2019 Pathways Guidebook

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Team Expansion


message from the President Thank you for pursuing obedience to Christ by serving the nations in partnership with Team Expansion. We’re grateful for your willingness. We realize you have many choices for short-term trips these days. We don’t take for granted that you chose us. Every organization has a unique DNA. One of the attributes of ours is that we are constantly in learner mode. There’s something beautiful about posturing oneself as a learner. It somehow mentally gives us «freedom to try,» and with that freedom, comes «freedom to fail.» If we fail you in some way, please tell us. Hopefully we’ll learn. And hopefully, we’ll never fail you (in that particular way) again. Let’s strive to try new things together, communicate our failures together, and improve together. You’ll learn lots more of our DNA on this journey. We hope you find it as engaging as we do to work here. One of the great things about Pathways is that it’s part of a process. It’s a chance to try your wings, explore, and experiment. It’s also a chance to change the world. We’ve witnessed Pathways interns share Christ with unreached people and baptize them. Past interns have even helped launch new fields in previously unreached cities. But we want you to know, there’s no pressure. You’re an intern, for goodness sakes! Nobody expects you to have all the answers. So, relax, enjoy, and learn. However, let’s not forget, this is all about Christ. We’re His organization. We exist for His glory. This is not about travel, fundraising, or dirt paths. This is about Christ. While Pathways is fun, it’s also a lot of work. It’s a chance to serve, not be served. It’s a chance to grow, not be recognized. We’re all servants and we are overjoyed you chose to serve with us. Give your all. We promise we will too. Sincerely,

Doug Lucas President (Coach of the first Pathways team. I love this job.)


table of contents 4

Welcome to Pathways


Core Values for Your Team


Dates to Know & Pre-Departure Checklist

8 Finances



Packing List


Pre-Field Orientation




Frequently Asked Questions


Vocational Discernment


Miscellaneous Important Topics

How beautiful is that? We hope we have designed this journey for that to take place, but a partnership requires two sides. Let’s commit to hearing God on this journey together. We ask that you also take the time to prepare yourself for the ministry you are about to embark on.

welcome to pathways

Pathways Core Values This is going to be a Summer that you will never forget.

Ministry Students’ vocational interests are matched with on-field needs and opportunities in an effort to provide real world training under the direction of fulltime missionaries. Academic Integration We are all learners and we see this attitude as a vital piece of being a missionary. Interns are challenged to connect concepts from readings and mentors with concrete applications in a ministry environment. Spiritual Formation Through retreat, personal reflection, mentoring, and regular times of prayer, worship, and fellowship, interns are encouraged to develop life-long transformative practices. However, we ask that you open your horizons as some of these spiritual practices may look different in differing cultural settings. Intentional Community By engaging with a missionary mentor, interns are provided with opportunities to build bonds with fellow believers within the team or the host country, as well as, nonbelievers in the community.

You are now part of an awesome narrative that Team Expansion has been writing for over 40 years of multiplying disciples and churches among the unreached. Welcome to the family! We hope this brings excitement. However, it may also bring uneasiness, worry, or fear pertaining to the experience that lies ahead. Just know, we’re here for you. Another title for this guidebook could be “Everything a First-Time Missions Intern Needs to Know for a Successful Internship Experience.” Mainly, this guide should help you not freak out, now that you are here. It’s called a “guidebook” for a reason: to guide you on this journey. (Calm down. We’re all very nice. We promise. It will be ok). We’ve tried to think of all the questions you may have to have the best experience possible and the answers can be found right here. In fact, I could sum them up quite quickly. Ready? Relax. Enjoy. Learn.

We are looking forward to helping you further understand your role in the Great Commission. We also look forward to the months (and maybe even years) of conversations and mutual ministry that God has entrusted to us. We value what we will learn from you and we hope that your walk with Christ will be deepened through your involvement as a member of our growing family.

If you are receptive to God’s leading and willing to see what He can teach you through this summer, we believe you cannot fail in the midst of failing (trying?). 4

«We hope you will join us in making beautiful snafus to become a better us and better disciples.»

I will do my best at all times according to acceptable standards. Has a Heart of Evangelism - Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. I have been blessed to be a blessing, therefore I will love lost people because God loved me. Focuses on Relationships - Matthew 22:3739 - Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ I will continue to build a genuine relationship with God and others.

Core Values for Your Team There’s a great story hiding in the history of this book. From our founding in 1978, Team Expansion has put an immense emphasis on posturing an attitude of constant learning. As you embark on an unforgettable summer, you have the perfect opportunity to replicate that posture. We hope you will join us in making beautiful snafus to become a better us and better disciples. Be a learner who: Commits to Excellence - Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. 5

Maintains Integrity - Titus 2:7 - And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good deeds of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. I will be honest in what I say and do. Keeps a Servant Attitude - Matthew 20:28 - Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. I will put the interests of others before my own. Emphasizes Team Work - 1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. I will respect, support, and encourage my teammates.

Are You Ready?

dates to know January 21:

Video Chat 1- Guidebook, Fundraising, Resources

February 18:

Video Chat 2: Preparing Spiritually: Not Underestimating Evil

March 18:

First portion of support due ($2,500)

M a r c h 2 6 :

Video Chat 3: Packing/Being a Good Guest

A p r i l 2 2 :

Video Chat 2: Accurate Expectations

M a y 1 8 :

Second portion of support due ($3,000)

M a y 1 8 : PFO (Pre-Field Orientation) dinner with families R e g i s t r a t i o n : 4 : 0 0 P M D i n n e r : 5 : 0 0 P M M a y 1 9 - 2 5 : May 26-July 23: J u l y 2 4 - 2 6 :

PFO On Field Debriefing Debriefing ends at 3:00PM on July 26

*All video chats are highly encouraged, however, 2 out of 4 are required for departure.


Pre-Departure Checklist Passport You need one! A passport card will not work. Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your internship. Many countries will not allow entry to persons with six months or less on their passport. It is your responsibility to obtain a passport by the time you arrive at Pre-Field Orientation (PFO). You can obtain a passport application at your local post-office or online at www.travel.state.gov. The cost will be between $75-$100.

Visas Certain countries will require you to obtain a visa to stay within their borders for the time of the internship. It will be your responsibility to obtain the correct visa for your country if it is required. We will help, but turning to your host missionary for visa questions is your best option. Visas can be researched and obtained at www.traveldocs.com. (Visa fees are reimbursable.)

Immunizations Some countries have strict immunization requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have all required immunizations (and documentation of those immunizations when necessary) for your host country. Note that some immunizations are recommended but are not required. It is our recommendation that you use your personal health history and judgment to determine which of the recommended immunizations to receive. You could even consult your primary physician. Once again, your host missionary can help advise you. Learn more about immunizations needed for your host country at www.mdtravelhealth.com. (Immunization expenses are reimbursable if you raise funds exceeding the cost of the internship.)

Country information Information about your host country can be found online at the CIA world factbook. www. cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html. Your host missionary may also provide you with information specific to the field.


Don’t grow weary or lose hope; accept the support raising experience as an exercise in building faith. Trust in the Lord!


All financial contributions made to Team Expansion on your behalf are taxdeductible and are used to fund the Pathways internship program. Please make checks out to Team Expansion so that donors will receive a taxdeductible receipt. Because of U.S. government regulations for non-profit organizations like ours, your name should not be written anywhere on the check. Please be sure to inform your supporters not to put your name on the check. Remember that the money you raise for your Pathways internship is given in the name of Team Expansion and does not belong to you specifically. This was explained in the Financial Memo of Understanding (MOU) that you signed during the application process. All supporters can send funds to: Team Expansion – Pathways Internship c/o (your name)’s account 4112 Old Routt Road Louisville, KY 40299

pathways budget Pre-Field Expenses $2,500.00 • Book Fees • PFO • Debriefing • Airfare • Leadership Fee • Insurance • Processing Fee

On-Field Expenses $3,000.00 • Ministry Expenses • Language Training • Housing • Transportation • Food • Personal Expenses • Miscellaneous Total Required $5,500.00

Optional Stipend: Interns are allowed to raise up to $1,500 in addition to the required $5,500 as a stipend to cover the cost of reimbursable items and to contribute toward a stipend that can be used as a type of salary for the summer. (See what items are reimbursable in the “Understanding the Budget” section.)


Understanding the Budget

All support raised for this ministry will be spent on this ministry. Any additional funds will be spent in one of the following ways, at your discretion: 1. Intern stipend/reimbursements 2. Field team ministry 3. Pathways program 4. A future internship, apprenticeship, or ministry (funds can be held up to two years)

Pre-Field Expenses • Book Fees • PFO and Debriefing • Covers the cost of hosting, training, and debriefing all Pathways interns. • Airfare • Ticket price, taxes, and fees. • Leadership Fee • Covers the cost of training coaches (coaches raise a portion of their own support). Those teams who do not have coaches will have host missionaries who invest in the preparation of their interns. • Insurance • Medical • We purchase insurance for each intern for the duration of the summer. This is done regardless of an intern’s current insurance policy. • Evacuation • We take out an evacuation policy for each Pathways participant to cover expenses incurred in the event of an emergency evacuation from the field. • Processing Fee • A charge of $1 will applied to each support check that arrives for your account. This fee covers the cost of printing and mailing receipts.

Our View on Budgets 1. Determining a Budget Requires a Best Guess The budgeted amount for your internship represents our ‘best guess’ based on current prices, past experiences, and input from field personnel. 2. Padded not Bare Bones We have chosen to err on the high side to help ensure that each intern will have enough funds to complete his/her internship. 3. Plenty not Scarcity We are asking each participant in Team Expansion’s ministries to adopt the healthy attitude of “trust.” Trust in God who has unlimited resources. Realize that you are doing exactly what He has commanded in His word. He told us to preach the Gospel and make disciples of all nations, and if we need anything to ask in His name and He will give it. 4. Faith not Sight Raising funds can teach this lesson effectively. Don’t grow weary or lose hope; accept the support raising experience as an exercise in building faith. Trust in the Lord!

On-Field Expenses • Ministry Expenses • These are the funds you utilize to cover all the expenses of accomplishing your team’s ministry goals. These expenses vary according to each field, but they could include things like education, evangelism, hospitality, or equipment and building rental. • Language Training • Learning the language of your host county is an important facet of the ministry you will be doing during your Pathways internship. We use this money for personal tutors, classes, or translators. • Housing • Some teams will live with nationals from the host culture and some will rent apartments.

5. Check Your Motives Is it possible that you have wrong motives for going? James 4:3 says, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” Make sure you do a “heart check” before you ask anyone for support. Do you view Pathways as a vacation? Or are you excited about the opportunity to serve God in this way?


• •

Transportation • Buses, taxis, trains, planes, mopeds, bicycles, metros, ferries, etc. Food • Restaurants, grocery stores, markets, street vendors, etc. Personal Expenses • Toiletries and life’s little necessities. Miscellaneous • Life on the field is unpredictable; we like to cover your back.

Reimbursable Expenses • Immunizations • Any medicines (required or recommended) you receive for your overseas travel. The costs vary greatly so you may want to shop around. • Travel gear • These are items like flashlights, mosquito repellent, undergarment wallets, digital recorders, medical kits, memory cards, etc. Ask, “Can I go on this trip without this item?” or “Is this item essential for this trip?” The items that are essential for the trip can be considered a reimbursable expense. • Stipend • This is an opportunity for each intern who serves for 10 weeks or longer with Team Expansion to earn a small salary that they could have otherwise earned in a job at home during that same amount of time. • You determine how you will spend this stipend. You will receive the stipend at the end of your internship. • If you MUST have access to the stipend before your departure, we will send you a letter of agreement that you must sign and return to us before receiving funds. We are unable to pay your stipend until all other expenses for your trip have been paid, you have signed the letter of agreement, and there are enough funds in your account to do so. • *Note: If inappropriate behavior and/or the breaking of the team covenant causes an intern to be sent home early from his/her internship as a disciplinary action, the intern will receive none of the stipend they would have otherwise received. It will instead be placed into the general Pathways fund. • Income from internship stipends is to be

reported on the intern’s Form 1040 tax form. The income is reported on the front side of the form, in the «Income» section, on the line called «Other Income.» The type and amount is to be listed. Write «Internship Stipend» in the blank and the amount of the stipend. • Since interns are not employees of Team Expansion, a W-2 will not be issued for those receiving a stipend. Since the services of interns are not ongoing, a 1099 will also not be issued to interns receiving a stipend. Therefore, the responsibility is solely upon the intern to report stipends for tax purposes. Non-reimbursable Items • Application Fee • $200 application fee to cover processing and personality assessment. • Personal Items • Items that do not directly relate to ministry. (e.g. gifts, entertainment, clothes, shoes, etc.) Whether these types of expenses are incurred before, during, or immediately after your return, you will be responsible to cover them out of your personal resources. How to Obtain Reimbursement If you want to receive a stipend, you can do this at debriefing, as long as there are funds available in your account to do so. If you want to be reimbursed for the acceptable expenses listed above, send the receipt(s) to: Team Expansion Pathways c/o (Your Name) Reimbursements 4112 Old Routt Road Louisville, KY 40299 You may also choose to bring receipts to PFO or Debriefing. Our financial team will reimburse you if the following four conditions have been met: 1. You have funds in your account to cover the expenses. 2. It is a reimbursable expense. 3. All other expenses have been paid. 4. You have provided a copy of the original receipt.


̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆ ̆​̆

Anti-diarrhea medicine (seriously!) Appropriate visa (see “Visas” section) Bible Camera with extra memory card Cash for gifts and souvenirs Current passport Extra passport picture Family photos Gifts if you are living with a host family Journal Multi-vitamins Pen Rain Gear (umbrella, coat, etc.) Small alarm clock Small flashlight with batteries Toiletries Towel Travel Wallet Voltage converter (if needed, check with your coach or host missionary) ̆​̆ Clothing ̆​̆ This will vary according to location, but here is a simple sample list that may be a helpful starting point: Please make sure clothes are presentable and not ratty. ̆​̆ Comfortable pair of khakis ̆​̆ Two pairs of jeans/hiking pants ̆​̆ Three or four polo’s ̆​̆ (Ladies) One or two skirts – knee length or longer (long flowy ones are nice in those hot countries) ̆​̆ One pair of comfortable dress/ walking shoes ̆​̆ One pair of recreational shoes ̆​̆ One pair of sandals ̆​̆ Seven pairs of socks ̆​̆ Seven sets of underwear ̆​̆ Two or three pairs of shorts ̆​̆ T-Shirts ̆​̆ One pair of modest swimming clothes ̆​̆ One belt ̆​̆ One lightweight jacket (waterproof) ̆​̆ One sweatshirt ̆​̆ Plastic bags for wet clothes

packing list This is just to get the ball rolling. Your mentor/host will have more specific packing lists with country


Packing Suggestions • • •

• •

Take only what you are willing to part with. You will be limited to one suitcase and one carry-on. Suitcases are only allowed to be 50lbs, overweight baggage charges are paid from your own personal finances Some teams will be taking one extra checked bag with items for the field team. Keep in mind that YOU must carry what you bring and that you will probably bring home gifts from the places visited. Make a list of all items on your person, in your carry-on, and in your suitcase. Leave a copy with a family member, and carry the list apart from your suitcase, preferably on your body or in your carry-on.

pre-field orientation (PFO) PFO is a required element of your Pathways internship, if you do not attend PFO you WILL NOT go to the field. It is tremendously beneficial and rewarding experience, but it will also be demanding and mentally exhausting. The days are packed full, so don’t make any other plans during PFO. Each session is extremely important and vital for your preparation.

• • • • • • • • • •

Dress should be clean, neat, and appropriate for the occasion. Remember to pack all liquids in your checked baggage. To save room, pack small items in your shoes and other spacious items. Roll clothing and put in zip-lock bags to save room. Take comfortable shoes. Use identification tags. Do not pack your passport in a suitcase. It is helpful to take clothing that can be left on the field to provide room for souvenirs. Divide clothing between your suitcase and carryon in case one is lost. Put a toothbrush and other essentials in your carry-on. Above all, keep luggage light.

PFO is a great time of fellowship and relationship building with other interns and even some full-time Team Expansion missionaries. Housing, food, transportation, and all the entertainment you could possibly ask for will be provided from the time you arrive at Emerald Hills (Team Expansion home office) until you return home.

Find Times and Dates on the “Dates to Know” page. Your parents are encouraged to attend the PFO Dinner. Don’t be late!


Location & Directions

Rd. exit (Exit #23). merge right at the bottom of the ramp and take Taylorsville Rd/ KY-155 E. (about 2 miles east). Continue straight through the stoplight onto Taylorsville Lake Rd/ KY-155 E for about 1 mile. Then turn right onto Routt Rd/ KY-1531. After only 1/10 of a mile turn right onto Old Routt Rd/ KY 2265. The Team Expansion property will be on your left in about a mile.

4112 Old Routt Rd in Louisville, Kentucky PFO is held at Emerald Hills, Team Expansion’s prayer and retreat center, in Louisville, KY. You are required to have transportation to and from this facility before the internship begins and when it ends. If approaching from the East on I-64 Watch carefully for the Gene Snyder Freeway (the first beltway around the city), also known as I-265. Take the Snyder toward the South to the Taylorsville Rd. exit (Exit #23, the first exit, about a mile south of I-64), turn left at the bottom of the ramp and take Taylorsville Rd/ KY-155 E. (about 2 miles east). At the first stoplight continue for about 1 mile. Then turn right onto Routt Rd/ KY-1531. After only 1/10 of a mile turn right onto Old Routt Rd/ KY 2265. The Team Expansion property will be on your left in about a mile. If approaching from the West on I-64 Travel east through Louisville, staying on I-64 all the way. Several miles past downtown you’ll cross over the Watterson Expressway (I-264). Continue East on I-64 past the Hurstbourne and Blankenbaker Rd. exits until you finally come to the outermost loop around Louisville, the Gene Snyder Freeway (also known as I-265). You take the Snyder toward the South to the Taylorsville Rd. exit (Exit #23, the first exit, about a mile south of I-64), turn left at the bottom of the ramp and take Taylorsville Rd/ KY-155 E. (about 2 miles east). At the first stoplight continue for about 1 mile. Then turn right onto Routt Rd/ KY-1531. After only 1/10 of a mile turn right onto Old Routt Rd/ KY 2265. The Team Expansion property will be on your left in about a mile. If approaching from the South on I-65 Watch carefully for the Gene Snyder Freeway (the first beltway around the city), also known as I-265. Take the Snyder toward the East to the Taylorsville


If approaching from the North on I-65 Cross the Ohio River and stay toward the right lane as you approach the Kentucky side. Immediately across the river, take I-64 east out of the downtown area. After several miles you’ll cross over the Watterson Expressway (I-264). Continue East past the Hurstbourne and Blankenbaker Rd. exits until you finally come to the outermost loop around Louisville, the Gene Snyder Freeway (also known as I-265). Take the Snyder toward the South to the Taylorsville Rd. exit (Exit #23, the first exit, about a mile south of I-64), turn left at the bottom of the ramp and take Taylorsville Rd/ KY-155 E. (about 2 miles east). At the first stoplight continue for about 1 mile. Then turn right onto Routt Rd/ KY-1531. After only 1/10 of a mile turn right onto Old Routt Rd/ KY 2265. The Team Expansion property will be on your left in about a mile. If approaching from the Cincinnati on I-71 As you approach Louisville you will come to the Gene Snyder Freeway, also known as I-265. You will want to take the I-265 south. Follow I-265 for seven miles or so. You’ll cross over I-64 and then the next exit is Taylorsville Road (exit #23). Turn left at the bottom of the ramp and take Taylorsville Rd/ KY-155 E. (about 2 miles east). At the first stoplight continue straightonto Taylorsville Lake Rd/ KY-155 E for about 1 mile. Then turn right onto Routt Rd/ KY-1531. After only 1/10 of a mile turn right onto Old Routt Rd/ KY 2265. The Team Expansion property will be on your left in about a mile.

debriefing This time is also required. Debriefing is intended to be a safe environment for interns to begin to process their on-field experiences and guide them in how to share their story with friends, family, and supporters. Summer internships can be stressful and full of non-stop activity. Debriefing gives you a chance to be filled up by what God has done around the world as we come back together to praise Him for how He moved among us. -Debriefing is held at Emerald Hills, just like PFO. Housing, food, and all the smiling faces you could want will be provided at Debriefing.


Team Expansion personnel will pick you up from the airport and take you to Emerald Hills. Your family or friends are not allowed to meet you at the airport or at Emerald Hills prior to the final session of Debriefing. You will not be permitted to leave Debriefing early without the express permission of the Pathways Coordinator. Please arrange for pick up on the final day of Debriefing between 3 pm and 5 pm (See Dates to Know page). If you are arranging flights please schedule flights after 5 pm, to allow travel time to the airport. Flights scheduled earlier than 5 pm will not be accommodated. If you will not be flying out until the next day, we need to know as soon as possible. We cannot guarantee housing if we do not know you need it.

frequently asked questions Q: What happens if I miss financial deadlines? A: We encourage you to do your best to meet all deadlines. The bottom line is this: If you don’t raise enough money, you won’t be able to go. We depend upon your promptness so that we can get the best prices on airline tickets well in advance of your internship. If you do not have enough funds in your accounts by the first deadline to purchase airfare, then the whole team must wait to buy tickets, risking higher prices. We have expenses that


we are incurring on your behalf. Let’s say the deadline comes near, you have done your best, and the money isn’t there yet. We encourage you to pray. Ask God for wisdom. Remain faithful. Re-examine your strategy. Call us for ideas if necessary. Watch His faithfulness. Praise Him. Many people will wait and give money close to the deadline or soon after it has passed. On the other hand, if you stay faithful, continue working hard to inform all of your contacts about your plans and needs, and do all of the required preparation, the chances of you receiving 100% of your needed support is very high. Q: What happens if I raise more than enough money? A: Funds raised that exceed the proposed budget of the internship can be applied towards reimbursements and a stipend. (See the section on “Reimbursable Expenses.”) If you still have funds that exceed your stipend, we suggest you claim reimbursement on your preparation and travel expenses concerning the internship. (See the section on “Reimbursable Items”). Any remaining funds can be allocated for the field team ministry, the pathways program, or your future ministry with Team Expansion. Funds can be held for up to two years. (See the section on “Finances.”) Q: What happens to funds that I have already raised if I have to drop out of Pathways? A: Unfortunately, we are unable to refund any funds to you. We are a non-profit organization and the laws are such that when people make donations to our organization, they become the property of the organization. We can use these funds to apply toward your service with us, but we can’t reimburse you because those monies were tax-deductible gifts. We want to do the best we can to help facilitate a good relationship with you despite the laws under which we have to operate. So, we can apply the funds in one of the following five ways: 1. Any future mission service opportunities that you take with us in the next two years. 2. The field team where you were hoping to serve for use in their ministries.


3. International Services Mobilization Team for use in education, mobilization, and training of others who will serve. 4. Another intern who is lacking necessary funds. 5. A non-profit church that has sent us funds to be applied on your behalf. We are usually able to return any funds they gave for your account that have not already been used for expenses incurred on your behalf.

Q: How will I know who sent me money? A: Our financial director will send you periodic updates of your account status. Q: How can I get the addresses of the people who support me? A: Addresses are included on the periodic updates from our financial director. Q: What do I do if a supporter sends me a check payable to me? A: If you receive a check made payable to you, please contact the donor immediately to ask if they are wishing to be receipted for their donation. If a receipt is unnecessary, you may endorse the check and mail it to us. Please enclose a note with the check stating that you have spoken with the donor and they are aware that we cannot receipt the donation. If the donor does want a receipt, please ask them to reissue a check made payable to “Team Expansion” so we can legally issue a receipt. Why are we so picky? Because a check made payable to you, according to the IRS, should be counted as personal income. If you cash a check made payable to you (regardless of whether or not the money is forwarded to us), it is income and ought to be reported on your taxes. *Some donors may want to give you cash. We will not be able to receipt them if they do not mail it directly to us. Do not accept cash if donors want a tax-deductible receipt.

vocational discernment BY RYA N F R A N K L I N DIRECTOR OF PATHWAYS


an opportunity for you to understand “calling” to a specific work (vocation). During this internship experience we ask that you take this exploration and self-assessment seriously to further investigate your personality, interests, and values with your teammates and mentors. We will help with this. At Team Expansion, we believe the Bible calls every Christian to be a servant and a disciplemaker. We also believe that the call to work is laid upon every human and in its purest essence means “created and commanded” to work. God calls us to be in Christ in whatever we may do in this life. Colossians 3:17 states, “Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of Jesus.” How do we unite these biblical truths with our interests, personality, and values? Author and pastor, Timothy Keller offers criteria to help you discern these steps. First, what gives you enjoyment and energy? Second, pertaining to skills and experiences, what has God prepared you to do? Keller wrote, “Your life is not a series of random events. Your family background, education, and life experiences – even the most painful ones – all equip you to do some work that no one else can do.” (Every Good Endeavor, 2014). Here’s another way to think about it, your passion (what gives you energy), plus your skills (what you do well), plus the need (servanthood and the lost peoples of this world), is your calling. In the Bible, God is a living being of revelation, and He is speaking. He will reveal opportunity as you continue exploring your passions, interests, and skills. We hope this Pathways internship is one of those opportunities. You will discover who you truly are, what you do well, maybe what you do not do well, and where you may go. Vocational discernment begins with questions, so pray and ask. Pray and ask often. Think. Pray and ask some more and He will answer. And when He does, we’ll be here to help bring your calling into reality and into a career.

As followers of Christ, we are called to make disciples. Thus, although each of us may have a different vocation, our purpose is unified. Today, many Christians seem to ignore the true calling and focus solely on vocation – causing a split between secular work and Christian service/work. Participating in Team Expansion’s Pathways internship is a starting point for you to investigate what working means for you. This is


important topics At Team Expansion, our culture has always been about flexibility and flow. So, in a way, we hate to be bound by regulations. However, some regulations can help things move forward smoothly. We ask that you use these as a guiding force for this summer. Prayer At Team Expansion, we believe that prayer is the power behind missions. To really change the globe, we need to ask God to empower His workers to do His work. We ask each missionary to recruit and maintain a force of “prayer warriors” who will lift up his/her needs on a regular basis. We also ask you to do the same. Could you raise up 80 to 100 partners to pray with us for the sake of the mission, your work, and your experience? Conflict Management Conflict will arise. We’re human and it’s ok. How we manage conflict is normally where we get into trouble, and a great open door for Satan to creep in and wreak havoc. Through observation, we have concluded that some of the most highly volatile team conflicts occur when one team member “holds back” on another, with the intent of avoiding conflict. This process can eventually result in highly charged eruptions or severe team tension. In fact, the conflict issues almost become secondary to the hurt and pain caused as a byproduct of the process of confrontation. In times where it is necessary, we ask all team members to be honest and direct with each other when times are appropriate. Simple and

to the point is best. Both International Services and your mentors aregreat resources to answer questions or assist in conflict resolution. Work-Related Grievances Each team should strive to create and maintain an open atmosphere where it is safe, normal and expected to discuss differences of opinion. In the end, this openness will result in a more well-rounded and effective team. These discussions can become passionate at times, but team members should always remain respectful of one another. In the course of these interactions, team members can sometimes unknowingly offend one another. In general, we take a cue from the principles stated in Matthew 18: we expect the two parties involved to take initiative to get together to resolve their differences, restore trust, and learn to work together more effectively in the future. In some cases, however, a team member might observe in a teammate what he or she considers an undesirable work-related issue (i.e., not a personal grievance or interpersonal conflict). In certain cases, team members might feel uncomfortable approaching the teammate with the issue, since it work-related and maybe the teammate doesn’t answer to the team member. In cases such as these, it is normal and expected for the team member to mention the issue to the teammate’s respective Team Leader or Subteam leader. In this way, the Team Leader or Sub-team leader can then decide whether or not to bring up the issue in a group setting or a oneon-one interaction. We do not interpret this process as being in opposition to the principles of Matthew 18. Rather, it is basically recognition of the orderly flow of accountability in our organization. Dating In short, dating is not allowed. We will not allow a romantic relationship between interns or nationals. If a budding relationship does occur between two interns, we respectfully ask you wait until after debriefing to take any steps


protocol as an example for our field teams. We encourage each team to hammer out the appropriate protocols for the culture. In some cultures, for example, two single people should always avoid riding in a car together or being seen together outside a group setting. We encourage each field team to implement clear guidelines in these areas as part of their Memo of Understanding (MOU). In areas of confusion or tension, we ask to use your wise discretion and “flee from temptation.”

forward. This is for everyone’s benefit. Sexual Purity Being aware of our deceptive hearts and Satan’s desire to discredit and maim our ministries, we strive to avoid inappropriate situations of all types. This desire to avoid even the appearance of evil should affect the movies and television shows that we watch, the websites we visit, the magazines and books we read, the situations in which we find ourselves, our thought life, and all relationships. We are not attempting to create a code of legalism or hinder you from personal expression, but we also restate that we are servants of Christ, and therefore, the ministry and those we are serving come first. We also highly recommend applying pornography blocks on all cellular devices and computers.

It is our desire that all Team Expansion workers be known for their godly lives—pursuing righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart (II Timothy 2:22). Alcohol Team Expansion does not have an official policy on alcohol consumption. Because alcohol is often culturally relative, the decision to drink or not to drink alcohol is left to the discretion of the team and the individual. As an intern, you are expected to adhere to whatever policy your team has decided to use. However, we specifically warn against drinking in excess or abusing alcoholic beverages!

Accountability Partners We encourage all Team Expansion missionaries to prayerfully seek an accountability partner to meet on a regular basis, preferably weekly. We have a process of accountability here we refer to as CHAT. You are not obligated to take part in this form of accountability, but we do highly recommend accountability in some form. This partner can be a team member or a close friend in the United States where you can speak over the phone or Skype. These meetings should be times of mutual encouragement, sharing, and prayer. Each participant should be asked to share struggles and progress in the crucial areas of devotional life, sexual purity, living a balanced life, physical exercise, financial dealings, etc.

Flexibility and Acceptance In conclusion, hold very loosely to any expectations. Not everything will always be exactly right. You can expect that things may not be as you have planned; and in some fields, plans not only change from day to day but from minute to minute. Learn to accept difficulties with humor and good grace. Some things can’t be changed, so accept them with serenity and diplomacy. The role of an intern might be summarized in a single sentence: Be the kind of person you would want a foreign guest to be when visiting you and your family in the United States.

Team Protocols We encourage all Team Expansion workers to adopt a posture that greatly respects members of the opposite sex. It is imperative that married workers guard against all appearances of evil and keep themselves totally pure and filled with integrity. At International Services we follow a protocol that a married person avoids riding in an automobile with someone of the opposite sex alone. We point out this International Services



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