November Newsletter

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CRACKPOT November 2012

FEATURED IN THIS NEWSLETTER: Info regarding the new all inclusive Private Label experience for our customers as well as the latest CRACKPOT.GLOBAL developments

.CUBE News

No Longer are small businesses being left to hang out in the cold alone!

CUBES NOW AVAILABLE IN PRIVATE LABEL -the Crackpot Cube provides an all inclusive platform for small businesses- Crackpot companies can now use our enterprise cube system to offer individual Crackpot Cubes to their employees with the look and feel under their exclusive control.

The Crackpot Cube is constantly reinventing

convenient and inviting instrument. The

itself in an all encompassing manner. The Cube is

democratization of IT shouldn’t come at the price of

the form and content headquarters for the small

compromising everyone’s uniquely expressive

business community. In conjunction with the Enterprise Cube experience, our private label can

nature. The methods of communication need to be more diverse and unpredictable. The proliferation of

now connect you with your current and potential

information has been 100% positive and 100%

customers on a more intimate and personal level. The private label breaks through the traditional

positively misunderstood and ineffectively utilized. Our private label system allows you to manage your

marketing barriers by taking the formality out of and

Cube in a comfortable micro-site environment. What

bringing the individuality back into advertising. The Cube is transforming the traditionally clandestine

is as equally important is the ability for you to have complete control over the theme-content-style of

motives of corporate communication. Websites and

your micro-site that a private label affords you. You

particularly social networks follow the same, tired

can manage the background color, size and

and boring communication protocols...text, image, video which are all revealed in a succinctly distinct

positioning of background images as well as the movement of the cube and change font size and

and lengthy, bottom down fashion. It’s predictable

style. We demand technological efficiency. The

and frustratingly disjointed. The Cube is defiantly reorganizing information in a more horizontal way by

Cube in the crackpot inspired private label eenvironment really is global marketing 101; which is

combining these capabilities along with instant and

creating a micro-marketing approach on a macro-

mobile audio uploading ability all with one creative,

globally inclusive level. Think locally, act globally.


Your Voice.Your World Our new slogan has never been more true than it is within our new Private Label System



Where they want it, when they want it, how they want it.




Simple put, your clients can literealy make the Cube and the entire experiance within and around the Cube their own. Including, but not limted to their own unique and private URL for their mobile, micro site.

All controllable elements inside and outside the Cube. Create your own backdrop and watermarking. Provide one branding for all your employees. Create multiple Cubes for different events and concentrations.

Personality is where it’s at. A company can be precise in its image and free to evolve and transform on a moments notice all the while maintaining their personal and unique business identity.


CRACKPOT.GLOBAL With the launch of the new native apps in late November, we are ready to launch internationally. And so far as hard as it is to believe, It seems that the Cube will take on even more meaning outside of North America. Our new Team11 members in various countries feel the price points and more importantly, the ability to express their voice truly will create a new world for them and their clients. In

reached $17 billion in the first half of 2012, up 14% from the same time in 2011. Also, digital video ads went up 18% from the previous year. It may feel like everyone on the planet has a cellphone, but they don’t, as a matter of fact a billion people are still largely disconnected from the outside world.

2011, 6 billion people had a cellphone subscription. “That means 6 in 7 of us have a cellphone. It also means that 1 billion of us do not...(YET!)

sustainable business with the Cube. A generic business can take on the persona of an individual

your feelings toward global connectivity) is that the

products. The launching of our new native apps directly correspond with our CRACKPOT.GLOBAL campaign. This creates a whole new level of usability and speed to the market. Now a person can take a picture at a fish market and have already posted the new catch for restaurants that are

The good news (or bad news, depending on number of people with mobile phone subscriptions is growing rapidly. The ITU found double-digit growth in cellphone subscriptions in developing countries over the last year. Mobile Internet services are growing at an broadband services grew 40% globally and 78% in developing countries.” -Deborah Netburn, LA Times

many applications and ways for the Team11 representatives to grow their business. New

businesses the world over, is truly shrinking the

be able to manage their communication in one place and not just create sales, but finish transactions on the Cube without any telecommunications technologies. In a recent LA Times Tech Now piece, it was pointed out that internet advertising revenue

Stella Zondi, Team11 South Africa

even crazier rate. The report found that mobile

waiting to post their daily menus. There are so

Team11 members from around the globe will now


A new report from the International Telecommunications Union found that at the end of

a matter of days an individual can create a

and no borders can keep them from pushing their


Our CRACKPOT.GLOBAL campaign for small concept of communication on an unprecedentedly global scale. As mobile connectivity increases globally, the Cube will leave an indelible mark as an indispensable tool in this ever expanding community. Your Voice.Your World

Sun Baay, Team11 Germany

Sarah Puntocom, Team11 France

CRACKPOT.GLOBALcampaign TEAM11 PROGRAM DEVELOPERS IN MACEDONIA It’s jump off time with our Global Business


Our campaign proudly and necessarily will eradicate tech xenophobia one Cube at a time. The comfortable, creative, compact and most importantly, mobile nature of the Cube allows it to infiltrate the global market in a sweeping fashion as a borderless tool previously unavailable to small businesses.

In the marketing world we are the Wolf In Sheep's Clothing


“Turning transactions into interactions and good deeds into a currency.” -Tim Leberecht Now a company can receive their own PRIVATE WHITE LABEL service from TEAM11. Now they can have their own enterprise addition of the Crackpot Cube for more effective branding, monitoring and tracking of their sales, transactions and other activities. Additionally,

Traditional Leadership

Crackpot Leadership

One-way. community in harmony

Interactive. community in conversation

Sustaining order. Closed system

Taking risks. Open system

Follows the manual. Orchestra model

Improvises when appropriate. Jazz ensemble

with the Enterprise Cube, companies can offer their representatives Cubes with strictly their branding and imaging. Use all the functionality of the Cube but now sport just the personality that you desire. Not only that, with the growing functions and usabilities they are able to change their personalities on the fly. John Maeda, the President of the Rhode Island School of Design separates leadership essentially into two categories: 1. Traditional Leadership and 2. Creative Leadership. We aspire to implement and encourage creative/crackpot leadership within our company and amongst our affiliates.

Timing is everything “Timing is everything for a successful business, perception precedes response. The success of your brand ultimately depends on what other people say about you when you're not in the room.” Mark Rolston Chief Creative officer, Frog.

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.” -Henry David Thoreau


DECLARING WAR ON MEDIOCRACY THOUGHTS ON infiltrating the marketplace with the transformative and transnational power of the CRACKPOT.CUBE INVENT-INVEST-IMPLEMENT I.) Ideas oriented company II.) The necessity of support III.) Action Every current and prospective Team11 member has a duty to invest one way or another

Private White Label gives them all they need to FUNCTION We finally are getting to the


in the future, in our technology. We can’t

point where we are starting to

capitalize on our unique and helpful talents and

touch the surface of how

capabilities unless there is some sort of

beautiful the Cube can be. The

collective agreement not to be satisfied with

new private label environment is

where we are, but rather question why we aren’t

opening new doors but also new

where we should be--no one can not afford to

avenues to fully express the multiple

supply the basic utilities and human capital we

personalities of an individual and or business’

need to fully develop this cross-generational

Cube. We always envisioned that cool hotdog

cutting edge product. The return on investment

stand which could be just that, an individual

for our idea is positively great if we strategize

business personality; just as the big retail store

towards being software ideology trailblazers,

could become more local and more intimate,

rather than gimmick ridden product-path

because truly the growth of their business will

followers. Fiscal responsibility isn’t merely

come from the expression of that individual

constrained to across the board austerity type

sales person within the company. That sales guy

decisions, mentally and monetarily. As a matter

or gal is who we vehemently represent. But

of fact it’s quite the opposite. It is egregiously

remember, it’s not just the personality that

fiscally irresponsible not to invest in tomorrow’s

attracts companies to us; it’s the ever improving

ideas and solutions to today’s small business

functionality and multi-dimensionality of the

marketing quagmires. Knowledge is only

Cube that will give us true staying power,

knowledge until it is apprehended, deciphered,

demanding a tangible position in the global

utilized and dispersed in the form of action. We

marketplace. There is no more cost-effective

know we have a once in a generation product,

product for a company seeking a non-traditional

but until we adopt this across the board,

solution to traditional problems associated with

chronological strategy we will not crack through

marketing and sales than this creativity in a box

to the masses who so desperately need our

we call the Crackpot Cube.

life without limitations


PRIVATE LABEL BREAKDOWN The traditional website format is an entirely cost-ineffective, yawn inducing platform. Our new private label system provides its user an unprecedentedly personalized, all encompassing marketing environment.

The CRACKPOT.CUBE is a proactive solutions based spear, not a reactive problem assessment, nonaggressive tool. Traditional websites are wack! The Cube in our new private label, micro-site environment is the sorely needed antidote to the ad-nauseam marketing world we’ve lived in for too long.


Manage Theme

• When people go to your Cube they are instantly inside your Cube’s world. • 100% personalized and unique to your business, private URL capability • Instant product recognition, change on the fly, continuous-mobile update capability • Inviting, inventive, all-inclusive atmosphere

Change color, picture, size and font of your


content within your micro-site.




If you want to breakthrough in business use your CUBES. So Many people have no idea what you’re talking about when you send blind emails. If you’re selling a sea horse YA MIGHT WANT TO TELL THEM WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT.

New TEAM11 MEMBERS, NEW COMPANIES AND INDIVIDUALS CRACKING THE NORM Nothing like a rep with the attention of their

Some members are getting great at using their Cubes to sell Cubes. I know that seems simple but seriously when you’re trying

customers. Companies like Optovue are using the Cube to

to educate others on how to use our product the best way

allow their representatives to email and place Cubes on

is to just use the product. In the last couple of weeks we have had people cut deals for Cubes into organizations that create thousands of additional Cubes. So far, every sales event that I have either heard, seen or am aware of, the sale was closed by

Latest Greatest Developments

aware of new product offers but also that the Reps have creative, new found personal relationships with their doctors. There is nothing like using your OWN VOICE to allow a client to start to understand who you

not only showing Cubes but making demos or adjusting


your own Cubes to demo.


social networks to insure that the doctors are not only





Charity defined A group of over 15,000 well connected people using their Cubes to help those in need.

Business made simple Now direct sales groups can not only use the Cube to grow but to get paid and track their income

Global distribution iCare is using the Cube to sell its product on a truly global scale.

Groups helping groups helping groups CFN uses a radio show to show people how to use the Cubes so they can help others.



By the end of November we will truly have a fully functional Crackpot Cube app for the global audience to use and enjoy. More details regarding the app will be provided as the release date approaches.

You can reach our executive team by emailing us at:

Your voice. Your world


CRACKPOT.CULTURE 1234 Main Street Anytown, State ZIP Country Planet Earth

TEAM11 1234 Main Street Anytown, State ZIP Country Planet Earth

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