Cbrm final

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project is with the intention of working with a company from the state of Chihuahua, Mexico to create an innovation, new direction, extension of current portfolio or making an improvement to the company, having in mind that it will be for the Mexican market. This will help to increase the design culture in the city and start supporting the local economy. The project will consist in making an internal and external analysis of the company to notice their blind spots, weakness and threats and improve them, in order the company can generate more profit, knowing their market and having the necessary tools to compete and stand out from their competitors. After doing the analysis the company will have the required to make solid strategies and being able to distinguish potential customers and niches were the brand can be established. The approach is to create an innovative and successful product, always being aware of the best interests of the society and making environmentally conscious designs. Other important fact is to introduce samples and create opportunities where the brand can have more awareness and gain more clients. All of these with the intention of generating more work opportunities in the city of Chihuahua and have better presence in the market, introducing successful and functional products, which have the value of design in it and solves a pain to society. Based on the premise that with a detail and conscious market research a company can improve its methods and have a solid structure to compete in the market and have a better brand extension.


Create a marketing strategy to attract more clients and have presence in the market, through improved packaging.

Casa Boutique Reyes Mota is a micro enterprise dedicated to the creation of boutique wine, this mean that they are a small producers where the emphasis is in quality and not in quantity.

Main Characteristics: •Producers •Have their own warehouse •Variety of product (4) •On approval in local supermarkets •Three years of experience

The company count with a Web page and a facebook page: http://casareyesmota.com/ https://www.facebook.com/CasaBoutiqueReyes Mota?fref=ts

Direction: Calle 10ª y Terrazas No. 2818 Colonia Santa Rosa Centro Histórico, Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mx. C.P. 31050 Tel: (614) 410.66.08 Location: Chihuahua, Chih.

1. ANALYSIS The analysis contributes to identify the necessities of the company and establish solutions for the business problems. Detect new opportunities and possible threats, in order the company can be prepared with established strategies when this happen. Do a detail study of the company to have all the possible information and approach of the business, knowing the company structure and policies, the manner they work and all the essential information to get to know the environment where they are operating. The competitor, society, culture and all the factor that can affect the development of the company.

The internal analysis have to be with all that is related to the company, the systematic evaluation of the key features of the organization. Its resources, capabilities, structure, position in the market and competitive advantages. Also all that has to be with their product, the quality and reach it has, how much awareness the company has, where it can be found and their market strategies. Knowing the inside of the company to be conscious of its performance, adaptability, services, process and infrastructure business has, to identify the limitations and weak points.

We are a wine company dedicated to the conscience and devotion of producing a selective and high quality wine, offering a unique and exclusive delight to our customers that can find new tendencies and the necessary to surprise their guests.

Count with a unique selection of essential products for the customer collection or professional wine testing, where it can be found the best quality and also the necessary to complement the hole experience.

The structure organization consist in the distribution of the company tasks, to determine what division each employee has to perform and execute. The structure of a company will determine the manner in which its enforce. CBRM right now is a micro enterprise, so their organization structure is very simple as shown in Figure 1.1.1 , the company counts with the manager Armando Mota, the one who is in charge and is the one that is responsible that everything in the warehouse function, the company count with four employees and has two other interns that helps with the production process. Because is a very small company everybody needs to do whatever is required in the company, from receiving the grapes unto packing the bottles. They help one another for the benefit of the establishment, hence in this moments the employees don´t count with specific assignments.

Inversion: CBRM is a company that is finance by four investors. The four partners are friends who wanted to start their own wine company, therefore they put the money from their own pockets and found Casa Boutique Reyes Mota in 2010, three years ago. Infrastructure: They count with their own infrastructure to produce the wine, right now they count with four tanks in the warehouse and a sorting machine band for the selection of the grapes. Suppliers: They have to buy the grape since they don´t count with a vineyard. All their suppliers are from Mexico, mostly from Coahuila, Chihuahua and Baja California , states from the north of Mexico as shown in Figure 1.1.2 Product: They already produce four original wines, three of them are Red Wine. All their product count with an individual image, each wine has it logo, in order to be more easy to identify them. Employee division: The employee division is very simple, the manager is Armando Mota one of the investors and he has four employees in his charge and two interns that help them with the production of the wine. Key partners :The company doesn´t count with a packaging and they lack of publicity, therefore a key partnership could be a designer and a marketer. Distribution channels: The place where they sell their product is in their own store, local stores from the city of Chihuahua and in the local supermarket Alsuper. All of them are located in the state of Chihuahua. Revenue stream: Their principal asset sale are from the direct sale from the bottles of wine, that it´s their main entrance of money, but they are also very interested in design and because of this in their store they have furniture and product form local designers.

The product portfolio of the company count with three wine products in their stock and one is in process to be introduced into the market as Figure 1.1.3 shows. All of their four product count with a distinguish logo that represent each wine, and facilitates identify them.

Semisweet RosÊ Harvest 2012 13% Vol. of Alcohol Uncork 15 min before serving preferably from10 to 12°C

Dry Red Wine Harvest 2012 Made from grenache grape andShiraz grape 13.5% Vol. of Alcohol

Dry Red Wine Harvest 2012 Made 100% from Grenache grape 14% Vol. of Alcohol

Dry Red Wine Harvest 2012 Made 100% from Shiraz grape 13% Vol. of Alcohol

Procedure of Casa Boutique Reyes Mota for making Red Wine.1 1.Reception and analysis: Right know the company doesn´t count with is own vineyards, so they buy the grapes from other country producers. When the grape arrives, passes direct trough the selection table and laboratory to receive the necessary testing. Also is made a sensory analysis so it can be measure the sugar, acid, seed and skin color of the grapes. 2.Selection: For the selection of the grape it passes trough a manual process, in order to only the grapes with the best quality remain. Then the grapes are squeezed, stemmed and poured in a fermented container, after having added a small amount of sulfites, all of this with the purpose of preventing biological contamination. 3.Maceration: During the barreling of the must, is performed yeast inoculation select to the alcoholic fermentation that is unfetter at the same time of the maceration of the skin and seed. This can last between five to fifteen days. The maceration helps to confer the red color of the wine and capacity of conservation. In this period the temperature, density, acidity of the must and juice, needs to be control three times per day. If it is determine that the alcoholic fermentation is done, the final analysis of the wine or fermented must are made. The skin and seed are remove and press so alter a different proportional mix is made. 4.Racking: The first cleaning of the wine is made before the malolactic fermentation start, then after a week pass, various rackings are made to begin cleaning the wine to proceed to the final product stabilization. When is already stabilized is filtered and bottle.





Right now the company is only establish at Chihuahua, Chihuahua, where their warehouse is located as Figure 1.1.5 shows. Their product can be found in the local market. The company only have the infrastructure to produce the wine, but they don´t count with their own vineyard, so they buy the raw material from other producers in the country. What distinguishes CBRM is that all of their products are 100% Mexican, the raw material comes from the country producers and the wine is elaborated in the state of Chihuahua. There are not a lot of companies that have the possibility to produce wine in the state, also being a boutique product gives them a plus, because it makes it more exclusive, at being an artisanal product with small production. All of this combine with the vintage image they handle and the ecological consciousness they promote, make them a unique brand worth of attention.

CBRM is a wine producer. Their main product is the Red Wine being three of their four products of this type. Their product line is: Francisca: With a great heart and exquisite kindness, embrace us with her bright salmon color and fruit taste, among them the gooseberry, grapefruit, tangerine, peach and others. Adela: Translate us to a smell and palate fantasy of discovering the red cooked fruits among them the plum and a touch of vanilla and species . Having always presence its ruby red color. Ramona: Sparkly and joyful, that wait kindness, in company of the American oak unifying the fruit with the life nature. This product is not at stock at the moment. Uno Tinto: Made 100% of Shiraz grape, made him the more sharp and fierce of all.

The range of price goes from 250.00 to 380.00 MXN pesos, this is a hand made product so that raises its cost making it more exclusive and unique. Also the high quality standard that CBRM has, forces them to use very expensive raw material and infrastructure to reach the level they set. The places where the CBRM product can be find are in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua at their own store, in the local store Liquor Depot and La Vinateria and also in the local supermarkets Alsuper where they are in approval. In this moment the company promote themselves mainly trough the web, in their web page and facebook, they have the same strategies for all their products, lacking of different promotion for their more expensive wine. Also go to local showroom like Ruta 1 that is a new cultural weekend made every month sponsored by the government of the state of Chihuahua to promote the art and culture in the city at the Centro Historico and at the Centro de Convenciones y Exposisiones de Chihuahua that is an exposition to promote the local companies from Chihuahua to gain more awareness and potential customers begin to know the brand. Note: View Figure 1.1.6

-Via internet, they have their own web page and promotion themselves trough facebook. -Right now they have their own warehouse and sell their products there and in another two local stores. Also they are in approval on the local supermarket Alsuper. -They are working on creating new strategies to expand the brand and have more extension. -Being 100% Mexican, they do everything themselves so that gives a plus to the brand, but they don´t count with their own vineyard. -They have their own machinery and all their employees are from Chihuahua. -The grape is bought in the Mexican market, mostly from the North (Baja California, Camargo and Coahuila) -They are a “boutique” wine producer, this mean that they are small producers, also it fits in the category of artisanal wine, so that make them have less production but improves their quality. - In their own store they count with the option of buying at a wholesalers scale.

Related with the environment where the company is. Studying the customer and competitors, to notice and study possible opportunities where the business can establish and be aware of the threats that may occur, therefore the company can be prepare with strategies and a structured plan . The external analysis helps to know everything that is relevant , in order the company products can compete in the local and national market and excel from others.

The customer is an adult around the 23 to 50 years old, who likes products of high quality and search for it, he knows all that is related with wine and like to enjoy of it in the company of a nice gourmet meal and friends, also pursue products that can surprise him and his guests since his means allow him as he belongs to a middle trough high economic class. As shown in Figure 1.2.1 The potential client is a sophisticated working man, with high education, that wants the best product he can get, he likes to travel and take with him souvenirs that he can bring from his country or afford in a foreign market , this customer has a social active life and like to be in tendency with what is happening in the world. He is an occasional drinker and enjoy of having his own personal drinking collection that can show of in family or friends reunions and share with them. Also is important to know that the customer leads a very hectic life and most of the time has to meet with clients and make sure them spend a good time, he is a person that has compromises and like to take care of the people that is close to him and the ones that surround him , always having the concern of being ecologically friendly with the products he consume and respect the environment. (for more information see appendix A)

The person that has interest in a high quality wine

Friends Partners Couple

The person that has access to money

The person that has the time to go to the store

The person that wants to enjoy and have a nice time.

Knowing the competition is a critical part for the company market plan. Evaluating the competition gives an advantage to get ahead over them, if you are acquainted of what your opponent is doing, you can take actions for positioning your brand and establish what make your product unique. Figure 1.2.2 shows the different level of competitions CBRM has, in the center of the chart is the product from competition this product pursue the same market segment . These brand pursue similar consumers. All of them are Mexican wine producers that count with their own warehouse and have the necessary to produce their products. Despite they have different characteristics they all produce their own wine brand. The second level of competition the product category competition is based on those products that has similar features, in this case are the alcoholic beverages produce in the country , this category still takes a view of market definition. The third level the generic competition is focused on substitutable products, those products that fulfill the same customer needs, all the beverage in general satisfy the need of drink. The last level is the budget competition , the one that considers all products competing for the same customer budget as a forming a market, here all the products with the same price, compete with the brand in the gain of a customer.

After knowing the CBRM competition is very important to know where is positioned the brand to respect the principal competitors, among the quality and the price, as shown in Figure 1.2.3 In this case the principal competitors in the country, are the ones that count with the infrastructure and wine product made by themselves. The main rivals are: (to see the map with the competitors localization view appendix B)

-Bodegas Pinesque (Chihuahua, Mexico) -Casa Madero (Coahuila, Mexico) -Bodegas de Perote (Coahuila, Mexico) -Ferri単o (Coahuila, Mexico) -Vi単edos Azteca (Queretaro, Mexicpo) -Vi単edos La Redonda (Queretaro, Mexico) -Casa Domecq (Baja California, Mexico) -Casa Vinicola Bissolitti (Zacatecas, Mexico) -Bodegas Vega Manchon (Guanajuato, Mexico)

(This product pursue the same marker segment and their features have similar values) Wine Producers in the


Bodegas Pinesque Casa Domecq Vi単edo la Redonda Vi単edos Azteca Casa Vinicola Bissolotti Casa Madero

(Base in those products or services with similar features) Alcoholic Beverages

Sotol Hacienda de Chihuaua Don Julio Tequila Alacran 7 Barrios Minerva Laguna Azul

(Those products and services fulfilling the same customer need) Beverages

Zaragoza Fonte nueva Jumex Jarritos Jugos del Valle Sangria Se単orial Note:

Products made in the state of Chihuahua Products made in the Mexican country

(It considers all products competing for the same customer budget) Everything that is at the same price

Movies Music Food Hygienic products Accessories Appliences

High quality

Low price

High price

Low quality

The company is situated between their main competitors Bodegas Pinesque and Casa Domeque in a range of high quality and high price, and Casa Madero that has better quality and is more expensive.

The SWOT analysis is a method that helps to evaluated the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats that the company has, specifying and identifying the objectives that are favored or unfavorable for the company. After knowing this the company can have the knowledge of where is positioned and start taking the necessary actions to improve their opportunities, fortify their strengths, take care of their weakness and reduce its threats.

STREGHTS -They have their own company -They count with the necessary infrastructure to produce wine -They have very small local competitors -The company count with high quality products -They buy the raw material from Mexican suppliers -The company only has local employees -The company is ecological consciousness -The company is interested in design

OPPORTUNITIES -The company can count with brand extension -The company can enter new markets -The company can introduce new articles that complement the wine

WEAKNESS -The company lacks of publicity -Low awareness of the brand to potential customers -Their product price is a little bit high -Is a very new company -The products lacks of packaging -The company lacks of their own vineyard

THREATS -The Chihuahua society has very little knowledge about wine -In the country other alcoholic beverages have more acceptance -Not acceptance of wine by the society

The PESTED is the political, economical, social, technological, environmental and demographic analysis that gives an overview of the different environmental factors that the company has to take into consideration, for the creation of the company strategies or market research. 8

-The sale of alcoholic beverages can only be done by licensed granted by the municipal authority and in accordance with the provisions of this law. -Democratic State

-Provides the 2.9% of national GDP -Is the fifth state economy of the country -Ranked second in factory (maquiladora) establishments and foreign investment in manufacturing reception 5

-Advance in nanotechnology -Generator of value added in manufacturing export



-Wine is not a product of cultural tradition -Not a very safe city -Only the 40% of the wine that is produce in the region is consume by Mexicans


-40% of the Chihuahua land is very dry -Localizated in the sierra and plains of the north of the country -The average temperature is 17°C -Low quantity of rain


-Local population of 3 406 465 - 49.8 % are man -50.2% are woman -85% of the population lives in the city

So far we see that CBRM is a company dedicated in the creation of high quality wine. Their main focus is to promote a 100% Mexican brand. Since is a really new company they lack of publicity and market strategies, they need a better positioning in the market to start getting notice. The advantage they have are the features with what they count to produce their product. Another plus they have is the care they put in each of their products, making them reliable. The company must count with market strategies to know were it´s going and establish goals, in order to the company can have a better vision of where is situated and acquire more brand extension, attracting more client s and awareness from the potential customers.

2. DEFINE SEARCH AREAS After the analysis the areas that need more attention are identified. The search areas are the ones where the company can incur, base in the activities they perform. Studying the different areas, helps to have a better understanding of the services and product they offer and define the ones that are needed to strengthen for the company be more solid and have a better presence in the market . The proposal for this project is the creation of solid strategies markets and brand extension through the creation of a flexibly product, through the areas of marketing and design.

For this particular projects the areas to be working on will be in the marketing and design area, for the creation of strategies and supplements necessary for attracting more clients and have a value proposition.

Is the process of communicating the product to the customers. Is the area that attract clients with the purpose of selling and have profit.

Market strategies: Is the one that allows the company in concentrating its optimal resources and opportunities for increasing sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. The approach here is to create solid market strategies, in order the company have more clear what are their goals, and how they are going to accomplish them. Having strategies is necessary, so the company know what they want and where they are going, also for the expansion they want to have and how to accomplish it. Publicity: CBRM lacks of publicity, people don´t know them. Publicity is the act of attracting media attention and gaining visibility with the public, with this customers can have more information about the company and identify more with them. Putting out the company is really necessary so people get to know the products what they offer and start notice them, in order they can start purchasing their products.

This area improves the aesthetics , ergonomic , functionality and usability of the product , also it helps in the marketing and even production.

Brand extension: The brand extension is a marketing strategy where a product is develop and use the company bran name. It increase awareness and profitability from offering more than one product category. The stretching of the brand will be through complement the packaging with a corkscrew and the necessary to complement the wine, since the packaging is some of the most important values you can give to the product. A good packaging can attract potential customers and does that are not really interest in the product, but feel identify with the product through the visualization of what protect and supplements the product. With the right strategies the package can be very flexible and include several task that can complemented the product , therefore it be more appealing the customers.

Trends: One factor that can be crucial for the acceptance of the product is to know the new trends that the society are embracing. Some of the trends that are very popular right now are all related with the green products, that are concern with the environment and help to reduce the pollution. Sustainability: Is the quality of not being harmful to the environment. Nowadays every good project has sustainability as a principal base. Its very important that the design will be environmental conscious and has in mind that all the processes that will be required in the making of the package be ecological without harming the environment and have the capacity of endure. Ergonomics: The ergonomics is a very import tool in the process of design, since is the one that helps to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort. For the package can be include in the way the customer will take and carry the product, they manner is going to open and how all the extra complements will be arrange. Cost: Its really important that the package does not raise the price of the product, customer wants the hole experience at a reasonable price. The materials and process has an important influence in the cost, since they are the ones that determine if the price of the packaging will be high or low, Material: For the making of the package the materials that will be use are very important, since are the principal thing customers will notices. Also is very important, because is the structure that wrap the product, so it needs to be very strong, but also flexibly , light and ecologically friendly. The cardboard, wood and leather are some materials that fulfill the characteristics before mentioned, this materials can be found very easy in the state and at a low price.

Here we can noticed that all the steps are important to generate a good, successful and high quality design. Defining the search areas is required to having a patter of what is necessary in order to create the new product that has all that is required and be a very complete object. After knowing the areas that need to be fulfill is more easier to start developing the new product having in mind all the requirements that are indispensable for generating a successful brand extension.

3. IDEAS This phase helps to collect all the necessary information that is relevant for the creation of the product. Define the different areas that the company use and identify the ones that can improve, for the creation of stronger and successful products. Also this phase requires the investigation of the latest trends, innovations and technology, therefore it can be applied in the company project to count with the best possibly quality and always bringing a comfortable experience to the consumer.

Defining the problem helps to understand what is preventing the company to reach its goals. After knowing what is the problem we can start developing the solution. One of the main problems of CBRM is the lack of awareness that the brand has, without publicity people can´t get to know what product the company is offering, other main problem is the Mexican culture, society are not a real wine drinkers, they prefer other type of alcoholic beverages before wine. Also the products lack of packaging, and in the survey main before( see appendix A) people tend to look for the packaging.

A way to approached to potential customer could by through packaging, including some gadgets that can attract people to buy the products with something that gets their attention and introducing appliances that complement the wine, so people start to improve their experience with the product, through a brand extension, developing a functional product and complementing the wine.

Is a creative technique for finding conclusion for specific problems by making a list of spontaneously ideas and helps to avoid premature criticism Here what wants to be accomplish is the generation of lots of ideas for obtaining the more appropriate solution for the company. Next is the list that was made in the gaining ideas.

Games set

Bowls for snacks




Wine set



Free tastings

Wine rack



In this phase the three ideas that accomplish the most goals of the company will be develop in the further stages of material, ergonomics, usability and dimension. This will help to settle more the projects and start to specifying the processes that the product will required. After developing the three proposal only one will be chosen where it will be develop based on the goals that where established and the viability of the project.

Extension Magnetic clip The clip can be extend when the extremes of it are pulled and goes smaller when are compressed

The ring is attracted by the magnet to the wine rack Clean impurities when the wine passes through there

Wine rack that folds in the middle

For the production of this packaging it with need to make metal molds, for then empty the mold with the stainless steel. For the stone pieces it wiill need to make the quarrying process. (for more information see appendix D stainless steel process)

The clip is a very small gadget, thats why it´s expandable and also the shape permits that the user grab it like it correspond. In the rack the bottles go horizontal so it will be more easy for the user to introduce it.(for more information see appendix C)

11 cm

7 cm

7 cm 3 cm

3 cm

3 cm

50 cm

The package converts in a wine rack that has include stone pieces that you put in the refrigerator to cool and then put in the rack so your wine is at the right temperature.

20 cm 13 cm

50 cm

Stainless steel


For the production of this packaging it with need to make metal molds, for then empty the mold with the stainless steel. For the stone pieces it wiill need to make the quarrying process. (for more information see appendix D stone process)

The stone pieces have commissure where people can grab. (for more information see appendix C)

20 cm

50 cm

40 cm 10 cm

10 cm Connector of stainless steel

Wine aerator of stainless steel

20 cm 5 cm

Wine stopper of stainless steel

8 cm

Wine chiller of stainless steel A package of collection of wine accessories that helps to improve the experience of drinking wine

For the production of the pieces is required to make metal molds, for then empty the mold with the stainless steel. To see the process of the stainless steel (for more information see appendix D stainless steel process)

The pieces have a handle so the user can grab them and don´t slide them, also they can handle them in certain angle that is comfortable for them (for more information see appendix C)

After an extend search of the perfect materials that can be use for the wine it get to the conclusion of using some that can increase profitability and make a value proposition to the product . For more information about the material process view appendix D.

Stainless steel


Stainless steel does not readily corrode, rust or stain with water as ordinary steel does, but despite the name it is not fully stain-proof, most notably under low oxygen, high salinity, or poor circulation environments. There are different grades and surface finishes of stainless steel to suit the environment the alloy must endure.



Is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, and attracts or repels other magnets. Some experts use it for clean impurity that eh bottle or the wine may contain.

Stone 13 Rock structures have existed for as long as history can recall. It is the longest lasting building material available, and is usually readily available. There are many types of rock throughout the world, all with differing attributes that make them better or worse for particular uses. Rock is a very dense material so it gives a lot of protection too; its main drawback as a material is its weight and awkwardness. Its energy density is also considered a big drawback, as stone is hard to keep warm without using large amounts of heating resources. For that reason, this material is being use to maintain the right temperature of the beverages.

Is a graphic representation of the strengths and weakness of the proposals and is used to evaluate and decide in later phase of product development. The Harris profile help to overview witch proposal is the most viable.

The last step of the idea phase is the selection of the project. All the proposal where exposed to the company, which reviewed and analyzed all the information pertinent with the project that has research so far. The company view all the advantages and disadvantages that the three proposal have and came to this conclusion:

PROPOSAL 1 Is a very interesting gadget that can attract the intention of the wine experts. And the idea of implementing the magnetic clip with the detachable wine rack is cleaver, however we falls short to main goal of attracting new clients, because the consumer that want to be target are not the ones that already know about wine, on the contrary are those that are possible clients that want to expand their range of beverages.

PROPOSAL 2 This packaging is very functional and have the necessary to improve the experience of the wine in family reunions or meals, is very portable and that allows that the user can transport it vey easy, this also can attract the consumer attention, since the packaging have several uses and people tend to like thinks that have other uses apart the one it was made off. But having brand awareness only by introducing the multifunctional package maybe not be appropriate right now, because of the lack of publicity that the company has, it can increase a lot the price of the product and that can affect the wine sales.

PROPOSAL 3 Introducing products that complement the product could be very effectible for the company, since it help to improve the consumer experience, but also if it get to position well in the market is other income for the company and also can attract the attention of possible clients that get to know the wines through the new product. The idea of having several gadgets that are interchangeable is very useful, because the consumer have everything in a very compact form, that allows him to go everywhere with it without occupying a lot of space. For that this proposal is the most viable to develop for the company. In conclusion the proposal 3 counts with the main idea for achieving the goals of the company, gaining brand awareness through brand extension, giving the value proposition of having the hole experience of the wine and introducing this new gadgets will increase the knowledge of the people about wine and start being seen as a possibly alcoholic beverage for casual occasions and familiar reunions.

4. PRODUCT CONCEPT In this phase a proposal was chosen and will be developed according to all the study that was already made. After defining the product, the next step to follow is the making of the prototype in 3D to start a series of tests to evaluate if it has the right dimension, ergonomics and functionality, and all the relevant so the user have a good experience with the product. Also is important to evaluate what the consumer wants, to implement a proposition value to the product. Is very important to select the proper materials and processes, having always in consideration to low the cost and use sustainable proceedings.

After doing the analysis of the company, competitors and consumer, the conclusion was that the brand lack of awareness, therefore it needs some complements that improve the experience of the wine, because the society prefers other beverage before the wine, the statistics prove the low consumption of wine in the Mexican culture only consuming the 40% of the wine produced in the region, 7 that is the reason for developing a product that extend and improve the knowledge of the potential client about wine. Base on the target market the product needs to have sophistication and elegance, the consumer seeks for high quality and always want the best product he can have. Also is very important to choose the right materials in order to conserve the quality of the wine. CBRM is a company that aims for the best product and always establish high standards for them. Other important fact is that people relate wine with stylishness and education as shown in Figure 4.1 (for more information see Appendix E). In the state of Chihuahua there are not a lot of supplementary products for the wine, therefore is a niche that can be use in favor of the brand.

For the brand extension of the company a wine kit will be develop, it will be a box of wood containing four different gadgets. The box will have the logo of the company, in order to customers relate the products with the brand, the gadgets are a connector, one wine stopper, a wine aerator and a wine cooler.

Wine Kit The different gadgets come in a wood box, where each products has its own compartment, at the bottom is the connector, that is the larger one, and in the top are the other three pieces; at the left is the wine stopper that is the smaller, in the middle is the wine aerator and in the right is the wine cooler that is wider and bigger one. The purpose of the box, is in order to protect the product and contain all the necessary tools that will improve the experience of the wine. This will facilitate having all the wine accessories in one place for the customer and having its package increase the value of the products.

Connector This piece is the auxiliary that connect all the different product. Is made of stainless steel and have a recovery in the top of natural rubber to have gripe with the bottleneck and it doesn't slide.

Function The connector is introduce into the bottle where after the wine passes trough the stainless steel object, creating circulation and movement in the bottle.

Note: Products dimension can be seen in Appendix E

Wine Aerator The wine aerator is a small device, which serves as top decanter for aerating wine. Is made in stainless steel, having a recovery of rubber in the bottom, in order to have better grip with the top of the connector.

Function This device is introduces into the connector. The aerator allows air to enter through, increasing oxygen exposure and aeration filtering the wine across the stainless steel, this enables that the fragrance and flavor of the wine express more fully. Note: Products dimension can be seen in Appendix E

Wine stopper This one is an essential wine accessory that is use to close leftover wine. The product is made of stainless steel in the top, for better resistance and has rubber in the bottom so it can grasp into the connector.

Function Wine stoppers are use to replace the wine cork, because ones the bottle is opened is hard to put the original cork into the bottleneck . This particular stopper has the function to pump out the air from the bottle with the pull pole. The pole is pull down, then the wine is vacuum sealed Note: Products dimension can be seen in Appendix E

Wine cooler Is a small wine accessory that instantly chills the wine when is served. The wine cooler is made of stainless steel to have higher oxidation resistance to temperature and rubber to grasp better to the connector in order to have a better performance, when used.

Function The wine cooler achieves the desire wine serving temperature . Simply keep it in the freezer and when is needed, insert in when the connector is into the bottleneck and pours the wine . When the wine flows through the frozen steel, it is instantly chilled to the perfect serving temperature. Note: Products dimension can be seen in Appendix E

The prototype is an early model that help to test a concept, product aspect, change construction and details in order to verify particular solutions and visualize the final product form.

The usage helps us to understand how the product will be use, in order to understand better the performance it will have and how the user will employ the object. Below we can see the manner the in which the user hold the different products, we can look the position of the hand and the fingers, how it grasp the object and all the movements that have to be done in order the product can fulfill its function.

For more information see Appendix C After seeing the usage, know we can study the ergonomics of the product. The ergonomics help to understand if the object doesn´t harm the user, in order for a product to have a good performance in needs to adapt to the human and no the way around. It is vital that the product count with affordance and guide the user how to use it. The products are very small , in order to have a good performance when is inserted in the bottleneck , that the reason of implementing the connector, so the user doesn´t struggles when it needs to introduce the objects. In figure 4.1 the standard dimension of a bottle are shown. Having this in mind, the design of the different gadgets has to be done, that’s the reason of the shape of the products, they need to have a conic form, so it will be easier to place it into the bottle. If we analyze the usage , the hand doesn´t has extreme movements of the wrist and needs to have sharp angles in order to take the object. The principal fingers that are used are the thumb, the index and middle finger and the hand grasp only when it takes the bottle or needs to pull out the device. Another important fact that needs to be taking in consideration is the weight of the materials, as all the burden concentrated in the wrist, is important that the product doesn´t be very heavy to injure the user hand. and he can easily take the object without any difficulty.

1.7 cm 31 cm

9 cm

9 cm

After an extend search of the perfect materials that can be use for the wine it get to the conclusion of using some that can increase profitability and make a value proposition to the product . For more information about the material process view appendix D stainless steel process.

Stainless steel 9 Stainless steel does not readily corrode, rust or stain with water as ordinary steel does, but despite the name it is not fully stain-proof, most notably under low oxygen, high salinity, or poor circulation environments. There are different grades and surface finishes of stainless steel to suit the environment the alloy must endure. Some of the important physical properties of stainless steel are listed below: •Stainless steel is a hard and strong substance. •High oxidation-resistance in air at ambient temperature •Impervious to water and air •It is not a good conductor of heat and electricity. •Stainless steel possess high ductile strength. This means it can be easily shaped or bent or drawn in the form of wires. •Most varieties of stainless steel possess magnetic permeability. •They are strongly attracted towards magnets. •It is highly resistant to corrosion. •It does not get oxidized very easily. •Stainless steel can retain its cutting edge for a long period of time. •Even at very high temperatures, stainless steel is capable of retaining its strength and resistivity towards oxidation and corrosion. •At cryogenic temperatures, stainless can remain tough.


Natural Rubber

The rubber is extracted from the trees in the form of latex. The tree is tapped; that is, a diagonal incision is made in the bark of the tree and as the latex exudes from the cut it is collected in a small cup. Is used extensively in many applications and products, either alone or in combination with other materials. In most of its useful forms, it has a large stretch ratio, high resilience, and is extremely waterproof. For more information about the material process view appendix D rubber process. Some of the most important properties of the natural rubber are: •Good wear resistance •High elasticity, tensile strength and elongation •Good flexibility qualities at low temperature •Low maintenance •Soft to the touch •Nonporous, water resistance The natural rubber also has some disadvantages that are listed below: •Does not perform well when exposed to chemicals and petroleum derivatives •Not recommended for outdoor applications •Easy to aging in the air •When heated, become sticky

Nowadays environmental issues are important criteria for material selection, in environmental properties of a material, recycling is a key element. 10

Stainless steel objects hardly ever become waste at the end of their useful life. The estimate of end of life recycling is 80 to 90%, this is possible because as it contains other valuable raw materials, especially chromium, nickel and molybdenum, which make recycling stainless steel economically viable and technically proven. In fact it is actively recycle on a large scale around the world. Like any metallic material, is produced in a melting process , production and recycling are not separate steps in the life cycle of the material. They are one and the same process, the most important ingredient for stainless steel production are recycled stainless steel and other steel alloys. Any stainless steel product has and average of 60% recycled content, the one that our industry recycles today may have been put into the market 20 or 30 years ago. The long-term average growth rate of stainless steel has been about 5% per annum. Even if 100% produced was returned, the available material can account only for 35% of today´s production, if the average useful life is 20 years and 20% of today´s production if the average is useful life is 30 years. With an average content of 25% of old scrap, stainless steel is close to the theoretical maximum content of material from end of life product. The recycled content is only limited by how much was put into the recycling loop decades ago. Stainless steel is not consumed, is remains part of the sustainable closed loop system. Unlike many other materials, it is recycled without any degradation, therefore his selection brings performance and protection of the natural resources together. Here is a chart explaining the stainless steel recycling process

Steel recovered and recycled

Recycling of steel product

Production of steel products

Transport of recycled steel

Supplier of recycled steel

Steel products in use

End of life of steel products


Reclaiming and recycling rubber uses less energy than producing new rubber. Additionally, recycling rubber reduces demand for new natural rubber, which may keep rubber tree plantations from expanding into sensitive tropical ecosystems. Furthermore, keeping rubber out of landfills protects environments as well as human health. Rubber biodegrades slowly, meaning it builds up quickly in landfills due to the high occurrence of discarded rubber products. Rubber can be recycled using one of three basic methods. First, a rubber product can be refurbished. For example, retreading old tires produces functional refurbished tires. Second, rubber can be broken down and formed into an entirely new product, such as playground surfacing. Third, incinerating tires produces energy used for manufacturing processes, electricity or other purposes. Rubber recovery can be a difficult process. There are many reasons, however why rubber should be reclaimed or recovered, the most important ones are: • Recovered rubber can cost half that of natural or synthetic rubber. • Recovered rubber has some properties that are better than those of virgin rubber. • Producing rubber from reclaim requires less energy in the total production process than does virgin material. • It is an excellent way to dispose of unwanted rubber products, which is often difficult. • It conserves non-renewable petroleum products, which are used to produce synthetic rubbers. • Recycling activities can generate work in developing countries. • Many useful products are derived from reused tires and other rubber products. • If tires are incinerated to reclaim embodied energy then they can yield substantial quantities of useful power.


In order to produce the stainless steel product a mold has to be done for the wine aerator and the wine cooler After making the mold the steel is introduced in them so it can take the shape of the object, at last the rubber recovery is put in wrapping the product. The process for making a metal consist of two halves. Casting molds are usually formed from gray cast iron because it has about the best thermal fatigue resistance, but other materials include steel, bronze, and graphite. These metals are chosen because of their resistance to erosion and thermal fatigue. They are usually not very complex because the mold offers no collapsibility to compensate for shrinkage. Instead the mold is opened as soon as the casting is solidified, which prevents hot tears. Cores can be used and are usually made from sand or metal. As stated above, the mold is heated prior to the first casting cycle and then used continuously in order to maintain as uniform a temperature as possible during the cycles. This decreases thermal fatigue, facilitates metal flow, and helps control the cooling rate of the casting metal. Venting usually occurs through the slight crack between the two mold halves, but if this is not enough then very small vent holes are used. They are small enough to let the air escape but not the molten metal. A riser must also be included to compensate for shrinkage. This usually limits the yield to less than 60%. Mechanical ejectors in the form of pins are used when coatings are not enough to remove casts from the molds. These pins are placed throughout the mold and usually leave small round impressions on the casting. To produce the wine stopper and connector the melting process is required. This process consist of melting together the raw material in an electric furnace. This step usually requires 8 to 12 hours of intense heat. When the melting is finished, the molten steel is cast into semi-finished forms. These include blooms rectangular shapes, billets slabs, rods, and tube rounds.

Here are a diagram with the different process of the stainless steel , in order to see the melting process.

The evaluation needs to be done, to verify or test if the solution that was reached is the correct one. Also is important to check if the proposed solution is usable and if the user will understand how to use it . After realized all the concept phase an evaluation of the product needs to be done. Next we have a table that contain the principal characteristic that the product needs to fulfill, where the -1 means that is needs to change, the 0 that is find, but it can improve and +1 that is the correct one.

In this phase all related to the concept was seen, after analyzed everything that is related with it, we can conclude that the potential consumer relates the wine with elegance, luxury and sophistication, therefore the product needs to project this in the shape, materials and function, keeping in mind the ergonomics, in order the consumers take the right hand position when using the product and avoids wrong angles and movements. The gadgets are very small objects, so they can fit into the bottle, some people can found that the space is restricted to handle the product, but with the connector that issue is solved. Another important factor for the right performance of the product is choosing the proper materials, the stainless steel is a very resistance and sustainable product, since its 100% recyclable and also the rubber can be reuse to lower the cost of production and contamination. The product can improve in functionality, sustainability and construction process, developing or finding another way to build the products that use less energy and only producing their products with recycling material, in order to support the environmental campaigns.

5. MARKETING PL AN At the moment the product is choose, developed and tested, the next step to follow is how the potential customer will get the new product. The market strategies need to be made according to the target group, in order to reach the right user that wants to be target. Another important factor is knowing when to introduce the product, is vital to launch the product at the correct day at the correct time, so the product can have the expected acceptance. Always considering the costs and expenses, to respect the budget, but always thinking in the benefit of the product.

CBRM customer are people between 23 to 50 years old, very sophisticated and elegant people. The new target market that wants to be approach is around the same age, jus a little bit younger (people from 20 to early 40s), in order to a generation start accepting in their life the wine and grow up with it and since people relates wine with gourmet meals and high education (see Appendix E) the desire is to attract people that would like to improve their knowledge about wine. Since is a very expensive product the one that the company is selling, they want that people could enjoy the pleasures of the wine and know how to take advantage from it. The potential customer is a person that is eager to experience and learn new things and likes to expand their knowledge about everything they can introduce in their lives as seen in Figure 5.1 which clearly shows a generation of young people embracing wine in their culture.

A portable wine kit that helps to improve the experience of drinking wine. It counts with four stainless steel product that are: Connector: This piece is the auxiliary that connect all the different product. It creates movement and circulation in the bottle when the wine passes trough. Aerator: Is a small device, which serves as top decanter for aerating wine. The aerator allows air to enter, increasing oxygen exposure, enabling a better expression of the flavor and fragrance of the wine. Wine stopper: This one is an essential wine accessory that is use to close leftover wine, because ones the bottle is opened is hard to put the original cork into the bottleneck. Wine cooler: Is a small wine accessory that instantly chill the wine as is pour. The wine cooler achieves the desire wine serving temperature. When the wine flows through the frozen steel, it is chilled to the perfect serving temperature. The wine cooler is preferable when serving white or rose wine. All the gadgets will be in a recycled wood box with the logo of the company so it will be very easily to identify and relate as a product extension of the company, in order to people starting consuming all the new complements and learn how they need to use them as shown in figure 5.2

The price of the wine kit is 483.00 MXN pesos, the raw material is not extremely expensive, since a large quantity can be made from one sheet of stainless steel and very little amount is needed for the rubber cover in all the pieces. The process each piece take to be made rises the price, but it needs to be necessary to keep the high standards of quality that the brand handles. The competition price range goes from 250 MXN pesos to 600 MXN pesos depending of the material and different accessories the kit have, as shown in Figure 5.3

248.90 MXN pesos

510.23 MXN pesos

598.00 MXN pesos

The places where the wine kit can be find are in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua at the Casa Boutique Reyes Mota store and online at the company web page in order to gain more extension and more potential customer know them, also in the local supermarkets Alsuper store that are an extension of the local supermarket Alsuper where the company already is in approval but handles more gourmet and expensive products that can be related to wine. The wine kit will be displayed at the alcoholic beverages section in the store The promotion will take place thorough the company web page where the products will be shown with all their characteristics and can be purchased, therefore people get to know them and learn how to use it. Also promoting them in their facebook page, in order to their customers know they are introducing a new kit for their wines. And in local exposition Centro de Convensiones y Exposisiones de Chihuahua where all kind of companies can expose their product, in order to people get to know their products and gain awareness and making tastings in their local store using the new products showing people how they need to use correctly for improving the wine experience. Note: View Figure 5.4 to see the marketing mix table

Is very important to know which months are the ones where the company can improve their sales, introduce the launching campaign and promotions in order to get the right attention and target at the proper time their potential customers. If the timing is appropriate this could be the success of the introduction of the new CBRM products. The launching campaign is thought for May 2014 where a lot of Mexican holidays are celebrated, mother´s day, teacher´s days, fifth of May ( La Batalla de Puebla) and all of this can be used in favor of the introduction of the new product, making promotions and tasting events in order to potential customers feel attracted to the product. For the promotions the most important months are December, May and June for the different holidays that are celebrated on those days, therefore the company can take advantage of that and gain more publicity for the wine kit and the wines. The tasting events and expositions are very important during the promotion moths, because is a way to attract potential customers with the excuse of the holidays in order to taste the products and purchase them as a gift for their friends and relatives.

Launching Christmas


Mother´s day

Father´s day




In stock

The different forms of promotions are vital for the successes of the wine kit, is very important to use the social media in order to make publicity and create awareness in order the larger amount of people get to know the new product and start wanting and leads the potential customers toward purchasing the product. Next is a simulation of how the website and facebook page will show the products and clients will have the opportunity to know more about the products and buy it.

Here is the production cost table, in order to know the inversion the company needs to do into start producing the products. The public price is in MXN pesos for all the wine kit, the connector, aerator, wine stopper and wine cooler all together.

Public price in MXN pesos

After knowing what will be the price of the wine kit, a projection of the future finance related to the product needs to be done, in order to know if the producing the product is viable. For this calculation the life cycle of the wine kit is required. At the beginning a small size of products will be made, because is new in the market and not a lot of people will know it, the higher years are the ones where the product is recognized and is well positionated in the market, the wine suppliers are constantly innovating , that the main reason why the product will only last a short time before the higher sales point.

In order to the new products be successful needs to have a solid market strategy in order to be very well positionated in the market. People are very susceptible about the cost, but since CBRM is a company that always aim for high quality standards and the material needs to be correct for cleaning the impurity of the wine is vital to communicate that to the customer. Since the customer is a person that want to extend their knowledge the most important think is the function of the product, meanwhile the product do its works customer will purchase it.

Casa Boutique Reyes Mota is a very new company that aims for high quality, their principal strengths are that they count with the infrastructure that is required in order to produce their products and supports design in everything they do, but their weaker point is the lack of publicity, without advertising no product or service can be really successful. After the internal and external analysis, it was easier to identify what requires more attention and needs to be done in order the company can positionated in the Mexican market. Since the culture is not a wine drinker a supplement needs to be produce, therefore the society start learning how to improve the wine experience and start preferring this beverage instead of other ones. The wine kit is a product that has the potential of doing that, a right marketing campaign needs to be done for people start noticing the presence of CBRM in the city. An advantage that the company has is the lack of wine accessories in the state, properly use can have a huge impact in the city and also in the country, since both product complement each other. The resistance that the society may present is for the price, since wine and wine gadgets are not cheap products, but with the proper campaign people can start accepting the product and making their preference one. The product satisfy all the material, ergonomics and performance functions in order to create a strong product that will be accept in the market, also the several surveys that were done shows people will like to start knowing more about wine and here the company can use the wine kit for gaining more awareness and people begging buying their wines. The company is very interest in producing the wine kit, because with that they can extend their market and have another income for invest in the production of wine. In my point of view I think the research shows that there is a niche for this product and people will demonstrate interest in knowing more about improving the quality of the wine and experience new products. The price is slightly elevate, but this is necessary, because the materials aims for high quality to not damage the product and instead of that upgrade the tasting and flavor, therefore people will trust the company products and become regular customers.


This survey will demonstrate the result that was made to 25 people that lives in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico to test the awareness of the brand and get to know what the customers wants. 1.How old are you? 18-25 25-40


2.Do you like wine? Yes No

3.What kind of wine? Red Rose White


4.How much are you willing to pay for a bottle of wine? $ 50-150 MXN $200-350 MXN $400-550MXN

5.What you look when you are going to buy a wine? Packaging Bottle Price Brand

6.In what occasion you use a wine? Family reunion To relax With friends

As a gift

7. With what you like to accompany? Meat Pasta Dessert Snack

8.Do you know Casa Boutique Reyes Mota brand? Yes No

9.Where do you hear of it? Friend Internet Publicity

10.Do you know other wine producer? Family 72% Bodegas Pinesque 20% No 8% Casa Madero

Pertinent to the CBRM competition, below is a map with the localization in the country of Mexico of the principal competitors of the company, to be view how near are one from another, being Coahuila the state of the country more close to Chihuahua and also the one with more wine producers.


Ergonomics is the discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among humans and other elements of a system. Here we can see the different measures of men, women and child hands, this measures are very helpful in the design process, because is a tool that allows to know what specifications are required for the product can adapt to the human and have a right performance with the object and does not harm the user. Is very important to have in consideration the anatomy of the hand and the different positions that can have, since the products need the contact of the person to be use.


Suitable raw materials are melted under vacuum or inert gas in an induction melting furnace. The molten alloy is either poured into a mold, onto a chill plate, or processed in a strip caster – a device that forms a thin, continuous metal strip. These metal “chunks” are crushed and pulverized to form a fine powder ranging from 3 to 7 microns in diameter (the period at the end of this sentence is 615 microns). This very fine powder is chemically reactive, pyrophoric and must be protected from exposure to air or, more specifically, oxygen. The particle size is specified to contain material with one magnetic preferred. There are several methods for compacting the powder and they all involve aligning the particles so that in the finished part all the magnetic regions are pointing in a prescribed direction. The first method is called axial or transverse pressing. This is where powder is placed into a cavity in a tool on the press and punches enter the tool to compress the powder. Just prior to compaction, an aligning field is applied. The compaction “freezes-in” this alignment. In axial (parallel) pressing, the aligning field is parallel to the direction of compaction. In transverse (perpendicular) pressing, the field is perpendicular to the compaction pressure. Because the small powder particles are elongated in the direction of magnetic alignment, transverse pressing yields better alignment, thus higher energy product. Compacting powder in one of these hydraulic or mechanical presses limits the shape to simple cross-sections that can be pushed out of the die cavity. A second compaction method is called isostatic pressing wherein a flexible container is filled with powder, the container is sealed, an aligning field is applied, and the container is placed into the isostatic press. Using a fluid, either hydraulic fluid or water, pressure is applied to the outside of the sealed container, compacting it equally on all sides. There are two main advantages to making magnet blocks via isostatic pressing: 1) very large blocks can be made – frequently up to 100 x 100 x 250 mm – and 2) since pressure is applied equally on all sides, the powder remains in good alignment producing the highest possible energy product. Pressed parts are packaged in “boats” for loading into a vacuum sintering furnace. The particular temperatures and presence of vacuum or inert gas is specific to the type and grade of magnet being produced. Both rare earth materials are heated to a sintering temperature and allowed to density. SmCo has the additional requirement of a “solutionizing” treatment after sintering. After quenching to room temperature, both materials are given a lower temperature tempering heat treatment. During sintering, the magnets shrink about 1520% linearly. When complete the magnets will have a rough surface and only approximate dimensions. They also exhibit no external magnetic field.


To make stainless steel, the raw materials—iron ore, chromium, silicon, nickel, etc.—are melted together in an electric furnace. This step usually involves 8 to 12 hours of intense heat. Next, the mixture is cast into one of several shapes, including blooms, billets, and slabs. and then it is cast into solid form. After various forming steps, the steel is heat treated and then cleaned and polished to give it the desired finish. Next, it is packaged and sent to manufacturers, who weld and join the steel to produce the desired shapes. Melting and casting 1 The raw materials are first melted together in an electric furnace. This step usually requires 8 to 12 hours of intense heat. When the melting is finished, the molten steel is cast into semi-finished forms. These include blooms (rectangular shapes), billets (round or square shapes 1.5 inches or 3.8 centimeters in thickness), slabs, rods, and tube rounds. Forming Next, the semi-finished steel goes through forming operations, beginning with hot rolling, in which the steel is heated and passed through huge rolls. Blooms and billets are formed into bar and wire, while slabs are formed into plate, strip, and sheet. Bars are available in all grades and come in rounds, squares, octagons, or hexagons 0.25 inch (.63 centimeter) in size. Wire is usually available up to 0.5 inch (1.27 centimeters) in diameter or size. Plate is more than 0.1875 inch (.47 centimeter) thick and over 10 inches (25.4 centimeters) wide. Strip is less than 0.185 inch (.47 centimeter) thick and less than 24 inches (61 centimeters) wide. Sheet is less than 0.1875 (.47 centimeter) thick and more than 24 (61 centimeters) wide. Heat treatment After the stainless steel is formed, most types must go through an annealing step. Annealing is a heat treatment in which the steel is heated and cooled under controlled conditions to relieve internal stresses and soften the metal. Some steels are heat treated for higher strength. However, such a heat treatment—also known as age hardening — requires careful control, for even small changes from the recommended temperature, time, or cooling rate can seriously affect the properties. Lower aging temperatures produce high strength with low fracture toughness, while higher-temperature aging produces a lower strength, tougher material.Though the heating rate to reach the aging temperature (900 to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit or 482 to 537 degrees Celsius) does not effect the properties, the cooling rate does. A post-aging quenching (rapid cooling) treatment can increase the toughness without a significant loss in strength. One such process involves water quenching the material in a 35-degree Fahrenheit (1.6-degree Celsius) ice-water bath for a minimum of two hours.


Descaling Annealing causes a scale or build-up to form on the steel. The scale can be removed using several processes. One of the most common methods, pickling, uses a nitrichydrofluoric acid bath to descale the steel. In another method, electrocleaning, an electric current is applied to the surface using a cathode and phosphoric acid, and the scale is removed. The annealing and descaling steps occur at different stages depending on the type of steel being worked. Bar and wire, for instance, go through further forming steps (more hot rolling, forging, or extruding) after the initial hot rolling before being annealed and descaled. Sheet and strip, on the other hand, go through an initial annealing and descaling step immediately after hot rolling. After cold rolling (passing through rolls at a relatively low temperature), which produces a further reduction in thickness, sheet and strip are annealed and descaled again. A final cold rolling step then prepares the steel for final processing. Cutting Cutting operations are usually necessary to obtain the desired blank shape or size to trim the part to final size. Mechanical cutting is accomplished by a variety of methods, including straight shearing using guillotine knives, circle shearing using circular knives horizontally and vertically positioned, sawing using high speed steel blades, blanking, and nibbling. Blanking uses metal punches and dies to punch out the shape by shearing. Nibbling is a process of cutting by blanking out a series of overlapping holes and is ideally suited for irregular shapes. Stainless steel can also be cut using flame cutting, which involves a flame-fired torch using oxygen and propane in conjunction with iron powder. This method is clean and fast. Another cutting method is known as plasma jet cutting, in which an ionized gas column in conjunction with an electric arc through a small orifice makes the cut. The gas produces extremely high temperatures to melt the metal.

Finishing Surface finish is an important specification for stainless steel products and is critical in applications where appearance is also important. Certain surface finishes also make stainless steel easier to clean, which is obviously important for sanitary applications. A smooth surface as obtained by polishing also provides better corrosion resistance. On the other hand, rough finishes are often required for lubrication applications, as well as to facilitate further manufacturing steps.


Surface finishes are the result of processes used in fabricating the various forms or are the result of further processing. There are a variety of methods used for finishing. A dull finish is produced by hot rolling, annealing, and descaling. A bright finish is obtained by first hot rolling and then cold rolling on polished rolls. A highly reflective finish is produced by cold rolling in combination with annealing in a controlled atmosphere furnace, by grinding with abrasives, or by buffing a finely ground surface. A mirror finish is produced by polishing with progressively finer abrasives, followed by extensive buffing. For grinding or polishing, grinding wheels or abrasive belts are normally used. Buffing uses cloth wheels in combination with cutting compounds containing very fine abrasive particles in bar or stick forms. Other finishing methods include tumbling, which forces The initial steel shapes— blooms, billets, slabs, etc.—are hot rolled into bar, wire, sheet, strip, and plate. Depending on the form, the steel then undergoes further rolling steps (both hot and cold rolling), heat treatment (annealing), descaling Ito remove buildup), and polishing to produce the finished stainless steel. The steel is then sent the end user. movement of a tumbling material against surfaces of parts, dry etching (sandblasting), wet etching using acid solutions, and surface dulling. The latter uses sandblasting, wire brushing, or pickling techniques. Manufacturing at the fabricator or end user After the stainless steel in its various forms are packed and shipped to the fabricator or end user, a variety of other processes are needed. Further shaping is accomplished using a variety of methods, such as roll forming, press forming, forging, press drawing, and extrusion. Additional heat treating (annealing), machining, and cleaning processes are also often required. There are a variety of methods for joining stainless steel, with welding being the most common. Fusion and resistance welding are the two basic methods generally used with many variations for both. In fusion welding, heat is provided by an electric arc struck between an electrode and the metal to be welded. In resistance welding, bonding is the result of heat and pressure. Heat is produced by the resistance to the flow of electric current through the parts to be welded, and pressure is applied by the electrodes. After parts are welded together, they must be cleaned around the joined area.


Pressed parts are packaged in “boats” for loading into a vacuum sintering furnace. The particular temperatures and presence of vacuum or inert gas is specific to the type and grade of magnet being produced. Both rare earth materials are heated to a sintering temperature and allowed to densify. SmCo has the additional requirement of a “solutionizing” treatment after sintering. After quenching to room temperature, both materials are given a lower temperature tempering heat treatment. During sintering, the magnets shrink about 15-20% linearly. When complete the magnets will have a rough surface and only approximate dimensions. They also exhibit no external magnetic field. Sintered magnets will receive some degree of machining which can range from grinding them smooth and parallel, OD or ID grinding, or slicing of block magnets into smaller parts . The magnet material is both brittle and very hard (Rockwell C 57 to 61) and requires diamond wheels for slicing and diamond or special abrasive wheels for grinding. Slicing can be done with excellent precision often eliminating the need for subsequent grinding. All of these processes must be conducted very carefully to minimize chipping and cracking. In some cases, the final magnet shape is conducive to processing with a shaped diamond grinding wheel such as arcs and bread loafs . Product in approximate final shape is fed past the grinding wheel which provides the precise dimensions. For lower volume manufacturing of these complex shapes, EDM machining is commonly used. Simple twodimensional profiles EDM faster while more complex shapes using 3-5 axis machines run slower. Cylindrical parts may be pressed-to-shape, usually axially, or core-drilled from block stock material. These longer cylinders, either solid or with an ID, can later be sliced to form thin washer-shaped magnets.


Stone quarrying is the multistage process by which rock is extracted from the ground and crushed to produce aggregate, which is then screened into the sizes required for immediate use, or for further processing, such as coating with bitumen to make bituminous macadam (bitmac) or asphalt The process begins with a detailed three-dimensional survey of the quarry face. This allows the explosives engineer to design the blast and to plot where the shot holes should be drilled so that the blast can be carried out safely and efficiently. The survey will show if there are any bulges or hollows in the face. A bulge will need more explosive than normal to ensure that it is completely fragmented and not left in place in the face. Hollow areas require less explosive than normal. The placement of explosives is professionally planned to ensure that the required fragmentation of the rock is achieved with the minimum environmental impact. After the face profiling survey, the drilling contractor arrives. Using an air operated drilling rig, he drills the number of shot holes required, at the marked spots corresponding to the hole positions on the blast design, at the angles and to the depths required. After the shot holes have been drilled, they are surveyed to check that they correspond to the blast design and the two surveys are combined to allow the blast engineer to work out how each shot hole is filled with explosives. On the day of the blast, the explosives are delivered and taken to the site of the blast. Detonator cord is placed in each hole and the holes are then loaded with high explosives to within a few metres of the top. The remaining depth is "stemmed" with quarry dust or fine aggregate. The site is cleared. Sirens are sounded to make sure that everyone nearby is warned. The detonators are connected to the electric trigger wire and the circuit is checked. A final safety check is carried out and only when the final all clear is given does the shotfirer set off the explosives. A single blast can fragment up to 60,000 tonnes of rock. After the blast, the face and shotpile (sometimes called the muck-heap) are inspected to check that all the shot holes have fired correctly. The face shovel or loader then tidies up the shotpile and starts to load the dumper trucks that take the rock to the crusher. Boulders which are too big to go through the crusher are set to one side for secondary breaking at a later date. Secondary breaking is typically done using a hydraulic digger fitted with a rock hammer, though crawler cranes with steel drop-balls may be used in some quarries. Crushing can be done in three or four stages, primary (first stage), secondary (second stage), tertiary (third stage) and, in some quarries, a quaternary (fourth stage). Crushed rock, or product, is transported along the process line on conveyor belts or down chutes.


The primary crusher is fed via a chute and vibrating feeder. The base of the feeder is made of steel "grizzly" bars and it is here that the first screening operation is actually done. Fine material and dust produced by the blast, along with any remaining subsoil or weathered rock from the top of the quarry face, drops through the bars onto a separate conveyor belt and onto a stockpile. This screened material is called scalpings and is used as rock fill. Primary crushing is usually by a jaw crusher consisting of a heavy metal plate which moves backwards and forwards against a fixed plate (these are the "jaws"). The moving plate is kept in motion and given its crushing energy by a large flywheel. The crusher is wider at the top than at the bottom. Rock from the quarry face is fed into the top of the crusher and crushed rock falls out of the bottom of the jaws. The size of the crushed stone which passes through the jaws is partly governed by the gap set at the bottom of the jaws, though larger size rocks can pass through if the rock being crushed is slabby or elongate in shape. Large scale gyratory crushers can also be used. The output from the primary crusher is conveyed onto the primary stockpile from which the secondary crusher is fed. There is a screen house just after the secondary crusher which screens out small size crushed stone and dust onto blinding stockpiles. The larger sized stones pass through to the final crushing stages where they are fed through a series of cone crushers and screens. The output from the final cone crushers is conveyed to a screen house where large multiple deck screens sort the crushed stone into the required aggregate sizes. Secondary, tertiary and quaternary crushers are generally gyratory, or cone, crushers. These operate on the principle of a steel mantle mounted on an eccentric bearing and vertical shaft assembly. Rotation of the eccentric assembly makes the mantle gyrate within a static outer concave. There is a gap between the mantle and the concave. The shape of the gap is tapered towards the base. As the mantle gyrates inside the concave, the gap between it and the concave at any one point opens and closes on each gyration, this produces the required crushing action. Stone is fed in at the top and crushed product falls out from the bottom of the cone. The mantle can be raised or lowered within the concave, allowing the gap, and therefore the size of the crushed product, to be varied to a limited degree. If the crusher is jammed by a stray bit of steel, e.g., a digger bucket tooth, the mantle automatically moves down to clear the obstruction. Each stage of crushing produces progressively smaller sized stones. In order to produce a usable end-product, the crushed rock has to be screened into various size categories. Crushed and screened rock is called aggregate. Screening is carried out at various stages in the crushing process.


Screens are basically box frames into which sheets of screen meshes of the required apertures are inserted, clamped and tensioned. Screens are usually "multi-deck", i.e., two or more screen meshes are stacked vertically within the screen frame. The whole screen is coupled to its support frame by springs or resilient rubber mountings. Screens are made to vibrate by a rotating transverse shaft. The shaft is machined to be unbalanced, and when driven by an electric motor by v-belts, the required vibratory motion to agitate the aggregate is imparted. Screen decks are mounted at an angle so that the aggregate moves down them. Aggregate is fed onto the high end of the top deck and the vibration causes the aggregate to jiggle down the screen until it either drops through a mesh aperture or falls off the end of a deck. The aggregate is then sorted or 'screened' according to the mesh sizes fitted, from large aperture mesh at the top, to small aperture mesh at the bottom.


Rubber trees grow best in hot, moist climates. The trees grow straight, 18-20 meters high with smooth bark and dark, shiny leaves. The tree has pale yellow blossoms, which give way to seed pods containing 3 brown seeds about 2-3 cm long. Latex containing rubber flows through the outer wood of the trunk, just under the bark. Workers called tappers collect the latex. They cut a shallow groove in the bark about one meter from the ground. At the bottom of the cut, a small spout is inserted into the tree, and a cup hangs below it to catch the drops of latex that ooze from the cut. Trees are generally tapped every day for 15 days, then rested for 15 days. It takes about six years before a rubber tree is ready to be tapped. A way of making rubber stronger and more elastic was invented by Charles Goodyear in 1839. His method was called vulcanising, and it stopped rubber from perishing. Liquid latex is now shipped to factories where the rubber is made by machines. It can be cloured and made into many products. The latex is poured into tanks, and an equal amount of water is added. This liquid is strained to remove dirt. Formic acid is added to make the mixture form solid particles, which rise to the surface to form a crust of rubber. This is fed through rollers to squeeze out the water to make a solid sheet of rubber. This rubber is crude rubber, and is ready to be shipped to factories to be processed in different ways to make many different products.

This survey was made to 25 people that lives in the city Chihuahua, Mexico, to know a little bit more about how they feel respect to wine and based on that know what type of concept the company needs to develop for they brand extension and introduction of the product. 1. With what you related wine? 63% Gourmet meals/Dinner 28%Luxury/Stylishness/Sophistication 9% High Education

2. Do you know what wine accessories are necessary for a better performance of it? Yes No

3. Would you like to have access to one? Yes No

4. Do you find useful that one product count with different uses? Yes No

5. Would you buy a bottle of wine if you count with the right instruments to improve the experience of it? Why? 56% Saves space 32% Its more complete 12% Is more useful

6. Do you thing that complementary accessories will give a plus to the brand?

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