3D Measurement Scanner: Applications For Forensics The 3D measurement scanner is proving to be an essential requirement of evidence collection in the 21st-century documentation of crime scenes and examination. Scanning systems which are operating with 3D scanning technology are speeding up the process of investigations in crime scenes by providing an accurate three-dimensional image of the scene where the crime occurred. Insurance companies, as well as law-enforcement agencies, are benefiting from the use of 3D scanning technology which allows them to measure and inspect evidence which could be related to bullet trajectory or even analyzing blood splatter. The data obtained from scanning with 3D technology is admissible in a court of law because the jury can be transported into a 3D world which can be understood easily as compared to pictures on a verbal description of the scene. The science of forensics wouldn’t have received these benefits had it not been for manufacturers who developed a smart method for 3D scanning. The devices which are presently available can be used in a wide range of applications in the field of forensics, architecture, engineering, construction, oil and gas, education and research, automotive, VR game designing and a lot more. The 3-D measurement scanner can be operated in environments that are tough and are deficient in the light. They are equipped with an RGB camera of 1.3 megapixels which can be used to capture excellent quality images during
the scanning and also have the echo smart algorithm which can convert the images to a mesh texture which is photorealistic. Insurance companies and law enforcement agencies are professionals and needed equipment which is suitable for their requirements. The professional grade measurements needed by these individuals is high and therefore they cannot afford to use any devices which are inappropriate for their needs. Fortunately, the 3D measurement scanner is capable of providing accuracy of up to 0.1 MM with a similar resolution. The 3D scanning technology which is presently available is a powerful editing tool for 3D data. It is suitable for both professionals and nonprofessionals because of the ease of use it offers. It has been equipped with high-performance software and options for strong de-noise along with image projection mesh. Professionals working in the field of forensics will certainly find the 3D measurement scanner a tool which will provide them immense benefits when being used in conditions that may not be suitable for regular scanning. Crime scenes are not usually popular for having the best conditions around them and a regular photographer will need to make certain preparations before obtaining the evidence for the forensics team. However, if the team decides to use the 3-D scanning technology they can avoid the need for preparing the scene because the devices automatically allow the deciphering of geometry by the encoding. The forensics team will find this technology easy to use despite the fact that they will be able to operate the system after receiving some training for a short while.
The 3-D measurement scanner allows the forensics team to transfer the data captured to mobile devices making it a virtual model which can be used for the purpose it was captured. The fact that the technology is admissible and accepted in the courts of law makes it a ‘must have’ for every team involved in the profession of forensics. Law enforcement agencies or insurance companies will not be concerned about the prices of the 3D measurement scanner because they will be in a position to derive a quick return on any investment they need to make in the technology. Moreover, the images they scan will benefit their investigation and make it possible for them to complete cases faster.