ABOUT US We at TechAhead are pioneering design and user-experience-led Digital transformation, that is triggering unstoppable business growth for startups, enterprises, SMEs, and small businesses.
Since 2009
We at TechAhead are pioneering design and user-experience-led Digital transformation, that is triggering unstoppable business growth for startups, enterprises, SMEs, and small businesses.
Why do we focus on design for digital transformation? Because digital transformation company is about empowering users, and only good design and user interface enables delightful user experience, and once that happens, then they are empowered, and they like doing business with you. This way, we unleash digital transformation in the true sense by enabling better design, inducing a human factor in determining the best design and UI, and empowering the users, giving them back the control that they seek.
With human-centric design experience, both businesses and the customers can make better decisions, understand each other profoundly, and remove all barriers of miscommunication and ambiguity.
Let’s share some examples of why design thinking is important. In 2010, an UN-led mission was launched to offer a clear and efficient household cooking solution in Africa. Under a public-private partnership, they roped in dozens of celebrities, arranged more than $400 million in funding, and aimed to ship 100 million such cooking solutions for African households.
But the project failed. Because of design issues. The new, innovative, expensive cooking solutions still used biomass fuels, which was not an effective replacement for the existing open-fire led cooking. African ladies simply refused to use the new cooking solutions.
Recently, Citibank suffered a massive loss when they credited more than $900 million to millions of investors, instead of paying them $7.8 million. This huge error occurred due to the bad user interface of the software, which was being used to transfer the money. Bad design leads to big losses, and we have just presented two examples. Real Case Studies On How We Triggered Growth With Good Design
In our last 12 years of existence, we have worked with hundreds of businesses, empowered them to unleash digital transformation, and skyrocket their revenues, and profits.
While delivering 2000+ mobile apps, digital platforms, IoT solutions, and more, we have realized that a good design is the foundation of every success story. Despite powerful servers and infinite Cloud technologies, if design thinking is missing in the whole picture, then expected results cannot be achieved. We have incorporated a unique collaborative approach between designers, developers, clients, and the end-users, to formulate a solid design-led digital transformation, and empower businesses to make a greater impact in their respective niches. And we will showcase this through real case studies.
For a fitness app targeted at new moms, we incorporated a design-thinking led user interface, wherein we understood the pain points of the target audience, and decoded what stops them from being fit.
We brainstormed ideas and concepts to make it easier for new moms to embrace a healthy, fit lifestyle, and this worked like a charm. Within a year, the user base swelled to 2 million downloads, with a 300% improvement in overall satisfaction ratings, and the app was included in the list of 100-most downloaded fitness apps. While working with a relationship card game, we incorporated an Emmy Award-winning design experience into the mobile app, which inspired hundreds of thousands of new users to download the app and play this game to enhance their relationships. The design was the true gamechanger since the game required an inclusive, immersive user experience, and our in-depth research into incorporating stunning visuals helped the client to scale up fast.
For a major US-based real estate discovery platform, our software development agency enabled a unique identity verification system developed via a human-centric design approach, combining cuttingedge hardware and IoT innovation. And such a mobile app-based realtime identification system has set new benchmarks for the entire real estate industry, triggering more sales, more revenues, and more growth. We are among the IT Managed Services Company because we strongly believe that a good user experience, via immersive and human-centric design, is not a luxury anymore, it has become a necessity, a very strong catalyst for exponential growth and for surviving. Connect with us to discover more fascinating facts and case studies that showcase how we are triggering a digital transformation with design experience, and elevate your business to the next level.