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FARAMIX FV 106, egg-free polishing agent for baked goods
In baked products, a golden, shiny surface is immediately synonymous with fragrance, freshness, quality, enticing the consumer to buy!
In more traditional recipes, browning and shine are achieved by eggs being brushed onto the surface of products just before baking. However, this technique is not suitable for those who suffer from egg intolerances and for the growing number of consumers who do not wish to consume foods of animal origin.
FARAMIX FV-106 is a functional system of the FARA® line formulated by Faravelli’s Food Application Laboratory.
It is part of FARA®, the brand of functional systems produced and offered by Faravelli.
FARAMIX FV-106 is specifically meant for bakery goods and is ideal for vegan products because it is formulated without eggs.
It is based on modified starch and can be applied to sweet and salted bakery products, as it does not affect the taste of the finished product, while making it shiny and golden.

It can be used, diluted, directly on the surface of products.
FARAMIX FV-106 is also an excellent natural adhesive to stick decorations like seeds, grains or coconut flakes. It is also suitable as a preparatory treatment for filling and freezing processes.
FARA® the line of functional systems by Faravelli esperti e offrono grandi possibilità di personalizzazione. Sono gli alleati ideali per gli addetti ai lavori che ambiscano ad un risultato eccellente sotto ogni punto di vista.
FARAMIX FV-106 is part of the FARA® line, the brand of functional systems that Faravelli has been producing since 2004.
Based on hydrocolloids, FARA® functional systems help define the structure and consistency of the finished product, help optimise its organoleptic qualities and stabilise its characteristics during storage.
FARA® functional systems are developed by technical experts and offer great customisation possibilities. They are the ideal allies for professionals who strive for an excellent result in every respect. They simplify the stages of research and development, quality control and raw material approval, with considerable economic, practical, and functional advantages: FARA® functional systems always guarantee high multifunctional efficiency in a single solution and the best balance between cost, innovation and quality.
Semplificano le fasi di ricerca e sviluppo, controllo qualità e approvazione delle materie prime, con notevoli vantaggi economici, pratici e operativi: i sistemi funzionali FARA® garantiscono sempre un’elevata efficienza multifunzionale in un’unica soluzione e il miglior equilibrio tra costi, innovazione e qualità. Lo stabilimento di produzione si trova in Italia ed è certificato secondo gli standard ISO 9001, IFS, BRC e HACCP.
Per info: fara@faravelli.it
Which is the secret to give baked products a more enticing touch? It is the browning of the surface!
The production plant is in Italy and is certified according to ISO 9001, IFS, BRC and HACCP standards.
For info: fara@faravelli.it