeadaĂ­odh Glencar agus Shandon, dhĂĄ chineĂĄl nua seagalaĂ­ ilbhliantĂșla, le cur ar liosta molta na hÉireann. Is teitreaplĂłideach dĂ©anach Ă© Glencar a mbĂ­onn fĂĄs iontach faoi san earrach agus san fhĂłmhar. Is dioplĂłideach idirmheĂĄnach Ă© Shandon, a chomhcheanglaĂ­onn tĂĄirgĂ­ arda le fĂĄs maith sĂ©asĂșrach. Beidh an dĂĄ chineĂĄl sin ar liosta molta na hÉireann sa bhliain 2005. Rinneadh trialacha oifigiĂșla sa RĂ­ocht Aontaithe ar Glenstal, seagalach eile

saothraithe laghdaithe foinsĂ­ vĂ­reas eolas a fhĂĄil i dtaca le: BYDV (abhac

linn na bliana 2003 cuireadh trĂ­

a forbraĂ­odh i bPĂĄirc na Darach,

buĂ­ na heorna), na veicteoirĂ­ aifide a

chineĂĄl nua, Habbi, Kikko agus

agus bhí sé le cur ar liosta na

bhaineann leis; agus rĂłl

Seatanta, le liosta na gcineĂĄlacha

RĂ­ochta Aontaithe. Cuireadh cĂșig

chreachadĂłirĂ­ lotnaidĂ­ i smachtĂș an

prátaí in Éirinn. Rinne Rooster, cineál

chineĂĄl seagalaĂ­ ilbhliantĂșla eile, a

ghalair. Forbraíodh uirlisí géiniteacha

eile a forbraĂ­odh i bPĂĄirc na Darach,

forbraĂ­odh i bPĂĄirc na Darach,

nua a bhfuil sé de chumas acu

dul chun cinn i margadh na hÉireann

isteach i dtrialacha le haghaidh liostaĂ­

cĂșiseolaĂ­ocht agus smachtĂș

agus bhĂ­ baint aige le 34%

nĂĄisiĂșnta agus liostaĂ­ molta sa bhliain

bitheolaĂ­och BYDV a shoilĂ©iriĂș.

d’acraíocht na bprátaí sa bhliain

2004. BhĂ­ ceithre chineĂĄl nua seimre

Cuirfidh an obair thaighde seo eolas

2003. Chomh maith leis sin

bĂĄine, a forbraĂ­odh i bPĂĄirc na

ar fĂĄil i dtaca leis na cĂłrais

ĂșsĂĄideadh iad in ĂĄit 3,000 tonna de

Darach, ĂĄ meas ag an Roinn

chleachtais neamhthreafa is fearr

phrĂĄtaĂ­ iomportĂĄilte i dtaca le

TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia le cur isteach

agus is ĂĄbhar mĂłr suntasach Ă© sin i

tĂĄirgeadh sceallĂłg reoite. TĂĄthar ag

i dtrialacha le haghaidh liostaĂ­

measc saothraithe grĂĄnbharr.

sĂșil go dtiocfaidh tuilleadh mĂ©adaithe

nĂĄisiĂșnta Éireannacha agus liostaĂ­

ar an leibhéal ionadaithe

molta. Cuireadh ceann amhĂĄin dĂ­obh

Tuilleadh dul chun cinn i bPĂłrĂș PrataĂ­

iompĂłrtĂĄlacha agus, dĂĄ thoradh sin,

sin isteach i dtrialacha na RĂ­ochta

go mbeidh Ă©ifeacht iarmhartach ar

Aontaithe sa bhliain 2004.

Lean an clĂĄr pĂłraithe prĂĄtaĂ­ i bPĂĄirc

ioncam saothraithe.

prátaí ar fáil don mhargadh in Éirinn

Le linn na bliana 2003 dheimhnigh

Tuilleamh Éilimh ar Stoc Plandlainne

agus don tionscal easportĂĄla sĂ­l. Le

taighde ar smachtĂș dĂșchana torthaĂ­ a

Ba mhĂłr an chabhair a thug an

na Darach air ag cur cineĂĄlacha nua


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

tseirbhĂ­s um stoc plandlainne do

sĂĄibh, choirt, mhĂșirĂ­n glasdramhaĂ­ola

gach tonna mĂșirĂ­n a mhĂ©adĂș Ăł

shaothraithe chun déileåil leis an

agus arbhar Ă­dithe Ăł ghrĂșdlanna.

220Kg go 250Kg.

ardéileamh, go håirithe ar phlandaí

Anuas air sin rinneadh staidéar ar an

leathaibĂ­ agus ar phlandaĂ­ aibĂ­

ĂșsĂĄid ar fĂ©idir a bhaint as coscairĂ­

BhĂ­ ardĂș ioncaim €17,000 ag an

garraĂ­odĂłireachta agus

galair agus as gnĂ­omhaithe

20% de shaothraithe ab airde a

tĂ­rdhreachtaithe. BhĂ­ baint mhĂłr ag

bithshrianaithe sna meĂĄin sin. TĂĄthar

d’ardaigh an lĂ­on mĂșirĂ­n Ăł 30 tonna

ĂșinĂ©ireacht tithe agus agus ag an

ag leanĂșint leis na trialacha sin sa

go 36 tonna in aghaidh gach tollĂĄin.

mbĂ©im a leagtar ar chĂșrsaĂ­ fĂłillĂ­ochta

bhliain 2004.

Shroich nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ 10% de shaothraithe sprioc Theagaisc sa

leis an mĂ©adĂș a thĂĄinig ar thĂĄirgĂ­ garraĂ­odĂłireachta agus ar sheirbhĂ­sĂ­

Cuireadh tĂșs le tionscnamh chun

bhliain 2003 – i.e. 250Kg beacán in

tírdhreachtaithe. I ngeall ar an méid

teicneolaĂ­ocht a fhorbairt i dtaca le

aghaidh gach tonna mĂșirĂ­n.

daoine a bhfuil an gharraĂ­odĂłireacht

cineĂĄlacha stoc neamhghnĂĄch

ina stĂ­l mhaireachtĂĄla acu tĂĄ Ă©ileamh

plandlainne do-iomadaithe a

Maidir le tĂĄirgeadh torthaĂ­, chuir

an-mhĂłr ar fad ar phlandaĂ­ patio i

athspreagadh, a mhicreafhorleathĂș

Teagasc tacaĂ­ocht theicniĂșil ar fĂĄil do

lĂĄthair na huaire. Baineann an

agus a fhás. D’aithin saothraithe

lĂ­on mĂłr saothraithe athrĂș Ăł chĂłrais

t-Ă©ileamh seo, den chuid is mĂł, le

fiche is a cĂșig thor ornĂĄideacha agus

tĂĄirge lasmuigh go cĂłrais chosanta.

daoine san aoisghrĂșpa 35-55, a

ilbhliantĂłg luibheacha a raibh

Is Ă© an buntĂĄiste a bhaineann le fĂĄs

mbĂ­onn neart airgid agus ganntanas

forleathĂș tapa de dhĂ­th orthu agus

cosanta nå gcuireann sé le

ama le spĂĄrĂĄil acu.

cuireadh ag fĂĄs iad i dtrialacha

caighdeĂĄn, le haschur agus le fad an

macasamhlaithe chun riachtanais

tsĂ©asĂșr fĂĄis agus, ar deireadh thiar,

D’oibrigh foireann stoc plandlainne

optamacha chothaithe a thĂĄstĂĄil.

le hioncam na saothraithe.

Theagaisc leis an 222 aonad tĂĄirgthe

Baineadh ĂșsĂĄid astu sin chun cultĂșir

atĂĄ sa tĂ­r chun cur le tĂĄirgeadh

fhrĂ©amhacha steiriĂșla a bhunĂș le

ForbraĂ­odh gormphrionta le haghaidh

plandaĂ­ indĂ­olta agus chun tĂĄirgeadh

micreafhorleathnĂș a thionscnamh.

barra glasraĂ­ geimhridh in Ionad Taighde Kinsealy. Chomh maith leis

oibre a fheabhsĂș. Chomh maith leis

FeahbsĂș Éifeachtacht BheacĂĄn

sin rinneadh taighde i dtace le

bhaint as gnĂ­omhaithe bithshrianaithe agus as srianadh bitheolaĂ­och

Thuig saothraithe go raibh gĂĄ le

d’aifidí agus do chruimheanna

lotnaidĂ­. Anuas air sin tugadh

hardchaighdeĂĄn Ă©ifeachtachta i

cabĂĄiste i mbarra tornapaĂ­

tacaĂ­ocht ghairmiĂșil do phlandlanna i

dtĂĄirgeadh beacĂĄn sa bhliain 2003

samhraidh. Mar chuid den chlĂĄr

dtaca le hinfheistiĂș nua a phleanĂĄil

nuair a thĂĄinig laghdĂș 15% i

comhairleach glasraĂ­, rinneadh

faoi choinníollacha scéim thacaíochta

bpraghsanna. Thuig foireann

monatĂłireacht sheachtainiĂșil ar

infheistithe atĂĄ ar fĂĄil don

bheacĂĄn Teagaisc, mar threoraithe

lotnaidĂ­ agus ar ghalair ar

ghairneoireacht. Rinneadh taighde in

éifeachtachta, go gcaithfí an méid

fheirmeacha roghnaithe agus tugadh

Ionad Taighde Kinsealy ar fhorbairt

mĂșirĂ­n a mhĂ©adĂș Ăł 20 tonna go 36

na torthaĂ­ do shaothraithe.

mheĂĄn saor Ăł mhĂłin. Rinneadh

tonna in aghaidh gach tullĂĄn beacĂĄn

meastĂłireacht ar ĂĄbhair mar mhin

agus an tĂĄirgeadh beacĂĄn in aghaidh

sin leagadh bĂ©im faoi leith ar ĂșsĂĄid a


laghdĂș ar chĂłireĂĄlacha spraeĂĄla

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


Taighde ar Éifeachtacht Ábhair Chothaithe Leanadh le taighde ar an gcaoi ab fhearr le feabhas a chur ar Ă©ifeachtacht ĂĄbhair chothaithe i gcĂłrais bheostoic agus tĂĄirgthe barr sa bhliain 2003. I measc na n-aschur nua bhĂ­ moltaĂ­ leasaithe i leith ĂșsĂĄid nĂ­trigine chun cothromaĂ­ocht nĂ­os fearr a chinntiĂș idir aschuir agus riachtanais, go hĂĄirithe i gcĂĄs fheirmeoireacht dĂ©irĂ­ochta. ForbraĂ­odh cĂłras nua comhairle nĂ­trigine do bhiatas siĂșcra, bunaithe

RialĂș Comhshaoil

ar shamhaltĂș. Cuirfidh sĂ© sin cruinneas nĂ­os fearr ar fĂĄil sa solĂĄthar nĂ­trigine chun tĂĄirgthe optamacha a bhaint amach agus, ar an gcaoi sin, laghdĂłfar ar phoitĂ©inseal cailliĂșintĂ­.

Ba mhórghnéithe de chuid chlår comshaoil Teagaisc arís iad

Rinneadh anailĂ­s ar thorthaĂ­ trialacha i

bainistĂ­ocht Ă©ifeachtach chothaithe

leith teicnící nua leathaithe sciodair –

agus cosaint chaighdeĂĄn uisce sa

bandaleathĂș agus instealladh

bhliain 2003. Rinneadh 24

Ă©adomhain – chun gnĂłthĂș nĂ­trigine i

tionscnamh taighde in Ionad Taighde

sciodar a fheabhsĂș. Chonacthas gur

ChaisleĂĄn Bhaile SheĂĄin, cĂșig cinn

Ă©irigh leis an dĂĄ theicnĂ­c feabhas a

dĂ­obh siĂșd ina dtionscnaimh nua.

chur ar ghnĂłthĂș na nĂ­trigine i sliodar

Rinne clĂĄr comhairleach comhshaoil

eallaigh, i gcomparĂĄid le teicnĂ­c an

Teagaisc iarracht mhĂłr ĂșsĂĄid

ghnĂĄth-splancphlĂĄta. Ach, ag an am

Ă©ifeachtach leasachĂĄn, bainistĂ­ocht

céanna, níor thåinig an feabhas

Ă©ifeachtach aoiligh agus cothabhĂĄil

céanna i gcås sliodar muice.

bhithĂ©agsĂșlachta a chur chun cinn. Cuireadh tĂșs leis an gcĂ©ad sraith Baineadh ĂșsĂĄid as acmhainnĂ­

trialacha ar shliseanna adhmaid Ă­dithe

substaintiĂșla chun seirbhĂ­s ghairmiĂșil

a leathadh ar an talamh Ăł ionaid

a chur ar fáil d’fheirmeoirí a bhí

gheimhrithe lasmuigh. Beidh Ă©ifeacht

påirteach sa Scéim um Chosaint

na sliseanna admhaid Ă­dithe ar thĂĄirgĂ­

Chomhshaoil Tuaithe (REPS).

sadhlais agus lĂ­on na sliseanna a

Chomh maith leis sin chuir Teagasc

gnóthaíodh san fhéar bainte å meas

comhairle eolaĂ­och ar fĂĄil don Rialtas

sa bhliain 2004.

agus d’fheirmeoirí i dtaca le cur i bhfeidhm agus le tionchar an Treoir

ThĂĄinig laghdĂș 30% ar an lĂ­on


leasachán fosfarach a cheannaigh feirmeoirí Éireannacha idir 1996


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

agus 2003. Tharla an laghdĂș sin i ngeall ar chomhairle leasaithe a thug Teagasc ar riachtanais fhosfair i leith fĂ©arthailte agus curaĂ­ochta agus ar mhĂłrfheachtas comhairleach Theagaisc ar an gcaoi cheart le hĂșsĂĄid Ă©ifeachtach a bhaint as fosfar. Lean clĂĄr taighde Ionad Taighde ChaisleĂĄn Bhaile SheĂĄin ag leagan bĂ©ime ar an gcaoi cheart le riachtanais fhosfair a mhionchoigeartĂș i dtaca le hĂ©agsĂșlacht chineĂĄlacha ithreach agus le cĂłrais fheirmeoireachta. Leagadh bĂ©im sa taighde a rinneadh ar chailliĂșintĂ­ ĂĄbhair chothaithe sa timpeallacht ar fhorbairt shamhlacha tuairisciĂșla cothaithe feirme chun sreabha ĂĄbhair chothaithe i gcĂłrais fheirme agus tionchar chĂłrais bhainistĂ­ochta ar shreabha ĂĄbhair chothaithe a thuar. TĂĄ samhail mheicniĂșil sreabha ĂĄbhair chothaithe ĂĄ forbairt i lĂĄthair na huaire, chun

ForbraĂ­odh cĂłras nua comhairle nĂ­trigine do bhiatas siĂșcra, bunaithe ar shamhaltĂș. Cuirfidh sĂ© sin cruinneas nĂ­os fearr ar fĂĄil sa solĂĄthar nĂ­trigine chun tĂĄirgthe optamacha a bhaint amach agus, ar an gcaoi sin, laghdĂłfar ar phoitĂ©inseal cailliĂșintĂ­.

Astuithe Ceaptha Teasa a Thomhas Rinneadh scĂĄlastaidĂ©ar allamuigh ar fhĂ©arthailte fĂ©araigh chun thionchar rĂ©imse ionchuir leasaithe nĂ­trigine ar astuithe ocsaĂ­de nĂ­triĂșla Ăłn ithir go dtĂ­ an t-aer a mheas. Is gĂĄs ceaptha teasa Ă­ an ocsaĂ­d nĂ­triĂșil agus baineann sĂ­ le suas le 30% de na hastuithe ceaptha teasa go lĂ©ir a thagann Ăł thionscal na talmhaĂ­ochta. Sa bhliain 2003 cailleadh beagnach 6% den leasachĂĄn nĂ­trigine a ĂșsĂĄideadh mar ocsaĂ­d nĂ­triĂșil. Is ionann sin beagnach agus dĂșbailt na luachanna a ndearnadh taifead orthu an bhliain roimhe sin agus dĂșradh go raibh baint aige le haimsir fhliuch mhĂ­ IĂșil, a chruthaigh cionnĂ­ollacha a bheadh oiriĂșnach chun an gĂĄs seo a scaoileadh amach as an ithir. LĂ©irĂ­odh Ă©ifeacht shubstaintiĂșil ithreach agus nĂ­trigine i staidĂ©ar lĂ­simĂ©adair a rinneadh ag an am

cainnĂ­ochtĂș ĂĄbhair chothaithe, an

céanna. Bhí astuithe ó ithreacha

idirghnĂ­omhaĂ­ocht a bhaineann leo

draenĂĄla rĂ©asĂșnta Ă­seal i gcomparĂĄid

agus an idirghnĂ­omhaĂ­ocht a

leis na cinn Ăł ithreacha troma

dhĂ©anann siad le bithĂ©agsĂșlacht a




Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

LĂ©irĂ­onn na torthaĂ­ seo an tĂĄbhacht a

sa Scéim um Chosaint Chomhsaoil

fhearr, mar aon le cur sĂ­os ar

bhaineann le cineĂĄlacha ithreach

Tuaithe (REPS) sa bhliain 2003.

straitéisí såbhåilteachta.

agus le coinnĂ­ollacha aimsire, chomh

Chomh maith leis sin reĂĄchtĂĄil

maith leis an tĂĄbhacht a bhaineann le

comhairleoirĂ­ REPS 217 cĂșrsa oiliĂșna

hionchuir leasachĂĄin nĂ­trigine a

agus ghlac os cionn 6,000 feirmeoir

mhĂ©adĂș mar nithe a mbĂ­onn baint

pĂĄirt iontu.

acu le hastuithe ocsaĂ­de nĂ­triĂșla Ăł thionscal na talmhaĂ­ochta in Éirinn.

Chomh maith leis sin chuir an

Tå siad tåbhachtach sa mhéid is go

fhoireann sainchomhairle ar fĂĄil i

bhfuil seans maith ann go gcaithfear

dtaca le dearadh fhoirgnimh feirme

leasuithe a dhéanamh ar an loicluach

agus le hullmhĂșchĂĄn pleananna

a chuirtear san ĂĄireamh chun an

bainistíochta åbhair chothaithe de réir

fardal nĂĄisiĂșnta astuithe ceaptha

fodhlĂ­the talmhaĂ­ochta agus

teasa a oibriĂș amach, de rĂ©ir na

coinnĂ­ollacha cead pleanĂĄla agus

gceangaltas nĂĄisiĂșnta atĂĄ orainn faoi

chun cĂłrais tĂĄirgthe feirme

phrĂłtacal Kyoto.

inbhuanaithe comhshaoil a chinntiĂș.

Forbairt Bhunachar NĂĄisiĂșnta SonraĂ­ Ithreacha

BhĂ­ baint ag comhairleoirĂ­ agus ag

Leanadh leis an tionscnamh trĂ­ bliana

Cuireadh le réimse agus le cruinneas

chun bunachar nĂĄisiĂșnta sonraĂ­

chuid mhĂłr den anailĂ­s sa bhliain

ithreacha a bhunĂș in Ionad Taighde

2003 i ngeall ar nuachĂłiriĂș na

ChaisleĂĄn Bhaile SheĂĄin sa bhliain

saotharlainne anailĂ­sĂ­ agus ar an

2003. Mar chuid den obair sin nĂ­ mĂł

bhfearas ealaĂ­ne a chuir an stĂĄt ar

samplaĂ­ d’ithreacha Ă©agsĂșla a bhailiĂș


taighdeoirĂ­ le bailiĂșchĂĄn os cionn 50,000 samplaĂ­ d’ithreacha Ă©agsĂșla.

agus anailís a dhéanamh orthu i dtaca le réimse paraiméadar

I dtaca le cosaint na hoidhreachta

ceimiceach agus bitheolaĂ­och.

nĂĄdĂșrtha, d’ullmhaigh comhairleoirĂ­ agus speisialaithe Theagaisc tuairim

TrĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as prĂłtacail

is 1,000 plean i leith limistéir

shainmhĂ­nithe, fuarthas samplaĂ­

choimĂ­neachta agus

d’ithreacha Ă©agsĂșla Ăł shuĂ­mh

neamhchoimĂ­neachta. BhĂ­ baint mhĂłr

réamhchinntithe ar an eangach

ag speisialaithe Theagaisc le Tuairisc

nĂĄisiĂșnta. Rinneadh anailĂ­s ar 1,000

an TascfhĂłrsa um Thalamh Calaidh

sampla agus tĂĄ siad sin, mar aon le

na Sionainne, a crĂ­ochnaĂ­odh sa

300 sampla a bailĂ­odh roimhe sin,

bhliain 2003. Thug an tuairisc breac-

ina gcuid den Bhunachar NĂĄisiĂșnta

chuntas ar an gcostas a bhainfeadh

SonraĂ­ Ithreacha. Beidh na samplaĂ­

le pleananna Ă©ifeachtacha

sin ar fĂĄil chun iniĂșchadh

bainistĂ­octa comhshaoil a chur i

cuimsitheach a dhéanamh orthu sa

bhfeidhm don cheantar.

todhchaĂ­. FoilsĂ­odh ceithre bhileog

Cothabhåil Scéimeanna Comhshaoil

chomhairleacha i dtaca le

Chuir Teagasc tacaĂ­ocht ghairmiĂșil ar

sĂ­os ar na teicnĂ­cĂ­ plandĂĄla, maisithe

fĂĄil do 16,300 feirmeoir a ghlac pĂĄirt

agus bainistĂ­ochta fĂĄlta sceach ab

bainsistĂ­ocht fĂĄlta sceach, ag cur


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


TosaĂ­ochtaĂ­ Comhairleacha agus OiliĂșna BhĂ­ dhĂĄ phrĂ­omhchuspĂłir ag seirbhĂ­s speisialach chomhairleach fhoraoiseachta Theagaisc, agus Ă­ ag obair i gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht le foirne comhairleacha contaetha, sa bhliain 2003. ‱ Rogha na fĂłraoiseachta a chur chun cinn i bpleanĂĄil fheirmeoireachta, de rĂ©ir mar a oireann. ‱ TĂĄirgeadh brabĂșsach adhmad ardchaighdeĂĄin, trĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint


as cleachtais inbhuanaithe bhainistĂ­ochta foraoiseachta, a chur chun cinn.

I ngeall ar an 1,400 duine nua a

Lean tionscnamh eile, arna chistiĂș ag

ghlacann pĂĄirt i bhfiontair

an Roinn Comhshaoil agus Rialtais

Cuireadh clĂĄr cuimsitheach

fhoraoiseachta gach uile bhliain,

ÁitiĂșla, ag dearadh mapaĂ­ acmhainnĂ­

gnĂ­omnhaĂ­ochtaĂ­ comhairleacha agus

beidh tuairim is 20,000 feirmeoir

ĂĄbhair ithreach bhunaidh agus

oiliĂșna ar bun. Ina measc sin bhĂ­

agus ĂșinĂ©ir talĂșn pĂĄirteach iontu

gnĂĄthĂłg, agus ag cur bunachair

taispeĂĄintais agus trĂĄthnĂłnta

faoin mbliain 2007. TĂĄ an 14,000

bhunĂșsacha sonraĂ­ ar fĂĄil don ChĂłras

allamuigh ar fheirmeacha

ĂșinĂ©ir talĂșn atĂĄ pĂĄirteach i bhfiontair

Bainistíochta Dobharcheantar de réir

monatĂłireachta foraoiseachta

fhoraoiseachta i lĂĄthair na huaire ag

Treoir ChreatlaĂ­ Uisce an AE. BĂ­onn

Theagaisc, mar aon le seimineĂĄir

fáil €50m in aghaidh na bliana in

baint dhĂ­reach ag an obair seo leis

rĂ©igiĂșnacha agus laethanta allamuigh

Ă­ochtaiochtaĂ­ bisigh foraoiseacha Ăłn

an bhFĂłram MonatĂłireachta

i ngach contae. Chomh maith leis sin


NĂĄdĂșrtha Domhanda Comhshaoil

reĂĄchtĂĄileadh sraith cĂșrsaĂ­ speisialta

agus SlĂĄndĂĄla agus leis an nGrĂșpa

oiliĂșna foraoiseachta ar fud na tĂ­re

NĂĄisiĂșnta Oibre um SciorrthaĂ­ TalĂșn.

agus cuireadh modĂșil fheasachta

TĂĄ sĂ© d’aidhm ag clĂĄr foraoiseachta

foraoiseachta ar fĂĄil do nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ

Theagaisc teicneolaĂ­ocht thĂĄbhachtach i leith foraoiseacha

Thosaigh tionscnamh eile, arna

6,000 duine ar chĂșrsaĂ­ oiliĂșna REPS

rathĂșla inbhuanaithe a fhorbairt agus

chistiĂș ag COFORD, an

agus ar chĂșrsaĂ­ d’fheirmeoirĂ­ aosacha

a chur ar fĂĄil agus, mar aon leis sin,

ghnĂ­omhaireacht taighde

agus do dhaoine Ăłga a bhĂ­ ag

sainchomhairle neamhspleĂĄch

foraoiseachta, ag forbairt modhanna

glacadh pĂĄirte i dtionscal na

pleanĂĄla agus airgeadais a chur ar

chun crainn leathanduilleacha a

foraoiseachta den chéad uair.

fĂĄil i dtaca leis an bhforaoiseacht a

bhainistiĂș faoi choinnĂ­ollacha

bheith aitheanta mar ghnĂĄthfhiontar

Éireannacha. NĂ­ fĂ©idir neamhcĂșram


nĂĄ botĂșin bhainistĂ­ochta a dhĂ©antar sna blianta fĂĄis tosaigh a cheartĂș

BuaicphointĂ­ Taighde

nĂ­os faide anonn. TĂĄ 2,000 heicteĂĄr

Cuireadh crĂ­och leis an mĂłr-

in aghaidh na bliana ĂĄ bplandĂĄil ag

Thioncnamh Aicmithe Ithreacha

feirmeoirĂ­ agus tĂĄ cĂłireĂĄil de dhĂ­th go

Foraoise sa bhliain 2003 agus bhĂ­ na

géar ar na plandålacha sin.

torthaĂ­ le foilsiĂș sa bhliain 2004.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


Feirmeoireacht Fianna D’fhan lĂ­on na n-aonad fianna go seasmhach ag tuairim is 300. Ba Ă© cuspĂłir an chlĂĄr dĂ©irĂ­ochta fianna nĂĄ feabhas a chur ar bhrabĂșsacht an fhiontair agus tacaĂ­ocht shaineolach a chur ar fĂĄil do thĂĄirgeoirĂ­ ar mhian leo a ngnĂł a leathnĂș agus do dhaoine eile a raibh sĂ© ar intinn acu tabhairt faoin bhfeirmeoireacht fianna. Thug Teagasc spreagadh dĂłibh siĂșd a ghlac pĂĄirt sna plĂ©ghrĂșpaĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as an MonatĂłir um BhrabĂșs Fianna chun meastĂłireacht chruinn a dhĂ©anamh ar ghnĂ­omhaĂ­ocht agus ar threochtaĂ­

ÉagsĂșlĂș Feirme

brabĂșis. TĂĄ beagnach 100 tĂĄirgeoir ag glacadh pĂĄirte i scĂ©im dhearbhaithe

Mar chuid den chlĂĄr um Ă©agsĂșlĂș feirme agus fhiontar tuaithe rinneadh taighde agus cuireadh seirbhĂ­sĂ­ comhairleacha agus oiliĂșna ar fĂĄil do thĂĄirgeadh chapaill spĂłirt, d’fheirmeoireacht fia, do thĂĄirgeacht Ă©anlaith clĂłis, d’fheirmeoireacht orgĂĄnach, do thurasĂłireacht tuaithe agus d’fheirmeoireacht ghabhair dĂ©irĂ­ochta.

cĂĄilĂ­ochta fiafheola i lĂĄthair na huaire. ForbraĂ­odh modĂșl dearbhaithe cĂĄilĂ­ochta fiafheola, arna chreidiĂșnĂș ag FETAC, mar chuid de chlĂĄr oiliĂșna d’fheirmeoirĂ­ aosacha faoi stiĂșir Theagaisc. Ghlac fiche is a dĂł feirmeoir pĂĄirt i gcĂșrsa rĂ©amhlĂ©iritheach ar dhearbhĂș cĂĄilĂ­ochta chun cabhrĂș leo fĂ©in ina gcuid ullmhĂșchĂĄin do chigireacht

Capaill Spóirt Leagadh béim, sa chlår um chapaill spóirt, ar an gcaoi ab fhearr le

dearbhaithe cĂĄilĂ­ochta. Fuarthas praghasdifreĂĄil 60c in aghaidh gach Kilo ar fhiafheoil dearbhaithe cĂĄilĂ­ochta.

feabhas a chur ar phĂłrĂș, ar bhainistĂ­ocht agus ar chur i lĂĄthair capall. Ghlac beagnach 300 duine pĂĄirt i dtrĂ­ cinn dĂ©ag de chĂșrsaĂ­ forbartha fiontair chapall. BhĂ­ an chuid ba mhĂł de na daoine sin ar tĂ­ a gcuid ĂĄiseanna eachaĂ­ a uasghrĂĄdĂș agus a mhĂ©adĂș ionas go mbeidĂ­s in ann ainmhithe nĂ­b fhearr a thĂĄirgeadh. ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh cĂșrsaĂ­ oiliĂșna scileanna chomh maith, chun cabhrĂș le tĂĄirgeoirĂ­ cur le luach a gcuid capall.


TĂĄirgeadh Éanlaith ClĂłis Mar chuid de chlĂĄr Ă©anlaith clĂłis Teagaisc cuireadh tacaĂ­ocht theicniĂșil ar fĂĄil do thĂĄirgeoirĂ­ agus dĂłibh siĂșd a raibh sĂ© ar intinn acu tabhairt faoi fhiontar Ă©anlaith clĂłis chun cur le hioncam teaghlaigh. ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh cĂșig chĂșrsa oiliĂșna d’iontrĂĄlaithe poitĂ©insiĂșla nua agus d’fhreastail 45 duine ar na cĂșrsaĂ­ sin.

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

MĂłrchuspĂłir eile de chuid an chlĂĄir ba ea ionchur teicniĂșil a chur ar fĂĄil do scĂ©imeanna dearbhaithe cĂĄilĂ­ochta Bhord Bia agus oiliĂșint taighdeoirĂ­ a chur ar fĂĄil i leith na scĂ©imeanna sin. Sa bhliain 2003 cuireadh oiliĂșint dearbhaithe cĂĄilĂ­ochta sicĂ­nĂ­ ar fĂĄil do 20 comhordaitheoir teicniĂșil Ăł mhonarchana prĂłiseĂĄla. Chomh maith leis sin cuireadh cĂșrsaĂ­ oiliĂșna ar fĂĄil do 320 tĂĄirgeoir sicĂ­nĂ­ chun iad a ullmhĂș le pĂĄirt a ghlacadh i gclĂĄr dearbhaithe cĂĄilĂ­ochta sicĂ­nĂ­ Bhord Bia.

Feirmeoireacht OrgĂĄnach Baineann tĂĄirgeadh orgĂĄnach le 1% d’achar talĂșn na hÉireann agus le 0.5% de dhĂ­olachĂĄn bia. Bheadh mĂ©adĂș substaintiĂșil de dhĂ­th chun poitĂ©inseal na feirmeoireachta orgĂĄnaĂ­ a fhĂ­orĂș agus chun ĂĄit sheasmhach a bhaint amach ar

Ba Ă© prĂ­omhchuspĂłir chlĂĄr orgĂĄnach Theagaisc sa bhliain 2003 nĂĄ tacaĂ­ocht a thabhairt i leith earnĂĄil orgĂĄnach inmharthana a bhunĂș agus cabhair a thabhairt chun poitĂ©inseal margaĂ­ochta na hearnĂĄla sin a fhorbairt.

orgĂĄnach inmharthana a bhunĂș agus cabhair a thabhairt chun poitĂ©inseal margaĂ­ochta na hearnĂĄla sin a fhorbairt. TĂĄ cĂłrais fheirmeoireachta orgĂĄnaĂ­ Theagaisc in Ionad Mhic MhaoilĂ­osa, Baile Átha an RĂ­ agus in Ionad Taighde ChaisleĂĄn Bhaile SheĂĄin, Loch Garman ag feidhmiĂș ar chaighdeĂĄn an-ard agus ĂĄ gcur chun cinn go forleathan. Thug seasca grĂșpa cuairt ar na hionaid sin sa bhliain 2003. BhĂ­ nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ 1,000 duine i lĂĄthair ag an lĂĄ oscailte in aonad Mhic MhaoilĂ­osa i mĂ­ IĂșil. ForbraĂ­odh gearrchĂșrsaĂ­ chun freastal ar riachtanais fheirmeoirĂ­ orgĂĄnacha. ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh dhĂĄ chĂșrsa rĂ©amhlĂ©iritheacha i gCo. na Gaillimhe agus i gCo. an ChlĂĄir agus bhĂ­ 30 duine i lĂĄthair ag gach ceann dĂ­obh.

mhargaí in Éirinn agus ar mhargaí

Tugadh oiliĂșint tosaigh do


chomhairleoirĂ­ contae roghnaithe chun cabhrĂș leo dĂ©ileĂĄil le

Ba Ă© prĂ­omhchuspĂłir chlĂĄr orgĂĄnach

ceisteanna ar fheirmeoireacht

Theagaisc sa bhliain 2003 nĂĄ

orgĂĄnach agus chun seirbhĂ­s

tacaĂ­ocht a thabhairt i leith earnĂĄil

bhunĂșsach a chur ar fĂĄil go hĂĄitiĂșil


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

do thairgeoirĂ­ orgĂĄnacha. Cuireadh

Lean foireann Teagaisc orthu ag

cruinnithe rĂĄithiĂșla i lĂĄr na tĂ­re chomh

liosta cliant orgĂĄnach de chuid

obair i gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht le LEADER

maith. Chomh maith leis sin

Teagaisc le chéile i gcomhairle le

chun margaĂ­ocht turasĂłireacht

reĂĄchtĂĄileadh cruinniĂș tĂĄirgeoirĂ­ i

comhairleoirĂ­ contae. TĂĄ seirbhĂ­s nĂ­os

tuaithe a fhorbairt. Cuireadh

Longfort agus eagraĂ­odh cuairteanna

fearr ag na feirmeoirĂ­ sin anois, go

tacaĂ­ocht theicniĂșil ar fĂĄil do rĂ©imse

ar fheirmeacha, comhairle

hĂĄirithe Ăł cuireadh nuachlitir agus

tionscnamh a raibh baint acu le

oifige/teileafĂłin agus nuachtlitir chun

tacaĂ­ocht speisialaithe ar fĂĄil dĂłibh.

turasĂłireacht tuaithe, ina measc

cabhrĂș le daoine Ă©agsĂșla. I ngeall ar

D’fhoilsigh Teagasc leabhrán

CĂłnaidhm NĂĄisiĂșnta TurasĂłireachta

chlĂĄr Ă©ifeachtach comhairleach

treoirlĂ­nte i leith feirmeoireachta

Tuaithe, faoi mar atĂĄ molta.

oiliĂșna Theagaisc tĂĄ cĂșrsaĂ­

orgĂĄnaĂ­ agus scaipeadh an leabhrĂĄn

comhoibrithe i measc tĂĄirgeoirĂ­ ag dul

sin ar 800 feirmeoir orgĂĄnach.

Feirmeoireacht Ghabhair Dhéiríochta

TurasĂłireacht Tuaithe

TĂĄ tuairim is 200 feirmeoir i mbun

Leagadh béim sa chlår um

fiontair le gabhair dhéiríochta in

thurasĂłireacht tuaithe ar thacaĂ­ocht a

Éirinn. Tá fás agus forbairt faoin

chur ar fĂĄil do sholĂĄthrĂłirĂ­

gcineĂĄl sin feirmeoireachta agus faoi

thurasĂłireacht tuaithe tĂĄirgĂ­

na tĂĄirgĂ­ a bhaineann leis. I lĂĄthair na

ardchaighdeĂĄin a fhorbairt agus a

huaire ní féidir le tåirgeadh

gcuid scileanna bainistĂ­ochta agus

dĂșchasach freastal ar an Ă©ileamh atĂĄ

gnĂ­omhaĂ­ochta a fheabhsĂș.

ann agus déantar tuairim is 10,000 lítear de bhainne gabhair a iomportåil

Sa bhliain 2003, i gcomhphĂĄirtĂ­ocht

in aghaidh na seachtaine.

le CERT agus le hinstitiĂșidĂ­ teicneolaĂ­ochta, chuir Teagasc dhĂĄ

Ba Ă© cuspĂłir chlĂĄr ghabhair

chĂșrsa 150 uair an chloig don

dhéiríochta Theagaisc nå feabhas a

Teastas i dTurasĂłireacht Tuaithe,

chur ar Ă©ifeachtacht agus ar

arna chreidiĂșnĂș ag FETAC, ar fĂĄil. TĂĄ

bhrabĂșsacht tĂĄirgthe. Sa bhliain

32 cĂșrsa den chineĂĄl sin curtha ar

2003 tugadh cĂșrsa bainistĂ­ochta 25

fĂĄil ag Teagasc agus ag a chuid

uair an chloig i leith gabhair

comhphĂĄirtithe le tamall de bhlianta

dhéiríochta do 25 duine i gColåiste


BhĂ©al Átha hÉis. ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh


i bhfeabhas agus tĂĄ fĂĄs agus forbairt faoin tionscal.

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


dtionscal na talmhaĂ­ochta, i dtionscal na gairneoireachta agus i dtionscal an talambhia arna chreidiĂșnĂș ag na boird nĂĄisiĂșnta dĂĄmhachtana, an Chomhairle DĂĄmhachtana Ardoideachais agus OiliĂșna (HETAC) agus an Chomhairle

Oideachas agus OiliĂșint

DĂĄmhachtana Breisoideachais agus OiliĂșna (FETAC). Cuireadh 11 cĂșrsa trĂ­Ăș leibhĂ©il, arna gcreidiĂșniĂș ag HETAC, ar liosta an CAO. Cuireann colĂĄistĂ­ Theagaisc agus comhphĂĄirtĂ­ochtaĂ­ na n-institiĂșidĂ­ teicneolaĂ­ochta na cĂșrsaĂ­ seo ar fĂĄil i

Bhí sé de mhórchuspóir ag Teagasc sa

gcomhphåirtíocht le chéile. Bíonn deis

bhliain 2003 oiliĂșint a chur ar fĂĄil

ag rannphĂĄirtithe dul ar aghaidh Ăł

d’iontrálaithe óga i dtionscal na

leibhéal an teastais go dtí leibhéal an

talmhaĂ­ochta agus i dtionscal na

dioplóma agus uaidh sin go dtí leibhéal

gairneoireachta, mar aon le clĂĄir

céime san ollscoil.

foghlama saoil d’fheirmeoirí aosacha agus do chónaitheoirí tuaithe agus

Bhí 602 mac léinn ag glacadh påirte i

oiliĂșint chuimsitheach

gcĂșrsaĂ­ trĂ­Ăș leibhĂ©il faoi dheireadh na

d’fheidhmeannaigh agus d’oibritheoirí i

bliana 2003. Tugtar briseadh sĂ­os

dtionscal an bhia.

leibhéil rollaithe agus leibhéil

TĂĄ na cĂșrsaĂ­ go lĂ©ir a chuireann

phĂĄirteachais don bhliain 2003 agus

Teagasc ar fáil d’iontrálaithe óga i

don dĂĄ bhliain roimhe sin i dTĂĄbla 1.

TĂĄbla 1: LĂ­on Rollaithe agus PĂĄirteachais i gCĂșrsaĂ­ TrĂ­Ăș LeibhĂ©il CĂșrsaĂ­




Teastas NĂĄisiĂșnta TalmhaĂ­ochta

Bliain 1




Bliain 2




Bliain 1




Bliain 2




Bliain 1




Bliain 2




Bliain 3




Bliain 3 DioplĂłma NĂĄisiĂșnta Gairneoireachta


Bliain 3 Teastas NĂĄisiĂșnta in EolaĂ­ocht TalmhaĂ­ochta DioplĂłma NĂĄisiĂșnta in EolaĂ­ocht TalmhaĂ­ochta Teastas NĂĄisiĂșnta i nGnĂł TalmhaĂ­ochta Teastas NĂĄisiĂșnta i StaidĂ©ar GnĂł – EachaĂ­ Teastas NĂĄisiĂșnta i MeicniĂș TalmhaĂ­ochta


Bliain 1




Bliain 2




Bliain 1




Bliain 2




Bliain 1




Bliain 2







IomlĂĄn – CĂșrsaĂ­ TrĂ­Ăș LeibhĂ©il


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

TĂĄbla 2: RollĂș agus RannphĂĄirtĂ­ocht i nGairmchĂșrsaĂ­ Theagaisc CĂșrsaĂ­ Gairmtheastas TalmhaĂ­ochta




Bliain 1




Bliain 2




Bliain 31 Gairmtheastas Gairneoireachta




Bliain 1




Bliain 2




DioplĂłma Gairneoireachta

Bliain 32



Teastas PĂłraithe agus OiliĂșna Capall

Bliain 1




Bliain 2




Bliain 1




Bliain 2




Bliain 1




Bliain 2




Ardteastas BainistĂ­ochta TrĂ©ada DĂ©irĂ­ochta Ardteastas Inneallra agus Barr ArĂșil Gairmtheastas TalmhaĂ­ochta

Bliain 1




(Mic LĂ©inn Aosacha)

Bliain 2




Bliain 3










Bliain 2




Bliain 1




Gairmtheastas Scileanna Gairneoireachta Gairmtheastas Foraoiseachta Ardteastas BainistĂ­ochta Feirme

Bliain 1

Bliain 2 IomlĂĄn

27 3973


RannphĂĄirtithe sa bhliain dheireanach de shean-Teastas Feirmeoireachta Theagaisc.


RannphĂĄirtithe sa bhliain dheireanach de shean-DioplĂłma Gairneoireachta Theagaisc.



Bhí 3,577 mac léinn ag glacadh

cĂșrsaĂ­ trĂ­Ăș leibhĂ©il. Tugtar staitisticĂ­ i

Leanadh le comhdhlĂșthĂș ĂĄiseanna

pĂĄirte i gcĂșrsaĂ­ Teastas GairmchĂșrsaĂ­,

dtaca le leibhéil rannphåirtíochta i

colĂĄistĂ­ sa bhliain 2003. Cuireadh

a bhĂ­ ĂĄ reĂĄchtĂĄil i naoi gcinn de

ngairmchĂșrsaĂ­ sa bhliain 2003 agus

deireadh leis na cĂșrsaĂ­ a bhĂ­ ĂĄ gcur

cholĂĄistĂ­ talmhaĂ­ochta agus

sa dĂĄ bhliain roimhe sin i dTĂĄbla 2.

ar fĂĄil sa CholĂĄiste Gairneoireachta

gairneoireachta, faoi dheireadh na

ar an nGrianĂĄn, Tearmann FeichĂ­n,

bliana 2003. ClĂșdaĂ­odh cuid mhĂłr

Leanadh leis an gclĂĄr infheistĂ­ochta, a

Co. LĂș. Chomh maith leis sin

gnĂ©ithe a bhain le cĂșrsaĂ­

bhfuil sĂ© de chuspĂłir aige a chinntiĂș

bheartaigh Teagasc deireadh a chur

talmhaĂ­ochta, le cĂșrsaĂ­

go bhfuil ĂĄiseanna i gcolĂĄistĂ­

leis na cĂșrsaĂ­ gairmtheastais i

gairneoireachta, le tĂĄirgeadh capall

talmhaĂ­ochta agus gairneoireachta ar

gColĂĄiste Mhic MhaoilĂ­osa, Baile

agus le cĂșrsaĂ­ foraoiseachta TĂĄ na

aon dul leis na cinn atĂĄ ar fĂĄil thar lear,

Átha an RĂ­. AistrĂ­odh an t-aon chĂșrsa

cĂșrsaĂ­ go lĂ©ir arna gcreidiĂșnĂș ag

sa bhliain 2003. Infheistíodh €15m i

a bhĂ­ fĂłs ar fĂĄil i gColĂĄiste Mhic

FETAC agus bĂ­onn deis acu siĂșd a

sé cinn de cholåistí talmhaíochta agus

MhaoilĂ­osa go ColĂĄiste an ChreagĂĄin.

ghlacann pĂĄirt iontu aistrĂș trĂ­d an

i dtrĂ­ cinn de cholĂĄistĂ­ gairneoireachta

Scéim um Naisc Ardoideachais go dtí

le trĂ­ bliana anuas.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

TĂĄbla 3: OiliĂșint Aosach curtha ar fĂĄil ag Teagasc sa bhliain 2003 LĂ­on cĂșrsaĂ­

LĂ­on rannphĂĄirtithe

ModĂșil TeicneolaĂ­ochta agus GhnĂł



ModĂșil Inmharthanachta Tuaithe



ModĂșil i dTeicneolaĂ­ocht an Eolais





ModĂșil Fhiontair Chomhroghnaigh



CĂșrsaĂ­ 100/80 Uair an Chloig






CĂșrsaĂ­ Eile





ModĂșil Chomhshaoil/SĂĄbhĂĄilteachta Bia

IomlĂĄn RannphĂĄirtithe Aosacha

ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh roinnt gairmchĂșrsaĂ­

sa bhliain 2004. Chun tuilleadh

agus i leith scéimeanna bunaithe ar

oiliĂșna oĂ­che agus deireadh

forbartha agus dul chun cinn a

chuĂłtaĂ­. CĂșrsaĂ­ 100 uair an chloig in

seachtaine in ionaid ĂĄitiĂșla Theagaisc

dhéanamh i réimse bainistíochta na

oiliĂșint talmhaĂ­ochta agus 80 uair an

agus bhĂ­ cianfhoghlaim mar chuid

rĂ­omhfhoghlama, tĂĄ pleananna ĂĄ gcur

chloig in oiliĂșint bhainistĂ­ochta feirme

shubstaintiĂșil de na cĂșrsaĂ­ sin. I

le chéile i låthair na huaire chun

ba ea iad agus bhĂ­ poist

ngeall ar an mĂ©adĂș mĂłr ar lĂ­on na

aonad foghlama samhalta ar lĂ­ne a

lĂĄnaimseartha taobh amuigh den

bhfeirmeoirí påirtaimseartha, tå sé i


talmhaĂ­ocht ag cuid mhĂłr de na

gceist ag Teagasc cĂșrsaĂ­ a chur ar

daoine a ghlac påirt iontu agus bhí sé i gceist acu gnó feirme an

d’fheirmeoirí aosacha ag amanna a

OiliĂșint FheirmeoirĂ­ Aosacha

oireann do sceidil oibre na ndaoine a

D’fhreastail os cionn 10,000 aosach

lĂĄnaimseartha nĂł pĂĄirtaimseartha.

ghlacann pĂĄirt iontu.

ar chĂșrsaĂ­ de chuid Teagaisc sa

ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh cuid de na cĂșrsaĂ­ ar

bhliain 2002. ChlĂșdaigh na cĂșrsaĂ­ sin

bhonn cianfhoghlama chun sceidil


ĂĄbhair mar: bhainistĂ­ocht

oibre na rannphĂĄirtithe a chomhlĂĄnĂș.

Sa bhliain 2003 ghlac Teagasc pĂĄirt i

teicneolaĂ­ochta agus gnĂł;

réimse na ríomhfhoghlama den

inmharthanacht tuaithe;

BhĂ­ baint ag beagnach 60% de na

chéad uair riamh. Bunaíodh suíomh

theicneolaĂ­ocht an eolais; chosaint

clĂĄir fhoghlama aosacha le rialĂș

gréasåin ar líne agus tå nasc idir é

chomhshaoil; shĂĄbhĂĄilteacht i gcĂșrsaĂ­

comhshaoil agus le sĂĄbhĂĄilteacht

sin agus timpeallacht foghlama

bia; fhiontair chomhroghnacha agus

bhia, rud a léiríonn an tåbhacht mhór

samhalta CholĂĄiste Carmarthenshire

ardbhainistĂ­ocht. Tugtar staitisticĂ­ i

a bhaineann leis na réimsí sin. Ba

sa Bhreatain Bheag, a bhfuil cĂłras

leith oiliĂșint aosach i dTĂĄbla 3.

ghnĂ© shubstaintiĂșil de chuid na

foghlama samhalta den scoth ann.

ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh cĂșrsaĂ­ speisialta i

gcĂșrsaĂ­ sin Ă­ teicneolaĂ­ocht an eolais

Tugadh oiliĂșint i rĂ©imse na

mbuntalmhaĂ­ocht agus i

freisin. Rinne os cionn 500 duine Ăł

rĂ­omhfhoghlama do fiche ball de

mbainistĂ­ocht feirme do dhaoine faoi

theaghlaigh fheirmeoireachta cĂșrsaĂ­

chuid fhoireann oideachais Teagaisc

bhun 35 bliana d’aois nach raibh

oiliĂșna i dteicneolaĂ­ocht an eolais. Ba


oiliĂșint fhoirmiĂșil talmhaĂ­ochta orthu

mhĂłr an buntĂĄiste dĂłibh na

agus a raibh oiliĂșint de dhĂ­th orthu

saotharlanna rĂ­omhaireachta sna

ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh cĂșrsa ar ghlac 40 mac

ionas go mbeidĂ­s cĂĄilithe i leith

colĂĄistĂ­ agus sna hionaid sonraithe

léinn påirt ann sa bhliain 2003 agus

faoiseamh a fhĂĄil Ăł dhleacht

ĂĄitiĂșla oiliĂșna.

tĂĄ sĂ© i gceist cĂșrsaĂ­ eile a reĂĄchtĂĄil

stampĂĄla, i leith cĂșnamh infheistithe

fáil d’iontrálaithe óga agus


teaghlaigh a bhainistiĂș ar bhonn

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

OiliĂșint i dTionscal an Bhia

NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia, ĂĄit a ndearna 1,700

Sa bhliain 2003 ghlac os cionn

Tugtar cuntas ginearĂĄlta ar na cĂșrsaĂ­

2,000 oibrĂ­ pĂĄirt i gcĂșrsa oiliĂșna i

agus ar an rannphĂĄirtĂ­ocht iontu i

dtaca le gach gné den phróiseåil

dTĂĄbla 4.

oibrĂ­ os cionn 130 cĂșrsa oiliĂșna.

bhia. Ar na hĂĄbhair a clĂșdaĂ­odh bhĂ­ sĂĄbhĂĄilteacht bhia, bainistĂ­ocht nuĂĄlaĂ­ochta, lipĂ©adĂș bia, nuatheicneolaĂ­ocht phrĂłiseĂĄla, agus forbairt tĂĄirgthe nua. Rinneadh an chuid ba mhĂł den oiliĂșint san Ionad

TĂĄbla 4: OiliĂșnt Phearsanra Thionscal an Bhia san Ionad NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia, 2003 Teideal an ChĂșrsa

LĂ­on CĂșrsaĂ­

SlĂĄinteachas Bia

LĂ­on RannphĂĄirtithe





IniĂșchĂłireacht SĂĄbhĂĄilteacht Bhia



Anailís Chéadfach



Scileanna OiliĂșnĂłra i SĂĄbhĂĄilteacht Bhia agus SlĂĄinteachais



CĂșrsa OiliĂșna ar EC/2001/471



Bailmheas PrĂłiseĂĄla TeirmĂ­



Ceardlann NuĂĄlaĂ­ochta



LipĂ©adĂș Ábhair Bhia



RĂ©amheolas ar mhicreabhitheolaĂ­cocht do neamh-mhicreabitheolaithe



Aithint Speicis Listeria



SĂĄbhĂĄilteacht agus SlĂĄinteachas Bia



TeicneolaĂ­ocht an Bhia



Forbairt TĂĄirgĂ­ Nua







OiliĂșint Fhoireann an Roinn TalmhaĂ­ochta – Treoir 91/497/EC (IarscrĂ­bhinn 3) IomlĂĄn


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


LĂ©irigh comhanailĂ­s de chuid Teagaisc/UCD, a rinneadh sa bhliain 2003, go raibh leibhĂ©al ard sĂĄstachta i measc rannphĂĄirtithe sa chlĂĄr. DĂșirt os cionn 80%, bunaithe ar a gcuid taithĂ­ fĂ©in, go mbeidĂ­s sĂĄsta an cĂșrsa a mholadh dĂĄ gcuid comharsan. ShĂ­l an mĂ©id cĂ©anna dĂ­obh gur chabhraigh an clĂĄr go mĂłr leo meastĂłireacht a dhĂ©anamh ar a ndĂĄla fĂ©in agus straitĂ©isĂ­ a phleanĂĄil chun feabhas a chur ar a gcaighdeĂĄn maireachtĂĄla agus ar a gcĂĄilĂ­ocht bheatha. UsĂĄideadh an t-aiseolas Ăł na

ClĂĄr Deiseanna do Theaghlaigh Feirme

rannphĂĄirtithe mar chuid d’athbhreithniĂș ar chlĂĄr deiseanna do theaghlaigh feirme i bhfĂłmhar na bliana 2003. Ó thĂĄngthas ar chomhaontĂș maidir le leasĂș CAP, is Ă©ard is cuspĂłir don chlĂĄr anois nĂĄ tionchar na n-athruithe polasaithe i leith teaghlaigh feirme tar Ă©is mhĂ­ EanĂĄir 2005, nuair a thabharfar

Chuir Teagasc tĂșs leis an gClĂĄr

isteach an cĂłras nua dĂ­chĂșplĂĄla

Deiseanna do Theaghlaigh Feirme sa

Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­, a chur san ĂĄireamh.

bhliain 2002 chun freastal ar a gcuid riachtanas ag am a bhfuil cuid mhĂłr

Tabharfar isteach ClĂĄr um PhleanĂĄil i

athruithe ag tarlĂș i struchtĂșr na

ndiaidh Fischler sa bhliain 2004 agus

talmhaĂ­ochta in Éirinn. Ba Ă© cuspĂłir

cuirfidh sé sin saineolas ar fåil

an chlĂĄir nĂĄ tacĂș le teaghlaigh

d’fheirmeoirĂ­ chun cabhrĂș leo

scrĂșdĂș soilĂ©ir rĂ©adĂșil a dhĂ©anamh ar

meastóireacht a dhéanamh ar

a ndåla féin, ar roghanna atå acu ar

impleachtaĂ­ an pholasaĂ­ nua agus

an bhfeirm agus taobh amuigh den

tĂĄirgĂ­ a chur in oiriĂșint do riachtanais

fheirm agus “Plean don Todhchaí” a

mhargaidh. Beidh idir

fhorbairt, a chuirfidh feabhas ar

ghrĂșpchainteanna agus chomhairle

ioncam agus ar chĂĄilĂ­ocht bheatha.

phearsanta i gceist do gach aon duine de na rannphĂĄirtithe. Beidh

Ghlac 4,000 teaghlach feirme pĂĄirt

mĂłrmhĂ­reanna de chuid an ChlĂĄr

sa chlĂĄr roimh dheireadh na bliana

rathĂșil Deiseanna do Theaghlaigh

2003. Rinne os cionn 50% de na

Feirme mar ghné thåbhachtach de

rannphĂĄirtithe an clĂĄr iomlĂĄn agus

chuid an chlĂĄir sin.

tugadh “Plean don Todhchaí” dĂłibh sin go lĂ©ir.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


‱ BhĂ­ an chomhdhĂĄil nĂĄisiĂșnta curaĂ­ochta, a reĂĄchtĂĄil Teagasc i mĂ­ EanĂĄir, ar cheann de mhĂłrĂłcĂĄidĂ­ an earnĂĄil churaĂ­ochta arĂ­s. Chomh maith leis sin reachtĂĄileadh comhdhĂĄlacha curaĂ­ochta agus laethanta oscailte ar bhonn contae ag amanna tĂĄbhachtacha le linn sĂ©asĂșr na curaĂ­ochta.

‱ Rinne eacnamaithe Theagaisc cur sĂ­os ar thorthaĂ­ a gcuid anailĂ­se ar mholtaĂ­ i leith leasĂș CAP ag comhdhĂĄil speisialta i mĂ­ na Bealtaine. I mĂ­ na Nollag thug

Ócáidí agus Foileascháin

eacnamaithe tuairisc ar ghnĂ­omhaĂ­ocht an tionscail sa bhliain 2003 agus ar ionchais na bliana 2004 ag an gComhdhĂĄil DĂĄlaĂ­ agus RĂ©amhdhearcaidh.

Lean Teagasc air ag reĂĄchtĂĄil chlĂĄr gnĂ­omhach ĂłcĂĄidĂ­ poiblĂ­ ar bhonn

‱ Reáchtáileadh sraith laethanta

ĂĄitiĂșil, ar bhonn contae, ar bhonn

oscailte agus comhdhĂĄlacha do

rĂ©igiĂșnach agus ar bhonn nĂĄisiĂșnta

thĂĄirgeoirĂ­ mĂĄirteola agus caorach

sa bhliain 2003. Ina measc sin bhĂ­

le linn na bliana. Chomh maith leis

taispeĂĄntais, siĂșlĂłidĂ­ feirme, laethanta

sin reĂĄchtĂĄileadh laethanta

oscailte, cruinnithe plĂ©ghrĂșpaĂ­, clinicĂ­

nĂĄisiĂșnta oscailte ar fheirmeacha a

comhairleacha agus sceideal leathan

raibh dĂĄmhachtana bainte amach

comhdhålacha i dtaca le gach gné


d’obair na heagraíochta. Ba iad seo a leanas cuid de na buaicphointí:

‱ Reáchtáil seirbhís mhuc agus seirbhís chomhairleach Theagaisc

‱ DhĂĄ chomhdhĂĄil nĂĄisiĂșnta

trĂ­ chomhdhĂĄil rĂ©igiĂșnacha a

déiríochta i gCorcaigh agus ar an

ndearna formhĂłr na dtĂĄirgeoirĂ­

gCabhĂĄn, a ndearna 1,500

muc freastal orthu.

feirmeoir agus ionadaĂ­ tionscail freastal orthu. Chomh maith leis sin reĂĄchtĂĄileadh comhdhĂĄil nĂĄisiĂșnta um bainne leachtach. ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh sceideal cuimsitheach laethanta oscailte

‱ Chuir comhdhĂĄil nĂĄisiĂșnta REPS, a bhĂ­ ar siĂșl i mĂ­ na Samhna, fĂłram tĂĄbhachtach nuashonraithe ar fĂĄil do ghairmithe a raibh baint acu leis an scĂ©im.

dĂ©irĂ­ochta, taispeĂĄntais agus comhdhĂĄlacha ĂĄitiĂșla ar fheirmeacha, in ionaid taighde agus comhairleacha de chuid Teagaisc agus in ĂĄiteanna eile.


‱ Ó thaobh na curaĂ­ochta de, reĂĄchtĂĄileadh comhdhĂĄlacha nĂĄisiĂșnta ar phrĂĄtaĂ­ agus ar stoc

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

plandlainne agus, anuas air sin,

lĂĄmhleabhair nua agus leabhair

cuireadh comhdhĂĄlacha ar bun do

shaothair don chlĂĄr oiliĂșna, mar aon

shaothraithe glasraĂ­.

le lĂĄmhleabhair/bileoga a raibh baint

‱ Reáchtáil an tseirbhís

bainistĂ­ochta, le hanailĂ­s airgeadais,

acu le tĂĄirgĂ­ocht, le hardchaighdeĂĄn

chomhairleach fhoraoiseachta

le rialĂș comhshaoil, le sĂĄbhĂĄilteacht

sceideal cuimsitheach taispeĂĄntas

feirme agus le sábháilteacht bhia –

agus laethanta allamuigh.

chun cur le gach gné den chlår comhairleach.

‱ Chuir an chomhdhĂĄil nĂĄisiĂșnta oideachais, a bhĂ­ ar siĂșl i mĂ­ Feabhra, plĂ©fhĂłram idĂ©alach ar fĂĄil i dtaca le treochtaĂ­ agus le riachtanais in oideachas talmhaĂ­ochta agus curaĂ­ochta sa todhchaĂ­

Cuireadh amach foilseachĂĄn ardchaighdeĂĄin dar teideal Farming

in the Burren, mar aon le sainfhoilseachĂĄn dar teideal The

Soils of Offaly le linn na bliana. FoilsĂ­odh dhĂĄ eagrĂĄn den Irish

Journal of Agricultural and Food ‱ Labhair eolaithe agus póraithe ón

Research, mar aon le tuairiscĂ­ a raibh

RĂ­ocht Aontaithe, Ăłn Ollainn agus

baint acu le torthaĂ­ tionscnaimh

Ăł Theagasc ag an gcomhdhĂĄil

thaighde agus le foilseachĂĄin eile a

nĂĄisiĂșnta pĂłraithe capall a chuir

raibh baint acu le réimse iomlån an

Teagasc ar siĂșl i mĂ­ AibreĂĄin.

chlĂĄr taighde.

‱ ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh lĂĄ oscailte nĂĄisiĂșnta

FoilsĂ­odh sĂ© eagrĂĄn den iris, Today’s

ar fheirmeoireacht orgĂĄnach in

Farm, agus scaipeadh iad ar 35,000

Ionad Mhic Mhaoilíosa, Baile Átha

cliantfheirmeoirĂ­ de chuid Teagaisc

an RĂ­ i mĂ­ IĂșil.

agus ar phearsanra tĂĄbhachtach a raibh baint acu leis an tionscal

‱ ReĂĄchtĂĄileadh mĂłrthaispeĂĄntas ar bhianna comhroghnacha do bheostoc i gColĂĄise Chill DaltĂșin i mĂ­ IĂșil.

talamhbhia. Chomh maith leis sin foilsĂ­odh an dlĂștheagrĂĄn taighde agus forbartha, Farm & Food. Rinneadh meall substaintiĂșil eolais nua a uaslĂłdĂĄil ar shuĂ­omh grĂ©asĂĄin

‱ Anuas ar an lá oscailte don

Teagaisc,, agus

tionscal nĂĄisiĂșnta bia, a bhĂ­ againn

thĂĄinig mĂ©adĂș os cionn 30% ar

i bPĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha i mĂ­

thrĂĄcht ar an suĂ­omh le linn na bliana

Dheireadh FĂłmhair, reĂĄchtĂĄileadh

2003, comhartha den tĂĄbhacht

17 comhdhĂĄil agus ceardlann i rith

bhisiĂșil a bhaineann leis mar fhoinse

na bliana, faoi stiĂșir an Ionad

eolais nĂĄisiĂșnta agus idirnĂĄisiĂșnta.

NĂĄisiĂșnta Bia agus an Ionad Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta

CoinnĂ­odh clĂĄr cuimsitheach foilseachĂĄn ar bun i rith na bliana. Mar chuid den obair sin foilsĂ­odh


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03


An tAcht um Bainistíocht Seirbhísí Poiblí, 1997 De réir ailt 4 agus 5 den Acht um Bainistíocht Seirbhísí Poiblí, 1997, chuir Teagasc an dara Råiteas Straitéise uaidh ar fåil don Aire Talmhaíochta agus Bia i mí na Samhna 2003.

An tAcht um Shaoråil Faisnéise, 1997 Chuir Teagasc an tAcht um Shaoråil

Dualgais ReachtĂșla

FaisnĂ©ise, 1997, i bhfeidhm Ăłn 1Ăș Samhain 2002 ar aghaidh. Cuireann an tAcht trĂ­ cinn de chearta reachtĂșla ar fĂĄil: ‱ ceart dleathach do gach duine eolas atĂĄ ag comhlachtaĂ­ poiblĂ­ a rochtain;


maith leis sin, chomhlĂ­on baill ar bith

Tå sé de chuspóir ag Teagasc

de chuid Teagaisc, a bhfuil poist

eolas oifigiĂșil atĂĄ ag comhlacht

comhionannas deiseanna a chur ar

sonraithe acu, coinnĂ­ollacha na

poiblí ar bith a bhaineann leis/léi

fĂĄil agus is chuige sin a leagadh sĂ­os

n-achtanna sin.

fĂ©in a leasĂș mĂĄ bhĂ­onn sĂ©

an clĂĄr forbartha pearsanra agus

neamhiomlĂĄn nĂł mĂ­cheart nĂł

Rialtais i dtaca le fostaĂ­ocht daoine

An tAcht um ShĂĄbhĂĄilteacht, ShlĂĄinte agus Leasa, 1989

mĂ­chumasaithe san earnĂĄil phoiblĂ­ a

De réir an Achta um Shåbhåilteacht,

chur i bhfeidhm

ShlĂĄinte agus Leasa, 1989,

foirne. Chomh maith leis sin tå sé de chuspóir ag Teagasc polasaí an

d’ullmhaigh Teagasc ráitis Tá polasaí i leith maistíneachta,

såbhåilteachta chun gach gné de

imeaglaithe agus ciaptha gnéasaigh

chuid leasa foirne agus cuairteoirĂ­ a

curtha i bhfeidhm againn chun dĂ­nit


gach ball foirne a chaomhnĂș agus a chosaint.

An tAcht um Eitic in OifigĂ­ PoiblĂ­, 1995, and an tAcht um ChaighdeĂĄin in OifigĂ­ PoiblĂ­, 2001.

‱ ceart dleathach do gach duine

An tAcht um RannphĂĄirtĂ­ocht Oibrithe (Fiontair StĂĄit), 1988

mĂ­threorach; agus ‱ ceart dleathach do gach duine na cĂșiseanna a bhaineann le cinneadh ar bith, a dhĂ©anann comhlacht poiblĂ­, a mbĂ­onn tionchar aige air/uirthi fĂ©in, a fhĂĄil.

CĂłd Cleachtais i leith Rialachas ComhlachtaĂ­ StĂĄit, Deireadh FĂłmhair 2001 Ghlac Teagasc leis an gcĂłd

Chuir Teagasc struchtĂșir

cleachtais um Rialachas ComhlachtaĂ­

chomhairliĂșchĂĄin Fho-Bhoird i

Stait, a cheadaigh an Rialtas i mĂ­

bhfeidhm chun tacĂș le prĂłisis

Dheireadh FĂłmhair 2001 agus

De réir an Achta um Eitic in Oifigí

chumarsĂĄide agus chomhairliĂșchĂĄin

rinneadh socruithe lena chinntiĂș go

PoiblĂ­, 1995, agus an Achta um

na heagraĂ­ochta. TĂĄ FĂłram NĂĄisiĂșnta

gcomhlíonfaidh Teagasc gach gné

ChaighdeĂĄin in OifigĂ­ PoiblĂ­ 2001,

RannphĂĄirtĂ­ochta agus ceithre

den chĂłd sin ina chuid

chuir baill Údarás Teagaisc ráiteas

Fhoram RĂ©igiĂșnacha RannphĂĄirtithe


comhleasa ar fĂĄil do RĂșnaĂ­ an

Fostaithe, a ghnĂ­omhaĂ­onn ar son

Údaráis agus, anuas air sin, cuireadh

lucht bainistĂ­ochta agus ar son

cĂłip ar fĂĄil don ChoimisiĂșn um

foirne, curtha i bhfeidhm.

ChaighdeĂĄin in OifigĂ­ PoiblĂ­. Chomh


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

An tAcht um PrapĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ ar Chuntais, 1997 ÁirĂ­tear Teagasc mar cheannaitheoir liostaithe earraĂ­ faoi sceideal an Achta um PrapĂ­ochtaĂ­ochtaĂ­ ar Chuntais, 1997. Cuireadh an tAcht i bhfeidhm ar 2Ăș EanĂĄir 1998 agus comhlĂ­onann Teagasc na forĂĄlacha a bhaineann leis. De rĂ©ir an Achta agus de rĂ©ir treoirlĂ­nte a d’eisigh an Roinn Fiontar, TrĂĄdĂĄla agus FostaĂ­ochta, cuirtear an t-eolas seo a leanas ar fĂĄil.

Modhanna imeachta a bunaĂ­odh chun gĂ©illiĂșlacht don Acht a chinntiĂș TĂĄ modhanna imeachta curtha i bhfeidhm ag Teagasc lena chinntiĂș do ndĂ©antar Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ ar shonraisc taobh istigh de na teorainneacha ama a bhaineann leo nĂł taobh istigh den teorainn ama reachtĂșil mura mbĂ­onn trĂ©imhse shonraithe ar bith i gceist. CĂ© gur cuireadh na modhanna imeachta sin le chĂ©ile chun gĂ©illiĂșlacht don Acht a chinntiĂș, nĂ­ fĂ©idir leo ach forchinntiĂș rĂ©asĂșnta, seachas dearbhfhorchinntiĂș, a chur ar fĂĄil maidir le neamhghĂ©illiĂșlacht ĂĄbhartha don Acht. Cuireadh na nĂłsanna imeachta sin i bhfeidhm le linn an trĂ©imhse airgeadais a bhĂ­ faoi lĂ©irmheas; agus, i gcĂĄs mallĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­, tugadh an t-eolas cuĂ­ do na solĂĄthraithe a bhĂ­ i gceist agus Ă­ocadh Ășs leo. De rĂ©ir an Achta um PrapĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ ar Chuntais, 1997, cuirtear an t-eolas seo a leanas ar fĂĄil i dtaca leis an trĂ©imhse airgeadais dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003.

a) NĂłsanna Imeachta ÍocaĂ­ochta Íocann Teagasc solĂĄthraithe de rĂ©ir tĂ©armaĂ­ sonraithe ar shonraisc nĂł de rĂ©ir tĂ©armaĂ­ sonraithe ar chonarthaĂ­ aonair mĂĄs cuĂ­. TrĂ©imhse 30 lĂĄ a bhĂ­onn i gceist de ghnĂĄth.

b) Mallíocaíochtaí os cionn €300 Líon sonrasc


Méantréimhse Moille


c) CĂ©atadĂĄn foriomlĂĄn mallĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ mar chuid d’íocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ iomlĂĄna agus Ășs iomlĂĄn a Ă­ocadh Ba Ă© 1.23% an cĂ©atadĂĄn foriomlĂĄn de mhallĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ mar chuid d’íocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ iomlĂĄna. Ba Ă© €2,807.55 an t-iomlĂĄn a Ă­ocadh mar Ășs ar mhallĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­.

Jim Flanagan StiĂșrthĂłir


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

RĂĄitis Airgeadais 2003 TuarascĂĄil an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste le cur i lĂĄthair do Thithe an Oireachtais 48 ForlĂ­onadh leis an TuarascĂĄil IniĂșchta 49 RĂĄiteas um RialĂș InmheĂĄnach Airgeadais 54 RĂĄiteas i leith Dualgais an ÚdarĂĄis 55 Polasaithe CuntasaĂ­ochta 56 Cuntas Ioncaim agus Caiteachais 58 ClĂĄr Comhardaithe 59 RĂĄiteas i leith Sreabhadh Airgid Thirim 60 NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais 61


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

TuarascĂĄil an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste le cur i lĂĄthair do Thithe an Oireachtais TĂĄ na rĂĄitis airgeadais ar leathanaigh 58 go dtĂ­ 74 iniĂșchta agam faoi Alt 12 den Acht TalmhaĂ­ochta (Taighde, OiliĂșint agus Comhairle), 1988.

FreagrachtaĂ­ ChomhaltaĂ­ an ÚdarĂĄis agus an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste faoi seach TĂĄ freagrachtaĂ­ cuntasaĂ­ochta an ÚdarĂĄis leagtha amach ar leathanach 55. TĂĄ sĂ© de fhreagracht ormsa tuairim neamhspleĂĄch a dhĂ©anamh, bunaithe ar m’iniĂșchadh, i leith na rĂĄitis airgeadais a cuireadh i mo lĂĄthair agus tuarascĂĄil a fhoilsiĂș orthu. ScrĂșdaĂ­m an rĂĄiteas ar leathanach 54 ar an gcĂłras um rialĂș inmheĂĄnach airgeadais le fĂ©achaint an lĂ©irĂ­tear ann gur chomhlĂ­on an tÚdarĂĄs treoir infheidhmithe maidir le rialachas corparĂĄideach agus tuairiscĂ­m ar aon chĂĄs ĂĄbhartha nach ndĂ©anann an tÚdarĂĄs amhlaidh, nĂł mĂĄs rud Ă© go bhfuil an rĂĄiteas mĂ­threorach nĂł nach dtagann sĂ© le faisnĂ©is eile atĂĄ ar eolas agam de bharr na rĂĄitis airgeadais a bheith iniĂșchta agam.

An BunĂșs atĂĄ le mo Thuairim ar na RĂĄitis I mbun m’fheidhme mar Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste, rinne mĂ© m’iniĂșchadh ar na rĂĄitis airgeadais de rĂ©ir na gcaighdeĂĄn iniĂșchĂłireachta arna n-eisiĂșint ag an mBord um Chleachtais IniĂșchĂłireachta agus trĂ­ thagairt a dhĂ©anamh do na nithe ar leith is gĂĄ a chur san ĂĄireamh agus a ghabhann le comhlachtaĂ­ StĂĄit i ndĂĄil leis an mbealach a bhainistĂ­tear agus a oibrĂ­tear na comhlachtaĂ­ sin. DĂ©antar scrudĂș mar chuid den iniĂșchadh, ar bhonn tĂĄstĂĄla, ar fhianaise a bhaineann leis na suimeanna agus leis an mĂ©id a fhoilsĂ­tear sna rĂĄitis airgeadais. Chomh maith leis sin, cuimsĂ­onn an t-iniĂșchadh measĂșnacht ar na meastachĂĄin agus ar na breitheanna suntasacha a rinneadh agus na rĂĄitis airgeadais ĂĄ n-ullmhĂș, agus measĂșnacht le fĂ©achaint an oireann na beartais chuntasaĂ­ochta don bhail atĂĄ ar chĂșrsaĂ­ an ÚdarĂĄis, ar feidhmĂ­odh na beartais sin ar bhealach leanĂșnach agus ar foilsĂ­odh iad ar bhealach sĂĄsĂșil. PhleanĂĄil mĂ© agus rinne mĂ© m’iniĂșchadh sa chaoi is go bhfaighinn an fhaisnĂ©is agus na mĂ­nithe ar fad a mheas mĂ© a bheith riachtanach ionas go mbeadh leordhĂłthain fianaise agam a d’fhĂĄgfadh cinnteacht rĂ©asĂșnach ann go bhfuil na rĂĄitis airgeadais saor Ăł mhĂ­rĂĄiteas ĂĄbhartha, cibĂ© acu calaois nĂł neamhrialtacht eile nĂł earrĂĄid is cĂșis leis sin. I dteacht ar mo thuairim, rinne mĂ© meastĂłireacht ar a shĂĄsĂșla is a cuireadh faisnĂ©is i lĂĄthair sna rĂĄitis airgeadais san iomlĂĄn freisin.

BĂ©im an Ábhair NĂ­ hionann Ă© seo agus aon mhaolĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar mo thuairim, ach tarraingĂ­m suntas san FhorlĂ­onadh leis an TuarascĂĄil seo ar easpaĂ­ ĂĄirithe i rialachas.

Tuairim Is Ă© mo thuairim go raibh leabhair chuntais chuĂ­ coinnithe ag an ÚdarĂĄs agus go dtugann na rĂĄitis airgeadais, a chomhaontaĂ­onn leo, lĂ©argas fĂ­orcheart ar staid chĂșrsaĂ­ an ÚdarĂĄis ar an 31 Nollaig 2003 agus ar a ioncam agus ar a chaiteachas agus ar a shreabhadh airgid thirim don bhliain dar crĂ­och sin.

John Purcell Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste 21 MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2004 48

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

ForlĂ­onadh leis an TuarascĂĄil IniĂșchta EaspaĂ­ Rialachais Le linn iniĂșchta 2003 ar Theagasc thĂĄinig na nithe seo a leanas chun m’aird, i rith athbhreithnithe ar thuarascĂĄlacha iniĂșchta inmheĂĄnaigh, a tharraing imnĂ­ maidir le rialachais an ÚdarĂĄis. D’ardaigh mĂ© na nithe seo le StiĂșrthĂłir an ÚdarĂĄis agus tĂĄ a fhreagraĂ­ curtha isteach san fhorlĂ­onadh seo.

1. Éilimh BhrĂ©agacha Taistil agus Cothaithe I mĂ­ an Mheithimh 2001, fuair an tÚdarĂĄs litir gan ainm lĂ©i ĂĄ rĂĄ go raibh “íocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ breise saormhĂ­leaiste agus cothaithe “ ĂĄ bhfĂĄil ag comhaltaĂ­ ĂĄirithe den fhoireann ag Ionad Taighde de chuid Teagasc. Cuireadh an litir seo faoi bhrĂĄid StiĂșrthĂłir an Ionaid a d’freagair StiĂșrthĂłir an ÚdarĂĄis an mhĂ­ chĂ©anna agus ba Ă© Ă©irim a bhĂ­ le rĂĄ aige nĂĄ go raibh sĂ© sĂĄsta go raibh gach rud in ord maidir le hĂ©ilimh speansas ag an Ionad.

I mĂ­ IĂșil 2002 thĂĄinig an tOifigeach RiarachĂĄin ag an Ionad ar eolas le seans a thug le tuiscint nach Ă©ilimh bona fide iad Ă©ilimh taistil ĂĄirithe a rinne comhalta den fhoireann. Chuir sĂ© forrĂĄn ar an gcomhalta den fhoireann a ghlac leis go raibh na hĂ©ilimh brĂ©agach agus a gheall nach dtarlĂłdh a leithĂ©id arĂ­s. Cuireadh Ceann RannĂłige an chomhalta den fhoireann ar an eolas. Bhuail seisean leis an gcomhalta den fhoireann agus thĂĄinig sĂ© ar an tuairim nach ndeachaigh na hĂ©ilimh bhrĂ©agacha siar thar thrĂ©imhse fhada agus gur bheag an tsuim a bhĂ­ i gceist. Ar an mbonn seo chinn sĂ© nach raibh aon ghnĂ­omh breise de dhĂ­th agus nĂ­or chuir sĂ© tuairisc faoin scĂ©al chuig StiĂșrthĂłir an Ionaid.

Fuair StiĂșrthĂłir an ÚdarĂĄis litir eile gan ainm lĂ©i i mĂ­ na Bealtaine 2003 ag cur faillĂ­ i leith maidir le dĂ©ileĂĄil le hĂ©ilimh bhrĂ©agacha speansas i gcĂĄs comhalta den fhoireann, nĂĄr ainmnĂ­odh, ag an Ionad. Mar thoradh air seo iarradh ar an IniĂșchĂłir InmheĂĄnach fiosrĂș a dhĂ©anamh faoi na lĂ­omhaintĂ­.

Nochtaigh an fiosrĂș IniĂșchta InmheĂĄnaigh go raibh Ă©ilimh bhrĂ©agacha ĂĄ gcur isteach ag comhalta den fhoireann Ăł 1988. BhĂ­ na hĂ©ilimh i dhĂĄ chatagĂłir ‱ Ă©ilimh i leith turas nach ndearnadh ‱ Ă©ilimh mhĂ©adaithe a bhain le hĂĄbhar ĂĄ bhailiĂș go laethĂșil ag an gcomhalta den fhoireann ar a bhealach chun oibre. Ba chĂłir na hĂ©ilimh sin a theorannĂș go dtĂ­ an costas a bhain leis an taisteal breise ba shiocair ag an ngĂĄ chun ĂĄbhar a bhailiĂș sa bhreis ar an ngnĂĄththaisteal Ăł bhaile chun oibre. NĂ­ dhearnadh iad a theorannĂș amhlaidh. In ĂĄit sin, rinneadh na hĂ©ilimh a chomhairimh ar bhonn turais fhillte bharĂșlaigh Ăłn Ionad go dtĂ­ an ionad bailithe. Mar thoradh air sin bhĂ­ rĂł-Ă©ileamh, seachtainiĂșil, ar 112 mĂ­le. Dheimhnigh Ceann na RannĂłige a bhĂ­ ann ag an am sin na hĂ©ilimh go lĂ©ir go cuĂ­. ComhairĂ­odh an tsuim i leith Ă©ileamh do thurais nach ndearnadh ag €77,636 agus nĂ­or luadh aon tsuim le hĂ©ilimh mhĂ©adaithe. Glacadh gnĂ­omh smachta i gcoinne an oifigigh i gceist trĂ­ Ă­sliĂș cĂ©ime a thabhairt dĂł laistigh dĂĄ struchtĂșr grĂĄid agus trĂ­ iachall a chur air an tsuim a hĂ©ilĂ­odh i leith turas nach ndearnadh a aisĂ­oc mĂłide Ășs de €52,420 rud a thug an t-iomlĂĄn go dtĂ­ €130,056.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

I mĂ­ Dheireadh FĂłmhair 2003, threoraigh StiĂșrthĂłir an ÚdarĂĄis foireann na hArdoifige fiosrĂș a dhĂ©anamh maidir leis na pĂĄirteanna a bhĂ­ ag an Oifigeach RiarachĂĄin agus ag Ceann na RannĂłige i dtaca leis na hĂ©ilimh bhrĂ©agacha. Rinneadh an fiosrĂș seo i mĂ­ na Bealtaine 2004. Ina dhiaidh sin mhol an StiĂșrthĂłir go nglacfaĂ­ gnĂ­omh smachta i gcoinne an Oifigigh RiarachĂĄin agus i gcoinne Cheann na RannĂłige. TĂĄ an tOifigeach RiarachĂĄin agus Ceann na RannĂłige araon ag cur i gcoinne an ghnĂ­omh smachta. BhĂ­ imnĂ­ orm go raibh faillĂ­ thromchĂșiseach i rialachas sa chĂĄs seo sa mhĂ©id: ‱ nĂĄr coimeĂĄdadh cĂłras Ă©ifeachtach mhonatĂłireacht, rialĂș agus cheadĂș chostas taistil agus cothaithe ‱ gur chosĂșil gur bheag eolais a bhĂ­ ag bainisteoirĂ­ a bhĂ­ ag deimhniĂș Ă©ileamh ar riachtanais taistil Ă©ilitheoirĂ­ agus mar sin nach raibh siad i staid chun na hĂ©ilimh sin a ĂșdarĂș le hintinn mhaith ‱ go raibh an staid rialaithe easnamhach i gcaoi nĂĄr fhrithghnĂ­omhaigh an bhainistĂ­ocht go pras agus go cuĂ­ maidir leis an gcomhartha bhunaidh go bhfĂ©adfadh calaois a bheith ann ‱ nĂĄr dhĂ©ileĂĄil an bhainistĂ­ocht go cuĂ­ leis an scĂ©al nuair a fuarthas amach go raibh calaois ann i 2002.

D’fhiagraigh mĂ© de StiĂșrthĂłir an ÚdarĂĄis: 1. conas ar theip ar an staid rialaithe ag an Ionad, thar thrĂ©imhse sĂ© bhliana dĂ©ag beagnach, teacht ar Ă©ilimh taistil do thurais nach ndearnadh. 2. cĂ© acu an raibh nĂłsanna imeachta i scrĂ­bhinn ag Teagasc chun dĂ©ileĂĄil le calaoisĂ­ agus mĂ­rialtachtaĂ­ a aimsĂ­odh agus cĂ© acu ar leanadh iad sin. 3. cĂ© acu ar tugadh na litreacha gan ainm chun aird an IniĂșchĂłra InmheĂĄnaigh agus an Choiste IniĂșchta go pras, agus mĂĄ tugadh, cĂ©n toradh a bhĂ­ leis sin. 4. cĂ©n fĂĄth nĂĄr iarradh aon aisghabhĂĄil maidir leis na hĂ©ilimh mhĂ©adaithe. 5. cĂ©n gnĂ­omh breise a bheartaĂ­tear i dtĂ©armaĂ­ ‱ tuairisciĂș an ÚdarĂĄis ar, agus frithghnĂ­omhĂș ar, theipeanna rialaithe a neartĂș. ‱ a chinntiĂș go bhfuil bainisteoirĂ­ soilĂ©ir maidir lena ndualgais i dtaca le dĂ©ileĂĄil le cĂĄsanna calaoise nĂł le hamhras calaoise.

Freagra an StiĂșrthĂłra Chuir an StiĂșrthĂłir in iĂșl dom go raibh an teip sa staid rialaithe inchurtha i leith chultĂșr muinĂ­ne nach raibh tuillte a bhĂ­ ag comhaltaĂ­ tĂĄbhachtacha ĂĄirithe den bhainistĂ­ocht ag an Ionad in ionrachas roinnt den fhoireann. BhĂ­ an fĂłcas bainistĂ­ochta ar oibrĂ­ochtaĂ­ le haird easpach ar rialaithe airgeadais. DĂșirt an StiĂșrthĂłir nach bhfuil nĂłsanna imeachta i scrĂ­bhinn ag Teagasc chun dĂ©ileĂĄil le calaois a aimsĂ­tear agus go rabhthas ag brath go dtĂ­ seo ar an mbainistĂ­ocht ĂĄitiĂșil chun tĂșs a chur le gnĂ­omh cuĂ­ nuair a aimsĂ­odh calaois nĂł go raibh barĂșil ann gur tharla a leithĂ©id. In eachtra IĂșil 2002, leanadh na gnĂĄthnĂłsanna imeachta a mbeifĂ­ ag sĂșil leo. Chuir an StiĂșrthĂłir in iĂșl dom nĂĄr tugadh an chĂ©ad litir gan ainm chun aird an IniĂșchĂłra InmheĂĄnaigh in 2002 ach gur dhĂ©ileĂĄil an StiĂșrthĂłir lĂ©i trĂ­d an RannĂłg Phearsanra agus trĂ­ bhainistĂ­ocht an Ionaid. Tugadh an dara litir gan ainm a fuarthas i mĂ­ na Bealtaine 2003 chun aird an IniĂșchĂłra InmheĂĄnaigh go pras a chuir tĂșs le fiosrĂș lĂĄithreach agus a d’eisigh rĂ©amhthuarascĂĄil don bhainistĂ­ocht ar 8 IĂșil 2003. Cuireadh in iĂșl don Choiste IniĂșchta ag an gcruinniĂș ina dhiaidh sin i mĂ­ MheĂĄn FĂłmhair 2003 go raibh an fiosrĂș ar siĂșl i cĂłnaĂ­ agus i mĂ­ na Samhna 2003 d’eisigh an tIniĂșchĂłir InmheĂĄnach tuarascĂĄil ag cur mĂ©ide ar na hĂ©ilimh bhrĂ©agacha. PhlĂ©igh an Coiste IniĂșchta an cheist ag cruinniĂș mhĂ­ na Bealtaine 2004 agus leag an StiĂșrthĂłir agus an StiĂșrthĂłir RiarachĂĄin amach na nĂłsanna imeachta smachta a bhĂ­ ĂĄ dtionscnamh i gcoinne an oifigigh agus dhĂĄ chomhalta den bhainistĂ­ocht ag an Ionad.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Maidir leis an gcinneadh gan leanĂșint ar aghaidh le haisghabhĂĄil na mĂ©ideanna iomarcacha a Ă­ocadh i dtaca le hĂ©ilimh mhĂ©adaithe, dĂșirt an StiĂșrthĂłir gur ghnĂ­omhaigh an comhalta agus Ceann na RannĂłige araon ar an mbarĂșil Ă©igeart go raibh siad ag dĂ©anamh de rĂ©ir an rialachĂĄin maidir leis na mĂ©ideanna a Ă©ilĂ­odh. I dtosca aontĂș bainistĂ­ochta a bheith ann, measadh nach bhfĂ©adfaĂ­ an cheist a leanĂșint. Maidir le gnĂ­omh breise beartaithe, dĂșirt an StiĂșrthĂłir: ‱ go ndearnadh iniĂșchadh ar Ă©ilimh oifigeach eile le linn an fhiosraithe ag an Ionad. D’iarr an Ceannoifig freisin ar Cheann an Ionaid athbhreithniĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar na hĂ©ilimh taistil go lĂ©ir ag an Ionad. NĂ­or thĂĄinig an t-athbhreithniĂș seo ar aon Ă©ilimh bhrĂ©agacha bhreise ag an Ionad. CuimsĂ­onn gach tasc iniĂșchta inmheĂĄnaigh scrĂșdĂș cuimsitheach ar Ă©ilimh taistil agus cothaithe. ÁirĂ­tear sa phlean iniĂșchta le haghaidh 2004, a cheadaigh an Coiste InmheĂĄnach i mĂ­ Feabhra 2004, solĂĄthar d’iniĂșchadh sonrach ar chaiteachas taistil agus cothaithe. ‱ TuairiscĂ­tear teipeanna rialaithe a aithnĂ­tear sa ghnĂĄthshlĂ­ le linn obair an StiĂșrthĂłra InmheĂĄnaigh chuig an mbainistĂ­ocht ĂĄitiĂșil ar dtĂșs agus tugtar deis dĂłibh freagra a thabhairt ar na pointĂ­ a ardaĂ­odh san iniĂșchadh sula bhfoilsĂ­tear an tuarascĂĄil IniĂșchta InmheĂĄnaigh agus sula scaiptear Ă­ ar an gCoiste IniĂșchta ina dhiaidh sin. DĂ©anann an tIniĂșchĂłir InmheĂĄnach obair leanta tar Ă©is trĂ©imhse sĂ© mhĂ­ lena chinntiĂș go ndeachthas i gcion ar laigeachtaĂ­ a aithnĂ­odh sa chĂłras rialaithe. Measann Teagasc go bhfuil an prĂłiseas seo Ă©ifeachtach. ‱ NeartĂłfar nĂłsanna imeachta chun dĂ©ileĂĄil le teipeanna rialaithe a aithnĂ­tear lasmuigh den phrĂłiseas IniĂșchta InmheĂĄnaigh. ‱ Scaipfear nĂłsanna imeachta i scrĂ­bhinn chun dĂ©ileĂĄil le calaois agus le mĂ­rialtachtaĂ­ agus cuirfear i bhfeidhm iad go fuinniĂșil.

2. Coimhlint leasa fostaĂ­ D’ĂșsĂĄid ionad taighde de chuid an ÚdarĂĄis foinse eiseach chun obair a dhĂ©anamh a bhain le gabhĂĄil, breacadh, dĂ©anamh bailĂ­ agus tuairisciĂș sonraĂ­ rĂ­omhaireachta “ar an bhfeirm” Ăł 1995. Ba phĂĄirtĂ­ocht an solĂĄthraĂ­ seirbhĂ­se, go dtĂ­ 1999, ina raibh leas ag fostaĂ­ de chuid an Ionaid de 50% ar a laghad. Ó 1999 ba chuideachta Ă© an solathraĂ­ seirbhĂ­se ina bhfuil 50% de na scaireanna ag an bhfostaĂ­. Tugadh an conradh don obair seo gan tairiscint. NĂłtaĂ­onn tuarascĂĄil IniĂșchta InmheĂĄnaigh: ‱ gur aontaigh an fostaĂ­ nĂĄr nochtaigh sĂ© a leas sa chuideachta do StiĂșrthĂłir Teagasc ach go ndearbhaĂ­onn sĂ© go raibh an StiĂșrthĂłir OibrĂ­ochtaĂ­ agus Ceann an Ionaid ar an eolas faoina nasc leis an gcuideachta/leis an bpĂĄirtĂ­ocht agus nĂĄr sĂ©anadh Ă© seo. ‱ go ndearna an fostaĂ­ forĂ©ileamh ar sheirbhĂ­sĂ­ Ăłn gcuideachta agus gur dhearbhaigh sĂ© Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ di in 2003. ‱ go ndearna an fostaĂ­ obair rialĂș cĂĄilĂ­ochta thar ceann na cuideachta agus go raibh baint aige leis an anailĂ­s ar shonraĂ­. Ba Ă© an tsuim a Ă­ocadh leis an gcuideachta Ăł 1999 nĂĄ €233,610. Ba Ă© an tsuim a Ă­ocadh idir 1995 agus 1999 nĂĄ €102,605. Le hĂ©ifeacht Ăł 30 Meitheamh 2004 d’éirigh Teagasc as ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as seirbhĂ­sĂ­ na cuideachta seo agus tĂĄthar ag sĂșil leis go ndĂ©anfar socruithe eile. NĂ­ raibh aon fhianaise ann gur glacadh aon ghnĂ­omh smachta nĂĄ gur breithnĂ­odh a leithĂ©id maidir leis an gceist seo. BhĂ­ imnĂ­ orm go raibh an chosĂșlacht ar an scĂ©al maidir leis na socruithe seo ‱ gur sĂĄrĂș iad ar choinnĂ­ollacha fostaĂ­ochta an fhostaĂ­ a Ă©ilĂ­onn go dtugann sĂ© a chuid ama ar fad dĂĄ dhualgais mar fhostaĂ­ agus nach mbĂ­onn sĂ© ag gabhĂĄil d’fhostaĂ­ocht sheachrach nĂł do ghnĂł seachtrach. ‱ go raibh siad contrĂĄrtha leis an gCĂłd Cleachtais do Rialachas ChomhlachtaĂ­ StĂĄit a Ă©ilĂ­onn go nglacann ComhlachtaĂ­ StĂĄit cĂłd iompair a chuirfidh cosc, inter alia, ar bhaint a bheith ag fostaithe le fostaĂ­ocht sheachtrach/ leasanna gnĂł seachtracha atĂĄ i gcoimhlint le gnĂł an chomhlachta nĂł go bhfuil an cumas coimhlinte ann.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

D’fhiafraigh mĂ© de StiĂșrthĂłir an ÚdarĂĄis: 1. Maidir leis an mbainistĂ­ocht ĂĄitiĂșil cĂ©n fĂĄth ‱ ar lig siad don fhostaĂ­ seirbhĂ­sĂ­ a fhorĂ©ileamh Ăłn gcuideachta agus Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ chuici a dhearbhĂș. ‱ nĂĄr iarr siad luachanaĂ­ nĂł nĂĄr thug siad faoi phrĂłiseas iomaĂ­och tairsceana maidir leis na seirbhĂ­sĂ­. ‱ nĂĄr chuir siad an choimhlint leasa ag eascairt as fostĂș an fhostaĂ­ ag Teagasc agus as an mbaint a bhĂ­ aige leis an gcuideachta in iĂșl don ÚdarĂĄs. 2. Cad iad na cĂ©imeanna atĂĄ glactha ag an ÚdarĂĄs chun CĂłd Iompar GnĂł a chur i gcrĂ­ch mar a Ă©ilĂ­onn an CĂłd Cleachtais. 3. CĂ©n gnĂ­omh atĂĄ glactha chun coimhlintĂ­ eile a d’fhĂ©adfadh a bheith ann a aithint agus chun dĂ©ileĂĄil leo.

Freagra an StiĂșrthĂłra Maidir le gnĂ­omhaĂ­ochtaĂ­ na bainistĂ­ochta ĂĄitiĂșla dĂșĂ­rt an StiĂșrthĂłir: ‱ nach bhfuil aon stĂĄdas i dTeagasc ag forĂ©ilimh a dhĂ©anann duine aonair mura n-ĂșdaraĂ­onn an Ceann RannĂłige nĂł Ceann an Ionaid Ă©. I ndiaidh ĂșdarĂș forĂ©ilimh dĂ©antar an t-ordĂș ceannaigh. NĂ­ fĂ©idir Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ a dhearbhĂș mura leantar an nĂłs imeachta thuas maidir le fĂĄil na seirbhĂ­se. Sa chĂĄs seo dhearbhaigh an fostaĂ­ roinnt de na hĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ mar gheall ar nĂĄdĂșr na seirbhĂ­se a solĂĄthraĂ­odh. NĂ­or chĂłir go ligfĂ­ do seo tarlĂș i gcĂĄs go raibh an bhainistĂ­ocht ar an eolas faoin mbaint a bhĂ­ ag an bhfostaĂ­ le solĂĄthar na seirbhĂ­se. ‱ LorgaĂ­odh luachan ar dtĂșs agus thug gnĂłthas an fhostaĂ­ lĂ©argas mionsonraithe ar an tseirbhĂ­s a bhĂ­ le solĂĄthar. Mheas an bhainistĂ­ocht ĂĄitiĂșil ag an am sin gur luach maith ar airgead a bhĂ­ ann. NĂ­or mhĂ©adaigh costas na seirbhĂ­se seo de rĂ©ir boilscithe thar na blianta. D’éirigh sĂ© an- deacair smaoineamh ar lĂĄmh a bheith i bprĂłiseas iomaĂ­och nĂ­os forleathana mar gheall ar nĂĄdĂșr fĂ­orshainfheidhme agus fĂ­or-logĂĄnta na seirbhĂ­se a solĂĄthraĂ­odh. BhĂ­ sĂ© ag teastĂĄil Ăłn solĂĄthraĂ­ seirbhĂ­se go mbeadh eolas fĂ­orshainfheidhme aige ar chĂłrais thaifeadta thaighde ainmhithe agus ba ghĂĄ dĂł bogearraĂ­ rĂ­omhaireachta fĂ­orshainfheidhme a ĂșsĂĄid. ‱ Chuaidh an bhainistĂ­ocht i mbun roinnt tionscnamh chun deireadh a chur leis an spleĂĄchas ar an gcur chuige thuas maidir le fĂĄil agus dĂ©anamh bailĂ­ thaifid feirme. NĂ­ go dtĂ­ go raibh cĂłras chun taifeadadh agus aistriĂș sonraĂ­ thar lĂ­nte teileafĂłin go dtĂ­ bunachar sonraĂ­ lĂĄrnach forbartha a bhĂ­ Teagasc i riocht chun Ă©irĂ­ as feidhm a bhaint as seirbhĂ­sĂ­ ghnĂłthas an fhostaĂ­. NĂ­ raibh gĂĄ leis na seirbhĂ­sĂ­ a thuilleadh Ăł IĂșil 2004. ‱ TĂĄ an StiĂșrthĂłir OibrĂ­ochtaĂ­ a bhĂ­ freagrach as an obair seo ar dtĂșs Ă©irithe as Teagasc. NĂ­l aon chuntas ann gur chuir sĂ© in iĂșl don StiĂșrthĂłir a bhĂ­ ann ag an am nĂł don ÚdarĂĄs go raibh coimhlint leasa ann idir fhostĂș an fhostaĂ­ ag Teagasc agus an bhaint a bhĂ­ aige leis an ngnĂłthas seo. Ghlac bainisteoirĂ­ a thĂĄinig ina dhiaidh sin gur dĂ©ileĂĄladh leis an gceist seo san am a bhĂ­ thart agus dhĂ­righ siad ar spleĂĄchas Teagasc ar an gcineĂĄl seo seirbhĂ­se a chur as an tslĂ­.

DĂșirt an StiĂșrthĂłir go bhfuil sĂ© beartaithe ag an ÚdarĂĄs CĂłd Iompar GnĂł a ullmhĂș agus a chur i gcrĂ­ch in 2004. Chuir sĂ© in iĂșl dom freisin go bhfuil tĂșs curtha le prĂłiseas smachta maidir leis an gcomhalta den fhoireann i gceist, maidir le Ceann an Ionaid agus maidir leis an StiĂșrthĂłir OibrĂ­ochtaĂ­. Maidir le coimhlintĂ­ leasa eile a d’fhĂ©adfadh a bheith ann a aithint agus dĂ©ileĂĄil leo, dĂșirt an StiĂșrthĂłir gur gĂĄ d’oifigigh shonraithe de rĂ©ir na nAchtanna um EiticĂ­ in Oifig PhoiblĂ­ 1995 go 2001 dearbhĂș ( RĂĄiteas Leasa) a chur ar fĂĄil gach bliain maidir le haon leasanna a d’fhĂ©adfaĂ­ an bhrĂ­ a bhaint astu go raibh siad i gcoimhlint le leasanna Teagasc. Iarrtar ar gach fostaĂ­ ar thosach a chuid oibre le Teagasc conradh fostaĂ­ochta a shĂ­niĂș. TĂĄ clĂĄsal leithleachais i ngach conradh fostaĂ­ochta ina ndĂ©antar soilĂ©ir nĂĄr chĂłir don oifigeach bheith i mbun aon fhostaĂ­ochta nĂł ghnĂłthais seachas a gcuid fostaĂ­ochta le Teagasc.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

ClĂșdaĂ­onn RialachĂĄin Cheannach agus Oibreacha TĂłgĂĄla Teagasc (Bealtaine 2003) cĂșinsĂ­ eitice maidir le dĂ©ileĂĄil le solĂĄthrĂłirĂ­. Is gĂĄ don fhoireann a mbĂ­onn aon bhaint acu le solĂĄthrĂłirĂ­ iarbhĂ­r nĂł le solĂĄthrĂłirĂ­ a d’fhĂ©adfadh a bheith ann a leas a chur in iĂșl don StiĂșrthĂłir agus don StiĂșrthĂłir OibrĂ­ochtaĂ­ i gceist agus a chinntiĂș nach dtĂ©ann siad i gcion ar bhealach ar bith maidir le gnĂł Teagasc a thabhairt do na solĂĄthrĂłirĂ­ sin. FĂ©achann fiosraithe IniĂșchta InmheĂĄnaigh le haon staideanna a raibh ann ina bhfĂ©adfadh coimhlint leasa Ă©irĂ­ astu a nochtĂș.

John Purcell Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste 21 MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2004


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

RĂĄiteas um RialĂș InmheĂĄnach Airgeadais Ar son ÚdarĂĄs Teagaisc admhaĂ­mse go bhfuil sĂ© de dhualgas orainn a chinntiĂș go ndĂ©anfar cĂłras Ă©ifeachtach rialaithe airgeadais inmheĂĄnaigh a chothabhĂĄil agus a oibriĂș. NĂ­ fĂ©idir le cĂłras rialaithe airgeadais inmheĂĄnaigh ar bith ach dearbhĂș rĂ©asĂșnach – seachas dearbhĂș daingean – a chur ar fĂĄil i gcoinne earrĂĄide ĂĄbhartha nĂĄ rĂĄiteas Ă©ithigh nĂĄ cailliĂșna. Ag cur Ă©ifeachtacht rialaithe airgeadais inmheĂĄnaigh san ĂĄireamh, tugann an tÚdarĂĄs aitheantas do na riachtanais a bhaineann leis an gCĂłd Cleachtais um Rialachas ComhlachtaĂ­ StĂĄit, i measc nithe eile. ThĂłg an tÚdarĂĄs cĂ©imeanna lena chinntiĂș go mbeidh timpeallacht oiriĂșnach rialaithe i gceist trĂ­: ‱ sainmhĂ­niĂș soilĂ©ir a thabhairt ar dhualgais, ar ĂșdarĂĄs agus ar fhreagracht lucht bainistĂ­ochta. ‱ nĂłsanna imeachta foirmiĂșla a leagan sĂ­os i dtaca le monatĂłireacht agus le cosaint sĂłcmhainnĂ­ Theagaisc. ‱ cultĂșr freagrachta a fhorbairt i dtaca le gach leibhĂ©al den eagraĂ­ocht. TĂĄ prĂłisis curtha ar bun ag an ÚdarĂĄs chun rioscaĂ­ gnĂł taobh istigh de Theagasc a aithint agus tĂĄ monatĂłireacht ĂĄ dĂ©anamh ag an ÚdarĂĄs ar na rioscaĂ­ sin i lĂĄthair na huaire. TĂĄ an cĂłras rialaithe airgeadais inmheĂĄnaigh bunaithe ar chreatlach de thuairisciĂș rialta bainistĂ­ochta, de nĂłsanna imeachta riarachĂĄin (leithscaradh dualgas san ĂĄireamh) agus de chĂłras tarmligin agus freagrachta. Ina measc sin tĂĄ: ‱ cĂłras cuimsitheach tuairisciĂș bliantĂșil buisĂ©adaithe agus airgeadais a ndĂ©anann an tÚdarĂĄs athbhreithniĂș agus faomhadh ina leith; ‱ athbhreithnithe rialta a dhĂ©anann an tÚdarĂĄs ar straitĂ©is fhoriomlĂĄn, ar phleananna gnĂł agus airgeadais agus ar athraithis i gcoinne buisĂ©id ghnĂ­omhaĂ­ochta agus chaipitil. TĂĄ feidhm inmheĂĄnach iniĂșchta ag Teagasc, a ghnĂ­omhaĂ­onn de rĂ©ir riachtanais an ChĂłd Cleachtais um Rialachas ComhlachtaĂ­ StĂĄit agus de rĂ©ir na gcritĂ©ir Ă©ifeachtachta faoi mar atĂĄ leagtha sĂ­os i RĂĄiteas StraitĂ©ise Theagaisc, a foilsĂ­odh i mĂ­ na Samhna 2003. CoinnĂ­tear obair an iniĂșchta inmheĂĄnaigh ar an eolas trĂ­ anailĂ­s a dhĂ©anamh ar na rioscaĂ­ a bhaineann le Teagasc agus bunaĂ­tear pleananna an iniĂșchta inmheĂĄnaigh bhliantĂșil ar an anailĂ­s sin. Is Ă© an Coiste IniĂșchta a cheadaĂ­onn na pleananna iniĂșchta inmheĂĄnaigh. CoinnĂ­tear monatĂłireacht agus athbhreithniĂș an ÚdarĂĄis, i leith Ă©ifeachtacht an chĂłras rialaithe um airgeadas inmheĂĄnach, ar an eolas, trĂ­ obair an iniĂșchĂłra inmheĂĄnaigh, trĂ­ obair an Choiste IniĂșctha a dhĂ©anann maoirseacht ar obair an iniĂșchĂłra inmheĂĄnaigh, trĂ­ obair bhainisteoirĂ­ feidhmiĂșchĂĄin Teagaisc a bhĂ­onn freagrach as forbairt agus as cothabhĂĄil an chreatlach rialaithe airgeadais agus trĂ­ rĂĄitis a eisĂ­onn an tArd-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste ina litir bhainistĂ­ochta. NĂ­ dhearnadh athbhreithniĂș sainiĂșil ar bith ar rialĂș inmheĂĄnach sa bhliain 2003. TĂĄ sĂ© i gceist ag an ÚdarĂĄs athbhreithniĂș a chur ar bun sa bhliain 2004.

Dr Tom O'Dwyer, Cathaoirleach 14 MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2004 54

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

RĂĄiteas i leith Dualgais an ÚdarĂĄis Faoi Alt 12 (1) den Acht TalmhaĂ­ochta (Taighde, OiliĂșint agus Comhairle), 1988, nĂ­ mĂłr don ÚdarĂĄs rĂĄitis airgeadais a ullmhĂș sa chaoi go mbeidh an tAire TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia in ann iad a cheadĂș i gcomhar leis an Aire Airgeadais. Le linn dĂł na raitis airgeadais sin a ullmhĂș, nĂ­ mĂłr don ÚdarĂĄs: ‱ polasaithe oiriĂșnacha cuntasaĂ­ochta a roghnĂș agus iad a chur i bhfeidhm go comhsheasmhach; ‱ breithiĂșnais agus meastachĂĄin rĂ©asĂșnacha stuama a thabairt; ‱ rĂĄitis airgeadais a ullmhĂș ar bhonn gnĂłthais leantaigh, ach amhĂĄin mĂĄ bhĂ­onn sĂ© neamhoiriĂșnach a bheith ag toimhdiĂș go leanfaidh Teagasc de bheith ag feidhmiĂș. ‱ imeacht ĂĄbhartha ar bith Ăł chaighdeĂĄin infheidhmithe chuntasĂ­ochta a chur in iĂșl agus a mhĂ­niĂș.

TĂĄ an tÚdarĂĄs freagrach as leabhair chuntasaĂ­ochta a choinneĂĄil de rĂ©ir mar is ceart agus cuntas rĂ©asĂșnta a choinneĂĄil iontu faoi staid airgeadais Teagaisc ag aon am ar bith, agus a bheith in ann a chinntiĂș go gcomhlĂ­onann na rĂĄitis airgeadais ceanglais reachtĂșla. CoimeĂĄdtar na leabhair chuntasaĂ­ochta i gceanncheathrĂș an ÚdarĂĄis ag 19 Ascall Dumhach ThrĂĄ, Baile Átha Cliath 4. Anuas air sin tĂĄ an tÚdarĂĄs freagrach as sĂłcmhainnĂ­ Theagaisc a chosaint agus as cĂ©imeanna rĂ©asĂșnacha a thĂłgĂĄil chun cosc a chur ar chalaois agus ar ghnĂ­omhartha neamhrialta eile agus iad a aimsiĂș.

Dr Tom O’Dwyer

James Beecher


Ball Údaráis

14 MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2004


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Polasaithe CuntasaĂ­ochta Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003

Is iad seo a leanas na polasaithe cuntasaĂ­ochta atĂĄ uchtaithe ag Teagasc:

(a) Bonn CuntasaĂ­ochta UllmhaĂ­odh na RĂĄitis ChuntasaĂ­ochta de rĂ©ir an ghnĂĄs costais stairiĂșil, faoi rĂ©ir sĂłcmhainnĂ­ ĂĄirithe a bheith san ĂĄireamh ag am luachĂĄla (fĂ©ach NĂłta 13).

(b) CistiĂș StĂĄit Tugtar cuntas ar ChistiĂș StĂĄit i leith Taighde in earnĂĄil an Bhia agus i leith an chlĂĄir um thaighde comhoibrithe SpreagthaĂ­ ar bhonn fabhraithe. Tugtar cuntas ar chistiĂș ar bith eile Ăłn StĂĄt ar bhonn fĂĄltais airgid.

(c) Ioncam AE Tógtar deontais ó Chiste Sóisialta na hEorpa i dtaca le hioncaim ar bhonn an chéad agus an dara híocaíocht de chuid éileamh na bliana reatha, mar aon le tråthchuid dheireanach na bliana roimh sin. Tugtar cuntas ar dheontais AE eile ar bhonn fabhraithe.

(d) Ioncam OibriĂșchĂĄin Tugtar cuntas ar ioncam i leith seirbhĂ­sĂ­ comhairleacha ar bhonn fĂĄltais airgid. Tugtar cuntas ar ioncam oibriĂșchĂĄin eile ar bhonn fabhraithe. (e) SĂłcmhainnĂ­ Seasta agus DĂ­mheas InlĂĄimhsithe (i)

SĂłcmhainnĂ­ ÚinĂ©ara Glacadh seilbh ar shĂłcmhainnĂ­ Ăłn gComhairle OiliĂșna TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Ăłn bhForas TalĂșntais ar 8Ăș MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 1988 de rĂ©ir na luachanna dĂșnta a lĂ©irĂ­odh ar chlĂĄir chomhardaithe na n-eagraĂ­ochtaĂ­ sin. Luaitear suimithe de rĂ©ir an bhunchostais.

(ii) DĂ­mheas NĂ­ thagann dĂ­mheas ar thalamh. DĂ©antar costas luachĂĄla sĂłcmhainnĂ­ seasta a chealĂș de rĂ©ir trĂĄthchodanna comhionanna os cionn a n-ionchas saoil ĂșsĂĄidigh mar seo a leanas: Foirgnimh Fheirme

20 bliain

Foirgnimh Eile

50 bliain

Gléasra agus Feithiclí Fearas Ríomhaireachta Fearas Saotharlainne agus Oifige

5 bliain 3 bliain 10 bliain

DĂ©antar sĂłcmhainnĂ­ a mbĂ­onn seilbh orthu faoi lĂ©asanna airgeadais a dhĂ­mheas thar an trĂ©imhse lĂ©asaithe, nuair a bhĂ­onn sĂ© sin nĂ­os gairide nĂĄ a n-ionchas saoil ĂșsĂĄidigh. DĂ©antar tĂĄille dĂ­mheasa leathbhliana a ghearradh in aghaidh gach bliain Ă©adĂĄla agus diĂșscartha sĂłcmhainnĂ­. (iii) SĂłchmhainnĂ­ LĂ©asaithe DĂ©antar sĂłcmhainnĂ­ seasta faoi lĂ©asanna airgeadais a lĂĄimhseĂĄil de rĂ©ir an pholasaĂ­ thuasluaite faoi ‘sĂłcmhainnĂ­ seasta’. Cuirtear an ghnĂ© chaipitiĂșil a bhaineann le dualgais chĂ­osa san ĂĄireamh faoi ‘dliteanais’; agus dĂ©antar gnĂ© an Ășis a chur le ‘caiteachas’ thar thrĂ©imhse an bhunlĂ©asa. DĂ©antar cĂ­os ar lĂ©asanna a bhĂ­onn i bhfeidhm a chur le ‘caiteachas’ de rĂ©ir mar a Ă©irĂ­onn sĂ©.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

(g) Stoc Rinne oifigigh Theagaisc luachĂĄil ar stoc. DĂ©antar beostoc agus tĂĄirgeadh pearsanta feirme a mheas de rĂ©ir glanluach inrĂ©adaithe. DĂ©antar glanluach inrĂ©adaithe a oibriĂș amach ar bhonn ainmhithe a dhĂ­olfaĂ­ chun a maraithe. DĂ©antar lĂ©iriĂș iomlĂĄn gnĂłthĂșchan agus caillteanais, a Ă©irĂ­onn Ăłn luachĂĄil sin, mar ioncam oibriĂșchĂĄin. DĂ©antar stoc ar bith eile a luachĂĄil ar bhunchostas nĂł ar ghlanluach inrĂ©adaithe.

(h) FĂ©ichiĂșnaithe DĂ©antar drochfhiacha aitheanta a chealĂș de rĂ©ir mar a Ă©irĂ­onn siad agus cuirtear solĂĄthar sainiĂșil ar fĂĄil mĂĄ bhĂ­onn amhras i gceist maidir le gnĂłthĂș.

(i) Leabharlanna agus FoilseachĂĄin NĂ­ chuirtear luach ar bith ar na leabhair i leabharlanna Theagaisc nĂĄ ar fhoilseachĂĄin nĂĄr dĂ­oladh. DĂ©antar caiteachas ar leabhair agus ar fhoilseachĂĄin a chealĂș sa trĂ©imhse ina dtarlaĂ­onn sĂ©.

(j) AoisliĂșntas DĂ©antar teidlĂ­ochtaĂ­ fhostaithe Theagaisc agus a chuid rĂ©amhtheachtaithe a sholĂĄthar trĂ­ scĂ©imeanna aoisliĂșntais leasa sainmhĂ­nithe. NĂ­ dhĂ©antar solĂĄthar ar bith i leith pinsean amach anseo, agus glantar costais na scĂ©imeanna sin Ăł ioncam reatha de rĂ©ir mar a Ă©irĂ­onn siad. DĂ©antar Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ foirne i leith pinsean a fhrithĂĄireamh i gcoinne an chaiteachais sin (fĂ©ach NĂłta 9).


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Cuntas Ioncaim agus Caiteachais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003








Ioncam CistiĂș StĂĄit


Ioncam AE




Ioncam OibriĂșchĂĄin







Farasbarr/(Easnamh) ar diĂșscairt SĂłcmhainnĂ­ Seasta Deontais, Bronntanais agus Tobhach Deonach Eile













Surplus/(Easnamh) don tréimhse



ComhardĂș tugtha ar aghaidh Ăłn mBliain Roimhe



ComhardĂș Carntha ar 31Ăș Nollaig



AistriĂș Ăł/(go) Cuntas CaipitiĂșil


Baineann na suimeanna thuas go hiomlĂĄn le hoibrĂ­ochtaĂ­ leanĂșnacha. Faoi mar atĂĄ lĂ©irithe sa Chuntas thuas nĂ­l gnĂłthachain nĂĄ caillteanas aitheanta ar bith i gceist. Is cuid de na RĂĄitis Airgeadais seo iad an RĂĄiteas um Polasaithe CuntasaĂ­ochta agus nĂłtaĂ­ 1 go 24.

Dr Tom O’Dwyer

Jim Flanagan



14 MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2004


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

ClĂĄr Comhardaithe Ar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 2003





13 14

69,632 2

66,953 2









SĂłcmhainnĂ­ Seasta SĂłcmhainnĂ­ InlĂĄimhsithe SĂłcmhainnĂ­ Airgeadais

SĂłcmhainnĂ­ Reatha Stoc


FĂ©ichiĂșnaithe agus RĂ©amhĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­


Comharduithe Bainc Taiscí Gearrthéarmacha





Dliteanais Reatha (suimeanna dlite taobh istigh de bhliain) CreidiĂșnaithe agus Suimeanna Fabhraithe




Ioncam Iarchurtha




OibleagĂĄidĂ­ faoi LĂ©asanna Airgeadais










SĂłcmhainnĂ­ Reatha Glana/(Dliteanais)



SĂłcmhainnĂ­ IomlĂĄna lĂșide Dliteanais Reatha



















RĂłtharraingt Bainc IasachtaĂ­ Bainc


Dliteanais Neamhreatha (suimeanna dlite tar Ă©is bliana) OibleagĂĄidĂ­ faoi LĂ©asanna Airgeadais


Iasachtaí Bainc Dliteanais Fhadtéarmacha Eile

SĂłcmhainnĂ­ Glana Arna LĂ©iriĂș TrĂ­: Cuntas CaipitiĂșil


Cuntas Ioncaim agus Caiteachais

Is cuid de na RĂĄitis Airgeadais seo iad an RĂĄiteas um Polasaithe CuntasaĂ­ochta agus nĂłtaĂ­ 1 go 24.

Dr Tom O’Dwyer

Jim Flanagan



14 MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2004 59

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

RĂĄiteas i leith Sreabhadh Airgid Thirim Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 RĂ©iteach Farasbarr/(Easnamh) OibriĂșchĂĄin i gcoinne Glansreabhadh Airgid Thirim Ăł GhnĂ­omhaĂ­ochtaĂ­ OibriĂșchĂĄin 2003 €000 24,435 5,102 2,863 15 (125) (16,920) 15 470 (238) 15 15,632

2002 €000 (7,997) 4,762 10,258 56 (71) 267 (84) (378) 2,861 (246) 9,428



Ús Íoctha Ús Faighte

(15) 125

(53) 131

Eis-Sreabhadh Airgid Ghlan Ăł ThorthaĂ­ ar InfheistĂ­ochtaĂ­ agus ar ChothabhĂĄil Airgeadais



(8,583) 17,743

(15,077) 88



(2) (203)

(5) (293)







24,697 (5,699)

(5,781) 82



NĂłta Farasbarr/(Easnamh) OibriĂșchĂĄin DĂ­mheas AistriĂș go Cuntas CaipitiĂșil Ús Íoctha Ús Faighte (Ús)/Caillteanas ar dhĂ­olachĂĄn sĂłcmhainnĂ­ seasta (MĂ©adĂș)/LaghdĂș Stoic (MĂ©adĂș)/LaghdĂș FĂ©ichiĂșnaithe (LaghdĂș)MĂ©adĂș CreidiĂșnaithe MĂ©adĂș/(LaghdĂș) ar Ioncam Iarchurtha Insreabhadh Airgid Ghlan Ăł GhnĂ­omhaĂ­ochtaĂ­ OibriĂșchĂĄin

RÁITEAS SREABHADH AIRGID THIRIM Sreabhadh Airgid Ghlan Ăł GhnĂ­omhaĂ­ochtaĂ­ OibriĂșchĂĄin

Toradh ar InfheistĂ­ochtaĂ­ agus ar ChothabhĂĄil Airgeadais

GnĂ­omhaĂ­ochtaĂ­ Infheistithe ÍocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ um ghnĂłthĂș sĂłcmhainnĂ­ inlĂĄimhsithe AdmhĂĄlacha um dhiĂșscairt sĂłcmhainnĂ­ inlĂĄimhsithe Insreabhadh (Eis-Sreabhadh) Airgid Thirim Ăł GhnĂ­omhaĂ­ochtaĂ­ OibriĂșchĂĄin

MaoiniĂș AisĂ­ocaĂ­ochtai ar IasachtaĂ­ Maoine GnĂ© ChaipitiĂșil de chuid Ă­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ LĂ©asanna Airgeadais

Eis-Sreabhadh Airgid Ghlan Ăł MhaoiniĂș MĂ©adĂș/(LaghdĂș) Airgid Thirim RĂ©iteach Sreabhadh Airgid Ghlan i dtaca le gluaiseacht chistĂ­ glana/(fiacha) MĂ©adĂș/(LaghdĂș) airgid thirim CistĂ­/(fiacha) glana ar 1Ăș EanĂĄir

CistĂ­/(fiacha) glana ar 31Ăș Nollaig


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 3Ăș Nollaig 2003 1. Teagasc (An tÚdarĂĄs um Fhorbairt TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bhia) BunaĂ­odh Teagasc (an tÚdarĂĄs um Fhorbairt TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bhia) faoin Acht TalmhaĂ­ochta (Taidhe, OiliĂșint agus Comhairle), 1988. Faoi Alt 21 den Acht sin, aistrĂ­odh sĂłcmhainnĂ­ agus dlisteanais an Chomhairle OiliĂșna TalmhaĂ­ochta agus an Fhoras TalĂșntais go Teagasc nuair a bunaĂ­odh Ă©. Faoi Alt 12 den Acht nĂ­ mĂłr Cuntais a choimeĂĄd sa chaoi go mbeidh an tAire TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia in ann iad a cheadĂș i gcomhar leis an Aire Airgeadais. CeadaĂ­odh iad dĂĄ rĂ©ir sin ar 14Ăș LĂșnasa 1998.

2. CistiĂș StĂĄit LĂ©irĂ­tear an t-iomlĂĄn faoin gceannteideal thuas mar seo a leanas: 2003






Deontas i gCabhair d’aoisliĂșntas



Deontas i gCabhair d’acmhainní daonna







Deontas i leith PoiblĂ­ocht agus Feasacht Fhoraoiseachta



Deontas i leith OiliĂșint Fhoraoiseachta









VĂłta 31: TalmhaĂ­ocht agus Bia Deontas i gCabhair do chostais ghinearĂĄlta (Deontas caipitiĂșil , €4,066,487 san ĂĄireamh) (2002: € 8,466,000)

Deontas i gCabhair do thaighde bia Deontas do chlĂĄr taighde comhoibrithe Spreagtha

VĂłta 30: AcmhainnĂ­ NĂĄdĂșrtha CumarsĂĄide agus MuirĂ­

3. Ioncam AE Ba mar seo a leanas a bhĂ­ cistiĂș AE sa bhliain 2003:

ClĂĄr OibriĂșchĂĄin TalmhaĂ­ochta, Fhorbairt Tuaithe agus Foraoiseachta 1994-1999



Clár Creatlaigh V 1998 – 2002



ClĂĄr Creatlaigh VI







PĂĄ (FĂ©ach NĂłta 8) Pinsin agus AoisliĂșntais (FĂ©ach NĂłta 9) Costais Taistil agus Chothaithe Costais GhinearĂĄlta OibriĂșchĂĄin (FĂ©ach NĂłta 6) TĂĄillĂ­ Úis agus LĂ©asa DĂ­mheas (FĂ©ach NĂłta 13) Deontais do CholĂĄistĂ­ PrĂ­obhĂĄideacha Deontais do Bhord PrintĂ­seachta Feirme Deontais Eile

5. Caiteachas

1,933 3,695 11 805 48 25,593

985 3,594 62 227 4,767 589 34,136



19,101 -

227 57 175


4,565 19,347

5,692 582 473

6 65 -


23 1,036 123

1,975 4,540

21,499 -


410 102 141

5,554 1,274 352

AdmhĂĄlacha, Roinn Roinn ÚdarĂĄis, Comhairle & Comhairle & CeanncheathrĂșn OiliĂșna OiliĂșna agus NĂĄisiĂșnta an Tuaiscirt an Deiscirt €000 €000 €000

TĂĄillĂ­ i leith SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ Comhairleacha TĂĄillĂ­ Eile TrĂĄdĂĄil Bheostoic (FĂ©ach NĂłta 7) OibriĂșchĂĄin Feirmeoireachta Eile AdmhĂĄlacha CeaintĂ­n FoilseachĂĄin agus IlghnĂ©itheacha

4. Ioncam OibriĂșchĂĄin

Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003


73 1,801 1,330

1,018 7,811

23,979 -


1,576 102 96

3,028 1,393


Roinn Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­


635 440

301 2,356

5,185 -


27 -

1,835 2




598 -

164 2,495

3,536 -


13 83 (3)

332 -


Ionad Ionad TĂĄirgĂ­ NĂĄisiĂșnta DĂ©irĂ­ochta PhĂĄirc Bia UĂ­ MhĂłrdha


169 5,102 4,767 2,794

6,376 24,491

77,865 19,347


2,226 371 682


186 4,762 6,447 190 2,663

7,041 29,255

73,793 20,116


2,292 350 893

10,746 6,682 2,380

2002 €000

2003 €000 11,252 7,116 2,220



Nótaí a théann leis na Råitis Airgeadais

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

SolĂĄthairtĂ­/seirbhĂ­sĂ­ feirme CothabhĂĄil/deisiĂșchĂĄin CĂ­osanna/rĂĄtaĂ­/ĂĄrachas Post/teileafĂłn Cumhacht/breosla/peitreal SolĂĄthairtĂ­ saotharlainne ClĂłdĂłireacht/pĂĄipĂ©arachas/fĂłgraĂ­ocht SolĂĄthairtĂ­ seimineĂĄr/seomra ranga/leabharlainne SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ do ghnĂ­omhaireachtaĂ­ seachtracha SolĂĄthairtĂ­ ceaintĂ­n mac lĂ©inn agus foirne SolĂĄthairtĂ­/seirbhĂ­sĂ­ prĂłiseĂĄla sonraĂ­ TĂĄillĂ­ dlĂ­/gairmiĂșla (FĂ©ach NĂłta 10) Costais ChlĂĄir IlghnĂ©ithigh IlghnĂ©itheacha

468 673 540 620 308 6 398 180 47 210 149 8 34 54 3,695

743 208 330 36 36 668 121 66 456 933 (3)




280 91 288 51 19 104 104

722 851 607 690 311 112 310

AdmhĂĄlacha, Roinn Roinn ÚdarĂĄis, Comhairle & Comhairle & CeanncheathrĂșn OiliĂșna OiliĂșna agus NĂĄisiĂșnta an Tuaiscirt an Deiscirt €000 €000 €000

6. Anailis ar Chaiteachas ar OibriĂșchĂĄn GinearĂĄlta

Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003


187 187 130 225 338 776 29

2,101 940 969 297 612 813 207


Roinn Taighde TĂĄirgĂ­


421 31 39 34 20 289 9

462 97 82 140 627 105



24 216 114 137 72 195 23

55 462 302 58 139 632 66


Ionad Ionad TĂĄirgĂ­ NĂĄisiĂșnta DĂ©irĂ­ochta PhĂĄirc Bia UĂ­ MhĂłrdha


1,213 572 847 1,052 1,390 1,398 216


1,314 896 882 1,433 1,205 1,407 229

3,654 8,012 2,256 1,937 1,591 2,008 2,431

2002 €000

2003 €000 3,346 4,131 2,723 2,077 1,546 2,226 1,754



Nótaí a théann leis na Råitis Airgeadais

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 7. Farasbarr TrĂĄdĂĄla Beostoic












Stoc Oscailte






Deontais agus FĂłirdheontais

























LĂșide: Stoc DĂșnta

Farasbarr ar Chuntas Ioncaim agus Caiteachais (FĂ©ach NĂłta 4)

8. Foireann Ba mar seo a leanas a bhĂ­ meĂĄnlĂ­on na foirne a fostaĂ­odh le linn na bliana:

9. AoisliĂșntas Faoi MhĂ­r 9 den Acht TalmhaĂ­ochta (Taighde, OiliĂșint agus Comhairle) 1988, tugadh cead scĂ©imeanna a bhunĂș chun leasa aoisliĂșntais a chur ar fĂĄil do bhaill foirne Theagaisc agus do bhaill foirne, aistrithe go Teagasc Ăłn gComhairle OiliĂșna TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Ăłn bhForas TalĂșntais. Got dtĂ­ go mbeidh drĂ©achtscĂ©imeanna aoisliĂșntais ceadaithe ag an Aire TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia, ag an Aire Airgeadais agus ag an Oireachtas, tĂĄ scĂ©imeanna aoisliĂșntais ĂĄ gcur i bhfeidhm ag Teagasc ar bhonn riarachĂĄin. Anuas air sin riarann Teagasc dhĂĄ scĂ©im aoisliĂșntais (ScĂ©im AoisliĂșntais i leith Foirne sna ColĂĄistĂ­ TalmhaĂ­ochta 1985 agus ScĂ©im Phinsin RannĂ­ocaigh ChĂ©ilĂ­ agus PhĂĄistĂ­ na gColĂĄistĂ­ TalmhaĂ­ochta 1985) i leith baill ĂĄirithe foirne a bhĂ­onn ag obair i gColĂĄistĂ­ prĂ­obhĂĄideacha TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Gairneoireachta, a n-Ă­octar a gcuid tuarastal Ăłn StĂĄtchiste faoi ghnĂ­omhaireacht Teagaisc.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 3Ăș Nollaig 2003 Tugtar scĂ©imeanna aoisliĂșntais ar na scĂ©imeanna thuasluaite. Is as ioncam reatha Theagaisc a Ă­octar teidlĂ­ochtaĂ­ faoi na scĂ©imeanna sin agus dĂ©antar iad a shonrĂș ar an gCuntas Ioncaim agus Caiteachais, glan ar Ă­ocaĂ­octhaĂ­ aoisliĂșntais fostaithe, i leith na bliana a mbĂ­onn siad inĂ­octha. NĂ­ dhĂ©antar ciste speisialta ar bith a chothabhĂĄil, nĂĄ nĂ­ bhĂ­onn sĂłcmhainnĂ­ ar bith ar fĂĄil, chun pinsin nĂĄ aiscĂ­ a Ă­oc. NĂ­ dhĂ©antar solĂĄthar ar bith sna rĂĄitis airgeadais i leith dliteanas a Ă©irĂ­onn i dtaca le leasa a bheidh i gceist san am atĂĄ le teacht. Costais AoisliĂșntais Ba Ă© 1,178 (2002 – 1,114) meĂĄnlĂ­on na bpinsean mĂ­osĂșil a Ă­ocadh le linn na bliana. DĂ©antar costas an aoisliĂșntais a ĂĄireamh sna RĂĄitis Airgeadais mar seo a leanas:

Pinsin agus aiscĂ­ Ă­octha ÍocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ faoi ScĂ©im Dheonach Scoir Luath LĂșide: RannĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ Foirne















Leasa AoisliĂșntais Le tuairisc a thabhairt de rĂ©ir CaighdeĂĄn Tuairiscithe Airgeadais 17 i leith Leasa Scoir (socruithe idirthrĂ©imhseacha), chuaigh Teagasc i gcomhairle le hachtĂșire cĂĄilithe. D’ullmhaigh an tAchtĂșire luachĂĄil chun dlisteanais na scĂ©imeanna aoisliĂșntais a mheas ar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003. Glacadh leis na rĂ©amh-mheastachĂĄin mhĂłra airgeadais seo a leanas chun dlisteanais faoi CTS 17 a mheas: 2003


% sa bhliain

% sa bhliain

MĂ©adĂș sa rĂĄta boilscithe (a)



MĂ©adĂș sa rĂĄta tuarastail



MĂ©adĂș sa rĂĄta pinsin



Råta lascaine i leith dlisteanais scéime



Bunaithe orthu seo agus ar rĂ©amh-mheastachĂĄin eile agus trĂ­ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as modh aonadach fortheilgthe CTS 17, is mar seo a leanas atĂĄ luach na ndlisteanas i leith scĂ©imeanna pinsin: 2003




Dlisteanais charntha i leith baill ghníomhacha Scéime



Dlisteanais i leith pinsinéirí låithreacha agus i leith pinsean iarchurtha



Dlisteanas iomlĂĄn fabhraithe pinsin




Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 3Ăș Nollaig 2003 AnailĂ­s ar an mĂ©id iomlĂĄn tĂĄillĂ­ a ghearrfaĂ­ ar bhrabĂșs oibriĂșchĂĄin: €000 Costas SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ Reatha


Costas SeirbhĂ­sĂ­ don am atĂĄ thart


Socruithe agus Teorannuithe


AnailĂ­s ar an mĂ©id a d’áireofaĂ­ mar chreidmheas i leith ioncam airgeadais eile: €000 Ús ar dhlisteanais ScĂ©ime


Aisíoc ionchais ar shócmhainní Scéime


AnailĂ­s ar an mĂ©id a dtabharfaĂ­ aitheantas dĂł i rĂĄiteas iomlĂĄn gnĂłthachain agus caillteanais aitheanta (STRGL): €000 Teacht isteach iarbhĂ­r lĂșide teacht isteach ionchais ar shĂłcmhainnĂ­ ScĂ©ime:


GnĂłthachan agus caillteanas Ăł thaithĂ­:


Athruithe i réamh-mheastachåin


Caillteanas achtĂșireach a dtabharfaĂ­ aitheantas dĂł faoi STRGL


Anailís ar ghluaiseacht easnaimh le linn na bliana: €000 Easnamh ar 1.1.2003


Costais seirbhĂ­sĂ­ reatha




Costais seirbhĂ­sĂ­ san am atĂĄ thart, socruithe agus teorannuithe:


Ioncam (caillteanas) airgeadais eile:


BrabĂșs (caillteanas) achtĂșireach:


Caillteanas ar 31.12.2003


(a) Ós rud Ă© go mbĂ­onn mĂ©aduithe pinsin faoi scĂ©imeanna Theagaisc bunaithe ar mhĂ©aduithe tuarastail seachas ar mhĂ©aduithe praghsanna, nĂ­ gĂĄ rĂ©amh-mheastachĂĄn boilscithe praghsanna a thabhairt i leith na luachĂĄla seo. Ach Ăłs rud Ă© nach mĂł tagairt a dhĂ©anamh do rĂ©amh-mheastachĂĄn boilscithe faoi CTS 17, bheadh an rĂĄta thuasluaite oiriĂșnach sa chĂĄs seo.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 3Ăș Nollaig 2003 10. TĂĄille iniĂșctha Cuireadh solĂĄthar €40,150 san ĂĄireamh i dtaca le caiteachas ar luach saothair iniĂșchĂłra don bhliain 2003 (2002 €40,150).

11. Táillí agus Sochar Oifige an Údaráis Íocadh na sochair oifige seo a leanas do bhaill an Údaráis: 2003




15 91

15 89



Cathaoirleach Baill Eile

Cuirtear na figiĂșirĂ­ seo san ĂĄireamh i dtaca le caitheachas ar PhĂĄ faoi NĂłta 5 thuas.

12. Cuntas CaipitiĂșil 2003






MĂ©id caipitlithe i leith sĂłcmhainnĂ­ ceannaithe



MĂ©id glan ligthe saor ar dhiĂșscairtĂ­















ComhardĂș ar 1Ăș EanĂĄir

Aistrithe Ăł/(go) Chuntas Ioncaim agus Caiteachais

AisĂ­ochtaĂ­ochtaĂ­ ar iasachtaĂ­ maoine GnĂ© chaipitiĂșil i leith Ă­ocaĂ­octhaĂ­ ar shĂłcmhainnĂ­ lĂ©asaithe

LĂșide: Maite de rĂ©ir dĂ­mheas sĂłcmhainnĂ­

ComhardĂș ar 31Ăș Nollaig


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 13. SĂłcmhainnĂ­ Seasta InlĂĄimhsithe Talamh


Gléasra agus Fearas



















Costas NĂł LuachĂĄil Ar 1Ăș EanĂĄir 2003 ÍocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ Breise DiĂșscairtĂ­

Ar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003

42,298 121,874

DĂ­mheas Carntha Ar 1Ăș EanĂĄir 2003




Charged during period




Disposals during period







Ar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 Luach Glan de rĂ©ir na Leabhar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003





Luach Glan de rĂ©ir na Leabhar 31Ăș 31Ăș Nollaig 2003





Cuirtear san ĂĄireamh, sna comharduithe oscailte, talamh de luach 612.3 ha (1,513 acra), a d’aistrigh an Roinn TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia ar luachanna ainmniĂșla, mar aon le sĂłcmhainnĂ­ ĂĄirithe eile a ndearnadh athluachĂĄil orthu ar 31Ăș Nollaig 1975 nĂł ar 1Ăș IĂșil 1980. BĂ­onn sĂ© de chead ag Teagasc 85 ha (210 acra) talĂșn de chuid an Roinn TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia a ĂșsĂĄid agus, ag an am cĂ©anna, ĂșsĂĄideann an Roinn 16.2 ha (40 acra) de chuid Teagaisc. NĂ­ ghearrann ceachtar den dĂĄ chomhphĂĄirtĂ­ tĂĄille ar bith ar a chĂ©ile ina leith seo. TĂĄ sĂłcmhainnĂ­ ĂĄirithe atĂĄ faoi chĂșram Theagaisc faoi chosaint reachtĂșil agus nĂ­ fĂ©idir iad a dhĂ­ol. ÁirĂ­tear na figiĂșirĂ­ seo a leanas, i leith sĂłcmhainnĂ­ lĂ©asaithe, sa luach glan sĂłcmhainnĂ­ de rĂ©ir na leabhar:

GlĂ©asra agus Fearas €000 2003




Is mar seo a leanas a bhĂ­ tĂĄille dĂ­mheasa na bliana ar na sĂłcmhainnĂ­ seo: 2003





Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 14. SĂłcmhainnĂ­ Airgeadais (a) TeicneolaĂ­ocht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha Teoranta TĂĄ sealĂșchas 59% ag Teagasc i scairchaipiteal lĂĄnĂ­octha TheicneolaĂ­ocht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha Teoranta (5,100 scair ar €0.127). Is comhfhiontar Ă© an Comhlacht, a ionchorpraĂ­odh ar 18Ăș EanĂĄir 1991, idir Teagasc agus comharchumainn talmhaĂ­ochta Ă©agsĂșla. UllmhaĂ­odh rĂĄitis iniĂșchta airgeadais eile i leith an Chomhlachta agus b’iad seo a leanas torthaĂ­ na bliana dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003:

LĂĄimhdeachas BrabĂșs OibriĂșchĂĄin roimh DhĂ­mheas, Ús agus ChĂĄin DĂ­mheas (glan ar dheontais mhaite) Ús (tĂĄillĂ­)/admhĂĄlacha CĂĄin BrabĂșs/(Caillteanas) tar Ă©is CĂĄnachais Caillteanas Carntha tugtha ar aghaidh ar 31Ăș Nollaig







246 (242) 5 (1)

233 (223) 8 (1)





De rĂ©ir meabhrĂĄn comhlachais an Chomhlachta tĂĄ scairshealbhĂłirĂ­ i dteideal ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as seirbhĂ­sĂ­ an Chomhlachta ar rĂĄtaĂ­ tosaĂ­ochta. Is mar seo a leanas a bhĂ­ idirbhearta trĂĄdĂĄla idir Teagasc agus TeicneolaĂ­ocht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha Teoranta (idir chomhairliĂș, anailĂ­s agus ĂșsĂĄid a baineadh as ĂĄiseanna teicniĂșla agus ĂĄiseanna eile):












ComhardĂș gan Ă­oc ar 31Ăș Nollaig



DĂ­olachĂĄin Teagaisc le TeicneolaĂ­ocht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha Teoranta ComhardĂș gan Ă­oc ar 31Ăș Nollaig

136 40

114 54

DĂ­olachĂĄin TeicneolaĂ­ocht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha Teoranta le Teagasc (curtha san ĂĄireamh i lĂĄimhdeachas an Chomhlachta) AisghabhĂĄlacha eile Ăł Theagasc (asbhainte Ăł chostais dĂ­olachĂĄin an Chomhlachta)


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 De rĂ©ir tĂ©armaĂ­ Comhaontaithe TionscnĂłirĂ­ TheicneolaĂ­ocht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha Teoranta, geallann Teagasc go gcuirfidh sĂ© ar fĂĄil Ăłna chuid acmhainnĂ­ fĂ©in riachtanais shonraithe foirne do TheicneolaĂ­ocht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha Teoranta, mar aon le forchostais ĂĄirgiĂșlachta, stĂłrĂĄla, cuntas agus eisiltigh a fhrithgheallĂșint. Is iad seo a leanas na costais sin: 2003




183 109

155 122

Foireann Eile

ÁirĂ­tear na figiĂșirĂ­ suimithe seo i gcaiteachas Teagaisc faoi Ionad TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha (FĂ©ach NĂłtaĂ­ 5 agus 6 thuas). Is mar seo a leanas a bhaineann TeicneolaĂ­ocht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha leas as sĂłcmhainnĂ­ Theagaisc:

Costais Bhunaidh Luach Glan de rĂ©ir na Leabhar ar 31Ăș Nollaig





1,196 369

1,082 348

ÁirĂ­tear na figiĂșirĂ­ suimithe seo faoi GhlĂ©asra agus Fearas (FĂ©ach NĂłta 13 thuas). De rĂ©ir ChomhaontĂș na dTionscnĂłirĂ­, tĂĄ halla prĂłiseĂĄla Theagaisc in Ionad TĂĄirgĂ­ DĂ©irĂ­ochta PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha, mar aon le suĂ­omh tadhlach a bhfuil ĂĄiseanna breise tĂłgtha ag an gComhlacht air, curtha ar lĂ©as ag TeicneolaĂ­ocht PhĂĄirc UĂ­ MhĂłrdha Teoranta ar cĂ­os ainmniĂșil €127 in aghaidh na bliana. NĂ­or ceapadh go mbeadh sĂ© oiriĂșnach torthaĂ­ an Chomhlachta a chomhdhluthĂș.

(b) Infheistíocht Eile Tá dhá mhion-infheistíocht eile ag Teagasc i gcomharchumainn talmhaíochta, a chosnaíon ar an iomlán €1,890 (2002- €1,890).


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 15. Stoc

Beostoc Tåirgí feirme, leasachåin agus stoic bheathaithe Solåthairtí saotharlainne agus tréidliachta Ábhair foirgníochta Solåthairtí ginearålta





3,955 596 187 31 970

4,021 582 230 32 889



16. FĂ©ichiĂșnaithe

FĂ©ichiĂșnaithe TrĂĄdĂĄla Ioncam AE FĂ©ichiĂșnaithe Eile agus RĂ©amhĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­





1,161 2,131 1,626

2,586 2,163 639



Áirítear suimeanna €2,130,416 (2002– €2,163,542), infhála ón AE i leith deontais trádála, faoi Ioncam AE.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 17. CreidiĂșnaithe

CreidiĂșnaithe TrĂĄdĂĄla CreidiĂșnaithe agus Fabhraithe Eile





2,560 10,777

3,553 10,019



Áirítear na suimeanna seo a leanas, atå dlite i leith cånachais agus årachas sóisialach på-choibhneasa, san iomlån a thaispeåntar faoin gceannteideal seo:

ÍMAT agus ÁSPC Cáin Bhreisluacha Cáin Thionscal na Foirgníochta Cáin Shiarchoinneálach





1,711 2,195 9 70

1,631 142 8 30



Anuas air sin ĂĄirĂ­tear i dtaca le hiomlĂĄn na gCreidiĂșnaithe mĂ©id €358,574 (2002- €391,358), a sheasann do thaiscĂ­ gearrtĂ©armacha euro atĂĄ ĂĄ gcoinneĂĄil ar feitheamh le dĂĄileadh ar fhochonraitheoirĂ­ i dtĂ­ortha eile de chuid an AE i leith obair thaighde chonraithe.

18. Ioncam Iarchurtha DĂ©antar taighde faoi chistiĂș pobail de rĂ©ir conarthaĂ­ le hInsititĂșidĂ­ eile de chuid an StĂĄit, go hĂĄirithe leis an Roinn TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia. Faoi thĂ©armaĂ­ na gconarthaĂ­ sin nĂ­ ĂĄirĂ­tear rĂ©amhĂ­ocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ a fhaightear ag tĂșs tionscnamh mar ioncam go dtĂ­ go gcuirtear crĂ­och leis na tionscnaimh sin. B’iad seo a leanas foinsĂ­ agus mĂ©id an ioncaim iarchurtha sin ar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003:

Plean Forbartha NĂĄisiĂșnta: EarnĂĄil ThĂĄirgeach ClĂĄr OibriĂșchĂĄin 2000-2006 Roinn TalmhaĂ­ochta agus Bia – reamhĂ­ocaĂ­ocht i leith anailĂ­se






197 168

150 200



Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 19. LĂ©asanna Airgeadais (a) Ba Ă© €24,115 (2002- €38,296) iomlĂĄn na dtĂĄillĂ­ airgeadais faoi thĂ©armaĂ­ lĂ©asanna airgeadais le linn na bliana. (b) TĂĄ oibleagĂĄidĂ­ faoi thĂ©armaĂ­ lĂ©asanna airgeadais amach anseo dlite mar seo a leanas:

€000 Taobh istigh de bhliain


Taobh istigh de dhĂĄ bhliain nĂł cĂșig bliana

42 148

(c) Ar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 nĂ­ raibh ceangaltais ar bith ar Theagasc tabhairt faoi lĂ©asanna airgeadais ar bith eile i dtaca le glĂ©asra nĂĄ le fearas (2002– €24,684). (d) Ba mar seo a leanas a bhĂ­ an ghluaiseacht i dtaca le hoibleagĂĄidĂ­ lĂ©asanna airgeadais:

OibleagĂĄidĂ­ ar 1Ăș EanĂĄir LĂ©asanna nua airgeadais GnĂ© chaipitiĂșil d’íocaĂ­ochtaĂ­ ar lĂ©asanna airgeadais OibleagĂĄidĂ­ ar 31Ăș Nollaig





331 21 (204)

382 242 (293)



20. Ceangaltais ChaipitiĂșla Ar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 bhĂ­ ceangaltais chaipitiĂșla gan Ă­oc €1,002,675 (2002 – 1,035,065) ag Teagasc.

21. LĂ©asanna OibriĂșchĂĄin Ar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 bhĂ­ ceangaltais bhliantĂșla faoi lĂ©asanna oibriĂșchĂĄin neamh-inchealaithe de rĂ©ir mar atĂĄ leagtha amach anseo thĂ­os:

Talamh & Foirgnimh

Gléasra & Inneallra





368 7 236

36 2 -

404 9 236




LĂ©asanna a Ă©agann - taobh istigh de bhliain - idir dhĂĄ bhliain agus cĂșig bliana - tar Ă©is cĂșig bliana


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03

NĂłtaĂ­ a thĂ©ann leis na RĂĄitis Airgeadais Don bhliain dĂĄr chrĂ­och 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 22. AnailĂ­s ar Athruithe a tharla i leith Airgid agus i leith CoibhĂ©isigh Airgid le linn na Bliana Ar 1Ăș EanĂĄir 2003 €000

Sreabhadh Airgid €000

Ar 31Ăș Nollaig 2003 €000

622 (6,712) 391

18,510 6,219 (32)

19,132 (493) 359





Luach Scríofa síos €000

FĂĄltais lĂșide costais €000

CeanncheathrĂș, 19 Ascaill Dumhach ThrĂĄ, Áth Cliath 4




StĂĄisiĂșn Taighde BogthorthaĂ­, Cluain an RĂłistigh, Co. Loch Garman




Ionad Taighde Lullymore, RĂĄth IomghĂĄin, Co. Chill Dara




Ionad Comhairle agus OiliĂșna, An Chorr Dhubh, Lusca, Co. Bhaile Atha Cliath







Airgead sa Bhanc agus idir låmha Rótharraingt Bhainc Taiscí Gearrthéarmacha

23. DIÚSCAIRTÍ MAOINE Sa bhliain 2003 dhíol Teagasc an mhaoin seo a leanas:


FĂĄltais a ĂșsĂĄideadh chun oibreacha caipitiĂșla Theagaisc a chistiĂș, 2003:




24. Baill an ÚdarĂĄis - Nochtadh Dirbheart TĂĄ glactha ag an ÚdarĂĄs le nĂłsanna imeachta de rĂ©ir treoirlĂ­nte an Roinn Airgeadais i leith nochtadh spĂ©ise bhaill an ÚdarĂĄis agus cloĂ­onn an tÚdarĂĄs go huile is go hiomlĂĄn leis na nĂłsanna imeachta sin. NĂ­ dhearnadh idirbhearta ar bith i dtaca le gnĂ­omhachtaĂ­ an ÚdarĂĄis le linn na bliana a mbeadh spĂ©is ag baill an bhoird iontu.


Teagasc TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 03



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