2 minute read
A whole new world of discovery, diagnosis and treatment
We have become accustomed to referring to the last couple of years as ‘unprecedented’. However, the life sciences, biomedical and healthcare communities have regularly bound together in common purpose to tackle the pressing issues of our times. Though the challenges we face are rarely as novel as the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, those issues do have global impact on people’s lives and health. This is why, as the world emerges from the worst of the pandemic, we are accelerating our work at Tecan to make critical lab processes and medical procedures even more precise, reproducible and accessible. We are continuing to work arm-in-arm with our research and industry partners to find where collaboration accelerates innovation, not just to drive success in the market, but to create farreaching, scalable solutions that add value and improve people’s health.
Beyond the pandemic, our customers are making exciting discoveries and developing novel therapeutics for improved patient outcomes across many areas, including oncology and metabolic disorders. They are taking innovative approaches to new therapeutic fields – like cell and gene therapies – advancing minimally invasive robotic surgery, facilitating novel insights in spatial biology, and expanding use of technologies like mass spectrometry and NGS. In combination with strong innovation in digital solutions, this is driving a whole new world of accelerated discovery, increasingly personalized diagnostics and enabling ever more tailored and effective treatments. As we did during the pandemic with scalable solutions for PCR testing, Tecan will continue to broaden the availability and adoption of further solutions for better diagnosis and treatment of patients around the world. Driving the translation of research insights into compliant clinical solutions at scale is not ‘unprecedented’ for Tecan: it is our core business. I therefore invite you to join us on this path of discovery, as we work with our partners in research, drug development and discovery, diagnostics and clinical settings to confront the challenges we face with a common purpose. Tecan will continue to push the boundaries of research, the potential for discovery, and the promise of solutions and applications that scale healthcare innovation globally.
Achim von Leoprechting CEO
18 - 19

A voyage of discovery: exploring the role of HMGB1 in trauma pathology
24 - 25

Salivary stress biomarkers to nose out the benefits of healthcare clowning to children with psychiatric disorders
2 Welcome
4 - 7 Automated sample prep – bringing proteomics closer to the clinic
8 - 9 The truth about NGS and library prep: find out what is inflating your costs
10 - 11 Revolutionizing long DNA synthesis by speeding up the process
12 - 13 Trust your gut – advances in microbiome DNA analysis
14 - 15 Quality food and feed enzyme development at the industrial scale
16 - 17 Fighting the opioid epidemic by reducing manual labor and increasing throughput
18 - 19 A voyage of discovery: exploring the role of HMGB1 in trauma pathology
20 - 21 Supporting Zika virus drug screening in Brazil
22 - 23 Improving speed and accuracy of biomanufacturing for more rapid and cost-effective therapies
24 - 25 Salivary stress biomarkers to nose out the benefits of healthcare clowning to children with psychiatric disorders
26 - 27 A dream team for bioanalytical drug testing
27 Leading the debate