What is Call Barring, How to Use it? technicalkanu.tech/2019/04/what-is-call-barring-how-to-use-it.html
What is Call Barring and how to Use it? In today's date, mobile phones have become an important part of our lives. Without it, we feel like we have forgotten something. But do you know, there are so many features on mobile phones. Only a few people know about it. One of the features is that of Call Barring. This is a feature that is within every mobile phone. If you do not even know what is the call barring on the mobile then no problem. In today's post, we will know what is call barring and how to use it?, How To Activate And Deactivate Call Barring In Mobile? What is the default call baring code?
There are so many unnecessary calls come on our phones. We are getting quite upset for this of call. Especially when you are doing an important job. So, in such a way, it would be nice to be outraged due to the call of these extravagant. In such a situation, it will surely come to your mind that somehow block these calls. Apart from this, if you want to get incoming calls only but no outgoing call on your phone. That means no one can make a call from your phone. So you can pick up all these things using call 1/4