Windows 10 Issues and it’s Solution
Microsoft Windows 10 Support
Windows 10 ď Ž
Windows 10 is one of the well known Operating system from Microsoft.
ď Ž
Here are some common issues and its solution
How to solve Windows 10 Update Issue
Windows 10 Update ď Ž
Automatic updates have been a thorn in the side of Windows users for years. Unprompted, unexpected restarts to install important updates can take users by surprise, leading to wasted time.
Windows 10 Update Issue ď Ž
Things are just as problematic in Windows 10, not least because the first round of updates was riddled with errors: users complained about updates partially installing then stalling.
Rebooting ď Ž
Updates were then rolled back, users’ systems rebooted, and the whole process started again.
Manual Installation ď Ž
Some users claim success following simple perseverance, while others swear by manually installing updates individually.
Update on Windows 10
To do this, go to (this only works in Internet Explorer, not Edge) and enter “Windows 10” in the search box to see a list of compatible updates.
Thank You
Microsoft Windows 10 Support