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Discover Megadyne solutions for food & packaging at Interpack 2023
Megadyne food safety and packaging solutions will be displayed at Interpack 2023. Quality assurance, consumer protection and resourceefficiency are the keys to handling goods systems, from production and refinement of the packaging right up to distribution.
With a wealth of experience in this industry, Megadyne’s portfolio includes special belts, advanced solutions for vertical forms fill & seal and capping machines
Precision in motion
Precise positioning combined with efficient movement is critical in the filling stage to reduce waste and increase output whether the product state is dense, semidense, liquid, or powder. Megadyne experts create high-performance belts to deliver position-perfect container insertion, even at high speeds, for multi-stage dispensing and capping, lowering rejection rates and eliminating hygiene and cleaning difficulties.
Tailored solutions
Based on the product, the container, and the dispensing scheme, each filling line poses its own set of issues. Noticing this, Megadyne offers a complete line of long-lasting thermoplastic and thermoset polyurethane timing belts in a variety of widths and pitches. Furthermore, each of these belts can be further customised to satisfy the most stringent application requirements. AVAFC (PU), Tenax, DurataqTM, and other grades of natural rubber can be laminated or vulcanised in di alta qualità sono progettate per funzionare esattamente come richiesto, garantendo una lunga durata di esercizio. Le varie cinghie disponibili (incluse cinghie dentate in poliuretano, cinghie trapezoidali in gomma siliconate o rivestite in gomma, cinghie trapezoidali in gomma non-marking e cinghie piatte in gomma) assicurano il livello ottimale di attrito e ammortizzazione, consentendo al disco di tappatura in poliuretano stampato di applicare la giusta quantità di torsione necessaria per sigillare i contenitori. Sistemi migliorati place, and tailored slots or shapes can also be moulded or ground into the cover. Quality capping

Le cinghie dentate in poliuretano termoplastico per le applicazioni di riempimento, così come le cinghie trapezoidali e piatte per le tappatrici, sono state tutte realizzate su misura, utilizzando materiali di altissima qualità per garantire una maggiore durata di esercizio e prestazioni costantemente accurate durante l’uso. Interpack 2023 – Hall stand E44. Megadyne vi aspetta!
Most importantly, effective capping necessitates precisely coordinated synchronous activity. Megadyne capping discs and belts for capping lines, are high-quality equipment designed to function exactly as required throughout a long operating life. The various capping feed belts (including polyurethane timing belts, silicone-coated or rubber coated, non-marking rubber V belts, and rubber flat belts) all collaborate to preserve the optimal amount of friction and cushioning, allowing the moulded polyurethane capping disc, or belt, to apply the precise amount of torsion required to seal the containers.
Enhanced systems
Timing belts made of thermoplastic polyurethane for filling applications, as well as V belts and flat belts for capping machines, have all been made using the highestquality materials for lengthy working lives and tailored for consistently accurate performance during that period.
The Megadyne’s E44 booth at the Interpack 2023 will be full of packaging and food safety solutions.
You are welcome to join Megadyne at Interpack - Hall 4Stand E44.