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ME Food Solutions: A new ambitious project in Oman


ME Food Solutions has recently taken on an ambitious project for the Omani company Salalah Mills Co. SAOG, which operates internationally in the field of grain milling and distribution

ME Food Solutions is a registered trademark of Millennium Engineering S.r.l., a company founded in Padua by engineer Luca Priore, that operates internationally in the food processing industry. The company designs and builds systems for the various stages of food processing: freezing, cooling, leavening, pasteurisation, and transport. More than 25 years of applied research make ME Food Solutions a highly reliable reality that bases its work on a precise eight-point philosophy: Resistance, flexibility, continuous innovation, customisation, integral design, convenience, internal testing, and hygiene. The company vision aims at a constant evolution of the developed technologies and the satisfaction of the end customer.

Thanks to an efficient worldwide sales network, ME Food Solutions has recently taken on an ambitious project for the Omani company Salalah Mills Co. SAOG, which operates internationally in the field of grain milling and distribution. It is a demanding challenge that requires all the know-how that the company has acquired through years of experience in the field, also thanks to the synergic relationship with customers who demand increasingly highperformance and safe plants.

The plant, of which we preview some renderings, is designed to guarantee a production of 4500kg/hour of bakery products (including round buns, elongated buns, kaiser, ciabatta, baguette, pizza, croissants, loaf bread, etc.) and consists of a complex and articulated network of five production lines comprising dozens of machines including: freezing, cooling and leavening spirals, transfer belts, conveyors, evaporators, etc.

In the design and construction of the plant for Salalah Mills Co. SAOG, ME Food Solutions made use of the highest level of components provided by market leaders in the production of deep-freezing components and operating in countries where average annual temperatures are very high. All this, with a view to continuous innovation, has allowed to use an avant-garde technology capable of operating with a transcritical CO2 system, guaranteeing the results of a deep-freezing plant that overall develops a maximum cooling capacity of 720Kw. The operation of the entire plant, scheduled for August 2024, requires an intensive design and production planning effort by ME Food Solutions’ engineers. It also requires constant supervision of the assembly work and any adjustments during the work, also in relation to all the operators on the site. To this end, ME Food Solutions has high-level designers and a team of skilled fitters who pay attention to every single detail. An up-to-date web portal also allows real-time monitoring of every single system installed, guaranteeing remote assistance seven days a week.

Another feature of this plant is that it is completely oil-free. This is of crucial importance at a time when attention to food quality, both during production and transportation, has taken up to very high levels with the aim to guarantee the health of the end consumer. In addition, the complete elimination of areas of accumulation and stagnation of contaminating residues enables ME Food Solution to comply with the very high legal standards imposed by the strict regulations issued by the European Union and other international institutions (e.g. FDA certification), thus advancing the so-called hygiene philosophy, a cardinal point of the company’s entire vision. Finally, ME Food Solutions has chosen to assembly and test the entire plant directly on its own premises. In this way, the customer can monitor each stage of the order’s evolution and the day-to-day progress of the entire job. This method avoids misunderstandings, unforeseen events and rough modifications. It also allows the drastic reduction of installation times and the immediate start-up of the plant, with the consequent start of production activities without delays and related economic losses on the part of the customer.

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