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Livetech returns in grand style!

Livetech returns with style to the stage of major trade fairs and announces its participation in the Interpack 2023 fair

Almost six years after the last edition and after the success achieved at Ipack Ima 2022, the company from Monticello D’Alba will present to the international public its renewed structure which, in addition to the historic brand, now has three new highly specialized divisions able to provide a wide range of integrated technical solutions and to satisfy the specific needs of each customer. Livetech, Liveflow, Livepal and Livemould share their own know-how to create innovative and technologically advanced products in the name of the “Strong Together” philosophy. The Livetech stand, which covers an area of almost 260 square meters, offers a complete overview of the world of packaging and chocolate moulding, with an eye to new technologies. In the field of primary packaging, Liveflow will present one of its horizontal flowpack packaging machines, increasingly oriented towards the world of green and ecosustainable materials. Livetech’s sector dedicated to secondary packaging offers an overview of the most recent creations and the most popular models on the market. Visitors they will be able to know a wide selection of models dedicated to the management of boxes and packages of various kinds, up to multi-functional robotic systems optimized for forming, filling and e-Series e X-Series proposti esprimono al meglio il carattere di ciascuna linea di prodotto: semplicità, essenzialità, attenzione ai consumi per la prima, elevate prestazioni, estrema affidabilità e personalizzazione per la seconda. La zona Livepal sarà invece dedicata ai sistemi di pallettizzazione, con unità di pallettizzazione compatte e sistemi ad alta flessibilità basati su robot industriali antropomorfi. Il cioccolato prende forma nella zona Livemould: in questa area il pubblico potrà scoprire ed approfondire il mondo delle macchine e delle linee progettate ed ottimizzate per il modellaggio del cioccolato in tutte le sue forme. Lo stand si avvale inoltre della presenza di vari specialisti Livetech che sono a disposizione dei visitatori per qualsiasi tipo di informazione riguardo a processi tecnologici e soluzioni di confezionamento, argomenti per cui l’azienda è in grado di proporre un servizio di consulenza a tutto tondo.


La proposta si completa con contenuti ad alto contenuto tecnologico come sistemi di supervisione con telecamere dedicate, sistemi di teleassistenza da remoto, etc. che aggiungono valore alle soluzioni. Meet Livetech @ Hall 3 - Stand B47 closing operations. The proposed e-Series and X-Series systems best express the character of each product line: simplicity, essentiality, attention to consumption for the first one, high performance, extreme reliability and customization for the second one. The Livepal area is instead dedicated to palletizing systems, with compact palletizing units and highly flexible systems based on anthropomorphic industrial robots. Chocolate takes shape in the Livemould area: in this part the public can discover and deepen the world of machines and lines designed and optimized for modeling chocolate in all its shapes. The stand also makes use of the presence of various Livetech specialists who are available to visitors for any kind of information regarding technological processes and packaging solutions, topics for which the company is able to offer an all-round consultancy service. The proposal is completed with high-tech solutions such as supervision systems with dedicated cameras, remote assistance systems, etc. that add value to the lines. Meet Livetech @ Hall 3 - Stand B47

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