Tecan Journal Edition 02/2021

Page 28


Fighting neglected and non-communicable diseases Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) catalyze the reaction between water and carbon dioxide to regulate pH and fluid balance in vivo. Deviations in CA activity have been shown to correlate with bone, lung and liver diseases, as well as obesity, type II diabetes and even epilepsy. Professor Areej Abuhammad and her team at the University of Jordan are interested in developing novel therapies to counteract imbalances in CA activity, using protein crystallography to investigate a wide range of potential inhibitors. Carbonic anhydrases are a large group

X-ray crystallography to investigate the

great. And being very simple to set up,

of zinc metallo-enzymes that can

structure of proteins, and how the

and offering versatile applications, it is

reversibly catalyze water and carbon

ligands and inhibitors bind to them.

perfect. Setting up a new lab is always

dioxide – forming hydrogen and

This knowledge is very important for

difficult, especially when working with a

bicarbonate – to alter pH and carbon

structure-based drug discovery,

tight budget, but the Tecan team and

dioxide concentrations. Areej

making it easier to make an informed

local distributor were very supportive,”

Abuhammad, an Associate Professor in

decision on what needs to be altered,

Areej concluded.

Medicinal Chemistry at the University

as well as finding out which functional

of Jordan, is combining her background

groups are responsible for the activity.”

in computer-aided drug design, structural biology and medicinal

“A microplate reader is obviously a key

chemistry to investigate selective

instrument in our research, as we

inhibitors for CA. Areej explained: “The

perform a lot of enzyme activity assays,

function of carbonic anhydrases is to

screening a variety of different

control the pH in the body and, through

inhibitors and enzyme isoforms. I

it, a variety of biological processes.

therefore needed an instrument that

They are therefore linked to the

offers high sensitivity and can handle

etiology of many different pathogenic

small sample sizes, which is essential to


reduce the cost of screening. I also wanted a monochromators-based

“I have always been interested in

system, as we need the flexibility to

neglected diseases; I did my Master’s

perform a wide range of experiments,

degree on avian influenza and, during

screening as many different conditions

my PhD, I worked on drug discovery for

as we want without the limitation of

tuberculosis in the Departments of

filter sets.”

Pharmacology and Biochemistry at the University of Oxford. I moved back to

“After working with a Tecan instrument

Jordan after finishing my PhD, and

during my PhD, I decided to buy an

used the knowledge that I acquired to

Infinite® M Plex reader for our lab in

set up a protein crystallography lab to

Jordan, as this was the best for our lab.

perform research on CAs, combining

It offers the sensitivity and the

drug repurposing with fragment-based

accuracy level we need, while being

drug discovery.”

easy to set up and use. This intuitive operation, together with the system’s

“I am working with isozymes of CAs,

robustness, is something that I really

screening for the new inhibitors and

like about it. We have a lot of Master’s

testing their enzymatic activity. I am

students – as well as offering some

interested in knowing exactly how the

training to undergraduates – and they

inhibitors impact the enzyme; if they

are naïve to the sensitivity of these

inhibit or activate it, and how the

instruments when they first enter the

kinetics work. I also crystallize the

lab. Having a system that can withstand

proteins with the inhibitors and use

this without it compromising results is



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