Tecan Journal Edition 01/2022

Page 14


Mitosis as a potential therapeutic target for cancer? A divided topic Mitosis plays an essential role in

are disrupted during cancers, leading

growth and cellular replacement,

to uncontrolled proliferation.”

and is often dysregulated in cancers, making the process of therapeutic interest. Researchers

The lab’s aim is to follow this complex signaling cascade at the molecular level, which requires the development

at the University of North

of novel fluorescence microscopy tools

Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC

for high content screening. Fortunately,

Chapel Hill) are developing

the group was able to draw on

novel cell imaging tools to help them classify key components of mitosis and identify new therapeutic targets.

expertise from within the department, as Klaus Hahn, Thurman Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology, explained:

Nicholas Brown, Assistant Professor in Pharmacology

“My lab focuses on building molecules that are used for a wide range of

groups abutting each other?’ or ‘what

imaging applications in biosensors,

do they sit on?’. This simply isn’t

optogenetics and chemogenetics. We

something you normally do in live cell

Mitosis is the stage of the cell cycle

use them ourselves to study immune

imaging – it is tough to go into that

where replicated chromosomes divide

cells and motility, but my lab is

kind of detail in a live cell. But as a

into two new nuclei, giving rise to

probably best known for the

chemist, these are very interesting

genetically identical cells. In healthy

application of these tools in other labs.

questions to study.”

systems, this process only occurs when

Nick therefore approached me with

we are growing, or need to replace old

what sounded like a really fun and

The joint UNC Chapel Hill team has

or damaged cells. However, cells grow

exciting application of these molecules.

developed a unique fluorescence-

and divide uncontrollably in cancers.

He had this exquisitely detailed cellular

based ‘binder/tag’ approach capable of

Therefore, fully understanding which

system, and wanted to ask molecule

reporting the conformational changes

molecules control mitosis, as well as

level questions, such as ‘which

of individual molecules in live cells

what stage of the process they affect,

conformational changes are

(Figure 1). The advantage of this system

is of interest for the identification of

occurring?’, ‘how are the different

is that only a very short, seven-peptide tag is inserted into the protein of

new therapeutic targets. Nicholas

interest, minimizing the risk of

Brown, Assistant Professor in

disruption to normal protein or cellular

Pharmacology at the UNC Chapel Hill

function. The team is now developing

School of Medicine, explained: “The

and optimizing cell lines with a range of

process of mitosis is controlled by a

tagged proteins for high content

signaling cascade called the spindle assembly checkpoint, at the heart of which is the anaphase-promoting complex (APC). The APC functions as a ubiquitin ligase, adding ubiquitin chains

= binder

screening. Klaus commented:

= tag

biosensor molecules in live cells for

and rounds of cell growth under

proteasome degradation and move the

different conditions. While this is the

cell cycle forward. During normal cell

bread and butter of biosensor

function, the spindle assembly

development, it is normally quite time

checkpoint uses a variety of ‘silencing

consuming. Fortunately, just before

factors’ to inhibit the activity of the cell cycle – but these inhibitory signals 14


imaging applications is a very tedious process. This means multiple iterations

to macromolecules to target them for

APC – preventing progression of the

“Traditionally, optimizing expression of

Figure 1: Schematic of the binder/tag approach1

starting this project, we were approached by Tecan with the offer to

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