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AM Technology Srl
Tel: info@am-technology.it
Tailor-made simplicity on you installations
AM Technology is an Italian company designing, manufacturing and installing industrial processing and handling systems specifically for the food sector. Thanks to its great experience in the tech sector and a cutting-edge vision, the company has crossed the Italian border, consolidating its presence in the European market.
AM Technology solutions are not just systems, but customised technologies that allow companies to optimise their production processes and express their full potential.
Each company has its own vision of the production process, and this can be easily replicated thanks to the AM’s ability to customise the plant, with a focus on functionality and space availability, aiming for maximum performance and minimum maintenance
The concept of tailor-made simplicity is the cornerstone of AM Technology’s approach, born from the desire to break down the technological gap so as to provide the right solution to each company, because simplicity means designing a system from scratch using the essential components that, together, can achieve the best result, without complicated procedures. When the goal is to bring value to the food product through a solution that can solve complexities and guarantee constant and streamlined control and when simplicity becomes customisation, then the process becomes innovation
AM Technology operates in the food sector by designing different types of systems for: proofing, cooling, deep-freezing, pasteurization and handling, having as common thread the ability to put the product at the center, to gently respect its organoleptic properties while raising its quality.

Am Technology, the simpler better de la propuesta de AM Technology, que nace del deseo de romper la brecha tecnológica para ofrecer la solución adecuada a cada empresa, porque la simplicidad significa diseñar un sistema desde cero con los componentes esenciales que, en conjunto, pueden permitir la obtención del mejor resultado final, sin complicaciones. Cuando el objetivo es potenciar el valor del producto alimentario mediante una solución capaz de resolver complejidades particulares y garantizar un control constante y ágil, y cuando la simplicidad se transforma en personalización, el proceso se convierte en innovación
AM Technology opera en el sector alimentario concibiendo múltiples tipos de sistemas de: fermentación, refrigeración, congelación, pasteurización y manipulación, teniendo como hilo conductor la capacidad de poner el producto en el centro, para respetar con suavidad sus propiedades organolépticas y elevar su calidad.
Am Technology, the simpler better