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Glow In The Dark Paint

Ways to Create Paintings with Luminous Paint

Luminous paints are extremely rewarding to work with for painting but needs some special considerations for driving best results. Find great ways of painting with luminous paint here as we’re eyeing to save your time, effort and money. So, let’s get started!

Use of Luminous Paint Go On Nearly Invisible for the First Few Coats

The daytime luminous paints will go on invisible for the first two or three coats and the fluorescent colors shouldn’t be noticeable over a colored background in one or two coats but they may tint a white/light colored background.

The Lighter the Background, the Brighter the Glow

Since most of the luminous paint you see is actually reflected light, the lighter the background color, the brighter the glow will appear.

Use Less Luminous Paint than You Are Used to •

Start with less than you think you’ll need on your brush, spread it thin, and then add more paint if necessary. Painting this way will avoid raised edges that glow brighter than the rest of the brush stroke. A great way to implement this technique and get smooth brush strokes is to place your brush in the middle of where you want the final stroke to be and then pull the paint in opposite directions to create the stroke. It’s not an intuitive technique and it’s definitely not the only way to get great results, but many of our artists swear by this method.

Use UV or Black Light to Check the Evenness

• Since the paint goes on clear, you won’t be able to see if the paint you just laid down is consistently smooth or if it has slightly raised edges. You can easily check this, even in a brightly lit room, by looking at the paint under one of the UV LED flashlights. Take your own time to do this will make sure that the edges of your stroke aren’t brighter than the rest of it.

Contact for More Details: Techno Glow Inc. 252 St. Alban's Street N St. Paul, MN 55104 +1 (844) 884-3377 Visit us at

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