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Bullet Train: Everything You Wanted to Know about Bullet trains

Bullet Train: Everything You Wanted to Know about Bullet trains



May 19,


What is the bullet train? When the bullet train was created? When the bullet train will run inIndia? What is the world's fastest train? etc.

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan laid the foundation of the nation's first bullet train in Ahmedabad. Bullet train will run in India by 2023. Let's know what is the bullet train? The bullet train we are sharing in this post is important for all users. So let's know, everything about Bullet Train.

You must have heard the name of the bullet train, if you do not know about the bullet trainthen after reading this post you will know everything about the bullet train.

Because in this post we will tell you all the information about the bullet train. Such as abullet train, what is the bullet train, when the bullet train was created, when the bullet trainwill run in India and what is the world's fastest bullet train, etc?

After starting the bullet train of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, almost every person wasinterested to know about the bullet train. That's why we are sharing bullet train information


for our Indian audience in this post.

What is the Bullet Train?

Fast-moving trains are called bullet trains. The speed of 200 km per hour is a public bulktrain called the Rail Bullet Train. Bullet train is also called the high-speed train.

That is, trains running at 150-250 miles per hour are in the category of bullet trains. The bullet train was started by Japan, but now today bullet trains are available in many countries.

In Japan, when the high-speed train was run for the first time and its speed was compared to the bullet. Bullet means that the name of the bullet train, which was running at a high speed, got the bullet train.

According to the International Railway Association, the fast speed rail is a railway that runsfrom 250 kilometers per hour on the fixed track itself and runs faster at the speed of 200kilometers per hour on the upgraded general railway track.

Normally the speed of the bullet train is 250 to 300 kilometers per hour. The fastest runningbullet train records 581 kilometers per hour.

Bullet train definitions

Bullet train definitions: We have already told you above that what is the bullet train, whichtrain is called a bullet train and why? But it also has many definitions. which is like this:-

Infrastructure: Specially built train for high-speed travel.

Minimum Speed Limit: The speed of the bullet train is 150-250 km per hour.

Operating Conditions: Rolling stock is made with its infrastructure for full compatibility,security, and quality of service.

There are 3 categories in high-speed rail.


Category I: New tracks are specially made for high speed. China has been running at least250 kilometers per hour.

Category II: Existing tracks are upgraded specifically for high speed. By which the traincould run at least 200 kilometers per hour.

Category III: The existing track is specially upgraded for high speed. By which trains can runat a speed of 200km / hour, but for some classes, all the speed of work, such as passingthrough urban areas.

Features of Bullet Train

Bullet train has more amenities than normal trains. For example, there are two additionaltoilets for passengers with wheelchairs. There are multi-purpose rooms for breastfeedingfor women and for sick travelers.

There are separate toilet seats for children and West Indies style toilets. LCD is used forentertainment. Charging is available in the USB service.

Bullet trains have many features like e-leather seats, just like aircraft. Therefore, we cancompare the facilities to the aircraft's facilities.


What are the benefits of the bullet train?

Well, the advantages of the bullet train are many. But here we are telling you about thebenefits of the bullet train.

Inexpensive Travel compared to aircraft: Travel to bullet trains is cheaper than aircraft air travel.

Advantages of Short Range: Typically small air travel has to be done to go to smaller cities, so the short-range passenger benefit from the bullet train.

Seating capacity and frequency: More than 1000 people can sit in the bullet train. Itsseating capacity is higher than the plane.

Noise pollution:Noise pollution is very high at the airport. Airplane produces a lot of noisepollution compared to a train.

End of delay problem: Problems of having normal trains are more. The problem of latedelivery of bullet trains in Japan is around less than 1 minute.

Ability to serve many stops: It takes too much time for the aircraft to pick up goods fromone staff to another, while the bullet train takes everything a couple of minutes.

Fuel saving: Aeroplanes air travel costs more than a bullet train, and more passengers canalso travel on trains than the airplane.

Some important questions about the bullet train

Here I give you some important questions and answers related to the bullet train. Answersto these questions almost everyone wants to know. Like ...

When did the bullet train start?

The bullet train started from a country, thousands of kilometers away from India, in 1964.The name of that country is Japan. Yes, Japan is the first country to run the bullet train in theworld.


Japan, whose capital Tokyo is the world's most populous and richest city and is known onlyfor its best transport system.

When and where did the Bullet train first starting?

Photo credit: Quora

The bullet train was first introduced in Japan with the Tōkaidō Shinkansen (515.4 km) in 1964. It was conceived by Japan in 1930. Compared to other trains, especially for the time, it has a very streamlined shape. This, combined with its high speed, earned it the catchy title “Bullet train”.

In Japan, people call it Shinkansen, meaning "New Trunk Line". The fastest professionalbullet train in Japan still runs at 320 kmph.

Which is the fastest train in the world?


At the moment, the fastest train is in China. This train is named Shanghai Maglev. The speedof the Shanghai Maglev train is 268 kilometers per hour. This is the fastest train in theworld.

However, Japan has begun a trial of its fastest bullet train. This train can run at a speed of400 kilometers per hour.

What is the speed of the bullet train?

Generally, the speed of the bullet train is 240-320 km per hour.

In which country is the bullet train?

At present, bullet trains have been run in many countries across the globe. These include Japan, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Russia, and Uzbekistan.

When did the bullet train start in India?


On September 14, 2017, India's PM Narendra Modi laid the foundation of Ahmedabad-Mumbai Bullet Train with Japan's PM Shinzo Abe. Prime Minister Narendra Modi haspromised to launch it by 15th August 2022.

When will the bullet train run in India?

The Modi government of India has decided that the bullet train project will be completed byAugust 15, 2022, instead of 2030. In India, the bullet train is likely to run till August 15, 2022.

India's fastest train

At present, Gatiman Express is the fastest train in India, running at 160 kmph. Earlier, India'sfastest train was the Shatabdi Express.

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In this post, we learn about the bullet train, the definition of the bullet train, the bullet trainspecialties, the advantages and disadvantages of the bullet train and the questions relatedto the bullet train.

We hope you have liked this article with information on the bullet train and now you willknow a lot about Bullet trains.


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