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The crucial role of conveyor belts and handling systems


PRL Tecnosoft ensures final customer a special plant or solution that perfectly combines performance and safety tiva che li renda facilmente lavabili e sanificabili; in caso di lavaggio con acqua si parla di trasportatori washdown, e si arriva al concetto di easy to clean quando è necessario garantire pulizie più frequenti e cadenzate.
Continuous technological innovation has enabled the production of increasingly fast and highperformance process and packaging machines. To guarantee that production line keeps such high standard we cannot underestimate the transport system’s crucial role of interconnecting different machines or various production phases.
In addition to performance issues that need to be granted, we must also consider food and operator safety.
The first aspect addressing end consumer’s health, is about materials in contact with food (today regulated by Moca regulations) can be found in machine and conveyor belt manufacturing techniques. In particular, conveyor belts require special manufacturing technique as to be easily washable and sanitizable. In case of washing with water, we can use washdown conveyors, while an easy to clean concept is for more frequent cleaning operations.
Nel caso di prodotti con un alto rischio di formazione batterica (ad. esempio prodotti freschi), invece, è necessario considerare l’hygienic design: le superfici, in questo caso, non presentano mai tratti orizzontali o concavi, per evitare il ristagno di liquidi di lavaggio. Unitamente a queste casistiche, non si può mai prescindere dalla sicurezza per gli operatori; si tratta di una fase di studio preliminare importante per ogni linea di movimentazione, perché le due necessità devono coesistere.
L’approccio consulenziale di PRL Tecnosoft consente al cliente finale di ottenere un impianto o una soluzione speciale che combini performance e sicurezza; sin dai primi contatti commerciali l’azienda fornisce assistenza, informazioni e professionalità, per la massima soddisfazione del cliente.
Hygienic design is to be taken in consideration in case of products at considerable risk of bacteria development (i.e. fresh products): Surfaces never feature horizontal or hollow traits as to avoid any stagnation of washing liquid.
In addition to these cases, operator safety cannot be left aside. It is an important preliminary phase to any handling line, since the two requirements must coexist.
PRL Tecnosoft advisory approach ensures final customer a special plant or solution that combines performance and safety. Right from the first commercial meeting, the company provides assistance, information, and professionalism, to achieve customer’s highest satisfaction.