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Innovative technology improves

Innovative technology improves patient outcomes

The technology enables suitable patients to have a procedure as a day case in the endoscopy suite, as opposed to the procedure being completed surgically in the operating theatre. This means that a less invasive procedure is now available with a reduced length of stay in hospital for certain patients.

Working in partnership with key opinion leaders, Creo Medical has developed CROMA, an advanced energy platform, and Speedboat, an endoscopic device.

Creo Medical strives to improve patient outcomes by bringing laparoscopic surgical capabilities to the field of flexible endoscopy – the new frontier of minimally invasive surgery. The Chepstow-based company has developed CROMA, a proprietary advanced energy platform, that uniquely delivers bipolar-RF and high frequency microwave energy via a single accessory port. Creo’s first device, Speedboat, is now in use worldwide with great success, and multiple patients have been treated with life changing outcomes.

Speedboat was developed in collaboration with key opinion leaders at St Marks and East Kent Hospitals. The clinical lead at East Kent has adopted Creo’s Speedboat at its Complex Polyp clinic.

Before the introduction of Speedboat, certain complex cases at these hospitals involved surgery and the associated stay in hospital. With Creo’s Speedboat device, patients can have certain complex lesions removed and treated as day patients under mild sedation rather than requiring general anaesthetic.

The procedure utilising Speedboat enables treatment under sedation to take place in 30- 90 minutes, as opposed to an average 4-hour surgical procedure with other complications and costs. Therefore, there is an opportunity for more patients to be treated. A typical surgical resection currently requires up to 5-days stay in hospital at an average cost in excess of £10k.

Chris Hancock CTO Founder (Creo Medical)

“Following the introduction of Speedboat, we have been really pleased with the results for both our patients and our service. With the development of this service, we are now able to offer patients treatment closer to home. The use of Speedboat enables us to offer patients treatment in the endoscopy setting and we are keen to expand this service using the new device.”

Lisa Neal East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

Speedboat has led to better patient outcomes, increased convenience and reduced hospital costs. It has also changed the pathway in the treatment of certain colorectal conditions.

The ability to treat patients with as short a delay as possible is particularly advantageous when treating lesions in the bowel. A relatively quick procedure at a local hospital in an endoscopy suite is generally far easier on the patient than more invasive surgery with a longer recovery time. As the new device allows en-bloc removal of lesions, this leads to fewer and less frequent follow-up scoping appointments.

Creo Medical won the award for industry partnership with the NHS at the 2019 MediWales Innovation Awards. Two hospitals now offer Speedboat procedures and the company aims to increase this number in 2020.

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