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COLINES, first time at Interpack under the sign of ALLWrapper
COLINES presents its ALLWrapper, the revolutionary and versatile bundle wrapping machine for the secondary packaging using stretch film
The upcoming edition of Interpack, which will take place from May 4th to May 10th in Düsseldorf, will be a special one for the Italian company COLINES Spa, which will participate for the first time as an exhibitor at the trade fair dedicated to the packaging world. While extrusion lines remain COLINES’ core business, at Interpack 2023 the company will present its ALLWrapper, the revolutionary and versatile bundle wrapping machine for the secondary packaging using stretch film. “The machine is aimed at large retailers,” explains Marcello Baruffo, project manager for ALLWrapper at COLINES, “and its strength stays in its extreme versatility of use, making it suitable for practically all products that are commonly bundled with shrink wrap or cardboard. At the moment, our main challenge is to make the product known in order to change the market’s mindset. Being a deeply innovative solution, the first necessary step is to make its goodness understood. This is the reason why we decided to exhibit at Interpack (HALL 11, stand C20), also because of the success the machine had at the K fair.”
During the event held last October in Düsseldorf, COLINES presented the latest model of its ALLWrapper line, arousing great interest: “Many visitors stopped to watch a demo and this resulted in the sale of two machines during the fair period and the beginning of several negotiations in a few months, some of which have already been finalized. Participation in Interpack is a further step forward to promote the product, but in the coming months we will go further: for the first time we will participate in the Cibustec fair in Parma and we aim to be at the next Anuga FoodTec in 2024.”
The company is also confident about what makes the ALLWrapper machine unique when compared to their competitors: “First of all, there is a concrete saving in terms of film used because stretch film requires lower thicknesses, with savings of up to 50% compared to shrink film. Moreover, compared to the few alternatives that exist on the market, ALLWrapper is highly innovative: the film pre-stretch and wrapping system guarantee millimeter precision and allow us to distribute the tension on the product exactly as we want. The advantage is that softer products are not deformed, while stiffer ones allow for higher tension, with a consequent further film saving.”

ALTECH: innovativo sistema di etichettatura “D-wrap” per vaschette
L’innovativo sistema di etichettatura “D-wrap” si contraddistingue per avvolgere la vaschetta su quattro lati con etichetta che funge così sia da elemento informativo e decorativo, che da sigillo
Di recente ALTECH ha completato l’installazione di un innovativo sistema di etichettatura
“D-wrap” per vaschette, per uno dei principali produttori di prodotti ittici nel Regno Unito. L’etichettatura D-wrap si contraddistingue per avvolgere la vaschetta, in questo caso contenente pesce, su quattro lati, partendo da quello superiore, avvolgendola lateralmente e sotto, a fungere sia da elemento informativo e decorativo, che da sigillo. Il sistema fornito è capace di funzionare a circa 100 confezioni al minuto, poiché le operazioni di applicazione e piega vengono svolte “dolcemente” con le vaschette in movimento, opportunamente distanziate dal cadenziatore in ingresso. Per aumentare ulteriormente la produttività dell’impianto, l’etichettatrice è dotata di doppie testate etichettatrici in configurazione no-stop, che intervengono cioè alternativamente non appena una delle due finisce le etichette, garantendo quindi di poter operare senza soste. Per apporre i tipici dati variabili necessari sui prodotti alimentari (lotto, scadenza) il sistema è equipaggiato con due marcatori a trasferimento termico intermit-

ALTECH designs an innovative D-Wrap labelling system for trays
The innovative D-wrap labelling solutions fully wrap the labelaround trays, thus allowing for extended product information, as well as a sealing function
ALTECH has recently completed the installation of an innovative “D-Wrap” labelling system on trays for a leading producer of fishery products in the UK.
D-wrap labelling solutions fully wrap the labelaround trays, which in this case contain fish. The system wraps first the top, then the sides and finally the bottom, allowing for extended product information, as well as a sealing function.
The system can reach a labelling speed of 100 pieces per minute, as the application and folding operations are performed “softly” on moving trays, which are properly separated by the spacer at the start. For increased output, the labeller is equipped with two labelling heads in a non-stop configuration. The heads work alternatively and automatically switch operation on label exhaustion, providing a zero downtime running solution.

In order to print the typical variable data on food products (batch, sell-by date), the system is equipped tenti, montati su ognuna delle due testate etichettatrici.
L’impianto è completato da una terza testata etichettatrice, posizionata a valle dell’etichettatura D-wrap, e dedicata all’apposizione di etichette promozionali, che possono essere applicate in ogni posizione della faccia superiore delle vaschette.
La struttura principale dell’impianto è in acciaio inox, adatta agli ambienti alimentari, ed è dotata di quadro elettrico IP54, anch’esso in acciaio inossidabile. Il controller di gestione a PLC, con pannello comandi touch screen, consente di controllare tutte le funzioni da un’unica postazione, e di memorizzare i parametri di funzionamento all’interno di specifiche ricette, rendendo le operazioni di avviamento e cambio formato semplici, ripetibili, e particolarmente veloci. ALTECH sarà presente all’Interpack di Düsseldorf dal 4 al 10 maggio 2023 e esporrà presso la Hall 08B - stand 8BC48 le più recenti soluzioni nel settore dell’etichettatura industriale.
Per maggiori informazioni: info@altech.it – www.altech.it with two intermittent thermal transfer print units on each labelling head. After D-wrap labelling, a third labelling head applies promotional labels in any position on top of the trays.
The main structure of the system is in stainless steel, which is suitable for food products. The electrical panel with IP54 protection is also made of stainless steel. Through the PLC management controller, equipped a with touch screen control panel, it is possible to control all the functions from one location and to memorise the operational parameters within specific label formats. This makes the start and change-over operations particularly simple, repeatable, and intuitive.
ALTECH will be attending Interpack in Düsseldorf from the 4th to the 10th May 2023, where it will be exhibiting its most recent solutions for the industrial labelling sector in Hall 08B -Stand 8BC48
For further information: info@altech.it – www.altech.it