2 minute read
Fighting for the ONE
I read something shocking recently. Reports of online sexual exploitation have risen 30 per cent globally this year. And that’s just the ones that are reported.
Fuelled by the Covid-19 pandemic, extreme poverty is set to rise for the first time since 1998, according to the World Bank. It’s estimated that 115 million people will be pushed into extreme poverty, wiping out some of the gains we’ve made over the decades. For some in acutely impoverished situations, desperation has led them to consider the unthinkable. Those who profit from the sexual exploitation of others, (too often relatives and caretakers), are motivated by the quick cash this horrific crime brings. Perpetrators, residing in other countries, with more time on their hands, are happy to watch the sexual abuse of children, even infants, for their viewing pleasure.
As a mother of three young children, I feel sick writing that. But with your help, our partners can help to put these criminals in prison, intervene and restore those whose lives have been stolen from them, and send a message to the world that every human life matters. Every ONE.
Online sexual exploitation is not easy to find or stop, but our partners have a track record of doing just that. With your help, we want to continue to launch an unrelenting attack on this abuse and the devastation it brings.
Thai Law Enforcement agencies asked our partner to help investigate a case where a mother was selling sexual images of her six-year-old daughter to an offender in Europe. His phone records also showed he was planning to fly to Thailand.
The victim is now safe with a relative, and social workers will ensure she receives the care she deserves while the rest of the team pursue justice for her.
Online sexual exploitation is a crime that thrives in the shadows, hidden in private chats and live streams on the internet or the Dark Web. But every enslaved and exploited person has a name, a story, and dreams of growing up loved and secure.
This Christmas, Tearfund is launching the ONE Campaign. We live in a world with over 7 billion people, and yet our God doesn’t see billions, God sees the ONE. The campaign declares that there is one thing that’s not for sale this Christmas—human dignity. It encourages us all to Help ONE. Be the ONE. Fight for ONE. Will you join us?
Donate at tearfund.org.nz/one, post back the response form, or phone us on 0800 800 777.