ORiNO O OCO A 4000 AP-
U er Guid Use de
Copyrights Š 2009 Proxim Wireless Corporation. All rights reserved. Covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 5,231,634; 5,875,179; 6,006,090; 5,809,060; 6,075,812; 5,077,753. This User Guide and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission of Proxim Wireless Corporation.
ORiNOCO and Proxim are registered trademarks, and the e Proxim logo is a trademark, trademark, of Proxim Wireless Corporation. $FUREDW 5HDGHU LV D UHJLVWHUHG WUDG emark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. (NDKDX LV D WUDGHPDUN RI (NDKDX ,QF +\SHU7HUPLQDO LV D UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUN RI +LO*UDHYH ,QFRUSRUDWHG 0LFURVRIW DQG :LQGRZV DUH D UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUNV RI 0LFURVRIW &RU 1HWVFDSH LV D UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUN RI Netscape Communications Corporation. 6RODU:LQGV LV D UHJLVWHUHG trademark of SolarWinds.net. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
Proxim reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of Proxim to provide notification of such revision or change. Pr Proxim oxim may make improvements or changes in the product(s) described in this manual at any time.
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When using this device, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury to persons.
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Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................... 1 About this Manual...................................................................................................................... 1 Audience ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... 1 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 1 Related Documents: .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. 1
Document Conventions ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 1
Support Information ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... 2
Wireless Connections ections ................................................................................................... 3 Access Point.............................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................3 3
LAN ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... 3
TCP/IP ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Static IP Address ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... 3 Dynamic IP Address ............................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................. 3 Why Access Point .............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................... 4
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Usage of Access Points ........................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 4
About ORiNOCO $3 Key Features .................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 5 What is Included in the Package ............................................................................................... 6
25L12&2 $3 3K\V ical Description Description .................................................................. 7 Front View of Access Point .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 7 Back View of Access Point ..................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ 7 LED Indicators ................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................... 8 Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................ 9
Installing ORiNOC2 $3 ORiNOC2 $3 System Requirements ........................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................. 10 Hardware Setup ................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................... 10 Access Point Physical Installation ....................................................................................... 10 Electricity Connection to Access Point ................................................................................ 10
Wired Connection to Access Point .......................................................................................... 11 Using ScanTool ................................................................................................................... 11
Configuring the Access Point .................................................................................... 12 Page |3
ORiNOCO AP 4000 Configuration with Web Browser ............................................................................................. 12 Configuration with Command Line Interface ........................................................................... 12 Logging In through Web Interface ........................................................................................... 12
Main Screen of Access PoLQW LQW
Important Configuration SettiQJV QJV System Configuration .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. 15
Network Configuration ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 16 IP Configuration: .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. 17 DHCP Server ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... 19 DHCP RA ............................................................................................................................. 21 21
Link Integrity ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ 23
SNTP ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... 24
Troubleshooting ing .......................................................................................................... 26 Acronyms ..................................................................................................................... 27 Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 28
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Index ......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. 31
Table of Figures
Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure
1: Access Point wireless connections connections .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2: LED Indicato Indicators rs ...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... 7 3: Authenticati Authentication Auth entication on ...................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................13 4 : Syst System em Stat Status us ...................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................14 5: System Configuration ............................................................................................... ...............................................................................................15 6: IP Configur Configuration ation .................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................18 7: DHCP Server........................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................19 8: DHCP RA ............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................22 9: DHCP Server $GGUHVV $GG (QWULHV 22 10: DHCP Server AddresV 7DEOH 7R (G AddresV 7DEOH 7R (G it Entries ..............................................................23 11: Enabling Enabling SNTP St Status atus .............................................................................................24
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Congratulations on your purchase of ORiNOCO AP . This manual gives you a jump start working knowledge on the ORiNOCO AP Access Point that can help you build a wireless network easily! This manual describes the access point installation and its functions, the technology used, used, and and the the recommended methods for positioning the access point.
The intended audiences for this manual are the Network Administrators or buyers who are installing this application.
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The reader of this document should have working knowledge of Local Area Networking (LAN) concepts, network access infrastructures, and client server relationships.
Related Documents:
All other documents are included in CD ROM in both printed (PDF) and online (HTML) formats.
Document Conventions
In this manual, certain words are represented in different fonts, typefaces, sizes, and weights. This highlighting is systematic; different words are represented in the same style to indicate their inclusion in a specific category. For example: The Courier font indicates a command sequence, file type, URL, Folder/File name e.g., “�
Additionally, this document has different strategies to draw User attention to certain pieces of information. In order of how critical the information is to your system, these items are marked as a note, tip, important, caution, or warning. For example:
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Wireless Connections
Before installing your wireless access point, please take a few minutes to go through the wireless networking functions described in this section.
Access Point
The access point connects to a wireless router or an Ethernet hub or server. You can roam roam within within the the range of the access point with your laptop or other mobile device to access the Internet or or corporate corporate system click for more info
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Local Area Network. A local area network provides a full time, high bandwidth connection over a limited area such as a home, building, or campus. Ethernet is the most widely used LAN standard.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) comprises the backbone of the Internet. IP moves packets of data between nodes while TCP verifies delivery from client to server. The device you hook up to your wireless access point will identify itself with an IP address so that the network will know where to retrieve and deposit requested information.
Static IP Address
A static IP address is a fixed address that is assigned manually to a device on the network. Static IP addresses must be unique and cannot be shared; therefore they are used in situations where the address should never change, like print servers or PC servers.
Dynamic IP Address
A dynamic IP address is a temporary IP number, dynamically or randomly generated by a DHCP server. The address lasts only as long as the server allots, usually in the space of a day or two. When the IP address expires, the client is automatically reassigned a new IP address, ensuring smooth communication.
Wireless Connections
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Why Access Point Access point (AP) is a standalone device that connects to a wireless LAN. It is a device that allows wireless communication devices to connect to a wireless network using Wi Fi, Bluetooth or related standards. AP usually connects to a wired network, and can relay data between the wireless devices (such as computers or printers) and wired devices on the network.
Access Point receives the signal from the base station. It connects to laptop or mobile device via USB, PCI slot, or Ethernet. Comparable to hubs in a wired network, an access point allows wireless devices to join an existing Ethernet LAN.
Today's WAPs are built to support a standard for sending and receiving data using radio frequencies rather than cabling. The standards, and the frequencies used are defined by the IEEE. Most WAPs use IEEE 802.11 standards
Usage of Access Points
Wireless ISP: Internet Service Providers use Access Points to provide their customers with Internet service
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Large Corporations, Metropolitan & Campuses: Organizations need a simple and flexible way to extend wireless connectivity to areas of an enterprise facility or structure where running Ethernet cable would be too difficult. Small Businesses or SOHO Health Care
Wireless Connections
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$ERXW 25L12&2 $3
Key Features
The ORiNOCO AP 4000 Access Point is the flagship solution in Proxim’s next generation line of access points supporting enterprise voice and video applications. It provides ubiquitous network network access for a variety of indoor and outdoor wireless environments.
Easy to install(CD ROM based), configure and has advance security options
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Web based configuration of features using any web browser
Multiple Administration Interfaces, web interface and Command line interface for configuration and wireless network deployment Compatibility with both 802.11g and 802.11b standards
Easily extendable to home network in the office, metropolitan or other places, for example, at tradeshows Supports all Wi Fi wireless communication standards.
About ORiNOCO AP 4000
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What is Includ ded in the e Packag ge Open the e box of the ORiNOCO AP 4000 and carefullyy unpack it. The box sh hould contain n the following g items:
ORiNOCO AP 40 400 00 0 0 Access Point
Portable Kit
Ethernet Cable and a Adapto or
Utility U tility Software Software User G User Guide uide uide Installation Manuaal Manu
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Security Cover
Figure Fi igure 25L N2&2 $3 N 2&2 $3 3DFNDJH
1. AP A 4000 Unit: The main A AP P device
2. Power Cord: T To o connect e ex xternal x ternal pow powe err source usi e usin ng n g the power cord. 3. Se ecurity e curity Cov Cove er: e r: Used to p protect rotect agai again nst n st unauthorized access to t the powe er and LAN cables c
aan nd n d the reset reset///reload reload butt butto ons. o ns.
4. Ceiling/Wall M Mount ount Plate: T To o mount th the e device to a wall or ceilin ng or vehicle 5. Q Quick uick Installa Installatttion ion Guide: A printed document provid ded to refer while w installing the device e 6. CD ROMs: T Tw wo w o CD RO ROM Mss are prov M proviided in the package on ne is with all a the supported
documents aan nd n d another is the softwar software e utility called scan tool
Iff any item is ffound ound missin ng or damage ed, please contact your lo ocal reseller for f replaceme ent. You can conn conne ect e ct two to fo our external antennas a to your y AP Conn nector slots.
About OR RiNOCO AP 4000 4
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Front View V of Access A P Point
ORiN NOCO O $3 3K y ysical Desc criptio on
In the fro ont view, therre are four LE ED indicatorss which displ displaaays ys the connection statu statuss of of AP. AP. Front view w has 4 indiccators: 1.
2. Wireless W Interrface 1 3. Wireless W Interrface 2
4. Etthernet.
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See LED In ndicators for more infor inform mation. m ation.
Wireless Interface
Figure 2 2 /(' ,QGLFD /(' ,QGLFD tors
Back V View iew of A Access ccess Po Po oint int
RS 232 Port
Relo oad
ORiNOCO O AP 4000 Physical P Desccription
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ORiNOCO AP 4000 1. Power Receptacle: The receptacle where you plug in the power adapter. 2. LAN Port: This port connects your access point to the Internet or PC using an Ethernet cable.
This allows communication between the devices. 3. RS 232 Port: RS 232 is a standardized serial port for connecting a computer to peripheral
equipment, such as a printer, mouse, scanner etc.
Reset Button: Resets the access point to the default settings. To reset the access point to the factory defaults, power ON the access point, press and hold the Reset button for more than 5 seconds. This clears the access points user settings, including User ID, Password, IP Address, and Subnet Mask. To re configure the access point, see configuration steps in the next chapter.
4. Reload: If a user misplaces the AP’s HTTP/Telnet password, the Reload button on on the the power power
injector provides a way to reset the AP to default configuration values and gain gain access access to to the the AP.
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The access point LEDs indicates its operational status. The following table describes LED lights behavior and its status: LED Power
Blinking Amber RED
Blinking RED
Wireless Interface
Blinking Green
Blinking Green
ORiNOCO AP 4000 Physical Description
Indicates the status When The device is powered on and operating normally. When the Bootloader is loading the application software. When the Bootloader is Re loading the application software. When the Power On Self Test (POST) is running. When the device is Rebooting. When Wireless interface is preparing for use. When Wireless interface is transmitting or receiving wireless packets. When the LAN port is connected to a 100mbps Ethernet station. While transmitting or receiving data on the 100mbps Ethernet network. When the LAN port is connected.
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Blin nking Amberr
to a 10 00mbps Ethe ernet station n While transmittin ng or receivving data on o the 100 0mbps Etherrnet netwo ork.
If the t External devices are not n connecte ed or disabled d, the LED’s will w be in OF OFFF status.
Technical Spec cification ns
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Your wire eless access point p uses a radio transm mission techn nology ology defin define ed e d by the Ins Instttitute itute of Ele Eleccctrical trical and Electronics Engine eers (IEEE) called 802.11 1 or Wi Fi (Wiireless reless Fideli Fidelittty). y).
ORiNOCO O AP 4000 Physical P Desccription
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Insta alling ORiN NOCO O $3
System Syste m Requirrements
Beffore installing g and using this product, see the Safety and Regulatory Compliance Guide.
To begin using an AP, you must haave the follow wing minimu minimum m requirem requireme ents: e nts:
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A 10Base T Eth hernet or 1000Base TX Fastt Ethernet ssw witch w itch or hub or cross ove overr Ethernet Ethernet ccaaable ble ble A least one of the followin At ng IEEE 802.11 compliant devices: – An 802.11a, 4.9 4 GHz, 802.11b, or 802.11 802.11b b/g b /g client de devvvice ice AP A computer th hat is conneccted ted to the ssaaame me IP network as the A P and has one of the follo owing W browserss installed: Web – Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 or later – Netscape® 7.1 7 or later
+DUG ware Setu ware Setu up p
Access Point Point Physi Physiical cal Installa Installa ation tion
In order tto o mount AP, determine tthe he best loc locaaation tion to inst instaaallll the device e keeping aw way from expo osure and othe otherr environme environmen ntal n tal effects.
Before mounting the Access Point in a high locatio on, first set up and test to verify wirreless connectivity. onnectivity.. network cconnectivity (OHFWULFL ty Connect Connecttion ion to Acc Acc cess ess Point
ess e ss point do doe ess not have aan e n ON/OFF power switch and therefo ore will only be b powered on o by Your our acc acce plugging in the power adapter. U Usse only the original o powe er adapter su upplied with your access point kit. 1. Connect the p power ower adapte er to the acce ess points Po ower port, fo ound on the back b of the access
point. 2. Plug the powe er adapter into a grounde ed and surge protected power outlet.
Installing g ORiNOCO AP A 4000
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Important Configuration Settings
System Configuration
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System configuration is the initial step where the system information is defined. This information will further used to identify the system nature and its support details. It prompts for the system unique parameters for configuration and contact information.
The fields are described in the following table:
Important Configuration Settings
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Description Name of the acccess point It refers r to the country whe ere the accesss point is use ed Site where the access point is located The e Longitude at which access point is lo ocated. The e Latitude att which the acccess point iss installed. The e altitude at which the acccess point is installed Name of the pe erson, respon nsible for the e access poin pointt Em mail address of the person, responsible for the access point Contact Phone Phone numberr of the persson, on, respon responsssible ible for the access point Object ID The e system auttomatically omatically g ge enerates e nerates the Object ID. Ethernet MAC It displays d the unique MA MAC C address fo forr the access p point’s oint’s Address Eth hernet interfaace. ce. It is assi assig gned g ned at the ffactory. actory. Descriptor Sysstem automatically gen gene erates e rates a de dessscription cription us usiiing ng the ng the acccess point’s name, seri seriaaall number aand nd current image sofftware versi versio on, o n, etc… Up Time The e system au autttomatically omatically g generates enerates th the e Up Time, w which hich is calculated for h how ow long th the e access poi poin ntt has been rrunning n unning since its last re reb boot. b oot.
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Field Name Country Location GPS Longittude GPs Latitud de GPS Altitud de Contact Naame Contact Em mail
For GPS LLongitude, ongitude, Latitude and Altitude fields, value mu ust be enterred in the fo ormat based on tthe he systems network ma man nagement. n agement. If the net netw work w ork management system is Proxim Vision, V ision, the vaalue must be e decimals format. ProximV For exam examp ple:78.2423 ple: p le:78.242 78.2423 3
Tip: The m method ethod for entering the ffields ields is men mentttioned ioned in the system conffiguration scrreen.
Netwo Netw ork o rk Config guration guratio uration n
The Net Netw work w ork Function can configure the LAN Setup, Wireless settingss and WDS Links of the Access A Point. It aallows llows netw netwo ork o rk access tto o wireless clie ents by config guring the se etting in acce ess point. The netw work ork configu configurrration ation capabilities include: IP P configurati configuratio on o D DHCP Server D DHCP Relay Agent
Important Configuratiion Settings
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Link Integrity SNTP. IP Configuration: IP Configuration enables the internet connectivity between any two networks or systems. The basic task of this tab is to assign IP address to the network interface.
The fields are described in the following table:
The main objective is to bridge an interface between two systems and allow communication among host systems using IP. To configure any IP Address to a specific system, assign a unique IP address, subnet mask address and a default gateway address. Along with the basic IP parameters, specify the DNS (Domain Name System) Client information, which is considered as a primary factor to configure the IP address with their host names.
Basic IP Parameters
IIP P Address is classified into two types, static and dynamic: A static IP address is a fixed address that is assigned manually to a device on the network. A dynamic IP address is a temporary IP number, dynamically or randomly generated by a DHCP server. It is a unique identifier assigned to every network device.
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IP Address Assignment Type
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Gateway IP Address
It is a mask used to identify to which subnet segment, the system is connected. The subnet mask is default to Unique IP Address provided by the internet services. DNS Client
Enable DNS Client
DNS Primary Server IP Address
DNS Secondary Server IP Address DNS Client Default Domain Name
DNS Client requests for any DNS service. This option enables the DNS service in a network. An IP address of the DNS server with has higher priority among multiple servers. It refers to the IP address of a second DNS server in the network. It is also called as Alternative server. Provide the default domain name Advanced
Default TTL (Time To Live)
Important Configuration Settings
It is a field related to IP packet that specifies the number of hops, routers in different locations, that the request can travel before returning a failed attempt message
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If the address is not obttained from the DHCP server, s accesss point take es the defau ult IP Addresse es such as, subnet massk and Gatewaay IP Address 169.254.128. 133.
Figure 6 6:: ,3 &RQILJXU a ation
When IP Address is a static IP, it p prompts rompts you to t provide IP P address dettails for manu ual connectivvity. For dyna dynam mic m ic address aallocation, llocation, tth he h e access point will autom matically obtaain the IP setttings from th he network DHCP serve serverrr.. Here, for lilim mited time pe eriod the system automattically generaates IP configuraation. tion.
Important Configuratiion Settings
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'+&3 6 erver
If the detaails are not modified m and the t user triess to save those details by clicking OK, an error message appearss informing the t user abou ut the existin ng default pa parrrameters ameters When DHC CP Client opttion is disable ed, user need d not enter th he DNS (pri (prim mary m ary and secondaryy) address an nd DNS Clientt Default Dom main Addresss details Based on the t IP Address type seleccted, connecttion is established For mesh access point (refers to th he access poin nt, configur configure ed e d as mesh aaccccess cess point), IP Address tyype must be static It is mandatory to ente er the IP Address properlyy. The forma formatt of IP address is 4digits separated d by dots. Forr example: ‘’.
Protocolll)) Server au autttomates omates th the e IP configu configurrration ation proce process ss by by DHCP (Dynamic Hostt Configuratiion Protoco ng the netw work address to host sy syssstems tems (Wire (Wired d or Wireles Wirelessss). ). DHCP p paaarameters rameters include configurin server ad ddress, subne et mask, rou uter, etc…It simplifies tth he h e process o off configurin configuring g the para param meters individually for every client c system m.
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HCP server, access poin pointt can directl directlyy configure as a DHCP sserver erver and assign a In absencce of the DH dynamic IP I address to o nodes and w wireless ireless clie clien nts. n ts.
Figure '+&3 6HU v ver
Important Configuratiion Settings
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O AP 4000 ORiNOCO The fieldss are describe ed in the follo owing table:
Sub bnet mask
Gatteway IP Add dress Prim mary DNS IP Address Seccondary DNS IP Address
Num mber of IP Po ool Table Enttries
De escription En nable the fun nctionality off DHCP serve er. r. It is mand datory to have at least one IP pooll entry confi config gured. g ured. Provides information abou ut the acce accesssss point’s cu urrent subnet mask. This T subnet mask mask will be assigned to tthose DH HCP Clients which w receive e dynamic aad ddresses d dresses fro from m the access point. AP P assigns a specified g gaaateway teway address to the D DHCP HCP server. AP P assigns a sp pecified p ecified DN DNS S primary ad add dress d ress to the D DHCP HCP server. Acccess point aassigns ssigns a specified DNS secondary address to the DHCP sse erver. e rver. It is a report w with ith number of pool ent entrrries, ies, automa aautomat utomatttically ically ically ge g enerated e nerated by tthe he system.
Fielld Enaable DHCP Se erver
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By defaultt, system automatically g ge enerates e nerates the Subnet Mask and IP po poo ol table entry details When DH DHC CP C P server op optttion ion is disabled, the user need not en enttter er the Gate IP I Address, DNS D (primary aand nd seconda secondarrry) y) address If the use userr clicks on O OK K button wit with hout h out modifyi modifyin ng n g any detai detaills, an error message m “No data entries ar are e available”. It is mandatory to ent ente err the IP Address in the ffo e ormat. o rmat. The fo ormat of IP ad ddress is 4dig gits separated separate d by dots. Fo Forr example: ‘’.
Beffore Bef ore activati activatin ng n g the DHC DHCP P server, ma makkke sure they are no other DHCP serve er existing on the network and the ac accccess ess point must be configured with static s IP add dress, as it may m cause diisrupt normal n ne etwork e twork oper operaaation. tion. Creating new entry iin n DHCP Serv Serve er Table: e
For creatting ing a new e entities ntities in the DHCP Servver IP Pool Table, T select the Add op ption in the DHCP server scrreen. The pa pag ge g e navigates to the screen, which pro ompts the use er to enter th he parameterrs. The detaiils requested for creating new entry are mentioned d below:
Important Configuratiion Settings
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Figurre Figu re '+&3 5 $
DHCP Serrver Addresss Add Entrie Entriess
To add new n DHCP sse erver e rver IP add addrrress, ess, enter the IP addre addresssss details aan nd comment in the respe ective fields.
It is mandator mandatoryy that at leas leastt one server must be enabled to accesss DHCP Relaay agent.
Figure e '+&3 S SHUYHU $GGUH s sV $GG (QWUL e es
Important Configuratiion Settings
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My computer is experiencing difficulty in connecting to the access point. Ensure that all of your cable connections are firmly connected. This includes the cables from the wall to your modem, cable connecting the router and modem and, if available, from the access point to your PC.
My HTTP/Web Interface or Telnet Interface is not working. 1. Make sure you are using a compatible browser:
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Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 with Service Pack 1 or later Netscape 7.1 or later 2. Make sure you have the proper IP address. Enter your Access Point’s IP Address in the browser address bar, similar to this example: When the Enter Network Password window appears, leave the User Name field empty and enter the HTTP password in the Password field. The default HTTP password is public.
3. Use the CLI over the serial port to check the IP Access Table, which can be restricting access
to Telnet and HTTP.
I Cannot see Ethernet light indicator.
There might be a hardware connection problem. Make sure the cable connectors are securely plugged in at the access point and the network device (hub, switch, or router).
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Description Access Point
Bits Per Second
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Domain Name System
Graphical User Interface
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Internet Protocol
Integrated Services Digital Network
Internet Service Provider
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Acronym AP
Local Area Network
Media Access Control
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Wireless Access Point or Wireless Access Protocol
Wi Fi速
Wireless fidelity
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Appendix Access Point (AP) A device that provides wireless LAN connectivity to wireless clients (stations). Adapter A device or card that connects a computer, printer, or other peripheral device to the network or to some other device. A wireless adapter connects a computer to the wireless LAN. Crossover Cable A crossover cable is a cable that is used to interconnect two computers by "crossing over" (reversing) their respective pin contacts. A crossover cable is sometimes known as a null modem. Default Gateway A routing device that forwards traffic not destined to a station within the local subnet. DHCP A Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server dynamically assigns IP addresses to client hosts on an IP network. DHCP eliminates the need to manually assign static IP addresses by .leasing. an IP address and subnet mask to each client. It enables the automatic reuse of unused IP addresses. DNS The Domain Name System is the Internet system for converting domain names (like www.proxim.com) to IP addresses. A DNS server contains a table matching domain names such as Internetname.com to IP addresses such as Dynamic IP Address An IP address that is temporarily leased to a host by a DHCP server. The opposite of Static IP Address. Ethernet The most widely used LAN type, also known as IEEE 802.3. The most common Ethernet networks are 10Base‐T, which provide transmission speeds up to 10 Mbps, usually over unshielded, twisted‐pair
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ORiNOCO AP‐4000 wire terminated with RJ‐45 connectors. Fast Ethernet (100Base‐T) provides speeds up to 100 Mbps. .Base. means .baseband technology. and .T. means .twisted pair cable. Gateway A device that enables communication between networks using different protocols. IP Internet Protocol is a set of standards that enable different types of computers to communicate with one another and exchange data through the Internet. IP provides the appearance of a single, seamless communication system and makes the Internet a virtual network. IP Address A unique 32‐bit value that identifies each host on a TCP/IP network. TCP/IP networks route messages based on the destination IP address. IEEE 802.11 Is a set of standards carrying out wireless local area network (WLAN) computer communication in the 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz frequency bands. They are implemented by the IEEE LAN/MAN Standards Committee
LAN Local Area Network. A local area network provides a full‐time, high‐bandwidth connection over a limited area such as a home, building, or campus. Ethernet is the most widely used LAN standard. MAC Address The Media Access Control address is a unique, 48‐bit value permanently saved in the ROM at the factory to identify each Ethernet network device. It is expressed as a sequence of 12 hexadecimal digits printed on the units label. Public IP Address The IP address assigned to the router or AP by the service provider. A public IP address is visible to devices on the Internet. Static IP Address An IP address that is permanently assigned to a host. Normally, a static IP address must be assigned manually. The opposite of Dynamic IP Address. TCP/IP
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About this Manual, 1 Access Point, 3
LED Indicators, 8 Link Integrity, 23
Back View, 7
Network Configuration, 16
Command Line Interface, 12 Configuration with Web Browser, 12
Package, 5 Prerequisites, 1
DHCP RA, 21 DHCP Server, 19 DHCP Server Table, 20 Dynamic IP Address, 3
SNTP, 24 Static IP Address, 3 Support Information, 2 System Configuration, 15 System Requirements, 10 System Status:, 14
E Electricity Connection, 10
TCP/IP, 3 Technical Specifications, 9 Troubleshooting, 27
Front View, 7
Hardware Setup, 10 Usage of Access Points, 4 Using ScanTool, 11
Key Features, 5 Why Access Point, 4 Wired Connection, 11
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Terabeam Proxim Wireless Pvt. LTD NAC CAMPUS, East and West Display Block Ht‐Tex Road, Kondapur Post Hyderabad – 32. Tel: +91‐40‐2311 7400 Email: info@proxim.com Index Web: www.proxim.com © 2009 Proxim Wireless Corporation. All rights reserved.
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