IT’S ALL ABOUT ME! The Party That’s “MADE EXCLUSIVELY ” for you and your friends!
You’ll Learn How to… • Coach Your Hosts for Success • Prepare for Your me Parties • Why me Parties are important to your business • Conducting a me Parties, from start to finish. • Up-Sell for Higher Sales • Booking future me Parties for business growth.
We have a one of a kind product made one at a time, It’s made exclusively which makes your proposition unique and highly desirable. But does that mean it sells itself? Not really. Your voice, your connection, and your ability to engage people in the first-person benefit of our product are the key to your success. You can successfully do all three in a one on one setting, in a social networking setting or in a group setting. The beauty of our business is that we celebrate the individual with our product as well as with our business. YOU choose how you build your business. This training session is focused on group selling. We call them “me ” parties. They’re fun. They’re interactive. They’re profitable. In this session we’ll focus on one of the most important aspects of successfully selling in a group setting. Host Coaching.
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The One and Only me Party
2 + 2 + 2: The Look of Success
What’s the #1 action you can take to ensure your me Parties are successful with 10 guests in attendance, 2 bookings, 2 Affiliate leads and high sales? Host Coaching!
A Host can get cold feet if she doesn’t know what to do or doesn’t feel confident about the success of her me Party. An uncertain Host may cancel or indefinitely postpone her party. Host Coaching takes very little effort compared to the benefits it provides: • Your Host will feel confident and prepared to host her Party. • 10+ guests will be in attendance (which leads to more enrollments, booking and Affiliate Enrollment opportunities!
2 bookings at each
2 affiliate enrollments from each
WHAT MATERIALS DO I NEED? You will always want to have at least 5 Host Packages available at any time. You never know when or where you might book a party! A Host Package is a folder or envelope that includes: •
Sending the Host Checklist does not guarantee a successful party all on its own. It takes your personal contact with the Host to turn the Host Checklist into a real success tool.
2 parties per week
Aim for 10 guests in attendance with an average of 50% product account enrollments.
WHAT IS HOST COACHING? Host Coaching is the process of partnering with your Host to plan a successful me Party. Host Coaching can be done face-to-face or over the phone. It takes about 10 minutes along with a follow-up call or e-mail, and is best started immediately after booking a me Party.
30 Invitations. To have 10 or more guests in attendance, the Host will need to invite 30+. You can also use our electronic invite version in the me Party section in the Resource Library under the Tools Tab in your Back Office. Print out 30 copies or email her the electronic version. Ask her how she wants to invite people.
• Opportunity Postcard. A fantastic way to start a business opportunity conversation with your Host. • A LifeMap Magazine and Collection Kit. •
A LifeMap me Skin Repair Brochure and a LifeMap Supplement Brochure.
The Host Planning Packet
Guest List
• You’ll achieve the four new autoships needed for the Host to receive “free” product.
One of a Kind. One at a Time. That’s me
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HOW DO I HOST COACH? When a person agrees to host a me Party, it’s best to Host Coach immediately if that’s possible. For example, when you book a new Host at a me Party, take a few minutes to plan the next party with your new Host. If that’s not possible, a phone call the next day will work just fine. During the initial 10-minute Host Coaching session (face-to-face or by phone), you will thank the Host and partner with her through the following process:
HOST COACHING: 8 STEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL me PARTY 4. Coach your host how to respond. • If a guest declines the invitation, coach your Host to say: “I’m so sorry you won’t be with us, Kerry, but I have a feeling this new product would be something you’d like to see. Can I send you the website and some materials anyway so you don’t miss out on this?” 5. Invite the guests. •
1. Set a specific date and time for the me Party. •
To capitalize on the Hosts excitement and lessen the risk of postponement, try to set the date no more than 2 weeks out.
2. Let the Host know how 4 new autoship enrollments from her guests could mean FREE product for her. •
Use the Host Planning Presentation to guide your conversation and overview the ultimate goal of having Four new Autoship Clients to enjoy FREE product when she opens her account either as a “Family & Friends” Affiliate ($59 kit) or as a Business Builder Affiliate. ($99 kit)
3. Create a guest list. •
Discuss the importance of inviting at least 30 people to have 10 in attendance. Because “life happens,” it’s important to over-invite. It’s also important that you build this list with your host. As the list grows, so does confidence that the party will be a success.
One of a Kind. One at a Time. That’s me
A personal invitation always works best for high attendance. This can be done face-to-face, emailing me Party invitations, over the phone, by text message or by instant message. Be sure you email the invitations to the guests 2 weeks prior to the party date if that’s possible.
6. Purchase or make refreshments. Your Host will provide the refreshments, the music, and the scent you’d like during the party. You, the Affiliate, will provide the DVD, the DVD player or computer, the Magazines, Brochures, Postcards, Sachet Samples, and Display box and products 7. Send out Reminders •
Call, e-mail, text message or instant message to remind guests 2 to 3 days before the party. People are busy and life moves pretty fast – it’s easy to forget a party date without a reminder.
8. Have Fun • Enjoy yourself and make your job look easy and fun. You want everyone there saying, “I can do that!” The easier your job, the more fun your job, and the more new affiliates you’ll attract to your team.
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HOW DO I FOLLOW UP FOR SUCCESS? 1. Send a thank you note immediately after coaching. As soon as the Host Coaching session is over, you’ll want to send a brief, hand-written thank you note to your Host: “Dear _______, Thanks for scheduling a GeneWize me Party with me. I’m looking forward to meeting your friends on (date) at (time). By inviting 30 or more people to your party, I know you’ll be able to qualify for the free product you want. I’ll arrive at (time) and if I can be of any help before then, please let me know. Sincerely, _________ (phone #/e-mail).” 2. Send an e-mail or call a week before the party. In this e-mail or call, convey your enthusiasm for the upcoming party and share with your Host how successful you feel she/he will be in achieving her/his goals. 3. Phone the day before the party. During this phone call you’ll want to: • Get directions, • Remind her you’ll be arriving 20 minutes early,
WHAT IF SHE WANTS TO POSTPONE OR CANCEL? A Host may have a legitimate reason for cancelling or postponing – an illness in the family, for example. (In this case, you’ll want to reschedule into the next 2 weeks.) Or, she may just be getting cold feet because she didn’t get around to inviting many people or her guests are calling at the last minute to cancel. If you sense cold feet, you can say: “Susan, we’ll have a great time no matter how many guests attend. Remember that those who can’t make it can still enroll and even book their own me Party! You and I both saved this date and I’ll be there. Why don’t you call those who are coming and ask them to bring along a friend. I’ll have a gift for anyone who does.” (A gift can be a small gift bag of Alert Chocolate Chews.) Thorough Host Coaching is the single most important action you can take to create a successful me Party, so do your best to be a great coach! Always remember that you and your Host share the goal of having a successful me Party that meets both of your needs.
• Find out the number of guests she’s expecting, • Encourage her to let you know who can’t attend so you can follow up, and • Share your excitement!
One of a Kind. One at a Time. That’s me
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PREPARE FOR YOUR ME PARTIES Now that your Parties are planned, it’s time to prepare yourself to conduct them! Here are a few important ways you can prepare yourself and build your confidence: • Observe at least one me party. One of the most important actions you can take to get prepared is to observe your sponsor or Upline Leader. You’ll feel more prepared when you have observed the steps of a party, experienced the products firsthand and heard the word choices. You’ll also be able to observe how she works with the guests one-toone for enrollments and bookings. • Watch the DVDs online. • Review all the materials online under the me Party tab. • Attend Leadership Training Conference Calls. See the Weekly News to link to the latest calendar. • Read Weekly News and e-Lift newsletters to collect and try new ideas. • Practice, practice, practice! Your practice session can make all the difference in how prepared you feel. And preparedness leads to confidence which leads to a fun experience for you and your guests!
THE ME PARTY FRAMEWORK Okay, your very first me Party is right around the corner. What do you do? What do you say? The basic framework of every GeneWize me Party is the same. The pages that follow will help you become comfortable with that framework. Then you can “jazz it up” by inserting your own personality, ideas and enthusiasm!
BEFORE THE PARTY BEGINS • Check your Materials to ensure you have all the necessary items for the party. Display Box with Getting Started Guide & me Serum product and me Supplement product to display 4 Host Packets (for those you book) Your Calendar 10 LifeMap Magazines Collection Kits (have enough for all guests in case 100% swab!) 10 Serum Brochures & 10 Supplement Brochures 5 Minute Wellness DVD & DVD player or Computer 10 Business Opportunity Postcards Calculator
SHARE YOUR CAREER With 2 - 4 me Parties in your first 30 days, you’ll meet lots of people who might be interested in becoming AutoShip Customers and Affiliates – so set a goal to enroll a friend with you from the very beginning! It’s more fun to start a new venture with a friend – someone who will learn, laugh and make money right along with you! Be sure to share your story at every me Party!
Sachet Samples in Gift Basket (one for each guest and 5 for the host) Tip: Have your personal story prepared and ready to share. You’ll want to be brief and powerful in sharing why you were attracted to the product and/or business. What difference has it made for you? • Arrive 20 minutes prior to the party’s start time. Set up your product display and make sure you have everything you need. Talk to the Host to learn more about her invited guests. Check your appearance
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Tip: Before the party is a great time to get to know the Host better and help her plug into the next event!
CREATING YOUR DISPLAY Your product display is your “shop window.” An attractive display draws guests in, inviting them to take a closer look at what you’re offering. You’ll want to:
THE PARTY FLOW There are as many different ways to conduct a me Party as there are GeneWize Affiliates! Each person adds his or her own personality, product knowledge and ideas to the party to make it a special experience. The me Party Guide will guide you step-by-step through the basic Party. Study the me Party Guide and use it during your party. Even once you’ve mastered the party flow, continue to use the me Party Guide. It shows your guests how easy it is to have a me Party because you have a simple guide to use.
1. Show your personal Healthy Aging Assessment. Display the Product Box and literature. Spread LifeMap Magazines and Brochures around the room so they’re easily accessed. 2. Have your Sachet Samples in a decorated “gift” basket. 3. Place applicable flyers in clear acrylic stands (available at office supply stores).
• Greet all guests personally and convey your enthusiasm for the party. Remember, your goal is to begin building long-term relationships. Ask questions and listen for information that may help you serve this customer with the product, hosting or business opportunity.
“How do you know our Host?”
“Please tell me about yourself.” “Do you take supplements? Do you use skin care?” “How do you feel about aging…do you plan to accept whatever it brings, ease into it gracefully or try your best to avoid it all together?” • Begin the party on time if possible (no more than 10 minutes late). Starting on time is a courtesy to the Host and to those who showed up at the appointed hour.
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It stands out in the crowd of business opportunities leading the parade of the DNA revolution with a real solution to what you find in your own genetic profile.
There’s every kind of support you need to build your business through one on one marketing, internet marketing or in a fun setting like this..
GeneWize has grown from a 15 year old, publicly traded bioscience company that owns 21 patents and patents pending which gives a new story a strong foundation. In fact, our parent company, GeneLink, was just named one of the fastest growing biosciences companies in America.
And if age-proofing is of importance, it’s a great way to get in on the inside track of that.
AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR AFFILIATE Important to your business growth is sharing the benefits of hosting a me party and becoming a GeneWize Affiliate. When you share a hosting message, you’re encouraging guests to think about hosting their own me Parties. When you share a business opportunity message, you’re encouraging guests to consider the GeneWize business opportunity. Messages can be likened to “commercials” for the opportunities you have to offer. I. WELCOME THE GUESTS AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF A. Welcome the Guests •
Welcome everyone enthusiastically.
Thank guests for being here.
B. Introduce Yourself And what attracted you to the LifeMap me product. II. THANK THE HOST A. Acknowledge the preparations she has made for the party. B. Present a small gift of five Serum Sachets in appreciation of her efforts. (put in small gift bag) III. INTRODUCE GeneWize by showing the 5 minute Overview DVD. 5 min. A. Share your personal “Why” story. •
Tell the guest a little bit about yourself and what motivated you to build your own GeneWize Business, and how it is making your life better.
B. Owning your own GeneWize business is great because… •
This business is based on real science and is getting the attention of news media and the public at large.
One of a Kind. One at a Time. That’s me
IV. EXPLAIN THE PARTY EXPERIENCE • Tonight is about fun with friends. • And also about learning the latest ageproofing strategy that’s turning heads across America. • And getting a gift of your own so you experience firsthand the difference a day can make when you’re using the Essentials of Skin Repair. • You also may be surprised at what you can learn about yourself with a 5 minute swab of your cheek. V. DISCOVER A LITTLE BIT ABOUT Genetics A. Explain key messages on genetics. • 12 key aging genes. • We each have variations in these genes. • Those variations have been scientifically linked to aging predispositions that are both prevalent and significant. Such as heart health, joint health, immune health, collagen breakdown, inflammation and others. Page 7
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• Our parent company GeneLink has spent 15 years in research studying and developing…
ORAC – eat your veggies!
That’s the inside story to healthy aging…what about the outside story? Me Serum – •
what, how, why
B. Explain why GeneWize is unique. • SAB • Patents • Labs & Manufacturing
VI. Experience it First hand A. Present each a gift of sachet. • Share the story of what’s next. • Share your serum story
• Word of mouth – powerful and efficient. Real story is YOUR story. Can’t get that from store shelves or TV commercials.
(Booking Message) Explain Host Rewards Program • Explain the benefits of being a Host; a great way to do the right thing and share this new breakthrough with friends and family. Not nice to keep great things all to yourself…
Describe the benefits: (follow the me Party Presentation which will guide you through the following information. You may print out the presentation with notes and create your own flipbook to guide you during the party. The me Presentation is in the party tab in your back office.)
First company to connect dots – patented assessment, certified labs, 3rd party validated biochemical pathways, mass customization manufacturing – FDA reviewed & compliant – 3rd party validated ingredients – custom blend Made Exclusively. A growing body of research shows the difference … antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables and red wine that scientists say may reduce the risk of developing heart disease and other chronic diseases.
• And every good deed deserves another…so Hosts who are a part of our “Friends and Family” program, can earn their product absolutely free every month when four of their friends or family are on our product. •
So who is ready to get a peek into your DNA? • Swab together…
VII. CLOSE A. Thank everyone for attending. B. Thank Host once again. C. Explain the DNA testing timing, Essentials and delivery process. • timing • how to open your account • I’ll be happy to help you with your order D. Invite everyone to host their own me party. (Booking Message) • Ask for referrals – do they know anyone who would like the latest in
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age-proofing, values health, would like their product free? E. Invite everyone to join you in building their own GeneWize business. (Recruiting Message) • If “free” is of interest, you can either become a Friends & Family Affiliate or a business builder Affiliate. Ask for referrals – do they know anyone who would like to earn extra income?
(Booking & Recruiting Messages.) Mention the Booking and Business Opportunities and invite everyone to take advantage of them. It might sound like this: “Before we close tonight, I’d like to remind you of the three services I offer in my GeneWize business. The first is to help you open your own GeneWize product account for healthy aging. The second service is to help you host your own me Party to have fun with your friends and receive free products. As you look at our LifeMap Magazine, think about which you’d like free -- the DNA customized Supplement or the DNA customized Serum. And the final service is quickly becoming the most popular – I can help you become an entrepreneur with your own GeneWize business. We are a brand new company and there is a great buzz around genetics and healthy aging. I’m looking for people who would enjoy having a homebased, science-based business like mine. I love my business for three reasons ____________, ____________and ______________. I’ll be happy to discuss any of these services with you in just a few minutes. Or, if you happen to know someone who could benefit from these services, I’d be happy to give you a small gift for the referral.”
3 Outcomes to a Successful me Party 1. Open Product Account for each guest attending 2. Book 2 future me Parties 3. Prospect new Affiliates and schedule 2 follow-up calls.
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UPSELLING A great way to increase your sales during a party is up selling. When a customer purchases one of our customized products, suggest they take advantage of the second product for 30% discount. Give them the brochure showcasing the product they didn’t purchase and ask that you follow up with them when they’re ready to put the full age-proofing strategy into play.
AFTER THE PARTY 1. Open Accounts / Host Coach •
Help each guest open her/his account.
As you do, invite each guest to host a me Party and/or consider the GeneWize business opportunity.
“John, thanks so much for coming tonight. Did you enjoy yourself? You had so much fun that you helped make it more fun for all of us. Have you ever thought about your own business? With your fun personality, I think you’d have a great time connecting with people and sharing something that’s so new and powerful. Would you be interested in hearing more about how a GeneWize business could fit into your life? (If no, move on…) That’s fine, can you think of some friends who might enjoy sampling our skin repair serum as much as you did tonight? I’d love to invite you to have a me Party so you can introduce your friends to this new world of genetically customized products as well as earn free products if you choose the Friends and Family Program. Here are the dates I have open – which would work best for you?” Host Coach with those who booked a party (10 minutes).
2. Pack Up & Close with Host • Inform your Host of her total enrollments and thank her for a successful party. . •
If the Host has not yet reached her 4 enrollments goal, help her think of people you could contact with her/him.
Pack up your materials and depart.
3. Follow-up •
Send your Host a thank-you note/email the day after the party.
Follow-up with any guests who could not attend as they may want to open a product account, host a me party and/or open a GeneWize business.
BOOKING AT PARTIES Guests who attend your me Parties are generally your best prospects for booking. Why? They’ve seen you in action and have become comfortable with you. They’ve enjoyed the party experience and know how much fun their friends will have. They’ve heard about the free product opportunity and have most likely fallen in love with our products. Booking at a me Party is a continuous process. It starts when you greet the guests and learn more about them, continues with sharing and ends with your personal invitation to host. Here’s a simple booking framework you might find helpful when personally inviting a guest to host a me Party. 1. Ask two “yes” or positive questions. • “Sarah, did you enjoy yourself tonight? • Did you learn a few new ideas you didn’t know before?” 2. Invite her to host a me Party. • “I’d like to invite you to have a me Party and join our Family and Friends Affiliate program so you can get the product you had your eye on free. Here are the dates I have open – which would work for you?” 3. Listen to the response.
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• If positive, move forward with booking the date and setting a time to plan the party. Be sure she leaves with a Host Packet. • If negative, move on to step 4. 4. Acknowledge the answer. • “I see.” Or “I understand.” 5. Offer a solution. • “Many of my bests Hosts have felt the same way – we’re all so very busy. What I’ve found is that if people feel they will receive something of value, they’ll make the time to attend. 6. Close. • “Do you think your friends might find that interesting? I have several dates open that might work for you.”
WHAT IF SHE SAYS “NO”? No matter how fabulous your me Party is or how sparkling your personality, some people will say “no” to hosting a party. Saying “no” is much easier than committing to something before you’ve had time to think about it. Sometimes guests need more information or a little time to give it some thought. When a guest says “no”… 1. Acknowledge the concern. 2. Offer a solution. 3. Open the product and/or business account. So how soon do you want to see into your DNA and do something about your own aging predispositions? 4. If you get a “never,” then move on by bridging… 5. Bridge: If you’re like me, life is constantly changing on you, so would you be open to my checking back with you later?
AND IF SHE STILL SAYS NO? Let it go and keep her as a valued contact. If you’ve done your best problem-solving and the answer is still “no” you can say: “Thank you so much, Linda. I understand that now is not a good time for you.
ASK EVERYONE How would you feel if you attended a me Party and were the ONLY person not asked to host a party of your own? Would you wonder if the Affiliate disliked you? Banish that thought from your guests’ minds by asking EVERY guest to host a party – you are an equal opportunity Affiliate! When guests attend any type of home party, they expect to be asked – don’t disappoint them. Give every guest the chance to make her or his own decision.
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“I don’t know anyone.”
“I see. Connie, many of my successful Hosts felt the same way. What they found was that once they started giving it some thought, they knew a few more people than they realized. If you invite just a few people – and ask each of them to bring 3 friends – you’ll expand your circle of friends and will have a great party. What do you think?”
“My house is too small.”
“I certainly understand. Many of my Hosts have quite cozy apartments. I’ve found that a small home actually makes for a more intimate environment and everyone really has a great time.
“I’m too busy.”
“I know exactly how you feel. Many of my Hosts felt the same way but ended up glad they went forward because it gave them a chance to touch base with other busy friends. It’s easy to invite people you see during the week at work, school activities or church. You’ll get a good mix of people and spend very little extra time. Do you think that could work for you?”
“Let me check with my friends first.”
“I understand – you want to make sure your friends will attend. What I’ve found is that your friends will most likely want to know when you plan to have the party, so why don’t we pencil in a tentative date right now? You can check with your friends tomorrow and I’ll give you a call on Wednesday. If it looks like a good date, we’ll confirm it. If it’s a bad date for your friends, we’ll change it. And if you’ve decided not to hold a party, we’ll take it out of my calendar. How does that sound?”
BOOKING AWAY FROM PARTIES Bookings are truly everywhere. When you keep an open mind and talk about your GeneWize business with those you meet, you’ll be amazed at how your calendar will fill up with parties. People LOVE to be associated with the newest, hottest thing!
One of a Kind. One at a Time. That’s me
BOOK IN CLOSE To keep your Host exciting and motivated, (which typically leads to a successful party); always try to book a date within the next two weeks. This is called “booking in close.” The further out you book, the more risk you take that your Host may lose interest in her party and cancel or postpone.
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