How to Help Women in Retail Climb the Management Ladder Why Women Have a Natural Advantage in the Retail Industry? It’s a fact – women are better than men when it comes to multitasking! Why? Simple – the process of evolution of humans was such that it made women better at multitasking. Men went out hunting or, later, farming while women had to stay at home cooking, cleaning, looking after kids, and attending many other such tasks. Over time, they became expert at multitasking. Now, retail is a field that requires employees to handle multiple responsibilities at a given point of time. You have to answer customer questions, understand their needs, while also executing your regular store duties. A retail store will house a large number of products and there are many brands making all of them. You need to know the pros and cons of all. A customer with a discount coupon may need to be guided on how to apply it correctly. Another may be interested in knowing what other products the store has and where they are located. Then, there will always be the pesky ones who want to know immediately when their requested product is arriving . . . . the list is endless. Only those with a natural flair for multitasking can deal with such staff while being calm, patient, and respectful to the client. Retail Customer Experience, a website, rates multitasking as one of ten essential skills for retail employees. So does the job site Monster. With all this information, you will guess estimate that women are doing strongly at all levels in retail. But that conclusion is miles away from reality. A study by Catalyst concluded that there are only 3% women CEOs in the retail sector even though more than 50% of the workforce in the same sector is made up of women. Now that’s a glaring inconsistency! In recent years, women empowerment has really gathered steam. Women are now breaking the glass ceiling in many traditional male bastions. The retail industry is one sector whose sales are driven by women. After all, it is women who make most of the purchases at retail outlets – from groceries and clothes to home decoration, and beyond. So much so, that most sales and marketing guys in retail refer to their customers as ‘she’, not ‘he’. Therefore, women will be in a better position to understand their customers, something that will prove invaluable when devising marketing strategies. Customer is the king, or queen in this case. And, anything that impresses clients is a sure shot winner. How to Help Women in Retail Climb the Management Ladder