What Is the Difference Between A Power Inverter And a Power Converter? An appropriate source of power with the right voltage is essential for operating devices properly. However, with different voltages available we are often confronted with the need to transform the voltage to suit our requirements. In order to achieve this objective we either need to have a power inverter or a power converter. These are the devices which can cause changes to the voltage converting it according to our needs. A power inverter can change DC voltage into AC voltage by either increasing or decreasing it to the level needed. In sharp contrast, a power converter can change the voltage level but makes no changes to its type. This indicates that an AC voltage will continue to remain as AC and a DC voltage will remain the same. A power inverter has a single objective which is to provide the power of a similar variety to what is available from the main power lines when it has been interrupted for some reason. This is similar to having power through the power inverter even when the main power lines are not working. A power inverter changes DC power into AC power by increasing or decreasing the voltage as required by the user. Power inverters are suitable devices for homes, health care services, small businesses, and other similar places. The power inverter switches itself on immediately as the main power is cut because of any reason. Users with a power inverter will never have to face darkness because the inverter
will provide them the power they need by changing the DC voltage to alternative current and providing it to the place according to the voltage desired. Power converters, on the other hand, are simply used to convert the voltage to appropriate levels. Voltage converters can be used if the user has a 220 V device with a 110 V mains is or vice versa. Connecting the power converter to the mains will ensure that only the voltage level is changed to the level desired with no changes being made to the AC or DC variety. Power inverters are more complex than power converters because they are in water needs to generate an alternating current from a direct source. Converters, on the other hand, are relatively simple as a DC-DC or AC-AC conversion is rather easy. On most occasions uses simply want a converter to make the supply voltage appropriate to the needs of the device. The only occasion when users begin to feel the need for an inverter is when they want to run devices or appliances which are designed to operate from the main power line but find themselves lacking the power needed due to any reasons. Power inverters are gaining popularity along with solar power systems where users can get a low voltage DC supply for powering ordinary appliances that run on the mainline. Users looking forward to having an inverter or a converter are recommended to understand the following. A converter can change the voltage but does not have the ability to change its type while an inverter can change both the voltage and its type.
Inverters can be used as uninterruptible power supplies while converters can be used by appliances of all types. Power inverters are generally more complex than power converters because they are used to change the type of power emanating from the mainline from DC to AC while a power converter simply changes the voltage without making any change to the type of power it receives. Users that are interested in having one of these devices are advised to conduct proper research and understand which of these devices can help them before they make an investment into a power inverter or a power converter.