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Strategic Recommendations

➢ VGT/VNT: VGT/VNT (Variable Geometry Turbocharger/Variable-nozzle Turbines) type of turbochargers aredesigned to increasepressureat lowspeeds, reduce response time,decreaseengineemission, and fueleconomyandarebasicallydesignedfordieselengines.

➢ Wastegate:Wastegateturbochargersworkbyusingavalvewhichregulatestheflowofexhaustgasesto the turbine wheel. This type of turbochargers help in boosting of pressure which in turn gives more poweroutputtothevehicles,havinglesslagtimecomparedtoVGT/VNTtypeofturbocharger.


➢ Electric Turbocharger: This type of turbocharger works on the principle of providing power to a compressor that improves the engine’s performance without depending upon exhaust gases. Electric turbochargers have approximately single digit share in market because it also needs fuel to supply power to the compressor. However, it reduces the time lag and continuously supplies power to drive the turbine. In the forecast period, it is expected to continue increasing its market share because R&D activities by vehicle manufacturers as well as turbocharger manufacturers are going on to improve the performanceofelectricturbochargers.

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