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W W W. T E A M V A L L E Y P U B L I C A T I O N S . C O . U K ISSUE #22 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2016


BREXIT What impact will it have on employment legislation?

Northumbrian Fine Foods INVESTMENT CREATES 40 NEW JOBS

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ISSUE 23 October / November

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Distribution As well as delivering the publication into every business, approx 800, on the Team Valley the magazine is now delivered / distributed in the following places making the total print run 1500 copies.

Sainsburys Team Valley Angeethi Indian Low Fell The Bank Bar Bistro Low Fell UK Land Estates Westray Recruitment Biz Space Business Centre, Earlsway Team Valley Dave’s Hair Salon Team Valley Cafe Team Valley Links Team Valley News Dentist (centre of Team Valley)

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Team Valley Publications 3 Octavian Way, Team Valley, Gateshead, NE11 0HZ Tel: 0191 487 1834 E-mail: Web: Team Valley Publications is part of the Team Valley Group, All contents copyright © 2012 Team Valley Printers Ltd. All rights reserved. All artwork remains the property of Team Valley Printers Ltd and cannot be copied or reproduced without permission of Team Valley Printers Ltd. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for illustrations, photography, artwork or advertising materials or the services provided by the advertising companies. All information is correct at time of going to print.

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Tr a n s p o r t

Customers are happy and valuefor-money has risen, says survey An independent survey of Go North East’s customers has revealed that satisfaction with services remains high and those who think the firm provides good value-for-money has risen by 5%. Northern Ports come together in historic deal to gain government’s ear Ports across the North are coming together to ensure their unified voice is heard by the government to improve freight and transport links. PD Ports, the ports and logistics firm with operations at Teesport, Hartlepool and on the Humber, has been holding regular roundtable discussions with Port of Tyne, ABP Ports and Peel Ports. Parties have brokered a groundbreaking pact announced in Liverpool today to pursue a Northern Ports Strategy, work together to create new jobs in and around ports, and boost investment in an East-West Freight Supercorridor with improvements to rail infrastructure being the ultimate priority.

The latest bus passenger satisfaction figures have been released by independent consumer body, Passenger Focus. They give an indication of how well Go North East is doing and show the company is 1% above the Tyne and Wear average. Passenger Focus carried out their latest survey last autumn and Go North East’s customers sang their praises, giving them an impressive 89% overall satisfaction rating – down 1% on 2014 and up from 87% in 2013. Go North East’s rating The firm’s valuefor-money rating has gone up 5% to 67%. Interestingly, despite an unprecedented level of roadworks across the North East, the amount of people satisfied with bus waiting times has risen four percentage points to 82%.

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More than 20,000 passengers take part in the Bus Passenger Survey. Passengers are asked to rate their satisfaction with their journey including the bus stop, waiting for the bus, on the bus, the outside of the bus and the driver as well as their overall satisfaction with that bus journey and value for money. Kevin Carr, managing director, said: “This is a tremendous vote of confidence from our passengers. I would like extend my gratitude to all our employees who, clearly, are doing a great job. “We have invested more than £50 million in new vehicles and a brand new depot over the last five years. These investments have evidently been noticed by our passengers.” Source:

Geoff Lippitt, PD Ports’ Development Director, said: “These are going to be changing economic times for the whole of the UK therefore it’s important that the North and Northern ports are seen as a progressive body to drive through that change. “We at PD Ports have always been at the forefront of developing economic growth through our investments and this complements what we are already achieving locally, regionally and nationally.”

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UKEF provides almost half of North East export support UK Export Finance (UKEF), the UK’s export credit agency, provided over £7m in support for nearly £16m of exports in the North East from April 2015-March 2016. Releasing its annual report and accounts, the department has supported the largest number of exporters in 25 years in 2015/16 across the UK, with a 23% increase since last year. 77% of the exporters that benefited from finance and insurance from UKEF were small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and an estimated 7,000 companies in exporter supply chains also indirectly benefited. Companies supported include Pinnacle Re-Tec, a Co. Durham-based engineering and manufacturing firm specialising in pump parts and reverse engineering for whom exports make up 65% of sales. When Pinnacle identified some large opportunities with two Egyptian buyers in the electricity sector, it was able to secure additional funding from its bank, supported by UKEF, enabling it to win and fulfil the contracts. Toby Heintz, Managing Director of Pinnacle Re-Tec, said: “Without UKEF’s support, we could not have fulfilled these contracts, and we would have had to turn away customers. Working with UKEF meant that we were able to access the finance we needed to sell to Egypt and increase our revenue by £900,000.” Paul Wright, Export Finance Adviser for the North East, said: “UKEF is here to help make exports happen. Our support for companies like Pinnacle Re-Tec in the North East shows how we can help UK businesses realise their ambitions to grow by selling overseas.”

WHAT IMPACT WILL BREXIT HAVE ON EMPLOYMENT LEGISLATION? There is obviously a lot of speculation on this matter at present. Here is a summary of what the experts are predicting. Discrimination Laws It is suggested that there will not be any major changes. Most of the legislation was in place in the UK before it was required by Europe. One thing previously debated is a cap on compensation for discrimination in the same way as there is for unfair dismissal. This is currently prohibited so there is scope for change. Family Friendly Rights It is suggested that there is unlikely to be any change to family friendly rights as the UK currently exceeds EU rights considerably. Redundancy Consultation Periods The statutory timescales for redundancy consultation where 20 or more employees are affected does derive from EU legislation and this therefore could be relaxed.

TUPE The legislation regulating employment transfers is expected to remain but with relaxation on employee consultation and posttransfer harmonisation of contracts of employment. Working Time Regulations The UK already provides higher paid holidays than the EU requires which is expected to remain. Recent European Court of Justice rulings on the inclusion of commission and overtime in holiday pay could be reverted back to basic pay. Agency Worker Regulations These derive from EU legislation and provide that agency workers are to be offered the same terms and benefits as permanent employees after 12 weeks of service. It is reported to be likely that these regulations will be repealed.


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Gateshead College, intu and Job Centre Plus expand retail training programme Gateshead College has expanded its retail training programme, run in partnership with intu and JobCentre Plus, after helping over 200 people to secure jobs. Launched in May 2014, Retail Gold, formally known as the Gateshead College intu Retail Academy, helps to supply retailers in North East shopping malls intu Eldon Square and intu Metrocentre. Courses are tailored to the needs of each employer, meeting key business objectives by training successful applicants into work-ready candidates with essential skills, knowledge and opportunities to gain employment in the hospitality and retail sectors. The new course is now expanding to include specific training for the hospitality sector, alongside an introduction to intu’s

customer services programme, basic food preparation, food safety, health, safety, equality, diversity and problem solving. Completion of the three week courses, designed and taught by Gateshead College, sees participants gain qualifications including occupational studies for the workplace, health and safety level 1 and quality and diversity level 2, as well tips and advice for CV and interview success. Judith Doyle, principal at Gateshead College, said: “Thanks to the strong partnership built between Gateshead College, intu and Job Centre Plus we

“We have been able to equip local people with the skills and attributes employers need to deliver the highest quality service in their businesses” 14 |

have been able to equip local people with the skills and attributes employers need to deliver the highest quality service in their businesses. “intu retailers are benefiting from access to a skilled pool of candidates and local people have the opportunity to secure jobs and careers. Retail Gold has been a real success and it is great now to be in a position where we can extend our programme to include hospitality giving local people the best opportunity to secure work in the many new restaurants and cafes.”

Sourced from Receive the Bdaily business news bulletin by registering at

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Lloyds funding facilitates showroom opening for Gateshead heating and plumbing business Gateshead-based Plumbing and Heating Supplies Ltd is growing its North East reach, thanks to a six figure funding package from Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking. The heating and plumbing equipment wholesaler has used the capital facility to open a showroom, set to extend its product portfolio on the Team Valley Trading Estate. Established in June last year by Aidan Forshaw and David Langston, the firm came into fruition when the pair spotted a gap in the market for a customer-service driven, local equipment supplier. The company, now now employing 6 staff with a turnover of £1.5m, plans to open five branches across Durham, Sunderland and Newcastle over the next three years. Aidan Forshaw, director at Plumbing and Heating Supplies Ltd said: “Since the business’ inception we’ve seen

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a strong growth in sales which will be accelerated following the opening of the bathroom showroom. “Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking has been invaluable in helping grow the business, and we’re confident that with its support we can achieve our aim of having six centres across the North East by 2019.” Simon Marks, relationship manager at Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, said: “Aidan and David clearly have ambitious

plans for the future and we’re committed to helping them achieve this, with a tailored finance solution that fits the needs of the business. “We’ve pledged to help small regional businesses like Plumbing and Heating Supplies Ltd fulfil their growth potential by increasing our net lending by £1 billion every year until 2017 as part of our SME charter.” Source:

“Since the business’ inception we’ve seen a strong growth in sales which will be accelerated following the opening of the bathroom showroom.”

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Jobs boost for Northumbrian Fine Foods following investment in new production line Northumbrian Fine Foods Ltd (NFF), the UK’s biggest gluten free biscuit manufacturer, is investing £1.2m in new baking production capabilities that will create around 40 new jobs at their Gateshead facility. The investment is the result of soaring demand for their biscuits in the ‘free from’ sector that has seen turnover increase over the last five years by 80%. The baking oven will increase production capacity at NFF by 40% and will principally focus on the manufacture of ‘indulgent’ cookies, rotary moulded biscuits and bake bars such as Granola. The 40 new jobs created by the investment will see total employment at the plant increase to around 200 people. Stewart McLelland, managing director of NFF, said: “This investment is great news for Gateshead and is testament toThis theyear’s hard work of everyone at North East Northumbrian Fine Foods. We have Winners seen significant growth in the ‘free from’ market for our ‘indulgent cookies’ and other biscuits, especially from the multiple retail sector. “The new baking oven will play a key role in meeting current demand and also ensure that we can continue to grow the business significantly over the coming years.” As well as supermarket own-label products, NFF also manufactures biscuits under the Prewett’s brand, which has enjoyed recent success with a significant expansion in its range to include milk-free biscuits, ‘indulgent’ all-butter cookies and individually wrapped chocolate coated biscuit bars, all of which are gluten free. “We are planning further extensions to our range that will focus on everyday favourite biscuits in a variety of formats,” said McLelland. About 60% of the UK’s gluten free sweet biscuit production is carried out at the NFF site in Gateshead. The new bake transporting oven will become fully operational by September and the recruitment process for new employees has now commenced.

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“The new baking oven will play a key role in meeting current demand and also ensure that we can continue to grow the business significantly over the coming years.”

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Te c h n o l o g y

Why use a content delivery networx (cdn)? Content Delivery Networks (CDN) have been around for a few years now and are used by most major websites – yet the normal website user won’t be aware of this. Just what are CDNs? CDNs are alternative servers to the main website, which can be used to store files and assets. The majority use of CDNs are the storage of “static” files – images, CSS and JavaScript files. They are commonly quoted as being hosted in “The Cloud”, that nebulous collection of servers with no single physical location. They are primed and ready to deliver content to the website user on demand.

So what’s the difference between a CDN and storing files on a web server? Files are distributed amongst many servers in The Cloud, at different geographical locations and backed-up multiple times. There is no single point of storage, the files do not live on a single hard drive but populated amongst The Cloud.

What are the advantages to using a CDN above traditional website hosting? How website browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari work is by downloading information from a website piece by piece. Each piece is usually something unique – an image, script file or CSS reference. However a website browser will only attempt to download so many pieces at one time. So you may have the fastest internet connection and the best website server, but browsers will only download some many pieces at once from a single location. This is called Concurrency. If you are using a CDN, some pieces are served from a different location – using a special CDN dynamic address. The beauty of this is that website browsers will download pieces from your CDN in parallel to downloads from the website servers.

Therefore much more of your website is downloaded in any given timeframe.

you use and the bandwidth it consumes serving the content.

As an analogy - if you have one central location from which your website is served, it is like having a single-lane road. No matter how fast the lane is, only so many cars can fit into it. With a CDN, you have converted your road into a dual carriageway or motorway, so 2 or 3 times as many cars can travel on your road.

There are no limits to what you can do with CDNs. Whereas with a normal web server, once you fill the hard drive with images and content, your only solution is to upgrade the hard drive or get a new server. No matter how big or busy your site gets, CDNs are both scalable (you have as much resource as you need) and burstable (there are no limits on the overall speeds information is sent to users, regardless of how many requests are being made at any one time).

There are additional benefits too – CDNs will serve assets from the closest Cloud server to the user, great for websites with a large international user base. They also have great caching functions, which prevent browsers having to download the same file multiple times.

How does this help me get more business from my website? Simply put – the quicker that your website loads, the less chance that users will leave your site and the more chance they have of making a transaction or final contact. Many studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the speed of a website and the amount of business it generates.

How much does it cost? What are the limits? Cloud hosting is extremely cost effective when compared to hosting on web servers with physical hard drives or solid-state drives. Whilst costs vary between different providers, we have seen accounts with 120GBs of storage being charged around £10 p/m. Everything is on a cost-per-use basis – you only pay for the storage space

Is this only for website images and files? No. Anything that can be stored on a web server can be stored on a CDN. Databases, backups, network files, archives, personal files and many more types of information can be stored on a CDN. There are also a wide range of technologies which integrate with CDNs – Opencart, WordPress and Cpanel all have seamless integration options.

I don’t like the idea of not having a physical copy of my files. We understand this. But so much of 21st Century Internet life is in The Cloud. Your GMail, iCloud or Hotmail account, your Facebook and Twitter account, Netflix, your Dropbox, Google Drive or We Transfer files, your Internet Banking – they are all stored not on one central location but in The Cloud. Your website is probably no different, it will be hosted on a server with other servers in a dedicated building somewhere in the UK, but it’s not really any more tangible than having it in The Cloud. Cloud hosting is far more reliable than single point storage on magnetic devices. A single hard drive can fail, be damaged or simply go missing. Amazon, the lead provider of CDN and Cloud storage, guarantee that on average they will lose one file every 10 million years. You can keep files on a local or web server as well as in The Cloud if you wish and simply take advantage of the speed. We however think that’s slightly missing the point and are looking to move more of our client’s assets to The Cloud in order to get better returns for their websites. If you require any assistance with content delivery networks or any website project, please contact Team Valley Web on 0191 487 5180 or email

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Back in 2006, an idea to sell adverts and pRODUCE a free local magazine became the first step in creating what was to become Team Valley Group.


t was a project to produce a local advertiser magazine for the Whickham area which rapidly grew to cover a further five areas. Around this grew a print business joined later by a web design company. 2014 saw the business spread over two sites on Team Valley but now bursting at the seams. The obvious conclusion was one larger facility where all aspects of the Group could be amalgamated and which would give room for expansion and development of their services. The new premises on Octavian Way boast an impressive combination of state of

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the art modern manufacturing and well designed office space with the emphasis on welcoming in clients and being able to demonstrate to them what the Group can offer their business. As an organisation with strong local roots it was important that as many local contractors and suppliers as possible were used to construct and supply services for the new facility. Many companies used were from the Team Valley itself - from the interior construction, to the flooring, telephone system and even the utilities. Other services

T e a m Va l l e y G r o u p e x pa n d S ER V I C E S W I T H D I G I TAL E Q U I PMEN T I N V E S T MEN T such as the electrical, plumbing, and alarm systems were provided by clients of Team Valley Group. Team Valley Group director Andrew Auton said, “The growth of both the print and web companies has been fantastic over a very short number of years. I think we have shown what building strong ties with other local businesses, both large and small, can achieve. We mustn’t underestimate the value of collaboration and reciprocation between businesses in the local economy.

We have a wide portfolio of services from print and design, to signage and of course web design and development. All of these under one roof. Having built a strong local base we now have a facility which will allow us to expand not only our services but also the geographical areas we cover. I am extremely proud of what Team Valley Group has achieved and I am excited about what more we can achieve in the future.” If you would like to discuss your print or digital marketing requirements, please call Andrew on 0191 491 1525.

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A renticeshi s /NVQ’s wit Access Training Access Training is an award winning provider based in the state-of-the-art, Skills Academy on the Team Valley. We have been delivering training programmes for businesses and individuals across the North East for over 30 years. We have a genuine interest in the success of the companies we work with and aim to provide a personal, bespoke service tailoring the NVQ / Apprenticeship to the employers’ needs. We are currently working with a number of Team Valley based employers including: Express Engineering, Elring Parts, H2o Bathroom Design Co, It’s All Good Ltd and Amari Plastics.

OUR OFFER We provide companies with quality apprentices that make a real difference to their business. We take pride in ensuring we recruit the right person for the job and we support you every step of the way to employing a fully qualified, reliable employee. We can also help to up-skill your existing employees and can deliver a range of programmes to help develop the skills of your team.

whAt ARE thE bEnEFits? While gaining qualifications is highly desirable, the most important aspect about good training is whether it has an impact on the individual and your business. Here are some of the benefits that our employers have told us about: • Increased productivity • Improved levels of quality • Growth of the business • Apprentices bring enthusiasm and new ideas into the business

EmplOyER tEstimOniAl “We recently used Access Training to recruit an administration apprentice and they provided an excellent choice of candidates, we were so pleased with the service that we are currently recruiting a second Apprentice with them” Kate Brown Office Manager at Fresh Freight Ltd.

gEtting in tOUch If you would like to offer training programmes to any of your current staff or would like to recruit an Apprentice please contact our Business Solutions team: T / 0191 490 4646 E /

AppREnticEships And nVQ’s ARE AVAilAblE in thE FOllOwing AREAs: • Accounting (AAT) • Business Administration • Customer Service • IT User • Social Media & Digital Marketing • Team Leading & Management Access training Gateshead Skills Academy, Kingsway South, Team Valley Gateshead, NE11 0JL T / 0191 490 4646 E /

• Hairdressing • Beauty Therapy • Barbering • Manufacturing • Warehousing & Storage • Installing Security Systems

Mile House, Bridge End, Chester le Street, County Durham, DH3 3RA T / 0191 388 4488 E /

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Access Training @Access2Training Access Training Limited

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