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Creativity and professionalism: The winning combination
The participation in Interpack confirms Gruppo Anselmo’s mission to offer complete and customized solutions, with the commitment to grant the highest quality and flexibility
Gruppo Anselmo is proud to announce its participation in the forthcoming edition of Interpack in Düsseldorf, from 4 to 10 May 2023. This important international trade fair is to the Group a unique opportunity to meet customers from all over the world, to start negotiations and establish longstanding business relationships, to start technical and commercial exchange for mutual professional growth.
The participation in Interpack confirms the company’s mission to offer customers complete and customized solutions, with the commitment to grant the highest quality and flexibility.
Gruppo Anselmo offers an ever-expanding and fully “Made in Italy” product range for the food industry. The synergy emerging from the Group’s companies and the blending of their knowledge aim at developing complete and customized solutions to meet the requirements of customers of the world over.
In 2017, Anselmo Impianti started an evolving process that would lead to the merging of other 3 companies, thus creating the present Group. In 2019, FEN Impianti, LTA and Omar Impianti became part of the Group.
ANSELMO Impianti has been manufacturing industrial systems for dry pasta for more than 40 years. Highly renowned the world over thanks to hundreds of production lines installed and thanks to a highly reliable technology, in 2004 the Group acquired and then developed the Braibanti know-how.
FEN Impianti is world leader in the field of plants for industrial production of snacks, breakfast cereals, functional dough and gluten-free pasta. FEN Impianti can offer personalized and flexible solutions, fruit of zioni con i clienti sia per training al personale che per le caratterizzazioni dei prodotti richiesti. Attualmente il centro si sta arricchendo di 2 nuovi estrusori dandoci la possibilità di allargare ulteriormente la gamma di prodotti sviluppabili e consolidando le collaborazioni con grandi Corporation.
LTA è specializzata nella produzione di macchinari per la produzione di impianti automatici e semiautomatici di formati speciali come nidi, lasagne e cannelloni, a completamento della gamma di formati offerti da Anselmo Impianti (foto 1).
Omar Impianti è specializzata nella produzione di macchine tortellinatrici, raviolatrici, gramole e sfogliatrici automatiche (foto 3).
Il Gruppo Anselmo vi aspetta numerosi a Interpack, Hall 4 - Stand 4A50 its thirty-year experience that has led to the sales of hundreds of plants all over the world. It boasts an R&D centre (pic. 2) servicing the whole Group equipped with state-of-the-art pilot plants for the development of new products, and for cooperation with customers for both staff training and product characterization. Presently, the centre is being enriched with 2 new extruders, thus offering the possibility to further extend the product range that can be developed and strengthening collaborations with big Corporations.
LTA specialized in the manufacture of machinery for the production of automatic and semi-automatic systems of special shapes, such as nests, lasagna and cannelloni, that complete Anselmo Impianti range of product shapes (pic. 1).
Omar Impianti specialized in the production of automatic machines for the production of tortellini, ravioli, grains, and sheeting machines (pic. 3).
GRUPPO Anselmo will be at Interpack 2023, Hall 4 – stand 4A50