TheUni v er si t yoft hePhi l i ppi nesJuni orMar k et i ngAssoci at i on Room 405,Col l egeofBusi nessAdmi ni st r at i on Uni v er si t yoft hePhi l i ppi nes-Di l i man
Coordinates activities concerning the beneficiaries; organizes various fundraising activities for the organization; management of UP JMA’s funds.
Vice President for
Takes charge of coordinating all social activities and administrative issues concerning UP JMA members and applicants.
Vice President for
Handles information dissemination from and within the organization, extends assistance and monitors the committees in areas concerning publicity and promotions.
Vice President for
In charge of social and sport activities and the enhancement of UP JMA’s image within and outside the Diliman campus.
Vice President for
Sets overall direction of the whole organization; leads the UP JMA Executive Committee in all its endeavors.
PROJECT COORDINATORS: Members from other committees, as well as applicants, entrusted with minor details and tasks of UP JMA projects.
Base Committee STAFF Members: participate in the planning and execution of projects with the guidance of the Directors; perform tasks assigned by higher officers.
Base Committee DIRECTORS: officers responsible for specific projects, work with Project Coordinators (PCs) and Staff as consultants about delegated tasks; report to Chairperson and VP for updates.
Base Committee CHAIRPERSONS: lead each committee in coordination with the VP, supervises/assists committee directors in the planning, preparation, and execution of projects.
Makes UP JMA aware of activities external to the College of Business Administration relevant to its general interests; deals with partnerships such as FJMA, PMA, and UP JMA Alumni.
Vice President for
Organization Structure
AD HOC Team PROJECT COORDINATORS: Members and applicants entrusted with minor details and tasks
AD HOC Team DIRECTORS: officers responsible for specific functions in the team.
Heads of special UP JMA projects; report directly to the President.
Ad Hoc Team
The UP Junior Marketing Association (UP JMA) is a university-wide student organization based in the College of Business Administration, University of the Philippines, Diliman. For the year 2010, it had an average membership base of 250 students from the various colleges in UP Diliman, each one drawn in by the exceptional and rewarding leadership, marketing, and project management experience the reputable organization embodies and guarantees.
Originally called the Marketing Association, UP JMA was established in 1958 by an informal group of twenty marketing majors. In 1960, the organization was situated in the old CBA building, which is now the Palma Hall Annex. The Association altered its name to Junior Marketing Association in the academic year (AY) 1966 to 1967. It was during AY 1971 to 1972 that the UP JMA Newsletter and logo were conceived; however, it was not until 1979 that the Lumine (the current official publication of the Association) was published and the official motto, We Lead, was used. During the past fifty-two years, UP JMA has established its presence within and beyond the campus as one of the biggest and top student organizations by pioneering a lot of firsts in project creativity. It has also trained its officers and members to become outstanding leaders and skilled
workers through the conceptualization and execution of its various projects, events, and activities. Because it is primarily a marketing organization, UP JMA holds major marketing seminars and events that greatly supplement what students learn in the classroom. More importantly, it emphasizes the practice of marketing as even the smallest of its projects involves selling the project to various companies for sponsorship as well as to specific target audiences for attendance and participation. UP JMA also acts as a solid training ground for future managers by giving members the opportunity to get involved in actual moneymaking ventures. UP JMA‘s numerous profitable projects attest to the fact that marketing is a lesson that its members have learned well. Indeed, institutionalization has led to tradition—a tradition that is very difficult to follow. UP JMA, however, seeks not to stick to tradition per se, but rather to cultivate them and create new ones for others to take after. In this tradition of excellence that UP JMA carries forward, to be in UP JMA is to lead leaders.
UP JMA values holistic development. The organization keeps the well-roundedness of its members through its four thrusts, which aim to develop students as both strong individuals and good team players.
The 4 Thrusts of UP JMA ACADEMICS
Supplements the students’ classroom and theoretical experience with exposure to actual business and professional experience
Opens the student’s mind to the dimension of community problems and provides the opportunity to find solutions to them
Aims to develop the student along the lines acceptable and common to others
Aims to develop the student physically so he or she will be more equipped to face the working world with a stronger mind and body
1. To promote the significance of marketing in a developing country 2. To provide training for future business activities 3. To promote interaction between the faculty, the students, the alumni, and the public 4. To contribute to the welfare and development of the country
UP JMA is a proud affiliate of the Philippine Junior Marketing Association (PJMA), which is under its mother organization, the Philippine Marketing Association. As a member, UP JMA has been an active participant of PJMA‘s activities, from regular general assemblies, to entertaining its sponsors such as Digipost, and to serving as ushers in the 2008 Strategic Marketing (Stratmark) Competition. In fact, there were three active JMAers in the UP Diliman team that won first place in Stratmark 2008, proving that JMA‘s members truly excel in their craft. In the past, UP JMA has promoted PJMA's events in UP Diliman, raised funds for an official UP Diliman delegation for the second PJMA general assembly (AY 2009-2010) in DLSU-Dasmarinas,
and led UPJMA in hosting the first PJMA General Assembly (AY 2009-2010) which was held at the College of Social Work and Community Development (CSWCD) auditorium in UP Diliman. UP JMA's own members have been active in its affiliate organizations. For the year 2010, eight UP JMA Directors, namely Ms. Kristine Erni, Mr. Chase Suguitan, Mr. JB De Joya, Mr. Joenito Ty, Ms. Charmian Molina, Ms. Abigail Abuacan, Ms. Janina Gesmundo and Mr. Frederick Angulo, have proudly served as UP JMA's representatives to the PJMA. Aside from diligently attending all the general meetings, this group of outstanding UP JMA members took on the task of being PJMA's right arm in the UP Diliman Campus. They also partnered with PMA for the UP Diliman leg of the Agora Youth Awards Campus Tour (AY 2010-2011).
K.I.D.S. The UP Junior Marketing Association commits to uphold its value for education by continuously supporting a group of scholars. Starting off with the Pandakan Scholars in 1997, it moved on to support the program entitled Kids Integrated Development through Schooling (K.I.D.S.) which is composed of a mix of elementary and high school students. This church-based fund was initiated in the Sta. Maria dela Strada and Pentecost Churches. More than 100 kids have been sent to school in that span of time. Every year, UP JMA
spearheads events to raise more than P100,000 to subsidize and support the education of these deserving children who come from very poor families desperately in need of financial aid. This year, UP JMA increased the number of its KIDS scholars from 29 to 31, helping out two more students in finishing their primary and secondary education. Over the years, the relationship between donor and beneficiary has become much more meaningful. It has taken on a filial atmosphere, with JMAers seeing these scholars as younger brothers and sisters. Their achievements have become UP JMA‘s achievements. Their smiles have become UP JMA‘s smiles.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND One of the first such funds created in the UP Diliman campus, The UP JMA Scholarship Fund strives to grant deserving students the privilege of a UP education by subsidizing their schooling expenses. Since the fund was established in 1990, UP JMA has subsidized the education of more than twelve students through the Office of Scholarships and Student Services under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
UP JMA is divided into five functional Base Committees: External Affairs, Finance, Internal Affairs, Publicity, and Socials & Public Relations. The Executive Committee is composed of a President and five Vice-Presidents. Each VicePresident (VP) heads a specific committee and is supported by a Chairperson, who in turn, handles several Directors. Each of these Directors is in charge of a particular project and has Staff Members and Project Coordinators (PCs) working under him. The Executive Committee is in charge of leading the organization toward its general vision, mission, and objectives. It makes the strategic decisions, such as electing the chairpersons, deliberating on which member shall be assigned a certain directorate position, committee and team structures, among many others. It also facilitates a five-day planning seminar every semester for the UP JMA directorate body where the vision, mission, objectives, and slogan are set and the organization‘s projects for the semester are initially planned. UP JMA prides itself in the empowerment of its members. Directors, Staff Members, and Project Coordinators are given freedom and discretion in planning and implementing their respective events or activities as long as they keep the project‘s main thrust and objectives in mind. The team-based organizational structure of UP JMA enables members to grow from Project Coordinators, to Directors, to even higher positions as they prove themselves worthy of the additional responsibilities.
The UP Junior Marketing Association was recognized as one of the Three Outstanding Student Marketing Associations (TOSMA) for three years in the late 90‘s, and once more in the National Capital Region for AY 2001-2002 as recognized by the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA). In the academic year of 2002-2003, UP JMA was awarded the prestigious UP Gawad Chancellor Award for Most Outstanding Student Organization in
the University. Also in 2003, it won the championships in the Philippine Advertising Congress Metro-wide Advertisement-making Contest, BigShot. UP JMA bested six other universities in 2007 as it won the Astring-O-Sol Party Challenge, an event-mounting competition and also reached the finals of the competition the succeeding year. Then in 2009, the organization won the San Mig Strong Ice project conceptualizing competition in the viral-campaign and event-mounting categories. As a result, UP JMA was given the opportunity to represent the San Mig Strong Ice brand and execute the plans in partnership, of course, with San Mig Strong Ice. Within this academic year (2010-2011), UP JMA was hailed overall champions of Bacbacan 2, the inter-organization sports festival of UP Diliman‘s College of Business Administration.
Throughout its fifty-three years of existence, UP JMA has constantly aimed for nothing less than the best for itself and for all its stakeholders. The passion and drive for excellence of all those who have handled the organization over the years has led it to this point of distinction—that of being one of the country‘s premier student organizations. Moreover, another attribute to its success is the pride UP JMA takes in its four main thrusts and objectives, ensuring that all projects—from seminars to sports clinics to parties—are planned and executed according to the principles and ideals that the organization stands for. As a marketing organization, UP JMA puts a premium on all of its relationships with its stakeholders—may it be its members, its beneficiaries (the scholars of the K.I.D.S. program), or its affiliates (such as PMA and PJMA). Members are instilled with the knowledge and understanding that marketing is primarily about building mutually beneficial relationships, both internally and externally. The recognition and credit that UP JMA has received are motivators—embellishments on the
cake—that continue to push its members to aim higher and strive harder. With all this in mind and heart, and over half a century of prestige behind it, UP JMA continues to push on from its golden jubilee year to a bright and exciting future—because in this organization, we lead.
Kids Integrated Development through Schooling (K.I.D.S.) 31 Student Scholars of UP JMA The UP JMA and Tahanan ng Panginoon, Our Lady of Pentecost Parish chapter (Varsity Hills, Loyola Heights, QC), work hand in hand in bringing less fortunate children to school. The scholarship fund established to support the educational needs of our beneficiaries has gone a long way since it started more than 8 years ago. It provides its scholars assistance in the form of: educational subsidy, books, uniforms, food supplements and school supplies (in cash/kind) and two simple K.I.D.S. activities per semester (e.g. fieldtrip, sports fest or workshop). With 31 children already involved in the program, UP JMA remains committed in its social and moral obligation to help others in the community.
Team Kids, 2nd semester 2009-2010 1 Head and 3 Directors Merry KIDSmas Day
Last December 19, 2009, UP JMA treated its beneficiaries to another fun-filled Kids Day Out entitled Merry KIDSmas Day! Held at the Mira-nila covered court in Tandang Sora, a total of almost 120 members and applicants participated in the simple
but unforgettable Christmas party to give not only gifts but incomparable joy to our beneficiaries. The organization fully knows that it supports these 31 wonderful kids not just by giving them financial assistance and sending them through school but also to interact with them personally like big brothers and sisters through different activities. Meet You at the Stars! February 6, 2010 was another remarkable day for UP JMA as the organization, together with its 31 wonderful kids, invaded Star City and held an awesome theme park adventure. Food, rides and unbelievable fun were enjoyed by the kids and over 100 members and applicants. Through the help of our generous sponsors, the organization was able to make this event possible for FREE!
Team Kids, 1st semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 5 Directors Kids Integrated Development through Schooling (K.I.D.S) 2010 Summer Program The summer season signals a very important event for the UP Junior Marketing Association. It is a time for the organization to channel its members into helping the community through outreach projects. A few years back, UP JMA started summer tutorials for the less fortunate children of the Loyola Heights, Xavierville, and Barangay Pansol areas. Subjects such as Math, Science, and Reading Comprehension were taught, by the members, to the kids of these areas. This year, however, Junior Marketing Association has revolutionized the summer tutorials into a summer program that would teach these kids in the performing arts, technology, and sports. The students were Junior Marketing Association’s very own 31 beneficiaries. The program consisted of a total of seven sessions; three for the performing arts, two for both the computer and sports workshops. In the Performing Arts Workshop, the kids learned the basics of singing and dancing and showcased their talents in a culminating mini concert. JMA members and volunteers with musical skills got to be the children’s teachers while the others witnessed and
helped the kids reach their full potential. Apart from channeling the kids’ creativity, UP JMA also taught the kids today’s technology essentials. During the computer workshop, the kids were engaged in a one on one session with a JMAer who taught the basics of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. At the end of these computer sessions, the kids got to bring home lesson handouts and printouts of what they had made in the computer. The computer workshop was definitely a favorite among the kids. Another favorite were the sports workshop wherein the kids had the option to learn basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer or Frisbee. The sporty members were given a chance to interact and share their talents with the kids. With the new summer program, UP JMA proves that it does not only provide but it also guides and helps its beneficiaries realize their full potential. Furthermore, it strengthened ties with the ―Tahanan ng Panginoon‖ community of our beneficiaries. Our identity as a marketing organization also took its place in the project because corporate sponsors such as Selecta and John Robert Powers participated in the cause. Movie Date with Kids In order to give the kids a ―day off‖ from their everyday pressures, this project took them to watch a movie in Trinoma with the members and applicants of the organization. The kids enjoyed the front seats, next to their favorite members and applicants, of a funny Filipino movie. Afterwards, lunch was served at Jollibee.
Makmakan ―Makmakan‖ is an annual sports fest held to promote camaraderie and develop stronger bonds between the members, applicants, and the 31 UP JMA kid beneficiaries. It is always a fun filled day of novelty games and sports. Moreover, it is an opportunity for the kids to experience fun outside the classroom while getting to know our members and applicants better. The event is also in line to promote two of our thrusts, Service and Sports.
Makmakan 2010 was attended by 150 members and applicants of UP JMA and our 31 kids. The day was filled with fun games such as ―Agawan Buko‖, ―Musical Chairs‖, ―Pabitin‖, and ―Agawan Base‖. After the tiring but great bonding, the program then proceeded to a small ―salu-salo‖ sponsored by The French Baker and Selecta. The members and applicants got to interact with and get to know the kids better while sharing a meal. Right before the event ended, the members surprised the kids with party bags filled with toys from corporate partner Jollibee. Kids Committee Bonding Another new project that kicked off last semester is the KIDS-Committee bonding which is aimed at improving the relationships between our beneficiaries and the members of each of UP JMA’s five committees via micro events geared towards more interaction. On separate dates, the Socials and Public Relations, Publicity, Internals, Finance, Externals & Non-base committees will gather separately to engage in bonding activities with the 31 kids. Previous semesters only allowed for 2 interactive events between the members, applicants and kids. With this project, it allowed for 5 bonding
events per semester, which is more than double the number of the previous events. True enough, this project forged strong bonds between the participants. Members and applicants now knew the kids, not just on an acquaintance level, but a personal one. To elaborate with the series of bonding events last semester, the Socials and Public Relations and Publicity committee organized a picnic date with the kids. Field sports such as Frisbee and football were played. On the other hand, the Finance, externals and Internals committee organized an ―art‖ day. Participants divided into mixed groups of kids, members and applicants and created paintings. The paintings were posted in the JMA tambayan afterwards as a keep-sake. Furthermore, the Non-base committees organized a swimming outing wherein the kids truly enjoyed playing water games. Although the overall project was spearheaded by the Team KIDS, the individual bonding sessions were headed by each committee’s chairpersons. This goes to show how JMAers are willing to go out of their way for the kids. That we are not just providers but parents, no longer just the JMA members the kids get to see twice a semester but the ―ates‖ and ―kuyas‖ they look up to for inspiration. Kids’ Birthday cards A week before a kid’s birthday, a simple birthday card on the JMA bulletin board will be put up. JMAers can then put messages on it. When it is the kid’s birthday, the card will be sent to him/her. Kids’ Book Drive Around 200 books were collectively donated nd by the members and applicants during the 2 semester. Most of the books were children’s and academic books. These were given to the kids afterwards. Kids’ Documentaries Each kid’s house was visited by the team and a small number of JMA volunteers. The kids were interviewed about their personal and everyday life. Life environment, situation, and the interview of the kids were video-taped. These videos were
shown to JMAers as a way for them to somehow experience and realize the true situations of the kids.
Indiemand: UP JMA Major Marketing Event 2010 (Marketing Plan Competition for Students to Promote Local Independent Bands)
Major Marketing Event, 1 semester 2010-2011 2 Co-Chairs and 14 Directors Contest Period: July – August 2010 Closed-door Finalist Presentations – September 25, 2010 (Morning) Culminating Night – September 25, 2010 (Night)
Every year, the UP Junior Marketing Association (UP JMA) initiates a Major Marketing Event to fulfill their objective of promoting the significance of marketing. This year, UP JMA rocked the worlds of music and marketing with INDIEmand – a competition that gives college students the chance to write marketing plans for local independent bands. The prizes at stake were the rd following: 3 prize was a 4-day, 3-night stay in nd Boracay Haven, the 2 prize was the same Boracay Haven accommodations, with an additional 5,000 pesos in pocket money, and the first prize was FIFTY THOUSAND pesos (P50,000) in cash. To help promote the competition, UP JMA enlisted the help of some PJMA members, namely the Thomasian Junior Marketing Association, the Ateneo Junior Marketing Association and the DLSU Junior Entrepreneurs’ Marketing Association. As
Organization Partners, they hosted our promotional campus tour, helped disseminate publicity materials, and encouraged their members to participate in the competition. Fifty teams from various colleges all over the Metro battled it out in the eliminations round. Only five made it to the finals: from Ateneo, Team Vis Vires (Dianna Alarilla, Phil Disini, Drew Copuyoc, Dennis Tan, Karlo Mayordomo); from UST, Team UST-5 (Krishia Manay, Jerrimae Parangue, Khrizia Sarmiento, Kaye Sordan, Isabela Martinez); from UP Diliman: TEAMbaland (Michelle Molas, Eana Cubacub, Bam Santos, Jowee Caraso, Kristine Erni), IndieGo! (Rose Sagun, Ghea Orleans, Wendy Hsieh, Riz Panagdato and Hazel Tan), and Marck Cura and the Groupies (Marck Cura, Aimee Bacallan, Kara Ortiga, Sarah Wu, Trisha Zayco). Each team prepared a marketing case presentation on a randomly assigned independent band. Vis Vires was assigned to Kuwago, Team UST-5 to Ang Bandang Shirley, TEAMbaland to Tonight We Sleep, IndieGo! to The Charmes, and Marck Cura and the Groupies to Hidden Nikki. Presentations were judged by a panel of music experts and marketing specialists.
The competition capped off in a glorious culminating night at Teatrino, Promenade. Supporters got to vote for their favorite teams online through Sun Broadband Prepaid. Analog Soul band shirts and cool Sun Dial Tunes were available for sale. The independent bands each played songs, giving the audience a taste of what they had to offer. rd In the end, Team Vis Vires won 3 place, Marck nd Cura and the Groupies won 2 place, and TEAMbaland took home the top prize.
L.E.A.P. (Leaders Emerging as Agents for Progress) Marketing Seminar for High School Students nd
Public Relations Event, 2 Semester AY 20092010 1 Head and 6 Directors As a marketing organization based in the College of Business Administration, the members of the UP Junior Marketing Association have been exposed several times to various marketing seminars each year. With this in mind, the members of the Public Relations Event (PR Event) of the second semester academic year 2009-2010, under the committee Socials and Public Relations, have decided to impart this experience to a new niche, the high school students of Metro Manila – and so Team PR Event created L.E.A.P. – Leaders Emerging as Agents for Progress. The main objective of the event is to educate high school students about marketing and its use as a tool for the success in their own school organizations. The team also saw the various upcoming high school fairs as an opportunity for the students to utilize their new-found knowledge of marketing. It was a whole day event segmented into two parts: the morning seminars and the afternoon simulation. Participating schools were Miriam College High School, Seton High School North, Seton High School South, St. Jude Catholic School, and several walk-ins. They were grouped according to their school and the walk-ins were grouped as another group. The event was held in the College of Science Auditorium. Sponsors of the event include Silverworks, Purefoods TJ Hotdogs,, and John Robert Powers. The first segment comprised three talks from prominent marketing experts with an open forum after each speaker, and a deliberation for the afternoon task. The topics discussed were ―Sponsorship Marketing‖ presented by Mr. Jun Guevarra, Marketing Assistant of P&G Philippines, ―Effective Self-Presentation‖ presented by Lev Rodriguez of John Robert Powers, and ―Entrepreneurship‖ presented by the President and Owner of Silverworks.
The first part of the afternoon segment was the Productive Lunch Meeting; the groups were assigned to create a business presentation for a new company. The next part of the afternoon segment was a simulation wherein they have to pitch their ideas to various company representatives who in turn will ―award‖ them with the company’s ―marketing budget‖, this translates to points for the group under Sponsorship Marketing Effectiveness. The groups then presented their ideas to a board of judges. The criteria for best group were Feasibility and Marketability, Creativity and Novelty, Sponsorship Marketing Effectiveness, Business Plan, and Presentation. The group with the highest score won the prizes. All in all, the event was a success based on participants’ feedback and the team’s evaluation. The objective was achieved and the students were grateful for being part of this new and exciting experience.
MarkEM: Marketing Education Matters (Business Simulation and Seminar for Marketing Majors across the Metro) Public Relations Event, 1 2011 1 Head and 5 directors
Semester AY 2010-
On September 18th 2010, the UP JMA Public Relations Event Team, composed of six members of the Socials and Public Relations Commitee, held a Business Simulation and Seminar entitled "MarkEM: Marketing Education Matters" at the Tech Portal of the UP Ayala Land Techno Hub. With one of the event's objectives being to introduce the organization to new communities, the team invited students of Business Administration, Management and/or Marketing Communications from smaller state universities and colleges.
Attendees came from the University of the East, the National College of Business Administration, Olivares College, Colegio San Juan de Letran, Adamson University and the Technological Institute of the Philippines; there was a total of seventy participants. MarkEM featured talks in Marketing and Self-Presentation, Advertising and Product Management by Ms. Eleanore Lee, Marketing Manager of Citisec, Ms. Irma Mutuc, Creative Consultant for Boardworks, Inc. and Mr. Paolo David, Senior Product Manager of L'Oreal Paris Hair Care, respectively. Each speaker was to give a talk with a small activity either simultaneous with the talk or following right after. At the end of the day, participants were divided into groups and were tasked to work on a mini case which had them come up with a product or service fit for a particular target market. They were then to present their work in front of the entire group as well as a panel of judges composed of a representative each from L’Oreal Paris Hair Care and Sun Cellular and a former president of UP JMA. The seminar was free of charge and had Sun Cellular, Myra E,, L'Oreal Paris Hair Care, Sanofi Aventis, The French Baker,, SM Girls Teens' Wear, John Robert Powers, Jollibee,, Cater Pro, Selecta and Webcast Technologies Inc. as sponsors.
Wipeout: Dare to Survive Paintball Competition Entrepreneurial Project, 2 1 Head and 6 Directors
semester 2009-2010
The Entrepreneurial Project Team is in charge of organizing the second highest grossing fund raiser of the UP Junior Marketing Association. The team’s biggest challenge is to come up with creative and innovative ways to raise money while keeping a high attendance rate. Past projects include Overdrive: Battle of the Rock Bands (A Rock Band competition), Buy Pinoy (A Charity Bazaar), and Musika Manila (A Retro Musical Event). Last March 6, 2010, the UP JMA Entrepreneurial Project Team, made up of seven directors, hosted its very first paintball tournament, ―Wipeout. Dare to Survive.‖ Throughout the project,
the team’s efforts were focused on its target market: both college students and enthusiastic pre-teens. To be able to capture the market, the team created two tournaments: a Slayer Tournament for the enthusiasts and fun seekers, and a Capture-the-Flag Tournament for the experts. For its promotional and publicity efforts, the team created publicity materials that have the tough adventurous and competitive vibe for it to appeal to the target market. The event ended with a bang, as two teams were able to bring home the grand prize with Ten Thousand Pesos each. Fundraisers like ―Wipeout. Dare to Survive.‖ are reflections of the team’s interests, which helps in their development by showing that everyday activities can be utilized to help the less fortunate. Who says you can’t make money and have fun at the same time?
Bingorama Community Bingo Tournament st
Entrepreneurial Project, 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 9 Directors
Adhoc Major Event The Biggest College Party in the Metro The Adhoc Major Event is UP JMA’s biggest fundraiser for its beneficiaries. Each semester, the most dynamic and talented members earn the chance to become part of this team – and what they deliver is truly legendary. For the past two semesters, the Adhoc Team unleashed the biggest college parties in the whole metro – both held at the World Trade Center.
UP JMA’s Ad Hoc event has been established as the every semester
Adhoc: Eternity in an Hour – Adhoc Major Event, nd 2 semester 2009-2010 2 Co-Chairs and 12 Directors
Last September 11, 2010, UP Junior Marketing Association (UP JMA) Entrepreneurial Project Team held a bingo social event that took place at the Ayala Heights Covered Court. Different prizes such as home appliances and cellular phones, some provided by the event’s sponsors, were up for grabs as well as two grand prizes of 10,000 pesos cash. There were also raffle draws that came in between bingo rounds. The bingo social had an impact on the community where it was held, the Ayala Heights subdivision. Some of the household helpers came over to the covered court to take a shot at winning one of the enticing prizes. Household helpers were exactly the target market the team intended to attract and the venue helped the team achieve this objective.
Last February 27, 2010, ADHOC: Eternity in an Hour was held at the World Trade Center Tent. Upon entrance, partyphiles climb up an elevated stage where they get an awesome overview of the whole venue. They are immediately enthralled by the huge curtain in the center flanked by two large
screens, the different alcohol sponsors who offered free flowing drinks all night long, the various sponsors booths and photo walls they can visit and enjoy and most importantly the music, lights and friends that filled up the dance floor. At the strike of midnight, all lights blacked out and a heart thumping video flashed on the screen and built up the hype to a climax where the curtain dropped revealing DJ Gillete and MC Paolo Avila simultaneous with a laser lights show. The event was a huge success garnering over 1,200 participants and more than P250,000 in profit.
On the biggest panel, two screens were projected on top of each other to create the feeling of being at New York’s Times Square. At midnight, the lights went out and a video played featuring the ending scene of a series used in the promotions of the events. After that, the music turned up and confetti rained upon our guests – it was a night they truly won’t forget. Not only did this Adhoc Event have more participants (more than 3,000), but it also had more corporate sponsors, organization partners, media sponsors and generated profit of more than P450,000.
Adhoc: The Absolute Affinity – Adhoc Major st Event, 1 semester 2010-2011 2 Co-Chairs and 14 Directors
Because of the high risk taken by the Adhoc Team, they reaped even higher returns. Adhoc is now well-known in the college scene and is a sought-after promotional opportunity by companies whose target market is the college student. Truly, the Adhoc Major Event proves that UP JMA does it best.
Boheme Live the Bohemian Life nd
Team Publicity Event, 2 1 Head and 6 Directors
The Adhoc Team was still not content and pushed the limit further with an even more ambitious college party entitled ADHOC: The Absolute Affinity held last September 4, 2010. This time, the party was held inside the World Trade Center covering an area more than twice the size than the previous Adhoc. By 9PM, eager partygoers already lined up owing to the widespread promotions done by the Adhoc Team. The key strategy employed this semester was to partner with other organizations from other universities – some of which were fellow JMAs such as the Thomasian JMA of UST and JEMA of DLSU. The theme of the set design was made of multi-level boards that reflected the spectrum of lights simulating an energetic cityscape.
semester 2009-2010
The Publicity Event of UP JMA is a celebration of life through food, design, fashion, music, and all other art forms, welcoming an extensive, as well as, eclectic audience to the artistic and technical world of publicity marketing. Team Publicity Event has created, over the years, numerous tie-ups and partnerships with sponsors to help target an extremely discerning audience with an eye for style.
One recent project was Boheme: A NonTraditional Art Exhibit and Black Lights Party, held last January 30, 2010, at the RCBC Hexagon Lounge. The event featured Bohemian-inspired installation art pieces, an excerpt performance from Rent the Musical (by Nine-Works Theatrical), a steel drum recital by members of Kuwago, Tonight We Sleep, and Enemies of Saturn, and all-night dancing courtesy of music from I Love You X Future DJs Chie Castañeda and Pedicab’s Diego Mapa, all fuelled by free-flowing drinks from Southern Comfort. Attendance of 750 people ensured more than adequate exposure to the sponsors’ brands, which mixed together to provide a totally new and refreshing experience for the attendees.
Serbesa: Manila Served Chilled Filipino Culture with a Contemporary Twist st
Team Publicity Event, 1 semester 2010-2011
1 Head and 6 Directors This semester Publicity Event focused on the Filipino culture giving it a contemporary twist, having an art competition with the use of different mediums to portray the celebration of what it entails to be a Filipino as well as a shoe-design competition together with Paez. The culmination of the event was held at the B-side at The Collective, which was decorated from floor to ceiling with art by students from the UP College of Fine Arts. A soothing night of music, food and drinks allowed for a relaxing environment in which the top 5 entries were featured. The many forms of Philippine art were viewed, giving the 900-1000 event attendees different reasons to take pride!
Crave: A Chocolate Rave Chocolate Theme Party nd
Applicants Project, 2 semester 2009-2010 UP JMA ―In High Definition‖ Applicants Batch Guilty pleasures were satiated at The Grove by Rockwell last March 12, as the UP Junior Marketing Association In High Definition Applicants and its partner companies brought to life the most tempting college party ever to hit the Metro -CRAVE: A Chocolate Rave. Gorgeous models kicked off the chocolate-themed festivities by strutting through the venue, tantalizing the crowd in a fashion show featuring chocolate body art and the hottest summer looks by Stoked Inc. Throughout the night, over 750 attendees got their fill of all-thingssweet as they indulged in the chocolate fountains all around the venue. As if that weren’t enough to send everyone into a sugar rush, free-flowing, mouthwatering, chocolate liquor were provided by Cossack Vodka and Swizzle Mobile Bar, such as White Chocolate Bliss, Chocolate Mint, and CRAVE, the chocolate-caramel signature drink of the event. With CRAVE, the In High Definition Applicants got their just desserts as they set the bar high for future projects and contributed greatly to the UP JMA Scholarship Fund, making all their hard work pay off. Ending on a chocolate high with CRAVE, indeed, the UP Junior Marketing Association has once again proven that partying for a cause is better, wilder, and sweeter when it’s IN HIGH DEFINITION.
Emergency: Hospital Gone Wild Hospital Theme Party nd
Applicants Project, 2 semester 2009-2010 UP JMA ―iRevolutionize‖ Applicants Batch On Friday, October 1, 2010, college students from different universities flocked to 55 Events Place in Tomas Morato for a shot of the unrivalled UP JMA party experience in this year’s SICKEST college party—EMERGENCY: Hospital Gone Wild! When the gates opened at 9, a steady influx of partygoers that lasted throughout the night
checked themselves in and received hospital wristbands at the entrance. As the DJ spun infectious dance and hiphop beats, guests thirsting for beer flocked to the open beer bar provided by San Mig Light, where they were satisfied with generous servings of free-flowing, ice cold beer. Meanwhile, the shooters bar by Swizzle was a hit, drawing hoards of party people eager to taste the custom cocktails aptly named Blood Transfusion and Liquid Morphine, and to feel the rush of having alcohol shot straight into their mouths using the party’s ingenious syringe shots—an experience you won’t get at any other party! Guests were clearly enjoying themselves as they took to the dance floor as well as posed and smiled at the X-Ray, the photobooth by Geronimo Photographico. Others enjoyed cups of Zest-O FruitSoda being doled out by the sexy Zest-O nurses. Then, partygoers cheered as RX 93.1 radio host Gino made his grand entrance to the center of the floor on a wheelchair and kept the festivities high all night long with games. The winners brought home a gift bag containing prizes from Universal Robina Corporation and Shick. The party fever soared come midnight, when UP Street Dance shook up the dance floor and gave the guests more reason to cheer with a delirious, high-energy dance number. Shortly after their performance, the hyped up partygoers tore up the dance floor with their own moves, while the DJ continued to play the hottest and sickest club hits.
where students could learn more about Cervical Cancer as well as win exciting prizes and take pictures with their kabarkadas. On the same day, an open seminar was held at the Palma Hall Auditorium (PH 401) covering relevant topics involving cervical cancer and women empowerment. UP JMA assisted in the promotions of the event by posting teasers and posters across all the colleges in the Diliman Campus and through online social networks. UP JMA representatives also attended the open seminar.
L’Oreal: Reveal What R U Up 4? – L’Oreal challenges students’ business skills through Reveal, the revolutionary recruitment platform game that allows students across the world to assess and explore their professional profile. Students get to play the role of a trainee by investigating a cutting edge innovation by L’Oréal. Through the online game,
Various Company Tie-ups Being one of the largest, premiere organizations composed of students from different colleges, UP JMA is a top choice for companies to tap for their promotions. The following companies partnered with UP JMA in the promotion of their events. GSK: Laban Ni Maria GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) partnered with UP JMA for the UP Diliman Leg of its Laban ni Maria: A Cervical Cancer Awareness Campus tour. Last December 10, GSK set up a booth at Palma Hall
students will get an inside view of L’Oréal by exploring career paths and to see if they have what it takes to excel with L’Oreal. In order to progress in the game REVEAL, students will have to solve puzzles and search for clues. The student’s goal is to complete the game with a high score, winning the
chance to meet key L’Oréal executives, receive a hands-on experience with L’Oréal, on top of great exciting prizes. UP JMA took charge of the promotions of Reveal in the Diliman Campus. Aside from posting teasers and posters around the campus, members also encouraged friends and other students to sign rd up at the booth at the 3 floor front lobby of the College of Business Administration. Nestea Fit: Camp Hot Last summer, Nestlé organized a healthy and active sports lifestyle program designed by NESTEA Fit to get you hot. The event featured a variety of sports clinics (such as touch rugby and ultimate Frisbee to name a few) and activities facilitated by the Philippine’s top athletes and professionals. UP JMA not only promoted the event but members also participated in the event held at Fort Bonifacio Global City Open Field. KFC: Krushers Sweet Escape Photo Contest KFC, one of UP JMA’s main sponsors last semester, held the KFC Krushers Sweet Escape Photo Contest. UP JMA members participated in the said contest, with the photo submitted by UP JMAers Celina Sol Cruz, Jackie Mañago, Kathleen Barretto, and Kish Mortell winning the grand prize (They are flying to Switzerland and Spain in the summer of 2011!). This contest was another opportunity for offcampus exposure for UP JMA as well as a platform for the organization to keep a good image with KFC, another testament to UP JMA’s commitment to keeping its partner organizations satisfied. Project Bayanihan Project Bayanihan is a historic 60-day competition that pits U.S.-based Filipino and FilipinoAmerican college student organizations against one another to raise funds for underprivileged schools and communities in the Philippines. For the inaugural round, PB has partnered with Child and Youth Development (CYD) Program of Gawad Kalinga – one of the Philippines’ most respected community development foundations. Up to 300 of Gawad Kalinga CYD’s schools and communities will soon be ready for adoption by the student organizations. Project Bayanihan is being organized
by a group of recent college graduates and rising seniors from top colleges in both the Philippines and the United States and UP JMA supported their event by attending their launch party Manhattan in Manila held in White Avenue last December 18, 2010. Amber Ultra Lounge: Back to School Party The External Relations Team of UP JMA partnered with Amber Ultra Lounge (located in the Fort Strip) for two parties last summer. Amber provided the venue and the drinks – the rest were left to the team was in charge of the concept and promotions of the said event. The events offered free entrance for those guest listed and unlimited drinks. To elevate the mood of the parties, games were played and winners bagged tickets to an upcoming concert of a famous female DJ from Australia.
UP JMA WEEK 2010: The Great Escape Week Long Celebration of UP JMA’s 52nd Year nd
Week Committee, 2 semester 2009-2010 2 Co-Chairs and 16 Directors In February 2010, UP JMA celebrated the nd organization’s 52 year with a weeklong celebration that was bigger and better than it ever was before. This year, UP JMA provided students with the perfect venue to take a break from our fast-paced world, with its event entitled JMA Week: The Great Escape. The Great Escape was composed of a series of events targeted towards members and applicants of the organization, students from Universities all over the metro, and most importantly, members of underprivileged communities. This weeklong festivity served to establish JMA as an institution in the UP Community, as well as in other universities.
The Great Escape began on February 14 with its Socially Relevant Event, entitled “Snap!” – a photography competition on “Celebrating the Remarkable Filipino Spirit of Hope despite Poverty.” This was done in partnership with the Dynamic Teen Company (DTC) and Efren Penaflorida (CNN Hero of the Year). Featured photographs were sold in a silent auction and all proceeds were donated to DTC. Partner organizations included the UP Cineastes’ Studio, Ateneo Aperture Society, DLSU AdCreate, DLSU Council of Student Organizations, DLSU Electronics and Communications Engineering Society, DLSU Team Communications and
On February 15, UP JMA members competed in the much-awaited Scavenger Hunt entitled “Road Trip”, wherein its five committees were pitted against each other in a race around the Metro. On February 16, UP JMA Week was officially launched in the College of Business Administration. An interactive theme park Gallery entitled “Skedaddle” was also unveiled. The Gallery aimed to raise awareness of JMA’s four thrusts: service, socials, academics, and sports. Week continued on with its fundraiser entitled “Raid the Arcade”, wherein a mini arcade was set-up th at the College of Business Administration’s 4 floor. On Thursday, Week called out to all University students to take part in its Grand Pakain, entitled “Upsize!” True to its name, this year’s Grand Pakain proved that bigger was indeed better. On Friday was “Pump U.P!” a Pinoy sports fest with ten participating UP organizations. As a registration fee, each organization was asked to submit twenty books, which was donated to the Philippine General Hospital’s Orthopedic Ward. Pump U.P! not only gathered student organizations from different colleges for a competitive night, but it also fortified the University’s burning spirit of unity. The Grand Prize winner took home a whopping P20,000 for their org. Org participants included DOST scholars, IE Club, Judo Club, Tomo-Kai, UP KEM, UP Aces, UP Journalism Club, UP TMS, UP Lakan and UP PMS. Wrapping up the activity-filled week, UP JMA Week celebrated its culminating event at a Brazilianthemed party, entitled “Getaway!” This night served as an escape indeed, as UP JMA members, alumni and applicants alike were treated to capoeira and fire dance performances care of Sinha Bahia, as well as whole-night percussion music by the Charcoal Drumbeaters samba band.
UP JMA hones the of its members for the benefit of the
ICU: Isko Cleans Up University-Wide Cleanliness Campaign Campus Relations Event, nd 2 semester 2009-2010 1 Head and 3 Directors ICU or Ikso Cleans UP is a team composed of environmentally-concerned student organizations spearheaded by UP JMA with Anna Oposa and Kester Yu, with the objective to turn the University of the Philippines to a zero-waste campus by June 2011. Plans of the program include educating the UP community about the environment through campaigns and marketing, eliminating polystyrene, establishing compost sites inside the university, and creating a unified segregation and collection system. ICU was launched last February 2, 2010 at the School of Economics with the Ayala Recyclables fair in the morning and a talk by world-renowned environmental lawyer Atty. Antonio Oposa in the afternoon. An environmental gallery was also featured with tips on how to take care of the environment, data, and statistics about the current status of our university. As the country’s leading and representative university, ICU strongly believes that it should serve as an example that others must look up to. The most basic element of nation-building is discipline, and the most basic form of discipline is cleanliness of self and of surroundings. ICU aims to make the best university in the Philippines to be the cleanest university. The project does not only include a university-wide clean-up, but tries to instill in the minds of every member of the UP community to learn ways on how they can help Mother Earth.
OrgBoost University-Wide Organization Marketing Conference
Campus Relations Event, st 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 3 Directors Orgboost is an annual project of the UP Junior Marketing Association intended to provide quality marketing training to all organizations in the
university by specifically targeting the student leaders of each organization. This is done through a seminar wherein prominent speakers from different companies are invited to discuss and give helpful tips on marketing topics. The topics include selfbranding and personality development, sponsorship marketing 101, and project management. These three topics are based on the notions of boosting yourself, your org, and your event through marketing. For the success of the event, UP JMA collaborated with the different organizations within the University by encouraging their members to attend. This project was also a tie up with the University The core of Student Council our organization: and accumulated a total of 100 student attendees.
Alay sa Manggagawa UP JMA Gives Back to the University’s Maintenance Staff Campus Relations Event, st 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 3 Directors Alay sa Manggagawa is dedicated to giving back to the maintenance staff of the university. Through this event, the org markets its social awareness while displaying marketing skills used to fund the event. UP JMA, together with University administrators, faculty, and other organizations work in partnership to provide these hardworking people a fun-filled day they truly deserve. This project is a good venue for company product distribution and promotion through X-deals because the participants love playing for prizes and receiving freebies. These projects of Team CampRel are dedicated to strengthening and building UP JMA’s relationship with our different stakeholders within the university by not only addressing the academic, recreational, and socio-civic needs of its members but also share a sense of ownership with the totality of the organization’s stakeholders – its beneficiaries, its sponsors, and its previous partners.
Academic Support Initiatives to Help UP Students Excel in their Academics st
Team Education, 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 2 Directors Team Ed kicked off the first semester for this school year by releasing the first ever UP JMA Team Education Kit - “TED KIT” for short. The kit was an all-in-one guide especially made for the freshmen students of the UP College of Business Administration (UP CBA), covering anything that these freshmen students ought to expect to survive their years in the university. The guide included the following: a preview of what the freshmen should expect in their academic life in CBA, what their future could be like when they’re trained by UP JMA, some of the best food spots in UP, and some tips to help boost one’s academic performance. Another Team Ed creation was the UP JMA Online Classroom – an exclusive website accessible only by members of UP JMA. It was a great peer website – as the content was created by JMAers to share with their fellow JMAers. Some of the website’s content included a professor database, some old PDF and PowerPoint files that can be downloaded for class use and many other features. The highlight of Team Education’s journey for the first semester was the Math 17 tutorials – which were open to freshmen students all around the university. It was also a wonderful platform that allowed us to work with another prestigious organization in the university – the UP Math Majors Circle. Math experts from the club taught a whole classroom of students some very useful tips that the students had been able to use in their Math 17 midterm examinations.
BACBACAN Champions UP JMA Wins Over-all Champion in Annual College Sports Fest On December 5, 2009, the UP Junior Marketing Association displayed its dominance once again in the inter-CBA organization sports fest,
BACBACAN 2, held at the Department of Agrarian Reform sports complex. The UP JMA Red Titans, with the support of Bacchus energy drink took their A-game to the competition in all fields: basketball, futsal, volleyball, parlor games, Mr. and Ms. BACBACAN and the very competitive cheerdance competition. A back-to-back overall championship was on the cards for the Red Titans who had won BACBACAN in the previous year.
Great Sharing UP’s Greatest Ideas to the University st
Team Embassy, 1 semester 2010-2011 2 Directors, 4 officers Last semester, the Diliman Interactive Learning Center sought to re-launch Great – a platform website where students and faculty of the University of the Philippines Diliman can learn about great ideas brimming around the campus. is patterned after Ted Talks, the internationally-renowned website where video lectures of professors are posted and shared for everyone to view. had been in existence for six months. However, at the time of the re-launching project, its hits had been very low, causing DILC to seek UP JMA to create a marketing plan to boost awareness and trial of the website in the UP Community. UP JMA brought together its best marketers and came up with a complete and cohesive campaign to spring the website to life. Because of the much-improved hype surrounding the new, refurbished website, a Symposium featuring five popular professors from UP Diliman was held on October, 2010 at a packed College of Law theater and was broadcasted to the different UP campuses around the country after the re-launch.
The “M” in JMA Marketing Education for UP JMA’s Members nd
Team Marketing Solutions, 2 semester 2009st 2010 and 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 3 Directors UP JMA‟s Team Marketing Solutions handles the organization‟s unique selling proposition – Marketing! All throughout the school year, the team makes sure that every member of the organization is equipped with the skills and tools to deliver in the marketing aspect of their projects and events. One way that the team fulfils this goal is by handling the organization‟s JMaK – or JMA Marketing Kit. This involves keeping our database up-to-date with the latest company contacts, monitoring the marketing activities of the members and guiding them through the process of creating their marketing letters, as well as dealing with potential sponsors. The JMaK includes the company database, a primer on sponsorship marketing, sample letters and much more. More than just providing the JMaK, however, Team Marketing also contributes to UP JMA by organizing academic seminars. Every semester, holds two seminars - The Marketing Summit for the applicants of the organization and Members‟ Marketing Event the members. The Marketing Summit or “MarkIT” is one of the most important events that applicants are required to attend during their application process, and ensures that every potential member of the organization has received training in the world of marketing. The two most recent summits were entitled “Step App” and “UP.” The two events brought back esteemed alumni to teach applicants about marketing, branding and project management. Platinum: The Members’ Marketing Event The Members‟ Marketing Event is a seminar held every semester to further the marketing knowledge of the general membership of UP JMA. This event is in line with the thrust of Academic Development of each member of the organization that UP JMA aims to expand and widen the skills of each of its members in the field of marketing. For this semester, the Members‟ Marketing Seminar was held at the Philippine Stock Exchange Building in
Ayala Avenue, Makati City. It was a sit-down buffet power dinner with several speakers. The participants were able to listen to the talks of a speaker from a Stock Brokerage Firm and two speakers Multinational companies who talked about the role of effective communication in the real world of Marketing. The alumni of the organization who are currently employed in marketing departments of multinational companies were invited to share about their real life experiences in the world of marketing. The members got a chance to interact with the speakers and the alumni in a personal setting through the dinner that was served. ComMBat: Committee Marketing Battle In contrast, “CoMBat: the Committee Marketing Battle” was a very different Members‟ Marketing Event altogether. Each of the organization‟s five committees battled it out in an intra-org marketing competition. The name of the game was innovation – everyone was asked to innovate and think up new events and projects to pitch to the organization‟s executive committee. It was a chance for members to see UP JMA in a new light, and for nonbusiness majors to experience a real marketing competition. The keys here are creativity, mental agility, and an adaptable disposition, essential tools to always being ahead. With the twist in place, ComMBat was definitely a fresh, challenging, and memorable experience for everyone. Through activities like the Members‟ Marketing Event, the core craft of the UP JMA is furthered. Through the event, Marketing was instilled deeper in the minds of the members. It is highly important for the members to have their own Marketing Event so that they are kept up to date with the current marketing know-hows. UP JMA takes pride in the fact that each of its members is a leader. This event keeps the members relevant and well informed. The event makes them great marketers,
not just settling for mediocrity but constantly innovating and improving themselves. The effects of events such as the Members‟ Marketing Event are paramount. Because each member is equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed in Marketing, UP JMA is the bastion of Marketing Excellence, not just in the University but in the Country. Members of UP JMA are asked to be speakers in various organizations in different universities. Also, UP JMA is asked to be the Marketing arm of several University wide and National events and organizations. Recently, UP JMA has been tapped by the UP Diliman Interactive Learning Center to be a partner to help them in Marketing their endeavors. UP JMA undoubtedly has a reputation of being the best in the Marketing arena because of our commitment in preserving the marketing excellence of each of our members.
UP JMA MemCard An All Exclusive Membership Card for JMAers Team External Promotions, nd 2 semester 2009-2010 1 Head and 2 Directors Team External Promotions is in charge with the UPJMA Membership card and the alumni relations. The UPJMA Membership card is the organization‟s privilege card. It is the job of Team External Promotions to market this card to different establishments to be able to get perks, discounts and freebies for the members. This semester, the UPJMA Membership card is recognized in 130++ establishments around the Metro. Establishments like Banapple, Brother‟s Burger, Attica Bar and Lounge, Amber Ultralounge, Manor Superclub, Texas BBQ, Lay Bare Salon, Blue Waters Day Spa, Nail It Salon and 100++ others have readily signed up to give perks and discounts to all JMAers. Steps were also taken to further relations with the organization‟s Alumni. Team External Promotions went On Air at Boys Night Out at magic 89.9fm to invite all alumni not just in the Philippines but also those who are abroad to sign up in the online alumni
Facebook database and to attend the UPJMA Culmination Night that was usually attended only by the current members of the organization. The UPJMA Alumni Facebook account was able to retrace about 250 new alumni. The account also served as a medium of information dissemination to the alumni on the current events and activities of the organization leading to more alumni attendance and participation.
The JMA Alumni Reconnecting Past and Present JMA Members Team Alumni Relations, 1st semester 2009-2010 1 Head and 2 Directors st
Team Alumni Relations (1 Semester of Academic Year 2010-2011) of the External Affairs Committee‟s is a reinstated team in the organization, with the objective to reestablish healthy relationships with the alumni. Alumni Relations strives to vigorously keep all alumni of UP JMA informed and up-to-date in all events of the organization that play distinctive roles in accomplishing its four thrusts: Service, Socials, Sports, and Academics. In doing so, the team initially aimed to come up with a new database of the alumni for future references. With its reinstitution, the team intends to innovate fresh and creative ways on how to demonstrate the importance of healthy interaction between members of past and of present. Using available technology such as social networking websites, the team has easily gathered information from JMA‟s alumni, starting from the younger ones working our way up to the older graduates. AlumRel also decided to choose quality over quantity, meaning the team chose to contact the more active JMAers in the past who are more likely to come back home to JMA. The team did this by contacting the previous Executive Committee members (Presidents and Vice Presidents) who served as the core of the organization in each respective year they served. Alumni Relations tied up with other teams in the organization and assisted them in their search of resource speakers and other connections that are useful for their events. The alumni gladly shared with the organization knowledge and special skills in their respective fields and how JMA has helped them reach their current positions and titles. With the creation of a more centralized communications system and being more aggressive in contacting the alumni, the members of the
reinstated Alumni Relations has successfully laid out the foundation for semesters to come.
organization, representing its members and their ideas using various media.
Spilling Creative Juices Harnessing the Creative Talents of UP JMA
The team regularly releases a MegaLumine (a full-size, full-color, hardbound publication) to materialize coherent and inspiring themes into a magazine, as well as Lightning Lumine issues (smaller, 2-page newsletters), and online updates and teasers.
Team Creatives, 2 semester 2009-2010 and 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 4 Directors
Team Creatives is the creative arm of the organization that makes, helps, teaches, or instructs other teams and members of the organization in addressing their needs for publicity materials and the like. Through the artistic construction of the Reaffirmation and Recruitment Booth to make it more appealing and more contemporary, UP JMA was able to reach its goal of recruiting more applicants within and outside the college. Team Creatives also participated in the College‟s Stained Glass Making Competition where the different organizations decorated the windows of the college in preparation for the Christmas season and the lantern parade. Team Creatives also produced an exciting yet well-formatted signature sheet for the applicants of JMA. The sigsheet serves as an instrument of interaction between the organization's applicants and members. As for the members, Team Creatives supports the various teams in the creation of effective and eye-catching publicity materials for the various events and sponsors of UP JMA. Team Creatives redesigns the organization‟s bulletin board, which can be found in the organization‟s office on the fourth floor of the College of Business Administration. The board serves as one of the channels through which members can communicate internally and externally. Team Creatives also made the publicity materials for the event, In the Midnight Hour – a tieup with Team External Relations during the summer of 2010. It was a back-to-school party with partner organizations: UP Travel Society, UP Psychology Society, and the UP Men's Football Team. nd
Team Media, 2 semester 2009-2010 and 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 3 Directors
Lumine, UP JMA‟s official publication, is the organization's publicity manager in and out of the
The topics covered by Lumine range from major event press releases and documentation of the organization‟s projects that help to form students into competitive leaders, to surveys on the members‟ favourite restaurants along Katipunan as well as the latest catchphrases that pop up in a normal UP JMAer‟s conversations. To produce all these publications, the team has to defy hurdles such as high production costs (due to photo shoots, publishing expenses, etc) by pouring doses of creativity, patience, hard work, and of course, support from UP JMA members to form a mixture that entertains and informs. Another of the team's goals was to activate the organization's official website as an essential means of communication with followers and colleagues online. ( Lumine is instrumental in UP JMA‟s marketing. It promises interactive and content-heavy exposure to UP JMA members, who are known as trendsetters and iconic personalities in their social circles, giving sponsors and their brands increased pass-along mileage and credible buzz marketing that less flexible marketing packages cannot provide. Also, the team has access to the UP JMA website, helping in terms of design and content to effectively raise interactivity on the site, giving sponsors even more exposure to the general public.
Ultimate Bonding Experience Unifying UP JMA Through Activities and Events nd
Team Members, 2 semester 2009-2010 1 Head and 3 Directors 2012: The Members’ Team Building Seminar The Team Building Seminar (TBS) for Members was held last January 24, 2010 at the Manila Watershed Pavilion. It was a day-long event that was geared towards the bonding of UP JMA‟s members. It consisted of different activities for the fun and enjoyment of the members. During the day,
the members got to know, and fostered their friendship with other members via sessions that improved on their communication and team-related skills. Even though the event was internal in nature, marketing was integral to the TBS. It was sponsored by various companies who were interested in maximizing their link with the members of JMA. The organization forged links with companies who had students as their target market. Because the event already consisted of a highly stream-lined and very specific demographic; companies responded well to sponsoring the event and turned out to be a well marketed event. UP JMA is the sheer initiator of the TBS and has already been a semestral tradition. Even though it is internal in nature, its success has been felt within the College of Business Administration. Membership participation was very successful with the event. Because it was targeted towards the members themselves, the TBS proved to be an experience that the members enjoyed. What was good about the membership involvement with the TBS is the fact that both old and new residents of the organization attended the event. Old members came back and re-affirmed their involvement and support for the organization. st
Team Members, 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 4 Directors
2 Heads and 4 Directors each semester Tambay Week As an organization with over 300 members and applicants combined, ensuring that all these people get to develop friendly and at the same time meaningful relationships is certainly a challenge. In line with this, Team SPRINT holds a week-long event called Tambay Week every semester. This five-day extravaganza features fun bonding games and free food where members and applicants can get together to simply enjoy each other„s company at UP JMA„s tambayan located at the fourth floor of the College of Business Administration. The second semester„s tambay week, held on the first week of December, brought the four seasons into the tambayan. The week was kicked off with a fashion show for all seasons. Members and applicants engaged in season-themed games such as real life Plants vs. Zombies during spring. They were also treated to yummy treats, such as tender juicy hotdogs, yum burgers and free massages. Tambay week food was sponsored by Purefood Tender Juicy Hotdogs and Jollibee Foods Corporation. This event was also made possible by Joon Salon, Long Island, Jose's Goto Specials, GSM Blue and San Miguel Light. Tambay week was definitely a fun way to make new friends and gear up for an awesome semester ahead. Christmas Party
UPJMA SemStarter: I LOVE COLLEGE A night centered on fostering strong relationships among the members of UP JMA. This event created a venue for the members to share their talents and interact over great music, drinks, and surprise activities. It aims to bring the members together and focuses on the relationships formed among them, which, as we believe, is the foundation of any organization. MakMakan Makmakan, getting its name from the tie-ups of Team Members, Team Athletics, and Team Kids, is whole day event focused on creating stronger relationships among the kids, the apps, and the members through fun games and sports activities. Its purpose is also to affiliate themselves to the kids, who are the beneficiaries of the organization nd
Team Sprint, 2 semester 2009-2010 and 1 semester 2010-2011
Before everyone leaves for Christmas break, Team SPRINT hosts the organization's annual Christmas Bash wherein applicants, members and alumni celebrate the rocking Holidays JMA-style. It's the time of the year when the organization takes a break from all the hard work and takes the chance to celebrate for another successful year of groundbreaking projects and revolutionary undertakings. This year's Christmas Party was held last December 19 wherein everyone enjoyed the last hurrah before the break while taking the time to bond with each other on a night filled with karaoke, games, gift-giving, free flowing food and drinks. With the event being an intimate and exclusive get together; it was hosted at a member„s residence at Bonifacio Village, Tandang Sora, Quezon City. The party was co-presented by Purefoods Tender Juicy Hotdogs and was also brought to us by Jollibee Foods Corpora-tion, Joon Salon, Jose's Goto Specials, Long Island, GSM Blue
and San Miguel Light. Santa's waiting. Will you be naughty or nice? OrgPres: Organization Presentations st
Every 1 semester, the College of Business Administration hosts a talent competition wherein the different college organizations present a theatrical and musical show based on a theme decided by the Student Council of the college. The endeavor brings together the creative talents of JMA‟s members into one spectacular presentation that has also been an avenue for bonding between members for the whole duration of the competition – from late night practices to the actual competition. st
Team Athletics, 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Heads and 2 Directors The JMA Cup, fondly called by the organization as the “No Chemistry” Cup or NCC, is a semester-long basketball and Frisbee tournament which gives the members a chance to veer away from academic and organization work and, instead, simply engage in a relaxing, recreational and wholesome activity. Players, who consisted of members, applicants, alumni and members of several partner organizations, were divided into several teams per sport, and games were held once or twice a week. The event fostered camaraderie amongst its members while upholding the benefits of sports – one of UP JMA‟s thrusts. nd
Team Funds, 2 semester 2009-2010 1 Heads and 4 Directors UPJMA Annual Christmas Caroling The most-awaited traditional fundraising activity of JMA is Team Funds' Christmas Caroling held every Christmas season, where volunteer members of the organization visit homes and perform with grace and gratitude, their carefully chosen songs to bring joy to the hearts of the families who have given their unconditional love and support for the organization‟s scholarship program.
The team, together with 25 carolers, sang the songs Emmanuel, Joy to the World, All I Want for Christmas, Jingle Bells and the Gift with the direction of Mr. Kenneth Dacanay. In just two nights, with 7 humble residences, the team paved way to its success as the team was proudly able to raise Php44,000. To give them a fruitful and merry Christmas was indeed the team‟s gift to the organization‟s 31 supported kids.
Developing JMA’s Future Leaders Keeping the Pipeline of Excellence st
Team Recruitment, 1 semester 2010-2011 1 Head and 4 Directors The recruitment team of UP JMA organizes several events and activities for its applicants to ensure that the rigorous application process brings out the potential of each applicant. The semester begins with two weeks of recruitment to students all over the university. The recruitment plan includes a booth set-up at the College of Business Administration, room-to-room presentations, informative brochures and online promotions. As the first major event of the semester, the Orientation Seminar (OrSem) invites all its applicants to get to know the organization and its people through the different committee presentations. It is soon followed by the Applicants‟ Acquaintance Party where applicants get a chance to bond with their coapplicants through a series of team building games. This is also where applicants can meet their guardians, members as the applicant‟s mentors throughout their application process. Each guardian and his applicant are tasked to complete a number of activities throughout the semester which aim to strengthen the relationship between guardian and applicant as well as to personally introduce the organization‟s culture to the applicant.
A Marketing Summit (MarkIt) is also designed to introduce the applicants to the basics of marketing and brand management. The recruitment team also ensures that each applicant experiences how UP JMA works through the Project Coordinator Work system. Applicants can choose from a number of teams in the organization to immerse themselves in the specific work. This system provides the applicant with hands-on training and exposure on the many aspects of UP JMA work, from logistics and promotions to finance and marketing. As a culminating activity of the application process, applicants must create, plan and organize any event or activity of their choice.
This application project aims to test their skill as well as their perseverance in event planning and marketing. The application process was specifically designed to test the skill and the leadership potential of each applicant to ensure that the organization only accepts the most qualified applicants. Even if each event was created for the applicants, there is still strong participation from its members. The relationship forged between the members and the applicants emphasize the most important part of the application process – building strong relationships with the heart of the organization, its people.
Celebrate Good Times The UP JMA Induction Ball nd
Team Socials, 2 semester 2009-2010 st and 1 semester 2010-11 1 Head and 3 Directors each semester Fiftease – 50’s Theme Induction Ball Fiftease was a 50‟s diner themed semiformal induction ball organized to unite UP JMA‟s old members, alumni, and newly accepted members. Aside from it being an enjoyable social gathering, it also served as a culminating activity in celebration of the organization‟s semester-long efforts. Tributes were given to graduating members and to those who exceptionally embodied UP JMA‟s 4 thrusts, namely: sports, socials, academics and service. UP JMA organizes an induction ball each semester, and a few chosen members of the organization are tasked to plan, market, secure finances, publicize and execute the event. Fiftease, being a diner-themed event, included a fashion show wherein a fifties-inspired clothing collection was showcased. The team worked with ACTS (Association of Clothing Technology Students), a known organization in the College of Home Economics, U.P. Diliman. Being the final event of the year, the ball is one of the parties UP JMA members look forward to the most. More than 200 members gather in order to make this wonderful event possible. Cursed – Halloween Induction Ball Halloween came early for the members and alumnae of the UP Junior Marketing Association (UP JMA). Last October 19, 2010, the members partied
the night away during their Halloween-themed Induction Ball held in the Prestige Tower roof deck. The ball occurs semi-annually to formally induct and recognize the new members and directors of the org. Despite the rainy weather, more than 120 JMAers attended the event dressed in their most creative and eye-catching costumes. Awards were given to those who stood out among the crowd like “Phantom‟s Pick” for the most creative costume, “Frankenstein and Bride” for best-dressed couple, and many others. Prizes from Sun Cellular, one of the co-presenters of the event, were also given to 10 “unlucky” voters. Dinner was catered by Chow Unlimited; and the venue was fully decorated with cobwebs, spiders, and Halloween lanterns. Overall, it was a spectacular night for everyone, but it wouldn‟t have been a success without our co-presenters: Cossack Vodka, Sun Cellular, Happy Magazine and John Robert Powers, major sponsors: Party Shaker, and our minor sponsors:, Banapple, Krispy Kreme and Piknik. Team Socials revolutionized the induction ball with the most number of sponsors for an internal event and full-blast pre-event promotions.
UP JMA would like to thank its sponsors, who continue to fund and believe in its projects:
Corporate Sponsors 4th Wall Acupuncture Alo Youth Drink Amber Ultra Lounge Analaog Soul Azta Urban Salon Bacchus Banapple Beach Hut BNY Unlimited Boracay Haven Bounty Fresh Bread Talk B-Side BSX Cater Pro Chowking Coats Manila Bay Coca-Cola Coors Light Cossack Vodka Dads Buffet Energizer Freshman Masculine Wash Garnier GlaxoSmithKline Glocke Security Hany Havaianas Headzone Salon Hidden Spring Hotshots Il Ponticello Ipanema Izod Jack 'N Jill Potato Chips Jag Jansport Jergens John Robert Powers Jollibee Karate Kid KFC Krushers Kornets Lazer Extreme L'Oreal Paris Hair Care L'Oreal Philippines Maggi My Sabaw Magnolia Life Drink Magnolia Pure Water Manila Beer Manila Beer Manila Beer Light Manila Ocean Park McDonalds Meltech Construction Mendez Medical Group Michelis Myra E
N.H. Miller Neovince Enterprises Neste Fit Nestle Nivea OuterSpace Paez Party Shaker Mobile Bar Pepsi Phils First Pirelli Pose n' Print Purefoods Tender Juicy Hotdogs Rage Lights and Sounds Rider RSL San Miguel Light San Miguel Strong Ice Sanofi-Aventis Sanuk Schick Selecta Shell Shopersville Silverworks SM Girls Teens' Wear Sorci Age by Wacoal Southern Comfort St. Francis Square Stoked Inc. Stone Co Sun Broadband Prepaid Sun Cellular Sun Get It! Mobile Services Sunsilk Co-creations Swizzle Mobile Bar The A. Shop The Bar The French Baker The Second Shop Topman Topshop Tortillos Tostillas Van Heusen Velprint Vitwater WaterPlus Wet Ones Zest-O Zest-O Fruit Soda Media Sponsors 10.0 Magazine 103.5 Max FM 99.5 RT Adobo Magazine Awesome Graphics Bounce
Business World Channel V Philippines Circuit Magazine Clavel Sneaker Magazine Code-Limited.Com Design Go ETC Garage Get Shot I-mag Jack TV Jam 88.3 Kingthor Graphics Magic 89.9 Manila Manila Streetstyle Media Hub Media Magnet Meg Magazine MEGA Publishing Group Mellow 94.7 MTV Music Uplate Live NU 107 Philippine Daily Inquirer Pulp Rogue Magazine RX 93.1 Status Magazine Style Terno Recordings The Manila Times The Philippine Star UR 105.9 Velvet Wave 89.1 Webcast Technologies Inc. Org Partners AIESEC UA&P 9 Works Theatrical ADMU Association of Communication Technology Majors ADMU Ateneo Collegiate Society of Advertising ADMU Ateneo Junior Marketing Association ADMU Ateneo Lex ADMU Ateneo Management Association
ADMU Ateneo Management Economics Organization ADMU Ateneo Media and Creative Arts Cluster ADMU Ateneo Musician's Pool ADMU Company of Ateneo Dancers Derecho Productions DLSU Council of Student Organizations DLSU Electronics and Communication Engineering Society DLSU Junior Entrepreneur's Marketing Association DLSU Radio Green Giant FM DLSU Team Comm Dynamic Teen Company Glow Boy Creatives Mary Moon Productions Miriam C*CATT Models Power Hour Productions Project Bayanihan UP AdHere UP Asaphil-UP UP Association of Biology Majors UP Cineastes Society UP Cursor UP Debate Society UP Euro UP Golf UP Industrial Engineering Club UP Psychology Society UP Pugad Sayk UP Travel Society UP University Student Council UPM Junior Marketing Association UST Thomasian Junior Marketing Association
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