International Interests – How To Manage Your Remote Team In The Philippines
With more and more businesses forgoing the traditional office setup and, instead, operating exclusively in the digital realm, the dynamic of how we work has changed. No matter what industry you are operating in, there is a good chance that at least a part of your team is working remotely. And, in many industries, it is very possible that your entire team is operating remotely from a variety of locations around the world. As a business owner, when you are working with a remote team, you need to ensure that you take the necessary steps to ensure you manage your team efficiently. Virtual Offices are a great way to give your business some structure when you are managing a remote team. With a virtual office, you will have access to a prime business address in Manila, a dedicated phone number and mail management. However, since you and your team will not be in a physical space together every day, it’s important that you take the necessary steps to ensure that you work seamlessly together despite the distance.
Source: Lets’ take a look at just a few things you can do to ensure that you can manage your team effectively from your virtual office in the Philippines. Also Read: T op Trends and Technological Advancements In Mobile Application Development For 2019 Set Clear Expectations
J ust as you would ion a traditional office setup, it’s vital that you set clear expectations in terms of what you expect from your employees. If you have strict deadlines that need to be met, you need to make that abundantly clear. If there are particular guidelines or processes that need to be followed, then be sure to lay these out in a clear and concise manner so that your team can follow them. With your expectations as a manager or business owner clearly presented, your employees will have more structure and guidance, allowing them to be more productive And Happy in Their Work.
Source: Use Consistent Performance Metrics
hen you are evaluating the Performance of Your Employees, it is crucial that you remain W consistent. Not only does this mean that you strive for them to meet the same level of productivity each month but you also need to consider how you measure their progress with different tasks. With so many tools available nowadays, it can be easy to chop and change from one set of metrics to another. While it is ok to experiment with different ways of doing things, you need to keep your employees informed as to how they are being evaluated. If you change your KPI’s every month, your employees will be frustrated and your own data will be inconsistent. Have A Regular Meeting Schedule
Having a remote team in different locations around the globe presents its own unique set of challenges with time zone management being one of the most pressing. Potentially, you could have different employees scattered across multiple time zones, which can make holding meetings very difficult. As a team, it is imperative that you have at least one monthly meeting, preferably via videoconference. Find a time that works for everyone and stick to it. With a Regular meeting Schedule in Place, you and your team can discuss items that are important to your business every month without interruption.
Source: Manage Your Team Effectively
Managing a Team Effectively​ comes down to setting out clear expectations and maintaining open lines of communication. With everybody knowing what is expected of them and a platform in place for you to discuss issues as they arise, you can be sure that your team will perform at its best. Once everyone is rowing in the same directions, it’s only a matter of time before your business gains traction and becomes successful.