Automatic Forex Trading - The Basics Of Money Management Automatic forex trading gives anyone, anywhere, the opportunity to make a very nice living . And what better way to do it than waking up in the morning , having a cup of coffee , and then setting up the trading day while in your pjs ? Sounds great! Well hang on just a second because although it can be relaxing as well as easy most realize quickly that it isn't all so easy. That's why this article is going to look at principles of money management - because if you have a game plan for money management in place success is more likely for you. So why then , if money management is really so important, do so many people either overlook it altogether or just flat-out completely ignore it ? That's a great question and one you need to take a hard, long look at if you want to succeed . I think that this aspect of trading is skipped by people, money management basics , because it's not really sexy . Really, how many sexy or interesting accountants do you know ? That is what this side of the fence is all about ; boring numbers and more boring numbers . With all of that said , it's really only boring if you think that way . If you look at it as a drag then it will be a drag and you won't want to do it . If you have the attitude that this is an important part of becoming a automatic forex trading professional and the possible success ahead if only you'll take enough time to think through your money management tactics .... it really can get quite exciting . Now you're convinced that this area needs to be focused on . Wonderful ! What is this all about? The following are the keys by importance, you'll have a great start if you follow them : over leveraging yourself should never be done, on each trade you need to keep the leverage consistent, add to winners and do not add to losers . That's it . Of course there are quite a few tributaries to each of the aforementioned but they are incredibly powerful even all by themselves . When you are trying to figure out why your trading level hasn't advanced the way you wanted it to , remember the money management keys. One final aspect that is important to consider is this : solid management of one's money will lead to psychological benefits that you can't even imagine . These benefits will help you go beyond what you though possible when it comes to your trading. Why? If you have no fear of losing money, or you have a great plan that makes sure you'll be able to trade another day , then your view of the markets will be relaxed and clear and this will add serious dividends to your effort . Automatic forex trading can be incredibly challenging and rewarding at the same time. Remember that the most valuable keys to your success are often the most simple and probably uninteresting things staring you right in the face . You've all been searching for the holy grail in trading - and it happens to be money management . David F Dacosta - Is a private trader using technical analysis to do automatic forex trading & futures trading. David makes specific trade recommendations for a small select group of traders. He uses drummond geometry to make his forecasts. Click Here for training materials and a free forex trading forecast.