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techcentury V.25 I N.2 Autumn 2020
20700 Civic Center Drive, Suite 450 • Southfield, MI 48076 248–353–0735 • 248–353–0736 fax • esd@esd.org • esd.org
Technology Century® Editorial Board CHAIR: Karyn Stickel, Hubbell, Roth & Clark Sandra Diorka, Delhi Charter Township Utpal Dutta, PhD, FESD, University of Detroit Mercy Linda Gerhardt, PhD, FESD Richard, Hill, PhD, University of Detroit Mercy William A. Moylan, Jr., PhD, PMP, FESD, Eastern Michigan University Matt Roush, Lawrence Technologicial University Larry Sak, PE, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (retired) Rajiv Shah, PE, ACSCM Michael Stewart, Fishman Stewart Intellectual Property Filza H. Walters, FESD, Lawrence Technological University Cyrill Weems, Plante Moran CRESA Yang Zhao, PhD, Wayne State University
ESD Board of Directors PRESIDENT: Daniel E. Nicholson, PE, General Motors Company
VICE PRESIDENT: Kirk T. Steudle, PE, FESD, Econolite
TREASURER: Alex F. Ivanikiw, AIA, LEED AP, FESD, Barton Malow Company SECRETARY: Robert Magee, The Engineering Society of Detroit
PAST PRESIDENT: Douglas E. Patton, FESD, DENSO International America, Inc. (Retired) Paul C. Ajegba, PE, Michigan Department of Transportation Larry Alexander, Detroit Metro Convention and Visitors Bureau Carla Bailo, Center for Automotive Research Katherine M. Banicki, FESD, Testing Engineers and Consultants Sean P. Conway, American Axle and Manufacturing Robert A. Ficano, JD, Wayne County Community College District Farshad Fotouhi, PhD, Wayne State University Alec D. Gallimore, PhD, University of Michigan Lori Gatmaitan, SAE Foundation Malik Goodwin, Goodwin Management Group, LLC Kouhaila G. Hammer, CPA, FESD, Ghafari Associates, LLC Ronald R. Henry, AIA, NCARB, Sachse Construction Marc Hudson, Bamboo Detroit Leo C. Kempel, PhD, FESD, Michigan State University Scott Penrod, Walbridge Robert A. Richard, DTE Energy Bill Rotramel, AVL Powertrain Engineering, Inc. William J. Vander Roest, PE, ZF TRW (Retired) Terry J. Woychowski, FESD, Caresoft Global
Technology Century Staff PUBLISHER: Robert Magee, Executive Director
MANAGING EDITOR: Nick Mason, Director of Operations EDITOR: Susan Thwing
Postmaster, please send changes to: ESD, 20700 Civic Center Drive, Suite 450, Southfield, MI 48076. Technology Century® (ISSN 1091-4153 USPS 155-460), also known as TechCentury, is published by The Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD). Periodical postage paid at Southfield, MI, and at additional mailing offices. The authors, editors, and publisher will not accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made in this publication. The publisher makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Advertisements in TechCentury for products, services, courses, and symposia are published with a caveat emptor (buyer beware) understanding. The authors, editors, and publisher do not imply endorsement of products, nor quality, validity or approval of the educational material offered by such advertisements. ©2020 The Engineering Society of Detroit.
Karyn Stickel Associate, Hubbell, Roth & Clark
As we continue dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, we have seen the engineering industry adapt to the changes we are facing through work from home models and technology upgrades. We appreciate the efforts of our healthcare professionals and other essential service providers in helping to keep the communities safe and healthy.
Our fall issue this year focuses on education, with a special emphasis on how DTE Energy has partnered with ESD and other organizations to work with young people to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in engineering.
Our education-themed articles focus on the future of education, and how universities and professors are adapting to the times with changing methods, connections and spaces for teaching. One such story is from Michigan Technological University’s MTU Flex program on adapting classrooms from in-person to virtual. In the younger grades, we highlight ESD’s Girls in Engineering Academy.
As we continue to navigate the pandemic, we also have a feature on how companies are evolving, fostering a more spread out work force, and leading virtual teams.
Finally, please consider helping to support TechCentury—while taking advantage of the industry and business exposure you will receive— by sponsoring or advertising. By doing so you can share your industry expertise with our 22,000 engineers and technical leaders in Michigan.
We hope you enjoy this issue!