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SC Johnson $5 Rebate Since 1886, the SC Johnson family has been working to bring you the kinds of products you can trust. Products that are right for your home, your family and the world we share. Get $5 back by mail when you purchase ANY 3 SC Johnson Products, including: s :IPLOCÂŽ s 'LADEÂŽ s 7INDEXÂŽ s s s s s s s s s

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4O RECEIVE YOUR MAIL IN REBATE Purchase any THREE SC Johnson products from the list above between 10/1/09 through 6/30/10. Twin-packs and multi-packs are considered as single product purchase. Write the three UPC bar code numbers from the product packages in the space provided ____________ , ____________ , ____________ Send the original dated, store-identified cash register receipts, with the purchase prices of the products circled, along with this completed form to: SC Johnson Rebate, Offer #MB-2000N, P.O. Box 752955, El Paso, TX 88575-2955 1UESTIONS #ALL !LL REQUESTS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY AND RECEIVED BY .AME (please print) !DDRESS (please include street name) !PT




%MAIL (optional*) *Email address will be used to notify you of the status of your rebate submission.

Limit three SC Johnson $5 rebates per household. Each $5 rebate must be mailed separately. Requests from groups, clubs or organizations will not be honored or acknowledged. Void where prohibited, licensed, taxed or restricted by law. Good only in the USA, its territories, possessions and military facilities worldwide. Allow 6-8 weeks for processing. Proof of purchase must be from a product you purchased. Reproductions, sale, trading or purchase of this certificate or proofs of purchase are prohibited. Use of multiple addresses or P. O. boxes to obtain additional rebates is fraud and may result in prosecution. Cash redemption value 1/100 cents.

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