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DVP Vacuum Pumps: the technology for highly energyefficient production processes

In the year of its 50th anniversary, DVP Vacuum Technology presents the latest innovations for the food and packaging industry at Interpack
Since 1973, DVP Vacuum Technology has been developing the science of vacuum technology by supporting the evolution of industrial processes. The result of half a century of experience in the sector is the production of quality, reliable and durable vacuum pumps developed for precise and multiple industrial applications: packaging, bottling, suction, lifting, handling, drying. These are just some of the production processes that DVP vacuum technology can make more efficient, safe, competitive and sustainable. At Interpack, DVP is presenting new and smarter solutions with lower energy consumption for the food & packaging industry. FlexDrive is DVP’s inverter that, implemented on vacuum pumps or blowers, allows the speed to be adjusted according to the actual demand of the system. Via the built-in screen, it is possible to adjust the required vacuum value and zione automatica della pompa a lobi e della pompa primaria lubrificata da avvenimenti avversi, come perdite nell’impianto, riduzione delle prestazioni e surriscaldamento. Grazie al controllo auto-adattivo, AdaptShield ottimizza l’energia assorbita in base alle condizioni del sistema, con un risparmio energetico del 13% rispetto ai sistemi sprovvisti di AdaptShield e del 20% rispetto a quelli con bypass meccanico. DVP completa la sua gamma con pompe per il vuoto con motori in classe di efficienza IE5 a magneti permanenti, un plus per ottenere un risparmio dei costi fino al 50%. Attraverso un sensore di pressione collegato al drive integrato nel motore, è possibile la regolazione del numero di giri in funzione della reale richiesta di portata dell’impianto. Device innovativi che parametrizzano le rampe di accelerazione e decelerazione del motore, assicurando bassi consumi e stress inferiori della componentistica. display the instantaneous motor power. Turning the pump or blower on or off can also be done remotely via smartphone. When applied to blowers, FlexDrive can increase their flow rate.
DVP Vacuum Technology ti aspetta a Interpack per presentarti tutte le ultime novità e festeggiare il cinquantesimo anniversario dalla fondazione presso il Padiglione 12 - Stand A44, dal 4 al 10 maggio.
AdaptShield is the DVP device that optimally manages the functioning of CBL systems by guaranteeing the automatic protection of the lobe pump and the primary lubricated pump in case of critical events such as plant leaks, loss of performance and over temperature. Thanks to the self-adaptive control, AdaptShield optimizes the absorbed energy according to system conditions, with energy savings of 13% compared to systems without AdaptShield, and 20% compared to those with mechanical bypass. DVP completes its range with vacuum pumps featuring permanent magnet motors in efficiency class IE5, being a plus for cost savings up to 50%. Through a pressure sensor connected to the drive integrated in the motor, it is possible to adjust the speed according to the actual flow rate demand of the system. Innovative devices parametrise the acceleration and deceleration ramps of the motor, thus ensuring low consumption and less stress on the components.
DVP Vacuum Technology awaits you at Interpack to show you all the latest innovations and celebrate together its 50th anniversary at Hall 12 - Stand A44, from 4 to 10 May.