Bolstering the assay arsenal to investigate COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has
PTP Science Park is a business
on multiple fronts. Stefano di Giovine,
highlighted the importance of
consortium that operates in a wide
COO of PTP Science Park, explained:
range of sectors, including agri-food,
“At the beginning of the COVID-19
life sciences and bioeconomics. The
pandemic in March 2020, PTP Science
company’s position at the forefront of
Park already had the facilities and the
scientific research allowed it to ramp
ability to analyze the virus. We started
the pandemic, the laboratories
up its diagnostic and research
with a small number of samples but,
at PTP Science Park in Lodi,
capabilities in response to the
thanks to Tecan’s state-of-the-art
Italy, quickly enhanced their
COVID-19 pandemic. The science hub
automation solutions – such as the
is still engaged in various projects, but
Freedom EVO® workstation – we
its extensive research facilities, staff
already had the capacity to evaluate
and resources have been focused
up to 2,000 samples per day. More
towards the battle against COVID-19
recently, in March this year, we started
biosurveillance to understand, control and limit the spread of human diseases. In response to
set-up, introducing various assays to gain a deeper understanding of the virus. Researchers now not only diagnose COVID-19, but also measure anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels after infection and vaccination to learn about the pathogenesis of the disease and how our immune systems respond to infection.
Laboratory automation has been essential to scale up testing at PTP Science Park 10